Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/1/18
Episode #13393 ~ Sami realizes Susan is the key to unlocking the mystery man's identity; Belle grows nervous when Chloe suspects baby Bonnie is really Mimi's child; Susan has a premonition about Rex; Lucas and Sami reconnect.
Provided By Suzanne
Graph beeping][Melancholy music]
Sami: I hope you feel how much I love you, ej. And how much we all need for you to come back to us.
[Door rattles]
Kayla: Sami. Have you been here all night?
Sami: Kayla, I can't take it anymore. I just need to know if this is my husband.
Maggie: So did you two sleep okay last night? I know holly was up crying a few times.
Sarah: Poor little girl.
Maggie: She's lost both of her parents. So all she has is eric and us to support them both however we can.
Rex: I can't even imagine what eric is going through right now.
Maggie: I'd like to try to focus on the positive. You two are engaged. You're finally back in salem. I don't want anything to diminish your joy.
Susan: Hi. Who are they?
Maggie: [Laughs] Good morning, susan. Uh, this is my daughter sarah and her fiancé, rex.
Susan: Rex. Like the dog?
Rex: Sure.
Maggie: Uh... this is susan banks. Our house guest.
Rex: Why is she looking at me like that?
Susan: Oh, 'cause it's fascinating.
Maggie: What is it? What is it, susan?
Susan: You introduced rexy here as your daughter's fiancé, but don't you mean her baby daddy?
Chloe: Eric, please give that little girl a kiss for me. And tell holly that her mother loves her more than anything in the whole world. I know, I just hate thinking about all that time we wasted fighting with each other. I miss nicole already. Okay, and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me--doesn't matter what time of day or night, okay? All right, we'll talk soon.
Is it possible? Bonnie isn't your mother. Mimi is.
Belle, hey. I need to ask you something.
Belle: Oh, it's really not a good time.
Chloe: You know what, it's not a good time for me either. I just lost one of my best friends in the whole world, and she left her daughter an orphan, which gives me more reason to ask you something.
Belle: I'm sorry, you're right. Go ahead, shoot. What's up?
Chloe: It's about baby bonnie.
Bonnie: Do we have any tomato juice? I need a bloody mary, stat.
Mimi: You're really going to drink again, first thing in the morning?
Bonnie: Hair of the dog, baby, best hangover cure god ever made.
Mimi: You truly are unbelievable. Not only are you using me and my baby to keep yourself from going back to prison, but you're also sabotaging your own case!
Bonnie: Keep your voice down. Jeez! Ah.
Mimi: No, 'cause you know what? You're acting like a terrible mother. What rational judge is gonna hand over a baby to someone who doesn't even care about her?
Bonnie: I care about her. I love baby bonnie.
Mimi: Like hell you do. If you really loved my baby, if you really cared about her, you wouldn't be putting her through this sham of a custody battle.
Bonnie: Ow.
Lucas: What the hell is going on in here?
Bonnie: Nothing. Why?
Lucas: Well, I could hear you guys arguing all the way down the hall.
Bonnie: What exactly did you hear?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sami: I waited so long to find him. And now I just, I don't even know how to feel.
Kayla: Well, hopefully, this dna test will give you the answers you're looking for.
Sami: How long will it take to get the results?
Kayla: I'll put a rush on it. But I'm gonna need a sample from a close family member so we can compare.
Sami: Like how close?
Kayla: Well, the closer, the better. A parent or a child would be your best bet.
Rex: Baby daddy? No. What're you talking about?
Susan: I saw it.
Rex: Um, okay, you saw it?
Susan: I took one look at that chiseled face of yours, and I just got this overwhelming vision of you holding a bambino in your arms.
Rex: Okay. This makes sense. I was holding my little baby niece the other day.
Susan: No, it ain't your niece, rexy. Nope. Sure as I'm looking at those cheekbones, you have a baby in your future. Near future.
Rex: Thank you for the heads-up.
Sarah: Mm-hmm, it was-- it was nice to meet you.
Susan: Maggie... I may be old-fashioned, but if I were you, I'd be pushing these two into ringing the wedding bells sooner rather than later.
Rex: Okay.
Sarah: No, yeah, we're gonna get married when the time is right.
Susan: Yeah, well, the time is right now, girly. I mean, unless you want to have that baby out of wedlock. I mean, not that anybody gives a hoot about that anymore.
Maggie: Sarah? Are you pregnant?
Sarah: No.
Rex: What?
Sarah: No, I am not pregnant. This woman is clearly insane.
Susan: Oh, I'm telling you. There's a baby. And I'm never wrong.
Lucas: I didn't hear exactly what you were arguing about, but I could definitely tell you two were arguing. What were you fighting about?
Bonnie: I wouldn't exactly call it a fight.
Lucas: Mimi, what would you call it?
Mimi: Just mother-daughter stuff.
Lucas: Well, please don't do that around my daughter, okay? You know how babies are. They can feel all that negative energy. Don't do that.
Mimi: We would never fight in front of her, lucas.
Bonnie: Yeah, never.
Lucas: I should hope not. Here, you want to take her?
Mimi: Hi.
Lucas: There you go. You got her head? There you go.
Mimi: Hi, there, baby.
Lucas: Hey.
Mimi: Hi. I missed you.
Bonnie: And so did your mama.
Lucas: That's why I brought her over early for the visitation, so you can spend time with her, bonnie, but I mean it, no more fighting.
Bonnie: Okay.
Mimi: Don't you worry, sweetheart. Your mommy won't do anything to upset you.
Bonnie: And neither will your big sister mimi.
Lucas: What were you fighting about, bonnie? Was it your drinking last night? Is that what you were fighting about?
Bonnie: Yes. That was part of it. And I need to apologize to you. I mean, I'm sorry. I was missing my baby, and I just, I don't know, got a little out of control.
Lucas: Don't let it happen again, okay, or else I'll go to the judge. Mimi, you're gonna be here for the visit, right? You're gonna stay?
Mimi: You want me to be here?
Lucas: I do. I am not comfortable leaving bonnie alone with baby bonnie anymore. Like I said before, you're more maternal than your own mother is.
Belle: [Clears throat] Listen. We're on opposite sides of this custody case, but we're also friends, and I really don't want to fight with you.
Chloe: Well, then, tell me why you agreed to represent bonnie lockhart.
Belle: Chloe, we've been over this, many times. Everyone deserves representation.
Chloe: And you don't care about what's best for that baby?
Belle: We've been over this a lot too. Of course I care about what happens to the baby. I was hired to present the mother's side of the case, that's all.
Chloe: Okay. Are you talking about bonnie or mimi?
Belle: What?
Chloe: I think it's very possible that mimi is that baby's mother. I just wanted to hear what you think.
(Dad) got it?
Mimi: I promise I will be with this little angel the whole time.
Bonnie: She's an incredible big sister, isn't she?
Lucas: Yeah, yeah. Baby bonnie's really lucky to have her.
Bonnie: Mm-hmm.
Mimi: I'm the lucky one.
Bonnie: See? We can get along. I mean, we're bonnie's parents, right? The only ones she'll ever have. So we shouldn't be fighting, really, I mean... we should be doing everything we can to work together, right? For baby bonnie's sake.
Every time I look at her, I am just filled with awe. I mean, think about it. You and I, we made that beautiful little baby together. I knew special something came of that night.
Lucas: I, uh, I gotta go. Uh, I'll be back after the visitation.
Bonnie: [Sighs]
Mimi: What is wrong with you?
Bonnie: What? Please, what'd I do now?
Susan: Oh, maggie. I am sure gonna miss these breakfast spreads... ugh... when I leave. You kiriakises really do know how to live.
Maggie: Help yourself.
Susan: Oh, I will.
Rex: So, uh, susan.
Susan: Yeah?
Rex: Is that a doll?
Susan: Oh, yes. I made it myself. For a wedding present to my dearest and oldest friend.
Sarah: Oh, when's the wedding?
Susan: Oh, it already happened, except the bride got shot during the ceremony. It's a bummer. Anyway, I'm not leaving until I get a chance to give it back to her.
Maggie: That's so sweet of you.
Susan: Oh, what can I say? I am a giver, maggie, I am. You know that children are life's most precious things? You must be... Pleased as punch to have your baby girl back here.
Maggie: I am pleased as punch.
Susan: Ah!
Adios, amigos!
[Door closes]
Rex: Oh, my god.
Sami: Look, I know I should go get that dna sample, but I just don't want to leave you. I mean, what if you wake up and I'm not here? I would hate that.
[Electrocardiograph beeping] Oh. Lucas. Hey.
Lucas: How you doing? You okay?
Sami: Yeah. I'm okay. Thank you for coming.
Lucas: Is that him?
Sami: Well, I'm not surE. I'm trying to find out.
Lucas: Listen, I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. Um, I've been kind of busy. I actually have a baby daughter, who I didn't even know existed, and bonnie lockhart's the mother, so.
Sami: Wait, wait. Wait, what did you just say?
Lucas: I have a baby daughter.
Sami: And... bonnie lockhart?
Lucas: I thought she was adrienne, and I was drinking, and it was really bonnie. It was a big mistake.
Sami: Okay. Well, so, you-- you have a daughter.
Lucas: I do.
Sami: Uh-huh.
Lucas: I do, yeah. You want to see a picture?
Sami: Yeah. Of course I want to see a picture. Oh, my gosh, look at her. She's adorable.
Lucas: This took up all my storage later. What's her name?
Lucas: Bonnie. Her name's bonnie.
Sami: Wait, you mean her-her-her name is--
Lucas: Yeah, her name's baby bonnie. You know, that's how it goes. Wasn't my call. Next question?
Sami: No, of course. No offense, but you remember that both of our kids, they look a lot like you. Especially when they were born. I mean, you know, since bonnie was lying to you about being adrienne, do you think maybe you should get a--
Lucas: We did that.
Sami: Paternity test?
Lucas: We took the dna test, and it proved I was the father, so...
Sami: And you made sure she didn't mess with the test? We both know that's possible.
Lucas: As far as I know-- yeah, no. I didn't see this coming, really. It's nothing I expected, but now that the baby's here, I really do love that little girl.
Mimi: That little girl should be with her mother.
Belle: You really believe that?
Mimi: Yes. That baby's mine.
Chloe: Hello? Did you hear me?
Belle: I heard you.
Chloe: Have you seen the way that mimi acts with that baby? How she smiles at her, how she dotes on her, how she even gets emotional talking about baby bonnie?
Belle: Yeah, you know, I mean, people get attached to their siblings.
Chloe: Okay, it's not just the way that mimi acts. It's the way that bonnie acts with the baby, like she couldn't be less interested.
Belle: Oh, come on. I'm sure that's not true.
Chloe: I've been searching for just a glimmer of maternal instinct with her, and there's nothing there. She barely looks at the baby. And then there was this weird comment she made about how when she and lucas slept together, that he passed out before it was over.
Belle: [Laughs] I'm sure you misheard that.
Chloe: No, I heard her just fine, and I'm no biologist, but if he passed out before it was over, then how exactly did she get pregnant?
Belle: I don't know. Did you ask her?
Chloe: Yeah, I did ask her, and she immediately changed her story to something that made no sense, like, "oh, he passed out before the second round." Whatever, I didn't buy any of it.
Belle: Well, maybe you didn't buy any of it because of your feelings for lucas.
Chloe: No, it's because bonnie was drunk when she blurted it out. It actually felt like a rare moment of honesty from her.
Belle: This is all speculation.
Chloe: Come on, belle. She's in the middle of a custody fight, and she has her turn with the baby, and she decides to just go off and get sloshed? How does that even make any sense?
Belle: Bonnie actually feels really bad about getting drunk that night.
Chloe: I'm sure she does. Thank god mimi was with the baby. Oh, you should've seen it when mimi had to give the baby to lucas. She looked heartbroken. Meanwhile, big bonnie was just standing there playing on her phone, no emotion at all.
Belle: Well, every mother's different.
Chloe: Come on, belle. I know that you're her lawyer, but you have to admit that there's something very suspect going on. See, you can't even answer me because you're wondering too.
Belle: Listen. There's one giant hole in your theory, which is that mimi can't have children. Your mornings were made for better things
Sami: I'm looking to get some dna results myself.
Lucas: I hope that you're looking for some answers.
Sami: Kayla drew blood, but now I have to get someone for her to compare it to.
Lucas: What about sydney and johnny?
Sami: Thought about that, but they don't know how close we are, and I don't want to get their hopes up about their dad.
Lucas: Well, you could just steal a toothbrush or something. You don't have to tell 'em. Just, you know, cut a little hair.
Sami: They're really far away. I kind of want to get answers now.
Lucas: Well, since we don't know if stefano's alive, that leaves one person, right?
Sami: Right. My least favorite loony bird, susan banks.
Lucas: So what're you gonna do? How are you gonna get her dna?
Sami: Jam a swab in her mouth or maybe just rip some hair off her nutty head.
Lucas: That sounds good. But don't get thrown in jail this time, you know?
Sami: That's a good tip.
Lucas: It's bad for you.
Sami: Yeah, thank you. I'll do my best.
Lucas: Well, I hope everything works out for you, I really do.
Sami: And congratulations on your little girl. I'm happy for you.
Lucas: Thanks.
Belle: You know as well as i do that mimi had complications after the abortion, and every one of her doctors told her she was infertile.
Chloe: I know, I can remember that, but doctors are wrong sometimes. I mean, they told me that i couldn't get pregnant again, and we all know how that turned out.
Belle: Chloe, there was a dna test done. It showed that the parents were bonnie and lucas.
Chloe: Well, I don't know how dna works, but bonnie and mimi are mother and daughter. Maybe it was a close enough match.
Belle: Okay, then, how do you explain the lucas part?
Chloe: I don't know. I guess I can'T.
Belle: I get that you want to protect lucas, and I also get that bonnie is not a, uh, conventional mother, but she is the mother, whether you like it or not.
Mimi: Could you be any more obvious when you throw yourself at someone, please?
Bonnie: Ow. I'm sorry. I was just trying to be nice to lucas, for the baby's sake.
Mimi: That wasn't nice. It was flirty.
Bonnie: I was not flirty.
Mimi: "Isn't it amazing how we made that baby together? I knew something special happened that night."
Bonnie: Well, what can I say? The man is sexy. Come on.
Mimi: And he's in a relationship with chloe.
Bonnie: Oh, please, we all know how that's gonna end up. You and I were on to ghoul girl when you two were in high school, remember?
Mimi: Don't call her that. I'm not proud of how I treated her back then.
Bonnie: Really? Everything is so pc these days. I mean, come on, we all know that she's gonna get some obscure opera role in some way-out part of the world and leave poor lucas in the dirt again.
Mimi: You sound jealous.
Bonnie: Of chloe? I don't think so.
Mimi: You hate her because you want lucas all to yourself.
Bonnie: I do not.
Mimi: I see the way you look at him. And you've already admitted that you're scared of ending up alone.
Bonnie: Well, honey, aren't we all?
Mimi: Mom. Do you have some crazy idea that you're going to ride off into the sunset with lucas... and my baby?
Sarah: Please tell me that susan's room is not next to ours.
Maggie: Well, I think you're at a safe distance.
Rex: She is extremely odd. But I have to say, she wasn't entirely off about all that baby talk.
Sarah: She's not?
Rex: No. I mean, I don't know. When I was holding baby bonnie, my niece, in my arms... there was a really strong connection there.
Maggie: That means you're gonna make a wonderful father someday.
Rex: I hope so. 'Cause guess why? I really want that.
Sarah: Are we... really having a baby conversation in front of my mother? I mean, that's like waving honey into the nose of a bear.
Maggie: Oh, come on, now. I'm not pushing you to have kids. I have my holly to satisfy my grandmotherly urges. For a while.
Sarah: Good. So, before we, uh, talk about baby, can we focus on the wedding?
Rex: Yes, yes. Of course. We can. Absolutely.
Sarah: Yes.
Maggie: Okay, that's fine. I think we could use a little joy around here. How would you feel if I threw you an engagement party?
Susan: [Gasps] What're you doing here?
Sami: I'm here to see you, susan.
Susan: Oh, please, sami. Please don't kill me.
Bonnie: I'm not trying to make lucas fall in love with me.
Mimi: Then what are you trying to do?
Bonnie: If I get along with him, he vouches for me, and I stay out of statesville. Simple as that.
Mimi: It better be that simple because I am never letting you take my baby. I'm helping you stay out of prison, and that's it. Once this is over, I'm taking my little girl back.
Bonnie: When did you get so paranoid?
Mimi: Maybe I've just learned my lesson. And lucas is right. You shouldn't be left alone with her.
Bonnie: I've raised kids before.
Mimi: It's a miracle we survived.
Bonnie: You know, I didn't hear you complain when I took the rap for you and did hard time, sweetheart.
Mimi: I'm going for a walk, and I'm taking my baby with me.
Bonnie: Great. I'll come with.
Mimi: No. I need some time alone with my daughter.
Bonnie: What am i supposed to do?
Mimi: Take a shower. Drink some strong coffee. Reevaluate your life. Because, if you don't pull it together, I swear, no matter how much you threaten me, I will take her and go. I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. She comes first.
[Door clicks shut]
Sarah: Mom, I appreciate you wanting to throw us an engagement party, but... do you think now's the right time? I mean, people are still grieving nicole.
Maggie: Nicole would've been the first to say we should grab all the happiness that we can. She wouldn't have wanted us to stop living our lives.
Sarah: Are you sure?
Maggie: Like I said. We could all use some joy right now.
Rex: Well, when did you want to have this party?
Maggie: How about tonight?
Sarah: Like... tonight, tonight?
Rex: Tonight?
Maggie: Tonight, tonight. Yes, we could just, uh, combine a "welcome home"- engagement celebration. I'll invite your close friends and family only.
Rex: Um... I mean, if you're okay with it, I-I am. [Laughs]
Sarah: Sure. Why not?
Maggie: Okay, well, I'll make the calls, and you all don't have to do anything except, uh, be yourself, show up, and be charming.
Rex: Oh, maggie.
Sarah: Oh.
Maggie: Bye. Love you.
Sarah: Love you.
Rex: Love you.
Maggie: Okay.
[Laughs] Oh! It's cold!
Rex: I guess we're having a party.
Chloe: Okay, maybe I let my imagination run away from me, and I'm sorry if I put you in an awkward position. It's just that... lucas is really starting to fall in love with that little girl, and...
okay. Tell me that that doesn't look like a mother to you.
Sami: I'm not here to murder you, susan.
Susan: Well... what're you here for?
Sami: I've spent a lot of time lately thinking and... reflecting.
Susan: Reflecting on what?
Sami: You, actually, and, um... our relationship.
Susan: Oh. We have a relationship?
Sami: Well... yeah, and... I came here because I want you to know that I forgive you for what you did to will.
Susan: Really?
Sami: Really.
Susan: Really?
Sami: Really.
Susan: Really?
Sami: Can we, um, you know, move past the "really" stage?
Susan: Oh, yes, yes. Of course we can. I just never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth.
Sami: Right.
Susan: I took your will, and I-I kept him from you, and I made you believe he was dead.
Sami: You know what, it'd be better if we didn't rehash the whole thing.
Susan: Oh, yes, yes, yes. Whatever you say. I just, I should apologize for trying to turn will into my elvis. It's just, you have to understand, I-I miss and I love him so much.
[Cymbal shimmering]
Sami: I do know that. And I understand it because I feel the same way. I mean, that is something that you and i have in common, susan.
Susan: I... I reckon you're right about that.
Sami: Yeah. I am. And you know what, I'm-- I'm really glad that I came here and that we had this talk. I don't know about you, but I feel so much better.
Susan: [Gasps] No. Don't touch me.
[Tender music]
Belle: What're you doing?
Chloe: I need to get some answers.
Belle: Well...
Chloe: Hi, mimi.
Mimi: Chloe.
Chloe: So, I see you're here, alone again, with the baby. Where's her mother, nursing a hangover?
Mimi: Why is it any of your business? Belle, what is this about?
Belle: Uh, chloe and i were just discussing the custody case.
Chloe: Yeah, and why your mother doesn't really seem to care about this baby. Seems like she'd rather be, I don't know, drinking, playing on her phone, doing anything other than being a mother. All this responsibility seems to be falling on your shoulders.
Belle: You know what, mimi, why don't you let me walk you guys back to the inn?
Mimi: Okay.
Chloe: Belle, is this your way of telling me to go away?
Belle: Listen, chloe. I heard what you said, and you're wrong, and I think you just need to let it go and let the court decide what's best for the baby.
Chloe: Okay. I'm sorry. It's not really any of my business, I guess. I am just extra-emotional because of what happened to nicole and holly. Please, will you just tell bonnie to take really good care of that little girl?
Mimi: We will.
Sami: What is wrong, susan?
Susan: I can't hug you 'cause I got a cold, and it's very, very contagious.
Sami: That's okay, I have a very strong immune--
Susan: No, I--no, I-- I'm not gonna get you sick and then you go around blaming me, nope. No, I'm not one of those nasty germ spreaders who just go sneezing in their hand and then go touching people with it, nope.
Sami: Okay, no, uh, I get it.
Do you mind my asking what you're holding onto there?
Susan: Oh.
Oh, my god, that's crazy.
Crazy... likeness of my mother.
Susan: You really think so?
Sami: I really do.
Susan: Thank you, sami.
Sami: [Chuckles]
Susan: Thank you so much. I-I made it myself.
Sami: You don't say.
Susan: Yeah, made it for your mama and john for their wedding present.
Sami: That is such a thoughtful gift.
Susan: Mm-hmm. And I made the dress to match your mama's, uh, old wedding gown, of course.
Sami: Right, uh, very detailed.
Susan: I spent hours and hours on it, just me and little tiny marlena. Yeah. Her dress got torn because that awful kristen stabbed it, and I fixed her up.
Sami: Wow, you, uh... right, um, well, you are clearly a very creative artist, susan banks.
Susan: Did you notice the hair? It looks just like the real hair, doesn't it?
Sami: Very lifelike.
Susan: You want to know a secret?
Sami: Yes.
Susan: It's real hair.
Sami: Oh.
Susan: My hair.
[Cymbal shimmering]
Sami: You used your hair?
Susan: Yeah. I tugged it out myself. And I dyed it to match marlena's color, and I just thought it would be real nice to have something of me in here, don't you think?
Sami: Why, susan, I think it's just... perfect.
Bonnie: Oh. Back already?
Lucas: Yeah. The visitation's over. Where's bonnie?
Bonnie: Um... she's not here.
Lucas: She's not here? What do you mean, she's not here? I can't believe you. I just left you with her! This is the second time in a row! What are you doing? What kind of mother are you anyway?
Sami: Well, I guess I have to ask what you're planning to do with that beautiful doll now.
Susan: Well, I was actually about to bring it to dr. Marlena in the hospital when I ran into you. It's the main reason I'm still here in salem, is to make sure she gets it.
Sami: Huh. Well, you are a very thoughtful friend.
Susan: Tried to get it to her before, but they wouldn't let me. So, now that she's, um, feeling better, I thought I would, uh, give it another try.
Sami: You can't do that.
Susan: Well, why not?
Sami: Because you just told me you have a cold. Susan, my mother's been through a very serious surgery. You wouldn't want to get her sick.
Susan: Heavens, no! No. I know she's suffered enough from you pumping a bullet into her chest.
Sami: I was cleared of that. Police cleared me of that shooting.
Susan: Oh. Well, isn't that nice for you?
I just am gonna keep my distance in the room. I just want to say howdy and give her back the doll. I just had this real feeling that it's gonna help her with the recovery.
Sami: Oh, I agree with you. I think it really will. It's just too bad because, um, I know that hospital has a really strict policy about immediate family only.
Susan: Oh. I see.
Sami: Too bad, because i really think that doll would make a big difference for her.
Susan: Well...
would you take it to her?
Sami: Me?
Susan: Yeah, I mean, you're family, and you can visit, right?
Sami: Yeah, I was planning to go there this morning. I gotta tell you, susan, I would be honored to give my mom a one-of-a-kind gift like that. It would mean a lot to me to be the one to give it to her on your behalf.
Susan: Well, thank you, sami. That's really nice of you. You have been surprisingly kind. Here, I thought you were just here to murder me.
Sami: [Laughs] Susan. Your son is--was-- the love of my life.
Susan: Well, I have to admit that you were the love of his.
Now, you tell your mama that I'm praying for her.
Sami: [Clears throat] Yeah, I got it.
Yeah, I'll be careful.
Susan: Thank you. Bye, marlena.
Sami: Oh, my god. Okay. She used her own hair, which is super creepy but amazing because it'll be exactly the dna I need to prove it's ej.
Lucas: Where the hell is my daughter?
Bonnie: Stop, okay? Mimi took the baby out for some fresh air.
Lucas: Why didn't you go with her, bonnie?
Bonnie: Well, I wanted to, but mimi insisted I stay here and get some rest, and she's right, I'm feeling much better now.
Lucas: I'm glad to hear that.
Bonnie: Well, um... why don't you stay for a while? They'll be back soon.
Lucas: How soon?
Bonnie: Soon. What's your rush? I mean, this'll give us a chance to be alone together.
Lucas: Why would I want to be alone with you?
Bonnie: To talk about the baby, of course. Look, lucas, I know this isn't a situation that-- that you ever wanted, but... baby bonnie is ours. We're gonna be her parents. I mean, really, we... should not be fighting. We should be thinking about her. We should be doing everything we can to get along, you know?
Lucas: Yeah.
Bonnie: And I think that this'll give us a little bit of time to... work on our relationship.
Lucas: Yeah, I guess I agree with that.
Bonnie: Well, see?
We can get along. And I promise you, lucas, no matter what happens in this custody hearing...
you and I are in this together.
Mimi: Chloe knows that I'm bonnie's real mother?
Belle: Well, I think she suspects it. But I do think I threw her off the trail. God, I hate lying to her.
Mimi: I thought she was looking at me like that and asking you all those questions.
Belle: Yeah, well, I think she's seen a lot of clues. Mostly how you act around the baby versus how your mom does.
Mimi: She's gonna blow this, isn't she?
Belle: You cannot let her do that.
Mimi: My mom's already made it clear she's not going back to prison, which means, if the truth comes out, she'll flip on me, and I'll be the one behind bars. I'll lose my baby.
Belle: Do you really think she would do that?
Mimi: She's desperate, belle. We cannot let chloe know that I am baby bonnie's mom.
Belle: All right, well, as long as you and your mom stick to the story, everything's gonna be fine, all right? I mean, I just think chloe's trying to protect lucas.
Mimi: What about me?
Belle: Mimi. I got you. I will protect you, I promise. I will make sure that chloe lets this go.
Sarah: Where'd you go?
Rex: Hmm? What? Sorry. I--
Sarah: What's going on with you? What're you thinking about?
Rex: Just, um... what-what susan was saying.
Sarah: Ugh. We're not back on the baby talk, are we?
Rex: No, no. No, no, no. Um, just about how we should get married sooner than later.
Sarah: Oh, yeah?
Rex: Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah, you want to marry me sooner?
Rex: Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah? Husband.
Rex: Like, how's yesterday sound?
Susan: Aww!
Sarah: Susan. Didn't see you there.
Susan: You two make such a cute couple. Are you sure there's no baby on the way?
Sarah: No. I told you. There's no babies. Anyway, look, just stop talking about babies.
Susan: Okay, whatever you say, maggie's daughter. Someday, when you have a little one of your own, you'll understand that there's no bond like the one between a parent and a child. I miss my elvis every day.
Sami: Kayla!
Chloe: Kayla!
Kayla: Oh, my gosh. I'm popular today.
Sami/chloe: I need you to run this dna test--
Chloe: Right now.
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