Days Transcript Friday 8/31/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/31/18


Episode #13350 ~ Eve finds Brady and Kristen in a compromising position; Paul and Sami's confrontation with Kristen takes a horrific turn; Steve supports John as he waits for word on Marlena; Will makes a major decision about his future.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft, solemn instrumentals]

John: Aah! Damn it!


[Solemn music continues]

You're comin' back to me, doc.

[Whispers] Please. Please come back to me. Please.

Will: That's why I came over, 'cause I have to see ari.

Sonny: Well, she's asleep right now, but you're more than welcome to look in on her. But before you do that, I was hoping we could... continue the conversation that we were having at doug's place? You know, a-after we, uh...

Will: Kissed.

Sonny: Yeah. I asked what getting your memory back meant for us.

Will: You said it was complicated.

Sonny: And you agreed with that...

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: And then there--there was a "but." But what, will? What were you gonna say? And now that you have your memory back... does that mean there's a chance for us?

Hope: Sami--oh, my god. Rafe? Rafe. Rafe. Oh, my god, rafe? Wake up! Can you hear me?

[Intense music]

[Off-key notes]

Paul: Oh, my god!

What the hell are you doing here?

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Hope: Rafe? Rafe!

Rafe: What?


Hope: My god, thank god you're all right. You all right?

Rafe: [Groans] I think so.

Hope: Are you sure? Should I call the ems?

Rafe: Ohh... no.

Hope: No blood. Thank god.

Rafe: I'm okay.

Hope: Let me guess.

Rafe: I got bashed in the head with that.

Hope: Yeah, you did. Sami?

Rafe: Yeah, sami. Where the hell is she?

[Groans] Ohh...

Paul: I thought you were being held down at the station.

Sami: Yeah, well, I was, and then I convinced rafe to let me go.

Paul: How?

Sami: I explained to him that I am looking for kristen. I need the answers she has about ej.

Paul: About ej being alive.

Sami: Yes. I'm going to get them from her.

Paul: So you came to brady's room?

Sami: Everybody knows that kristen never got over brady, and I heard you talking at the station.

Paul: Oh, you mean overheard.

Sami: Yeah. Heard, overheard. Who cares? The point is that you're worried that brady is mia, and I am too. I need to find out if my twisted sister-in-law has him held against his will.

Paul: Well, brady wasn't here.

Sami: No. But I bet kristen's got him...somewhere.

Brady: What was wrong with my room?

Kristen: The thought of making love to you in the bed you shared with eve is a bit nauseating.

Brady: But my--my father's room? That's not the least bit... weird?

Kristen: Well, this has nothing to do with your father and everything to do with us, so look around, brady. It's already set up for a romantic evening.

Brady: Yeah, for my father and marlena's wedding night.

Kristen: [Chuckles] Yeah, but they're not here to enjoy it, thanks to sami.

[Whispers] So let's not waste it.

Brady: Kristen, marlena's in the hospital. Does this really feel right to you?

Kristen: Oh, it feels right to me. Yeah. I mean, we have flowers, rose petals on the bed. And most importantly... I'm here with you... the man I love more than anything else in the world. Shh! We... are gonna make love, have champagne... make up for lost time. Hmm? Brady, I have missed you. I have missed you so much. Mm-mm. There is no place I would rather be than be here with you. Polident is specifically designed to clean a denture.

John: [Sniffles, sighs]

[Door opens]

Steve: Hey, buddy.

John: Hey. I thought you might have been... kay or val with some news.

Steve: No, just me. The family's been looking for you. They, know, you slipped away. You didn't say anything.

John: Yeah, sorry about that. I just, um... appreciate all the support. Just, uh, needed a little...

[Softly] Time alone.

Steve: You want me to go?

John: [Whispers] No.

Steve: How you doing?

John: [Exhales]

Steve: A stupid question.

John: Just all this--this-- just sitting here, you just sit here... you just--you just sit here, you just wait, you's just so damn helpless.

Steve: I know.

John: [Groans] Ahh!

Steve: When every part of your being is telling you to go in there and fix the woman you love. There's nothing you can do.

John: I should be in that room, steve. I should be laying on that O.R. Table right now, not doc.

Steve: No, no, no, you can't think like that. Kristen was out of her mind.

John: Kristen wanted sami to take me out, and I wish she had!

Steve: And I wish... we'd gotten to her... before anybody got hurt. But we are where we are. And let me tell you something. Kayla is in there right now, fighting like hell for marlena.

John: Yeah, I know, I know. There is nobody in the world i would rather have in that room with doc than val and kay, but--

Steve: But nothin'. But nothin'. Hey! Marlena's gonna pull through. Just like you guys always pull through. Okay? She's gonna beat this. She's gonna come back to you.

[Emotional music swells]

Will: This is all... still so new for me. You know, I-I don't think I'm ready to make any decisions about the future yet. I ha--I haven't even told paul that I got my memory back.

Sonny: When are you gonna tell him?

Will: I-I was gonna tell him tonight...after the wedding. But I mean, after everything that happened with my grandma and paul's dad, I--

Sonny: I know that it's a complicated time...I do, okay? But I need you to know how i feel.

Will: Sonny, I--

Sonny: When I thought you'd died, my whole world crumbled. I felt I lost my life. And ari was the only thing that kept me going. And then we found you. It was like a miracle. The love of my life was back. Then you didn't remember me. You didn't remember our marriage, you didn't remember our daughter. And I had to lose you all over again. But you need to know that i never stopped loving you. Not for a second. And I never stopped wanting to get back what I lost. Okay? So now that you remember, you remember...

Will: [Sighs] Sonny... I need to get back to--this was--I shouldn't--I need to get back to the hospital. Marlena could be out of surgery any minute.

Sonny: [Sighs] Are you sure that you can drive? Do you want me to get you a car?

Will: Thank you, I-I'll--

Arianna: Daddy!

[Tender music]

Will: Ohh, my sweet, sweet girl. You have no... idea how happy I am to see you.

Julie: Sit down, eve. Try to warm up.

Eve: I-I don't--

Doug: I'll get you a hot cup of coffee.

Eve: I don't wanna sit down.

Julie: Well too bad, too bad! You've been inside a freezer. You might have died!

Eve: It's not like I planned it, julie.

Julie: Would you tell me how you managed to wind up between the lamb chops and the crab cakes?

Eve: That crazy kristen dimera, she--she used me to lure brady to the salem inn. And then she trapped me in there.

Julie: Just like she did susan?

Eve: I'm sure that she has brady right now. I'm sure she does.

Julie: Well, let's call hope. Let's tell her what's happened.

Eve:, you know what, there's no time for that. No, I'm gonna--

Julie: What?

Eve: I'm gonna go find brady.

Julie: Eve, what the hell are you doing?

Doug: Eve, wait. Hey!

Brady: God, stop--no, no, no. Stop, kristen!

Kristen: No, no, no--what?

Brady: This is not right. Stop it.

Kristen: [Laughs]

Brady: Come on--

Kristen: I--no, you listen to me. I know it has been a very, very confusing evening. But I can make it all better. When you make love to me... you're gonna remember what it's like, how good we were together, how good we still are.

Brady: Kristen--

Kristen: We are wasting--

Brady: No, no. Listen, why don't we catch up? Why don't we just slow this down?

Kristen: Catch up? We have been wasting so much time already. And I told you... I told you if you choose not to be with me, I can't trust you, and then your little precious eve will die.

Brady: Kristen, please. Don't do this. Don't do this.

Kristen: It's up to you. It's up to you. Hmm? And I know you're gonna make the right decision for all of us. I've waited so long for this moment. You know what, brady? I'm never gonna let you go.

Brady: [Groans] Ah...

with uncontrolled

moderate-to-severe eczema,

Arianna: Daddy, why are you sad?

Will: No, no, no, I'm not sad. I'm not sad at all. I'm so happy.

[Sniffles] 'Cause remember when I--remember when I first came back and I told you that daddy had an accident and he couldn't remember anything? Guess what. I got great news.

[Whispers] I got my memory back. I remember everything, especially all the wonderful, amazing times that I spent with you and with daddy sonny.

Arianna: Like the time we all went to the zoo with mommy?

Will: Yes! Yes! That was an amazing day. I remember you and that silly little monkey were making faces at each other through the glass. Make that--yes! That was it.

[Sniffles] You know what else i remember? I remember holding you in my arms for the first time. You were so tiny. You had so much hair. And I remember you looking up at me... and at that moment, I knew how special you were. And...I knew you were gonna change my life forever.

Sonny: You changed all of our lives.

Will: But most importantly... I remember that I loved you from the second I met you.

Arianna: I love you, daddy.

Will: I didn't think it was possible... but I love you even more than i did yesterday.

[Emotional music]

Hope: Hey. Here you go.

Rafe: Ow.

Hope: Careful.

Rafe: Yeah, yeah.

Hope: Got it?

Rafe: Yeah. So I came in here to tell her she could have her damn phone call. She must have blind-sided me with that thing.

Hope: Yeah, well, as soon as you went down, she bolted. We got it on the cameras.

Rafe: Damn her.

Hope: This is commissioner brady. I'm issuing an abp on samantha brady. Consider her dangerous.

Sami: Well, there's no sign of brady or kristen. She must have him somewhere.

Paul: [Murmuring] Hey, wait.

Sami: What? What is it?

Paul: Hey, this is a--this is a boutonniere. Brady was wearing this at the wedding.

Sami: So he definitely came back here.

Paul: Why didn't he pick up when I called him?

Sami: Because that crazy, obsessed bitch has her hands on him! We have to stop her--

Paul: Okay, we don't know that for sure, okay?

Sami: Kristen is obsessed with my brother, okay? The whole time she had me held hostage, she was talking about how she should be the one marrying brady, not eve.

Paul: Okay, look, if her goons did pick him up, then she has the resources to take him anywhere in the world.

Sami: Well, then, we have to find a way to track her and rescue brady and then get--

Eve: Brady-- what are you guys doing in here?

Paul: Brady's not here, okay? We're looking for him too.

Eve: Well, kristen used me as bait to get to brady. Now we gotta find him before it's too late!

Paul: Okay, hey, uh, I can try and trace his phone. Do you have his password?

Eve: I've got something better than that--kristen has my phone. She used it to lure brady in.

Paul: Great. Do you have a tracking app on your phone?

Eve: Yes, I do. Uh, use my computer--it's right here.

Paul: Okay, okay, okay.

Sami: Let's just hope that maniac held on to your phone.

Eve: Oh, my god. Kristen, where the hell are you? Come on.

[Suspenseful music]


Paul: Okay, phone's on. They're somewhere still here in salem inn!

Sami: Well, it's not in this room, so where the hell is it?

Eve: I don't know, but I'm gonna find it. I don't care if i have to check every damn room in this hotel!

Sami: That's a good idea--

Paul: Hey, hey, you're not going anywhere. You're turning onto the street

Kristen: Brady... I knew you would want it too, huh? See, we are so good together. We are so good! You don't want to be with any of those other women.

[Brady breathing hard] That little bitch eve. Aah!

[Giggling] I love it when you take charge. I do!

Brady: This is over.

Kristen: What?

Brady: It's over.

Kristen: What are you--

Brady: Look at me, look at me! I don't love you.

Kristen: What do you mean?

Brady: I love eve. Do you hear me?

Kristen: No, no, you don't-- no, you don't mean that.

Brady: I know exactly what I'm doing, I know exactly what I'm saying--I don't love you.

Kristen: You don't mean that, brady.

Brady: Kristen--

Kristen: No!

Brady: Tell me where she is. Tell me where my fiancée is. What have you done with her?

Eve: Brady? Brady! Oh, my god. What the hell's going on?

[Edgy music]

Sami: Let me go. We need to follow eve.

Paul: I will track her down. You are gonna go to the station and you're gonna turn yourself in.

Sami: I'm not...going back to the station.

Paul: Sami, you are a wanted fugitive. They're gonna have everyone out there looking for you! Look, if you don't turn yourself in, I'm gonna call them.

Sami: No, no, please don't do that.

Paul: Give me reason why.

Sami: You love will. Or you say you do.

Paul: Of course I do, but that has nothing to do with this.

Sami: It has everything to do with love. If you love will...if someone tried to take him away from you, you would move heaven and earth to find him, wouldn't you?

Paul: You know I would.

Sami: Well, that's how I feel about ej. He's my soul mate. He's the love of my life. He's the father of my children, and I grieved for him the way we all grieved for will. My kids are growing up without a dad. And now there's a chance that he might be out there. He might be alive, and you can't ask me to give up on him.

Paul: I'm not asking you to give up.

Sami: I have to be the one to confront kristen. Please don't make me turn myself in. Please let me come with you.

[Soft, stirring music]

Paul: [Sighs] Okay. Okay, okay. Uh, let's go find brady and kristen.

Sami: Yes, okay!

Eve: BradY... w-wh-what's going on here?

Kristen: No, you're not supposed to be here! This is our night. Brady belongs to me.

Brady: Are you okay? What did she do to you?

Kristen: You're not supposed-

Brady: Kristen!

Kristen: To talk to her!

Brady: What did she do? Listen, she told me--she told me if I didn't sleep with her, that she would kill you.

Eve: Well, she locked me in a freezer!

Kristen: Yeah, where you should still be!

[Huffs] This...was our night, and you know it.

Eve: Did you--did you sleep with her?

Brady: I--no, no. No. No. I wouldn't have done that, no. I was stalling to make sure--I wanted to figure out where you were. I was trying to get her to tell me that.

Kristen: Don't do this, brady. You are making a terrible mistake.

Brady: You believe me, don't you? Listen, she's nuts. I had no idea what she'd do--

Eve: Brady--

Brady: What are you--what are you doing? What are you doing, kristen?

Kristen: [Laughing] I can't even tell you how disappointed i am in you. I love you for so long, and this is how you treat me?

Brady: Put--

Kristen: No!

Brady: Put the gun down. You're gonna do something you regret--just put it down.

Kristen: Oh, actually, you're gonna regret this. You could have had something really amazing... a timeless love, and I would have done anything for you. And you go and, you know, play me so that you can save this little...

[Groans] This little whore?

Brady: You don't talk to her like that--you don't talk to her that way!

Kristen: I'll talk to her any way I want. You don't love her. You don't!

[Shaky breath]

[Whispers] You really love me. That's all you ever--

Brady: Kristen, kristen, I did love you once. I don't love you anymore. I'm in love with her, and there's nothing you can do about it. Do you hear what I'm saying?

Kristen: Wrong. There's a lot I can do to change it. Bing, bing, bing, bing-- like sending you to join marlena in hell.

[Intense music]

John: I've never experienced time going by so slowly. Seems like every minute is an hour. They should have been out of surgery long before now.

Steve: Want me to go check with nurse shelly, see if there's any kind of an update?

John: That'd be great. Thanks, man. Yeah.

Steve: Hey. It's gonna be okay. We're all with you.

John: I know.

[Emotional] Thanks, partner.

Steve: You're welcome, friend. Oh. Hey, sweetness.

John: So how is she?

[Heavy music]

When I received the diagnosis,

John: So h-how'd the surgery go? Doc's gonna be okay?

Kayla: She made it out of the surgery.

Steve: That's good, right?

Kayla: Mm-hmm. What I can tell you is that marlena is stable. But she's not out of the woods yet.

John: Well, why do you say that? What does that mean?

Kayla: Well, when the bullet struck her, it shattered, and it broke apart into tiny fragments. We were able to get most of them, but there was one fragment that was too close to her heart.

John: To her heart.

Kayla: So we were not able to retrieve that one. We didn't want to risk it becoming dislodged.

John: I see. So she...still has a fragment of the slug in her chest.

Kayla: Mm-hmm. But, you know, we're gonna let her recover, and when she's strong enough, we're gonna take her back in. We're gonna get it. All right?

John: May I see her now?

Kayla: Mm-hmm. They're bringing her to her room. I'll take you there.

John: All right. Hey, partner, listen, can you go and tell everybody--

Steve: Yeah, I will. I'll share the news with everyone.

John: Great. Thank you.

Steve: Hey, listen. She made it through the surgery. Huh? She's stable. That's a good thing.

John: Yeah, it's a good thing.

Steve: Okay. Tell marlena we'll see her soon.

John: Thank you.

Hope: The hospital said there's been no sign of sami.

Rafe: Any word on marlena?

Hope: She's out of surgery and stable.

Rafe: That's great news.

Hope: It is great news.

Rafe: If sami's not there, where the hell is she?

Hope: Where do you think she is? I'm sure she's on the hunt for kristen. She wants that information about ej. Can't believe she was willing to shoot john for it.

Rafe: Well, she said she didn't mean to pull the trigger.

Hope: Do you believe her?

Rafe: I don't know. All I do know is that if she thinks that ej's still alive, she's not gonna rest till she finds him.

Hope: And kristen knew that and used it... to get revenge on john and marlena.

Rafe: Yep. But I think that's only part of the reason why kristen came back here. I think she has unfinished business.

Hope: Brady?

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Yeah. What's odd is that no one has heard from him. And even paul, I mean, paul came by earlier and asked me if I'd seen or heard from him again.

Rafe: That doesn't sound good.

Hope: No, it doesn'T.

Julie: Hope!

Hope: Julie, what is it?

Doug: We need to report a crime.

Brady: Is this really the way you want this to go down? You want to shoot me? Do you?

Kristen: No. I want you to admit that you love me. And if I can't have you...then she can't have you either.

Brady: Kristen, you kill me, your life is over.

Kristen: You know what? My life is already meaningless since the day that I lost you. And I have been just searching and searching and--and--

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: What?

Brady: We were in love once, okay? You screwed it up when you raped my brother. You remember doing that? You ripped up his life!

Kristen: I said I was sorry. It was a terrible mistake.

Brady: You're sorry?

Kristen: Yes! And I should have been more appreciative of you.

Brady: You know what? That mistake that you made--that sent me down the worst path of my life. And she's the one that saved me from that.

Kristen: She saved you?

Brady: She saved me. I love her for that very reason. Do you understand that? I will always...

Kristen: I do.

Brady: Be grateful to her.

Kristen: Aren't you just special? When did eve donovan become a force of good in the world?

Eve: I just love brady. That's all.

Kristen: Oh! You just love brady? What, did you steal him from your sister?

Eve: It wasn't like that.

Kristen: Oh, wow... I mean, theresa was bad enough, but now you... and you. Say good-bye, brady.

Sami: Oh, there you are, you crazy bitch! Oh, thank god! You're gonna tell me what happened to ej, and you're gonna tell me right now!

Sonny: I loved watching you tuck her in, tell her a story. Felt... just like it used to.

Will: Yeah. For me too.

Sonny: Well, I'm sure you wanna get back to the hospital and check on marlena.

Will: Yeah, I do. But sonny, I wanna answer your question... 'cause seeing ari and, you know, holding her made a lot of things clear to me.

Sonny: Okay.

Will: [Murmurs]

Sonny: Yeah.

Will: So... I can't explain how it feels to have these--these emotions rushing through me. I mean, I loved ari before, you know, but know, I see her, and it's like I'm falling in love with beautiful baby girl all over again. And it's overwhelming, these-- these emotions are so intense.

Sonny: All of them?

Will: Yeah. These feelings rushing over me, you know, things I didn't know i had. Feelings I haven't felt in years. My love for ari. And...

Sonny: Your love for me? Is there anything that tastes better than this?

Hope: Kristen locked eve in the freezer?

Julie: Yes, just like she did susan.

Rafe: Well, if she wanted eve out of the way, then she's definitely gone after brady.

Doug: Has anyone heard from him?

Hope: No. We tried reaching him but with no luck.

Julie: Well, she lit out of our place to the salem inn to try and find him.

Rafe: I bet there's a chance sami's there too.

Hope: I have a bad feeling... that this isn't going to end well for anyone.

Kristen: Typical sami. It's all about you.

Sami: Where is ej?

Kristen: Have you not noticed that I have a gun on your brother and his little slut fiancée?

Sami: I know you're not gonna kill brady. You love him.

Kristen: You know what? You're right. I'm not gonna kill him. Hi, eve.

Sami: Oh, forget--

Kristen: Eve, on the other hand--

Sami: Stop it, okay? Deal with me. You said you would. Is ej alive? Hey, hey.

Kristen: Yes, he is. I wouldn't lie about that.

Sami: Then where is he?

Kristen: [Scoffs] What does it matter if you're not gonna be able to reunite with him anyway? I said I would deal with you, and I will. Before I get rid of eve... I'm gonna do the whole world a big favor and kill sami brady.

[Edgy music]

Will: Ever since my memories came back, I have been trying to control the feelings that have come with them.

Sonny: Feelings that you have for me?

Will: Because [Sighs] Because I know that if I face those feelings, it means I'll also have to deal with what that means for paul and me.

Sonny: And what--what does it mean for you and paul?

Will: [Sighs] I love paul. I really do. When I first came back here with no memory... paul was the first person i trusted. He kept me sane. He helped me figure out who i was and who I wanted to be, how I lived and how I wanted to live. But now I know that my feelings for so deep. I... I-I--these emotions are so powerful. You're in my heart. You're in my bones. You're a part of me.

[Whispers] Sonny... I want us to be together. I do love you. I have always loved you.

John: I'm right here, baby. I'm right here, honey. I am so proud of you for how hard you are fighting. I want you to know... that I am in this with you every step of the way. So are your kids and everybody else who loves you. You're not fighting alone, doc. I love you, honey.

[Sobbing] I love you so much.


[Somber music]

Sonny: You have no idea how long I've been praying for this, will. I can't--I can't believe it's real.

[Will laughs] I didn't think it was possible.

Will: I can't believe it either. But it's true. You're my husband. And I'm yours. And it'll always be that way.

Sonny: But...what about paul?

Will: I'm gonna have to break his heart. I don't want to. I really don't want to. But what we have... you and I and ari... I can't deny that. I won't deny it. I want us to be together forever.

Sonny: So do I. So what are you gonna do? What do we do?

Will: I'm gonna have to figure out a way to tell paul.

Sami: Now, you listen to me, kristen. You kill me now, and i promise you, I will come back and haunt you the rest of your life.

Kristen: Mmm. I'm willing to take that risk.

Sami: Why are you even doing this? Brady doesn't love you. And he never will. You're just gonna be alone and miserable forever. So come on, just tell me where ej is and then go back to that miserable hole you were hiding in.

Kristen: I don't think so, sami. See, if I can't have brady, there's no way in hell you'll have ej. Any last words for our sami here? You know what? Never mind. I really don't care!

Sami: Ow!

[Cocks trigger]

Paul: Kristen!

[Eve screams]

[Paul and kristen grunting]

Kristen: [Growls]

Brady: Paul!

Sami: Oh, my god!

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