Days Transcript Friday 11/2/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/2/18


Episode #13394 ~ Belle and Sami make amends as Belle supports her sister through a rough time; Shawn comes to Belle's defense when things get heated between her and Lucas; Chloe arrives at Rex and Sarah's engagement party; Bonnie puts Mimi and Rex in an awkward position.

Provided By Suzanne

Sami: I know you probably can't hear me... but I'm here, my love... and I'm gonna stay right here, right by your side. I promise.

[Monitor beeping]

Kate: [Sighs] Will wonders never cease? You told me you were chasing a lead on ej. I thought it would be a dead end.

Sami: I thought so, too. And it might still be. And... with the extent of his injuries, they can't even... check his fingerprints.

Kate: What about a dna test?

Sami: They're working on it.

Chloe: Kayla! Are the dna results back yet?

Kayla: It's only been a couple of hours. You know, and frankly, I don't really understand why you were so anxious or why you wanted to do the test over again anyway.

Chloe: Well, I just want to double-check, you know, just to make sure that the first test results were accurate.

Kayla: Do you have reason to believe that they're not?

Chloe: I do have very good reason.

Kayla: What are you saying, chloe? You don't think that lucas is baby bonnie's father?

Chloe: No, I don't think that. I also don't think that bonnie is the baby's mother.

[Sensual music]

Bonnie: [Sighs]

[Sighs heavily] Mm...

Lucas: Who would have thought we would end up like this?

Bonnie: I have to admit, I was always hopeful.

Lucas: All I wanted was to pick up our daughter. And then you, you just gave me that look... and all these feelings came back, all these really strong feelings.

Bonnie: I guess we just have undeniable chemistry, babe.

[Both moaning]

Bonnie: [Giggles] My god, I wonder if we made another baby.

Lucas: Well, if not, we can always try again.

Bonnie: Oh, baby.


[Moans, giggles]

Mimi: Mother.

Bonnie: [Gasps]

Mimi: What are you doing?

Bonnie: [Weak laugh]

Shawn: Lucas, hey.

Lucas, shawn, belle. How you doing?

Shawn: Oh, your new daughter. Oh, she's beautiful. Oh, welcome to the horton clan, little one.

Lucas: Well, nice seeing you.

Belle: Hey, lucas, wait. Hey, listen, I-- I just want to say I-- I didn't take on bonnie's case to hurt you. It's just that, you know, mimi is my oldest friend and I--I just feel like... she needed my support during this. And I want you to know that this was a very difficult decision.

Lucas: Yeah, I'm sure it was a difficult decision for you to decide to counter-sue me for full custody.

Belle: Lucas, I have to give my client the best defense I can. Listen, I think it's important that you know that judges almost always rule in the favor of the mother, and, I mean, do you really want to fight this out in court?

Lucas: Yes, I do. I do. Why would I give up on my own kid?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Upbeat music]

Rex: Wow.

Sarah: Yeah? Not too bad, yourself.

Rex: Oh, I don't even bat in your league, honey, are you kidding me? In fact...

Sarah: [Laughing]

Rex: I have an idea. I don't think I want to share you with anybody else tonight.

Sarah: Oh?

Rex: No.

Sarah: We could stay here with holly.

Rex: We could definitely do that. But I think we're-- we're slightly overdressed for babysitting.

[Both laughing]

Sarah: I just feel bad leaving her, you know? Poor little thing.

Rex: I--eric's gonna be here watching her. Besides, your mom went all out for this party, okay? I'm not gonna disappoint her.

Sarah: I know, you're right. It's just... I just don't feel...

Rex: What? What's going on?

Sarah: Guilty. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life, and all I want to do is celebrate, but... how can I celebrate when other people are suffering? People that I care about.

Kate: So, how did they do the dna test?

Sami: I got a sample from susan.

Kate: That must have been challenging, huh?

Sami: Just being around that nut-job is challenging. I would have scalped her if I had to, but luckily I just scalped her...

[Laughs] Her marlena doll.

Kate: Do I even want to know?

Sami: No, but you really should see this thing. She made a doll that looks like my mother as a wedding gift for them, and she used her own hair.

Kate: [Awkward laugh] Of course she did.

Sami: Well, I guess I should thank her, 'cause it was easier to pull the hair out of the doll than out of her own head.

Kate: So now all you have to do is wait? Sami: Mm-hmm. And waiting is not exactly my favorite thing.

Kate: I tell you what. You know this hospital has a less-than-stellar reputation when it comes to speed and accuracy, so I think we should look under the hood.

Sami: What? Whoa, kate, we don't even know the extent of his injuries.

Kate: I know, that's exactly my point. He's not gonna feel a thing.

Sami: Kate!

Kate: What? It's not like I haven't seen it before.

Sami: Oh, my god!

Maggie: Ironic, isn't it?

Roman: What is that?

Maggie: Well, rex and sarah never crossed passed here in salem. They had to go all the way to chicago to meet and fall in love.

Roman: Yeah. I'm glad they did, though. They are obviously very happy.

Maggie: Rex, he's so... he's charming and-- and at ease with himself.

Roman: As is your sarah. Who I still remember running around in pigtails.

Maggie: Yeah. She was a little dare-devil. Smart as a whip, though. But so defiant.

Roman: Well, she grew to be a very confident woman. Beautiful, too.

Maggie: Oh, roman. I'm so happy she's come home.

[Sighs] I'm hoping that-- that now that she and rex are gonna get married that maybe they'll put down roots here in salem.

Roman: I'm gonna do everything I can to encourage it.

Maggie: As will I.

[Both laughing]

Roman: Well, on to the next chapter of the long and auspicious tradition of... brady-horton unions.

Maggie: Right.

[Both laughing]

Rex: That is one of the many things that I love about you.

Sarah: What is?

Rex: You're so compassionate... with the people that you love and care about when-- when they're going through a tough time. I mean, it affects you deeply.

Sarah: Yeah, but it affects you, too.

Rex: Yeah, sure it does, but... I mean, I--I try not to feel guilty about being happy. You know? 'Cause at--at the end of the day it's just life, you know? And it happens, and it-- take you and I, right? We--we've gone through difficulties in the past. I'm sure we will again. But I think it's important that right now things are awesome with us and we should focus on that, you know? And the people that love and care about us-- I mean, even though they're-- they're struggling I don't think they begrudge us our happiness.

Sarah: Wow. You just put everything in-- in perspective.

Rex: I'm so good at that.


Sarah: You are so good at a lot of things.

[Both laughing]

Rex: [Moans]

Sarah: Well... now that you have cured me of my guilt--temporarily, at least--with your wisdom and insight, I think all we should worry about is just... enjoying ourselves tonight.

Rex: [Deep inhale] I think I can do that.

Sarah: Great. I'm gonna give it my best effort as well. Now, on a more shallow note... is this dress too tight? Should I go change?

Rex: What--are you serious?

[Gasps] No, this had nothing to do with--with what susan was saying before, right? Your--your premonitions that she was having?

Sarah: Well, she obviously thinks I look pregnant. Why else would she see you holding a baby?

Rex: This is the same woman who--who thinks that elvis is still alive and vampires are real.

Sarah: That's right. She's a complete nut-job.

Rex: Yeah, so trust me, you do not look pregnant. But not that I wouldn't love to see you pregnant. Someday...

[Laughs] In the future.

Sarah: I look forward to starting a family with you, rex.

Rex: Yeah, me, too. But I think right now I would just love to focus on us.

Sarah: Sounds good to me.

Belle: I didn't mean to upset you, lucas.

Lucas: [Scoffs] You didn't upset me. I'm fine. If I were you, I'd worry about yoU.

Belle: Excuse me?

Lucas: What, you're not that confident in your lawyering skills, is that it? That's why you want to drop the case? You don't want to go to court?

Belle: That is absolutely not what I am saying.

Lucas: Sounds like that to me. Well, I'm not letting you off the hook, okay? I'm not going anywhere.

Shawn: Hey, lucas, why don't we all just, like, maybe calm down and take a deep breath?

Lucas: Calm down and take a deep breath when my daughter's future is being jeopardized? I don't think so.

Belle: [Sighs] I guess I wish you wouldn't see it that way.

Lucas: You know, bonnie lockhart isn't good for anything, and that includes motherhood. I'm gonna give my daughter the kind of life she deserves. I am gonna make sure she gets it.

Bonnie: Daydreaming. You know, like dr. Ruth used to say. A healthy fantasy life... okay. So, what took you so long after bringing back the baby to lucas'?

Mimi: I stopped to talk to belle. Apparently chloe's been asking her all kinds of questions.

Bonnie: Questions? About what?

Mimi: She doesn't think you've been acting very maternal. Imagine that.

Bonnie: Chloe doesn't think I'm maternal. That's rich.

Mimi: Yeah, it's rich all right. And because she thinks you're so un-maternal, she's now wondering if I'm the baby's mom, not you.

Bonnie: How the hell did she figure that out?

Mimi: Who the hell couldn't figure it out? I mean, how many times have you slipped up? Don't answer that. I'm just thanking god belle reminded chloe that I can't have kids. Or so we thought.

Bonnie: So chloe's not suspicious anymore?

Mimi: She'd better not be.

Kayla: So that water bottle you gave me to do a dna test on-- I assumed that that was lucas', but it was actually mimi's, wasn't it?

Chloe: Yes, because I think that mimi is the baby's mother and not bonnie.

Kayla: Why would you think that?

Chloe: Okay, first of all, don't you think it's a little convenient that bonnie needed a get-out-of-jail-free card and she just magically shows up with a baby that she can use as one?

Kayla: So you think that mimi just handed her baby over to her mother so she could get out of jail?

Chloe: Yeah, I do think that. Mimi and her mother have always had a complicated relationship, but they've also always been, I don't know, strangely close.

Kayla: And that's what you're basing this on?

Chloe: No. Bonnie has also said some things that have been very suspicious. And frankly, the way that mimi acts with that baby, it's not very sisterly, you know? It's definitely the way that a mother would act with her child. You gotta trust me.

Kayla: [Scoffs] You are not giving me much to go on.

Chloe: Well, that is why I need this dna test.

Kayla: [Scoffs] Does lucas know that you... are doing this?

Chloe: [Sighs] Well, I needed proof before I said anything.

Kayla: And I bet you didn't get mimi's permission either, did you?

Chloe: No, and she would go nuts if she found out. Come on, kayla, this is the only way to find out what's going on. Don't you see that?

Kayla: Yeah, I see it. I see it, but it is still unethical.

Chloe: So... what are you saying?

Kayla: I'm saying it's not gonna happen.

[Laughs] I--I'm sorry, but... I can't do it. When we were dating, we used to get excited about things

Sami: Just stop it, okay? Get your faux-fur hands off of him.

Kate: There, sami. I'm sorry, honey. I'm just really trying to help. I am. I know how much pain you're in, I do. I do. You're hoping against hope that this man is... ej... but if he is, I know he's in terrible shape. But you have to remember... if it is ej, he's alive... and that means there's hope.

Sami: Yeah.

Kate: You can take comfort in that, right?

Sami: I have to. Because I do-- I do get to hope. My poor brother, he's going through so much. I mean, he blames himself for what happened to nicole. May she rest in peace. I really don't think eric's ever gonna get over it.

Lucas: You know, instead of trying to take my baby away from me, maybe you should concentrate on your own family.

Belle: What is that supposed to mean?

Lucas: I ran into sami. She could sure use your support.

Belle: [Scoffs] Well, my relationship with my sister is none of your business.

Lucas: Doesn't feel good when people butt in, does it? Does it? No, it doesn'T. But that's okay. Um, did you ever apologize for accusing her of shooting your mother?

Shawn: Okay, come on, lucas. Now, that's out of line.

Lucas: Is it out of line? I think your wife is out of line.

Shawn: Look, she's doing her job, that's all.

Lucas: You know what? I am going to my brother's engagement party, and I hope I don't see either of you there. Come on, sweetheart, let's go.

Belle: Thank you for that.

Shawn: Yeah, I've got your back always. You know that.

Belle: I do.

Shawn: This is really-- this is really getting to you, isn't it?

Belle: I just feel terrible for lucas.

Shawn: And so do I. So... you want to tell me what the heck is going on here?

Mimi: I need you to promise me you'll lay off the booze, okay? Because we can't take any more chances on your loose lips.

Bonnie: [Scoffs] Look who's talking. You're the one who told belle that you're the real baby-mama.

Mimi: Yeah, because I know I can trust her. You're liable to tell the next drunk at the bar.

Bonnie: I would never do that. I would not mess up my one chance at freedom. Please.

[Sighs] Honey, honey... I know how much you're sacrificing for me. Have I told you lately how much I appreciate everything you're doing?

Mimi: Just save it.

Bonnie: I'm serious. Mimi, I'm serious. Look, hey, hey. I know I'm not the best mom in the world. But I do love my children, and I just hate it when any one of you are mad at me.

Mimi: Well, then, why don't you try, I don't know, not blackmailing us. Ruining our lives.

Bonnie: How about I do something nice for you? How about I take you out to din-din?

Mimi: With what money?

Bonnie: Okay, you take me out to din-din.


Mimi: Lovely offer. I'm so touched.

Bonnie: [Laughs] It could be fun. Come on, honey, you and i are way overdue for some mother-daughter bonding.

Mimi: I'd rather be mother-daughter bonding with my own daughter.

Bonnie: Yeah, but she only eats strained peas and mashed bananas. I was thinking you and I, we could split a nice, juicy steak. Ooh. I'm sorry. Mm. Ah. Whoo, my blood sugar is starting to dip. Oh. Who knows what I'll say. I mean, you wouldn't want me blowing our scam, would you?

Mimi: Oh, for god's sake, let's go.

Bonnie: Thank you!

Chloe: Come on, what do you mean you can't do this? Why not?

Kayla: I cannot run a dna test without the donor's permission.

Chloe: You do have permission. When bonnie wanted to prove that lucas was the baby's father she gave you permission to run as many tests as you need.

Kayla: But that's not mimi's permission.

Chloe: And she will never give you permission because she has something to hide. Come on, kayla. Besides, the lab is already running the test.

Kayla: [Scoffs] Well, that's true.

Chloe: So you'll let them finish it?

Kayla: You know, this-- this doesn't make any sense. I mean, really. Lucas was a dna match with baby bonnie. I mean, he and mimi were not in a relationship together, were they?

Chloe: Oh, god, I hope not.

Kayla; but if mimi is the mother... well, just--how could that be?

Chloe: I don't know how to explain this. I just need to prove that bonnie faked these test results. If bonnie's the baby's grandmother, wouldn't that explain a match?

Kayla: Yeah, it would.

Chloe: Well, that's why I wanted you to test different markers this time. Come on, kayla, this is the only way for us to find out what's really going on. And lucas deserves to know if this baby is not his. Please. Don't cancel this test. at humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.

Kate: What time do you expect the dna results?

Sami: [Sighs] I hope soon. My aunt kayla put a rush on it.

Kate: I really want to stay and wait with you, I do, but I have to get to rex's engagement party.

Sami: Oh.

Kate: Mm.

Sami: Wow.

Kate: Mm-hmm.

Sami: So sorry to miss out on that one. Tell my dad I'm sorry I couldn't be there. And rex, too.

Kate: I will. I totally will. I know they will understand that you need to be here. Maggie really wants this to be a big celebration, but honestly I don't think there are gonna be any fireworks. I think it's gonna be... a bit of a dud.

Sami: There's always fireworks with you, kate.

Kate: Love you.

Sami: Thank you.


Lucas: Hey, roman. Need help?

Roman: Oh, hey. Absolutely. Yeah, sure.

Lucas: What can I do?

Roman: Here, grab the table.

Lucas: All right.

Roman: Yeah, back over here. There we go. There we go.

Lucas: About right here?

Roman: Uh-huh. Hey, listen, I know that you are technically related to the bride, but I was, uh, hoping maybe you could fill in the groom's side. I... don't think the, uh, brady attendance is gonna be real high.

Lucas: Yeah, I could do that. No problem. I--I ran into sami earlier.

Roman: How's she doing?

Lucas: She's holding on. You know, uh... my heart goes out to her.

Roman: Oh, man. She's been through a lot these last few months. I, uh, hate to see what's ahead.

Lucas: Well, we could focus on the positive, you know? At least johnny and sydney might get their father back.

Roman: Yeah. That would be great, too.

[Baby cooing] Speaking of which... it looks like this, uh, one right here has her father wrapped around her little finger.

Lucas: Yeah, she does. She does, she's too much. She lights up a room with that smile, and she's such a cuddler, too. She's a great baby. I actually thought it was gonna create a problem between chloe and me, but chloe's great with her.

Roman: All right, well, good. You're very lucky.

Lucas: Oh, don't I know it. Can't remember the last time I was this happy.

Roman: Cool, man. All right.

Lucas: Thanks.

Kayla: Fine. I'll let them complete the test.

Chloe: Oh, kayla, thank you. Thank you.


Kayla: Well, only because I know if we don't do it, you'll just take it to another lab.

Chloe: Ah, thank you for understanding. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Kayla: Actually I do have an idea. I'm sure it'd be a lot simpler for you if lucas isn't baby bonnie's father. But are you prepared how he could react if he finds out that you went behind his back to do this dna test?

Shawn: You really thought that lucas was just going to stop seeking custody because-- because you asked him to?

Belle: It was a hail mary. I mean, I'm almost 100% sure he's gonna lose. I'm just trying to spare lucas the heartbreak.

Shawn: Hey, you know I think you're the best lawyer on the planet, right?

Belle: [Laughs]

Shawn: But bonnie is not exactly a model client, so what makes you so sure that you think she's gonna win?

Belle: Well, mimi told me some things in confidence that made me feel I had no choice but to take the case.

Mimi: Hey. Hope we're not interrupting.

Shawn: Oh, my god, mimi.

Belle: Of course not.

Shawn: Thought I heard you were in town. So good to see you.

Bonnie: [Clears throat]

Shawn: And you, too, mrs. Lockhart. Oh, and congratulations. I just saw baby bonnie. She's, uh--she's beautiful.

Bonnie: Well, takes after her mama.

Mimi: Yeah, she sure does.

Bonnie: [Forced laughter]

Mimi: Well, I hate to cut this reunion short, but we're actually on our way to eat, so...

Bonnie: [Forced laugh]

Mimi: Let's go, mom.

Bonnie: Ah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm, that boy is handsome as ever, that's all I got to say.


Shawn: Is it just me, or mimi acting pretty weird?

Belle: Um, when it comes to mimi, weird is normal, so...

Shawn: I mean, it's as if she didn't even want to see me.

Belle: Oh, honey. Trust me. It's got nothing to do with you.

Bonnie: Mm-mm-mm. I cannot wait to bite into a nice, thick, juicy slab of beef. And who knows? Maybe julie will give me the family discount. Now that I've produced a horton heir.


Mimi: You really think anyone in lucas' family is going to welcome you with open arms? Do I need to remind you how you brought the horton christmas tree crashing down with your giant ball?

Bonnie: Please. Oh, man. Really? "Closed for private party"? Of all the luck.

Mimi: Hmm, oh well. Guess we'll have to get your slab of beef somewhere else.

Bonnie: [Clears throat] Well, this is awkward.

Rex: [Nervous laugh] A once-in-five hundred year storm

Shawn: Hey, I mean, it's something, isn't it? I mean, you, me, rex, mimi, all in town. I mean, all we need is philip and, uh, it'd just be like old times.

Belle: Yeah, old times.

Shawn: Hey, you sure you're okay?

Belle: I am. Actually, I'm just not-- lucas really got to me.

Shawn: Are you nervous about the case?

Belle: No, not about that. Kind of about that, but, uh, what lucas said... I feel like I need to be a little more compassionate to sami, you know? I've been a really bad sister.

Shawn: Well, it's a lot better than sami deserves.

Belle: Well, whether or not she deserves it, she's dealing with everything right now. And... I don't know, I mean, it's really sad, but also when sami is desperate and alone... bad things tend to happen.

Sami: Oh, aunt kayla. Listen, did you get the results of my dna test back yet? What about you, did you get the results of your dna test?

Chloe: No, not yet.

Kayla: I haven't heard back from the lab on either one of them.

Sami: Okay, well, you made sure that they know mines emergency, right?

Chloe: [Laughs] Oh, that's right. Yours is an emergency 'cause you're so special and so important.

Sami: What are you even talking about, ghoul girl? Okay, look, what are you doing here? Are you-- are you here testing the results of...

Chloe: Shh!

Sami: Lucas' baby? Are you doing a paternity test again?

Chloe: Don't tell him anything, please.

Sami: Why not?

Chloe: Because it's none of your damn business.

Sami: Actually, lucas is my business. If you break his heart again, I will break you.

Chloe: Oh, trust me, if his heart gets broken it won't be because of me.

Lucas: I sure hope baby bonnie has a chance to bond with her sister. Get that sense of family that I never had. Right, little one? Yeah, you could use that.

Kate: [Gasps] There's our little sweetheart.

Lucas: Hi, mom.

Roman: She is a beauty, isn't she?

Kate: Oh, she really is.

Roman: [Chuckles]

Kate: How you doing, lucas?

Lucas: I'm doing good, mom. Thanks.

Kate: Where's chloe?

Lucas: Actually, I don't know.

Kate: Oh. Trouble in paradise since baby bonnie came into the picture?

Lucas: You wish. No, actually, everything's fine. Chloe's great with the baby.

Kate: Uh-huh.

Lucas: Things have never been better. Thanks.

Kate: That won't last too long.

[Both laughing] Oh, gosh, she really is such a little angel. Isn't she? She is so adorable. There's that smile.

[Laughing] Oh... yeah, you're just so cute. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

[Laughs] Oh, look at her. That's smile is unbelievable.

Lucas: Yeah.

Bonnie: [Clears throat]

Mimi: You must be rex's fiancé.

Sarah: Yeah--I'm sorry, do we know each other?

Mimi: No, no, no. Um, rex and I... go way back. We happened to run into each other, and he told me he got engaged.

Rex: Yeah.

Mimi: Congratulations.

Sarah: Oh, thanks.

Rex: Uh, yeah. Mimi, this is sarah-- sarah horton. And, uh, sarah, this is mimi and bonnie lockhart.

Sarah: Bonnie lockhart.

Bonnie: Oh, my god, it is a pleasure to meet my sweet mickey's daughter.

[Gasps] Oh, and aren't you the spitting image of him.

Sarah: Uh, well, actually, mickey isn't my biological father.

Bonnie: Right, right. But you were his pride and joy.


Sarah: Thank you. Thank you for saying that.

Bonnie: Of course.

Sarah: Uh, well, since you and rex are old friends, I'm assuming that my mom must have invited you to the engagement party.

Mimi: Party? Oh, no, no, no. We just stopped by for dinner, but since it's closed we're just gonna go somewhere else.

Rex: Yeah.

Sarah: No, no, no. Please, uh, stay. Join us.

Mimi: Join you?

Sarah: Yeah, at-- at the party.

Mimi: [Laughs]

Sarah: You are hereby invited. Right, rex?

Rex: [Awkward laugh] Yeah. De--definitely.

Mimi: Oh, no, I-- I don't think that we could.

Bonnie: Oh, we would love to party with you two lovebirds. In fact, we'd be honored.


Rex: Great.

[Awkward laugh] With uncontrolled

Sami: Do you remember the time that I was gone? Okay, I wasn't gone. I was in jail.

[Laughs] For something stupid like... that whole bernardi thing, maybe. And... you were home with the kids... and... johnny came down to see you in the middle of the night. He told you that the girls were upset. His sisters were crying and... and he wanted you to know that he had handled it. Do you remember that? You told him he was such a good big brother. Well, he still is. Ej, we have been on the craziest... journey, the kids and I... just--just trying to find you.

[Sniffles] And, um, the whole time... johnny has been... such a rock... for his sisters. You will be so proud... of the man that johnny is becoming. You really will.

[Sniffles] What do you want?

Belle: Just want to see how you are.

Sami: Well, I'm fine. Okay?

[Sighs] I'm handling it. I said I'm fine, okay? I don't need your help, so stop feeling sorry for me. It's the last thing I need, especially from you.

Belle: Then what do you need, sami? Listen... I know that I haven't been here for you, lately. But I'm here now, and I want to help you.

Sami: I don't want your help. Okay? I don't need your help. All I need is for him to get better. That is what I need. That I what I want.


[Sobs] I just want him back.

[Sobs quietly]

Lucas: Okay.

Roman: What's so funny?

Kate: Well, I was just remembering how horrified I was when lucas married sami. It's kind of nice to be parenting from the same side of the wedding aisle, I have to say.

Maggie: Kate. That's so nice for you to come.

Kate: Oh, my pleasure.

Maggie: [Laughs]

Kate: Where is victor?

Maggie: Uh, well, I'm afraid our many house guests have started to wear him down, so I thought... he could use a night off from socializing.

Kate: Well, I hope he's keeping that lunatic susan banks busy, because we don't need her crashing this party the same way she did marlena'S.

Maggie: Well, I don't think there'll be any crashers, because this party is strictly invitation-only. It's a very small, intimate gathering in honor of our kids.

Rex: Hey, can I talk to you for a sec? Um, look, I-- I thought it was really sweet that you invited bonnie and mimi to this, but...

Sarah: Well, it seemed rude not to. I mean, especially if mimi's an old friend of yours.

Rex: Yeah, about that. Um, she's definitely an old friend of mine, but I wanted to tell you that she's also my ex.

Sarah: What?

Rex: Yeah.

Sarah: She is?

Rex: But this is--this is ancient history. This is many years ago, okay?

Sarah: I see. I mean, 'cause you-- you never told me about her. I mean, you haven't even said her name to me.

Rex: And--and I would have-- I totally would have. Especially now that we're back in salem and she's here. Here's the thing, her mom is suing my brother for custody of their baby. I know. So it's--everything's really fraught right now.

Sarah: I am so sorry. Do you want me to go say something to them?

Rex: No, no, no. You--no, it's fine. It's fine. We'll handle it. I mean, we're all adults, here. Right?

Mimi: Why the hell did you accept that invitation?

Bonnie: Well, because it would have been rude not to. Unless we had something better to do, which we don'T. Besides, I didn't want to hurt their feelings.

Mimi: Hurt their feelings? The one being polite--sarah-- she doesn't know us from a hole in the wall. She doesn't want us at her party. And did you not stop to think how weird it would be? Woman has no idea that her fiancé and i slept together last year. Not to mention, I haven't told rex that we happened to conceive a kid.

Bonnie: Honey, honey, honey. Take a chill-pill. Nobody's gonna find out your little secret. And besides, lucas is rex's brother, right? So he'll probably be at the shindig, which means baby bonnie will probably be there, too. And you can have some time with your baby. I was just thinking of you, like I always do. Right? Right.

Roman: You know, when marlena and I lived next to tom and alice horton, you would come over, ring the doorbell, and say "can I play with the twins? I promise we won't fight."

Rex: [Laughs]

Sarah: I don't think I ever kept that promise.

Roman: No, you did not.

Sarah: Sami would rip the heads off of all my dolls, and then eric would come to the rescue.

Kate: Sami's still ripping the heads off dolls.


Lucas: What the hell?

Kate: Don't worry, I'll take care of it.

Lucas: Please.

Kate: Mm-hmm.

[Clears throat]

[Clicks tongue] Uh, bonnie.

Bonnie: Yeah?

Kate: I know you're not fond of reading, but there is a sign out there that says, "restaurant closed," so...

Bonnie: Yes, for a private party that we're invited to.


Kate: What? No.

Bonnie: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Hi, baby. Did you know that your granny kate is being mean to me? Honey, can you say, "granny kate"?

Rex: Hi. Hi. I, um, thought you might be looking for this.

Mimi: Oh. You found it. Thanks.


Rex: No problem.


Mimi: Uh, sorry for crashing your party. I'll make sure I get my mom out of here before she causes a scene.

Rex: You know what, no. Don't--don't worry about it. I mean, there's--there's nothing that could possibly happen that could ruin this night for me. Hi. Hi.

Kayla: Chloe. The results of the dna test are back.

Sami: [Tearful laughter]

Belle: Don't do that. Here.

Sami: Thank you. I just hope I haven't been pouring my heart out to a complete stranger. That would be incredibly... embarrassing. Thanks.

Kayla: Hi. Um, I, uh... I have the results.

Sami: Oh, my god.

Kayla: I haven't even looked at them. I thought that you should be the first to know.

[Suspenseful music]

Sami: [Shaky breathing] I...


Maggie: Everyone, could i have your attention? Um... thank you. I'd like to propose a toast.

Kate: Lucas. Apple cider.

Lucas: Thank you, mom. Apple cider?

Bonnie: Uh, no. I'll take the hard stuff. Bonnie lockhart doesn't do virgins.

Kate: Mm. It's the first time bonnie lockhart and the word "virgin" was used in the same sentence. I'll take it.


Maggie: Does everyone have a glass? Wonderful. Our families have been through a lot, lately. I mean, just when we weather one crisis, another one seems to come along and we have to weather another.

[Laughs] So I'd like to--to toast rex and to sarah for sharing their wonderful life-affirming news with us. And for showing us that no matter what happens, the love that we have for each other will always see us through. Sarah, mickey would be so proud of you today... and so happy... that our families are being joined together in marriage. Again.

[Laughter] A toast to the newly-engaged couple. Wishing you a wonderful... wonderful future together.

Rex: [Soft laugh]

All: Cheers.

[Indistinct chatter] All: Cheers.

Rex: Uh, maggie, thank you so much for that, really. Um, I'd like to say a few words, if I may, to my fiancé. Sarah, I love you so much. You're everything to me. You're... obviously beautiful...

Sarah: [Laughs]

Rex: And brilliant, and fearless, and funny. But most importantly-- at least to me-- you have a kind and loving heart. You're more precious to me than you will ever know, and I simply can't wait to make a life with you.

Maggie: In salem, we hope.

[Both laugh]

Kate: Maggie and I actually agree on something for a change.

[All laughing]

Maggie: There you go.


[Baby fussing]

Lucas: You all right?

[Baby crying]

Rex: You know what, I-- I'd like to make another toast to my brother lucas and his baby girl. I think we can all agree that the love a parent has for their child is the purest, most unconditional love. So to lucas and baby bonnie-- may you always be as happy as you are right now.

Kate: Aww.

Rex: Cheers.

Maggie: Aww.

Rex: Cheers.

All: Cheers.


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