Days Transcript Friday 7/20/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/20/18


Episode #13320 ~ Abigail considers terminating her pregnancy; Gabi accidentally reveals Abigail's secret; Will receives a shocking note; Eli supports Lani as they continue to deal with baby David's death.

Provided By Suzanne

Sonny: Hey. I just got back from court.

Will: How'd it go?

Sonny: Well, leo didn't show up again...obviously. My dad made another motion to dismiss, and I think the judge is considering it.

Will: That's good...right?

Sonny: Except leo is dead. And where the hell is his car?

Will: And what happened to the body?

Kate: Body? What body?

Abigail: Okay. Well, I put some extra sunscreen in thomas's bag. Okay. Bye.

[Sighs] Kid got my sensitive skin.

Chad: Maybe your next one will have, uh... his or her mom's beautiful skin.

Abigail: Yeah.

[Phone beeps] Oh. Gabi.

Chad: What, you don't wanna talk to her?

Abigail: Oh, I'll just catch up with her later.

Chad: It's not because you feel guilty still, is it? 'Cause it's not your fault.

Abigail: I'm the reason that she went to prison. That's a fact, and it's not easy one to deal with.

Chad: Is that why you were tossing and turning all night?

Abigail: Did I wake you up?

Chad: No, just...concerned. Still worry about you. Why don't you go back to bed, see if you can get some more sleep?

Abigail: No. No, I've just--I've got--I got things I gotta do, so... and I bet the amazing ceo of titan's got a pretty full day, right? Yeah.

Chad: You trying to get rid of me?

Abigail: Never. No. I would never.

Chad: Well...I actually do have A...pretty packed day. You want the rest of it?


Chad: No?

Abigail: Thank you.

Chad: You mean my, uh, my "three cups of coffee before noon" wife doesn't want the rest?

Abigail: Bye. Get outta here. Go.

Chad: I'm off.

[Quiet music]

Gabby: I had a real life because of you. I was real because we were real.

Stefan: I love you.

Gabby: Good-bye, sam.

Ted: I'm glad you're home. I'm ted laurent.

Stefan: I know who you are. Kate's lawyer.

Ted: And I know you're blackmailing her. I'm here to stop it.

Abigail: Were you hiding in the bushes? Chad just left--he could have seen you.

Gabi: So what if he did? I mean, you and I are friends, right? I can still come over your house?

Abigail: Yeah, I guess, i just...feel tense, I guess.

Gabi: Yeah. And I am worried. You called me and you told me that you decided what you're gonna do about the baby. And then you hung up.

Abigail: Because chad walked into the room, but I haven't had a second alone till now.

Gabi: Okay. Okay, well, are you ready to do this? Because we don't have a lot of time. We need to switch paternity results and pass off that baby as chad'S.

Abigail: I'm not having this baby.

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our liveS."

[Soft orchestration]

[Soft music]

Eli: How's lani?

Abe: Well, valerie's giving her a final exam before she's released.

Eli: You think she's up to going to the cemetery?

Abe: She's trying to be strong. But my girl's still fragile. I am...glad you're here.

Valerie: Well, your vitals look good and you're healing nicely from the surgery. There's no reason you won't be released today. Lani?

Lani: How do I do this? How do I bury my son?

[Somber music]

[Door thuds closed]

Chad: Yo, is it true leo didn't show up for court today?

Sonny: It's true. Yeah.

Chad: Okay, so? What does that mean? Leo ran--what does that mean for the case? What's next?

Sonny: I'm not sure. My dad's in conference with the judge right now, and we're just hoping for a dismissal.

Chad: That sounds good to me.

Sonny: Yeah. Th-thank you for stopping by and checking in on me--I appreciate that.

Chad: Yeah, no, um, I-I'm just glad this nightmare's almost over. You didn't deserve this. But, uh, I actually came by to talk to ari. I promised gabi that I'd convince her to take it easy on her.

Sonny: Well, uh, you're a great friend to gabi and myself, obviously, um...but ari is not here. You missed her. She's away at camp.

Chad: Right. Well, I don't know, I feel bad about it. You know, it's not gabi's fault she wasn't here.

Sonny: I know. I've been talking to her a lot. But she inherited her mom's stubborn streak, so I'm not getting through to her anytime soon.

Chad: Well, it's hitting gabi hard. You know, I don't blame her after everything she's been through. Now ari won't talk to her, especially now that she can't even--

Sonny: She can't--she can't what?

[Phone rings] Wait, this is my dad. I gotta take this. It might be a decision about the case. Hey, dad.

[Unsettling music]

Gabi: Of course. Of course chad is the father. I thought you told me that you weren't gonna end this pregnancy.

Abigail: Well, I don't want to. But...and if I think about it too much, I'm gonna lose my nerve, and I gotta do it because I'm not--I'm not gonna have stefan's baby.

Gabi: Yeah, but we have a solution.

Abigail: No. We have got lies or we have the truth. And I am not gonna lie to my husband, and I'm not gonna force him to live with the truth.

Gabi: This is--this is a big decision, abigail. Have you thought about this? Because there's no going back.

Abigail: I made an appointment. I'm getting an abortion. Today.

[Dramatic music] If you use some of these moves

Gabi: How can you--how could you even think about getting an abortion? I're fully capable of bringing a child into this world, and you're just wanting to get rid of it?

Abigail: I don't have a choice.

Gabi: You're being selfish!

Abigail: No. I am thinking about my marriage. I'm thinking about my family. I'm thinking about the son that I already have.

Gabi: Yeah. You're not thinking about the child that you're gonna sacrifice to have that happy life.

Abigail: Gabi, this is hard enough.

Gabi: Good! Good, because it should be. You know, I might not be able to have children for the rest of my life! And here you are, ready and willing to just give this gift away! Do you know how that makes me feel?

Abigail: I am...I am so sorry that this hurts you. I'm doing this for chad. And as understanding as he would absolutely try to be, this child--his brother's child-- would be too much, and I'm not gonna do it to him. Because he has loved me, in spite of everything. I've hurt him enough, and it's done today. It's done.

Gabi: So you're just... you're willing to hurt a defenseless child--

Abigail: It's not your choice, gabi! It's mine.

Stefan: I don't see how you can stop me from doing anything I damn well please.

Ted: I'll go to the dimera board, tell them you are threatening kate. They won't stand for it.

Stefan: [Laughs] The board, uh, cares more about the company's bottom line than they do about kate. If she's a threat to dimera, they'll back anything I do.

Ted: Even blackmail?

Stefan: That's very dramatic. Are we finished?

Ted: Well, this ends now, dimera. You're gonna cease and desist.

Stefan: Or what? You'll, uh, you'll sue me? Call the police?

Ted: If that's what it takes.

Stefan: You might wanna think this through. If leo starke's sexual harassment suit is revealed to be the fraud that it is... kate will be exposed, you'll be implicated as well. So go ahead...say anything you want. You and kate both'll wind up in prison.

Will: Hey! Hi. Kate. Oh, you look great.

Kate: I know. So what were you talking about? Talking about a body?

Will: Oh, um...ah, you know.

Kate: No, I don't know.

Will: [Laughs] Oh, um... just for a story that I'm writing--or researching, um, for "the spectator."

Kate: You know, I have known you for a really long time, so i know that you don't actually remember, and I've always had really good radar when it comes to reading you. And right now, I'm reading that you're not being honest with me, so... why don't you just tell me what's really going on?

Valerie: Oh, sweetie. Ohh... listen, I know... it's a cold comfort right now, have so much life ahead of you. And you will be a mom again. Ohh...I'm sorry. That's not very helpful, is it?

Lani: No. Not really.

Valerie: Well, then... just know that your dad and i and eli will be right by your side.

Abe: Thank you for making the arrangements, eli.

Eli: I knew it would be too much for lani to take on.

Abe: It couldn't have been easy for you either.

Valerie: Hey. She's ready.

Abe: Um, you know, I'd like to have a moment alone with her before we go.

Valerie: Sure.

Abe: Sweetheart.

Lani: Hi, dad.

Abe: You know how much I love you? How proud I am of you?

Lani: Proud? Why?

Abe: Oh, well... there are...many reasons. But right now it's because you were so committed to being a mother. Even though you hadn't planned for it, yet you were all in. Ready to give it everything you've got. That's why it hurts so much. Now you know you have so much love to give a child.

Lani: But all of the love...

[Sobs] The love that I have for my baby... I just...I don't know what to do with it. I just [Sobs] I don't know what to do with it all.

Abe: Oh, sweetheart, oh...

[Lani sobbing]

[Emotional music]

Ted: I don't see how you could have anything that could send kate or me to prison.

Stefan: You know what they say, don't ya? "Picture's worth a thousand words" and all that.

Ted: Yeah. The photograph of leo entering kate's hotel room. That means nothing.

Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I have one of you too. It's very cozy, the three of you plotting your bogus lawsuit to bring down titan. Hmm? What is that, uh...fraud, conspiracy, etc., Etc., Etc.?

Ted: You have a very vivid imagination.

Stefan: You know, I've, um...

[Ahem] I've read that leo starke has yet to show up in court. Two days, and still no leo. I would think that he would be eager to collect on his big payday. So where is he, mr. Laurent? And why are you here, irritating the hell out of me, instead of looking for him? Unless you know where he is.

Ted: I have no idea.

Stefan: If I were you, i would be worried that people might think that you and kate made poor little leo disappear.

Ted: That's bull, and you know it.

Stefan: But I'm not the one you're trying to convince.

Ted: This ends now, dimera. You are torturing kate, and it needs to stop.

Stefan: Well, that must be why you get paid the big bucks, right? All that, uh, emotional involvement with your client? Unless kate's more than a client.

Will: Um, it's nothing, you know, just work pressure.

Kate: Okay. I think that you're upset about something. I think it's not work. And even though I'm your grandmother, I hope you know that you can tell me anything. I know that I'm your grandmother, but I... I hope to god you know that you can be comfortable coming to me about anything. Will? What is it?

Will: Uh... I just--I-I remembered something.

Kate: You had a memory!

Will: Yeah.

Kate: Oh, my god! That's fantastic! What was it?

Will: I, um, saying pretty much those exact same words to me.

Kate: you remember when, where we were?

Will: I--I-- like a couple years ago? I think you were encouraging me come out and--but i wasn't ready.

Kate: Oh, my god. I remember. I remember that. And you were telling me that you had to go meet a girl.

Will: Yeah! My god, such denial.

Kate: Wow. You know, now I remember that i didn't want you to think that i was pressuring you. I just wanted you to know that i would be there for you no matter what.

Will: Yeah, I knew that. I sti--I still do.

Kate: Have you had any other memories, or this the first?

Will: This is one of the first. I-I've had a few others.

Kate: Are they about me?

[Both laughing]

Will: Uh, actually, they were, um...they were about sonny.

Sonny: Okay. Thanks for the news, dad.

[Phone beeps]

Chad: So, what's going on?

Sonny: The judge dismissed the case.

Chad: Hey-ey-ey! That's great.

Sonny: Yeah.

Chad: That's great for you and titan.

Sonny: Yeah. And I hope you know that there was never any merit to this case, right? You know that leo's a liar and this whole thing was made up.

Chad: Yeah, I-I know. Everybody who loves you knows that. You were just getting back into dating and you're vulnerable, and that little slime took advantage of that. I'm, uh...just glad it's over.

Sonny: Yeah. It's over.

Chad: Why aren't you more excited?

Gabi: There is no going back, abigail.

Abigail: I know you have really strong beliefs about this, but I have strong beliefs too...okay? And I believe in telling the people that you love the truth. I love my husband, and he comes first, whatever he needs, just like he's always done for me. I'm not gonna lie to him for rest of his life.

Gabi: There's a child--

Abigail: Yeah, a child. Stefan's child. I can't ask chad to raise the child of a man that he hates even more than I do.

Gabi: Do you have any idea how lucky you are to even say something like that? To be able to ever have a child?

[Scoffs] You say it like it's no big deal.

Abigail: I'm really sorry that this is painful for you. Look, gabi, our friendship is important to me. You have forgiven me. You have stuck by me when a lot of people would have just--they would have walked away. But I've made a decision. I gotta go to the clinic and i need to do it right now, because I don't wanna be late for my appointment.

Gabi: I'm not letting you do this.

[Tense music]

Real cheese people know

good things come in threes.

Eli: My baby blanket.

Lani: Your mom thought we could swaddle david in it.

Eli: Right. Yeah, she told me.

[Sighs] Are you ready?

[Somber music]

Valerie: We got you now.

Will: I remembered... telling sonny that I loved him. And I also remembered him telling me the same thing.

Kate: Remembering the first time you each said you love each other, that's A...pretty big deal.

Will: Yeah, I know.

Kate: So what about those feelings?

Will: I felt them. You know, as a--as a memory.

Kate: Mm-hmm. So did you tell paul?

Will: I did, yeah, I was honest. I told him that I remembered loving sonny. Past tense. In the past. And that, you know, here and now in the present, paul is the man that I love, so... everything's cool.

Kate: Mm. You're sure about that?

Will: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Totally, um...I mean, I talked about it with sonny too. He knows I re-remembered it but, uh, it doesn't change anything. I-I still love paul.

Kate: Okay, well, um... that would be a good thing. As long as you're clear.

Will: Absolutely.

Sonny: I am excited. You know, now we can all move on.

Chad: But a dismissal isn't the same as being publicly exonerated, so that must be disappointing.

Sonny: You're right. I was definitely looking forward to clearing my name, because now everyone's always gonna wonder.

Chad: Not the people who know you.

Sonny: Well, thank you.

Chad: And the, uh, the good news is this dismissal clears things up for titan to take off. I mean, I've just been trying to keep everything on an even keel, but now that the sexual harassment stuff is, uh, is over with, I can finally go hard.

Sonny: "Go hard"?

Chad: Yeah. Expansions, acquisitions. Titan's a really great place to take over a few strong companies.

Sonny: Expanding? Chad, that's risky. I've been working to boost the company's liquidity.

Chad: I know, but you don't mind if I rethink. I mean, there's a shipping conglomerate that could cut costs across the board.

Sonny: And deplete our cash.

Chad: I'm trying to maximize profits.

Sonny: Is this the same shipping company I read dimera's negotiating with right now?

Chad: Yeah, but with titan's financials, dimera won't stand a chance.

Sonny: Given what this would do to our liquidity ratio for the company, the timing is not great.

Chad: Timing couldn't be better.

Sonny: All for the good of titan.

Chad: Of course.

Sonny: Because it seems like to me you're weaponizing titan to take down stefan.

Ted: My relationship with kate is none of your business.

Stefan: Is it love, teddy, or is it just a fling? I bet she's great in the sack.

Ted: Shut the hell up!

Stefan: Touch a nerve, did I? I mean, she obviously means something to you.

Ted: That's completely beside the point.

Stefan: Well, let me tell you what the point is just so we're clear. The only point that matters to me is that kate killed my mother.

Ted: That was self-defense.

Stefan: It was in cold blood!

Ted: No. The police cleared her.

Stefan: I don't give a damn about the police. I told kate. Now I'm telling you. She will pay. And this is how she will pay. By keeping chad close and giving me inside information that will destroy him. Okay? So if you care about kate... I advise you to advise her that it is in her best interests to do as I say. If she doesn't, I will bring down her and you and anyone else that gets in my way.

Ted: This is not over.

Stefan: Yes, it is. Now get the hell out of my sight.

Abigail: What are you doing?

Gabi: Listen to me. I know that you think an abortion is the answer, but it's not. Just think about this. You think it's gonna be stefan's baby, but it's not. It's gonna be yours, abigail, yours, okay? Please just cancel this appointment and take some time to really think about this.

Abigail: I can't take time to think about it--I'm already--you know how far along I am.

Gabi: But you're pregnant, and chad wants a baby, so just take a week, maybe two. I will change the results, and nobody has to know.

Abigail: No, I can't, gabi. I don't need time to think about it.

Gabi: Please, don't do this.

Abigail: No, I made up my mind!

Gabi: Abigail, please don't--

[Intense percussive music]

Maybe I can't change her mind... but I know someone who will.

Kate: So...these memories have just been, what, coming back spontaneously or...

Will: Not exactly. Um... I took a second dose of the serum.

Kate: So how the hell did you manage that?

Will: I was thinking maybe it would be better if you didn't know that.

Kate: [Sighs] You think I'm gonna judge here?

Will: [Murmuring]

Kate: Okay, 'cause first of all, I love you, and secondly, creative thinking isn't necessarily bad, as long as you don't get hurt.

Will: Well, I mean, that's the plan.

Kate: Okay. Now, would you answer my question? What about that body?

Will: Oh, um...

[Laughs] Um...[Stammers] I told you already, it's legit, you know, I'M...I'm working on a story for "the spectator," so right now, I can't comment on it. And I-I gotta go.

Chad: I absolutely want to take stefan down. I've been upfront about that since day one, but I also care about titan. I just have a vision.

Sonny: A vision. So you want...titan to buy a shipping company that we don't need.

Chad: It's called expansion.

Sonny: No. It's called going to war with dimera.

Chad: Titan needs to make bold moves. We need to let people know that we're back on top.

Sonny: Great. Let's do that. Without buying a shipping company that we do not need.

Chad: So you're okay with titan just stagnating.

Sonny: I prefer to call it financially stable.

Chad: Okay, listen, I respect what you're saying, I really do. But sonny, you're not in charge anymore.

Sonny: Well, maybe I should be.

Stefan: To what do I owe this pleasure?

Gabi: This has absolutely nothing to do with pleasure. I came so you could sign some gabi chic papers.

Stefan: Oh. I was hoping you were here to reconsider my offer to find a specialist to help you--

Gabi: With my problem? That's none of your concern. You and I are strictly business.

Stefan: Okay, fine. Hand over the paper.

Gabi: Yeah. And I mean what i said--I plan on documenting every single transaction that we make.

Stefan: That's fine with me. Just good business, as far as I'm concerned.

Gabi: I don't trust you. I need to find a pen here. No, that's the wrong envelope. I-I gave you the wrong one.

Stefan: Is this some sort of medical--

Gabi: No, no, give it to me!

Stefan: No, just--

Gabi: Don't read that!

Stefan: A-abigail's pregnant?

[Tense music]

Can I help you?

Abigail: Um, I have an appointment for...a procedure.

[Melancholy music]

Lani: [Sobs] We love you, david.

Abe: [Whispers] Sweetheart. Ohh... sweetie. You gonna be all right?

[Lani sniffles] Would you like to come back to my place with me?

Lani: No. I just...I need some time alone.


Abe: I understand.

Eli: Lani. I can take you back home if you want.

Lani: I'd like that.

Abe: Precious girl.

[Sighs] Ohh...

[Lani sobs]

Lani: I love you, dad.

Valerie: Take good care of her...and yourself too.

Eli: I will.

Valerie: [Murmurs]

[Emotional orchestration]

Ted: I heard from the court. With leo a no-show, case has been dismissed.

Kate: Okay... that's great. Why aren't you happier? That's what we want, right?

Ted: Right, no, I... I had a run-in with stefan.

Kate: Didn't think that you knew stefan. Do you?

Ted: I don'T. I introduced myself. I went to his home. Nice place, by the way.

Kate: Okay. So you went to the mansion. Why?

Ted: To tell him to back off, to stop blackmailing you.

Kate: I didn't ask you to do that.

Ted: I know. And I know you can go a couple rounds with the guy, even get a tko, but after seeing what he was putting you through with this vendetta against you with this blackmail... I had to do something. So if you wanna...kick me out, slap me across the face, I'M... I'm here.

Kate: It's been a long time since a man took my side in a fight. So thank you.

Ted: Don't thank me. I failed miserably.

Kate: Hey. Stefan is a beast...and he doesn't like to lose. And when he does... watch out.

Gabi: Can you just give me those papers, please--

Stefan: Stop it--stop it!

Gabi: [Sighs]

Stefan: I'm-- I'm the father?

Gabi: That's a mistake. You don't understand.

Stefan: No, there's no mistake here--it's right here! The wo--the woman I-I love is carrying my baby? What--what--how did you even--

Gabi: You're delusional. The woman that you're--abigail is not the woman that you love. She is chad's wife, and she hates you!

Stefan: No. When I was with her, when I was with her, it was gabby, and she loved me, and i loved her...

Gabi: Gabby is gone.

Stefan: No, she's not. She is inside abigail somewhere!

Gabi: Do you think that you can just call her out and she'll come out to play?

Stefan: This baby is gabby'S. Do you understand me?

Gabi: My god, you're an idiot! This baby's abigail's, and it's abigail's body, and like I said, she hates you. She hates you so much that she is currently ending this pregnancy!

Stefan: She's what? What are you talking about? What?

Gabi: She's having an abortion, and you cannot stop her!

Stefan: Oh, the hell I can'T. You tell me where she is right now. Tell me--tell me where she is!

Gabi: Why would I tell you anything?

Stefan: I will destroy gabi chic with the stroke of a pen. I'll sell it off into pieces. You think I won't? Huh?

Gabi: You wouldn'T.

Stefan: What else do you have, gabi? Your own daughter won't speak to you, she wants nothing to do with you. You can't have a child of your own. You wanna lose gabi chic too, do ya?

Gabi: Bastard.

Stefan: I'll take that as a yes.

Gabi: Fine. Fine. I'll tell you where she is.

I'll be right back with the paperwork.

[Intense music]

Friends, colleagues,

Eli: Can I get you anything? Blanket?

Lani: It's july.

Eli: I... anything?

Lani: You've already done too much. And david's funeral... it was real beautiful.

[Sobs] And for...bringing me home. You didn't have to do that.

Eli: Lani, I wanted to. Look, uh...I hope you don't mind. I got you some clam chowder. It's not my favorite, but... I know how much you love it.

[Somber music]

Lani: Hey, are you okay?

Eli: Yeah.

[Melancholy music]

Lani, I'm sorry.

Lani: Don't be. You have been here for me... okay? So let me be here for you.

Eli: [Sniffles]

[Dramatic musical sting]

[Intense music]

Chad: What are you saying?

Sonny: The case has been dismissed. So technically, I can be reinstated as the ceo.

Chad: You could. But are you sure that's the best thing for public perception? I mean, you said it yourself, the case was dismissed. You weren't exactly publicly exonerated. And the case was only dismissed because leo disappeared. Now, one could assume that maybe you made him disappear to get the case dismissed. That's not a good look. I don't think victor would appreciate that.

Sonny: Well, you know what? The public can think whatever they want. My priority has always been what's best for titan, and your agenda could dismantle the gains that I've made.

Chad: Then there's only one way to settle it.

Kate: You might think that you failed with stefan, but now he knows I'm not alone.

Ted: Strength in numbers?

Kate: Mm-hmm. Yes. And a bit of comfort.

Ted: Well, he's still gonna come at you.

Kate: Mm-hmm. So...I'll be ready.

Ted: We'll be ready.

Kate: Thank you. Again. Really.

Ted: You already thanked me.

Kate: [Whispers] Yeah... but not like this.

[Edgy music]

Gabi: You play so tough, stefan. But that sad little heart... turns out you're just a mere mortal after all. Perk of not having a heart anymore. I'm gonna bring you down. And abigail too.

Stefan: Abigail! Abigail. Where are you--abigail! Please. A--

[Hard, suspenseful music]

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