Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/18/18
Episode #13318 ~ Eve admits to Chloe she's partly responsible for Brady losing custody of Tate; Jennifer is determined to find out how the drugs ended up in J.J.'s apartment; Victor strikes back at Theresa; Roman, John, Marlena and Adrienne cheer Steve up.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: Hi, steve. Marlena.
Adrienne: You've got some fans.
John: We saw tripp heading out. What's going on?
Steve: Yeah, yeah. I had to insist that he go to work since we don't know when or if I'm going under the knife.
Roman: Okay, what's the latest from the, uh, folks in charge?
Steve: Well-- is that roman? Hey, roman.
Roman: How you doing, steve?
Steve: Yeah, that, uh, engineer ran a whole battery of tests yesterday, and he's meeting with the surgeon today to see if I'm a viable candidate for the bionic eye. Kayla's in her office waiting for word. Kinda crazy, huh?
John: [Laughs]
Marlena: No. No, it makes perfect sense. Look, we all know this technology is experimental. And if you don't get the surgery today, then you'll get it when the technology is even more advanced.
John: That's right, and just know, partner, that if this company that's developing the prototype needs more financing for research, I'm all over it, buddy.
Steve: I really appreciate that.
John: Yeah, man.
Steve: But I gotta tell you, since stefan dimera cut ties with visionary bionics, I'm feeling pretty good about my chances.
Roman: I sure am glad that guy's out of the picture.
Adrienne: After what stefan did to abigail, I know my brother wouldn't want to owe him a thing.
Steve: You got that right, baby sister. And kayla feels exactly the same way.
[Knock at door]
Kayla: Come in. Oh.
Jj: Kayla, you got a minute?
Kayla: Yeah, of course I do. Come in. What's, uh--what's going on?
Jj: I, uh--I did something to help out a friend, and, uh, it messed my life up. So I came to ask for a favor. It's pretty huge.
[Smooth music playing]
Theresa: Victor, hi. Did you come here to see tate? Because he just fell asleep.
Victor: Well, I do miss my great-grandson, but that's not why I'm here.
Theresa: Oh. Then to what do I owe the pleasure?
Victor: Oh, this is business.
Theresa: Oh, okay. You want to talk about "bella"? 'Cause I have so many ideas.
Victor: So do I. You're fired.
[Dramatic music]
[Somber music]
Brady: [Sighs]
[Knock at door]
Jennifer: Hey. I heard theresa got sole custody of tate.
Brady: Yup.
Jennifer: Makes me sad. It's always best for a child to be raised by both parents.
Brady: I agree. It should not be this way.
Jennifer: But if you planted drugs in my son's apartment, maybe this is exactly how it should be.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eve: Hey.
Chloe: Hey, why aren't you dressed? Class starts in a few minutes.
Eve: Yeah, well, I hate missing our yoga day, but I'm not in the mood for downward dog.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, I heard that brady lost custody of tate. I'm so sorry.
Eve: It's not your fault.
Chloe: I know. I know that you were hoping that my testimony about theresa ditching me in mexico would help prove that she's an unfit mother, but you heard her lawyer. He just twisted everything that I said.
Eve: Yeah, I know. No, it's okay. It's okay. You know, the whole custody case took a really bad turn. So you're not to blame. If anybody's to blame for brady losing custody of tate, it's, uh--it's me.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jennifer: Brady, I know that you are trying to do everything to hold on to your son, but to plant drugs in jj's apartment to smear theresa?
Brady: Jenn, listen. I'm sorry. I didn't have anything to do with the drugs--nothing.
Jennifer: Jj thinks you did, and so do I.
Brady: He's mistaken. You're mistaken.
Jennifer: No, this has been a terrible year for him. He finally has his life back together, and you do this, brady?
Brady: Jenn, it wasn't me. I didn't do it.
Chloe: How can brady losing custody of tate possibly be your fault? You've been his rock through all of this.
Eve: Brady is a wonderful man and a devoted father. Maybe I should've had a little bit more faith that my sister would actually realize that.
Chloe: Mm, I don't understand.
Eve: Brady went over to theresa's and offered to share custody of tate, and she agreed.
Chloe: Well, that's great. Why didn't it happen?
Eve: Because everything blew up when child services went over to jj's apartment.
Chloe: Where theresa's been staying.
Eve: They did their inspection, which they always do, and they found drugs.
Chloe: Wait. So theresa's using again? Then why on earth would the judge grant her custody?
Eve: She's not using, and neither is jj. But jj wanted to protect theresa, so he stood up in court and said that the drugs were his.
Chloe: Oh, man.
Eve: Yeah. The judge took a recess, and then it became this big he said, she said. Theresa lit into brady and accused him of planting the drugs to make her look like a bad parent. And, of course, brady said that the drugs weren't his, that they had to be jj's, and...
[Sighs] Oh, god. In the end, theresa got sole custody of tate.
Chloe: Okay, but I still don't understand. How is any of that your fault?
Eve: I didn't know that brady was gonna offer, you know, joint custody with theresa before the drugs were planted.
Chloe: So they were planted. Theresa was right?
Eve: Yes and no. Brady didn't plant the drugs in jj's apartment.
Chloe: But you did.
Theresa: You can't do this, victor. You gave me control of "bella."
Victor: Well, that's when i thought there was a chance you could woo my grandson away from that gold-digging sister of yours.
Theresa: Look, victor, there is nothing that I want more than to be a family with brady and tate, but I tried everything. Brady rejected me.
Victor: So out of spite, you sue him for sole custody?
Theresa: I fought to hold on to my son, and now that I have tate full-time, I intend to keep him.
Victor: Oh, I doubt that, since you don't have two nickels to rub together.
Kayla: You lost your job?
Jj: I'm not sure yet. The emt company I work for found out that drugs were discovered in my apartment, and they suspended me.
Kayla: I heard something about child protective services and a bag of cocaine.
Jj: Yeah. Yeah, they came by to inspect my place 'cause theresa's been living with me, and, um, they found the drugs in a kitchen cabinet.
Kayla: Jj.
Jj: I know that it sounds bad. But I was hoping that maybe you could talk to my boss and tell him that I'm not using. I mean, given your position in this hospital, it could go a very, very long way.
Kayla: You know, jj, I would always love to help you, really. But the problem here is, as I understand it, you told the judge that the drugs were yours.
Jj: That was a lie. The only reason why I said that is because I was afraid if the judge thought the drugs were theresa's, she would lose tate.
Kayla: So you're not using drugs, but you lied at a custody hearing. Jj, you basically traded one black mark for another.
Jj: I made an impulsive move.
Kayla: And now you regret it.
Jj: I don't regret helping theresa. I, uh--I regret not thinking about the consequences.
Brady: Jenn, I was in the hearing room when your son stood up and said that the drugs were his.
Jennifer: I talked to him about that, and he swears that he's clean. He said he lied to protect theresa.
Brady: And you believe him?
Jennifer: Brady, I do.
Brady: Jenn, come on. Come on, you know--you know as well as I do--
Jennifer: No, I know what you're gonna say. I know. I know. Addicts lie. I know that. I've been there. So have you.
Brady: Yeah. It's a pretty awful place to be.
Jennifer: Yes. And if I believed for one second that he was in trouble, if I even thought for one minute, I would have him right back in treatment. But I don't, and I'm still terrified, brady.
Brady: If he's not using, then what are you worried about?
Jennifer: Because he has been in a precarious place for so long, first with theo and then finding out that lani's baby isn't his. He was devastated all over again, brady. So now he has this job. He has structure and stability, and he feels like he has a purpose. And if he loses that job, I'm so afraid that I'm gonna lose him too. So I am begging you. I am begging you, just admit that you planted those drugs, brady, please.
Brady: Jenn... I know your son. And going out on a limb to protect theresa is something that he would do. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. I think you should do the same for me.
Jennifer: Brady, please--
Brady: Jennifer. Jennifer, look at me. I swear on my son's life, I did not plant those drugs in his apartment. I swear.
Jennifer: If that is true and jj is clean...
Brady: Then how did those drugs end up in his apartment in the first place?
Eve: I didn't plant the drugs myself, okay? But I did set the plan in motion.
Chloe: So the entire time this whole drama was playing out in court, you knew the truth but you didn't tell brady.
Eve: Yeah.
Chloe: And he still doesn't know.
Eve: No.
Chloe: [Sighs] Eve, ugh, I have to say, I am-- I'm really disappointed in you.
Eve: God, you know, I'm disappointed in myself, all right? I hate these kind of manipulations, because I know the pain that they can cause and because I've been on the receiving end of them. Okay, you remember how I felt when I found out that brady conned me into falling for him. I mean, it broke my heart.
Chloe: I know, but he was conspiring with victor. If you want anyone to hate you, that's the way to do it.
Eve: But, you know, brady and I, we found our way back. Even with all the lies and the schemes, we-- we found true love. God, I couldn't just stand by and let theresa take his son from him. I couldn't do it. Come on, you know firsthand how vicious theresa's attorney and she was. I mean, they were trying to paint brady as a murderer, like he killed deimos. God, I was scared that the judge was actually gonna believe it, so I had to do something.
[Sighs] I just--I never meant for jj to get involved in this, ever.
Chloe: Yeah, and jj does seem like he cares about theresa a lot. He's been practically glued by her side this whole time.
Eve: Yeah, I mean, who knew that he would want to protect her like that? Just-- oh, man. I just-- all I wanted to do was help brady keep his son.
Chloe: Mm. Well, I know you just wanted to help, but there had to have been another way.
Eve: The truth? Planting the drugs... was plan B.
Chloe: Okay. Well, I'm afraid to ask. What was plan a?
Steve: Okay, that's enough about me. Hey, listen, I wanna hear the latest on that bogus sexual harassment suit against sonny.
Roman: Well, last I heard, that leo guy was a no-show in court.
Adrienne: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's so weird. As much as I want this nightmare to be over, believe me, to make such a big deal and work so hard to frame my son and then just disappear?
Marlena: Oh, maybe he developed a guilty conscience. It happens, you know?
John: Yeah, or he got drift that paul and I were digging into his shady past, was afraid that justin was just gonna rip him up on the stand.
Steve: Well, whatever the reason he's gone, it's only good for sonny, right?
Adrienne: Well, yeah. I mean, justin said if he doesn't reappear that the judge will have no choice but to throw out the case.
Steve: Mm. Well, I don't know what this hustler looks like, but if I get my sight back, he better hope I never lay eye on him.
Adrienne: Steve.
Steve: Yeah, I'm not kidding.
Adrienne: I love you.
Kayla: You know, jj, before I can help you, I think that you need to help yourself.
Jj: I don't even know where to start.
Kayla: Well, I think that you could start by going to the judge and telling her the truth. And if you do that, then I have no problem going to bat for you with your employer.
Jj: If I do that, the judge could reopen the case. Theresa could lose tate.
Kayla: You know, I think it's wonderful that you care so much. But sacrificing your job as an emt--which, by all accounts, you are really great at-- to bail out theresa? I don't know. I just think that you are on such a solid career path with an incredibly bright future. Do you want to sacrifice all that by one mistake?
Jj: Well, what's more important, my job or... having a mother raise her son?
Kayla: Only you can decide that.
Jj: [Sighs]
[Taps desk] Thank you for listening.
Kayla: I'm always here for you, jj.
[Soft dramatic music]
[Cell phone rings] Oh. Dr. Johnson. Oh, no, no, don't apologize. Listen, with all the intricate engineering involved with this, I-I didn't expect to hear from you for hours. So, um, did you have an opportunity to go over steve's tests and consult with the surgeon? Right. Okay, good. So you think that my husband is a candidate for the bionic eye?
Jennifer: I have no idea how those drugs ended up in jj's apartment.
Brady: They have to be theresa'S. It's the only plausible explanation.
Jennifer: No. She swore to jj that they weren't hers.
Brady: She swore it to me too. I actually believed her. 'Cause the way--the way she screamed at me for framing her-- I mean, she flipped out. She was really mad.
Jennifer: Okay, but what if that was all an act?
Brady: She lies like a pro, but my gut tells me that she was being honest.
Jennifer: I just want the truth so my son can get his job back.
Brady: I wish I could give it to you. All I can tell you is, I did not plant those drugs in his apartment, nor did I have someone do it for me.
Jennifer: I know that. I told jj that-- that I didn't believe you would ever do that. I mean, honestly, that sounds like something victor would do.
Theresa: So you fire me. The judge finds out that I can't provide for tate, and he gives him back to brady. Is that your plan?
Victor: No, not necessarily. You can stay on at "bella"... as long as you agree to joint custody.
Theresa: I'm sorry, victor. I can't do that. I can't trust brady anymore, okay? He's gonna find some way to make me look like an unfit parent.
Victor: He wouldn't do that.
Theresa: He already did! I agreed to joint custody. And then the next thing I know, brady plants cocaine in jj's apartment to frame me.
Victor: For god's sake, woman, he had nothing to do with those drugs.
Theresa: How can you be so sure?
Chloe: Wait, so let me get this straight. Brady's on the verge of losing custody of tate because the judge thinks that he might be a killer and you have proof that he's not but he won't let you use it?
Eve: Because brady is a-- a decent, fair man. He's made mistakes, yeah-- but he's made huge mistakes, but he's learned from them, and he's adamant that the truth stay hidden.
Chloe: Because he's protecting the real killer? Come on, come on, you have to tell me. Who was it? Is it victor? He always hated deimos, as well. And I always wondered where brady got that amulet that he used to try to frame you. And he did give victor an alibi. I mean, I know that they have their issues, but he does love his grandfather. It makes perfect sense he'd try to protect him.
Eve: It wasn't victor.
Chloe: Well, then who was it? Come on, you have to tell me. Who really killed deimos?
Steve: Okay. Come on, don't you people have anything better to do than sit around waiting to see if I get an eye?
Adrienne: Really?
Marlena: Apparently not.
John: No. No, in fact, I'm not going anywhere until I know if you're gonna have your sight back for our wedding.
Adrienne: Oh, my gosh, your big day. That's right around the corner.
John: That's a fact, and I need to know that my tough-guy best man is gonna be able to see just how happy we are when we tie the knot.
Steve: No, no, you're just afraid I'm gonna lose the rings.
John: Yeah, that too, but-- no, no, listen to me, partner. When my fiancée and her matron of honor are standing up there, that is a vision you do not want to miss. Whoa!
Kayla: Hi.
Steve: Hey, sweetness.
Kayla: Hi.
Steve: Hi. So...what's the verdict?
Kayla: Everything looks good. They want to go ahead with the surgery.
Marlena: Oh!
Roman: [Laughs]
Marlena: Wonderful.
Kayla: Isn't that great?
Steve: Okay.
John: Man.
Theresa: Let's hear it, victor. How do you know that brady didn't plant those drugs?
Victor: Because it's not his style. Sounds more like your mexican cohort going out for revenge.
Theresa: [Sighs] That did occur to me. But no, it doesn't make sense, okay? I wasn't the one who killed mateo. Chloe was. If his family was gonna go after somebody, it would be her. Come on, what do you mean it's not brady's style? Didn't he plant that amulet on eve?
Victor: For the last time, he had nothing to do with those drugs. Didn't jj say they were his?
Theresa: He only said that to protect me. He sacrificed himself for my sake because that's what a decent man does. I used to think brady was a decent man. Not anymore. You know, he made it look like I was using again so I would lose tate, and now you want me to share custody with him? I'm sorry. That's never gonna happen.
Victor: Well, good luck feeding your son without a job.
Brady: Planting those drugs does sound like something victor would do, but... I don't think he did it.
Jennifer: Oh, you don't think he would go after the woman who tried to take your son, brady?
Brady: No, 'cause my grandfather wanted me to get back together with theresa and dump eve. He pushed it so hard that we had a falling-out. I told him I didn't want to have anything to do with him or titan. I moved out of the mansion and in here with eve.
Jennifer: Oh, he must've loved that.
Brady: He was furious. But that's why I don't think he planted those drugs, 'cause he wouldn't want to lift a finger to help me right now. He's been team theresa all the way.
Jennifer: Hmm. Well, someone went to a lot of trouble to screw theresa over. And for my son's sake, I'm gonna find out who it is.
Brady: Jenn... keep me posted, because I-I want answers. Whoever did this cost me my son.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Chloe: Come on, eve. Come on, you have to tell me. Who really killed deimos?
Eve: Look, if I told you, you'd have to keep that awful secret, okay? And trust me, you're better off not knowing.
Chloe: This must really be a nightmare for you, huh?
Eve: Forget about me. It's just... what makes me sick is this mess that brady is in. You know, he trusted me enough to tell me that he has the killer's confession on tape. Yeah. And I betrayed that trust by trying to get my hands on it even after he told me not to.
Chloe: Wait, so you have a tape?
Eve: Yes. Well, I--no, I don'T. I mean, there was a tape. I tried to look for it. I couldn't find it anywhere. It's missing. And that's another thing that makes me sick.
Chloe: Okay, so... hypothetically, if you did have that tape and you showed it to the judge and it cleared brady of any wrongdoing, then what would've happened?
Eve: Hmm. Fallout would've been bad. Just...really bad. So when I couldn't find, you know, the tape, that was my plan a, so it wasn't an option anymore, so I had to move on to plan b, and brady lost custody of his son.
Chloe: Hmm. Obviously you had the best intentions, but I can see why you feel responsible.
Eve: You know the worst part? Brady has no idea that I'm the one who cost him his son. And I'm so afraid to tell him, because if I do, I could lose him.
[Dramatic music]
Sorry, I can't make it.
Roman: Oh, congrats, man. I'm really happy for you.
Adrienne: We all are.
John: This is so cool. You know, pretty soon, you're gonna be able to see how badly I can kick your butt in darts.
Steve: Oh, you wish, dude.
John: Yeah?
Kayla: You know what? This is fantastic news, and we have every reason to be optimistic. But we need to be realistic too. You know, even if they successfully connect the bionic eye to your optic nerve, there's no guarantees that it's gonna work.
Steve: I know.
Marlena: Well, we all understand this is an experimental treatment, but the fact is, they wouldn't be doing the surgery unless they felt good about the outcome.
John: Yeah.
Adrienne: Yeah.
Kayla: That's true. Listen, um, we appreciate all you being here and being so supportive of steve, but I need to prep my patient for the or.
John: Really, you don't want us to stick around? Come on.
Kayla: No, it's a-- a long procedure.
Adrienne: Wait a minute. You're gonna keep us updated, though, right?
Kayla: I'm gonna scrub in, but promise you I'll report back as soon as I can.
John: All right.
Roman: All right, well, good luck, pard. Take care, man.
Steve: Okay, thanks.
Adrienne: You're gonna rock this...
Steve: Oh, baby. See you.
Adrienne: Big bro.
Marlena: We're thinking about you.
John: Hey, partner, I'm saying a prayer, man, that the next time we see you, you're gonna be seeing us.
Steve: From your lips to the big dude upstairs.
John: You got it.
Steve: Thanks, everybody.
Jj: Hey, hey, you left some makeup at my place. Eye shadow wasn't exactly my color.
[Laughs] What's wrong?
Theresa: [Sighs] Victor was just here. He fired me from "bella." No, actually, he made me a deal. I can keep my job if I agree to share custody with brady.
Jj: Wait, seriously? After brady planted those drugs?
Theresa: Yeah, yeah, that's what I said, but victor wasn't hearing it.
Jj: What are you gonna do now?
Theresa: I'm not gonna take his stupid deal, that's for sure. But I have to get a job to provide for my son, and... maybe, uh--maybe you could put in a good word for me at the emt department?
Jj: That's not gonna happen.
Theresa: Jj, it's not like I'm gonna be doing cpr or anything, okay? I could work in the office.
Jj: I got suspended.
Theresa: What? They heard about the drugs, didn't they?
Jj: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: [Sighs] Well, keeping what you did from brady is just gonna make things worse, trust me. Take it from me, the truth always comes out. It's probably better if you tell him yourself.
Eve: Brady's never gonna forgive me.
Brady: Forgive you for what?
[Tense music]
Chloe: Um, eve was just telling me what happened with tate. I'm so sorry. Excuse me.
Eve: Yeah, I was just telling her everything that i told you last night, how all of this is my fault and none of this custody stuff would even have happened if I had stepped aside and let you go back to theresa.
Brady: Stop, stop.
Eve: You know, it's not too late, brady. I can go to her right now. I can tell theresa it's too late and--
Brady: Sit down. Listen to me. Listen to me! I love you. I'm committed to you. What happened with tate doesn't change that.
Eve: But if... but if you go back to theresa, then you can be with your son.
Brady: No, no, I don't want to have anything to do with theresa after what she pulled. Are you kidding me? I'm just confused, eve. I don't understand. I went to jj's apartment to talk to her, and I thought I was-- I thought I was being generous. I thought I was meeting her halfway on this thing. And--and she still believes I planted those drugs.
Eve: Well, brady... you know, you just-- you gotta forget about the drugs, okay? You just gotta focus on-- focus on getting-- getting your son back.
Brady: You know...
Eve: You know--what?
Brady: I'm not the only one that wants answers.
Eve: What--what are you talking about?
Brady: You know who came to see me? Jennifer. Jennifer came to see me today. She accused me of planting those drugs, and she also told me that there was no way in hell that those drugs could be jj's because he hasn't been using.
Eve: Brady, come on. Of course she's gonna say something like that. That's her son. She loves him.
Brady: Jennifer is an addict. She knows the behavior.
Eve: Or she's in denial.
Brady: No. If jj was using, she would know about it. She would--she wouldn't be making excuses for him. Eve, she looked me--she looked me dead in the eye and she told me that there's no way those drugs could be jj'S. And let me tell you what. I believe her.
Roman: Whoa, it has been a tough road for steve. Kayla too. So I hope, for both their sakes, this bionic eye works.
John: Oh, yeah.
Marlena: Whatever happens...
[Cell phone ringing] They will love each other as much tomorrow as they do today.
Roman: Uh, excuse me. I gotta take this.
John: You know, the same goes for us, doc. No matter what, we will just keep on loving each other.
Marlena: Even though it's not quite official yet?
John: Eh, it doesn't matter if we're hitched or not. I really don't think I could love you any more than I do this very moment.
Marlena: Oh! Whew. Oh, my goodness. I feel exactly the same way. I want us to be married. That's important to me. It isn't just a piece of paper. I want... I want the world to see us as a team, that we are... we are united for the rest of our lives. Oh, my love. Mm.
Roman: No, no, that's not good news at all.
Adrienne: When I left the hospital, kayla was prepping steve for the surgery, and-- oh, check this out. Steve said he'd give us an exclusive for "the spectator." I'm thinking a big splashy takeout, you know, something on cutting-edge medicine.
Jennifer: Uh, yes, that sounds great.
Adrienne: Uh, hello. You haven't heard a word I've said.
Jennifer: I'm sorry. I'm just worried about jj. You know he got suspended from his emt job?
Adrienne: Oh, honey. Well, obviously because of what he said at tate's custody hearing-- I mean about the drugs in jj's apartment.
Jennifer: Yes, why did he do that, adrienne? I understand wanting to protect your friend and support your friend, but... I mean, to make so much trouble for your own life? Why?
Adrienne: Honey, I'm so sorry.
Jennifer: I'm just worried about him. I'm really worried about him.
Adrienne: Oh, honey, I know. I know. I know. Come here.
Theresa: They suspended you just because they heard there were drugs in your house? That's so incredibly unfair.
Jj: Once they investigate, I'm sure I'll be cleared.
Theresa: And what if they don't? Jj, you work in emergency services. I mean, they can't risk one of their guys showing up high to some big rescue operation. What if they have some policy where they have to fire you?
Jj: Let's--let's, uh-- let's just take it one day at a time.
Theresa: No, you said that those drugs were yours to help me, so now I'm gonna help you, okay? I gotta make this right. I'm gonna go talk to your boss.
Jj: Hey, hey. No, no, no, no. Listen, you don't have to do this.
Theresa: Yes, I do. I can't let you take the fall for something that brady did.
Jj: Look, even if they fire me, I'll... I'll have no regrets about this. And I'd do it all over again to protect you, make sure you didn't lose your son.
Steve: Tripp. Yeah, man. Okay, look, uh, I gotta go. They're just about ready for me in the or. Yeah, kayla's gonna scrub in, so I'll be in good hands. Yeah, I know. I know you want to come back to the hospital, but the surgery's gonna take hours. There's really nothing you could do here. We'll celebrate when I can see again. How about that? All right. All right, I'll see you, man. Thanks.
Kayla: I'll take it. Thanks.
Steve: [Sighs] I know there are no guarantees. But it would make me so happy to see my family again.
Kayla: I know that.
Steve: Oh, thank you, baby, for standing by me through all this. I mean, you made it your mission to get me this bionic eye. Whatever happens, I'll always be grateful to you for that.
Kayla: Okay. Let's get this show on the road.
Steve: Let's do it.
Jennifer: I am so thrilled for steve. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Adrienne: I know. I know. Kayla said she'd keep us posted, but it's a really long surgery, and I can't stand the waiting. I need to do something to keep my mind from just going crazy.
Jennifer: I have something for you.
Adrienne: Great. What?
Jennifer: I need to clear my son's name. Please help me.
Eve: You know, jennifer's maternal instincts, of course, are to protect her son because she loves him more than anything in the world. Sometimes love causes us to think things and do things that aren't always right.
Brady: Maybe. I mean, jenn--jenn did tell me that she doesn't believe that I planted the drugs, which was a relief. Question remains, if theresa didn't do it and they're not jj's and I'm not involved, how the hell did those drugs get there in the first place?
Eve: You know, brady, I just think, like I said, we need to focus on what's important here. Forget about the drugs, okay? Let's think about getting your son back.
Brady: I can't forget about the drugs, eve, because if it weren't for the drugs being there, theresa may not have backed out of this custody agreement and I would still have my son in my life. I can't forget about it. And I'm gonna find out who's responsible for making me lose my son.
[Dramatic music]
Roman: Uh, hey.
Theresa: Uncle roman, hi.
Roman: Uh, jj, if you don't mind, I, uh, need to speak to theresa privately, okay?
Theresa: Oh, that's okay. You can say anything in front of jj. It's fine.
Roman: All right. Well... I'm afraid I got some bad news about your mother.
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