Days Transcript Thursday 10/4/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/4/18


Episode #13373 ~ Sami is vindicated when John sheds new light on Marlena's shooting; Chad reels when he finds incriminating evidence stashed in Abigail's bedroom; Abigail makes a confession to Stefan; Maggie reveals to Eric she lied about Nicole.

Provided By Suzanne

Chloe: Hey, lucas, it's me again. I just haven't heard from you since you made that deal with bonnie. Um, did she take you to see the baby? Is the baby with you right now? I'm just really worried about you. Can you please call me back? Thanks.

[Phone beeps]

Eric: Chloe, hey. Hey, I was wondering-- is something wrong?

Chloe: Oh, um, I'm just kind of worried that bonnie lockhart might be leading lucas down a wild goose chase now that she has what she wants from him. I--I'm sorry. What can I do for you?

Eric: Listen, I know I've already asked you this, but I need to find out how I can contact nicole.

Chloe: Eric, I told you. As far as I know, nicole dropped off the face of this earth when she left town.

Eric: Listen, if you can think of any details... anything that might help me find her, I just... chloe, you're my last hope. I'm at a dead end.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: I need to talk to nicole. I figured you two might have been in touch since you're holly's grandma.

[Tense music]

Maggie: I'm sorry, eric. I haven't heard a word from nicole. I have no idea where she is.

[Phone beeps]

[Tense music]

[Exhales] Nicole? It's me. Um, eric was just here. You and I... we have to talk.

Victor: Going to have to get henderson to come down here and teach these people how to build a proper martini.

Maggie: What?

Victor: Martini. Nectar of the gods. You know, I can't believe we had to leave the sanctity of our own home to find some peace and quiet.

Maggie: [Exhales]

Victor: Susan banks. I can hear her voice and her non-stop mouth in my sleep.

Maggie: Well, I'm sure she'll be leaving soon.

Victor: That's not soon enough. Mean, mean, mean man indeed. She's sponging off of me. Living under my roof. And now, gabi hernandez is making herself at home, thank you very much.

Maggie: She's arianna's mother.

Victor: I don't care. It's like our house is full of a bunch of strangers.

[Tense music]

Chad: [Clears throat] I don't know. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Gabi: I'm sorry, chad. I'm really sorry. I did not want to tell you this. But I thought you needed to hear it.

[Tense music]

Chad: All right. So you think she's sick again?

Gabi: I think I've seen signs of gabby, and stefan sure has.

Chad: All right, what are you-- who the hell are you hanging out with? Stefan--

[Stammers] Why would he say that?

Abigail: I'm on my way out, stefan.

Stefan: This is important.

Abigail: There's nothing that you could say to me that I would find important. Get out of here, please go.

Stefan: No, no, no. Not until I talk to gabby.

[Tense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Both grunting]

Eli: Hold still!

Sami: You wait one second! What are you arresting me for?

Eli: The judge that granted your bail specifically stated that you had to stay out of the kristen dimera investigation, and you ignored his order.

Sami: Wait, says who?

Eli: Stefan dimera.

Sami: Oh, and he's a reliable source, really?

Eli: He filed a formal complaint stating that you broke into his house, and in so many words, stated you were looking for kristen.

Sami: Okay, and you bought that--hold on! Just a second. You bought that?

Eli: I had no choice.

Sami: Okay, why are you harassing me? Why aren't you out looking for kristen?

Eli: We are.

Sami: Uh-huh. Have you found her?

Eli: No, but that still doesn't change the fact that you defied a judge's order. Now, you give me no choice than to put you under arrest and put you in a cell.

Sami: Damn it.

John: Darling? What's going on? What just happened?

[Screaming] It just happened again. What's going on, doc?

Marlena: We were talking about when sami shot me, and I think-- I think I remembered something.

John: Like what?

Marlena: It's, uh... it's not clear. It's not clear, I just-- I think... I think before I heard the gunshot... I think I saw something.

John: Okay, maybe you did. Why don't you slowly just try to focus on what you saw? Maybe you'll remember what it was.

[Dramatic music]

With uncontrolled

Gabi: You know, I'm sorry. I should have never even told you that or anything.

Chad: Tell me what stefan said.

Gabi: Are you sure? Because you know that stefan loves stirring trouble.

Chad: Tell me, tell me.

Gabi: All right. Well, he, um... "let it slip" that he went to see abigail. And I was so mad about it, I told him to stay away from her. I told him that she wants absolutely nothing to do with him, and then he said... no, I don't know. It's just--it's too much.

Chad: Come on, what'd he say?

Gabi: He says that abigail was the one that asked him to come over.

Chad: No, he's a liar.

Gabi: He says that she sent him a text saying that she needed him. And when he got there to her house, she was confused because she thought she had sent that text to jj, and she--that it was a mistake.

Chad: Then she meant to send it to jj, so that's--that solves it.

Gabi: I--I hope so. I mean, I want to believe that. But stefan thinks she's covering something--

Chad: What the hell does stefan-- the hell do I care what he says? I don't--he's going to think what he wants to think, so.

Gabi: No, yeah, I get that. He just says that abigail was... thrown. She seemed confused, that she didn't even remember sending that text.

Chad: Because she didn't send the text. It was--it was the... the gabby, with a Y.

[Tense music]

Abigail: Are you going to start following me around based on one text message that I meant to send to jj?

Stefan: I didn't believe you when you said it, and I still don'T.

Abigail: You live in a dream world.

Stefan: At first, you don't remember sending the thing. The next, you--you claimed it was supposed to be for jj. You're obviously confused, and I know why. Gabby sent that text, didn't she?

Abigail: If that were true, and it's not, you are the only person who would think it was a reason to celebrate.

Stefan: First thing she did was contact me. She's more powerful than you think.

Abigail: No.

Stefan: She wants to come back, because she wants our baby--

Abigail: No.

Stefan: Yes, and she wants me.

[Dramatic music]

Sami: Stefan dimera's the one you should be arresting. He was harboring a fugitive. You know, I know for a fact-- I know for a fact that kristen was down in those tunnels.

Eli: You know for a fact? How?

Sami: Well, because i went down there. She locked me in.

Eli: Are you saying that you laid eyes on kristen?

Sami: Well, not exactly.

Eli: I didn't think so.

Sami: No, but she was down there, she locked me in. It had to be her.

Eli: Nice try, let's go.

Sami: No, no, no. Wait, hold on, please. Just one second, okay? Give me a chance to explain. You can go down there. You can be the hero. Look, I can tell you where the secret tunnels are. There's a door in the dimera living room. The button is under stefano's portrait, and it opens the secret passage to the tunnels. You can be the hero and solve this entire case. Just go check it out. Please, you'll see that I'm telling you the truth, and in the meantime, you can just unlock the handcuffs, and then I can find my mom before kristen does.

Eli: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Back up, shh. Why do you have to find your mom?

[Tense music]

Marlena: I remember... seeing something, and I was thinking that-- that shouldn't--that shouldn't be there, that's wrong. And things were happening-- happened so fast--

John: All right, all right, all right, all right. All right, just-- just slow it down and go back to what you remember clearly and just start telling the story. Maybe it'll trigger something.

Marlena: Yeah, that's what i have my patients do.

John: Who do you think I stole it from?

Marlena: Oh, from me.

John: [Laughs]

Marlena: Um, so... kristen made sami take the gun. And... and she told her... that ej was alive, and that-- that she would tell sami where he was if... if she-- if she--if she would shoot you dead.

John: Okay, you're right on point. Just keep going.

Marlena: And then... sami pointed the gun at you, and I kept thinking, "oh, don't, don't, don'T." And... everybody was looking at sami. And that's when eric leapt at her, and-- and tried to get the gun.

John: Right.

Marlena: And then--

John: And then what?

Marlena: Oh, I--I don't know. It all--it all happened so fasT.


John: What?

Marlena: I think that I saw something from behind sami, way, way in the distance. I think it was...somebody.

John: Somebody. A person? That's what you saw that shouldn't have been there?

Marlena: I'm not sure, it was all so-- it was all so sudden--

[Tense music]

John: What's going on? Come on, talk to me.

Marlena: John.

John: What?

Marlena: I remembered. The thing that shouldn't have been there, the thing that I saw. It was another gun. Managing my type 2 diabetes wasn't my top priority. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.

Chloe: Why are you so set on finding nicole? You're engaged to jennifer. You are happy.

Eric: Remember me saying that brady did something that forced nicole to leave town?

Chloe: I do, but brady denied it.

Eric: And he's lying. I was right.

Chloe: You're sure?

Eric: I can't go into the details, but brady has something on her.

Chloe: Well, it must be something big.

Eric: And it is. He said that if she didn't leave salem, he was going to the police.

Chloe: What? That doesn't sound like brady.

Eric: And that is why I need to find her.

Victor: Admit it. This is getting to you, too, isn't it?

Maggie: What's getting to me?

Victor: That our home has turned into a cracker factory. You've been preoccupied all day. When we get home, anyone whose name is not kiriakis is getting walking papers.

Maggie: That's-- it's not it, victor.

Victor: Mm. Well then, what is it? Because I know it's something.

Maggie: You're right. After you went to bed last night, eric showed up. He wanted information on where nicole is. I told him I had no idea. That was a lie.

Victor: You're in contact with her?

Maggie: She keeps me informed on how holly is doing. But she does it with a condition. That I tell no one where she and holly are. I understand why she feels that way, but lying to eric is horrible.

[Tense music]

Victor: I think you know i have very little use for nicole. But I respect you for keeping her confidence.

Maggie: Thank you.

Victor: You're a woman of your word, maggie. One of the reasons I love you. So if you have to tell eric what I consider to be a little white lie--

Maggie: But if you had seen his face. He is so desperate to find her.

Victor: Eh, it's a terrible situation.

Maggie: You know, he told me that she left him because brady forced her to, and that brady is the reason that she doesn't want anyone to know where she is. Eric looked awful. I tried to get him to tell me more, but he wouldn'T. And that's everything I know. Do you-- do you know anything? I mean, can you explain why brady did this?

[Tense music]

Victor: I'm not going to lie to you, maggie. I've had enough of that to last us a lifetime. I know more than something. I know the whole damn story. And it's an ugly one.

[Dramatic music]

Eli: Your mother is in her room, recuperating.

Sami: Yeah, no, of course. I just--

Eli: Why don't you just stop playing games?

Sami: This isn't a-- you know what? You're right, you're not going to believe me anyway, so why bother explaining? So we'll just do this your way. You can run me down to the station, but you know what? These charges aren't going to stick, because I don't care what anyone says. I didn't pull that trigger.

[Dramatic music]

John: You saw someone else with a gun?

Marlena: Yes, I think I did.

John: Could you tell who it was?

Marlena: No, no. It was--it was so far away.

John: Where was it?

Marlena: It was across the square. By the bushes, I think.

John: But you know you saw a person with a gun in there?

Marlena: Yes. I'm almost positive.

[Tense music]


John: What is it, doc?

Marlena: Oh, I--I-- I just heard-- heard the sound of that shot. Sami was right in front of me. The shot came from-- from much farther away. Oh, oh, john. That means that sami's innocent. That sami wasn't the person who shot me.

[Dramatic music]

Chloe: How does jennifer feel about you looking for nicole?

Eric: She gave me the ring back.

Chloe: You two broke up? Why?

Eric: Jennifer has known what brady did to nicole for quite a while. She kept it a secret until she couldn't live with it anymore, and she finally told me.

Chloe: Okay, I don't get any of this.

Eric: Listen, I'm slowly figuring this out, but jennifer was just afraid it would change everything between us if I knew about brady and nicole.

Chloe: And that's why she gave you the ring back. I'm sorry.

Eric: Me too. In more ways than you know.

Chloe: So if the only reason nicole left town was because brady forced her to, then what does that mean for you and nicole?

[Dramatic music]

Maggie: I'M... I'm stunned.

Victor: It's pretty stunning.

Maggie: Brady really did that.

[Exhales] I know that he believed that he and nicole were going to make a life together.

[Chuckles] And I also know how hurt he was when she was drawn back to eric. But to do something so hateful and so vindictive, I--I don't know what to say. Eric was devastated. He didn't know what happened. And brady just watched that, and enjoyed it.

Victor: Well, I don't know what was going on inside of him.

Maggie: And all this time, you've known it was nicole who killed deimos?

Victor: He was threatening to go away and take her little girl with him. Your granddaughter. Can't say I blame her for sticking a knife in the sob.

Maggie: And you kept it to yourself.

Victor: It was brady's secret. He would have been in a world of trouble if I opened my mouth. He obstructed justice.

Maggie: I wonder... if eric knows that you know.

Victor: So do I. Because if it ever gets out, I'd be in a world of trouble too.

[Dramatic music]

Chad: Maybe what she said this morning was right.

Gabi: What, that she cancelled a picnic to go see a psychiatrist?

Chad: Yeah, maybe she's worried about backsliding.

Gabi: [Exhales] You know what, I'm sorry that I'm even talking about this, suggesting this. It obviously is the worst case scenario. I'm--who am I to jump to conclusions?

Chad: You didn't, stefan did.

Gabi: Yeah, because that's what stefan does. He loves to start problems between you and abigail. You know, he probably wanted me to tell you all of this. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. He--god, I'm such a moron for falling for it.

Chad: Stop, stop. Don't--don't do that. Don't blame yourself. Abby's stressed with the pregnancy, and that-- that son of a bitch has been running around town, bragging about the fact that he--he got my wife pregnant and that he's going to be the father of her child, so. Yeah, he'd probably love it if she slipped again. Thank you for telling me, because abby's going to need me on her side.

Gabi: Yeah, I just... I just had to say, you know, that stefan thinks gabby is back, and reaching out for him.

Chad: Those are his exact words?

Gabi: Well, he said he got a text from abigail. That he went to her house, and when she opened the door, that she said she didn't even remember sending that text because she was asleep.

Chad: Again?

Gabi: Apparently.

Chad: So she missed the picnic because she was sleeping, and then she went back asleep.

Gabi: Well, either that, or--

Chad: She's losing time again. Then stefan's right.

[Tense music]

Stefan: If you think I'm going to forget about this, you're fooling yourself.

Abigail: Oh, leave me alone.

Stefan: Abigail, I am not here to bully you. I care about you.

Abigail: Oh, bull. Gabby is a symptom of my illness and you want her back. You don't give a damn about me.

Stefan: That's not true. If she is back, I know her better than anyone. So maybe I can help you with her.

Abigail: Oh, are you going to help me out of existence?

Stefan: Yes. Yes, I am. Your emotional health is important to me, and to our baby. Okay, look, if you don't-- if you don't want me around, then--then I'll call chad.

Abigail: Don't you dare call chad.

Stefan: You have to tell someone what's going on with you.

Abigail: I don't--I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to tell him anything about it. He's already had to deal with enough of this mess.

Stefan: Okay, then, will you talk to me? Please?

Abigail: If I do, will you just leave me alone?

Stefan: [Exhales]

Abigail: Okay, fine, yeah. You're right, I lied. I don't remember sending the texts. Obviously, I did. And I've been losing time. I just keep telling myself it's because I'm sleeping a lot, but you know, I've told myself that before.

Stefan: The first time gabby came out. I knew it.

[Dramatic music]

Marlena: If only I could remember that face.

John: You know, sami was saying all along that she didn't pull that trigger. Because she didn'T.

Marlena: If only we could prove that.

John: Well, maybe we can.

Marlena: How, john?

[Dramatic music]

John: It's going to be easy to determine if the bullet that hit you came from this gun. Only, we don't know if this was the gun kristen had at the wedding.

Marlena: It is.

John: How do you know that?

Marlena: Because when she was waving it around, she said: "This is the gun that I gave to sami."

John: We're in business. I'll take this downtown. We'll run it through the police lab. We have the fragments of the bullet that hit you.

Marlena: Okay, okay. Go do it now.

John: I will, I will. I just don't want to leave you--

Marlena: No, I'm fine, I'm fine.

John: Don't get all worked up, okay? Okay.

Marlena: Just go.

John: Okay, I will. And just try to rest, and if you need anything, I got a guard right outside the door.

Marlena: Anybody I know?

John: Old buddy from the isa. Don't worry, built like a cement mixer.

Marlena: Just go. Just go

John: Love you.

[Dramatic music]

Marlena: [Exhales]

Gabi: Chad, hey, don't-- don't jump to conclusions, okay? Abigail is doing so well.

Chad: Yeah, but she, uh-- she has this baby inside of her that... oh, that she knows was conceived while she was blacked out. And now, it's starting to kick, and it's a constant reminder of what happened between gabby and stefan, and...

[Chuckles] Maybe--maybe gabby's fighting to be in charge so she can be the one to give birth, I don't know.

Gabi: Oh. Oh, I see what you're saying.

Chad: I mean, look, she's strong. All right, but this pregnancy was just a shock, and especially when she found out that it was stefan'S. And then, you know, stefan hasn't let up, and he just keeps showing up and keeps going, you know? I moved out. And she's got to deal with all of that, so.

Gabi: Don't torture yourself, okay? I mean, especially if you don't even know if all of this is fact.

Chad: I just... I just--I could find out.

[Dramatic music]

Abigail: Last night, when you got the text, it wasn't the first time that I woke up and I didn't know where the time had gone.

Stefan: Really?

Abigail: Chad and I made a date to take thomas for a picnic yesterday. And then, when chad showed up, he found me asleep, and thomas was just in his room, crying. At least, I think that's how it happened.

Stefan: Why would you doubt it?

Abigail: I--I was worn out, but I don't remember feeling sleepy, and I don't-- I just remember waking up.

Stefan: All right. Well, do you think there was something about the picnic? Some reason you wouldn't want to go?

Abigail: No, stefan. I was actually looking forward to the picnic because it was supposed to be the beginning of chad and me getting back together.

Stefan: Right. But gabby would hate that.

Abigail: I mean, what if i would have left the house? Or what if I would have left thomas?

Stefan: Chad doesn't know anything about this?

Abigail: No, no. I mean, it's just--just jj. And I don't want him to know. Okay, not until I have a better understand of what is happening. And we rescheduled the picnic for today, but I told him to just go ahead and go without me because I had a doctor's appointment, which is a lie. I'm going to go see a psychiatrist. That's what I was getting ready to do before you got here.

Stefan: Right. I think you're doing the right thing. I'll go with you.

[Dramatic music]

John: Hey, just found out you were here.

Sami: Well, I just found out that hattie adams, that nutjob, is pretending to be mom. What is going on? I thought she was supposed to be in prison.

John: Gee, uh, listen. I've got a lot to talk to you about, so I'm to try to make this brief. I smuggled hattie out of prison.

Sami: You-- because the hospital was determined to take mom off that ventilator, and you weren't going to let that happen.

John: That's a fact, yeah. I put hattie in your mother's bed, and I moved your mother to a secure location so she could stay on the ventilator. I know I took a big chance here, but I didn't have any power over that advance directive.

Sami: This sounds like something I would have done.

John: Well, I would have done that and a hell of a lot more for your mother.

Sami: [Chuckles]

John: And it paid off, samantha. She's out of the coma.

Sami: For real?

John: For real.

Sami: She's-- oh, my god, she's awake? She's talking and stuff?

John: Yeah, she's talking and stuff.

Sami: Oh, john, oh, john. Thank you, oh, you're the best. Oh, thank you so much. Oh, this is incredible.

John: Yeah.

Sami: Where is she? I tried to get kayla to tell me, but she wouldn't say. Oh, god, no, you don't want me anywhere near her, and I--I understand that. Because it's my fault she's in a coma in the first place.

John: No, actually, I don't believe it's your fault she was in the coma.

[Dramatic music]

A once-in-five hundred year storm

Gabi: What are you doing?

Chad: Um, I am going to call abby, because we have to talk about this.

Gabi: Chad, maybe you shouldn't do that.

Chad: Why not?

Gabi: Well, because you were just talking about all the stress that she's under, okay? What if doing this is just going to make her overwhelmed?

Chad: I see, well, I get that point. But I can't do nothing.

Gabi: Okay. There's a way to find out what's going on with abby without upsetting her.

Chad: I'm listening. What way?

Gabi: Well, I mean, I'm just saying that if gabby is back, wouldn't she have some of her stuff lying around? Like wigs, gabby-type outfits?

Chad: I guess they would be probably laying around. That's-- I, uh... she's at a doctor's appointment. I guess I could maybe... go to her mom's house and look through her stuff.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: I could watch thomas for you while you're gone.

Chad: Yeah, yeah?

Gabi: Of course.

Chad: Mm, okay. All right, thank you. You're the best.

Gabi: Yeah.

[Dramatic music]

Definitely not the best, but I'm pretty darn good.

Abigail: You are not going with me. I don't even let you come to my pre-natal appointments, much less accompanying me to a shrink.

Stefan: I just want to support you.

Abigail: No, you want to see gabby.

Stefan: I won't deny that. But if you're--look, if you're worried about me saying anything to chad, I'm not going--

Abigail: Why do you keep bringing him up?

Stefan: I wasn't aware that I was doing that.

Abigail: You're threatening me, aren't you? If I don't let you come with me, you're going to tell him everything I told you.

Stefan: I didn't say that.

Abigail: Oh, you didn't have to.

Eric: I don't know what or how I feel right now, and I can't let myself go there until I find her, and that's why I need your help.

Chloe: Eric, if I could help you, I would. But I truly don't know anything. Did you try asking maggie? She's holly's grandma.

Eric: I already tried that. She says she doesn't know anything, either.

Maggie: I can't believe it. Everything that I believed is wrong. Nicole didn't want to leave. She was blackmailed into it. And by brady, of all people. And now, eric is desperate to get to her.

Victor: Well, I think your first instinct was right. Just stay out of it. He wants to find nicole, let him hire a pro.

Maggie: I suppose.

Victor: Then there's jennifer. How do you suppose she fits into this?

Maggie: I have no idea.

Victor: Well, just keep quiet.

Maggie: Well, it's too late for that. I called nicole last night.

Victor: What did you say to her?

Maggie: That eric was looking for her, and she said I was right to tell him I didn't know how to find her, and she begged me to keep saying that.

Victor: Well, there's your answer.

Maggie: I don't know, victor. She sounded so scared. She didn't think this ouT. She just reacted. So maybe-- I don't know, maybe the right thing for me to do is to tell eric where to find her.

[Dramatic music]

Victor: Well, I know better than to try and talk you out of something once you've made up your mind, so whatever you decide, I'll back you up.

[Dramatic music]

Chad: Hello? Hello?

Sami: But mom can't place who she saw?

John: Not so far. But she's certain she saw another person with a gun.

Sami: Have you told the police this?

John: Not yet. But I brought them the gun roman took off kristen.

Sami: I can't believe kristen found mom.

John: It's the same gun she gave you at the wedding.

Sami: You know that?

John: It's what she told your mother. Now, if it doesn't match the bullet frags the police have--

Sami: I'm clear.

John: No way you could have pulled the trigger and shot your mother.

Sami: And we'll have proof of that.

John: Yes.

Eli: Hey, I just retrieved the bullet fragment from evidence.

Sami: Well, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to test it?

Eli: I don't have to. The bullet and the gun aren't even the same caliber, so there's no way that that gun fired the bullet that shot marlena.

Sami: [Exhales] It's what I've been telling you all along. It wasn't me.

Marlena: If I could just remember the gun. Maybe I could remember something that would help me figure out who had the gun. Oh, come on, think.

[Dramatic music]

Abigail: I don't know if this is a good idea.

Stefan: What makes you say that?

Abigail: Well, marlena evans is the doctor that I'm seeing, and she's recovering from a gunshot wound.

Stefan: Uh, yes, I know. I've been keeping tabs on her through a friend on the board.

Abigail: Oh, god, you would do something like that.

Stefan: She's recovering well, and I know that she would want to help you.

Abigail: You don't know that.

Stefan: Abigail, she's the one who figured out you had did. She can tell when one of the alters is speaking to her, which makes her the foremost authority on you. You want to know the truth, don't you?

Abigail: It's the only way i can get control of the situation?

Stefan: That's right. If gabby is back, we'll find out, and we'll deal with it together.

[Tense music]

Victor: Shouldn't you be with arianna? Isn't that the whole purpose of your staying here?

Gabi: Arianna has a playdate, and thomas is taking a nap. So what's the problem with me hanging out in the living room?

Victor: You don't have the run of the house.

Gabi: Well, talk to sonny, not me.

Victor: Believe me, I will.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: You're not going to bring me down, you old grouch. Not when things are finally going my way.

Chloe: I've called nicole's cell a million times. It always goes to voicemail, and she never calls me back.

Eric: Yeah, I've done that, too. I don't know if it's still her cell phone.

Chloe: It's probably not. She's smart enough to have ditched it by now.

Eric: Well, maybe there's no use. Maybe there is no one who can help me find her.

Maggie: You're wrong. I can help you.

Eric: But you said you couldn'T.

Maggie: I was lying. I know where nicole is.

[Dramatic music]

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