Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 6/27/18
Episode #13303 ~ Abigail is about to take a pregnancy test when she runs into Gabi; Chad confronts Stefan and warns him to stay away from his wife; Hope has a stunning realization regarding Ciara; Ben and Ciara grow closer.
Provided By Suzanne
Ben: Hope you don't mind. Made an executive decision at the store. Carrots were always my favorite when I was a kid. I mean, I'd drown 'em in ketchup, but still.
[Soft dramatic music]
You should be careful with that knife. You don't want to cut yourself.
Ciara: Sorry.
Ben: Don't be sorry. I gave it to you, remember? That way, you could defend yourself... if you felt threatened in any way.
Ciara: Right. Good of you.
Ben: You know, I was pretty surprised to hear you tell your mom you weren't ready to go home yet, you wanted to stay here. But now... you having second thoughts?
Claire: [Sighs]
[Door clicks open]
Tripp: [Sighs] I need a water. It's finally starting to cool off out there, but... you ready to get back to the search? Oh, my god. What happened?
Claire: Uh, my grandma hope heard from ciara. She's okay.
Tripp: What? That's--that's awesome! why are you crying?
Claire: 'Cause she's not coming home. And it's all our fault.
Hope: I don't believe this. I don't believe this.
Rafe: Huh? What?
Hope: The washington county sheriff's office is calling off the search for ciara. I mean, who would do this? Who would sign off on this, rafe? What idiot? I don't understand.
Rafe: That would be me. I'm the reason they called off the search.
Stefan: Surprised to see you in enemy territory.
Chad: I'm here to deliver a message.
Stefan: About titan?
Chad: Stefan, abigail's home. I want you to stay away from her.
[Tense music]
Abigail: Okay, get it together. You've done this before. It's not a big deal.
Gabi: Abigail?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Gabi, hi.
Gabi: Hi. I didn't mean to startle you. Actually, I hadn't even heard you were back.
Abigail: Oh, I-I just got back today.
Gabi: What a coincidence. So did I.
Abigail: Right, chad mentioned that there was some difficulty with your-- your release from prison.
Gabi: Yeah, well, if he means, uh, being framed for yet another murder I didn't commit, then yeah, there was a problem.
Abigail: Gabi, I'm sorry. I can't even imagine how painful it must have been to be away from ari.
Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, and you're-- you're doing okay, right? Your did's cured after, what, a few weeks?
Abigail: I'm doing a lot better. I worked really hard while I was gone, and... you know, I'm still going to therapy, working on my recovery every day. But my alters have been integrated, and so now I remember almost everything that--well, that I did.
Gabi: Yeah, like framing me for murder.
Abigail: I really wish that there was something that i could do to make this better. And I-I can't apologize enough for this.
Gabi: Okay, well, then why'd you do it? You know what? Never mind. I know--I know why you did it. You did it because...
[Sighs] I got together with chad when we all thought that you were dead.
Abigail: No, I would never blame you for that.
Gabi: Well, you hated that he moved on, so you found the perfect way to get back at me.
Abigail: Gabi, no, you have to believe me. I-I wouldn't do that to you, consciously or subconsciously. You're my best friend.
Gabi: You know what, abigail? It's fine. I don't-- I've spent a lot of time dwelling on the past, so I just--I want to think about the future.
Abigail: You should. I think that you and ari deserve to be happy. And I'm sure she was really excited to have you home.
Gabi: Yeah, not really. See, because I'd been gone for so long for something that I didn't do, my daughter hates me. She wants nothing to do with me.
Stefan: I thought you were here to mend fences.
Chad: Fences? You burned all those to the ground before you even came to salem. I am telling you, stay away from my wife, my son, and my family.
Stefan: [Grunts] But I'm part of your family, chad. I mean, we lost our father, andre, my mother. There's hardly any of us left. I don't know. Maybe I was naive, but, uh, there was a time I hoped that we could forge a bond.
Chad: How'd you intend to do that? By trying to steal my home, my company, my wife?
Stefan: I think I did more than try, didn't I?
Chad: You're not gonna win.
Stefan: I know that's what you think. Let's see here. Ah, yes. Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba. "Mr. Dimera, enthused: 'I'm honored and privileged to take the reins at titan.'" Blah, blah, blah. Let's get to the good part, the real reason you took that job. Ah, yes, "my brother stole dimera from our family. I plan to use my new position to make sure he regrets it." Very nice.
Chad: Yup, meant every word.
Stefan: You know, for a man who, uh-- who wants nothing to do with me, you sure do spend a lot of time obsessing over me. I mean, let's face it, chad. If you really wanted me out of your life, you wouldn't have taken over a rival company where we're constantly in each other's faces.
Chad: I'm gonna take all this back. You'll leave salem, and you'll wish that you never came. Plaque psoriasis can be relentless.
Abigail: But ari loves you. You have to know that.
Gabi: All I know is that she won't even look at me in the eye.
Abigail: Yeah, but she's too young to process everything that happened. I think she needs some time.
Gabi: Really, to process? To process what, that-- that I went to prison because I got royally screwed and not because I didn't love her? So, what, it's gonna take, like, a year or two for her to realize that I'm not a terrible mother?
Abigail: No--year or two? No, I don't know how--I-- all I'm saying is that--
Gabi: You're saying that I'm just being overdramatic about this, like I am about everything, right?
Abigail: No, I-- no, I assure you, I-I did not accuse you of being dramatic. I am sure it is very painful to have your child turn away from you.
Gabi: Yeah, it is, okay? Especially because... sonny and will, they're in her life, but they're there part-time. So most of the time, it's ari and me and a whole lot of silence.
Abigail: So will and sonny haven't been able to help?
Gabi: No, it's not that they haven't tried. It's just, arianna's not budging, you know? She thinks I'm a liar, and she thinks that-- why would I have been gone for so long if I didn't love her?
Abigail: [Sighs] I-I think it's gonna take time. I really do.
Gabi: Time? Time, yeah. It's gonna take time, so I should just-- you know, it's all gonna be great, it's all gonna be wonderful, so I should just shut up. You know, I'm sorry for bothering you with my problems.
Abigail: Gabi, no. I-- we're friends, and I want you to feel like you can talk to me about anything, you know? And--but I do. I think that in time, ari's gonna realize that you're--you're home for good now, and she's gonna appreciate what a wonderful, loving mother you are.
Gabi: Speaking about time... I can't believe, uh, your therapy took no longer than, um, the amount of time I had to spend in jail for the second crime I didn't commit.
Abigail: I know it's not fair. Look, I-I-I wanted to take responsibility for what I did. That's why I pled guilty. I didn't know that chad had arranged a plea bargain so I could get the treatment I needed.
Gabi: Yeah, I mean, guess you're just lucky it worked out for you, you know?
Abigail: No, but I know he would want to help you too. He's ceo at titan now, and, you know, he'd want to get you a job.
Gabi: I already have a job. I'm going back to work with stefan.
Abigail: What? No, gabi, you can't do that.
Stefan: Little pro tip. Idle threats make you look weak. We both know you don't have what it takes to bring me down.
Chad: Why, because I'm too law-abiding?
Stefan: [Laughs] Too afraid.
Chad: I'm not afraid.
Stefan: No? Well, you wouldn't be here if you weren'T.
Chad: You may have given yourself our father's name. I knew the man. I learned from him. You didn'T.
Stefan: Why should i give a damn? You've rejected everything he ever stood for.
Chad: Not everything. See, I may not have emulated him or followed blindly in his footsteps. But he respected me. He wanted me as his heir. I swear on his life that I will have everything that's mine.
Hope: Why? Why would you tell the sheriff to call off the search for ciara?
Rafe: Okay, I--
Hope: Why would you do that?
Rafe: I did not tell him that, okay? It's protocol. Once we make contact with ciara, she is no longer missing. She called us and told us she was safe.
Hope: What if she was lying? What if the person who found her at the crash site, what-- what if they forced her to make that call? What if they were holding a gun to her head to make the call?
Rafe: How many kidnap cases have we worked? Did it sound like she was under duress to you?
Hope: She's my baby, rafe.
Rafe: I know. I know. But listen, she said... she said she didn't want to come home. Technically, she is an adult, okay? I know that this is hard--
Hope: No, you don't know because you don't have a chi--
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: I want to stay. I'm not having any second thoughts about it.
Ben: Okay. But you have thought about what you do want to do so that someday you'll be ready to go? I mean, I don't mind taking care of you till you recuperate, but, you know, spending all your time cooped up with a serial killer-- ex-serial killer-- may not be the best way to regain mental health.
Ciara: You're starting to sound like a shrink now.
Ben: If you had as much therapy as I've had the past few years...
Ciara: Right. Well, uh, in answer to your question, I can't do anything, really, until my leg gets better. But there is something I can take care of right now.
Tripp: Well, hey, at least we know ciara's okay, right?
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, that is the most important thing, of course. I just wish that we could go back in time, you know? Before things went so wrong between us.
Tripp: Yeah, I know you do.
Claire: I also wish...
Tripp: What?
Claire: Tripp, you know who I envy the most? People who know for sure that they're just really decent and honorable people and they always make the right choices in life so whenever things go wrong, it's never their fault 'cause they're just so confident in their goodness. I really wish I could be more like that.
Tripp: Really? You wish you were arrogant and self-righteous? 'Cause that's what people who know that they're always right, they tend to usually be, at least in my experience.
>This is an nbc news special report.
Good day, everyone. We're coming on the air with breaking news from washington, D.C.. supreme court justice anthony kennedy has just announced his retirement after more than 30 years on the supreme court. A major development that could transform the highest court in the land for years to come. Kennedy appointed by ronald reagan in 1988 has long been a crucial swing vote in the sharply divided court. His departure at age 81 gives president trump an opportunity to name his second supreme court justice in just 17 months, an opportunity here to shift the court decisively to the right. Nbc's justice correspondent pete williams is in washington with more on the potential enormous impact of the decision. Pete, he's 81 years old. This has been rumored to be happening. Why now? Why has he decided to retire?
Reporter: Strike the word potential in terms of what kind of change this will be. This will be the biggest change in the supreme court in at least half a century because ever since sandra day o'connor retired from the supreme court 12 years apg, ant ss ago, anthony kennedy has been the decide next many ways the kennedy court. When he votes with the 2004 conservatives we get decisions gutting the voting rights act, giving new life to the second amendment, allowing more union and corporate money in politics. We saw it just yesterday when he was the fifth vote in the decision upholding the president's travel ban. When he voted with the court's liberals, the courts narrowed the reach of the death penalty. It gave legal rights to detainees in gaughan tanuantanamo bay, said states couldn't enforce their own immigration laws. And anthony kennedy has written a series of rulings on gay rights including the landmark 2015 declaring the right to marriage for same-sex couples nationwide. We learned about this just moments ago when the supreme court handed us a letter that justice kennedy sent today to the white house simply saying, this let sr. A respectful and formal notification of my decision effective july 31st of this year to end my regular active status as associate justice of the supreme court. It's signed respectfully and sincerely anthony kennedy. Now, a couple of things about this letter. First of all, the fact he says he's going to retire effective july 31st. When justices usually retire, at least this has been the recent practice, they say their retirement will be effective on the nomination and confirmation of a successor. So what this means is we'll be down to eight justices on the court as of july 31st, and if the president and the senate don't get their act together and confirm someone by the first monday in october, we'll be starting out this term with just eight justices again just as we did after the death of antonin scalia. Now, this is going to set off a huge political fight in the senate because democrats are still smarting over the decision by the republicans in the last year of president obama's term not even to give a hearing to president obama's nominee to replace justice skaecalia, merrick garland. So even though republicans have a majority, it will still be a tough fight for whomever the president nominates. But you can be sure whoever president trump nominates will be more conservative than anthony kennedy, and that will shift this sometimes conservative, sometimes liberal court to one that's solidly conservative. It will give the chief justice clarence thomas, samuel alito, and neil gorsuch a fifth solid conservative, and that legacy will last for years to come. The only thing that could potentially change it is if another liberal decides to step down, but who knows what that is. So it's just impossible to overstate how big a deal this is for the future of the supreme court, at least for the next decade or so.
Pete williams, as you said, he's a centrist, has been the swing vote for many years now, was born in sacramento, went to stanford university, on to harvard law school. Talk about how his brand of jurisprudence was forged. How did anthony kennedy become justice anthony kennedy?
He was put on the court by ronald reagan who liked his conservative credentials, and he joined the conservatives but then immediately shortly after he came onto the court, broke with the conservatives and voted to uphold the roe V. Wade. And the follow-on decisions declaring a fundamental right to abortion. So one big question here is, will justice kennedy's departure and will his replacement by a more conservative justice mean that the roe V. Wade decision could be changed? It's easy to see how it might be because there will be five solid conservatives, but only justice clarence thomas, in addition to kennedy, is among the conservatives who've ever voted on the fundamental question. So we don't really know where the chief justice samuel alito and neil gorsuch stand. We can guess, but we don't know how they stand on the fundamental question of roe V. Wade, and, you know, conservatives on the one hand tend not to support abortion rights but on the other hand they tend to believe that rulings for the supreme court that have been long enforced, what lawyers call star reee decisis, should be respected. It puts the fundamental right of roe V. Wade potentially in play. It's big deal. Justice kennedy has generally voted to uphold the fundamental core holding of roe but on the other hand he's a justice who wrote the opinion striking down what are called partial birth abortion laws. So he's -- because perhaps of his deep catholic faith and conservativism, he's never been a big advocate of abortion, but on the other hand, he's been a solid vote for roe V. Wade.
Reporting on justice anthony kennedy announcing his retirement effective july 31st this year. I want to turn to our white house correspondent kristen welker to get a sense of what the white house has said about this so far. Pete williams, kristen, talking about the political fight it will surely lead to in the comes months.
Reporter: President trump just weighing in. He's in the middle of a meeting with the portuguese president. He said, "he's a man I have great respect for. He's a man I have known for a long time. He's a great justice of the supreme court, someone who has great vision. He's also tremendous." So president trump really praising justice kennedy. He said he will pick someone who will be outstanding to replace him. He also thanked him for his years of service. He was asked when he will pick this replacement and who it will be. The president said there are numerous people, a list of 25 highly educated, highly intelligent people, and it will be somebody from that list. Now, president trump has been thinking about this of course because there has been a lot of speculation about whether or not justice kennedy would, in fact, retire, and now of course the fact that it has happened, this allows president trump to put a significant stamp on the supreme court. He picks neil gorsuch, of course. He is expected to pick someone who is young, someone who shares his conservative prince. S, and that could have big implications for a range of different thorny topics, everything from abortion rights to religious p libliberties. This comes against the backdrop of a week where president trump has had a significant victory in the supreme court, the court ruling to uphold his travel ban, one of his most controversial policy issues, and of course the president continues to be mired in a fierce fight over the border, over his zero-tolerance policy. This is a significant day for president trump as he now thinks about who he will pick to replace justice kennedy.
Kristen welker, white house correspondent. Just to recap what we've learned here, justice anthony kennedy, age 81, has decided to retire from the supreme court on this, the last day of the supreme court's term. His resignation will be effective 31st of july. Much more throughout the day on msnbc and nbcnews.Com and a full wrap-up tonight on "nbc nightly news" with lester holt.
Makes you feel. Huh? That deep down somewhere, there's a part of your wife that wants me, a part of your wife that loves me. And here is the coup d'état, brother. It's not as though some stranger has taken over your wife's body and is telling her to do things that she doesn't want to do, because it is your wife.
Chad: I can open you up so easily right now.
Stefan: Oh, threatening violence once again, are we? If that's the only way you can beat me... I've already won.
Abigail: Stefan is an evil person. He tried to frame you for murder. Why would you want to work for him?
Gabi: I don'T. I want my company back. But when stefan refused to give it to me, he said I could run it instead.
Abigail: So you agreed to that?
Gabi: I need a job.
Abigail: I said chad would help you get a job. He'd probably help you get out of this.
Gabi: Yeah, I know you said that, but I don't want him to, okay?
Abigail: Why? Why?
Gabi: Your son's a fool. He didn't just offer me a job. He offered me the perfect opportunity to destroy him... from the inside. No, okay? Gabi chic is all that I have left. I'm not leaving stefan in control of it.
Abigail: So you're keeping your enemies close?
Gabi: It's my company, okay? And as much as I may want to cut ties with him, I can'T. Hello! What's going on?
Abigail: Oh, nothing, nothing.
Gabi: No, something's going on. When I walked in, you were all jumpy and then-- what's in your bag? Is that from the pharmacy? Are you sick? Do you have a cold?
Abigail: No, no, gabi, really, don't worry about it. No.
Gabi: No, you're shaking, abigail. What's going on?
Abigail: No, gabi, please don'T.
Gabi: What is this? Oh, my god. Abigail, are you...
Abigail: I think I'm pregnant... with stefan's baby.
Rafe: Well, forensics just finished with a boot print from the crash site.
Hope: And? Anything?
Rafe: Yeah, it turns out that the boots are not commercially available. They're supplied by a company that manufactures solely for state workers, anyone who wears a rubber-soled shoe.
Hope: Okay. Let's contact all the state facilities in the area.
Rafe: Already have forensics working on it. They're making a list, and hopefully we're gonna get a hit.
Hope: Rafe... what kind of person finds a young woman on the side of the road, injured, and doesn't take them to the hospital?
Ciara: Tripp, I have to go.
Tripp: Just hear me out, okay? Look, claire and I feel terrible about what happened, and we've been looking for you 24-7, and we just-- we just really want you to come home, okay? Look, I... I am so sorry about what you walked in on. But I thought you had rejected me, and I-- if I'd known the whole story about what happened, I would've waited until you were ready. I would have waited forever.
Ciara: So it's my fault you jumped into bed with claire?
Tripp: No! I'm just saying I understand why you didn't feel comfortable talking about it, you know? But now that I know the whole story of what chase did--
Ciara: Yeah? And how do you know that?
Tripp: Because you told me.
Ciara: Because claire made me! I wasn't gonna say anything, but she told me that I had to tell you, whether I was ready to or not!
Tripp: Ciara, I'm sorry, but I-I think claire was only trying to help.
Ciara: Oh, yay! Yay for claire! Let's just--ugh, let's give her a merit badge for butting in where she doesn't belong! It was my story to tell. I shouldn't have had to say anything until I was ready!
Tripp: Claire just wanted me to understand--
Ciara: How screwed up I am? So she could have you all to herself? Well, tell her congratulations. You're all hers.
Tripp: No, ciara, that's not what I want.
Ciara: It's what you deserve. To be with some nice, normal girl-- someone who's never been raped.
[Dramatic music]
Stefan: Go ahead. Hit me again. Although I don't think you'd make a very good ceo if you were in prison.
Chad: I'm not gonna hit you. See, unlike some people, I'm plenty capable of self-control.
Stefan: It's not my self-control you're worried about, right?
Chad: What are you talking about?
Stefan: Well, it's-- it's abigail'S. That's why you showed up here, demanding that I stay away from her. Because you're worried if we get close, she'll decide she'd rather be with me.
Gabi: Stefan's baby?
Abigail: Shh, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure. God, it just-- I'm late, like, really late. It's been two months since I've had a period.
Gabi: Okay, maybe it's just that you've had a lot to deal with and maybe you're just stressed out.
Abigail: Yeah, but I've been in stressful situations before, and I'm always really regular, like, to the day.
Gabi: Okay, have you had any other symptoms?
Abigail: Not that I've noticed, but I don't want to wait. I mean, if I'm carrying stefan's baby, I need to know that.
Gabi: Okay, is there any chance that it could be chad's?
Abigail: No, I-- during all this, I barely even looked at him, I mean, much less... well, there was one-- there was one time. And it was the night after I found out what had happened the night that andre died. Okay, yes. And I was in control, and so I went to the police because I wanted to make a statement so that you could get out of jail. And then chad took me back to my mom's, and we saw thomas, and we made love.
Gabi: Okay, okay. So--so during the last two months, you've had sex once with each guy, so there's a 50% chance it could be chad'S.
Abigail: And just as much chance that it could be stefan'S. Oh, god, help me.
Ciara: Look, I have to go, okay?
Tripp: No, not until you listen to me, okay? I-I don't want claire. I want--I want you!
Ciara: Oh, please. [Sniffles] We had, like, two dates.
Tripp: So--so, what, that's all that counts, just actual dates? I mean, what about all the times that we talked? I opened up to you, ciara. I've told you things I've never told anybody else. Doesn't any of that matter?
Ciara: I'm sure claire would be happy to listen.
[Cell phone beeps]
Tripp: Ciara. Ciara!
[Line beeping]
Ciara: [Crying]
[Soft music]
Ben: You okay?
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Ben: I couldn't help overhearing what you just said. Now I get why you've been feeling so overwhelmed... to put your whole life on hold. Nobody in their right mind would trust... a serial killer. But you... you don't trust anyone. Now you're here.
Ciara: I guess you can't hurt me worse than I've already been hurt.
Ben: I'll never hurt you. Never.
Chad: You won't hurt abigail again.
Stefan: [Laughs] How can I do anything to her? I mean, aren't you gonna fight me to the death and wipe me off the face of the earth?
Chad: Yup.
Stefan: Well, then you have nothing to worry about. Unless, uh-- unless maybe you're not sure if you can win after all.
Gabi: Oh, you poor thing. I mean, I know I wasn't thrilled when I found out I was pregnant with ari, but at least I knew who the father was.
Abigail: Yeah, that's kind of an important thing to know.
Gabi: It's crazy, 'cause it's not like you were sleeping around or anything. I mean, how many cases have you heard of someone was sleeping with another person because their alter had taken over at that time?
Abigail: Not many.
Gabi: And it wasn't just casual sex. I mean, your alter was in love with stefan, right?
Abigail: You know, actually, I don't really want to-- I don't want to go there right now. Can we just...
Gabi: I'm sorry. Yeah. I'm just--I guess I'm trying to make you feel... less guilty. 'Cause I'm just thinking that if you would've cheated on chad as abigail and it would've just been some casual affair, you know, you would've gotten pregnant, that would've been unforgivable. But this situation with stefan is just so--
Abigail: Can we stop? Really, honestly, I-I don't even know if I'm really pregnant, and this is just--it's making me more anxious. I don't-- I can'T.
Gabi: I'm sorry. I guess I'm just upset for you, and... yeah, I'm doing a lot of talking. I know that being pregnant is the last thing you need right now.
Abigail: Yeah, it kind of is.
Gabi: All right, well, um, why don't you, uh, take the test, then? What are you waiting for?
Abigail: That's what I was gonna do, and then you showed up.
Gabi: Okay, yeah. It's better to just take it and get it done with.
Abigail: If I am pregnant, how do I tell chad?
Gabi: Well, with any luck, you won't have to. Come on, let's just do it and get it over with.
Abigail: No, I don't get it, though.
Gabi: What?
Abigail: Why are you being so nice to me?
Gabi: Abigail... I mean, I-I do feel for yoU. Worrying about being pregnant, not knowing who the father is, that sounds like a very stressful situation, and... I know that in my heart of hearts... that it wasn't you up there, that this is all stefan's fault.
Abigail: You still don't have to do this.
Gabi: Yeah, I do. Let's go.
Your mornings were made for
Tripp: I'm sorry you had to hear that.
Claire: Oh, no, no, no. I mean, I know that there's nothing between us anymore. All I care about is finding ciara.
Hope: These are all the facilities whose employees wear these boots?
Rafe: Mm-hmm, yeah. And I'm gonna have them sorted by zip code, see which employees live closest to where ciara wrecked her bike.
Hope: Thank you.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Hope: Washington county post office, salem university hospi--
[Tense music]
Shady hills.
Ben: I'm sorry. I know it's painful.
Ciara: I think that's why I'm supposed to talk about it. I tried when I went to therapy, but that didn't go so well.
Ben: Maybe you weren't there long enough.
Ciara: Maybe. Sometimes I think if I just hop on my bike, I can get away from all my problems if I go fast enough. I'm starting to think I'm never gonna get away from this.
Ben: You're not staying with me because you have, like, a death wish, right?
Ciara: No. I don't want to die.
Ben: You just wanted to get away from that guy tripp.
Ciara: In the moment, yeah.
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: I thought, for once, maybe I could just be normal, you know, go on dates, have a boyfriend. But when tripp started kissing me... it was too much.
Ben: Maybe that's why you're here with me, then. 'Cause you'd never fall for a guy like me. See, there I go again, sounding like a shrink.
Ciara: No, no, it's fine. You're probably right.
Ben: Ciara, I am really sorry that that happened to you. Did they get the guy who did it?
Ciara: My stepbrother... chase.
Ben: [Scoffs] Your stepbrother? A guy that would hurt his very own sister... that's a special kind of sick. If somebody even tried to lay a finger on my sister... I'd kill them.
[Violent chopping]
Hope: Shady hills. That's where ben weston was locked up. Oh, my god. Oh.
Tripp: Of course. Of course, yeah. If we hear from ciara again, you'll be the first to know. Okay.
[Cell phone beeps] Uh, hey, when ciara talked to you, did she mention anything about being with someone?
Claire: No, no. Why?
Tripp: Uh, just rafe said wherever she is, she's not alone. She's with someone. She's with a--she's with a guy.
Claire: Who?
Tripp: I don't know. That's what the-- that's what the police are trying to find out.
[Dramatic music]
Hope: Chad, it's hope.
Chad: Hope, what's up?
Hope: Just curious about something. Uh, when you drove ben out of town... you didn't drop him off anywhere near route 17, did you?
Chad: Uh, yeah, it was actually 17 and shavertown. Why?
Hope: Just needed to know. Thanks. Oh, god, no. Oh, my god, please don't let ben weston have my daughter.
Ben: I didn't mean, like, literally kill him. I--figure of speech.
Ciara: I know.
Ben: [Chuckles softly] You know, I was thinking, and... the fact that we're both here trying to escape our pasts and start fresh... but the difference of it is that you were a victim. You didn't do anything wrong. You have nothing to atone for.
Ciara: But it doesn't matter, does it? I'm still damaged goods.
Ben: No, I don't see you that way.
[Soft music]
I'm gonna finish making dinner.
[Tense music]
Chad: You know... I used to think that ben weston was the worst thing that could ever happen to abigail... until I met you. See, at least he had an excuse. He was psychotic. You--you, besides being evil as hell, appear to be relatively normal.
Stefan: I'm a dimera through and through, just like you. Oh, hey, chad. Cheers. May the best brother win.
Gabi: What, uh-- what did the test say?
Abigail: It's positive. I'm pregnant.
[Dramatic music]
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