Days Transcript Monday 5/21/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 5/21/18


Episode #13279 ~ Stefan threatens Abigail with Chad's freedom; Brady is shocked to find his past waiting for him at home; Eve shares the news of her engagement with Jennifer; Chloe's crushed and fearful when Mateo tells her some unsettling news.

Provided By Suzanne

Stefan: You can send me to prison if you want, abigail. But if you do, I'm taking your husband with me.

Abigail: What are you talking about?

Stefan: You see my face, right? You do remember that he beat the hell out of me? You--you remember that, right?

Abigail: Yeah, because you raped me.

Stefan: He's still a danger. He's, uh, to me he's still out of control. I mean, he held a, what-- what was that thing you-- the letter opener to my throat?

Chad: Yup.

Stefan: Right?

Chad: Mm-hmm. Uh, make all the threats you want. Let's go.

Stefan: Aggravated assault, attempted murder, what else? Oh, uh, commissioner brady and detective hernandez are witnesses. I think that's a case the da will just love. And nothing would make me happier than to send my little brother to prison.

[Tense music]

Lucas: Hey. I was hoping you called me because you got something.

Paul: I do.

Lucas: You do?

Paul: Yeah.

Lucas: Really? You get anything off that card miguel gave chloe?

Paul: I got a partial print. Now, I ran it through an international database, and it turns out that your buddy miguel has got a prior conviction.

Lucas: For what?

Paul: He's the bag man and boy wonder to a big-time drug lord in mexico. He's named el fideo.

Lucas: El fideo? You got to be kidding me. Oh, wait, let me guess, el fideo's a huge opera fan. Right?

[Suspenseful music]

Chloe: "I'm sorry, your friend, theresa." Sorry... sorry for what?

[Door slams]

Theresa: Hi, brady. I'm home.

Brady: Theresa?

Eve: What--what are you doing back here... in--in salem? I--I mean, you're supposed to be in prison.

Xander: And I suppose it was too much to hope for a warm welcome?

Eve: Okay, you take a step closer to me--now back off! I will scream, okay? Back off!

Xander: Not even an air kiss for old time's sake?

Eve: You tried to kill my sister.

Xander: She started it. Lying about me assaulting her.

Eve: You are pure evil.

Xander: I don't think theresa would agree with that.

Eve: She hated you.

Xander: We had our issues, but the truth is, your sister owes me.

Eve: Theresa owes you? For what?

Brady: I'm hallucinating. Right? I--I must be.

Theresa: No, no. It's really me. I've come home to you and tate.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: Oh. This is not your house. You walked out on us.

Theresa: I can explain.

Brady: I bet. That you were more interested in partying and boozing and shoving coke up your nose?

Theresa: It wasn't like that.

Brady: I saw it. The man, the hotel room, the booze. You made your choice.

Theresa: I know that I hurt you.

Brady: Hurt-- you abandoned us. That's what you did. And you never looked back.

Theresa: There was a reason.

Brady: I'm sure you've got a hundred reasons, theresa, why you did what you did. A liar like you always has their reasons.

Theresa: Please, brady, just let me--

Brady: Get--hey! Get out of here! Get out of here. And don't come back.

Eve: So what does my sister owe you for? Hm? And more importantly, when did you see her?

Xander: Oh, it's crazy how you run into people when you least expect them.

Eve: You saw her partying her ass off in majorca or something?

Xander: No, it was actually mexico.

Eve: I don't care. I don't want to hear it. She broke brady's heart and her son's, so I don't really care what happens to theresa.

Xander: You sure?

Eve: Yes.

Xander: 'Cause I could fill you in over a couple of drinks. Great story, and the climax, what a finish. Of course that depends on what your idea of a happy ending--

Eve: Get your hands off me and leave me alone! Back off!

Eric: Hey! Get away from her!

Xander: You've got it wrong!

Eric: The hell I do!

Jennifer: Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Eve?

Chad: Only a coward would use blackmail to silence a woman he raped.

Stefan: Look, you and abigail can call it rape all you want--

Abigail: Because that's what it was.

Stefan: But those eyes looked into mine, and those lips kissed me of their own free will.

Abigail: That wasn't me, and you damn well know it.

Stefan: Right, right, it was gabby. Understood.

Abigail: And she's gone. Forever.

Stefan: No, see, see, that's where you're wrong, abigail. Gabby loved me as much as i loved her. So you both, yeah, you can yell and scream and press charges and threaten me and stab me all you want, but because of what gabby and I shared, she will always exist, and no one can take away what we had. No one.

Paul: This el fideo is some kind of opera super-fan.

Lucas: So what's he gonna do, produce an opera on the drug trade? Come on.

Paul: I hate to say this... but I think his promise of creating an opera around chloe-- I think it's just a ploy.

Lucas: Miguel took chloe against her will?

[Knock at door]

Mateo: Que linda. I was hoping you'd join me for dinner. I had my chef make all your favorites.

Chloe: What is this? Why is theresa apologizing? Where is she?

Mateo: Perhaps she's sorry she wasn't able to say goodbye.

Chloe: Goodbye?

Mateo: Yeah. Theresa's gone.

Theresa: You're angry. Of course you are. Brady, what I did to you was so cruel.

Brady: From what I remember, I don't remember you feeling any pain.

Theresa: Brady, leaving you was the very last thing that--

Brady: I saw you--hey, hey, stop. You made your choice. You chose--you chose drugs and partying over your son and me.

Theresa: No, I made the choice that I had to make.

Brady: What, you get bored again? Did you clean yourself up and you decided, eh, I want a new lifestyle; I think I'll go back to brady and my son? I'll just waltz right back in the mansion. Did you think that we would just pick up where we left off?

Theresa: No, of course not.

Brady: Maybe you're on dr-- are you high again, huh? 'Cause you'd have to be high to think that we would just take you back like that, theresa. You got to be nuts.

Theresa: I am sober, bradY. Okay? I know that this is a lot to take in, but there is so much that you don't know.

Brady: Here's what I do know. What I do know is that for months, your son's been crying himself to sleep. Every night. And every single morning, he wakes up and he asks his dad, "when's mommy--when's mommy coming home?" And I don't know what to tell him. He made you a valentine's day card, by the way. Did you get it? Oh yeah, you didn't, because i didn't know where to send it. How do you tell your son that your mommy has just stopped loving us, and she just wants to go get loaded and party her ass off?!

Theresa: I did not walk out on you, brady! I didn'T. Okay? It was... it was a lie. It was the only way that i could protect you and tate from a psychopath.

Eric: What the hell are you doing?! I'm gonna take you back to salem pd so they can send you back to your cell in greece.

Xander: Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm scot free.

Eric: That's impossible. You kidnapped nicole.

Xander: Ah, well, my uncle victor is a very powerful man. He got my sentence commuted.

Eric: Yeah, and why would he do that?

Xander: Let's just say he owes me a favor. And I'm back in salem because he owes me another one.

Eric: You shot brady. I don't understand why he would want to do you any favors.

Xander: Oh, well maybe i repented, redeemed myself. Maybe I'm a new man... or not. Either way, I'm free.

Eric: I think you're only here to cause problems. So why don't you go get back on that plane or train or bus or whatever you came in on and get out of town?

Xander: I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to disappoint you again. 'Cause I worked very, very hard to be returned to the bosom of my family. So I'll be staying in salem.

Eric: The hell you will.

Chad: What you had, stefan, was a delusion. There is nothing I would love more than to take the stand and expose you for the sick human being you are to the rest of the world. But I love my wife more than i hate you, and I'm not gonna expose her to that kind of trial.

Stefan: [Chuckles] Such a noble sentiment, chad, if I didn't know you were trying to keep your own ass out of prison.

Chad: I don't give a damn about going to prison. And if it wasn't for your sick obsession with my wife, there's a chance that that little mother of yours--

Stefan: Shut up.

Chad: There's a chance that that little mother of yours wouldn't be sitting there all cold and dead and...

Stefan: Now it's my turn.

Abigail: That's enough. This ends today.

Eve: I'm actually fine. I'm just a little shocked to see him like that.

Jennifer: I cannot even believe that xander is out of prison. He doesn't deserve to set foot in this town after everything that he's done.

Eve: [Sighs, stammers] The last thing brady needs is knowing that xander's here.

Jennifer: I heard he was in the hospital. Is he okay?

Eve: Yeah, he's fine. Actually, he's great.

Jennifer: By the looks of it, so are you. Are you and brady...

Eve: What, back together?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Eve: Very.

Jennifer: Oh!

Eric: I don't know what you have on victor. Nobody wants you here. You've terrorized our town.

Xander: Oh, everyone deserves a second chance, right? Even you. Don't think I didn't notice-- holding hands with jennifer horton. Just like old times.

Eric: It's none of your business.

Xander: I gotta say... I always pegged you ending up with nicole. I know she was with brady at the time, but the way you two steamed up my greek villa before the justice league swooped in to rescue--

Eric: Shut up about nicole!

Chloe: What do you mean, theresa's gone? Did she escape?

Mateo: Escape is impossible. No one enters or leaves my property without my permission.

Chloe: So... where is she?

Mateo: Theresa's beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you. But not too smart. I've given her everything. It wasn't enough.

Chloe: Well, maybe she just wanted to be free. Tell me she's all right.

Mateo: An associate found her in my private office.

Chloe: So she was... looking for you?

Mateo: My office is always locked. She got the key. Which means she stole it from miguel.

Chloe: So where is she?

Mateo: [Chuckles] That little whore. Yes, mateo, no, mateo, whatever you want, mateo. But I knew the truth behind every smile. She wanted to... find evidence against me since the day she got here. Proof to send to her daddy so he and his associates could bring down my empire.

Chloe: Tell me she's okay.

Mateo: She betrayed me, chloe. I had no choice. I killed her.

Brady: The only psychopath that you protected us from by leaving was you.

Theresa: No, his--his name is mateo. He goes by el fideo. I broke up with him years ago, and he wanted me back.

Brady: Whoa--

Theresa: He was ready to kill you and tate if I didn't cooperate--

Brady: Stop, stop, stop. El fideo? What, did he make that up himself?

Theresa: He's a ruthless drug lord, brady. I had no choice.

Brady: How about--how about just saying no? Wasn't that a choice for you?

Theresa: Brady, I've seen him kill men. Torture them, okay? There was no way I was going to put you and our son in his path.

Brady: Stop, just... look, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but if-- if this is true--this is a big if, theresa--why wouldn't you come to me? You--you should have come to me.

Theresa: Brady, I wanted to. I wanted to so badly. But I--I couldn't, okay? Not if I wanted to keep you and tate safe. So I lied. And I pushed you away, but... baby, I was never on drugs, okay? I never-- I never, ever slept with another man. Just... I had to make you think the worst of me so that you would push me away so that you'd never, ever come after me.

Brady: Well, you know, that-- that worked.

Theresa: It's the truth, brady.

Brady: You're telling me this--this el--el fideo, whatever--you're telling me he held you against your will? This whole time? Is that what you're telling me right now?

Theresa: I did anything... I did everything he asked me, okay? I didn't have a choice. But the only thing that kept me alive was the hope of this day, brady, coming home to you and tate. Please--

Brady: Wh-what'd he do? Just let you go?

Theresa: Look, I had a plan. I was gonna get enough information to give to my father to get to the isa so that they could just bring him down and rescue me.

Brady: Is that what happened?

Theresa: No.

Brady: You--you are standing in front of me right now, so you want to tell me what happened? What's going on? I don't--

Theresa: It's complicated, brady, it'S...

Xander: You agreed to leave chloe behind.

Theresa: I know.

Xander: We need to get out of here before mateo changes his mind.

Theresa: Xander, I have to explain to her what's going on. I have to say goodbye.

Brady: Theresa, I have all night. So why don't you tell me this complicated story of yours, and I'll let you know if i believe it.

Brady: How did you even get here?

Theresa: Xander.

Brady: Xander... brought you back to salem? My god, this keeps getting better and better. I don't believe it.

Theresa: Look, I was trying to get information on mateo to get to the isa, and xander caught me. He was there, he was doing a deal with el fideo, and... brady, he could have left me to be killed, but... he didn'T.

Brady: Xander doesn't do anything out of the goodness of his heart.

Theresa: Well, I promised him that he would be welcomed back into the family if he helped me.

Brady: Pfff. That's a hell of a promise to make, especially coming from someone who doesn't give a damn about their family.

Theresa: Look, brady, I know that this is hard to understand, okay, and I know that it's even harder to forgive, but I love you. And I never stopped. Okay, you and tate--you were all that I thought about, and he's grown so much--

Brady: Hold on, stop. You saw him already? You saw him? You should not. You should have waited.

Theresa: I'm his mother--

Brady: You left him!

Theresa: Who is home.

Brady: You can't just show up out of the blue. I mean, can you understand how confused that kid must be right now?

Theresa: Maybe for a second, but brady, he remembered me. He threw his little arms around me, and he was so happy to see me, and I just--I just want you to be happy to see me. Sweetheart, everything I'm telling you is the truth. Okay? I swear it.

Brady: I saw you. I saw you high as a kite, drugged out with this man in that room. Y-you're telling me that that was an act?

Theresa: I was a party girl for a long time. It wasn't that hard to be convincing.

Brady: Why didn't you come to me?

[Stammering] I could've protected you. I would've done anything--

Theresa: No, brady, because that is who you are, but you couldn't protect me, okay?! No one could protect me! Not my father, not the isa, not even victor!

Brady: What-- hold on. Your father knew? Victor knew?!

Jennifer: [Gasps] Oh my goodness, that is beautiful. Congratulations.

Eve: Thank you, jen. It was certainly a rollercoaster for us to--to get there. And from the little I could tell, you and eric seem happy.

Jennifer: Yeah, we really are.

Eve: That's great. I mean, gosh, you know, not long ago, nicole was shredding both eric and brady's hearts, and now look at those guys. The four of us. Crazy in love.

Jennifer: I mean, I guess maybe they found the right women.

Eve: Ah, no one's ever said that about me, I'm sure.

Jennifer: Eve...

Eve: Yeah.

Jennifer: Brady deserves to be happy. Especially after what nicole and theresa did to him.

Eve: Yeah. I don't know, jen, I... I'm kinda feeling guilty about, you know, falling for my... I don't know, somebody that my sister loved.

Jennifer: No, don't do that. Theresa walked out on brady. And her child.

Eve: Yeah, that's one thing I'll never understand. How can you walk out on somebody who loves you so much, you know?

Jennifer: I don't know. Sometimes there are no explanations for the choices that people make.

Eve: Yeah, but... actually like chloe. The last time I saw her and lucas, I mean, they seemed to be happy and in love, and then she just up and takes off, and nothing but a note to explain why.

Jennifer: I know. My brother is really struggling. I mean, first he loses adrienne, and then chloe.

Lucas: I knew it. I knew it. I knew chloe wouldn't leave me. So that means this guy el fideo, he kidnapped her. We got to go get her, man. We got to bring her home.

Paul: Whoa, hey, we're not dealing with your average opera fan here. Okay, drug lords--they have a tendency for killing anyone who gets in their way.

Lucas: I don't give a damn. Just tell me where he lives.

Paul: A hacienda. A total fortress. A lot of enemies, a lot of protection. Now maybe we can give the authorities a heads-up--

Lucas: Just give me the damn address, paul. Chloe's in danger. She's in danger. She's in danger, I'm there. Come on.

Chloe: Theresa is dead?

Mateo: Tears? According to miguel, you two weren't particularly amigas.

Chloe: I'm--I'm just stunned. I thought you loved her. Why would you kill her?

Mateo: I did love her. But now I have you.

Chloe: And is that how you treat your lovers?

Mateo: Only the ones who betray me. But you... you're much smarter than theresa. And you understand now. People who screw with me, they die. But you wouldn't make the same mistake, would you?

Chloe: I won't get on your bad side, no.

Mateo: I want so much more, chloe. I want your love. I meant what I said. I just want to make you happy.

Chloe: And I meant what i said, I just... I want to go home to my son.

Mateo: Oh, then we agree to disagree. But if you give me the chance, open your heart... you might be surprised at how happy we can be together. You're scared. I know this is new for you. You're scared, you're... doubtful. But if once you willingly give yourself to me, you have nothing to fear. And now, how about dinner?

Xander: Aww, I see the wounds are still fresh. That tramp's been up to her old tricks, eh?

Eric: You don't know anything about it.

Xander: Oh, but I do. Nicole was a user. Always has been. I bet she got off on pitting you and brady against each other.

Eric: Leave it the hell alone! She's gone, and she's not coming back.

Xander: Temper, father. Whatever happened to, uh, turning the other cheek? It's all right. I don't really believe in that, either. And it's just as well. Nicole made herself scarce. I still owe her for what she did to me. And you know I'm all about the payback.

Eric: You leave her alone.

Xander: I'll be busy settling in, I suppose. But who knows, we could still bump into each other. If we do, should I send your love?

Abigail: There will be no charges filed. No trial. I think that you're a monster. I don't forgive you. But my husband and I and everyone else who has suffered, we need to put our lives back together. So we're done.

[Dramatic music]

Stefan: I really did love that part of you. And gabby loved me.

Chad: Son of a bitch. Let's get--let's go.

Abigail: You knew all this time, and you didn't tell me?

Chad: Abby...

Abigail: I slept with your brother, and you said nothing. If you feel like you spendtoo much time in the bathroom

Chad: I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you.

Abigail: From the truth? Because I just heard it from gabi. I would've much rather heard it from you.

Chad: And I'm sorry about that. Marlena thought that too much information could overload you, and I didn't want that. So I was waiting for the right time.

Abigail: So when is--when's the right time to tell somebody that they violated their wedding vows?

Chad: It's not--it wasn't-- it wasn't you!

Abigail: I slept with your brother, chad! It's disgusting.

Chad: It wasn't you. That's why you have no memory of it, all right? It wasn't you.

Abigail: No, but it was. It was my body in that bed, and I do remember it. I remember when I walked in and you saw us, and the way you must have felt--my god, I don't know how you'd ever touch me again.


Paul: Look, I know that you want chloe safe. That's the end goal, right? But if you go in there half-cocked, you could both end up dead.

Lucas: I'm not an idiot. I'll take precautions, all right?

Paul: Yeah, and you'll be walking into an armed camp. Even the isa would have a difficult time trying to infiltrate that place.

Lucas: Paul, I'm looking for solutions now. I need help, man. I need some help. If you're not gonna do it, I'll find someone who will.

Paul: I am going to help, lucas. Okay? But we need to do this right. Let me call my dad and see if we can get some options.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. Get him involved. Yeah, that's good, that's good. But let me know by today, all right?

Paul: Okay, I'll be in touch.

Lucas: All right. So we got to act fast. We got to get chloe away from that bad man.

[Foreboding music]

Chloe: Uh, I'm not really hungry.

Mateo: A walk in the garden, perhaps.

Chloe: Of course. Whatever you want.

Mateo: You say yes, but your eyes... I see no. That makes me unhappy.

Chloe: I'm sorry, you just told me that you killed your former lover. Excuse me if I don't feel like taking a stroll in the moonlight.

Mateo: Theresa made a mistake you are too smart to make. Trust me, amor, you have nothing to fear. We have a connection. You don't see it yet, but you will. All I ask is that you don't take too long to realize the great love we could have. Dulces suenos, amor.

[Somber music]

Chloe: Oh, my god, theresa.

Eric: Leave town, xander. You're a pariah here.

Xander: Oh, but I'm so good at it. And frankly, my uncle victor is rather invested in me sticking around.

Eric: Don't count on it. Because once brady knows you're back, he'll convince victor to run your ass out of town.

Xander: Trust me, I'm the least of brady's problems right now.

Theresa: I told victor everything about mateo... the threats. He was there for me from the beginning.

Brady: He's not exactly a fan of yours.

Theresa: Yeah, well, I guess when he realized that I was giving up my life with you and tate to protect you... he decided I wasn't so bad after all.

Brady: [Sighs] All this time. All this time, that bastard never said a word.

Theresa: Please don't be angry with him, brady. Listen, I begged him to stay quiet. It was all for you and tate's safety. Please tell me that you believe me.

Brady: This el fideo... is he gonna come running after you?

Theresa: No. No, it's over. I'm free. And all I want is for us to just be a family again.

Brady: Really, just-- just like that? That what you want?

Theresa: Please tell me that we can, brady. Tell me that you still love me. Please.

Brady: A lot's happened since you've been gone. A lot.

Theresa: I know all about you and eve, but you're not together anymore. So...

Brady: Who told you that?

Chloe: Well, eve found out about victor's plan, and she dumped brady.

Theresa: So it's--it's over.

Chloe: Well, I don't think brady's giving up that easy. He's pretty serious about eve.

Theresa: That's great.

Chloe: Yeah, he--he made some sort of bet with her and said that if he won, she had to give him a second chance. And he did win, but then she thought that he rigged it, so she dumped him again, and i don't know, before I left, it just seemed like brady wasn't gonna give up that easily, and... eve was keeping him at arm's length, though.

Brady: Theresa. Who told you about eve and me?

Chad: Abby, you can't--you can't blame yourself.

Abigail: But to see me like that with him... I'm who I want to be when I'm with stefan.

Chad: No, something's wrong, okay? You said that you-- I'm gonna take care of you. Let me take care of you. Come on, let me take care of you, why don't you--

Stefan: Chad, chad-- you don't have to--

Chad: Do not say another word! I swear to god I will kill you, you understand me?!

Gabby: This--this is what I want. This is who I am.

Chad: You don't know what the hell you want! Stefan poisoned your mind, abby!

Abigail: No, my mind's perfectly clear, okay? This is what--I want to be here, I want to be with stefan.

Stefan: This isn't--

Chad: If you want to live, stefan, you will not say another word!

Abigail: I can't believe i said those things to you. How can you ever forgive me?

Chad: Because I love you. And I know you love me. I know stefan was taking advantage of you.

Abigail: That's when you...

Chad: Beat the hell out of him.

Abigail: Don't, please! I love him! Stop! No, don't! Stop it! Oh, my god. Oh, you killed him. And then I went off on you. I'm sorry.

Chad: It's okay.

Abigail: How? I mean, how can it be? Every time you look at me or you touch me, you're gonna see that. You're gonna see me in bed with stefan.

Chad: No. We'll fight our way back. We always have. Make us stronger. Okay? I love you.

Abigail: I love you.

[Tender music]

Eric: Hey.

Jennifer: Hey.

Eric: How's eve?

Jennifer: Uh, grateful that you showed up when you did. Did you take xander to the police station? What is he even doing out of prison?

Eric: Apparently victor sprung him.

Jennifer: What? That man has no conscience.

Eric: I knoW.

Jennifer: What about you? Are you okay? I know it can't be easy to see xander after everything he did to you and nicole.

Eric: The only thing that matters is that he and deimos didn't win in the end. Nicole and holly made it home safe.

Jennifer: It still hurts, though, right? I mean, the way that she left when she did.

Eric: Hey. It was a blessing. Because I found the sweetest... deepest and the purest, realest love of my life.

Jennifer: "Realest" isn't a word.

Eric: Are you gonna argue, or do you just want to kiss me?

Maybe I'll just kiss you.

Eric: Good idea.

Jennifer: Mm, but you know what? We are not the only ones that are so happy right now. Brady just asked eve to marry him.

Theresa: It doesn't matter how I found out about you and eve.

Brady: Victor. Victor told you, right? Listen. There's more to the story, theresa. Your sister has become important to me--

Theresa: Yeah, because you're an amazing man, and-- and you don't want to hurt her, but brady, it's over between you two. And eve, when she hears what I've been through, that I fought my way back to you and tate, she's gonna be thrilled for us.

Brady: Theresa, theresa, you need to know something about--

Theresa: No, I know everything that I need to know, brady. I have missed you, every second of every day, and that I love you more now than I ever have, if that's even possible, brady. (Vo) dogs have evolved,

Chad: Well, we, uh--we had a few good times here.

Abigail: It's your family home. I know you're gonna miss it.

Chad: Home is where the heart is. You're my heart. You are.

Stefan: Thought you couldn't wait to get out of here.

Abigail: Well, I'd hoped you'd burn in hell, but this, ghosts and silence, alone and unloved is exactly what you deserve. Let's go.

[Somber music]

Lucas: I knew it. I knew you couldn't leave me. I would never give up on you, chloe. Ever. You just hang on. Hang on, okay? Help is on the way.

Chloe: "Dear lucas, I don't know why I'm bothering to write. I'll never be able to send this. But I feel you love. And I know that you would never give up on us. So I go to sleep every night, and I wake up every morning praying that by some miracle, you will find me and rescue me from this hell."

Paul: Xander. The hell are you doing here?

Xander: Whoa, whoa, before you throw me in a headlock, I'm a free man, totally legit. Courtesy of my ever-loving uncle victor.

Paul: Yeah, well, no one wants you here.

Xander: I'm getting pretty tired of people saying that.

Paul: So a word of advice: You should leave town, now.

Xander: And miss all the fun? And what could be more fun than watching all the people in this crappy little town freak out and wonder what I'm gonna do next.

Paul: Oh, you son of a bitch.

Xander: You got that right.

Eric: It's just, brady and I, we've had our troubles. You know, we've thrown our punches. But he's still my brother. I just want to be happy.

Jennifer: Well, judging by the way you floated out of here, I would say they are headed straight to wedded bliss.

[Dramatic music]

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