Days Transcript Tuesday 6/19/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/19/18


Episode #13297 ~ The Hortons rally around Eli and Lani as she undergoes an emergency C-section; Lani has a fantasy of her perfect life with her baby and JJ; Abe has a warm moment with Eli; Eric, Jennifer, Lucas and Chloe have a celebratory dinner.

Provided By Suzanne

[Glasses clink]

Jennifer: To my brother. I have been so proud of you these last six months.

Lucas: Aw, thanks. Cider, right? You're not trying to trick me?

Jennifer: Yes. No, sir.

Lucas: Good. Couldn't have done it without the three of you.

Chloe: And I probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't asked john and paul to come save me in mexico.

Eric: Yeah.

Jennifer: I bet parker was so glad to see you.

Chloe: Oh, yeah, I couldn't wait to just put my arms around him. But we decided-- wellactually, he kind of decided that he wanted to stay with my parents this summer.

Eric: That must've been a hard decision.

Chloe: Yeah, it was, but he's already made friends, and he found this great day camp up there, and so he's happy. That's all that matters.

Eric: Good.

Jennifer: Seeing your children happy is one of life's greatest blessings.

Julie: [Exhales deeply]

Doug: Hope said she would call if there was news of any kind about ciara.

Julie: So no news is good news?

Doug: Exactly.

[Valerie and abe laughing] Abe and valerie are just approaching.

Julie: Oh, hello, hello. I didn't see you come in. I have a wonderful table for you tonight, very private.

Valerie: Ah.

Abe: Ah.

Valerie: Well, before we get seated, I wanted to ask you a question.

Julie: Mm-hmm?

Valerie: Well, I just spoke with lani, and I offered to do her baby shower, and she agreed.

Julie: Oh, lovely, lovely.

Valerie: Yeah, so I was wondering if we could do it here.

Julie: Oh, wonderful. Yes, of course. We would be honored. That's great. Um, let me just check our schedule to see how our bookings are.

Valerie: Okay.

Julie: Oh, my. Wow. [Chuckles] Um, we're pretty heavily booked the next couple of weeks.

Valerie: Oh, well, she's only six months, so we have plenty of time.

Lani: You have to deliver the baby now?

Kayla: Lani... the iv has not stopped the contractions, you're bleeding, and the placenta is still covering the cervix. We need to do an immediate c-section.

Lani: But I'm only 26 weeks along.

Kayla: I know. I know. And the nicu is ready for your baby, okay? Sweetie, I just-- I just need you to sign the consent.

Lani: No. No, I'm not signing it.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Lani: I mean it. I am not signing it.

Eli: Lani, please.

Jj: Listen to kayla.

Eli: This is our best shot.

Lani: My child isn't ready to be born yet.

Kayla: I understand how worried you are. But preemies at this stage have over a 90% chance of survival.

Lani: I'm only 26 weeks, okay? Can't we just push the c-section for another week?

Kayla: No, we can't, because you could hemorrhage during labor. And that would put your life at risk. And you are bleeding so much that that would be a risk to the baby also.

Lani: This isn't fair.

Kayla: I know it's not.

Lani: Okay, this is my child.

Kayla: I know. I know.

Jj: I know that you hate giving in to something like this. You're the strongest, bravest person I have ever seen. But, lani... you're not superwoman.

Eli: He's right.

Jj: We need you here.

Eli: So does our baby.

Lani: Okay. I'll sign it.



Kayla: I'll go notify the or, and we'll get you prepped, all right?

Eli: Just work on your breathing. Come on, breathe in. Breathe. One, two. Breathe. Breathe out.

Lani: [Exhales deeply]

Eli: Breathe in.

Lani: [Inhales]

Eli: One, two...

Julie: That date in july is good?

Valerie: Oh, yes, that works for me. I'll just check in with lani to see if that works for her and give you a call, and we'll talk about the menu and the guest list.

Julie: Oh, I have given so many showers. I have so many wonderful recipes-- appropriate, delicious. We'll share them.

Valerie: Wonderful.

Doug: You know, planning this shower is just what we need right now.

Abe: Yeah. And our families doing it together, this means a lot to me. You two... reached out to me last christmas when theo was in the hospital, and...

Doug: Well, abe--

Abe: No, no, no, no, please, please, I need to say this. I was still furious with jj, and... I treated you very badly.

Doug: Well, you are, after all, only human. And you were--you were scared to death about your son.

Abe: No, I was just-- I was just flat-out wrong, and... I don't think I ever did properly apologize. And I am... I am so sorry for everything I said.

Julie: Abe... the carvers, the hortons have been friends for decades. Even the best of friends sometimes have little hard patches, you know?

Doug: And they overcome them.

Valerie: Mm.

Julie: You've always been like our family. Now we're gonna share this baby, and you really will be our family.

Doug: And I couldn't be happier.

Valerie: No.

Abe: Same here.

[Cell phone rings]

Valerie: Me too.

Abe: Oh.

Julie: A call.

Abe: Excuse me.

Julie: Sure.

Valerie: Okay.

Abe: Hey, jj, what's up?

Jj: Hey, abe, I'm sorry I'm bothering you. It's just, uh, I brought lani to the hospital a little while ago.

Abe: What's wrong?

Julie: What is it?

Abe: It's lani. Uh, what happened?

Jj: I was with her, and she starting having contractions, and she's bleeding.

Abe: Is she--is she in labor?

Jj: Yeah. Um, kayla says that she has to have a c-section. And they're getting her ready for the or now.

Abe: All right, all right, valerie--valerie and i will be right there.

Valerie: What is it?

[Heartbeat thumping]

Kayla: There's your baby.

Lani: [Chuckles] How can anything so little be so perfect?

Kayla: The baby is measuring right on target for its gestational age. And the heartbeat is strong.

Lani: [Chuckles]

[Dramatic music]

I'm ray and I quit smoking with chantix.

Kayla: I, um-- I know that you planned on being in the delivery room, but that won't be possible under the circumstances.

Eli: No, I get it. I get it. I just--I just hate feeling so damn useless.

Kayla: Well, you won't feel useless for long. You're about to have a tiny little baby that's gonna be dependent on both of you for everything. And I'm sure that you'll be changing diapers like a pro.

[Both chuckle]

Lani: Jj...

Jj: Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I called your dad. Your mom was with him, so they're both on their way here.

Lani: Thank you for doing that... and for bringing me here and staying. You have no idea what that means to me.

Kayla: Okay... let's go have a baby.

[Soft dramatic music]

Oh, good. I'm glad you made it.

Abe: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Kayla: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Abe: Sweetheart, how are you doing?

Lani: So scared.

Abe: I know. You know, they've made great strides with preemies. This hospital, it just has an excellent neonatal intensive care unit.

Lani: That's what kayla said.

Abe: I missed my chance to spoil you, but I'm gonna make up for it with this baby, so I hope you have room for a pony.

Lani: I've barely bought any baby clothes yet... or a crib. Eli and I, we haven't figured anything out on how we're gonna do this together.

Abe: You know what? Even if you laid it all out on a spreadsheet, it-- it wouldn't matter. Kids keep changing. You just have to wing it, whether you like it or not. I just hope this child makes you as proud as you make me. I love you. I love you, sweetheart.

Lani: I love you too, dad.

Abe: I love you very much.

Kayla: Okay, we need to get her to the or.

Eli: Kayla said the baby's chances of making it are, like, 90% or something. She's being straight with us, right?

Valerie: Yes. Yes, absolutely. The baby's chances are excellent. You're gonna be a dad.

Eli: Yeah.

Valerie: That's what you should be thinking about now.

Eli: Yeah, I just-- I just wish I could be in there with her.

Valerie: Yeah, well, would you--would you feel better if I scrubbed in and-- and went in?

Eli: Thank you.

Valerie: Okay. Congratulations, papa.

Eli: Thank you.

Valerie: Mm. And you too, grandpa.

Abe: [Laughs] Oh, thank you, granny.

Valerie: Oh! You know, I never-- I never thought I'd feel so wonderful about having somebody call me that. All right, I'm gonna go.

Lani: I'm shivering. I've been in active shooter situations and never had the shivers.

Kayla: It's just a side effect to the spinal anesthesia. We'll get you some warm blankets, okay? Blankets? Thanks.

Lani: I read a lot about what to expect with childbirth, and... none of the books said it would be like this.

Kayla: I know. But you know what? We're gonna take very good care of you and your baby, okay? As soon as you're numb, we'll get started.

Lani: Will I go to sleep?

Kayla: No. You might feel a little tugging, but there should be no pain. Okay?

Lani: Okay.

Kayla: Great.

Valerie: Hi.

Kayla: Hi.

Valerie: I told eli I'd scrub in, if that's all right with you.

Lani: The more, the merrier.

Kayla: Okay.

Valerie: I spoke with the neonatologist, and he'll be right in as soon as the baby's born.

Kayla: Mm-hmm. The baby will be immediately taken to the nicu, okay? And we'll do our very best to let you see your baby first, all right?

Lani: Yeah.

Kayla: Eli will be taken directly to the nicu, and as soon as you're out of recovery, we'll get you over there too. The nursery will encourage skin-to-skin contact as soon as possible.

Lani: Why?

Kayla: Because preemies are extremely responsive to their mother's voice and touch.

Valerie: Yes, at this stage, your baby already knows the sound of your voice.

[Kayla and lani laugh]

Lani: This is happening.

Kayla: Yeah.

Lani: I'm really gonna be a mom.

Kayla: Yes, you are.

Jj: Oh, hey.

Lucas: Oh, jj just got here.

Jennifer: Hmm?

Eric: Oh, hey, let me get another chair.

Jennifer: Hi, honey.

Jj: Hi. Um...

Jennifer: Come sit with us.

Jj: No--no, it's okay. I can't stay. I just came in to pick up something to take back to the hospital with me.

Jennifer: What? What's wrong?

Jj: Lani's in the or. They have to deliver the baby todaY.

Jennifer: No, it's so early.

Jj: She went into labor. There wasn't any choice. But kayla did say that the chances of the baby making it are pretty good, though.

Jennifer: Okay, I'm gonna go with you back to the hospital.

Eric: Yeah, hey, hey, I'll drive.

Jennifer: Do you understand? Lucas, is that okay?

Lucas: We're gonna come too, all right? I mean, you can tell eli he can expect a whole-- I don't know--stampede of hortons in a crisis.

Jennifer: Okay, come on. Let's go. Thank you.

Abe: Eli... I know that you and lani aren't in a committed relationship... and you may never be in one. But I trust that you won't walk away from her and your child if the going gets tough.

Eli: Absolutely not. Abe, I grew up without a dad. You can count on me. I'll be there for this child no matter what.

Abe: Good. You're a good man.

Eli: Thank you.

Abe: You know what? I think I'm gonna get some coffee. This could be a long night.

Julie: Oh, sweetheart. I'm sorry it took us so long to get here. I just jumped out of the car. Doug is still circling that parking lot looking for a spot.

Eli: Grandma, there's-- there's really not much that you can do here. And I'm sure you're worried about ciara, so it's fine if you want to leave.

Julie: I have my cell phone. Hope will call me if there's any news. And...oh, darling, I wouldn't miss being here for your baby for anything in the world.

[Laughs softly]

Kayla: I want you to know something. My joey was a 26-weeker, and there were no complications. Okay?

Lani: [Mutters indistinctly] I feel funny.

Kayla: Funny how?

Valerie: Her bp's dropping. We need another unit of o-negative.

[Dramatic music]

[Monitor beeping]

[Eerie whispering]

Kayla: [Echoing] Lani, honey. Can you hear me? Stay with us, lani.

Julie: Darling, this situation means you're gonna have to make some decisions about your future with lani.

Doug: Eli, how's she doing?

Eli: They took her to the or. That's all I know.

Julie: Are you two going to live together?

Eli: I tried to talk to lani about it, but she put me off. I even asked her to take an early leave of absence, and she wasn't having it. She said I was hovering.

Doug: Well, if you were, you come by it naturally.

Eli: I don't know. Lani keeps me at arm's length. I mean, we haven't had a single discussion about financial support, custody-- none of it. Truth is, we're just partners who happened to make a baby. And I'm sure she still wishes jj was the baby's father.

Julie: [Sighs]

Eli: What's this?

Jennifer: Well, we ran into jj, and he told us that lani was having the baby. So we're your family. We wanted to be here for you.

Lucas: Yeah, you know, in case you didn't eat, we got enough food to feed an army.

Chloe: If you need anything else, please...

Eli: Um, guys, look, I appreciate this, but what I need most right now is some space.

[Soft dramatic music]

Kayla: Lani, honey, can you hear me? Stay with us, lani.

Valerie: Pressure's down. 80 over 50, and it's dropping.

Kayla: [Echoing] You're pregnant. Congratulations.

Lani: Wow. Uh... do you know how far along I am?

Kayla: I'd say you're about six weeks.

Lani: Really?

Kayla: You sound relieved to hear that.

Lani: I am. Uh... jj broke up with me because he felt so guilty about theo, and then... I saw him with gabi and thought they were sleeping together, which they weren'T. She was just comforting him. But then I went and told eli what I thought--wrongly thought. And then eli and I ended up...

Kayla: I get the picture.

Lani: I was so scared that this baby wasn't jj's, but it is. It really is.

Kayla: So you're happy about that?

Lani: Yeah. I mean, I wasn't planning on getting pregnant, but... I love jj so much, and we're still broken up, but... I know this baby will change that. I know it will.

Jj: Now, I know pregnant women can have some weird cravings, but hawaiian pizza?

Lani: I know. [Laughs] But I just had to have-- oh.

Jj: What? Is something wrong?

Lani: No. [Laughs] I think felt the baby move. Maybe it was the hawaiian pizza. Can you feel it?

Jj: I think I do.

Jennifer: I think that they are going-- oh!

Jj: Hanging out in toy stores?

Jennifer: Ha-ha-ha. Okay, busted.

Lani: What's in the bag?

Jennifer: Well...

Eric: Um...

Jennifer: Okay, it's the same little train that you bought for thomas when abigail was pregnant. It's the same little train that you played with when you were a little boy, and it's the same little train I can't wait to watch you play with with your baby.

Jj: Thank you, mom.

Jennifer: You're so welcome.

Lani: I know that you wish the baby happened differently, but we are really happy.

Jennifer: I see a ring on your finger, and it looks like an engagement ring.

Jj: Yeah, well, I was planning on telling you tonight.

Jennifer: [Gasps] Welcome to the family! Lani, this is wonderful.

Eric: Congrats.

Jennifer: Oh, my goodness, this is so great. When were you gonna tell me?

Jj: I was gonna tell you tonight.

Jennifer: Oh!

Jj: Honest.

[Monitor beeping]

Kayla: Lani, are you with me? Squeeze my hand.

Valerie: Bp's getting stronger.

Kayla: Okay. Hang in there, all right? Let's meet your baby.

Eli: Look, I don't mean to be rude. I'm just really scared right now, and I don't like feeling that way in front of a crowd.

Lucas: You know, this family takes care of their own whether they like it or not. Trust me, I know from experience. You'll learn to like it. You'll even feel bad for people who don't have a big complicated, loving family like we do.

Jennifer: But we-- listen, we're not insensitive either, so... we--we can just wait till you and lani are ready for visitors, really.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, we'll just leave the food for you.

Jennifer: Yeah, let's go.

Doug: Julie?

Julie: I'm staying here.

Eli: You guys, wait. Stay. I overreacted. You're right. I do want my child to be raised in a family like this.

[Soft music]

Jennifer: Hey. How are you doing?

Jj: I think if anyone here is making eli uncomfortable, it's--it's me. I'm gonna get going.

Jennifer: Do you want to leave? Because I really believe that lani would want you here.

Jj: Yeah.

Jennifer: But that's your decision.

[Monitor beeping]

Valerie: She's losing a lot of blood.

Lani: Jj...

Eric: Did you catch the cubs game last night?

Abe: Oh, man, that was a nail-biter, wasn't it?

Eric: Oh, my god. Almora made that catch, I was like, "oh, baby!"

Abe: [Laughs]

Kayla: You said it! I heard it!

Eric: What?

Kayla: You said "baby." Come on, give me your pin.


Eric: Oh, my goodness.

Kayla: If you can get it off.

Eric: There you go.

Kayla: Ah, I'm the winner! I got all the pins. Yeah, baby. Thank you very much.

[Laughter and applause]

Julie: Oh, I didn't want to play shower games.

Doug: Yes. Lani thinks they're funny. And if I remember correctly, this is her shower-- hers and jj'S.

Julie: Well, if it was my shower, it would not be coed. And you can depend on that. What's eli doing here? He wasn't invited.

Valerie: Hey, honey.

Eli: Hey.

Valerie: You looking for me?

Eli: No, no, I need to talk to lani for a minute.

Valerie: Oh, she's over there.

Eli: [Whispering] Lani, lani. I need to talk to you about something. Look, I didn't want to do this to you, especially not here, but I don't have a choice. Gabi found out about us. She knows that we slept together.

Lani: Are you sure?

Eli: Yes, I'm sure. She just broke up with me.

Lani: Oh, god.

Eli: Look, I'm sorry. I had to warn you, all right? And she's furious. I'm afraid she might tell jj.

Jj: Hey, I need to talk to you. Gabi just called me. She's claiming that you slept with him. Is it true?

Lani: This baby is yours.

Jj: No, I said... is it true?

Lani: You can ask kayla if you don't believe me.

Jj: So you did. From the moment you told me you were pregnant, I have been planning my life around raising this baby with you.

Lani: And you will. Because you are the father. I am so sorry.

Eli: Jj, look. Jj, it's not lani's fault. All right, she saw you and gabi together. She thought--

Jj: What? What? What, did you just have to get even?

Lani: It was christmas eve, okay? And we did something stupid.

Jj: Christmas eve? That was the night I was gonna... Gabi stayed in my room that night.

Lani: I saw her with you, and I came to the wrong conclusion, okay? Do you hate me?

Jj: No, I don'T. I don't hate you. I broke it off with you, and, uh... I have no right to judge you for anything you did after that. I'm gonna do my best to put this behind me. I hope you can too.

Eli: You're being very decenT.

Jj: Well, if I, uh-- if I made a thing about it, I'd lose just about everything that matters to me right now. So... we have a party to get back to.

Lani: I don't think I can.

Jj: Why not?

Lani: My water just broke.

Valerie: We have to get this baby born. She's crashing.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

[Soft dramatic music]

Eli: I, um... I haven't had a chance to thank you for everything that you did for lani today.

Jj: Well, I did what anybody would do.

Eli: That's not true. You took care of her when she was bleeding. You brought her here. You kept her calm.

Jj: You don't have to say any of it.

Eli: Jj, you're the one that got her to sign the consent forms. You called abe. You did everything that I should've done.

Jj: Just let it go, okay?

Eli: Jj, I don't know what the future brings... but I do know how much it would mean to lani for you to be a part of this baby's life. So I want that too. Just think about it.

Kayla: She's stopped clotting.

Valerie: Oh.

[Monitor beeping rapidly] She's bleeding out! She's in transition. This is gonna go quick.

Lani: I feel like I need to push.

Jj: I'll call the emergency squad.

Kayla: No, no, no, no. It's too late for that. You and I are gonna deliver this baby, jj.

Julie: What?

Lani: Wait, you're kidding.

Kayla: Nope, you are in good hands. You're in good hands. You have two doctors and an emt. We're gonna take good care of you, okay?

Valerie: Okay, we need towels, and she's gonna need clean scissors.

Lani: Another contraction.

Kayla: Breathe. Breathe. Just light. Breathe. Breathe. Jj, sit behind her, okay? Pull her up so she can lean up against you.

Jj: Come on.

Kayla: I need those towels!

Lani: This is nothing like I thought it would be.

Jj: It doesn't matter how it happens, okay? As long as we have a healthy baby.

Kayla: Okay, on your next contraction, you can push, okay?

Lani: Mm-hmm. Okay.

Kayla: Another one? Okay, all right.

Lani: Okay.

Kayla: Give it a push! Push!

Lani: [Groaning]

[Sustained beep]

Kayla: She's in asystole!

Valerie: Get me a backboard.

Kayla: Come on.

Valerie: Come on, baby.

Eric: Anything I can do?

Abe: [Sighs] You know, um... feeling like an old hand at these situations.

Eric: Yeah, you practically lived here since theo was shot.

Abe: I had to be here. In my heart of hearts, I... I didn't think he was gonna make it. Wish I had more faith. I'm trying--I'm trying to have it now. But with this emergency c-section... I thought we'd have a baby by now. How long is this gonna take?

Julie: Eric, I think everybody feels we could use a little spiritual help right now. Would you, uh-- would you lead us in a prayer?

Eric: I'm not a priest anymore, julie.

Julie: Ah, but I'm sure you remember. When two or more are gathered in his name...

Eric: I'll do my best.

Julie: That's always been great for me.

Eric: If I can have everybody-- if we can just gather around, julie has asked if I would lead us in a prayer. Make a circle. Join hands.

[Soft music]

Dear heavenly father, we ask that you give lani and her baby the strength right now to get through this time.

We all could use your support and your prayer and your strength. We stand here together in love in family, friends.

[Sustained beep]

Kayla: Come on, lani.

Sometimes, bipolar I disorder

Eric: In the name of the father, of the son, and the holy spirit. Amen.

All: Amen.

Jennifer: There's kayla. Kayla.

Abe: Oh! What happened?

Eli: How is she?

Kayla: Uh, it was touch and go, and, um... we almost lost her.

Abe: Almost.

Kayla: But we got her stabilized, and, uh, she pulled through.

Abe: Oh, thank god.

Eli: You didn't say anything about the baby.

[Somber music]

Lani: What happened? I know something went wrong. I can see it on your face, jj. Where's my baby?

Valerie: You're all right. You're all right now. You're all right now.

Kayla: We did everything we could. But the baby didn't make it. It was a little baby boy. I'm so sorry.

Eli: No. You said that there was a 90% cha--

Jennifer: Jj. Jj.

Kayla: I can't tell you how sorry I am.

Abe: Does lani know?

Kayla: No. She hasn't regained consciousness, and, um, she doesn't know anything.

Jj: The delivery was more complicated than kayla expected. Um, we had to rush you in here.

Lani: Just tell me.

[Soft music]

Is that...

Here you go.

Lani: [Laughs]


Jj: You got through it like a champ. And so did he.

Lani: He?

Jj: You want to meet your son?

Lani: Yeah. Yeah.

Jj: Say hi, mom.

Lani: Hi. Oh! Hello! Hi! Oh, my goodness. Hi! Hi, sweetheart. Oh, I'm your mama.

[Laughs] Yeah. Oh! This is the happiest day of my entire life.

[Laughs] This is our boy. Hi. Yeah. Oh, you're so beautiful.


[Baby gurgles] Yeah.

[Somber music]

Valerie: [Sighs]



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