Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 8/28/18
Episode #13347 ~ Marlena's family gathers as she's wheeled into surgery; Rafe arrests Sami; Will keeps a secret from Paul; Kristen reaches out to Brady and reveals she has someone he loves.
Provided By Suzanne
[Cell phone rings]
Brady: Eve?
Kristen: Guess again.
Brady: Kristen? What the hell? What are--why are you calling from eve's phone?
Kristen: Where are you?
Brady: Where are you? Where is eve?
Kristen: Lower your voice.
Brady: Answer the question!
Kristen: Not until you stop shouting for the world to hear.
[Suspenseful music]
Brady: What've you done with eve?
Will: Kristen shot my grandmother?
Paul: No. Your mom did.
Will: What? No. Sami, she wasn't at the wedding. Paul, she--she--was too-- too em--too embarrassed to come. The wedding was the last place that she would be.
Paul: Sami showed up after you left.
Will: And--and pulled A... pulled out a gun and shot my grandmother? Paul, that's impossible.
Paul: I'm sorry.
Will: That's A...
Paul: Will, I'm sorry, okay? It's true. Sami--sami was drugged. And she claims that kristen, she kidnapped her and drugged her.
Will: She was D... kristen drugged her?
Paul: Sami had the gun in her hand.
Will: What gun?! Paul, what gun? I'm still not, like--
[Both talking at once] This doesn't make any sense. What are you talking about?
Paul: In the confusion, it went off.
Will: [Stammers in disbelief] And... my mother shot my grandmother. Is marlena okay? Tell me my grandmother is okay, paul.
Jennifer: Listen, valerie is a wonderful surgeon. She saved abe's life, remember? And kayla's gonna be with her every step of the way.
Eric: I know, it's just, this is unfair. She should be throwing her bouquet... drinking champagne... not fighting for her life.
Jennifer: Hey. Who do you know stronger than your mom? And with all of our love and all of our prayers? She's gonna get through this.
Eric: How did it happen? I mean, how could sami shoot her? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.
Rafe: Sami--
Sami: What? No! Hey! I didn't do anything wrong!
Rafe: You shot your mother in front of multiple witnesses, sami!
[Tense percussive music]
[Machines beeping]
Valerie: She's asystole.
John: Doc?
Steve: Come on, let them do their work.
John: Doc? No, no, no. It's gonna be okay, baby. You just hang in there, now. Come on.
Valerie: Y'know what, we need to start cpr.
Kayla: Would you stand back, john, please?
John: Doc? Doc?
Valerie: Let us help her.
Steve: Come on, john.
Kayla: Come on, john.
John: No, listen, I know--
Steve: John--
John: I know I can help her if she can hear me. Doc! Come on, baby. I'm not losing you. Come back to me, now. Come on. Come on, sweetie. Keep fighting, baby. Here we go. Here we go, doc. Come on, doc!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sami: Okay, okay, no--
Rafe: Sami--sami--
Sami: Whatever you heard, whatever someone told you, they're wrong!
Rafe: Okay, so you didn't shoot marlena?
Sami: It's not like they're saying.
Rafe: Sami. Hope and I have eyewitness accounts. I need to get your statement.
Sami: Wait, what? Eyewitnesses? Who was an eyewitness that couldn't wait to run to the police?
Rafe: We got eve--
Sami: Oh, great. You know, everybody knows she's a liar.
Rafe: Brady.
Sami: My brother... ratted me out? I don't believe you.
Rafe: Sami, he is worried about you, and so I am. I need to get your version of what happened.
Sami: Look, I didn't do it. Everything that happened, okay? Everything that happened to my mom, to me, it was all kristen's fault. Kristen is the reason that my mom is in there fighting for her life!
Kristen: Eve is fine...
Eve: [Muffled] Brady!
Kristen: For the moment.
Eve: [Muffled] Brady!
Brady: [Stammers] What do you mean "for the moment"? What have you done with her?
Kristen: Oh, nothing yet.
Brady: Don't you play with me, kristen. Talk to me. Where are you?
Kristen: Lower your voice and listen to me. If you want to see your precious little fiancée again, you're gonna do exactly as I say.
[Tense music]
Eric: No one--can any of us survive kristen? I mean, she's brought hell on so many of us, and now she's out there. Oh, god only knows what she has planned.
Jennifer: She is so full of hate. I swear, that woman breathes fire.
Eric: Been locked and loaded on my mom for so many years. She blames marlena for everything that went wrong in her own life. What kristen's done to her and to her family...
Belle: HeY.
Jennifer: Hey.
Belle: Thought you could use these.
Jennifer: Thank you so much.
Belle: Thank god sami didn't come back. I might slap her again.
Eric: How's claire?
Belle: She's fine. Shawn took her home. She's a little shaken up. She's gonna ice her ankle, but she's gonna be fine. How's mom? Is there any news?
Eric: No. Not yet. We're still waiting.
[Machines beeping continuously]
Kayla: She's not responding.
Valerie: Let's get the crash cart in.
200 joules. Clear.
Kayla: Clear.
[Electricity crackles]
John: Come on, doc. Fight, doc. Come on, baby, come on, fight, doc. Come on, honey.
Valerie: Let's try it again. 200 joules. Clear.
Kayla: Clear.
John: Come on, doc, you got this. Come on back to me, baby.
Kayla: John, I need you to step out. John, please.
Valerie: Okay, let's administer one milligram of epinephrine.
Steve: Come on, please.
John: Come on, baby. No, I'm not going anywhere. She needs me here. Doc. Doc! Come back right now. Come on, baby, come on. Come on, keep fighting. Let's go. Come on, doc.
With uncontrolled
moderate-to-severe eczema,
Rafe: Well, from what brady and eve said... kristen masqueraded as susan at the wedding. Then you showed up.
Sami: To save my mom.
Rafe: Mm. Uh, they said that kristen threw you the gun. Is that true?
Sami: I was drugged. Kristen drugged me.
Rafe: Okay, and she also said that ej was still alive and that she would take you to him if you shot john. Is that true?
Sami: Yes, that part is true. But I didn't pull the trigger!
Rafe: The gun went off in your hand.
Sami: There was a lot of noise and confusion! And kristen wouldn't shut up, and then all of the sudden, eric body-slams me, and yes, yes, the gun went off. But I swear to you, I did not squeeze that trigger.
Rafe: [Whispers] That doesn't make sense.
Sami: I know. It doesn'T. I know that, but I've been over it and over it in my mind a million times, and the only explanation that makes any sense at all is kristen must have rigged that gun somehow to-- to go off on its own.
Rafe: Sami...sam...
Sami: I really need you to believe me, here, because it is the only thing that makes sense, because I was not gonna shoot john. I did not shoot my mother! I would never do that. So it had to be kristen! You have to prove that this is kristen's fault, because it isn't mine.
Kristen: No comeback, brady? In the old days, I couldn't shut you up. Remember those days, when we were in love?
Brady: What do you want, kristen?
Kristen: What I can't have, as usual. But who knows... maybe I can.
Brady: Well, whatever the hell it is, you're not getting it until I talk to eve. Now put her on the phone.
Kristen: [Laughs] I always loved that take-charge thing you do. Remember at the wedding? One "lost soul" to another. Except it didn't go as planned, did it?
Brady: Kristen, put her on.
Kristen: What is it with you and those donovan sisters?
Brady: Now!
Kristen: Fine. Don't you dare say anything to tip anyone off... or she's dead. Do you understand?
Brady: [Sighs] I'm waiting.
Eve: [Gasps] Brady! Brady!
Kristen: Oh, god, you're as stupid as your sister. The phone's on mute.
Eve: Well, you're not gonna get away with this.
Kristen: Well, so far, I'm doing pretty well. Now... read this as I wrote it. One word more... and I will kill you.
Eve: [Exhales tearfully]
Kristen: Understand?
[Cell phone beeps]
Brady: Eve? Eve, are you there?
Eve: Brady. I'm here.
Will: So...kristen was going to shoot marlena... and then she threw the gun to my mom... and told her to shoot john... and if she did that, she would take her to ej... who's--who's--who's dead?
Paul: Yeah, kristen thought that it would be more "fun" if sami shot john and marlena had to watch him die.
Will: And are you sure that she was just--that this-- that she was really going to--like, actually going to shoot john?
Paul: She was in the motion of turning, and that's when eric tackled her, and then the gun went off.
Will: Well, I don't--I-- that's--that's why I don't-- I don't think she could-- I don't think she could do that.
Paul: Well, with the drugs...
Will: [Chuckles dryly]
Paul: I mean, w--okay, and--and, I mean, what if sami really believed that kristen was gonna take her to ej? I mean, the guy was the love of her life. And if he's alive... I mean, you are, right? I mean, who knows? I mean, that's--that's A... just that promise alone, that's a pretty powerful motivation for... for sami to wanna pull the trigger.
Will: Yeah, um... yeah, that's--you're right. Sorry. Kristen obviously used that to bait my mom. And it's not the first time that bitch has come after my family.
Paul: But--but you don'T... you don't remember her, right?
Will: Um, no, I don'T. But I've--you know, I've heard-- I've heard stories, and I've heard that she has this, you know, personal vendetta against... against marlena, and it seems like now, she got her chance... and she used my mom to do it.
[Devices beeping]
Kayla: No sinus rhythm.
Valerie: [Sighs] Get me 300 milligrams of amiodarone.
John: Doctors... do whatever it takes to bring her back right now. You hear me? You do whatever it takes. You bring her back right now. You hear me?
Valerie: Yes, john, yes, john.
John: [Crying] I love you, doc. Come on.
Rafe: You know, you may not believe this right now, but I'm actually on your side.
Sami: Okay, that's great. Then you believe me?
Rafe: Well... I need all the facts.
Sami: I told you the facts! Kristen was holding me hostage. Her goons drugged me. I escaped because I had to go rescue my mom. And the fact is that I stood in front of that gun that kristen was holding to protect my mom.
Rafe: Right. The only problem is, the gun went off in your hand.
Sami: And that's it. In your mind, I'm just guilty. Way to be on my side.
Rafe: That's not what I-- I said that I needed all the facts if I was gonna help you, sami. Right now, you know what I have? I have a hell of a lot more questions, okay? So you're gonna come with me, you're gonna go down to the station, and you're gonna go on record.
Sami: My mom is about to go into surgery. I'm not going anywhere.
Rafe: Kayla will keep us informed.
Sami: That is not the same thing, and you know it. I am staying here until my mom is okay.
Rafe: [Firmly] I'm sorry, but I have to insist.
Sami: And if I refuse?
Rafe: Then I'll arrest you.
[Tense music]
Will: I still--I... I can't believe that my mom would... intentionally shoot john, marlena... anyone at that wedding. It does--you know? It doesn'T...there's no... no way.
Paul: I mean, the thing is... there are a bunch of eyewitnesses who think she did. I mean, come on. Sami... she had ben weston try and strangle you all over again because she thought that'd bring back your memory.
Will: Yeah, that was extreme, obviously, but... she did it because she has such a big heart!
Paul: Wow. I've never heard that before. It actually sounded like you were defending her.
[Mysterious music]
Will: Well, I--I think I've just started to figure some things out about her, that's why. Which is why I--I don't believe that she--she could have done this. Although, the... there's a lot of things that I... can't wrap my head around right now. I think I remember everything. I think I remember my whole life.
Paul: Will? What else is it that you can't believe?
Will: Just that while I left the wedding, kristen dimera blew everything to hell and th... I mean, my--my grandmother got shot.
Paul: I looked for you everywhere. Where were you?
Eve: "I am fine. Kristen won't hurt me as long as you do exactly what she says."
Kristen: You hear that, brady? "Exactly."
Brady: Eve! Eve, are you okay? I need to know if you're okay. I...honey, I love you so much.
Kristen: Hold, please.
Brady: Eve.
Eve: [Whimpers] Brady.
Brady: Eve, are you there?
Kristen: Oh, he can't hear you.
Eve: Whatever it is you want, you're not gonna get it.
Kristen: You know what? You don't know what it is...
Eve: [Whimpering] Stop it!
Kristen: To want what I want! Look at me! You don't know! So just zip it, or I really will kill you. And maybe brady too. It's not like he didn't break my heart.
Eve: Just don't gag me, please--please! I promise I won't--
Kristen: Oh, promises, promises. I know all about promises.
[Phone beeps] You still there?
Brady: Tell me what you want. What do you want, kristen?
Kristen: It's simple. You cooperate... eve lives. You don'T... she doesn'T. So listen carefully.
Sami: I can't believe you're just dragging me--
Rafe: Just stop.
Belle: What are you still doing here?
Sami: I have every right to be here!
Belle: The hell you do.
Rafe: All right, enough, okay? I'm taking her down to the station for questioning.
Belle: Good, I hope they lock you up for the rest of your pathetic life.
Sami: Belle, listen to me. I didn't do this!
Belle: I saw you! I saw you do it!
Rafe: That's enough!
Sami: It's kristen's fault!
Rafe: Okay, stop! Is there any news on marlena?
Eric: No. John and steve are with her. They're keeping us posted.
Rafe: [Sighing] Okay.
[Haunting music]
-I've seen lots of homes helping new customers
Will: I, um, I just needed to... I just needed to hydrate.
Paul: You said you saw susan. When? Where is she? Is she okay?
Will: You know, I-- how about this? I'll tell you--I'll-- I'll happily tell you everything, but I'm very worried about my grandmother right now.
Paul: Yes.
Will: Is there any way we can...I wanna go to the hospital, obviously.
Paul: Absolutely. My dad's there, the family.
Will: I'm glad you-- I'm glad your dad's okay.
Paul: Yeah, well, uh... he won't be if marlena dies. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
Will: No, no--no, it's okay. I mean, she'S... she's gonna be okay. She'S...yeah.
Paul: Yeah, no one's tougher. Yeah. Um, you know what? I'm gonna go check in at the police station, and, uh... I'll meet you over at the hospital as soon as I can.
Will: Okay. Sounds good.
Paul: Okay. Hey, um... just, uh... are you sure you're okay? 'Cause--'cause I-- you know, I was looking everywhere for you and you seemed a little upset when you left, and... I was really worried, you know?
Will: Yeah, I'm sorry for making you worry. Um, I'm fine. Like I said, just...
Paul: Okay.
Will: Dehydrated.
Paul: Okay.
Will: Yeah.
Paul: I'll see you later.
Will: Okay.
Paul: Yeah. Uh, hey, um... I love you.
Will: I love you.
[Mysterious music]
Kristen: So that's it. You know what to do?
Brady: Yes.
Kristen: And none of that funny business like at the wedding. We do this alone. Just you and me. No cops, no-- no brother to tackle me. Just you.
Brady: I'll be there.
Kristen: [Chuckles] I know you will. Because if you're not... you will never see your eve again.
Belle: Dad? How is she? How's mom?
Steve: She flatlined...
Eric: No!
Steve: No, no, no, no, just briefly. For a moment there, we thought we were gonna lose her. But I gotta tell you... with john the room... you know, talking to her, pulling for her... he helped marlena stay with us.
Sami: Thank god.
Belle: You don't even have the right to be here.
Eric: What happens now?
Steve: Now that marlena's stable... prepping her for surgery. The bullet hit her lung. They said it's lodged near her heart. But valerie's got this. She's the best.
Sami: John...
Steve: She's the best.
Sami: John, I'm sorry.
Belle: You don't get to do that. No. You don't get to cry these crocodile tears and apologize to my father! You were gonna shoot him, and you hit our mother instead, and now she is fighting for her life because of you!
Eric: This isn't the time or the place.
Sami: I love you. I love all of you.
Belle: When you're not taking a wrecking ball to our lives.
Sami: Belle, this is not my fault. Kristen is the one you should be angry at!
Belle: Sure, 'cause nothing is ever your fault, sami! You--you--you ki-- you kidnap a baby. You sic a psycho on your son. You shoot our mother. And it's still not your fault. You break people, sami. You break lives, and then you just--you just walk away and leave it for everyone else to pick up the pieces. Sometimes these pieces can't be picked up.
Sami: I' sorry.
Belle: Of all the horrible things you've done... I have never been more ashamed to call you my sister.
Rafe: All right, we're done here. Come on. Let's go, sami. Steve, can you keep us posted?
Steve: Yeah.
Rafe: All right, come on.
Sami: No, wait, john.
Rafe: Sami.
Sami: I just want to see my mom.
Belle: You gave up that right when you shot her.
Sami: You hear her? If we leave now, she is gonna turn everyone here against me.
Eric: Sami... no one is against you.
Belle: We won't even be thinking about you, sami. Because we'll be on our knees praying that mom makes it through this alive, and maybe you should too. In your cell.
Will: Mom!
Rafe: Come on.
Sami: Will? Oh, my god, thank god!
Sometimes, bipolar I disorder
Sami: Oh, will, I'm so glad you're here. You have no idea. I love you so much! Oh, my gosh. We are so proud of you.
Will: Oh, for what? I mean, I just got lucky, so...
Sami: No. You are a fantastic person, and that's how you ended up with a great partner and...and such a special little girl. It's because of you.
Will: Mom--
Sami: Despite your dad and I, you grew up--
Will: Come on, hold on. Hold on, I...
Sami: No. No, you don't have to try to make it okay for your dad and me. This is your day. This is your day for us to tell you how incredibly lucky we are to have you as a son, and... and that despite everything, you--
Will: Mom... [Stammering] Can I--I'm sorry, can I say one thing? Since it's my-- apparently, my day?
Sami: [Laughs] Fire away.
Will: Yeah. Um... one thing that I learned from you and dad is how important family is. And that is worth fighting for.
Sami: [Crying] Oh, I'm sorry.
Will: No, it's--
Sami: I just grabbed you and hugged you. I wasn't thinking.
Will: It's okay, I...
Sami: You weren't at the wedding. I didn't see you there. Are you okay?
Will: Yeah, I... um, I got a little dehydrated, so I--you know, I just wanted to step out.
Sami: But you're here know about...
Will: Yeah.
Sami: About my mom.
Will: Yeah.
Sami: Okay. So listen. Whatever they tell you, whatever you hear, you have to please, please believe that I wasn't myself.
[Stammering] I was drugged. But...but I love my mom. I love her as much as I love you, and I would never hurt her. And I did not mean to do this. I would never shoot john either. I didn't do it, but you-- you have to promise me that you'll try to believe me.
Rafe: Sami--sami, we really need to get to the station.
Sami: Okay, please, just try to understand. Please. Please don't listen to them. Please try to understand.
Will: I do.
[Soft music]
Kristen: Meet me in 15 minutes.
Brady: I'm on my way.
Kristen: And brady? I am looking forward to it.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Exhales pleasantly]
Brady: [Sighs]
[Telephone rings]
Paul: Oh, good, good. You're still here. Is there any word on kristen?
Brady: [Sighs]
Sami: Thank you, will. Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me, and... look, again, I'm sorry about...about ben. I know how crazy that was, and--
Will: Oh, it's okay. I...I actually understand now.
[Door rattles]
Sami: Mom.
Kayla: Okay.
[Soft, tense music]
John: Hey, doc. Insurance that won't replace
Belle: Mom?
Marlena: [Murmurs]
Kayla: Listen, I know that you all love her and you want to tell her that, but she's very weak, okay? So make it brief. All right?
Rafe: Sam.
Sami: Look, I'm not going to the station right now! I just need to talk to my mom. I need to make her understand--
Rafe: Okay, okay. Can you just... can you give them a minute? Please?
Belle: I love you. We all do. It's really more than that. We need you. Okay? We need your joy and... your wisdom and... you know, the way you always make us feel like everything's gonna be okay. Boy, do we need that right now. And you really, really need to marry dad once and for all.
[Laughs, sniffles]
John: So how does it look? I need--I need the odds, and I need to know what she's facing now.
Kayla: Valerie is prepping for surgery right now, and we'll know more when we get into the O.R. But all of you loving her and praying for her... the odds don't have a chance.
Eric: You've given me my strength in my darkest hours. You helped me come back when I thought there was no way to come back. I need you to do that now. For me, for all of us. I want you to come back. So please come back to us.
Will: Hi.
Marlena: [Exhales happily]
Will: You were the... first person to accept me for who I am. To just love me for me.
Marlena: You are such a strong young man. I'm so proud of you, and... your road may be a little bumpy. It won't be easy all the time. But you are going to be happy. And no one deserves it more than you do.
Will: You have to come back, grandma. I remember now. I remember you. I remember what an amazing, wonderful woman you are.
Brady: Hope put out an apb. She and abe are all over it, but there's no-- no sign of kristen whatsoever.
Paul: I keep going over it in my head, thinking there's some--there's some piece of information that I'm missing, something that I can do to--
Brady: No, there's--paul. The pd is on it, okay? We're just gonna have to wait it out.
Paul: You know, it was real clear that kristen still had a thing for you.
Brady: She's crazy. She's cra--no, I would not put any stock into what you thought you saw there.
Paul: No, I'm-- I'm just saying that if she's in trouble... if she needs help... I mean, she might reach out to you.
Brady: No, she's not gonna reach...I doubt that. Listen, what--what is the word on marlena? How is she doing?
Paul: Uh, um, steve called. They're prepping her for surgery. She's got a collapsed lung and the bullet's still lodged near her heart.
Brady: Okay. I need to get to the hospital right now. God knows what this is doing to dad, so--
Paul: I'm gonna go with you. I'm gonna go with you. Will's there, and I want to be there for the both of them.
Brady: No, no, no. No, you can'T.
Paul: Why not? I don't--
Brady: Paul, 'cause you need to be here in case some information comes in about kristen's whereabouts, dad would want you here.
Paul: Okay, okay, um... okay, you're right. I'm gonna stay here. Uh, can you just please send them my love?
Brady: I will.
Paul: Okay.
[Tense, quiet music]
Belle: How dare you?
[Soft piano music]
Sami: John... I'd like a chance to talk to my mom, please.
Belle: [Chuckles bitterly] No. Nope. Not after what you've done.
Eric: Why don't we step over to the waiting room until there's some more news?
Belle: No, I-- fine. All right. If our mother dies, I will never forgive you.
Sami: [Softly] Hey, mom. Hey, it's me. Mom, I love you so much.
In terms of treating sensitivity,
Sami: Hey...hey, don't you forget. There's only person I know more stubborn than me, and that is you, right? I mean, where does everybody think I get it from? I guess I just missed out on the wise part. But I'm working on it. Look, I know I screwed up. Again. So you're just gonna have to get better so that you can lecture me about it, okay? No, wait, mom, stay awake. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I crashed your wedding. I just...I was just trying to stop kristen. I was just trying to stop this from happening. And I screwed that up...
[Sobs] Too. But you're gonna be okay. I love you, mom. I love you so, so much, and I would never, ever ever wanna hurt you, and I'm so sorry, mom. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I... oh, john, I'm sorry.
[Sobbing] I'm so sorry.
Rafe: Sami. Sami, we need to go.
John: [Exhales] It's all right. It's okay.
Sami: [Sobbing]
John: It's okay.
[Elevator dings]
[Swelling emotional music]
[Suspicious music]
I'm not saying good-bye, doc. I'm not going anywhere.
Now you already know everything there is to know about all the people who love you. Especially me. Now here's what I want you to do. You're gonna hang in there, and you're gonna come back to all of us.
[Sobs softly] I'll be there to catch you.
[Sweet music]
Kayla: It's time. Okay?
John: We have a wedding to finish, doc. I'm gonna count on that. You take care of her.
Kayla: You know I will. Let's go.
John: [Sniffles]
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