Days Transcript Wednesday 9/19/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/19/18


Episode #13362 ~ Chloe warns Bonnie not to mess with Lucas; Eli reconnects with an old friend; Abigail confides in J.J. about Gabi; Gabi takes her revenge against Abigail to the next level.

Provided By Suzanne

Lucas: Um, he's doing good, considering. You know, he's in good spirits. Probably has something to do with the fact that will snuck him in a cheeseburger and fries.

Kayla: [Laughs]

Lucas: Sorry about that.

Kayla: No, that's all right. Hey, listen. I just want you to know that we're doing everything in our power to help paul walk again, okay? And it's so important and great that he has will's love and support.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, my son is, uh-- he's an amazing human being.

Kayla: Is he aware that he might have a little sister?

Lucas: No, no, not at all. Uh, we're gonna keep that on the down-low. You know, I don't want to... tell him about that, because he's concerned with paul right now and I don't know for sure, so I don't want to say anything, right?

Kayla: You know, I just have to tell you that... the idea of you and bonnie lockhart having a baby together--I just--

Lucas: I know, kayla. It's surreal, I know.

Kayla: That's one word for it, yeah.

Lucas: And it's impossible, right? So that's what I'm hoping the dna tests will show. Are they in yet?

Kayla: No, not yet, but, um, I did put a rush on it.

Lucas: Thank you. I--I just need to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if I'm-- if I'm that, uh, little girl's father. Or not, right?

[Uneasy music]

Sheila: All right. Here you go. Fed and burped, but the diaper changing is still yours.

Bonnie: Hello, hello, hello. My baby, baby bonnie. Aren't you just the sweetest little gumdrop ever? Yes, you are. Did you miss me? 'Cause I missed you, bunches of bunches of bunches. I could just--om-nom-nom-nom-- eat you up. Om-nom-nom-nom.

Sheila: You really, really, really like her, huh?

Bonnie: Of course I do! Oh, I love her.

Sheila: So why is that? 'Cause she's your ticket out of the slammer?

Bonnie: [Scoffs] Don't be ridiculous. Isn't she ridiculous? No, no, no, no, no. Who wouldn't love this scrumptious piece of sugar?

Sheila: Okay, come on, bonnie. It's me and you. Really, give it up. So is this really lucas' baby?

Chloe: I'd like to know the same.

[Dramatic music]

[Somber music]

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone ringing]

Jj: Hey, lani. Hey.

Lani: Hi.

Jj: Doing okay?

Abigail: Chips, sandwich, fruit... hey, and blanket.

[Cell phone rings] Good morning.

Chad: Good morning yourself. You and thomas ready for the picnic?

Abigail: We wouldn't miss it. Packed all your favorite things.

Chad: Chocolate chip cookies?

Abigail: With extra walnuts.

Chad: Well, just so you know, I will not be empty-handed, because daddy is bringing the sunshine.

Abigail: [Laughs] Well, thank goodness. The storm last night had me worried.

Chad: Well, I-I promise you, nothing's gonna rain on our day. It's gonna be, uh-- it's gonna be beautiful.

[Uneasy music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Jj: It's, uh--it's just... last time we saw each other, right here, as a-- as a matter of fact, you were... you were pretty upset.

Lani: I was a mess.

Jj: It was a tough time.

Lani: Yeah. Losing a child is... very tough.

Jj: You know what? Maybe I-I shouldn't say this, but I'M... kind of guy who just says stuff anyway, but I-- I know we're right around the time where-- where he was due.

[Somber guitar music] I'm sorry.

Lani: Thank you. But really, I'm--I'm fine. I've realized that it's-- it's always gonna hurt.

Jj: Well, if you, uh-- you ever need a friend, you got one.

Lani: Thank you.

Kayla: I had randy, our most trusted lab tech, handle the samples and run the testS. We're gonna get this right, I promise you.

Lucas: God, randy must've thought I was crazy yesterday.

Kayla: You know, it makes sense that you're... cautious.

Lucas: I-I-I was borderline paranoid. You know, I insisted on being in the room when he swabbed the baby and bonnie.

Kayla: Well, it makes sense. Sami did switch those test results about will all those years ago, remember?

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, and bonnie has a history of switching things, too, so... you never know, you know? I-I don't want to take any chances.

Bonnie: She has his eyes, don't you think?

Sheila: Mm. Well, this one is way too young to be in the middle of a catfight.

Bonnie: Ah, there you go.

Sheila: So come on, little mama.

Bonnie: My baby.

Sheila: We are going to go anywhere else but here.

[Uneasy music]

Bonnie: Aww. Mm. Bye, baby.

[Baby talk] Chloe lane. You here to stake your claim? You were always pretty territorial, huh?

Chloe: I just came here to set you straight on a few things.

Bonnie: Well, have at it, ghoul girl... because I've already won.

Chloe: Okay. We all know that you're lying about that baby, and there's no way that I'm gonna let you use an innocent child to hurt lucas again.

With uncontrolled

moderate-to-severe eczema,

[Somber music]

Eli: Sheila?

Sheila: Hey, look at you.

Eli: Hey. I didn't know you were back in town.

Sheila: Mm-hm.

Eli: Or that you had a baby.

Sheila: Come on, now. Does this look like my kid? This is bonnie lockhart's-- well, at least according to her.

Eli: It sounds complicated.

Sheila: Ha. It always is.

Eli: It's good to see you.

Sheila: You too.

Eli: So what's up? Everything good with you?

Sheila: Well, you kept me from getting charged in bonnie's last scam. I'm not going back to statesville, so yeah. I mean, I got a whole new life. I'm holding my own. You know, chicago style.

Eli: [Laughs] Well, good for you.

Sheila: Thank you. So what about you? You still with that gabi chick?

Eli: Uh, no, that-- that all went to hell. I got another woman pregnant.

Sheila: Ooh.

Eli: Yeah.

Abe: Hey, sweetheart. Sorry I'm late. I wanted to check in with john.

Lani: I heard marlena's awake. He must be thrilled.

Abe: You know, he came so close to losing her. He's ecstatic. But paul has a long road ahead of him, and... paralysis, so john is upset about that.

[Easygoing guitar music] How you doing?

Lani: Why does everyone keep asking me that?

Abe: Because we care. Val told me you talked.

Lani: She had no right telling you my personal business.

Abe: Whoa. Hold on there. Hang on. No confidences were spilled. She just--she was just concerned.

Lani: Sorry.

Abe: Hey. You want to tell your old man all about it?

Kayla: I'm sorry. The results aren't ready yet.

Lucas: I mean, that baby can't be mine, right? I mean, what are the odds, really?

Kayla: Well, it-- it just takes one time, you know.

Lucas: I know. I know it takes one time, kayla, but with bonnie lockhart, and--and me passed out drunk like I was? No way. There's no way. Although, when I looked into that baby's eyes, I did see something. I mean, I did see something. There was a connection there. So what if that baby is mine? Then what do I do, huh? What then?

Kayla: I... I think that you are getting ahead of yourself. I think the best thing you can do right now is to not drive yourself crazy.

Lucas: Yeah, I know, I know. You're right, you're right, you're right, you're right. I gotta calm down and just be rational about the whole thing. Right? I mean, if the baby's mine, then I--I gotta own up. I g--I gotta--I gotta face my responsibilities.

Kayla: 'Cause that's who you are.

Lucas: I'm also the guy who was so drunk that he slept with a woman pretending to be a woman that she wasn't, and I didn't remember anything.

Bonnie: Lucas has the right to know that he has a daughter.

Chloe: Except she's not his. This is just another one of your scams.

Bonnie: What ticks you off more, that lucas has a baby girl, or that he made sweet love to me?

Chloe: You're nothing but a con artist who ended up exactly where you belong: In prison, and that's where you're going back to.

Bonnie: Well, I don't think lucas would let the mother of his child languish behind bars, dear.

Chloe: How can you use an innocent child to save yourself? Any mother--any real mother-- would protect their child, would do anything for them-- something you know nothing about.

Bonnie: I would do anything for my children, and I have, because I love them.

Chloe: Really? Okay, you know what? This sick game ends now.

Bonnie: A game? Game? Do you really think that I would-- I would agree to a dna test if I was trying to pull something?

Chloe: Well, you did switch places with adrienne, so if anyone could figure out how to fake paternity results, it would be you.

Bonnie: Oh, chloe lane. I laid down with that man, got knocked up, and had myself a beautiful child, and you and lucas can lie to yourselves all you want, but once those results come back, t-ruth time, and you're just gonna have to accept it.

[Uneasy music]

Jj: Hey, hey. One grande decaf latte. I had them put your name on it. I wouldn't want you getting mine. I'M... loaded with caffeine.

Abigail: Mm, I miss caffeine.

Jj: Yeah, yeah, you're being real careful about what you eat, drink.

Abigail: Mm-hm, trying to.

Jj: So, going on a picnic?

Abigail: Yes, with chad and thomas, and so I kind of want everything to be perfect.

Jj: So, uh, you and chad? Sounds like progress.

Abigail: Yeah, and the picnic was his idea, so I don't know. I guess that's a good sign.

Jj: Uh, know what? He loves you. I know, this has--it's thrown him for a hell of a loop, but you and thomas are his life. There's no way he's walking away from that.

Abigail: Mm, he kind of already did.

Jj: He just needs time.

Abigail: Yeah. I know, and I-I'm trying to be patient. You know, I want to give him time to just remember how much we love each other and, you know, the fact that we have enough love to to spill over to this... little one here, and, you know, even if the baby is stefan'S.

Jj: I'm--I'm--I'm loving all of this hope.

Abigail: Well, that's-- that's what today's all about. Not a cloud in the sky.

Jj: Not even gabi?

[Tense music]

Gabi: Oh, just the man I was hoping to see. Ari and I were going to go to the zoo. Do you want to come with us?

Chad: Um... actually, I--uh, n-no. I, uh... abby and I have kind of a kind of a rocking picnic day planned for thomas.

Gabi: Oh, that's a great idea. Ari loves to hang out with thomas, and... we might just join you. A day in the sun would do us all some good.

Chad: S--uh, that's-- that--that sounds like fun, but I'm gonna have to take a rain check. Uh, abby and i wanted to just kind of have-- have some alone time with thomas.

Gabi: Yeah.

Chad: Okay. Um... yeah.

Gabi: Hey, are you sure that that's really a good idea?

Jj: So gabi just herself into the house last night? That's not weird.

Abigail: She said she wanted to talk, so we did. I confronted her, kind of just asked her straight up if she resented me.

Jj: Yeah, because she does.

Abigail: But she admitted it. She's very angry, and-- and she blames me for everything that's happened to her, and she's ended up with nothing, and I have everything, and... you know, even--even after I'm the one who tried to ruin her life.

Jj: E-everything, like-- li-like chad? Did you ask her if she's using that time living with him to get in his ear? Keep you two apart?

Abigail: Mm-hm. I did, and she basically denied it.

Jj: Basically.

Abigail: Yeah. Oh, she said that maybe subconsciously, it was... it was hard for us to see the two of us together, but she was working on her anger, and... ultimately, I guess she-- she wants us to end up together.

Jj: You believe her?

[Suspenseful music]

[Quiet intriguing music]

Chad: Is, uh, spending time with my wife and son a bad idea?

Gabi: No, no. I know... I know you want to spend time with them, but I-I saw abigail last night, and I--

Chad: And what? Did--did something happen?

Gabi: Abigail is, um, she's just--you know, she's showing quite a bit, and I know you've worked really hard to come to terms with--with her carrying stefan's baby. I know you want to make it work, but maybe, chad-- maybe--I don't know.

Chad: What? Maybe what?

Gabi: I know that you love spending time with abigail and thomas. D--I get that. Don't you think that when you see her, all you're gonna see is... stefan's baby growing inside of your wife's belly?

Lucas: Can't believe it. I can't believe I slept with bonnie lockhart. Even when I knew it wasn't adrienne, I didn't let that stop me. No. I kept going. Why would I do that? Why?

Kayla: Do not beat yourself up over this. Come on.

Lucas: How could I not beat myself up?

Kayla: You are being too hard on yourself. You know, bonnie fooled all of us, too, and we were sober.

Lucas: I know, I know, i know. You're right. I know. I know. But it's the shame of it. And now I gotta tell chloe. I-I gotta tell chloe, not only did I sleep with bonnie, but there might be a kid? And chloe's understanding. She's--she's beyond supportive, but this--I don't know. This... she's not gonna want to stick around for this. It's gonna be even too much, even for her.

[Uneasy music]

Chloe: Is this kid even yours?

Bonnie: [Snorts] What kind of question is that?

Chloe: Well, you bail out of town, and you come back with a baby, and let's be honest here: Isn't that uterus of yours just a bit dusty to carry a child?

Bonnie: Ooh, cheap shot. That the best you got? 'Cause really, honey, I don't have anything to prove to you, because this whole thing is between lucas and me, which means it's none of your business.

Chloe: Uh, that's where you're wrong.

Bonnie: What, because you're his girlfriend? Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart. Once these tests come back and prove that lucas and i share this child, there's just gonna not be no room in our little family for you.

[Percussive music]

Chloe: There's no way in hell that I'm gonna let that happen.

Bonnie: Oh, please, honey. Is that a threat? 'Cause you know what? I spent ten long years in statesville. I fended off murderers and psychos and thieves, and let me tell you something, sweetheart: You're just an opera singer. So go sing your song somewhere else, before I show you what scary really is.

Chloe: Have you heard of el fideo?

Bonnie: [Scoffs] Way to change the subject, girl. Well, of course I have. Who hasn't? He made scarface look like a teddy bear, until somebody rubbed him out. Why?

Chloe: Because that someone was me.

Sheila: You're a daddy? Hot, suave, changing diapers? Spit up on your collar? No, I'm sorry, I just don't see it. [Laughs]

Eli: The baby died.

Sheila: Oh, I'm s--I'm sorry.

Lani: Eli and I... we've had these... these moments.

Abe: You think there's something between you?

Lani: That's what I talked to valerie about. I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. What if it's just the grief, and I don't want us to-- to turn the grief that we've been sharing into something that it's not. Right?

Abe: I love that heart of yours, your consideration for eli's feelings, but maybe, you might be overthinking this.

[Easygoing music over speakers]

Lani: [Laughs] You and valerie are made for each other.

[Abe laughs] She said the same thing.

Abe: Well... she's a wise woman.

Lani: After valerie and i talked, I saw eli, and... he admitted to having real feelings for me. No pressure. He just-- he wanted me to know.

Abe: You know, you said you were afraid of hurting eli. Does that mean that you're also afraid to explore your feelings for him, and see where it might lead?

Lani: Eli and I went through a lot together, and I think he's incredible, but I--I just...

Abe: But what? Is it jj? You still hung up on him?

Lani: No. Not really. I don't think.

Abe: That's an answer.

Lani: [Laughs] I just ran into jj, and it was nice. We're finally on good terms, maybe even friends, but... as far as anything more, I don't think jj sees me that way anymore.

Abe: But eli does?

Sheila: Man, I am so, so sorry.

Eli: No, it's--it's cool. Look, it's just-- there's no way you could've known. It was a boy.

Sheila: Oh.

Eli: We named him david. David abraham.

Sheila: That's rough. Hey, little mama. You see this guy over here? He's not that tough.

Eli: Here you go. Can I hold her?

Sheila: Yeah, sure. There you go. Got her?

Eli: Yeah. Hey, you pretty girl. Okay. I bet there's a smile in there somewhere.

Sheila: Look at that. You're a natural. You'll get another chance. You still, um, with the baby mama?

Eli: No, uh, I'd like to be, but... I think the only thing she sees when she looks at us is losing david. I don't know if she'll ever get past it.

[Baby fusses]

Bonnie: [Laughs] You killed one of the most dangerous men in the world?

[Laughs] What'd you do, hit him with one of your high c's? [Laughs] Oh, my god, you're serious.

Chloe: I stabbed that son of a bitch in the back. I made him cry like a stuck pig. Now imagine, if I can do that to a man like el fideo, what I could do to you, because if you hurt lucas again, you're not gonna have to imagine it. I'll show you.

[Disquieting music] Oh, and... he never saw me coming. Neither will you.

Kayla: Chloe is a very strong woman, and she cares about you very much. I have complete confidence that you are gonna get through this. Look, you made a mistake. You're human.

Lucas: I was a drunk, stupid human.

Kayla: Yes, you were, but you fought back, and chloe was witness to all that. She knows who you are. She knows who you are in here. And that's what counts. She's not going anywhere.

Lucas: I hope not. I realize how lucky I am. I-I know that I'm so grateful to have a second chance with chloe, but... and everyone else, you know? Everyone else who's dealt with me and my stupid drinking. If this baby's mine... if this baby's mine, then...

[Melancholy music] I guess I'm just gonna have to shut up and do the right thing.

Abigail: And gabi apologized for being so angry, and she's working on it, and, you know, just wants us to all be able to have a fresh start.

Jj: Yeah? Doesn't answer my question. You believe her?

Abigail: [Sighs] I... she seems sincere.

Jj: But?

Abigail: But I'm g-gonna keep my eyes open. You know, on her, and chad too. I always thought that our love was this rock that I could count on, but now... it's fragile, and... I don't want to do anything that might break it.

Jj: You know, abigail, you've done the work. Gotten treatment. You've integrated your alters. You're giving chad time and space and love. You got this.

Abigail: Yeah. Yeah, I think I do. And I-I think we're gonna get through this, and we're gonna end up stronger than ever. And we have to. Part of me made decisions that are gonna haunt us forever, so...

Chad: I have to make it work with abby, and if I'm gonna do that, I have to... accept the fact that she's-- is gonna have, uh--

Gabi: You're a really good man, chad.

Chad: Well, it doesn't really feel like it lately.

Gabi: I just don't want to see you get hurt.

Chad: No, a-abby was the one that was hurt. She... she was ill, and stefan took advantage of her, and now she's pregnant. And she's had a lot of courage through it all, and I'd be lucky to have half that courage, so I am gonna have to try to step it up if I'm gonna be the husband she deserves.

[Uneasy music] Uh, I gotta go to the picnic. Bye.

Gabi: Have fun. Oh, I almost forgot, chad. Sorry. Arianna--she, uh-- she glued my key to the mansion to a piece of wood for her school project. I-I can't get it off, so i was wondering if I could just borrow yours.

Chad: Just leave the keys on the...

Gabi: Whoop! [Laughs] Thanks.

Chad: Desk. I'll grab my...

Gabi: Time to take my plan to the next level.

[Cell phone ringing] I really need you.

Eli: So when you're done watching bonnie's baby, are you headed back to chicago?

Sheila: Well, my shiny new life isn't exactly going as planned. Turns out nobody wants to really hire an ex-con, so I--I don't know what I'm about to do, really.

Eli: Well, if you need a reference, let me know.

Sheila: Thank you.

Eli: I got you, all right? We go way back. Whatever you need.

Sheila: So you gonna give me this kid back, or what?

Eli: I don't know...

Sheila: I have to take her back. [Laughs]

Eli: Here you go.

Sheila: Thank you. All right, little mama. And you know what? If your lady friend is smart, she'll figure you're too good of a guy to let go.

[Tender music]

Abe: Whether you want to see where things go with eli or not-- that's obviously your choice, but for what it's worth, he's really impressed me. He's solid. He did right by you and your son.

Lani: He was a rock, and I do care about him. It's just...

Abe: I-I know. You're confused, and you don't want to make the wrong choice. But maybe there's a chance that the bad you and eli went through will turn into something good.

Lani: Maybe.

Abe: Sit with that heart of yours. Listen to it. You'll find your answer.

[Easygoing music over speakers]

Lani: Wisest man ever.

Abe: [Laughs]

Lani: I love you.

Abe: Oh. Love you too, baby girl.

Lani: Well, I should get back to work. Thank you for breakfast and... such good advice.

See you later.

Jj: You know, I, uh-- I ran into lani earlier. Yeah, we talked, uh-- we talked for a sec.

Abigail: The two of you seeming to be in a better place?

Jj: Yeah, we are. It's, uh--it's comfortable. Good.

Abigail: Mm. Well, do you think that you'd ever be interested in being romantically involved again?

Jj: Oh, uh, you know, I don't know. I just--right now, I just want to be there for her as a friend. I--I kind of know what it's like to get over losing a baby.

[Mournful music]

Kayla: ...Go.

Gabi: Thank you. Thank you very much. That's it?

Kayla: I'm afraid so. Look, I am sorry you're not sleeping well. I'm so sorry.

Gabi: Yeah, this is the-- this is the medication you gave me when I was carrying arianna? Safe during pregnancy? Not that I have to worry about that anymore.

Kayla: You know, gabi... it is completely normal for you to still have strong feelings about what happened. If you would like me to recommend somebody for you to talk to, I can do that.

Gabi: Thank you. Thank you, but when I have problems, I'd rather do something about it, not just talk about it.

Kayla: Well, good, and you do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better. Okay? See you later.

[Foreboding music]

Gabi: That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

[Elevator dings]

It's back.

Lucas: There you are. Where you been?

Chloe: Uh, I just had an errand to run. Have you heard anything yet?

Lucas: Nope, no. Still waiting.

Chloe: Well, just, you know, whatever happens, I'm here for you.

[Baby fusses]

Sheila: Shh, shh, shh.

[Baby cries] Okay, my shift is up, and it's time to pay the babysitter.

Bonnie: Oh, my god. There she is. Oh, isn't your auntie sheila funny? [Laughs] Like taking care of you wasn't joy enough?

Sheila: Yo, dude, I brought this joy to town for you, not to mention I keep her 24/7, and diapers and formula are not f-r-e-e, okay?

Bonnie: Yes, I know, I know, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you've done.

Sheila: [Scoffs] Well, I would like my appreciation in cash.

Bonnie: Well, I wish I could, but I'm broke. Aren't I, sweetheart?

Sheila: Got to be kidding me.

Bonnie: I thought we had an understanding here. Sheila, you are baby bonnie's godmother. You're doing this out of love.

Sheila: Do I look like a damn fairy godmother to you?

Bonnie: She swears way too much, doesn't she? You close your ears. I thought you'd be honored.

Sheila: Honored?

Bonnie: Mm-hm.

Sheila: [Laughs] This is just another con for you to stall time so you don't go back to jail.

Bonnie: Some people are so cynical.

Sheila: Would you talk to me? Hello. Talk to me.

Bonnie: And so ga-rumpy. Sister, you are out of luck, because I don't have a dime.

Sheila: I should've known.

[Laughs] It's history all over again. But you know what? You're running out of time, because when that dna test comes back, and the clock strikes midnight on you and baby bonnie, I'm not sticking around to pick up your pureed pumpkin.


[Jazz music]

Eli: Oh, sheila, hey.

[Phone rings] Lani?

Lani: I'm glad you picked up. Can we meet?

[Melancholy music]

Jj: Listen. Have a great time at the picnic. I'm rooting for you, chad, and thomas. Will you give my nephew a kiss for me?

Abigail: I will, 'cause you're the best brother ever. Thank you.

Jj: Listen. You and chad deserve some happiness, okay?

Abigail: Okay.

Jj: I'll do whatever I can to support you.

Abigail: Hey, well, why don't you start by taking my picnic basket to my car for me?

Jj: Oh, you got it, pregnant lady.

Abigail: Thank you.

Jj: Let's do it.

Abigail: Thank you, thank you.

Jj: Lead the way. Slow.

[Both laugh]

[Foreboding music]

[Door opens]

Abigail: Oh, I don't want to forget that.


The fact is, there are over ninety-six

Lani: Sorry, I... ignored your call earlier.

Eli: Nah, it's all right.

Lani: Um... it's just, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what you said the other night, and I was hoping we could talk.

[Tender music]

[Cell phone rings]

Abe: John, what's the latest on paul?

[Uneasy drum music]

Sheila: Man, I could eat everything on this menu twice. And me, with no money.

Well, looks like this one might be on mr. Abraham carver.

Abe: That would be me. So what the hell are you doing?

Bonnie: Well, kid, I'm thinking right about now, the truth is about to drop.

[Chuckles] Mm-hm.

Kayla: I, uh... I got the results of the paternity test.

[Suspenseful music]

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