Days Transcript Tuesday 7/31/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 7/31/18


Episode #13327 ~ Eve stuns Jennifer with a bombshell that could affect her relationship with Eric; Ben and Ciara are interrupted by Hope and Rafe; Marlena realizes a key guest has not RSVP'd to her wedding; Adrienne hires Steve to look for Bonnie.

Provided By Suzanne

Ben: Why are you helping me? Why not just throw me out on my ass like... your buddy claire suggested?

Ciara: When I was hurt, you took care of me.

Ben: Then... thank you.

Ciara: Anyone would've done the same.

Ben: No. No, they wouldn'T. I don't have anyone else. Just you.

Ciara: [Sighs] My entire family completely freaked because i decided I would rather stay with a serial killer than come home. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that.

Ben: It's okay. That's who I am. I can be in therapy for the rest of my life, but... it's not gonna change the past. I don't know if it's gonna change the future either.

Marlena: Ah, thank you.

John: All righty! Now that eric and brady have finally mended their fences, I guess all we have to worry about is the catering.


Marlena: You can kid about it, but I'm worried.

John: Why?

Marlena: Well, eric felt so guilty about what happened with nicole, and all he's ever wanted to do was make it up with brady.

John: Yeah, well, you know, it wasn't gonna happen, because brady was in a bad way for so long. But you know what? Since they've both had time to get past nicole, I don't think there's anything standing in their way now.

Marlena: I'm not sure that's true.

John: Why would you say that, doc? Eric's with jennifer. Brady's with eve. They've clearly moved on.

Marlena: Yes, they've moved on from nicole. But before nicole, another woman came between them: Kristen dimera.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: I can't tell you what it means for you to accept my apology. A lot of people wouldn't have forgiven what I did.

[Tense music]

Brady: At the time, I could not... envision them walking off into the sunset and raising that little girl that I had come to believe is--is my own. I wanted them to be miserable. So I managed to... get a recording of nicole confessing to murder. And I told her, I said, "if i ever find out that you and eric are back together, I'll use it against you and take you down." I had her convince him that she never loved him, that she never cared about him.

[Door clicks open] Eric, wait.

Eric: Yeah, what is it?

Brady: There's something I got to tell you... about nicole.

Eve: The only reason you and eric are even a couple is because nicole broke his heart and left town.

Jennifer: I know the whole story. Eric told me everything.

Eve: Eric doesn't know everything.

Jennifer: What is that supposed to mean?

Eve: Well, that whole truth that you're looking for, if eric were to really know the reason why nicole left town, it would change everything-- for him and for you.

Jennifer: For me? Why?

Eve: Well, nicole didn't change her mind. When she left town, she was still in love with eric.

Jennifer: Then why did she break up with him?

Eve: Because brady forced her to. He said if she didn't leave, he would tell the world the truth: She was a murderer.

[Unsettling music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eve: [Sighs]

Jennifer: Nicole killed deimos?

Eve: Well, it wasn't like it was in cold blood, jennifer. She had been drugged. She didn't even remember it at first, and then her memory started coming back. And deimos had threatened her. She wasn't thinking straight. It was--it was a horrible mistake.

Jennifer: Right, and all this time, brady knew the truth?

Eve: Well, he didn't find out for a couple weeks afterwards, but he knew no good was gonna come out of sending her to prison, so he decided to keep her secret, protect the woman that he loved.

Jennifer: Right, until he changed his mind, right?

Eve: That is because nicole came to him and said that she was gonna leave him for eric, and brady was angry. Couldn't stand the idea of the love of his life living happily ever after with his brother, so... he recorded her confession and said if she didn't break eric's heart, then he would send her to prison.

Jennifer: I just-- I can't believe this.

Eve: Look, she'd just gotten holly back. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her daughter again, so she left. But she never stopped loving eric. My guess, she never will.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: Brady, I appreciate it, but there's really nothing more to say. I apologized. You apologized. We put it out in the air. It's in the air. It's all good.

Brady: No, it's not. It's not all good. Eric, when, um-- when nicole came to me and she told me that she had, uh, slept with you and that she wanted to be with you... man, I was so angry, I couldn't even think straight, okay? I kept thinking about the two of you having a life at the cabin and being happy together when I was left with nothing, right?

Eric: I'm sorry we did that.

Brady: No, see, it didn't matter to me that you were sorry. It didn't matter to me that you had agonized over your decision. At the moment, I just wanted revenge on you.

Eric: And I get it. Somebody hurts you, you want to hurt them back.

Brady: No, eric, you-- you're not understanding me. I didn't want to just hurt you. I wanted you to lose everything. I wanted the two of you to be as miserable as I was. And what you don't know is that I made--I made damn sure of it.

Kayla: Hey.

Steve: Hey, beautiful.

Kayla: Well, I'm glad I no longer have to take that on faith.

Steve: Are you kidding me? Sight or no sight, I know you're always the most beautiful woman in the room.

Kayla: Mm.

Steve: Did you bring my discharge papers?

Kayla: Oh, so you're just flattering me to get you out of here, huh?

Steve: Mm, not that I don't love the five-star accommodations...

Kayla: Hey, haven't I gotten you the vip treatment here?

Steve: Was it you who got me the whipped cream on my apple pie?

Kayla: Yeah. Don't say I've never done anything for you.

Steve: Hmm.

Kayla: Looks like I'm not the only one.

Steve: Yeah, tripp, uh, went down to the gift shop for me before he took off. I never thought I'd be so excited to read celebrity gossip.

Kayla: Oh, well, please, don't let me stand in your way.

Steve: No, I'm all done.

Kayla: [Chuckles] You know, it's too bad that tripp couldn't have stayed longer. How's he doing?

Steve: He's good, especially now that ciara's home and she's decided to move back into the loft.

Kayla: You're kidding.

Steve: No, tripp even thinks that she might finally be coming to her senses about ben weston.

Ciara: That's why I didn't want to come home. I, uh--I didn't know what kind of future I would have here... because no matter what I did, I could never escape what happened to me. I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to deal with it. But now that I'm back... I don't really have a choice. I have to. I'm doing it.

Ben: You're doing a great job.

Ciara: Thanks. Turns out it's not so hard. And you know what? Maybe you can do the same.

Ben: [Scoffs] I don't think that's in the cards for me. This whole town is never gonna forget what I did. Maybe they shouldn'T. Part of me just thinks I should just hop the next train out of here.

Ciara: Wait, you're leaving?

Ben: Not that soon. Your mom and rafe made it very clear to me that I can't leave town until this whole fire investigation is over.

Ciara: Well, maybe that is a good thing. You know, gives them a chance to prove that you are innocent. That's the whole reason why I hired you the lawyer.

Ben: I appreciate that more than you know. What if the lawyer and the cops don't prove I'm innocent? Will you ever believe I didn't set that fire?

[Door bangs open]

Hope: Get the hell away from my daughter!

[Tense music]

In terms of treating sensitivity,

Ciara: Mom, what the hell?

Hope: Move away from him.

Ciara: He's not doing anything wrong! Would you please put the gun down? I'm fine! I'm fine, mom!

Rafe: Hope. Hope, she said she's fine. Holster your weapon. Hey.

Hope: Move away from her now.

Ciara: Wait.

Ben: Ciara, it's fine.

Ciara: No, mom, what is going on? Why are you here?

Hope: Claire showed up at the station to warn me that my daughter had let a serial killer into her home.

Ciara: Of course she did. Well, did she also tell you that she assaulted him?

Hope: No.

Ciara: Mm-hmm. Yeah, as soon as claire saw ben, she completely freaked and hit him over the head with a frying pan. He was dizzy, and I thought he might have a concussion, so I told him to stay.

Rafe: Well...

Kayla: You know, I am so glad that ciara's finally figuring out that ben weston is not her friend. After everything that she's been through, she needs to be around people who have her best interests at heart.

Steve: Yeah.

Kayla: Good people like tripp.

Steve: That's nice of you to say.

Kayla: No, I mean it. Look, I know that tripp and i had a difficult start. But he was a troubled kid, just like ciara.

Steve: Just like I was, till a certain sweet woman came into my life and saved me.

Kayla: I did not save your life.

Steve: You didn't? Then how am I still here?

Kayla: You know what? You are too much.

Steve: Mm.

Kayla: We both know that you are totally full of it.

Steve: No.

Kayla: Mm.

Adrienne: Oh, jeez. Will you two get a room already?

Kayla: Sorry. Hi.

Steve: Oh, look who's here.

Kayla: Hi.

Adrienne: Hi!

Steve: Wow!

Adrienne: Hey, baby.

Steve: You are a sight for sore eyes. Or should I say sore eye?

Adrienne: Oh, ha, ha, ha. You in any pain, baby?

Kayla: No, no, he's fine.

Steve: Except for you're kind of burning up my supersensitive retina with that blouse of yours.

Adrienne: Really?

Steve: Ah, yeah.

Adrienne: [Scoffs]

Steve: But, baby sister...

Adrienne: What?

Steve: You never looked so good.

Adrienne: [Smooching]

Steve: So good to see you.

Adrienne: So good to see you.


Eric: Brady... as much as you may have wished revenge on us, you don't have to take responsibility for what happened.

Brady: Oh, yes, I can.

Eric: Why? Because you lashed out at her? No, because that's talk. It's not like you made her leave salem.

Brady: Eric, eric, you got to listen to what I'm saying--

Eric: Why, because it's the best thing that happened to me that day?

Brady: What do you mean?

Eric: Just that. In the months that she's been gone, I've realized that if nicole and I were truly meant to be together, there's nothing you would've said that would make her not want to be with me. Bottom line is, is that she really never loved me enough to stay.

Brady: No. That is not true.

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: Okay, say I believe you. How do you know all of this?

Eve: Well, I wouldn't if theresa's attorney hadn't gone on and on about that amulet thing at the custody battle.

Jennifer: The one that you said brady maybe planted in your bag?

Eve: Yeah, he kept saying, you know, the only reason that brady would have it is if he murdered deimos. And it actually just got me to thinking...

Jennifer: That brady was guilty.

Eve: Look, I just wanted to know the truth. I did. So when we got home, I asked brady how he wound up with it, and he told me how nicole had murdered deimos. He told me the whole story.

Jennifer: Right, but he's fighting for custody of his son. Why would he risk losing him? Why didn't he just tell everyone that nicole was guilty?

Eve: Because as far as he was concerned, he thought that nicole had suffered enough, okay? That she'd lost her-- she'd lost her daughter and she could go to prison. It was--

Jennifer: At the risk of losing his own son?

Eve: Well, he didn't know if that was actually gonna happen. But I wasn't so sure. That's why I needed an insurance policy. I needed a plan B.

Jennifer: Oh, right, and that was planting drugs in jj's apartment, eve.

Eve: I didn't do that! Okay? That was victor. And you listen to me. I had no idea that-- that brady and theresa were gonna actually agree to joint custody, and I had no idea that your son was gonna stand up in court and lie and say that those drugs were his!

Jennifer: He was trying to do the honorable thing, eve.

Eve: Well, I know that!

Jennifer: Right!

Eve: I know that!

[Sighs] God. And I know that you don't think much of my opinion, but you know what? Your son, he's actually a good person, okay?


Jennifer: Eve.

Eve: What?

Jennifer: If you hadn't interfered, brady would have joint custody of his son right now. But it's because of you that he lost his son.

Eve: I just never meant for any of this to happen, and I feel terrible about that.

Jennifer: You should feel terrible.

Eve: I do feel terrible!

Jennifer: You did an awful thing! That's why he deserves to know the truth, eve. And if you're not going to tell him, I am.

Eve: [Scoffs]

[Dramatic music]

Eve: No, no, no, jennifer, please, please, please. Please, you cannot tell brady.

Jennifer: Eve, why not?

Eve: Because it would kill him. It would kill him. He just lost his son. Please, I just-- damn it, I didn't-- I didn't ask for jj to lie. I didn't ask victor to plant those drugs. I just hated what theresa was doing to brady, and I was just trying to do the right thing!

Jennifer: Right, but how did you go about it, eve? You lied and you cheated. No, it wasn't honorable like jj or like brady. And I know that it will hurt him when I tell him this, but in the long run, I really think I'm doing him a favor, eve.

Eve: Don't, jennifer.

Jennifer: Why not?

Eve: Because if I lose brady... you'll lose eric too.

Brady: Eric, nicole loved you. I know that for a fact. She loved you.

Eric: It doesn't matter anymore. Don't you see? I've moved on. I am in a much better place.

Brady: With jennifer.

Eric: Yeah, with jennifer. She and I, we--

[Chuckles] I mean, she and I, we are a better match than anyone I've ever been with, including nicole. I mean, she and I, we-- we want the same things in our lives, and we want the same things in our future. Brady, we're in love. And I really appreciate you trying to make things right, but I-I think things worked out for the best.

Brady: [Chuckles softly]

John: Kristen dimera. You know, when I think about all the horrible things she did to brady and how she used him, I just thank god that she is gone for good. And as much as I hate for anyone to lose their lives, in her case, I think it's better for all of uS.

Marlena: I couldn't agree more. I just wish...

John: You wish what, doc?

Marlena: Oh, I wish they'd found the body.

[Ominous music]

Adrienne: "Mr. Johnson is one of the first recipients of this new frontier in biotech, which he owes to the intervention of his business partner, john black"--

Steve: Uh, and--and his wife, dr. Kayla johnson.

Adrienne: What, now you're giving me edits?

Kayla: No.

Steve: Well, you said it was a first draft. I just want credit given where it's due.

Kayla: That's really not necessary.

Steve: Oh, yes, it is necessary, because if you hadn't intervened for me, I wouldn't be sitting here being blinded by adrienne's blouse.

Adrienne: Hey, really?

Kayla: You know what? I am going to leave you two to catch up, all right?

Adrienne: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, you're gonna leave me alone with him?

Steve: Yeah, come on.

Kayla: Don't worry.

Steve: It's all right.

Kayla: I have the nurses on high alert.

Adrienne: Thank you.

Kayla: Behave yourself.

Steve: I will.

Adrienne: Seriously. Just 'cause you can see me now...

[Both laugh] Hey.

Steve: Hey.

Adrienne: When you blow this joint, what you gonna do? Besides hassle me on my wardrobe, of course.

Steve: Oh, I don't have to be in here to do that.

Adrienne: [Laughs]

Steve: But when I do get out of here, I need to get back to work.

Adrienne: Good. I'm glad to hear it. 'Cause I need you to find a missing person.

Hope: How many fingers am I holding up?

Ben: One. Pointer.

Hope: He's fine. Time for you to go.

Ciara: Mom, come on.

Hope: Ciara.

Ciara: He was knocked out. He needs a doctor.

Hope: Was he knocked out?

Ciara: Yes.

Hope: Was he really?

Ciara: Yes.

Hope: Maybe he was just looking to get some attention from you.

Ciara: No, he wasn't looking for attention. I saw claire hit him over the head with a frying pan.

Rafe: Ciara, you said you were gonna stay away from ben, so what the hell is he doing here anyway?

Ciara: He just wanted me to know that he's looking to get a job so he can pay me back for the lawyer that I hired for him. That's it.

Rafe: Oh. Okay, great. Message sent. Let's go, pal. Today. You all right?

Ben: Yeah.

Rafe: Okay.

Ben: It's nothing a little fresh air won't cure.

Rafe: Okay, good. I like the way you think. Come on.

Ciara: No, wait. Where are you going?

Ben: I'll figure something out.

Ciara: No, that's what you said yesterday. Where did you spend last night? Look, just tell me. It's okay.

Ben: [Clears throat] On a bench in the park.

Ciara: You don't have anywhere else to go, do you?

Ben: Not at the moment.

Hope: I know a great little place. So do you. It's called statesville.

[Dramatic music]

John: You're not seriously worried about kristen coming back, are you?

Marlena: No, not in my rational mind, but... there's something gnawing at me after I saw susan in memphis.

John: Yeah, well, that was a rude awakening.

Marlena: Yeah, and right before the wedding.

John: Don't worry, okay? Really, I have it on good authority, everything is gonna be fine.

Marlena: Oh, great. Who's the authority?

John: Me. Sweetheart, the day that I tie that knot with you is too important to let anything screw it up. Therefore, everything is going to be perfect.

[Tender music]

Eric: I mean, who would have thought... after everything that happened last fall? I mean, look at us. Brady, you found eve. And I have jennifer. And nicole, she is off giving her life to her daughter. So there's really no point in dwelling on the past, right?

Brady: No. No, there's no point. I-I was probably feeling very guilty, that's all.

Eric: I know that, and I appreciate that. But you didn't do anything wrong. That was me. I appreciate your forgiveness. And I'm glad that we're here to talk about it. You know, maybe one of these mornings, we can, uh, do an early-morning run.

Brady: Oh. How early? I-I'd like that.

Eric: [Laughs] Great, then I'll give you a call.

Brady: All right.

Eric: It's gonna be nice and early.

[Soft dramatic music]

Brady: [Sighs]

Jennifer: Are you blackmailing me, eve?

Eve: No, jennifer, of course not. Just stating a fact. I mean, it was easy for eric to let go of nicole because she made it very clear that she didn't want anything to do with him. But--I don't know-- what do you think would happen if eric knew the truth to why she really left, that she was forced to by his brother? Hmm, what do you think would happen? Give me a guess.

Jennifer: I'm not playing this game, eve.

Eve: Oh, come on, come on, jennifer, just a little guess. Help me out here. Okay, you know what? I'll tell you what I think. I think that he would get on the next flight out of here to search the globe for his lost love.

Jennifer: You have no idea what you're talking about.

Eve: Oh, you didn't think it was you, did you? I mean, you're obviously not his great love. You're a consolation prize. But there is some good news in all this, because eric really doesn't need to know any of this. Jj didn't lose his job, and the custody battle's over. So we can kind of let this go. But it's none of your business anyway, but if you feel that you need to be in brady's life, you just remember this. You won't just be blowing up my relationship. You'll be destroying yours too. Mm-hmm. But if that's what you feel like you need to do, you go ahead.

Tech: At safelite autoglass,

Steve: You want me to find bonnie lockhart?

Adrienne: The woman had me locked up in prison while she took over my life. And I was in that hellhole for weeks, away from the people that I love, and I still have nightmares about solitary confinement.

Steve: I know, and I'm sorry you had to go through all that.

Adrienne: Steve, bonnie lockhart is a low-life criminal, and I will never truly feel safe until that woman is back behind bars. Please, just tell me that you'll do it.

Steve: If the fbi can't find her, I'm not sure what I can do. But you can bet I'll try my damnedest. Anything for my baby sister.

Adrienne: I love you. Thank you.

Kayla: Hey! Hey, jennifer!

Jennifer: Hey.

Kayla: Hi!

Jennifer: Hi.

Kayla: So good to see you.

Jennifer: You too. You, uh, grabbing a late lunch?

Kayla: Uh, no, actually. I got some, um--some chowder for steve.

Jennifer: Oh, right. I heard the good news. It's--it's wonderful. The operation was a success.

Kayla: Yeah, I mean, it's amazing. His sight has been restored.

Jennifer: I know. It's wonderful. It really is.

Kayla: Oh, thank you.

Jennifer: It's so wonderful.

Kayla: Yeah, we're so happy.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Kayla: Hey, speaking of good news, I heard that jj's suspension might be lifted.

Jennifer: Yeah, I believe it will.

Kayla: Is everything okay? With abigail or...

Jennifer: Uh, yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?

Kayla: Well, no reason. I just, um--I just was wondering if her therapy's going okay.

Jennifer: Oh, yeah, as far as I know, yeah.

Kayla: That's great. Well, listen, tell her that I, um--I'm thinking about her, okay?

Jennifer: I will.

Kayla: All right. I'll see you later.

Jennifer: Okay.

Kayla: Good to see you.

Jennifer: You too, kayla.

Marlena: All righty, now, we've heard from jennifer...

John: Mm-hmm.

Marlena: And abigail...

John: Ah.

Marlena: Jj, kate...

John: What is it?

Marlena: Well, we haven't gotten an rsvp from sami yet. It would just be so nice to have her here with the rest of the family on our wedding day.

John: Mm-hmm. I think I-I might know why she might not want to come. You know, think about it, doc. After what happened at rafe and hope's wedding, I don't think she's all that anxious to make an appearance at ours.

Ciara: I don't believe this! I am an adult. I decide who can and can't visit me.

Ben: Ciara, it's fine. I-I appreciate your kindness, but I've taken advantage of it long enough.

Ciara: No, but you just said you don't have anywhere else to go.

Ben: Don't worry about me. I'll be okay, all right? Good luck with your leg.

Rafe: Come on. Come on, ben. I'll walk you out.

Ciara: Bye. Good luck!


The wonderful thing about polident

Hope: What?

Ciara: "What?" My god, mom, you know, I know I've done a lot of things that you're not happy with, but... I need you to trust me, okay? I'm not crazy.

Hope: I know that, sweetheart. But ben is--

Ciara: Mom!

Hope: Ciara, listen. You have a big heart. And I would never want that to change. But that big, beautiful heart of yours, honey, can also get you into trouble. The next time ben shows up at your door, promise me you won't let--

Ciara: Don't worry.

Hope: Ciara!

Ciara: Mom, he's definitely not coming back.

Hope: Promise me.

Ciara: Fine. I promise.

[Soft dramatic music]

I love you, mom.

Hope: I love you.

Rafe: Here.

Ben: What's this?

Rafe: It's a homeless shelter. They got a few extra beds, and they're expecting you.

Ben: You don't have to do this.

Rafe: And stay off the streets. And stay away from people like will and abigail and everyone else that you've hurt.

Ben: You don't have to worry. I'm not--

Rafe: I don't have to worry?

Ben: No.

Rafe: You know that's not true. So don't stand here and tell me that you're sorry or that you've changed, because I'm not gonna buy it, understand? You're not gonna feed me the same crap that you're feeding everyone else. I don't think you went to shady hills and you spent two years there and now you're cured, okay? So let's not pretend.

Ben: Rafe, I'm not pretending.

Rafe: I'm not finished. I love ciara like she's my daughter. So you stay the hell away from her. I swear, you so much as lay a hand on her, you're gonna wish you never set foot back in salem.

[Tense music]

[Door clicks open]

Brady: Hey. You okay?

Eve: Yeah. Fine.

Brady: You really don't seem fine.

Eve: [Sighs] I saw ben weston today.

Brady: Oh, my god, you did?

Eve: Yeah. It was like the day that paige died. All that pain and rage just came flooding back. One look at him, and I... I wanted to kill him.

Brady: Sure. That's understandable.

Eve: No, you don't get it. I tried to kill him. I attacked him. I went after him with everything I had. If hope and rafe hadn't have shown up when they did, no telling what I would have done.

Brady: Hey, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that was like for you.

Eve: It was awful.

Brady: I'm sorry.

Eve: It was awful. I don't want to talk about it, all right?

Brady: No, no.

Eve: So tell me about your day, please. It can't be as bad as mine.

Brady: Hmm. Well, I didn't talk to anybody that I wanted to murder.

Eve: Mm.

Brady: At least not lately. I talked to eric.

Eve: And how did that go?

Brady: Surprisingly well. We, um, cleared the air as far as nicole was concerned.

Eve: Really? Did you tell him why nicole really left?

Brady: No.

Eve: No?

Brady: No, not specifically.

[Clears throat] Eric just wanted to put the whole thing behind him, and I figured that that was probably the best thing to do.

Eve: [Sighs]

Brady: Telling him the truth would have done more harm than good.

Eve: Yeah, thank god.

Brady: Why do you say that?

You've got to get in there, like...

[Soft music]

Steve: Hey.

Kayla: I got you some contraband.

Steve: Is that what I think it is?

Kayla: Yup!

Steve: Ooh.

Kayla: Brady pub chowder...

Steve: Okay.

Kayla: Piping hot. You can kind of feel it, piping hot.

Steve: Mmm.

Kayla: Mmm. I thought it was the best way to keep you quiet about being discharged too early.

Steve: Well, not that I would ever turn down mama brady's chowder, but... I can think of a few good reasons why I want you to take me home now.

Kayla: A few?

Steve: And then some.

Kayla: [Giggles]

Steve: [Laughs]

Kayla: Oh. Oh, adrienne forgot her notebook.

Steve: Oh, yeah, that reminds me. She said she wants to go with the romance angle. She's gonna need a quote from you about how the love of my life helped me get my sight back.

Kayla: Yeah, I think that the romance angle is definitely the way to go.

Steve: Yeah.

Marlena: Mm!

John: Hey.

[Whispering indistinctly]

Marlena: [Laughs]

John: Hmm?

Marlena: We can't afford to get distracted. This wedding is only minutes away!

John: I don't think that I'm the one that's distracting you. I think your mind's still on sami, isn't it?

Marlena: Well, it is.

John: Yeah.

Marlena: It'd be so nice to have our entire family with us on our wedding day.

John: That sounded amazing. Why don't you call sami and tell her exactly that?

Marlena: What a good idea.

[Soft music]

[Line rings] Oh, it went right to voice mail.

John: Tell her. Tell her.

Marlena: Hi, honey, it's mom. Um, I'm calling because, uh, john and I are just sitting here and we were talking about the wedding plans, and--and, uh, I noticed you haven't rsvp'd yet. And I really am hoping that you'll make it. It just... wouldn't be the same without you here.


John: [Chuckles]

Marlena: Mm.

Eve: Well, I'm just relieved, that's all. We both know if eric knew the truth that he would go out searching for nicole. And if everybody knew about nicole, then a lot of lives would be ruined, right?

Brady: Yeah. I thought the same thing. I mean, telling eric the truth would have been like setting off a bomb. As much as I want to clear my conscience, I think it's best for everyone if he never knows.

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: [Sighs] Dear god... what am I gonna do?

Eric: Do about what?

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