Days Transcript Monday 6/18/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 6/18/18


Episode #13296 ~ Ciara cautiously opens up to Ben; Hope makes an unsettling discovery; JJ rushes Lani to the hospital; Will has a flash of memory.

Provided By Suzanne

 Kayla: Listen, stefan, i don't want you calling me. Especially at work. I am aware that my husband's eyesight is at risk if I don't come up with dirt on kate.

[Suspenseful music]

Okay, I, um... I saw something. I saw kate having a meeting with a man in her hotel room at salem inn, and I heard her say that they can't be seen together. I don't know who he was. I just know that kate was definitely trying to hide something.

 Sonny: Oh, hey.

 Paul: Hey.

 Sonny: Is will here?

 Paul: Uh, no, he just left, but, uh... he's not gonna be gone long. You want me to tell him you stopped by?

 Sonny: Actually, I need to talk to you about something, too.

 Jj: Tell me what you're feeling.

 Lani: I told you about my placenta previa. It feels exactly like it did the last time it happened.

 Jj: And the doctor said there's nothing to worry about?

 Lani: Kayla said to take it easy, and that's exactly what I've been doing.

 Jj: You know, I'm gonna call eli.

 Lani: No, no, no, no. You don't need to do that.

 Jj: He's the baby's father. He needs to know what's going on.

 Eli: Right there.

 Rafe: Yeah.

 Eli: That's the last place that we can track ciara's cell signal.

 Rafe: Woodbury road. That's outside of salem. Pretty remote.

 Hope: Nothing out there at all. I don't understand. What would she be doing all the way out there?

 Ciara: Wait. Don't go.

 Ben: Trying to get you home.

 Ciara: I know.

 Ben: That's what you want, right? Back to your friends and your family?

 Ciara: Not so sure anymore.

 Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

 Ben: I don't get it. I'm giving you the chance to go home, and you're not taking it.

 Ciara: I'm tired of being the victim... of everyone always thinking I'm this helpless loser that can't take care of herself.

 Ben: That's what you think people say about you?

 Ciara: Trust me, it is.

 Ben: Why do you say that?

 Ciara: I don't wanna talk about it. Especially not with you.

 Ben: Fine. I'm going straight to your mom.

 Ciara: No, wait, okay!

[Groans] Fine! Fine, I'll tell you. You wanted to know why I crashed my bike, why I was racing out of town like that? Okay, well, it's because I found my boyfriend hooking up with someone very close to me. Yeah. Yeah, tripp and I were in a fight and it took him, like, two minutes to get naked under the sheets with her.

 Ben: They were sleeping together?

 Ciara: Well, they denied it, but it's not like it even matters. The point is, how many times can I be taken advantage of? How many times can I let myself get hurt like that?

 Ben: It's not your fault for picking a cheater.

[Somber music]

 Ciara: All I know is that if they find me, it'll be nothing but endless explanations and excuses and pity for poor, pathetic ciara, and, god, i hate that. And I'm so sick of living my life like that.

[Groans] You know what? Forget it. You'd never even understand.

 Ben: Actually, I do.

 Hope: It'll take us at least a half hour to get out there.

 Eli: Oh, we don't know anything is wrong.

 Hope: It's not like her to be out of touch for this long.

 Rafe: You're right, that is true.

 Eli: Hope, we may not find anything. I mean, her phone has been off since last night. This is just the last place it was bef--

 Hope: Then we'll follow the trail from there. I'm going to find my daughter. Let's go.

 Lani: You don't need to call eli. He knows about my condition and he knows I can handle it on my own.

 Jj: So what's the harm in calling?

 Lani: The harm is that i already have one overprotective person and I don't need two.

 Jj: Okay. Fine. But you should know I'm taking you to the hospital to get you checked out.

 Lani: I can drive myself.

 Jj: Lani.

 Lani: Jj, I am not your responsibility.


 Jj: Okay, you know what? That settles it. Come on, come on. Take it easy. Lean on me.

 Lani: Okay.

 Jj: [Murmuring] Let's go.

 John: Wow, honey. You know, there's over 300 names on this list here and I don't even recognize half of them.

[Laughs] You know, no offense, doc, but you think maybe we can scale this back a little bit?

 Marlena: Oh, yes, of course.

 John: Oh, never mind. If a big wedding is what you want, a big wedding is what you're gonna get.

 Marlena: No, no, it's not--no, honey, it's all fine. I was just--I'm distracted today, that's all. Sorry.

 John: What's going on?

 Marlena: It's been over 24 hours.

 John: Mm-hmm.

 Marlena: Since I injected will with that serum... and I haven't heard a word.

 John: So, what do you think? Do you think it's gonna work? Do you think it's gonna get his memory back?

 Marlena: I hope so.

 Kayla: Uh, will.

 Will: Hey.

 Kayla: Will, how long have you been standing there?

 Will: I just got here. I heard you talking about my grandmother.

 Kayla: Marlena?

 Will: Uh, no, the other one. Um, you said kate was hiding something.

 Kayla: I did?

 Will: Yeah.

 Kayla: Oh, oh, of course. Yes, I, um--it was just a hospital board related matter. You know, I just--I hate hospital politics.

 Will: Yeah.

 Kayla: So what can I help you with?

 Will: Well, um, the serum didn't work.

 Kayla: Oh, you didn't get your memory back.

 Will: No, I still feel exactly the same. So I want to try again.

 Kayla: You want another dose?

 Will: Yeah. Kayla, I'm tired of living in this darkness, you know? I wanna remember who I was and who I am. I wanna remember the people who love me and the people who I loved. I want my past back.

 Kayla: I understand, honey...

 Will: And when marlena administered the dose the first time, I was so sure it was gonna work. I felt it. I was right there. So I think maybe just one more dose, you know, if we try that again.

 Kayla: I'm sorry, I can't help you.

 Will: I--okay. But you have the other vial of the serum, right?

 Kayla: I do, but I can't give it to you.

 Sonny: Will must be so disappointed.

 Paul: I can see that you are, too. I know that you were really hoping his memory would come back.

 Sonny: I bet you're relieved it hasn'T.

 Sonny: That's not true.

 Sonny: Come on, paul. You two are so happy together. Why would you want him to remember that he was married to me?

 Paul: Well, it's will's decision. I'm never gonna stand in the way of him getting his memory back.

 Sonny: Even if that means losing him?

 Paul: I believe in what we have. If we belong together, then his getting his memory back is not gonna change it.

 Sonny: No, I suppose you're right.

[Soft music]

 Paul: For what it's worth, I want you to be happy, sonny. I always will.

 Sonny: It's worth a lot. Thank you.

 Paul: Um, you said you wanted to talk to me about something. What is it?

 Sonny: Yeah, um, I need your help. And you might be the only person who can save me.

 Ciara: You know what it's like to walk in on your boyfriend going at it with another girl?

 Ben: Well, it was a girl going at it with another guy, but yeah.

 Ciara: Oh, um, abigail?

 Ben: She and I were supposed to be together. When I found out she was sleeping with chad, I-- I loved her way too much. When I found out that she didn't feel the same way, I...

ben: That's what my doctor said. In that moment, I lost my grip on reality.

 Ciara: If you ever had it.

 Ben: Either way. I wouldn't recommend going down that route.

 Ciara: Um, thanks for the advice? Look, I may be angry, but i haven't reached the point where I'm ready to kill someone yet.

 Ben: So what are you going to do, then?

 Ciara: I have no idea. If you feel like you spendtoo much time in the bathroom

 Paul: You want me to check out leo's background? See if there's anything that i can turn up?

 Sonny: Yeah, and if it's too weird, I can find someone else.

 Paul: I'm on it, sonny.

 Sonny: Really? Are you sure? 'Cause I know that you and will are trying to, you know, move on with your lives and...

 Paul: We believe you. You're a good person, sonny. You don't deserve this. And, uh, you need friends right now.

 Sonny: More than you know.

 Paul: So we're gonna do everything we can to help you beat this. And no matter what we all shared in the past, just know that will and I are--we're in your corner.

 Will: Okay, I know that using a serum created by dr. Rolf must be uncomfortable for you.

 Kayla: Uh, yeah. Yeah, it is, but you know what? That's, uh... that's not the issue. The hospital found out that we recreated the serum and they demanded that we stop treatment.

 Will: How did they find that out?

 Kayla: I don't know. I just got a call from the lawyer saying that it was a unnecessary risk.

 Will: Okay, but I knew the risks when I asked for the treatment.

 Kayla: I know, but it doesn't matter. If anything were to go wrong, the hospital would be liable.

 Will: Okay, well, what if i signed a document or something that says I won't sue? Or what if I appear in front of the board? Or what if I administer it myself? I mean, I don't care what it is. Whatever I have to do, I already did it once, so I just--can we try--I wanna try again.

 Kayla: Will, I'm so sorry. I know how much you want this.

 Will: I don't want this. I need this. Please. You must know what it's like to risk everything to get back something that you lost. I mean, what would you do to help steve see again?

 Kayla: I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.

 Ben: I know I'm the last person to say I have all the answers, but I know you can't let this fester. The hurt, the'll get to you if you let it.

 Ciara: It's the reason I was riding my bike all the way out here.

 Ben: Yeah, and it almost killed you. You need to let that go before it does. I know tripp and claire, they hurt you, but you can't obsess over it.

 Ciara: It's not just tripp, okay? It's not just them. It's my whole life.

 Ben: What do you mean?

 Ciara: I don't know. All I know is I wanna break the cycle. I want a fresh start.

 Ben: That's what I want, too.

 Hope: Oh, my god. This is ciara's bike.

 Eli: It looks like it was a pretty bad crash. I mean, the skid marks start all the way back there.

 Hope: Where is she?

 Rafe: Hope.

 Hope: What? No. Oh, my god, no. Where is she? Ciara! Where'd she go?

[Elevator door dings]

 Jj: We're almost there. How do you feel?

 Lana: Fine.

 Jj: You don't have to be a hero. Listen--excuse me, this is lani price. I called ahead. Her room should be ready. She's six months pregnant. She's been experiencing some cramping and spotting. Will you please page dr. Johnson? She'll know what to do.

 Woman: Right away.

 Jj: Okay, thank you.

 Lani: [Groans]

 Jj: Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay. We came here to get you--

 Lani: [Gasping]

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 Hope: Ciara, can you hear me? Are you out there? Ciara!

 Rafe: Can't find that damn phone anywhere.

 Eli: I'll canvas the area and look for it and to look for her.

 Rafe: You know what? See if you can find a witness.

 Hope: Witness? We're in the middle of nowhere. There's no one around. Ciara!

 Eli: I'll call it in.

 Hope: Ciara!

 Rafe: Do you know what? It's actually a good thing that she's not here. Maybe someone saw her crash, took her to the hospital.

 Hope: We checked all the hospitals.

 Rafe: Yeah, but not out this far. I'll go make some calls. We're gonna find her, hope. She's out here. We'll find her, I promise.

[Cell phone beeps]

 Hope: Ciara! Ciara!

[Heavy breathing]

 Ben: I never thought I'd be free again. When I was released from that hospital, I just felt this overwhelming feeling of hope for the first time in years. I went back to salem and just tried to make up for what I did and fix it with the people that I hurt.

 Ciara: Did you really think that people like will and chad and abigail would ever forgive you?

 Ben: I didn't know, but I had to try. Found out pretty fast that nobody wanted me there. Will and chad pretty much rode me out of town on a rail.

 Ciara: Yeah, well, can you blame them?

[Dramatic music]

 Ben: Well, it's a good thing that they did kick me out. Otherwise you would have been in the middle of the road left for dead all alone.

 Ciara: I don't know why it was you who found me. All I know is I've been given a second chance at life.

 Ben: You just haven't decided what you wanna do with that second chance.

 Ciara: Nope.

 Ben: I'm gonna help you get well. Ciara, I'm not gonna tell anybody where you are. But if you decide you don't trust me, you wanna leave, take it upon yourself to try your own luck, I'm not gonna stop you.

 Will: Sonny, hi.

 Sonny: Hey. Paul said you weren't gonna be gone long, so I decided to wait.

 Paul: Yeah, I told him that you were gonna go talk to kayla. Um, how'd it go?

 Will: Well, the board found out what we were doing with the serum somehow and they refused permission for a second treatment.

 Paul: So, that's it?

 Will: That's it.

 Sonny: Are you sure the first treatment isn't working?

 Will: Uh, yes, my past is still one big blank. So I guess it's time for me to face reality that I may never get my memory back.

 Paul: I am so sorry.

 Kayla: Hey, guys. Uh, what's going on?

 Jj: She started having some cramping at the brady pub.

 Lani: It feels just like the last time. I'm sure it's just related to the placenta previa.

 Kayla: Is there bleeding?

 Jj: She's downplaying it. I practically had to force her to come here.

 Kayla: Well, it's a good thing you did. How frequent are the cramps?

 Lani: I think maybe, like, ten minutes apart.

 Kayla: Uh-huh. Okay, marie, why don't we set up some iv fluids and order some terbutaline and acs, okay?

 Jj: Uh, what is that?

 Kayla: Just precautionary.

 Jj: Precautionary.

 Kayla: Mm-hmm. Yeah, you know what? We got this handled, so why don't you wait outside, all right?

 Jj: Lani, I'm gonna be right outside. Is, uh... is there anything else I can do?

 Lani: I really hate to ask this, but...can you call eli?

 Jj: Of course.

[Somber music]

Real cheese people are

ham and swiss people.

 Will: Don't you need to go to work?

 Paul: I will stay if you need me.

 Will: No, no, it's okay. I--please, do your thing.

 Paul: Well, I told sonny that I'd help dig up dirt on leo. Sounds like this guy worked this setup like a real pro.

 Will: Well, I hope you take his ass down.

 Paul: [Laughs] I will. Uh, I'll do what I can. Sonny, I'm gonna go meet with my dad right now. I'll let you know if I find out anything.

 Sonny: Paul, thank you.

 Paul: Any time. I'll see you later?

 Will: Yeah.

 Paul: Okay, bye.

 Will: Good-bye. See you. You know, um, if there's anything to dig up on leo, paul's gonna be the one to find it.

 Sonny: Yeah, yeah.

 Will: And I know we talked about me being a witness earlier, but if there's anything else you need, you know, let me know.

 Sonny: Yeah, actually, um, that's why I'm here. I'm sure you've seen that I've been getting crushed in the press for this sexual harassment story, and that's why I got fired from titan. I'm tired of keeping quiet and I'm ready to go public with my side.

 Will: Okay, how public?

 Sonny: I want you to interview me for "the spectator."

 Will: Did you talk to your dad about that?

 Sonny: No, it's not his decision to make.

 Will: Which means you know he'd probably tell you not to do it. Because, I mean, if I interview you, anything you say in that article can be used against you in court.

 Sonny: But I have nothing to hide. Leo is a scam artist. He lied to me, he lied to my family, and now he's lying to the media about what happened.

 Will: I know, but do you really think an article in "the spectator" will help make any of that better?

 Sonny: Everyone is looking at me, will, like I'm some predator. I need to tell my side of the story. I need your help.

 Will: Okay. If that's what you want, then let's get started.

 Ciara: Believe me, if I had anywhere else to be, I would be there.

 Ben: It's good to know. How's the leg?

 Ciara: What do you think?

 Ben: I think if you're gonna stay here, I need to get some pain medication and probably some antibiotics.

 Ciara: Do you have any handy?

 Ben: No, but I'll get some. I need to get some food and water anyway. You gonna be okay if I leave you for a little while?

 Ciara: I'll live.

 Ben: Gonna have to be good enough. While I'm out, I'm gonna grab you a phone charger in case you wanna call your family.

 Ciara: I'm not gonna change my mind.

 Ben: Well, at the very least, we'll have to call a doctor.

 Ciara: No doctors!

 Ben: If that wound gets infected, I'm calling a doctor. There's no arguments. I saved your life. Now I'm responsible for you.

 Rafe: Okay, thanks. Please let me know if anyone fitting that description's brought in.

 Hope: No.

[Cell phone beeps] No, it's not a case, it'S... she's my daughter. Yeah, of course we are. We're gonna find her. Thanks.

[Cell phone beeps] No report of accidents.

 Rafe: I checked all the hospitals within 50 miles.

 Hope: Did you find anything?

 Eli: Sorry, no signs of ciara or her phone. No witnesses.

 Rafe: Oh, boy. And there was no one at the hospitals, either. I didn't see any tire tracks indicating another vehicle.

 Hope: Rafe, where could she have gone?

 Rafe: I don't know. Maybe she walked off looking for help.

 Eli: She could be confused, hurt. I mean, her phone's not working.

[Cell phone rings] Hang on a sec.

[Cell phone beeps] Hello?

 Jj: Hey, eli, it's jj. I'm at the hospital with lani.

 Eli: What? Is she okay?

 Jj: We were at the brady pub and she started having some cramping.

 Eli: Is everything all right with the baby?

 Jj: There's bleeding, but she's insisting that everything's fine. She said that it happened before.

 Eli: Yeah, it did.

 Jj: Either way, I felt like it was better to get her to the hospital just in case. So hopefully kayla can get everything under control, and lani wanted me to call you.

 Eli: Yeah, okay, look, thanks, man. I'm on my way.

[Cell phone beeps]

 Kayla: That should help you relax. And we're gonna give you something that hopefully will stop the contractions.

 Lani: Contractions? Are you saying I'm in labor? It's too early.

 Kayla: Lani, lani. You know the best thing you can do right now? Stay calm.

 Lani: Kayla, is there something wrong with the baby?

 Kayla: You are in the very best place. We're gonna take good care of you and the baby, all right?

 Lani: I cannot have this baby right now.

 Kayla: I know, I know. Just take it easy, okay? Listen, I have to go take care of a few things and I'll get back as soon as I can. All right? Try to get some rest.

 Lani: Okay.

 Kayla: All right, hang in there, okay? Okay.

[Dramatic music]

 Lani: Did you reach eli?

 Jj: He's on his way.

 Lani: Thank you.

 Jj: What did kayla say?

 Lani: She said I'm in early labor and they're gonna try to slow it down. I'm really scared.

 Jj: Well, it's okay to be scared right now. You let me be the strong one this time.

 Lani: [Groans] I'm sorry. This is... this isn't fair to you after everything that's happened with the baby. You don't have to stay.

 Jj: Of course I do. I'm not leaving you alone.

 Rafe: Hey.

 Hope: Hey.

 Rafe: We're gonna find her. I know it.

 Hope: What if she's hurt? What if she's out there wandering around in the woods? What if...

 Rafe: No, no. She's tough. You know she is. She's like her mom. She's not one to sit around and wait for help to show up, is she? No. No, she's not. No, she's out there. She's out there somewhere.

 Hope: I know.

[Cell phone rings]

 Rafe: Excuse me.

[Cell phone beeps] Yeah?

 Hope: I knew I never should have let her ride this bike. I knew it. I knew it. All she wanted was to feel close to you, bo. I know you're out there looking out after us. Please, oh, please let our little girl be okay. Please. Please, she's been through so much. Please let her be okay. Please. Please.

 Rafe: Hey, hope, hope.

 Hope: What?

 Rafe: I got something here. Come here.

 Hope: What is it? What?

 Rafe: Look at this.

 Ben: If you don't want me to leave--

 Ciara: No, no, it's fine. We do need fuel for the generator and water and other supplies.

 Ben: And you're sure you don't want me to call for help? Call your family?

 Ciara: I'm sure. I wanna stay here.

 Ben: With me?

 Ciara: With you.

 Ben: All right. Sit tight and I'll be back as soon as I can.

 Ciara: Ben? Hurry back.

 John: You know what, doc? The truth is that using this serum, well, it's not exactly the most extreme measure anyone's taken to help will get his memory back.

 Marlena: Oh, you're talking about sami springing ben weston.

 John: Yeah. I mean, if she would got that far, she wouldn't hesitate in using rolf's formula.

 Marlena: Oh, hi, uh, paul.

 John: Hey.

 Marlena: How's will?

 Paul: Nothing's happened, marlena.

 Marlena: Well, he hasn't gotten any of his memory back?

 Paul: No, and apparently the hospital board, they're not allowing kayla to release any more of the serum.

 John: Sorry, honey.

 Marlena: Well, I'm feeling sorry for will. I know how much he wants to get back what he's lost.

 Will: So leo took your phone and sent text messages to himself?

 Sonny: Yeah. And then when I got back from dinner, he gave me my phone and said he found it.

 Will: Okay.

 Sonny: But he had been planting texts for weeks.

 Will: I can't believe someone could be so calculating.

 Sonny: I know. He made me think that he actually cared about me.

[Dramatic music]

 Will: I'm sorry. Seems like he's really good at it.

 Sonny: Maybe. Maybe I just wanted to believe it so badly that I became vulnerable, you know?

 Will: Because of me?

 Sonny: No. I'm not blaming you, will.

 Will: Well, I mean, it's fair to say I'm a big part of the reason why you were vulnerable. I mean, I suddenly came back in your life and then I left and i started a relationship with your fiancé, of all people.

 Sonny: Yeah, but you... you didn't remember what we had. Right? You don't remember that we were married. You don't even remember that we were...

 Will: In love.

 Sonny: It's not your fault, okay?

 Will: Yeah. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this.

 Sonny: Yeah, I'm just very lucky that I have all the support that I do. You know, my dad, he's an amazing lawyer. My mom, she's never doubted me for a second. And now I have paul investigating leo for me.

 Will: Mm-hmm.

 Sonny: And I have you writing this article. So I'm gonna be okay.

 Will: You sure?

 Sonny: I'm good. Thanks.

I'm good.

 Will: Okay.

 Sonny: I'm good. Thanks, though. You okay?

 Marlene: How is will handling the knowledge that the treatment didn't work?

 Paul: Well, uh, will's being strong about it. But I know how disappointed he is.

 John: Mm-hmm. How about you?

 Paul: Well, you know, I just want will to be happy. If that means recovering his memory, then that's what I want for him, too.

 Sonny: What happened? You had a strange look on your face.

 Will: Um, did I? Sorry, I don't--

[Laughs] It was nothing.

 Sonny: Are you sure?

 Will: Yeah, yeah. Um, I was just thinking. I was just thinking that, um, ah, you've been through so much.

 Sonny: Mm-hmm.

 Will: You really have. You lost your husband twice. Sorry. I really--I want things to work out for you.

 Sonny: Thank you. Feels good to have you on my side. All right.

[Soft music]

Yeah, if there's anything else you need for the article--

 Will: Yeah.

 Sonny: Let me know.

 Will: I will.

 Sonny: Okay.

 Will: Okay.

Uh, I guess I should go, then, and let you close up. Unless you need any of my help.

 Sonny: Uh, no, I'm good.

 Will: Okay.

 Sonny: I'm good. Thanks, though. Just keep me in the loop with what you decide to tell your parents.

 Will: Totally. Totally, will do. That was a memory. Oh, my god. That was a real memory.

 Ciara: What happens if someone sees you?

 Ben: I promise you I will keep a low profile. Nobody from salem's gonna find me. That's it. I'm gonna go and get the supplies and I'll be back. No one will be the wiser.

 Rafe: What's that look like?

 Hope: Man's boot print.

 Rafe: That was made from oil. Leaked from the motorcycle when the engine cracked. It had to have been after the crash.

 Hope: Then whatever happened to ciara, she wasn't out here alone.

 Rafe: No.

 Hope: Someone found her, rafe.

 Jj: And you're in good hands, okay? Kayla's on top of this.

 Lani: [Sighs] Eli.

 Eli: Hey, I'm sorry it took so long. Thanks for calling.

 Jj: Yeah, of course. You need to be here.

 Kayla: How you feeling?

 Lani: I don't know.

 Kayla: How long has it been since your last contraction?

 Lani: I think maybe a few.


 Eli: What is it?

 Kayla: Well, it appears that the drugs we gave her to slow down or stop the contractions are not working.

 Lani: Can't you do something to make it stop?

 Kayla: Just breathe. You know what? I don't wanna take a chance with your condition. It's time for us to intervene, lani, okay?

 Eli: Intervene? What do you mean?

 Kayla: Listen to me. We need to deliver this baby.

 Jj: Now?

 Lani: No. No, no, it's too soon.

 Kayla: No, we don't have any other choice. I'm sorry.

 Eli: Kayla, she's only six months along.

 Kayla: I know it's not ideal. I know. But it's the best chance we have to save your baby. All right?

[Dramatic music]

[Lani groans]

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