Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/17/18
Episode #13382 ~ Gabi takes her plan to another level; Jennifer warns Stefan to stay away from Abigail; Hope shares with Rafe her theory about the planted evidence; Ciara and Tripp are thrown when they come upon Claire and Ben conspiring.
Provided By Suzanne
Rafe: Well, I'm still gonna start setting up appointments with anyone who has a vested interest in seeing ben behind bars.Hope: I just don't think it's anyone on...
Rafe: What?
Hope: On this list. I don't believe it.
Rafe: What?
Hope: I know who it was.
Rafe: Who?
Hope: Ben.
Rafe: Ben?
Hope: Ben planted the evidence.
Claire: Ben, if we play this smart, if we work together to break up tripp and ciara, i think that we could both end up getting exactly what we want. I mean, you have to admit you've got nothing to lose.
Ben: Uh, yeah, I'm not too sure about that.
Claire: Wait, I'm sorry. What? I thought you were.
Ben: Claire, like I've told you before, I've been working really, really hard recently just trying to be a decent person. Trying to make amends for the past, I... this... isn't right.
Claire: Actually, it is. If you just think about it. See, tripp and ciara are not good together, okay? And they will not be happy as a couple. I'm so sure of it. So what we would be doing is just kind of nipping it in the bud before they get too deeply involved and therefore more deeply hurt by each other in a breakup. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Ben: I suppose.
Claire: Great. So you're in.
Ben: I know I may regret this. But yeah, I'm in.
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Why are you two shaking hands? What's going on here?
Claire: What? Two people can't shake hands?
Ciara: Not when those two people are you and ben. Since when did you guys get so chummy?
[Doorbell rings]
Jennifer: You're not wanted here.
Stefan: Abigail's not returning my calls.
Jennifer: Good.
Stefan: No. My contact at the hospital told me that she wasn't able to meet with dr. Evans.
Jennifer: Oh, you're spying on her now?
Stefan: No, I'm just concerned.
Jennifer: Well, abigail doesn't want any part of you or your concern. So I think that you should respect her wishes and stop causing trouble for her and chad.
Jj: Look, I know it looks like gabby with a y is behind the text of stefan and hiding the wig or whatever else. But there might be another explanation.
Chad: Like what? Come on, dude. Don't leave me hanging. Just say it.
Jj: Look, I think it's possible that gabby isn't back at all.
Gabi: [Sighs] Uh...
[Gasps] You said half an hour.
Abigail: It sounded important, so I hurried.
Gabi: How long have you been standing there?
Abigail: Just walked in. You seem kind of jumpy. Why's that?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Stefan: I swear I'm not trying to cause trouble.
Jennifer: Then what are you doing?
Stefan: I'm worried about abigail's state of mind. Is she here?
Jennifer: No.
Stefan: Then may I come in and ask you a few questions? Please?
Jennifer: I'll make a deal with you. I will answer every single one of your questions if you stop badgering my daughter.
Stefan: I didn't think I was, uh, badgering abigail, but if that's what you want--
Jennifer: That's what I want.
Stefan: Okay, fine.
Jennifer: Fine, you can come in, and you'd better make it fast.
Stefan: Okay.
[Clears throat] Do you know why abigail didn't go to see dr. Evans?
Jennifer: Yes, because marlena wasn't feeling up to it yet.
Stefan: She can't see someone else?
Jennifer: We suggested that, but abigail believes that marlena knows more about her case than any other therapist, so she's willing to wait.
Stefan: Okay. But if she's suffering from D.I.D. Again--
Jennifer: We don't know that.
Stefan: But-- [Chuckles] But if she is, then wouldn't it be best to have it diagnosed right away?
Jennifer: That is abigail's decision and not yours.
Stefan: Unless my gabby's the one in control.
Jj: What made her split before was not being able to face that she killed andre. Well, she's faced that now.
Chad: Um, but--but she's pregnant with stefan's child. That's enough to throw anyone off balance.
Jj: If gabby was out long enough to go buy a wig, why didn't she just throw it on and go straight to stefan?
Chad: I don't know. Maybe she's better at keeping her under control this time.
Jj: Yeah, maybe.
Chad: Look, I... we need to take care of this before it gets worse. All right? We need to get her help.
Jj: There might be another explanation to what's happening.
Chad: What's that?
Jj: What if my sister isn't sick at all? What if she's being set up?
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: I'm sorry, I just, uh-- I want this to go well.
Abigail: What are you talking about? Why was it so important for me to come over here?
Gabi: Why don't you, uh, take a seat? Here. I, um--I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day. And chad, he--he told me about finding the wig in your bedroom and that you were pretty upset at him, and I just feel like it's--it's all my fault.
Abigail: Well, how would it be your fault?
GabI: Your tea's getting cold.
Abigail: I gave up tea and coffee.
Gabi: It's herbal. Low caffeine.
Something wrong?
Abigail: Yeah. If you think I'm falling for this, you're wrong. Little dakota's nose was quivering in fear. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.
Rafe: Ben was trying to frame himself?
Hope: No. Me.
Rafe: You?
Hope: Yes. Rafe, don't you remember what jj said? That whoever planted that can might have been trying to help us but only made things worse.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Well, what if it were the complete opposite? What if the person was trying to upend the entire investigation? How about that?
Rafe: Okay. Okay, now i see where you're going with this.
Hope: Right? Oh, my god. Oh! Ben knew that when he didn't leave salem that I would eventually find evidence to bury him.
Rafe: Yeah, and because he's clever, he went to the site of the cabin on fire, he left that can of accelerant knowing exactly where you would find it.
Hope: Exactly.
Rafe: And that ultimately you would be determined that it had been tampered with.
Hope: Bingo. And if it didn't, I'm sure he would have been more than happy to help his attorney stumble upon the fact that the fingerprint had been transferred onto the can.
Rafe: And everyone would think that you had done it.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: Because you were so determined to bring him down. And by everyone, I mean me.
Hope: Rafe.
Rafe: No, I played right into his hands. Right into them.
Hope: You did.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Thank god. Thank god that you did.
Rafe: Wh--
Hope: Because you double checked the print, you stopped me from playing right into his hands. If we go to trial based on what I found, it would have blown up in our faces. Oh, my god, this is a second opportunity. This is a second chance for us to nail that bastard. Oh, god.
Claire: We were shaking hands because ben said that he needs a job and I said I'd put in a good word for him here at the café.
Ben: Right. And I was just thanking her.
Tripp: Wait, so you wanna work here?
Ben: I mean, I'll take whatever I can get at this point.
Ciara: Since when do you want to help ben? I mean, you're not exactly his biggest fan.
Claire: Well, he couldn't afford to buy breakfast this morning, and honestly I just felt kind of bad for him. Especially after the police had to admit that the new evidence against him was phony. Which means that he's innocent. Right? Isn't that what you're always saying?
Ciara: Yeah.
Claire: Didn't stop you from kicking him out of our apartment, though. Sorry, sorry. Uh, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I know that you had no choice but to ask him to move out.
Ciara: What does that mean?
Claire: Well, there's only one reason that you being around can make tripp feel uncomfortable.
Ben: Well, I can think of more than one reason about--
Claire: No, no. She doesn't want him to notice that she has a thing for you.
Tripp: I-I don't get any of this. Why did you have to kick ben out?
Chad: What makes you think that abigail's being set up?
Jj: Because of what I just told you. She insists that it doesn't feel like the last time.
Chad: Well, that would explain the time lapse.
Jj: She says that when she wakes up, she doesn't remember getting sleepy, and pregnant women get tired, obviously. Someone could be taking advantage of that.
Chad: And the wig?
Jj: Could have been planted. Abigail checked. She doesn't have any record of buying it.
Chad: If she paid cash she wouldn'T.
Jj: Well, I pointed that out and she admitted that could be right.
Chad: What about the text to stefan?
Jj: Someone could have used her cell.
Chad: How? I mean, her and I are the only ones that know the code on that cell phone. And I sure as hell didn't send it. You know, and then there's the other question. I mean, who would want her to think that she's splitting again? Stefan?
Jj: He definitely benefits if gabby with a y is out. But abigail thinks it's gabi with an I.
Gabi: I'm sorry, you're not falling for what?
Abigail: Well, you're inviting me over for tea. You're apologizing. Claiming you never intended to make trouble.
Gabi: I really don't know what you mean.
Abigail: You knew exactly what you were doing when you told chad about the text message I supposedly sent to stefan.
Gabi: Look, I swear to god, I only told chad because I was worried about you and it wasn't until later I realized I was doing exactly what stefan wanted.
Abigail: Which is what?
Gabi: Well, he wanted me to ask about the text so that he could tell me he thought the gabby alter was back and he wanted me to tell chad I was worried about you and I did.
Abigail: You are too smart to be played by him. You're in on the game, aren't you?
Gabi: Abigail, what game?
Abigail: I don't care what you say. You are not on my side. Can you swear that you are not doing anything to get between chad and me?
Gabi: Yes. Yes, I have been honest with you. And I admit it did take me longer than what I said to get over what you did to me when you weren't yourself. But when I saw that you felt really bad, I was able to let go of that resentment. And I want to help you. I really do, especially if your alters are back. Okay, please believe me. Fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
Hope: I should have known that something was off.
Rafe: NO.
Hope: It was just too damn easy.
Rafe: No, you were just trying to protect your daughter.
Hope: I ignored my instincts.
Rafe: We go get him. We go get him now, we bring him in here. We confront hiM.
Hope: Wait. I don't know.
Rafe: He thinks he's gotten away with it. We surprise him. We get him in here. We get a confession out of him.
Hope: Wait. Not yet.
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: Ciara?
Ciara: I told you, I did it for us.
Claire: Oh, come on. You did it for grandma hope, and you know it. Ben accused her of trying to frame him, so how could you let him live with us?
Tripp: Yeah, and how would your grandma feel about you getting ben a job?
Claire: I did not guarantee him a job. I just said I'd put in a good word for him. And, you know, besides, you feel really bad for saying that about grandma hope, right?
Ben: I just wanna put the whole thing behind me. To make a fresh start.
Ciara: I hope you can. And if they offer you a job here, I think you should take it. Claire and tripp get free meals all the time.
Ben: Ah, well, free food doesn't sound half bad.
Ciara: Why do you think we're here?
Tripp: Yeah, but you're probably sick of the menu by now, though, right? So let me treat you to lunch somewhere else.
Claire: Oh, look at you. Big spender. Why would you pay if you don't have to?
Tripp: As long as it's to go. You okay here?
Ciara: Yeah, no problem.
Claire: See? Everything's cool. All right, I'm gonna go help you pack that up.
Stefan: All right, look. You've been through this before. So do you think abigail's alters have come back?
Jennifer: Stefan. This is a really painful subject and it's really none of your business.
Stefan: I-I understand that. I already know that abigail has lost periods of time and she sent me a text message that she doesn't remember sending. Has there been any more incidents--
Jennifer: I am not going to inform on my daughter to you.
Stefan: So there has been.
Jennifer: Don't you put words in my mouth.
Stefan: Look. Abigail is carrying my child, so I'm more than just a nosy bystander.
Jennifer: No, you're an interested bystander. You are actually rooting for abigail to have a relapse, especially if your gabby is back.
Stefan: Hold on.
Jennifer: That's what you want.
Stefan: No, you and I made a deal here. I wouldn't confront abigail if you answered my questions.
Jennifer: No, I know that, but don'T... okay, fine. Fine, there was something, but you promised to leave abigail alone.
Stefan: Tell me. Tell me!
Jennifer: Chad was here the other night, and he went in abigail's room and he found a black wig.
Stefan: A gabby wig?
Jennifer: Yes.
Chad: So you and abigail think that gabi--like, what? She's gaslighting?
Jj: Look, I don't wanna think that, but abigail brought up some stuff that I couldn't argue with.
Chad: Like what?
Jj: Like gabi finally admitted that she was way more pissed off at abigail than she said she was.
Chad: It makes sense. I mean, she did send her to prison.
Jj: And she probably can't have kids because of the beating she got there, yeah.
Chad: I thought gabi knew that abby was sick when she lied on the stand.
Jj: Well, she said she did. But then they finally had it out and gabi admitted that, uh...
Chad: She lied about pretending?
Jj: Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, uh, they said how sorry they were and they made peace. But abigail thinks gabi didn't mean a word of what she said.
Chad: Then why would she say it?
Jj: To get abigail to trust her.
Chad: I mean, if gabi was gonna do something like that to make abby think she had D.I.D. Again, that'd be... it'd be ridiculously cruel.
Jj: Yeah, well, remember way back when you and melanie jonas were talking about getting married, and gabi hired that creep andrew to kidnap melanie? Well, that was pretty cruel. But gabi did it.
Abigail: I want to believe you, but I have known you for a long time, and I can tell when you aren't being straight with me.
Gabi: This is--this is stefan's fault. Okay, he's trying to convince you that I'm not really your friend.
Abigail: No. Mm-mm. Not him.
Gabi: What are you talking about? He's trying-- he's making sure that you don't trust anybody but him, and you cannot let that happen. Chad already told me that-- that you're upset at him and your mom.
Abigail: I-I was, but I'm--
Gabi: But you cannot push me away too. I am your best friend. I would never do anything to hurt you. You have to believe me, okay?
Abigail: No. I don't believe you. Not for A... minute.
Gabi: Mm.
[Scoffs] You're catching on way faster than I thought you would. But it's not gonna make a difference.
[Groans] Okay. Here.
All right, it's time for a little field trip, gabby.
Hope: Jumping in head first without thinking, that's what got me into trouble in the first place. I can't accuse ben based on a theory. We need proof. We need solid evidence. And we have to build this case twice as carefully. Everyone knows that I have a vested interest in getting ben because of ciara.
Rafe: Yeah, that's what-- smart. Okay. Then what's our plan?
Hope: I wanna keep it close to my vest. Just between us.
Rafe: Done.
Hope: We let ben think that he has the upper hand, while we get what we need to nail him. And just when he thinks that he's gotten away with it... pew! We send him away forever.
Ciara: I'm sorry that I asked you to move out. I just... thought it was for the best.
Ben: No, I get it. Staying with you was only supposed to be temporary.
Ciara: Where have you been sleeping?
Ben: I just went back to the homeless shelter. It's really not that bad.
Ciara: If you need to borrow any more money, I--
Ben: No. No, I do not. You've helped me more than enough. Trust me. When I get a job, I'll find a better place to live, but to be honest, the thing about the shelter, I wait about half as long to take a shower now as I did when I lived with you and claire.
Ciara: [Laughs] Oh, my god. Claire is the one who takes forever.
Ben: Mm. Yeah, it's her fault.
Ciara: No, I mean-- I looked through the keyhole once, and she was singing into her hair dryer like it was a hand mic or something. She put on this whole concert. It was ridiculous.
Ben: Well, I tell you what, you don't sing, well, you may not sing, but it takes you an hour to dry your hair.
Ciara: It does not.
Ben: I timed it.
Ciara: Okay.
[Laughs] I guess it takes me longer than I thought to, uh, put on the natural looK.
Ben: Oh, you don't need it. I've seen you first thing in the morning, and you are beautiful. Sorry.
Ciara: No, we're cool. Thanks.
Tripp: You ready?
Ciara: Yeah.
Stefan: So she's got the wig? The one that gabby wore.
Jennifer: I suppose. Do not-- do not say a word to abigail about this--
Stefan: Does she know about it?
Jennifer: Chad showed it to her, she has no idea how it got in her room.
Stefan: All right, so gabby's back, that proves it.
Jennifer: What are you doing? What are you doing?
Stefan: I'm the only one that gabby trusts.
Jennifer: No, but abigail--
Stefan: What are you doing?
Jennifer: I'm not gonna let you pressure her right now. No.
Stefan: I wouldn't-- I wouldn't do that.
Jennifer: Oh, really? All of a sudden, you're a man of honor? You knew that abigail had this illness and you don't tell her husband or her family so that you could have gabby all to yourself, right?
Stefan: I was trying--
Jennifer: What?
Stefan: I was trying to protect her.
Jennifer: Protect her? You had sex with her! You don't care about her. You care about yourself and your--and your sick needs at my daughter's expense. My daughter may be sick again and look at you. You are thrilled about it! You are--you are so sick! You disgust me!
Gabi: Oh! Abigail, I mean, you're really packing on the pregnancy pounds. All right. Listen, you should cut down on the carbs, okay. Trust me, it's not gonna hurt the baby.
[Sighs] Yeah, I guess this is how gabby would dress pregnant. Hope this stuff still fits. (Woman) one year ago today mom started searching for her words.
Ciara: I love the food at the café. Why did you say you thought I might be sick of it?
Tripp: Honestly, I was just trying to get away from ben.
[Chuckles] Now I might end up working with the guy.
Ciara: Come on. He needs the money.
Tripp: Yeah, but there are-- there are plenty of other towns where they have plenty of other jobs that don't know ben's record.
Ciara: You're not gonna like what I'm about to say.
Tripp: No, but you're probably gonna say it anyway, aren't you?
Ciara: Mm-hmm. Can you just try and give him a chance?
Tripp: Why? I mean, who in this town is going to be thrilled when ben walks up to take their order? I mean, you do realize that we have to wear neck ties...
Ciara: Yeah.
Tripp: On this job.
Ciara: He's not that person anymore, tripp.
Tripp: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: I mean, the doctors let him out of his institution. They wouldn't have done that if they thought otherwise and marlena agrees.
Tripp: Yeah, but there's a big gap between okay, you know, maybe the guy is different now and then wanting to hang out with the guy.
Ciara: His dad used to beat him and his sister up when they were kids.
Tripp: S-so? Nothing's his fault?
Ciara: No, I'm just-- I'm just saying that he has a good heart. You know? I mean, look at all the time and effort he put into fixing my dad's bike.
Tripp: Yeah, well, he probably felt guilty trying to burn you alive.
Ciara: He didn't do that. Would you please just not judge him based off of who he was? He's a totally different person now. Even claire's come around. She sees that he's not so bad.
Claire: I didn't know you had worked in a restaurant before.
Ben: Yeah, back before doug's place-- it was called club tbd. Are you really gonna try to help me get a job here? I mean, I know the whole thing was an excuse, but--
Claire: Yeah, but it's a very good excuse that can work in our favor. It'll give us a cover for hanging out while we work out how to break up tripp and ciara.
Ben: Yeah, claire, you know, I've actually thought a little bit more about that, and, uh, I'm not gonna be any part of that.
Claire: What?
Ben: No, I just didn't like the way you lied to her. You know, and then I had to back you up, and I really didn't like that--it was the first time I've ever lied to her since we met.
Claire: No offense, ben, but you've done a lot worse than lie to people.
Ben: I wasn't in my right mind back then, claire. She was the first person that I connected with when my head was on straight. I won her over. She's always gonna be special to me. We've been honest, completely, from the very start, and what we have is just... pure.
Claire: Okay. You know, pure is fine. Pure is great, I guess, but, um, you know, tripp's the one she's having sex with. And it's gonna stay that way unless we do something about it.
Ben: Yeah, you want to do something dishonest.
Claire: Ben, like I told you before, and I really thought you understood me, they are wrong for each other. Okay? And we're gonna help them figure that out. I belong with tripp, and you belong with ciara. Are you on board with me or not?
Stefan: Uh, I'm not a monster. I've always thought of gabby as the true essence of abigail. And I would never pressure her. It's bad for her and it's bad for the baby. And whether you like it or not, I am that child's father and I will be there for abigail if she needs me.
Jennifer: No, you won't need to be because I'm gonna be there for her and jj and her husband and we're gonna take care of all of her needs, and if you love her and that baby as much as you claim, you will leave her alone.
Stefan: With all due respect, I will be there for my child.
Jennifer: And I will be there for mine too. And you've already hurt her enough, so I'm just telling you, if you do anything to jeopardize her mental health, I promise you, you will regret it.
Stefan: Understood. I don't know how to convince you that I will never harm her.
Jennifer: Take this. Take this!
Stefan: What--
Jennifer: And get out of my house. Get out of my house! Get out of my daughter's life! Get out!
Stefan: Okay. Okay.
Chad: I would never forget what gabi did to melanie. But neither would gabi. And I thought she was over all of that.
Jj: Well, my sister came back from what she did.
Chad: I mean, everything kind of points to the contrary.
Jj: Yeah, I know, but I think we at least owe it to abigail to keep our minds open to the idea that she might be right.
Chad: But we wouldn't be sitting here, speculating, if she would just go see a doctor and she won't, so, I don't know, maybe I'm the one that has to... you know, force her.
Jj: Force her how?
Chad: I'm just saying, I have--I have a son to worry about too. I need to protect him as well.
Jj: Yeah. Yeah, look, I get that, and I want her to see a doctor too, so does mom. We're gonna get to the bottom of this.
Gabi: [Sighs] Welcome back, fake gabby. Let the games begin.
Tripp: Well, I know at least ben doesn't live here anymore. The guy snored like a truck driver.
Ciara: I never heard him.
Tripp: Yeah, well, maybe because your snoring drowned him out.
Ciara: Me?
[Laughs] I don't snore.
Tripp: [Chuckles]
Ciara: Oh! [Laughs]
Tripp: Okay. Okay. I cannot believe you just did that. This is like my favorite shirt.
Ciara: Hmm. I guess you're just gonna have to take it off, then.
Tripp: Oh, okay. Well... [Sighs] Better?
Ciara: Mm. Much.
Tripp: Well, uh, you know, uh, see, um... oh.
Ciara: No!
Tripp: Oh, well, I guess you're just gonna have to take it off, then.
Ciara: [Chuckles] I could.
Tripp: Uh-huh.
Ciara: I could do that. I could. Or I could do this.
[Both laugh]
Tripp: Okay. Okay. All right.
Ciara: No, no, no, no, no. You--
Tripp: Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That's a good one.
Ciara: It is so on.
Tripp: That's a good one.
Ciara: Oh, my god! You got it in my eyes! Stop!
Tripp: Okay, okay.
Claire: Ben, this plan isn't gonna work if you keep going back and forth.
Hope: Hi.
Claire: Grandma hope, hi.
Hope: Hi, honey.
Claire: What are you guys doing here?
Hope: We'd like a moment alone with ben.
Claire: Okay, well, if you're gonna give him a hard time about sitting here with me--
Hope: No. It's not that. Actually, I... I'd like to apologize. I'm gonna apologize to him.
Jj: Hey, mom.
Jennifer: Hey.
Jj: You look upset.
Jennifer: I am upset. Stefan was just here and he was asking me all these questions about abigail.
Jj: And what, he thought he'd get that from you?
Jennifer: Jj, he did! He did get that from me because I--because I made a deal with him that if I was honest with him and answered all of his questions, he would leave abigail alone.
Jj: Mom, he lies for a living.
Jennifer: I know that, jj! But I told him. I told him about the wig and now he believes that his precious gabby is back.
Jj: Listen, mom, I'm sorry you had to deal with that creep.
Jennifer: Abigail didn't have to deal with it because she's not here.
Jj: You know where she went?
Jennifer: No. I tried calling her, it went straight to voicemail.
Jj: I talked to her before you came home, she didn't mention any plans to go out.
Jennifer: Oh, god, I hope she's all right.
Abigail: Gabi? Are you here?
Gabi: No one's here. Great.
[Grunts] This is a little bit heavier than I thought it would be, but I gotta make it look real. Okay, it's now or never.
The day after chemo might
mean a trip back to
Ciara: Wait! No, no, no, no!
Tripp: Yep, yep, yep, yep.
Ciara: You win! You win! You win! You win! Stop!
Tripp: Well, you know, if i win, that means I should get some sort of prize, don't you think?
Ciara: Yeah.
[Laughs] You got this ketchup everywhere!
[Both laugh]
Claire: I'm gonna go, uh, give this to fran.
Ben: Thank you. So I'm assuming you saying you want to apologize to me would get claire to leave, right?
Hope: No. I meant it. I want to apologize to you, ben, for arresting you on the basis of faulty evidence. It was obviously planted, as you had stated. And I am sorry. I--I treated you unfairly.
Ben: I just want to put the whole thing behind me.
Hope: Thank you... for being... so gracious. Thank you.
Ben: Likewise.
Rafe: Right, we gotta get going.
Hope: Bye.
Ben: See you.
Rafe: That was really cool how calm you stayed. I know that couldn't have been easy.
Hope: Worth it.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Next time... he's not gonna see me coming.
Jj: You know, mom, I, uh-- I wouldn't worry. When I talked to abs, I said I think she should see another doctor until, you know, marlena can see her, and, uh, she said she'd think about it.
Jennifer: Really? She did?
Jj: Yeah, yeah. You know what? Maybe that's where she is right now, getting the help she needs.
Jennifer: Okay.
Jj: Yeah.
Abigail: What the hell am I doing here?
Stefan: Gabby?
Gabi: Ugh! Damn, that hurt!
Chad: Gab? Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Gabi? Gabi? Gabi?
Gabi: Ow.
Chad: Hey. What happened? What happened?
Gabi: Chad, abigail attacked me.
Chad: Wh--
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