Days Transcript Friday 10/5/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/5/18


Episode #13374 ~ Eric leaves town to track down Nicole; Chad shares his discovery with Jennifer; Roman and Kate agree to work together to take down Stefan; Mimi Lockhart returns to Salem.

Provided By Suzanne

Roman: Kate. You look lonely.

Kate: Are you offering to join me?

Roman: No, I'm just surprised to see kate roberts hurting for company.

Kate: [Laughs] Well, actually, I just came back from the hospital, where I was hoping to see marlena, but your rather...officious sister kept me from that.

Roman: Yeah, well, marlena's guests should be kept at a minimum. Apparently, a coma is more exhausting than you'd think.

Kate: Hmm. Yet she had the energy for marriage, a wedding?

Roman: Very life-affirming, don't you think?

Kate: Yes, I do think, so if you manage to get past that gatekeeper, please give them both my congratulations.

Roman: Course I will, and unless you're waiting for somebody, uh, can I join you?

Kate: Yes, of course.

Roman: Good. 'Cause... I have a proposition.

[Dramatic music]

[Disquieting music]

Stefan: Hey, uh--

Kayla: Abigail. Is everything all right?

Abigail: Hi. I-I know marlena's, um, recovering, and I hate to bother her, but--

Stefan: We need to see her now.

Kayla: I'm getting the impression this is not a social call.

Abigail: It's not. I need marlena's help--badly.

Kayla: What's going on?

Abigail: I think I might be sick again.

Chad: Ah, so gabby's back.

Jennifer: Bills, bills, bills, bills. What is this?

[Breathes raggedly]

Maggie: I can help you.

Eric: But you said you couldn'T.

Maggie: I was lying. I know where nicole is.

Eric: You do?

Maggie: Yes. And I think you deserve to know too.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Bonnie: Why the hell did you drag me back here? You said nothing about coming back to the cop shop.

Lucas: You didn't say anything about dragging me to brookville and back, did you?

Bonnie: I didn't drag you anywhere.

Lucas: Yes, you did. We had a deal. I get adrienne to drop the charges, and you take me to see my daughter.

Bonnie: Yes, I'm familiar with the terms.

Lucas: And what happened when we got there? There was no baby bonnie to be found, was there?

Bonnie: I don't know! There must be a logical explanation!

Lucas: Shut up! Shut up! I've had enough of you and your lies! I am done with it! I'm done!

Bonnie: What's that supposed to mean?

Lucas: This is your first stop on your way back to statesvillE.

Chloe: You know what? I think I'm gonna give you both some privacy.

Maggie: Thank you.

Eric: So all this time...

Maggie: I never wanted to lie to you, eric, but I felt I didn't have a choice. I had promised nicole that I would never tell anyone where she and holly were.

Eric: Then why now?

Maggie: Because... I found out why nicole really left salem. Victor finally told me the truth about everything that happened.

Eric: Everything?

Maggie: You told me that brady forced nicole to leave town. And now I know how he was able to do that. Listen. I know what nicole did, but don't worry. I'm not gonna tell anyone. But now that I know the whole story, it's clear to me that nicole needs help, and the only person that she can get that from is you.

[Tender music]

Chad: Hey, jennifer.

Jennifer: [Gasps] Oh, gosh, chad.

Chad: Hey, uh...

Jennifer: Hey.

Chad: Have you seen abigail?

Jennifer: Uh, no. I-I-I...I was actually-- I would ask you the same thing.

Chad: Uh, last I knew, she was at a doctor's appointment.

Jennifer: Oh, okay. That explains it.

Chad: Uh... actually, you know what? It's not, um... it's not about where she is. It's more about who she is.

[Dramatic music]

Kate: A proposition? Can't imagine.

Roman: Kate, you know what? I'm gonna cut right to the chase, okay? I found out through an excellent source that you worked with leo starke to file a phony lawsuit against sonny kiriakis.

Kate: I don't know what you're talking about.

Roman: We've seen your photos-- you, leo, that lawyer laurent-- all conspiring in your room at the salem inn. The same photos stefan used to blackmail you.

Kate: How could you possibly have known about those? Don't stop on my account. Obviously, you were looking for something in my desk. Could I offer some assistance?

Kayla: I'm sorry. Um... it was a--it was a-- it was a pen.

Kate: A pen?

Kayla: Yes, um... to sign the, um-- the budget addendum that we had agreed upon at the last, uh, board meeting.

Kate: Kayla. Did you ever speak to stefan about that bionic eye for patch?

Kayla: No, um, steve didn't want me to.

Kate: Mm, I figured as much. Sometimes the men in our lives just don't know what's good for them.

Kayla: Yeah. Who's the man in your life?

Kate: [Scoffs] Kayla. Kayla. The day I found her in my room. Someone sent her to spy on me, huh?

Roman: By george, she's got it. And I'm sure you've figured out she was sent there by none other than stefan.

Kate: That bitch.

Roman: Look, not that my sister needs defending, especially given what you've been up to, but for the record, she feels terrible about dragging you into this mess, which is why I want to help you get out of it.

[Suspenseful music]

Kayla: Tell me, why do you think gabby's back?

Abigail: Not really sure that she is. I-I don't feel the way that I did before, yet I can't ignore what's been happening.

Kayla: Like what?

Abigail: Well, like, um... I'm missing time again, and then I went and I sent a text message to stefan I don't even remember sending.

Kayla: That's all?

Abigail: No, and I was supposed to go for a picnic with chad and thomas, and I was really looking forward to it, and then I fell asleep, and I missed it, and I-I don't even remember lying down.

Kayla: You know what? This doesn't surprise me. Do you know, when I was pregnant with joey, I was so sleepy all the time. Look, I understand your worry, okay? But try not to jump to conclusions yet, okay?

Abigail: I'm trying not to, but... I just feel like if I could see marlena, I think it would help, and I know that she's recovering, and I feel awful, but grandma's in india, and I don't know how I feel about seeing another doctor right now.

Kayla: I get it. Um, you know, why don't I just see if marlena's up to it and, uh, I'll speak with her and get back to you, okay?

Abigail: Okay. Thank you.

Kayla: Why don't you go home and get some rest?

Abigail: Okay.

Stefan: I'll drive you.

Abigail: I can get home on my own, thank you. Shouldn't have been here in the first place.

Kayla: Stefan.

Stefan: Not now.

Kayla: Yes, now.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Tense music]

Jennifer: So stefan thinks that abigail's did is coming back?

Chad: I mean, I didn't want-- I didn't want to believe it.

Jennifer: Why? Why would you? Why would you believe anything that man says?

Chad: I don't, of course, but I--you know, I talked to abigail about it, but you know as well as I do, if she relapsed, then... then her alters are gonna do everything they can to hide it from the people she loves.

Jennifer: Yeah, I-I do know that.

Chad: I don't want this to be true, okay? But... I-I don't know. I-I... how else do you explain that?

Jennifer: I don't know.

Bonnie: You can't send me back to prison. We had a deal.

Lucas: Yeah, the deal was, you get to walk away free and clear if I get my daughter back. Gee, which part of that didn't come true? Get it through your skull!

Bonnie: I'm not trying to take your daughter away from you! I don't know why she wasn't there when we showed up!

Lucas: Really?

Bonnie: Really! Really! But maybe if we hadn't left there, dragged me back here, maybe if we hadn't done that, maybe the baby would be sitting in your arms right now.

Lucas: I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

Bonnie: [Sighs] Look, let me just make a phone call, all right? A freaking phone call that's gonna explain everything! Please!

Lucas: Yeah, right. Fine. Fine, here's-- here, make it quick.

Bonnie: Thank you. Oh, hell no. Privacy, please.

Lucas: Oh, now you need privacy. What, are you gonna pass my daughter off on another fugitive? No way.

Bonnie: Look, the sooner you skedaddle, the sooner you're gonna be holding our child. Now get out, please!

Lucas: One wrong move... I mean it. I'm gonna be right outside.

Bonnie: Okay, you're gonna be right outside. You're gonna be right outside.

Lucas: That's right. I'll be waiting.

[Door slams]

[Line rings]

Bonnie: Yes, it's me! Where the hell are you? Lucas is breathing down my neck. Ha! Well, that's easy for you to say. I am going back to prison if you don't produce that baby pronto! Now, where the hell is she?

Lucas: Chloe, it's me.

Chloe: Hey, lucas, I was starting to get worried.

Lucas: I know. I should have called you sooner.

Chloe: What's going on?

Lucas: Well, nothing i shouldn't have predicted myself. I cannot believe I listened to a word that idiot said.

Chloe: Oh, god, what happened?

Lucas: Well, you won't believe this. You know what? On second thought, maybe you will. Bonnie dragged me all the way to brookville. When we got there, there was no baby to be found.

Chloe: Oh, lucas.

Lucas: I don't know what kind of prank she's pulling. I really don'T. But I'm gonna tell you right now, there is no way that low-life lunatic is gonna get away with it.

Maggie: Here's nicole's address. She's staying at my daughter sarah's place in nashville.

Eric: Your daughter's place?

Maggie: Sarah. She's practicing medicine in chicago. She kept her apartment when she left, and nicole is renting it.

Eric: I see. Maggie, thank you.

Maggie: Oh, sure. Of course, sweetheart.

Eric: Thank you so much.

Maggie: Okay. Listen. I'm praying that everything works out, okay?

Eric: Me too. Thank you.

Maggie: Mm.

Chloe: Maggie.

Maggie: Mm!

Chloe: Where's eric?

Maggie: He went to find nicole.

Chloe: Oh. Um... if you don't mind my asking, why would you tell him the truth now?

Maggie: Oh, chloe, it's such a long and complicated story. I hope the ending is that nicole comes home, 'cause I miss holly so much.

Chloe: Me too.

Maggie: Speaking of babies, what's happening with lucas and little bonnie?

Chloe: [Sighs]

Bonnie: Okay. Okay, okay, fine.

Lucas: Come on, you're done. Let's go.

Bonnie: No, just hold your horses. Wouldn't want you bugging my contact.

Lucas: Yeah, right.

Bonnie: Here you go.

Lucas: Thank you.

Bonnie: Let's go.

Lucas: Go? Where the hell we going now?

Bonnie: Duh! To see your baby, for real this time.

Kate: So you're telling me that noble, upstanding kayla johnson handed stefan the leverage to blackmail me.

Roman: The last thing my sister would want is to cause anyone to suffer, kate, but she had no choice. Stefan forced her into it, just like he did you.

Kate: [Scoffs, laughs] Gee, something we have in common.

Roman: You have something else in common: Me wanting to end this nightmare for both of you. And I'm telling you, if you and I work together, we can bring that son of a bitch down.

Kayla: It sounded to me like abigail didn't even want you here.

Stefan: My relationship with abigail is none of your concern.

Kayla: Of course it's my concern, since it's because of that relationship that you pressured me into giving you access to her medical records, a decision that I now deeply regret. But just so we're clear, I'm done with that. It's over.

Stefan: Need I remind you, dr.--

Kayla: What? What? That you will blind steve again with just a push of a button? Oh, I haven't forgotten. But now I know what else you can do to destroy our lives.

Stefan: I'm not quite sure what you mean.

Roman: Kayla, damn it, I need to know everything, all right, so I can help you, so I can help steve. Talk to me.

Kayla: I provided stefan with abigail's confidential medical records so that he could keep tabs on her pregnancy.

Roman: Oh, kay.

Kayla: I know. I feel terrible about it. But you know what? Stefan was holding all the cards. He told me that he could just wipe out steve's sight with just--just a push of a button. I mean, god, if I would've known the extent of control this bastard would have, I--

Roman: Okay, all right, all right, this is just a theory at this point.

Kayla: No, it's not. It makes perfect sense. I need to--I need to go to the feds, and I-I need to clear steve's name.

Roman: Well, you're right about that. You are right. The feds need to know. But, kayla, no one else. And you do not confront stefan with this, not now. I don't want you overplaying your hand.

Kayla: What I mean is, I made that deal with you because I thought restoring steve's eyesight was worth any cost. But now I realize that nothing is worth being indebted to you. So go ahead. Go through with your pathetic threat. Blind steve again. Go ahead. We've been through worse. And I can tell you something. I promise you this. You will not win.

Stefan: Mm.

Chad: Yeah, abby, thomas, and I were gonna go on this picnic, and--and then she-- she sleeps through it, and then--and then suddenly-- we reschedule, and then she-- all of a sudden, she cancels because she has a doctor's appointment. So I assumed it was an ob, but--

Jennifer: Can we go to the hospital and look for her?

Chad: Yeah, but--

Jennifer: Can we please just leave now and go find her?

Chad: Okay, okay, we-- stop. Stop. Stop.

Jennifer: I just want to find my keys. Let's just go find her.

Chad: What if she's going back to a psychiatrist?

Jennifer: Hey, baby.

Abigail: Hi. What's going on? You guys seem upset.

Chad: Hey. Uh...

[Stammering] I came over 'cause I'm worried about you.

Jennifer: And, uh-- and he found this.

[Dramatic music]

Maggie: This is a new low, even for bonnie, using her child to get out of prison. And what's even worse, now she's trying to back out of the deal.

Chloe: Yeah. But don't worry. Lucas won't let her. He's determined to find his daughter.

Maggie: Of course he is. My god, to have all this thrown at you so suddenly.

Chloe: Yeah. Honestly, maggie, I'm worried about lucas. I know he's taking his sobriety seriously, but... with a situation like this that's so stressful and life-changing, I just think, "what if?"

Maggie: Stop it with the what-ifs. Lucas, he's been in good shape lately--physically and psychologically. I just have faith that he's gonna handle this new development in his life. And if it becomes difficult, you're gonna be there for him. And I'm gonna make sure he knows that he can reach out to me whenever he needs to.

Chloe: Thank you, maggie. Lucas is very lucky to have you.

Maggie: Oh, chloe. We know that lucas is a wonderful father. And in spite of the obvious challenges that he's likely to be confronted with-- I mean, given that bonnie lockhart is the mother of his little girl-- we have to believe that he is gonna rise to those challenges.

Chloe: Yes.

Maggie: [Laughs]

Chloe: We have to believe that.

Maggie: Yes.

Bonnie: Calm down, would you? I told you the baby's in here.

Lucas: Where's the baby, huh? In the minibar or something? I cannot believe I fell for this again.

Bonnie: What? Get--get your hands off me!

Lucas: Come on, we're going back to the police station right now.

[Baby cooing]

[Dramatic music]

Bonnie: You were saying?

Abigail: Where'd you get that?

Chad: In your room, under your bed.

Abigail: Well, I didn't put it there. The police kept gabby's wig because it was evidence. So what are you telling me, that gabby's come back and she went and and she bought herself another wig?

Jennifer: Abigail, we-- we don't know what to think.

Abigail: And I mean, what are you doing here? You were supposed to take thomas for a picnic.

Chad: I was--I did.

Abigail: Okay, so where is he?

Chad: Gabi's watching him.

Abigail: Gabi, okay.

Chad: Stop. She's-- you know what? She--she's worried about you too.

Jennifer: Gabi told chad that--that there might be a chance, a possibility that your did is coming back.

Abigail: Well, I don't know how she would know anything about it.

Chad: Stefan told her. When you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. That's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. It's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses, the rest is up to you. That's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. They're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn'T. Depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or co-payments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more. You can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. Plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're travelling. With humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. You can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. Each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money. So how do you find the plan that's right for you, one that fits your needs and your budget? Call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. It's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer.

Maggie: Chloe, um... I know that you and lucas are working on your relationship again, and I'm so happy about that.

Chloe: Me too.

Maggie: Darling, um... I see concern in your eyes. I mean, does it worry you that if the two of you make a commitment to each other that you'll be... raising his little girl with him? I mean, are you-- are you not ready to take on this responsibility?

Chloe: No, no, no, it's not that. Actually, I just-- I worry about parker and how he's gonna adjust to all of this. He's so used to having me all to himself.

Maggie: Yeah, but it might be good for parker to learn to share, don't you think? I mean, not to mention he's gonna get a chance to play big brother.

[Laughs] And he might like that a lot.

Chloe: True. He might. Honestly, I guess I've always wished that for him, to have a little brother or little sister.

[Sighs] Okay... I guess, honestly, it doesn't have anything to do with parker.

Maggie: Mm.

Chloe: I guess I'm a little bit ashamed to admit this, but... my initial reaction to learning about baby bonnie was really all about me. It was selfish.

Maggie: What do you mean?

Chloe: I mean just the name lockhart alone, it just brings back all these negative and angry feelings that I have because of mimi.

Maggie: Mimi? Well, what does she have to do with this?

Chloe: Well, she was so awful to me, and... I can't help but wonder, what if this little bonnie turns out to be anything like her big sister?

Maggie: Oh, honey. We are talking about a little innocent baby here who is pretty much a clean slate right now. And if she's loved and nurtured by you and lucas...

[Sighs] And she's given a good, positive start in life... oh. Chloe, I'm sure that mimi turned out the way she did because she had a terribly unhappy childhood. And that's not gonna be the case with little bonnie, not with a father like lucas and not with you there to help him raise her.


Chloe: You're right. You're right. It's--it's unkind and unfair of me to assume that this little girl will turn out to be anything other than herself.

Maggie: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Lucas is a great dad, and... okay, you're right. I'm sorry. I'll stop it with this nonsense. I'm not gonna dwell on awful, terrible memories and on this awful person mimi. I will not let her have any power over me anymore, okay?

Maggie: Okay, then!

[Both laugh] You go for it, mama.

[Laughs] Aw.

Lucas: Oh, don't you worry. Don't you worry, baby bonnie. Daddy's here. He's here. And you know what? You are way too cute for that name.

Bonnie: Hey!

Lucas: But it's all right. We're gonna change that, okay? We're gonna spend time together. And I promise I will never-- I know. I'll never leave you alone, like some people do. I'll never let that happen.

Bonnie: You know what? She was only alone for a minute--two, tops.

Lucas: How do you know that? How can you be sure, huh?

Bonnie: Because I know. All right, I filled my end of the bargain. You've seen her. Now go.

Lucas: Go? I'm not going anywhere. What are you talking about?

Bonnie: She's on a schedule. It's her nap time.

Lucas: I don't care. Then I'll watch her sleep. Let go of this.

Bonnie: Ow!

Lucas: You're not getting rid of me. I'm not going anywhere without my daughter.

Abigail: I can't believe it. I can't--I can't trust anyone anymore.

Jennifer: Abigail, no one is out to get you. We want to help you, please.

Abigail: Oh, like stefan? Because he just ran his big mouth to gabi, of all people.

Jennifer: Why would that be a problem? Gabi's your friend.

Abigail: [Laughs] Yeah. Okay, look, it's not her business, and it's not stefan'S.

Chad: Well, stefan told her, and she told me. And she didn't want to tell me. I had to pry it out of her. Did you see marlena?

Abigail: [Scoffs] Yeah, okay? Yeah, I did. I-I went and I tried, but she was asleep, so aunt kayla tells me I gotta go back home. I gotta rest, whatever, come back tomor-- how am I supposed to rest when it doesn't even--

Chad: I know this doesn't-- look at me. I know this doesn't make any sense, all right? But the first time you got sick was right after thomas was born. And now you're dealing with this circumstance and everything going on between us. Look, it's no wonder. You're just stressed out, okay, and I should... I should've been there for you. I'm sorry. And it's probably my fault, why you'd want stefan again. I'm sorry. A once-in-five hundred year storm

Abigail: What are you talking about? I don't want anything to do with stefan, and I've told you that a million times, so I don't really know why that hasn't sunk in.

Chad: It's just that I-I...

Abigail: What?

Chad: Y-y-your alter gabby, um, texted stefan to come over here.

Abigail: Oh. Wow. Well, I guess my good friend gabi's just told you everything, hasn't she?

Chad: Everybody's just worried about you.

Abigail: Mm, that's nice. Look, I don't really remember texting stefan, don't know why I would. I hate him. Nothing would make me happier if I never saw him ever again.

Chad: I understand that, but--but it doesn't matter how you feel, 'cause obviously your alters feel differently. Baby, I just want--I just want-- I just want to help you. Let me help you. Hey, let me help you.

Roman: You do trust me, right, kate? I mean, after all, we do have two kids together, rex and cassie.

Kate: Not exactly conceived in love, roman.

Roman: And yet they bond us in a very special way, right?

Kate: I think it's best that we stick to the subject at hand, which is the proposition.

Roman: Okay. But first, we need to get some things out of the way.

Kate: What kind of things?

Roman: I know what stefan's got over your head. I don't know what he got you to do.

Kate: What are you gonna threaten me with? If I don't help you destroy titan, you're gonna destroy titan? Because chad, he loses his company both ways, you know? So why would I help you with that?

Stefan: Self-preservation, same reason you do everything.

Roman: But I do know that leo disappeared right before his trial date and the lawyer, laurent, vanished too. Kind of weird, don't you think? I mean, would you know anything about that?

Stefan: You know, for a very smart lady, you have rotten taste in men.

Kate: Well, that's really none of your business, now, is it?

Stefan: Why not just kill him yourself?

Kate: Who's talking about killing? Oh, come on. You didn't do that, did you? You didn't kill ted. Please tell me you didn't kill ted.

Stefan: No. No, I didn't kill him. I did what we agreed. Ted has been relocated... permanently.

Kate: And we'll never hear from him again, right? No. I don't know anything about that.

Roman: You know, kate, as much as I would like to extricate you and kayla out of this ugly mess you got yourself into, I don't know that we can work together if you're not dead honest with me. I need the whole picture, the pieces. I need everything.

Kate: Well... I guess then we can't work together.

[Tense music]

Bonnie: What, you think this is a movie of the week with some schmaltzy ending? Nobody said anything about you getting custody.

Lucas: Nobody said anything about me spending two seconds with her.

Bonnie: So, what, you gonna move in?

Lucas: No, I'm not gonna move in, but I can't trust you. How do I know you're not gonna just disappear and take off with her?

Bonnie: Oh, please. Where am I gonna go?

Lucas: I don't want to know.

Bonnie: Lucas, this is my first night on the outside with my baby daughter.

Lucas: This is my first night with her ever! What are you talking about?

Bonnie: Well, that's different. I'm her mother!

Lucas: And I am her father.

Bonnie: No, wait. All right, you know what? All right, fine. I'm going with you.

Lucas: No way. Not a chance in hell you're going with me. You can see the baby tomorrow.

Bonnie: Wait, you can't just go with--you can't just leave with my baby.

Lucas: Oh, yeah? Watch me. Let's go. I'll take care of you. Let's go. Come on.

Bonnie: [Scoffs]

[Sighs] Well, you can come out now.

Mimi: Mom? What the hell did you just do?

You're headed down the highway

Bonnie: Mimi, I'm sorry. Look, you heard him. I didn't have a choice.

Mimi: No choice? Damn it, mom! What is wrong with you? How could you let lucas walk out of here with my baby?

Lucas: Look what I have.

Maggie: Oh, lucas!

Lucas: Amazing, right? I'd like you to meet baby bonnie.

Maggie: Oh! She's beautiful.

Lucas: Gonna smile?

Maggie: Yes, you are.

Lucas: Let's give her a smile.

Maggie: [Laughs]

Lucas: Do it. Yeah!

Roman: You know what, kate? For a woman in trouble, you're being very difficult. But it's your choice. Catch you around.

Kate: Roman. Wait. Your proposition, it's appealing, but it's also extremely, extremely risky.

Roman: Kate, when have you ever been afraid of risk?

Kate: When it makes sense to be. I have a lot at stake here, and if stefan finds out that I'm working against him, I could lose everything.

Roman: He's not gonna know. You're smart as hell, very motivated, and tough as nails. And as you know, I am all that too. So I'm telling you, if we work together, we can bring this bastard down.

Kate: [Sighs]

Roman: What do you say?

Kate: [Sighs]

[Dramatic music]


Stefan: You still owe me. And in my world, you don't get something for nothing.

Kayla: And how do you think abigail figures in all this?

Stefan: Abigail?

Kayla: Yeah. She's carrying your child. How do you think she'll feel when she finds out that you coerced me into giving you access to her medical records?

Stefan: I don't know. How do you think she'll feel when she finds out you gave them to me?

Kayla: You are not gonna blind abigail's uncle. In fact, you're never gonna hurt anybody in this family again because she would never forgive you. And I doubt that she would even let you have any access to the baby at all.

Stefan: Mm-hmm. Well, if gabby's back, she won't care.

Kayla: Well, if gabby's back, she won't be staying. I'll make sure of that. So if you want to know anything about the baby, ask abigail yourself.

Stefan: [Laughs] My, oh, my, dr. J. I can see you get a whole lot of satisfaction out of this, uh, "hear me roar" routine. But I don't begrudge you that. In fact, I respect this "you go, girl" feisty side you got going on. But see, I still hold a lot of cards. And I have a much better hand than you do.

Kayla: I happen to be champ at poker. I'd lay odds on me.

[Tense music]

Jennifer: Abigail, please. This is scary. It's scary for all of us. And we--we love you so much, and we just want you. We want our wonderful, loving abigail, and we don't want for you to suffer anymore. So I'm glad that gabi went to chad, because if there's a problem, please, let us help you. We can fix this together.

Abigail: Look, I admit that there--there are some incidents that I can't explain. I don't know how the wig ended up in my room. But I'm not hearing voices. I don't feel like gabby's back. And quite honestly, I'm not convinced she is. So if the two of you would please just keep your opinions to yourself, tomorrow I'm gonna go to marlena's office and I'm gonna go and I'm gonna sit in that session, and whatever happens is not gonna be gabi's business, it's not gonna be stefan's business, and it's not gonna be your business. We're not even living together. So I really appreciate your concern. Don't go through my things without my permission. I wouldn't do it to you.

Chad: Abby. Abby. Abby. Now what the hell do we do?

[Dramatic music]

[Suspenseful music]

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