Days Transcript Wednesday 10/31/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/31/18


Episode #13392 ~ It's Halloween night, and things take a strange turn in Salem; a couple of familiar faces return for a spooky surprise; Hattie realizes pretending to be Marlena isn't all it's cracked up to be; John scores a major win.

Provided By Suzanne

Hattie: Get away. Get away. Get away! Get away! Get away! Just get out! Get! Get! Go! Go! Oh [Breathing heavily]

John: Hey. Bad dream?

Hattie: Oh. It's just you.

John: Yeah, who'd you think it was?

Hattie: I was just having a terrible little nightmare. It was like I was playing marlena evans, and her patients began coming in to see me. One after the other after the other after the other.

[Exhales] You got a lot of loonies in this town.

John: I told you you were gonna regret playing her, didn't I? You know what, maybe you ought've just take me up on that divorce and go back to being good ol' hattie adams.

Hattie: What? I'm not going back to statesville. You can do whatever you want. You're not gonna trick me into doing what it is you want.

John: All right, we'll play it your way. Get dressed.

Hattie: What?

John: We're going home.

[Suspenseful music]

Hope: Good. You're up and dressed.

Hattie as marlena: What does that mean?

Eli: We were just coming to get you both.

John: Really? This time at night? What's going on?

Hope: Something terrible has happened.

Hattie as marlena: They cancelled "the good place"? I love that show!

Eli: Are you serious?

John: She's making jokes because she's starting to feel so much better, right, marlena?

Hattie as marlena: Oh, that's right. That's right. What happened?

Hope: You should probably see it for yourself.

Hattie as marlena: Oh! Gag! [Groans]

John: Kristen?

Hattie as marlena: Who would do a thing like that?

Hope: I'm hoping you can give me the answer to that.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

John: So kristen didn't die in nashville after all. Surprise, surprise.

Hope: Yeah, well she must have been pretty damn driven to get back here. And settle the score with you, huh?

John: Mm, obviously somebody had other ideas.

Hattie as marlena: So, what killed her?

Hope: Someone bashed in the back of her head.

Hattie as marlena: Oh, like alf--

Hope: What?

Hattie as marlena: Like andre. You know what, you ought to put out an apb on those burial urns that look like cocktail shakers.

Hope: Eli's already on that.

Hattie as marlena: Oh, well good, there's--there.

John: "6 6 6."

Hope: Mm-hmm.

John: Sign of the devil.

Hope: Almost like what happened years ago. Right? Well, you couldn't have forgotten that, marlena?

Hattie as marlena: Well, kristen did so many terrible things. It's hard to know which one you're talking about.

Hope: This happened to kristen. She was left in a church stripped naked.

Hattie as marlena: [Gasps]

Hope: Pentagrams were painted all over her body.

Hattie as marlena: Who would do such a thing?

Hope: Marlena, it was you. You did it.

Hattie as marlena: No, i wouldn't do that.

Hope: You did.

John: I think what she means is that she wasn't found legally responsible because at the time she was possessed by the devil.

Hattie as marlena: The devil?

John: I know that you don't like to think about that time. I'm sorry, marlena.

Hattie as marlena: Yeah, yeah, well you know, being possessed by the devil is a pretty hard thing to remember. I guess.

Hope: Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts tonight?

Hattie as marlena: Sure.

Hope: Really?

Hattie as marlena: Yes.

Hope: Who?

Hattie as marlena: There was a guard outside my door. All night long and I-- and I stayed in my hospital bed the whole time.

Hope: Sorry.

Hattie as marlena: Hm.

Hope: I didn't mean to upset you, if I upset you.

Hattie as marlena: Oh, I'll get over it.

Hope: Stay in town and don't leave this jurisdiction. Just in case.

Hattie as marlena: Wouldn't dream of it.

Hattie: The nerve of that dame trying to hang this thing on me.

John: Mm, mm-mm. No, no. Marlena is the one who's under suspicion here.

Hattie: Look, was that true? That whole thing about the devil?

John: I told you. It's not easy being her.

[Ominous string music]

Hattie: You got that cute little townhouse. What are we doing here at the house of frankenstein?

John: One of marlena's patients lives here. Her name is abigail deveraux. She is like A...niece to marlena.

Hattie: Hm. Well she must be to get a house call at this hour.

John: It's not a house call. Abigail needs round the clock care. That's why she and her husband have invited us to move in.

Hattie: Wait a minute, what? Move in?

[Laughs] You think I'm playing marlena evans 24/7 and-- and ministering some little dingbat?

John: You can always drop the act.

Hattie: Hey, you know what? What I need is some overtime pay.


[Doorbell rings]

[Door opens]

Stefan: Oh, good, it's you. Thanks for coming, dr. Evans. I know that you've been going through a rough time yourself.

Hattie as marlena: You don't know the half of it.

John: Stefan, I'm afraid i have some terrible news about your half-sister, kristen.

Stefan: Yes, I know. The police, uh, they already called me. Come in.

John: Thank you.

Stefan: Right this way.

Abigail: Oh, marlena. It's so good to see you. I guess you must have been pretty surprised. You do know I'm married to stefan now.

Hattie as marlena: Yes, well I read it in "the intruder." Um, so it is true? Are you sort of a "three faces of abigail" again?

Abigail: Well, everybody else thinks so, but I don'T. I'm being set up and I was hoping you could help me prove that.

Stefan: Maybe you and dr. Evans can have a session right now.

Hattie as marlena: What? Oh. Oh, oh. No, I've been, um, I've been in the hospital for a while so I'm a little bit rusty.

John: I think you can handle it, honey.

Stefan: John. You smoke cigars?

John: Now and then.

Stefan: All right. Join me in my study.

John: You're in good hands, abigail.

Abigail: Mm-hmm.

Hattie as marlena: [Chuckles]

Abigail: Thank goodness. We're alone. I... I've been wanting to talk to you. I really do need your help.

Hattie as marlena: Oh.

Abigail: Oh. No.

Hattie as marlena: Okay. Um. Fine, all right. Well then I... I thought you said there was nothing wrong?

Abigail: There isn'T. It's the baby I'm worried about.

Hattie as marlena: What's wrong there?

Abigail: I don't think stefan's the father.

Hattie as marlena: Oh. Is it chad?

Abigail: Not him either.

Hattie as marlena: Wow. You get around.

Abigail: Not me, I mean... I'm afraid one of my alters may have slept with someone else.

[Tense music]

Hattie as marlena: So this alter, she can go to bed with any guy and you don't know about it?

Abigail: Well that's how it is when you have dissociative identity disorder. But you explained it to me when you diagnosed me.

Hattie as marlena: Oh, right. Yeah.

Abigail: I just keep having dreams that I'm making love to someone.

Hattie as marlena: Yeah. Who doesn't?

Abigail: But I can't tell who it is. I wake up, and I don't see his face. So I was hoping maybe you could hypnotize me, and it might help me remember.

Hattie as marlena: Hypnotize you?

Abigail: Right, like you did before.

Hattie as marlena: [Laughs] Sure, I'd be glad to do that. Um. The coma has left me, uh, kind of sketchy in some details, and parts of my memory like does an old-fashion take you know, bourbon or vermouth and how to hypnotize somebody.

Abigail: Oh, don't worry. I can tell you. You just, um... well you take this tea cup here, and then you stir the tea slowly like this, and then, poof. I'm hypnotized.

Hattie as marlena: Oh. Is that how we did it before?

Abigail: I don't have a clue how you did it before, but I saw this in a movie.

Hattie as marlena: [Chuckles] Works for me. Why don't we just try that.

[Soft dramatic music]

Abigail? Oh. Looks hypnotized to me.

[Blubbers loudly] Wow. Okay. Um. Let me think. Okay, now I want you to think back to the night that your child was--

[Chuckles] Hm. Was conceived. Now, were you in bed with chad? Or stefan? Or a guy with his fabulous moustache? Oh, no, that's tom selleck. That's my fantasy. I'm sorry. Go on.

Abigail: I can't see his face.

Hattie as marlena: Well then you're not trying hard enough. Come on, abigail, come on.

Abigail: I think... I think maybe...

[Door opens]

Julie: Sorry. Are we interrupting?

Abigail: Oh, that's okay, julie, um. Ah, what are the two of you doing here?

Doug: To check on you, dear. And that unborn baby, of course.

[Both chuckling]

Julie: I brought you something. Vitamin drink. Better than any pill on the market.

Abigail: Hmm. Oh. What is this?

Julie: Oh, snips and snails, puppy dog's tails.

Hattie as marlena: What?

Julie: A raw egg, glycerin, herbs from my garden, and, uh, tannis root. You'll get used to the smell.

Hattie as marlena: Wh-- what the hell is tannis root?

Julie: Holistic medicine. You're an md. You never heard of tannis root?

Hattie as marlena: Oh, i thought you said "tennis root" which of course made no sense. Tannis root. I use it all the time.

Doug: Drink it down, sweetheart. Good for the baby.

Abigail: Mm. Ugh.

Hattie as marlena: Look. You two brought your stuff by and you pass it off. Thanks so much. Maybe you want to move on down the road now. We were in the middle of something here.

Julie: What kind of a something?

Abigail: Oh, marlena's helping me figure out who fathered my baby.

Doug: Well, I don't think that's a good idea.

Abigail: Well, why not?

Eli: Grandma?

Julie: Sweetheart! What a surprise! What are you doing here?

Eli: I was just at doug's place looking for cocktail shakers.

Julie: You need a drink that badly?

Eli: The one I'm looking for could be the blunt object that was used to kill kristen dimera tonight. Chloe said that the club is missing one.

Doug: Well, don't look at us.

Eli: Actually, I'm here to talk to abigail.

Abigail: Me? Why?

Eli: You did kill andre. With a cocktail shaker that had tony dimera's ashes in it.

Abigail: But that was an accident. I barely even know kristen, so what reason would I have to kill her?

Eli: You mind if I take a look in the secret room? I believe that kristen was there the last time she was here. Maybe some evidence that might link us to her killer.

Abigail: Go for it. I don't have anything to hide.

Julie: Oh, sweetheart, I don't think you should go in there.

Eli: Grandma, I'll be fine.

Hattie as marlena: This place is starting to give me the creeps.

Julie: Really? I think it's lovely. And if these walls could talk, what tales they'd tell. Like the time you set fire to ben weston.

Abigail: Julie.

Julie: And fay walker falling down the stairs in the foyer? And kate roberts, she plugged vivian alamain right over there. You know, if we all took a deep breath, I bet we could still smell the blood.

Hattie as marlena: What a freak.

Eli: Stay where you are! Get back!


[All screaming]

[Dramatic music]

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[All screaming]

[Glass shatters]

Julie: Oh, baby! Baby!

John: We heard gun shots!

Stefan: What happened?

Hattie as marlena: She let him go in the secret room!

Eli: Someone was down there.

Stefan: Who?

Eli: Whoever it was started coming after me so I fired two shots to keep him off.

John: So, it was a he?

Eli: I don't remember.

John: What do you mean? You're a cop! It's your job to remember. C'mon.

Eli: It scared the hell out of me, john. I guess I blocked it out.

John: Want to go?

Stefan: Yeah.

Eli: No, you're not going to find anything down there. Whoever it was they're long gone by now.

Julie: Oh, I knew you shouldn't have gone down there, sweetheart!

Stefan: It could have been the person who killed my sister, right?

Eli: I think so.

[Breathes heavily] Look, I'm not gonna be of any help.

Abigail: Maybe you should hypnotize him.

Hattie as marlena: Now?

Doug: Wait. I don't think we should upset eli any further.

Eli: No. It's fine. We've got to solve the case.

[Spoon tapping]

Hattie as marlena: You're now hypnotized. You're in the secret room. Tell me what you see.

Eli: I'm not in the secret room yet. I'm in the tunnels.

Hattie as marlena: Tunnels, secret room, whatever.

John: [Clears throat]

Hattie as marlena: Okay. Just tell me what you see.

Eli: There's a door to the secret rooM. But it's dark. It's cold. And I can see my breath.

Hattie as marlena: Okay, good. What do you do next?

Eli: Open the door. Someone... someone crouching in the corner.

Hattie as marlena: Can you see who it is?

Eli: No. But I can tell they want to hurt me. Maybe even kill me.

Julie: I know! It's that gabi hernandez! She just loves killing people! It's her, it's her, isn't it?

Eli: No. No, it'S...

[Breathing heavily] It'S...

Hattie as marlena: Eli!

Julie: Get out!

Abigail: I hope john can get eli home safely.

Julie: [Sighs]

Hattie as marlena: Say, uh, what was that whole "get out" business.

Julie: Oh, he's my flesh and blood. I gotta protect him.

Hattie as marlena: From what?

Julie: From you. And that hypnosis.

Stefan: Was your session this dramatic?

Abigail: No.

Hattie as marlena: Abigail and I have been making a lot of progress until the two of you showed up.

Abigail: [Groaning in pain]

Stefan: Abigail?

Abigail: I think I'm in labor.

Stefan: Oh. Okay.

Abigail: [Groaning]

Doug: It's time.

Stefan: You'll be fine. Let me get you to the hospital.

Abigail: No, no, no, the baby's coming right now.

Stefan: What? You! You're gonna have to deliver the baby.

Hattie as marlena: Me? Why me?

Stefan: 'Cause you're the damn doctor.

Hattie as marlena: O-okay! Uh, let's, uh, let's boil water!

[Groans] Oh. Hey, uh, sorry I passed out like that. I was so ready to just rock and roll, you know? I guess that coma probably took it out of me.

Stefan: Yeah. Lucky julie stepped up and delivered that baby.

Hattie as marlena: Oh.

Stefan: You all right? Good, I'm gonna make some calls and go see that baby.

Hattie as marlena: Okay, well I'm goo--oh. Yeah. I'm good.

[Sniffles, exhales] I guess john was right. Living marlena's life is no day at the beach. Oh [Chuckles] Congratulations, abigail.

Abigail: Thank you, marlena.

Hattie as marlena: What did you have? A boy or a girl?

Abigail: It's a boy, but i haven't seen him yet.

Hattie as marlena: Oh, well then we should just get a gander at him, don't you think?

[Mysterious music]


[Frightening music]

Abigail: What's wrong?

Hattie as marlena: Uh, I don't know how to tell you this, honey, but your baby is a spitting image of andre dimera.

Andre: That's because he takes after his daddy.

[Intense string music]

So a tree falls on your brand new car and totals it.

Andre: Well, look at you.

[Baby coos] Well, welcome to this world, my son.

Abigail: You can't be here.

Hattie as marlena: Yeah, you're dead.

Abigail: Yeah, I killed you. You can't be the father of my baby.

Andre: Someone brought me back to life, that's why.

Hattie as marlena: Oh. Somebody with a pretty sick sense of humor.

Rolf: That would be me.

Hattie as marlena: Rolf.

Abigail: Wait a minute. Wait, were the two of you down in the tunnels? Did one of you scare eli?

Hattie as marlena: Did you kill kristen?

Andre: I have no interest in answering your mundane questions. I just want to gaze upon this beautiful little face.

[Baby coos]

Abigail: Are you really the father?

Andre: That's right, abigail. We made you. And we're gonna raise you to rule the world. [Chuckles]

Abigail: So you're not angry at me for bashing your head in?

Andre: The only person i blame is hattie adams.

Hattie as marlena: Hattie? What the hell did I--who... what did she do?

Andre: She goaded anna dimera to go after me. That's why anna came to my office with that urn with my brother's ashes in it. And abigail was able to use that as a murder weapon.

Hattie as marlena: Wow, that's pretty complicated stuff.

[Stammering] Why don't you just blame anna?

Andre: Because... I will not give up until I find hattie adams, and when I do she's gonna suffer the horrors from hell.

Hattie as marlena: It's a good thing that I--I just resemble her and am actually dr. Marlena evans md.

Andre: Oh. Yeah. Are you sure about that? Rolf. You're the one who performed the plastic surgery on hattie adams so she could look more like marlena, what's your opinion?

Rolf: It's hard to tell. My work is of such high caliber. Hm. Hmm.

Hattie as marlena: Okay! Okay. Get away from me. I will swear on a stack of bibles that I am dr. Marlena evans.

Andre: I can't wait. In the meantime, I've gotta go upstairs and change.

Abigail: You're gonna take the baby with you?

Andre: That's right. I'm the father.

Abigail: But I'm his mother. I want to hold my son.

Andre: All in due time. In the meantime, why don't you educate yourself by reading this book, brilliant, on child rearing.

Abigail: I've already read dr. Spock. Who's jean claude xavier?

Andre: He's the answer to all your questions.

Abigail: Hold on, wait! Please don't take my baby--oh!

Rolf: Don't be in a panic, my dear. Your child is in good hands.

Abigail: What's taking andre so long to change?

Rolf: What am I? His valet?

Abigail: Just have a bad feeling about this.

Hope: [Panting] Oh!

Hattie as marlena: Hope! Thank god you're here. We know who killed kristen.

Hope: Yeah, yeah, so do I. Celeste perrault just called me. She had a vision of the killer.

Hattie as marlena: What, now we're listening to visions? What is this, "law and order, salem's victims unit"?

Rolf: That's good.

Hope: Oh, my god. You're not dead? What are you doing here this time?

Hattie as marlena: He's working as the killer's bodyguard. I told you about the killer. Andre dimera.

Hope: Andre? He's not--wait. But andre is not kristen's killer.

Hattie as marlena: No? Well, who is?

Hope: You're gonna be surprised when you hear.

Rolf: Activate satellite.

Hope: Oh, god, come on! Not again! Wait--[Groans]

Abigail: Hope, are you okay?

Princess gina: [Sighs] Oh, you little fool. Do you not recognize me? It is I, princess gina.

Abigail: Hm.

Hattie as marlena: Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Hope thinks she's some kind of a princess.

Abigail: Well I thought I was my grandmother and my best friend at the same time, so what's the big deal?

Hattie as marlena: Hm. You think it's time for us to get the "ell-ay" out of "ere-ay"?

Abigail: You know, I'm gonna stay and wait for my baby.

Hattie as marlena: Good idea. Good luck with that.

Rolf: But the party hasn't even begun.

Hattie as marlena: Party?

Rolf: To celebrate the birth of the child.

Princess gina: Celebration? Oh, dear. Oh, goodie!

John: Sorry that took so long, but eli was all shook up.

Princess gina: John? Darling.

John: Oh, no.

Princess gina: Oh, yes. John. It is I. Princess gina. Oh, how I have longed to see you.

John: [Sighs] You've got to be kidding me.

Princess gina: This is so wonderful, us together!

John: Princess, princess.

Princess gina: Oh, john.

John: You remember marlena, right? Marlena? I'm married to her now.

Princess gina: Oh. Well. It's not a problem. Hm. Prepare to die. Do close your eyes. Mm.

Tech: At safelite autoglass,

John: No, no, no, princess, princess, you don't wanna kill marlena.

Princess gina: And why not? After all those years I spent alone. Locked away in that damp, cold castle. I never stopped wanting you. I waited for you, my beloved, to return and rescue me.

Hattie as marlena: That's pathetic! Who do you think you are? Rapunzel?

Princess gina: Silence! I did not give you permission to speak.

Hattie as marlena: So you just sat there on your lazy behind waiting for some man to come along and rescue you? Oh, come on. Come on! Where's your self-esteem?

Princess gina: I love him. I love him! Love you.

Hattie as marlena: Well, maybe you want to try loving yourself.

Princess gina: Oh. Hm. Yes. You're right. I do not need you, john. Hm! I do not need you at all. Because I am a princess, right? I am a princess of power. Yes, do not forget.

Hattie as marlena: Yeah, i think that's been copyrighted.

Princess gina: Well, who is that, hm, delectable creature over there?

Hattie as marlena: What happened to not needing a man?

Princess gina: Needs and wants are two very different things. Have him washed and brought to my chamber. Hm. And you are?

Abigail: That's my husband, stefan.

Princess gina: Oh, well the good ones are always taken.

Abigail: You want him, he's yours.

Princess gina: Hm. Thank you.

Stefan: I don't know how to put this but andre is upstairs.

Abigail: Well, I don't know how to put this. He claims his the father of my baby.

Stefan: Yeah, he told me. I'm okay with it.

Julie: Hope! What are you doing here?

Princess gina: I am not hope!

Julie: Wait a minute--

John: [Mutters] Wait, it'S... it's rolf's fault. She thinks she's princess gina again.

Julie: Oh, for crying out loud. I'm julie. We've met before.

Princess gina: Yes, yes, I know. I know. You're old what's her name's sister-mother.

Doug: Hm. You and I are going to have to have a little talk about this, but for now andre needs you upstairs.

Rolf: But he ordered me to keep an eye on our guests. He wants everyone present for the celebration.

Doug: He changed his mind. He said everyone can leave if they want to.

Rolf: Oh.

Hattie as marlena: Okay. Excuse me. All right. Well, the scientist is gone. Gun is down. Let's get out of here.

John: Look after hope?

Doug: You know you can count on us.

John: All righty then. Marlena.

Hattie as marlena: Huh? Oh, yes.

John: It's time to go. It really has been a strange night. Even for halloween. Bottoms up.

Hattie: You're so chic. And maybe now things will get back to normal.

[Ominous music]

(Roger) being a good father

Hattie: I just can't help wondering who killed kristen. You know, hope said that it wasn't andre, but then, poof! She turned into princess gina, and she couldn't tell us who it really was. And then eli got terrified about some terrible sight that he saw in the tunnels.

John: Yeah, well I asked eli about it in the car, and all he'd say over and over again was, "the answer to your question is an anagram."

Hattie: Mm, hm. What's an anagram?

John: Anagram. It's where you rearrange the letters in one word to make another word. Anagram.

Hattie: Hm. So if the answer to the question is an anagram...

Abigail: Jean claude xavier?

Andre: He's the answer to all of your questions.

Hattie: I've got it! Maybe andre's not the killer. Maybe andre's trying to tell us who the killer is.

John: What are you babbling about?

Hattie: Jean claude xavier. Does that ring a bell?

John: NO.

Hattie: Well then maybe it's an anagram.

[Suspenseful music]

You got the d?

John: Oh, my god.

Eli: The answer to the question is an anagram. The answer to the question is an anagram. The answer to the question is an anagram.

[Muttering] The answer to the question... answer to the question.

[Footsteps approaching]

Kristen: Excuse me, detective grant?

Eli: Kristen dimera? You're dead.

Kristen: That was susan banks. Dumb cluck dressed up as me for halloween. The killer thought she was me.

Eli: How do you know all this?

Kristen: I saw the murder. And the murderer. I looked her right in the face.

Eli: Her?

John: I don't believe it.

Hattie: [Chuckling] Oh, admit it! I'm good!

John: No, no, no, no. I mean, how could she kill anybody? She had a heart attack. She's dead.

Anjelica: Not tonight, I'm not.

[Bottles clatter]

Hattie: [Stammers] Anjelica, what the hell?

Anjelica: [Evil chuckling] Oh, let's not stand on ceremony. Call me what everyone does.

Hattie: All righty. What does everybody call you?

Anjelica: [Distorted voice] Satan. I've come back for you, marlena. Fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.

Abigail: I just don't understand any of this.

Doug: Try not to worry, dear. Andre will be back.

Abigail: But what about my baby?

Princess gina: Oh, dear, is she always such a buzz kill?

Stefan: Always.

Princess gina: Drop her.

Julie: Oh.

Doug: Oh...

Julie: Oh...

Abigail: May I have him?

[Julie and doug giggling]

Julie: I want a picture!

Stefan: Me too! Me too!

Princess gina: Oh, oh, oh, out of the way, out of the way. Princesses first. Hold on, oh, oh, oh.

Stefan: Smile.

Princess gina: Oh, #adorbs.

Abigail: Can I see my baby? Please, can I see him?

Stefan: Look at him.

Princess gina: Stop whining.

Abigail: Can I get in there?

Princess gina: Best photo.

Kristen: Oh, hey, you started the celebration without us.

Julie: Oh, I thought you were dead, kristen.

Eli: The dead women is susan banks.

Abigail: Eli, are you all right?

Eli: Yes. We're here to celebrate the baby.

Abigail: But I haven't even see him yet, and marlena said he looks a lot like andre.

Julie: Oh, but that wasn't his true face, darling. If you want to see what he really looks like, come closer.

Abigail: [Gasps] What have you done to him? What have you done to his eyes, you maniacs!

Doug: It's his mother's eyes. His real mother.

Abigail: [Screams]

Anjelica: [Distorted voice] I've thought a lot about you over the years, marlena.

[Normal voice] Yours is the one soul that got away, thanks to him.

Hattie as marlena: You stay away from us.

John: So you're the one who killed kristen. You are what eli saw down in the tunnels.

Anjelica: [Chuckling] True. Although at the time I was in possession, oh, of andre dimera's body. And now I want to possess

[Distorted voice] Marlena'S.

Hattie: I'm not marlena. I'm hattie adams. You remember me? I'm your old friend, hattie. Tell her. Oh, tell her I'm not marlena. Tell her. Go ahead and tell her.

John: This isn't marlena and I'm not gonna let you do this.

Anjelica: [Laughs] Ya think?




[Cocktail shaker clatters]

Hattie: Oh, look, look, you--you got this all wrong. I'm hattie!

Anjelica: Oh, nice try, marlena.

Hattie: Oh, no.

Anjelica: Back at the mansion, you said that you would swear on a stack of...bibles that you were dr. Marlena

[Distorted voice] Evans!

Hattie: Wait, no! I lied! I lie. I lie all the time. All the time.

Anjelica: [Distorted laugh]

Hattie: Because, uh, I'm--I'm not marlena. I'm not marlena!

Anjelica: [Distorted laugh]

Hattie: No! Get away! Get away! Get--get! Get! Go! Go! Oh!

John: Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong?

Hattie: [Panting] You know what, you're right. I can't do this.

John: Can't do what?

Hattie: I ca--I can't be marlena. I--I don't want to be her anymore.

John: Whoa, whoa, wait, are you serious about this?

Hattie: I am dead serious about this. You know what else I'm serious about? I want a divorce.

John: Are you sure? Are you sure?

Hattie: I am as sure as my name is hattie adams.

John: Hallelujah. Happy halloween, hattie adams.

[Screeching music]

[Screaming, cackling]

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