Days Transcript Monday 4/30/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 4/30/18


Episode #13264 ~ At the police station, Gabby lashes out at Chad and Jennifer; Marlena, Kate, and Vivian's situation becomes dire; John and Paul search the DiMera mansion for Marlena; Rafe and JJ give Gabi shocking news.

Provided By Suzanne

Paul: Uh, no sign of abigail upstairs.

John: Uh, harold hasn't seen her either.

Paul: So, marlena, kate, and vivian all suddenly disappear too? What, do you think they could all be together?

John: Well, I'll tell you one thing, kid. If doc is stuck somewhere with those two, we'd better find them in a hurry, before all hell breaks loose.

Vivian: Oh, someone, please. Hear us. Hello?

Marlena: Stop exhausting yourself. We are in the dimera tunnels, and nobody is going to hear you down here.

Kate: Only we have that distinct pleasure.

Vivian: What do you suggest we do? Cross our fingers and pray?

Marlena: No. We have to hope that stefan is true to his word, and as soon as he gets out of town with abigail, he sends help for us.

Vivian: You mean gabby, the alter. Oh, I cannot believe my son would betray me for some woman who doesn't even exist!

[Glass tinkling]

Kate: What was that?

Marlena: What was that?

[Stealthy music]

Vivian: I think this experience has gotten just a little bit better.

[Monitor beeping]

[Somber music]

Rafe: I hate seeing her like this.

Jj: She got lucky.

Rafe: Yeah, she did.

Thank god. She's gonna recover.

I'm not sure I am... at least not till there's justice.

Jj: The warden's investigating the attack, but... I doubt any inmates are coming forward to confess.

Rafe: I'm not just talking about the attackers.

Stefan killed andre. He brainwashed abigail into framing my sister. I'm not gonna rest until she is home safe and sound and that punk is behind bars.

Jennifer: What about gabi? Is she gonna be okay?

Eric: She's recovering in the prison infirmary. It's a lot of damage.

Chad: It's stefan's fault. She wouldn't even be in prison if it weren't for him.

Eric: Hope is working really hard to prove it.

Chad: Uh, well, yeah, i should've killed the son of a bitch when I had the chance--

Jennifer: Will you stop saying things like that? You already have charges against you for assaulting your brother, chad.

Chad: I don't care. I should be out there, looking for my wife right now.

Jennifer: We're going to find her.

Chad: And if we do? We don't even know who the hell we're getting back.

[Solemn music]

Hope: Stefan dimera is awake. I need an officer down here asap to question him. Great, thank you.

Gabby: I wanna see stefan now.

Hope: That's not possible, not right now.

Gabby: He's hurt and he needs me, and I'd be in there right now if uncle stevie wonder hadn't ratted me out. Get out of my way.

Hope: No... not until you answer my questions about andre dimera.

[Music intensifies]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabby: What is there to say about andre dimera's murder? The case is closed and gabi hernandez has been convicted.

Hope: Doesn't actually mean she's guilty.

Gabby: Hm.

Hope: Many of us suspect... stefan's the real killer, that he somehow got you to help him frame gabi.

Gabby: Yeah, well, many of you are idiots.

[Soft, tense music]

Hope: Abigail, tell me about your wig.

Gabby: My name's not abigail.

Hope: What?

Gabby: It's gabby, with a Y.

Hope: Is that what stefan told you?

Gabby: No one's gotta tell me my own name.

Hope: Look at you, running around in this wig. You're more worried about stefan than you are about your own husband.

Gabby: [Scoffs]

Hope: Now you're calling yourself by this-- this other name? What has stefan done to you?

Gabby: Stefan's not done anything but treat me better than anybody else here.

Hope: The dimera's did the same thing to me. Stefan's father... he brainwashed me. He made me believe I was someone else, so I could carry out his crimes.

Gabby: That's not what happened.

Hope: You don't know what stefan did. I know it's scary, but you need to trust the people that love you.

Gabby: Stefan loves me.

Hope: He used you.

Gabby: No, you're wrong.

Hope: He used you to save himself. Abigail...

okay... then why don't you tell me exactly what happened down at the station?

Gabby: Are you arresting me?

Hope: I suspect that you were at the scene of andre dimera's murder.

Gabby: This is crazy, okay?

Hope: It is crazy, isn't it? It's your call. Are you gonna come with me willingly... or do I need to use my cuffs?

Gabby: Fine. Let's go.

Hope: Let's go.

Jennifer: I should've done something sooner. I knew abigail was not herself.

[Soft, solemn music]

Eric: There's no way you could've predicted it.

Jennifer: Eric, she's my daughter. I know her better than anyone else. I know how she has struggled with mental illness, and I just didn't wanna believe that this was happening again. So, instead of facing the truth, in--instead of helping her, I was protecting myself. I--I was--I was afraid to face the truth. I didn't wanna deal with that.

Chad: Jennifer, stop, it's not your fault. It's not. I-- I knew that something was wrong, and I didn't do anything about it. I was in denial, and I was being a coward. It's--it has nothing to do with you; it's my fault. I'm sorry.

Eric: Come on. You're blaming yourselves? It's not gonna help abigail at all.

You both-- you both love her, and you wanted to trust her. It's understandable.

Jennifer: Yes, you're right, but I should've gotten her help sooner. I should've pushed her to your mother.

Eric: And now my mom's disappeared.

Vivian: Ugh! Leave it to the dimeras to have fine champagne in their bunker.

Kate: Well, don't be stingy. Hand one over.

Vivian: There you go.

Marlena: Uh, wait, wait, wait, we need to-- we need to keep our wits about us if we're getting out of here.

Vivian: You keep your wits, I'm getting blotto.

Marlena: What--that's not going to solve anything. That won't help anything.

Kate: Marlena, I hear you, and I respect your cool, logical mind, but if I am stuck in a teensy, tiny room with vivian alamain, then I have to find a way to refrain myself from strangling the life out of her, and I'm gonna need thiS... and so will you.

[Stealthy music]

Marlena: When you put it that way, I'll take it.

Vivian: Cheers.

John: All right, we're looking for any sign that marlena was in this house. Abigail claimed the doc called her and canceled that appointment, but I'm not buying it.

Paul: I ju--I just can't believe that we're actually thinking abigail's connected to marlena's disappearance.

John: Yeah, I'm sorry, kid, I know that you've grown fond of her.

Paul: Yeah, but you're right to be suspicious of her. I mean, if she is having a relapse, then she's no longer the abigail we know and love.

John: Well, unfortunately, she's hiding something, kid.

Paul: Chad thinks that stefan messed with her brain.

[Inquisitive music]

We just have to hope that somewhere under there, the real abigail can be reached.

John: I think I found something.

Rafe: Stefan's awake. Hope's sending someone to question him.

[Soft music]

Jj: Gabi?

Rafe: Hi.

Gabi: [Mumbles] Hey, where am I?

Rafe: Hey, sis. You're in the infirmary.

Gabi: The prison infirmary?

Chad: Yeah. Do you--do you remember what happened to you?

Gabi: Uh...I was attacked.

Rafe: Yeah. No, no, no, no... the doctor says you're gonna be okay.

Chad: Who did this to you?

[Eerie music]

Gabi: I don't--I don'T...

Rafe: Gabi... if you can remember, you need to tell us.

Gabi: I--I can't, rafe.

Rafe: No, no, no, okay, listen... I know you're scared. I know you're scared, but I promise you I'm gonna do whatever I can to protect you.

Gabi: What if you can't?

Rafe: Sis, listen to me... whoever did this to you... chances are they're gonna try and do it to you again, but unless you give me a name, i can't help you.

[Suspenseful music]

John: These are doc'S.

Paul: Are you--are you sure those are hers?

John: Yeah, I'm positive. Her arm's loose. She was complaining about this.

Paul: Kay, so we know marlena was here at some point.

John: Yeah, and abigail was lying to me. It's kayla. Maybe she knows something about doc. Hey, kayla, what's up?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll tell you what, we'll, uh-- we'll be right there. Okay.

Paul: What is it?

John: Brady's in the hospital. Let's go.

Vivian: Ha! Must be nice to be able to blame all your wrongdoings on your split personality. Cheat on your husband, "ah, it was someone else." Knock someone over the head, "ha! Wasn't me. It was my alter, schmivian."

Kate: Well, let's hope "schmivian" has a better personality than you.

Marlena: [Laughs] Abigail has a very serious mental illness.

Kate: So does vivian.

Vivian: Excuse me, I'm quite sane, thank you very much.

Kate: Well, I seem to recall that you used the plea of insanity when you buried carly manning alive.

Vivian: We're gonna bring that up again?

Kate: You buried a woman alive.

Vivian: It was dr. Wu's herbs that made me do it.

Kate: [Laughs] Herbs? Like basil and oregano?

Vivian: Well, it's a pale excuse in comparison to "the devil made me do it," right, marlena?

[Slow instrumental music]

Marlena: Excuse me?

Vivian: Well, we're just girls down here. Come on, doctor, "in vino veritas." I've always wanted to ask you, were you really possessed by the devil?

Jennifer: I am begging you, can we please just have a couple of more minutes? I'm trying to find my daughter, his wife. Can--

Joe: All right, I'm just following orders, all right?

Jennifer: Can you just understand our situation please?

Chad: I'm sorry, I wish i could help.

Eric: Yeah, I will keep you updated if we hear anything.

Gabby: Chad...

Jennifer: Chad--

Chad: Hey, abby...

Gabby: Um, you can stay away from me, you son of a bitch.

[Tense dynamic music]

John tyson's motto was,

Rafe: So, this diane who did this to you was lieutenant raines' girlfriend?

Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, she blames me for her getting caught, for both of them being sent to prison. Rafe, she's not--she's not gonna stop, okay, until I'm dead.

Rafe: We gotta get you out of here. Listen, I'm gonna talk to the warden, okay? All right?

Jj: Gabi, gabi, you can't move, okay? You had internal bleeding.

Gabi: But--

Jj: You have to--you have to rest.

Gabi: [Breathes deeply]

Rafe: I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Gabi: It's okay, it's okay.

Rafe: No, it's not okay. I should've done more to keep you safe.

Gabi: It's fine, you're here now, okay? That's what matters.

Rafe: I should've done more. I'm sorry. That's what big brothers are supposed to do.

Gabi: Rafe... I don't wanna go back, okay? I can't go back.

Rafe: It'll be okay.

Gabi: I don't wanna go back.

[Somber music]

Marlena: I'm not about to discuss my personal history with you.

Vivian: Oh, it's not personal, it's informational. We all wanna know how we can protect ourselves from demonic possession.

Kate: Oh. Yeah. I mean, I have to admit, I am a little curious about the whole story.

Marlena: The "story"? Do you think that I made up a story?

Kate: No, no, I-- you just never talk about it.

Vivian: How did it start? Were you involved with the occult?

Marlena: No, I was not involved with the occult.

[Scoffs softly]

[Mysterious music]

It began when stefano moved into the new townhouse next to mine, and he--he built a passage through it to my bedroom.

Vivian: Of course he did.

Marlena: And--[Sighs]-- And he would sneak in every night, and he would hypnotize me and take me out to some masquerade ball, and I was known then as the queen of the night. And--and then, my bed began rocking, and--and I found myself levitating several feet off the bed.

[Eerie music]

[Gasps] What? What? Oh--[Gasping]



[Intense music]


[Gasping, sobbing]

[Tense music]

And--and then I transformed into a jaguar, and I attacked a bunch of biblical scholars.


[Slow instrumental music]

And if that's not enough... then--then I sent a swarm of bees--

Vivian: Oh, my god, oh, my god, we didn't ask for a dissertation on good and evil. I'm sorry I even brought it up.


Marlena: [Scoffs] Well...

Paul: Should we head back to the mansion, keep searching for clues about marlena?

[Phone ringing]

John: Hey, eric. You calling about brady?

Eric: What about him?

John: He's in the hospital. They say it's alcohol poisoning.

Eric: Gotta be kidding me. Not again.

John: Doctors feel he's gonna be all right though.

Eric: I'll come down as soon as I can. John... I heard my mom is missing.

John: Yeah, paul and I were searching for her when the call from brady came in.

Eric: Any luck tracking her down?

John: Actually--

Gabby: You are out of control, chad, and I hope they lock you up for a long time after what you did to stefan.

John: What the hell's going on over there?

Eric: It's a long story. I'm at the station. Hope just brought in abigail.

John: Abigail's there?

[Solemn music]

Gabby: You could've killed him, your own brother.

Jennifer: Abigail, why are you wearing this wig?

Gabby: You can stay out of this.

Hope: Gabby...stay calm.

Jennifer: What is going on? Why did you just call her gabby?

Hope: She says her name is gabby with a Y.

Chad: Stefan brainwashed her into thinking she's gabby.

Gabby: Oh, go to hell.

Jennifer: Sweetheart, what in the world?

Chad: This isn't you, abby. Okay? We're gonna get you the help that you need.

Gabby: I don't need help, okay? I need stefan.

Chad: I'm not gonna let him hurt you again.

Gabby: Stefan is the one who got hurt, because you attacked him for no reason.

Chad: For no reason? I found you in bed with another man. Abby, he raped you.

Gabby: [Scoffs] The hell he did. See, I wanted to be in bed with him. I'd wanted it for a long time. I seduced him.

Jennifer: My god, this doesn't make any sense. What is going on?

Chad: This isn't you. All right, think about your family, think about thomas, think about our life together.

Abigail: Chad? Is that you?

Gabby: No, stop it.

Abigail: Chad, where are you? Help me!

Gabby: Shut up! Just shut up!

Jennifer: What is going on with you? Chad loves you. You know that.

Gabby: Yeah, well, that's too bad, you know what, because I love stefan.

Chad: You don't mean that. You're sick right now. You need to get help.

Gabby: You're sick, and I don't ever wanna see you again.

Hope: No, you're not going anywhere, not yet, gabby. I'm gonna take her to the interrogation room.

Gabby: Gonna be with stefan, and you and you are not gonna stop me.

Jennifer: Abigail...

[Tense music]

Sorry, I can't make it.

Jj: Here you go. Rafe will be back as soon as he's done talking to the warden.

Gabi: What are you doing here, jj?

Jj: I was with your brother when he found out you'd been attacked. I--I had to come and make sure you're all right.

[Soft music]

Gabi: Thank you.

Jj: You never have to thank me. You saved my life. I'll always owe you for staying with me that night, especially considering what it cost you.

Gabi: Eli.

Jj: He never would've done what he did if lani hadn't seen us together.

Gabi: I don't regret spending that night with you, okay, because you are here, and that is the most important thing.

Jj: I'm sorry you got hurt in all of that.

Gabi: I'm sorry you got hurt in all of that. You would've been an amazing father.

Jj: That wasn't meant to be. Let's just worry about getting you out of this place, huh?

Gabi: You know what, chad said something. He--yeah, chad said he had a lead.

Jj: Did he say what the lead was?

Gabi: Kate. It was kate. She called him, and she said the mystery woman was in the mansion. Did--did chad find her?

Jj: Yeah. Yeah, he found her.

Gabi: So, who was she? What's going on?

Jj: It was abigail.

[Music swells]

Chad: This just keeps getting worse. She's gonna risk her freedom so she can go and visit stefan of all people?

Hope: Whatever stefan did to her, he made her believe that she's in love with him.

Jennifer: I don't understand. How long has this been going on?

Hope: Well, if her theory's correct, then... at least since andre dimera's murder, when the security cameras caught her coming out of his office.

Jennifer: Can I please go talk to her? I might be able to get through to her.

Hope: Of course.

Jennifer: Eric?

Eric: Yeah.

[Tense music]

Hope: Chad...

Chad: [Sighs]

Hope: You okay?

Chad: Uh, better. At least I know she's safe.

Now we can start trying to undo whatever stefan did.

Hope: Any ideas how to do that?

Chad: I know marlena could help.

Kate: Is it just me or is this room getting smaller and hotter?

Vivian: Oh, please, tell me you're not hallucinating.

Kate: [Sighs] I think I'm getting a little bit claustrophobic.

Vivian: Oh, ha! You don't know anything about claustrophobia until you're locked in a coffin.

Kate: Is that a threat, vivian?

Vivian: No, I was talking about what marlena's precious stepson did to me.

Marlena: [Scoffs] Somehow, I'm having trouble mustering up any sympathy for you.

Vivian: You have such a lovely bedside manner, dr. Evans.

Marlena: Hey, why don't you save her it somebody who doesn't know you? I happen to know that when you got--ow--when you got out of that coffin, you turned right around and you put maggie in where you were.

Vivian: Allegedly.

Kate: [Laughs] Allegedly? My ass. And another thing that's not so allegedly, in fact it's the gospel truth, you did an absolutely horrible job of raising your son.

Vivian: You wanna know what the gospel truth is? You're a liar.

Kate: What did you say?

Vivian: You're a bloody liar.

Kate: Says who?

Vivian: Says john's son, paul, who you hired to spy on me.

[Solemn music]

Jennifer: Abigail...

[Solemn music]

What has that monster done to you?

Gabby: Are you talking about chad?

Jennifer: Please let me take this wig off of your head.

Gabby: Don't touch me.

Jennifer: Please. I wanna help you, baby.

Gabby: You wanna help me? Okay, then fine, get me the hell out of here.

Jennifer: I can't do that.

Gabby: Yeah, you can, because you're hope's cousin, right, so just gO. Tell her I don't know anything about andre's murder. I got to help with the kid, whatever, I don't care. Get me out of here.

Jennifer: I'm not gonna do that. No.

Gabby: Well, then you are of no use to me, and you can leave.

Eric: You shouldn't talk to your mother like that.

Gabby: She's not my mother.

Jennifer: Abigail... how can you say that?

Gabby: You don't know anything about me, okay, but I know a whole lot about you. And you, stud, you're the reason that she got hit by a car. You were drunk-driving. You're the reason that she got hooked on pills, so you don't really get to tell me how I'm supposed to treat her.

Jennifer: Please, abigail! You stop right now, abigail!

Gabby: Leave, just leave. Okay, officer, I'm done with these people. I'm done.

Jennifer: Listen to me, I am trying to help you.

Gabby: Bye.

Jennifer: I am not--

Eric: Jen, we should go.

Jennifer: I am not gonna give up on you. Do you understand me?

Gabby: Bye.

John: It's all right. It's all right.

Joe: John...

John: Where the hell's marlena?

Joe: Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry. John...

[Mouths words]

Jj: Hey, did you talk to the warden?

Rafe: I did... and he says he's gonna do whatever he can to ensure your safety once you get out of the infirmary.

[Solemn music]

What's going on?

Jj: I, uh--I just told her that we think abigail is the one who impersonated her on the video.

Gabi: Is that true? Abigail?

Rafe: Yes.

Gabi: Rafe, how?

Rafe: Just as we suspected. A wig, wore gabi chic clothes.

Gabi: Chad knows?

Rafe: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he knows. In fact, he saw her wearing the wig... in bed with stefan.

John: You tell me where marlena is right now!

Joe: John, I get it, you can't--

John: Where is she?

Hope: John, what are you doing in here? You know you're not allowed in here.

John: Abigail claims that she didn't have a session with marlena... but I found doc's glasses at the dimera mansion.

Hope: Gabby, can you explain this?

[Ominous music]

Gabby: I've never seen those glasses before in my lifE.

John: I bet you're lying to me now, and you lied to me then. What the hell's the matter with you? Word on the street has it that stefano's twisted up your brain.

Gabby: Well, there's nothing wrong with my brain.

Hope: She insists she's not abigail.

John: Come again with that?

Hope: She calls herself gabby with a Y.

John: Well, I know that abigail is in there somewhere...

and abigail is a very good person... so if abigail knows that doc is in some kind of danger, she's--

Gabby: No... I can't help you.

John: You can't or you won't?

Hope: John, let us handle this, please. Please step out.

John: Doc's in trouble, I know it, and now kate and vivian are missing also, so damn it, you--

you tell the truth.

You tell the truth.

Hope: No one else gets in here. Understood?

[Door closes]

Kate: Now is not the time to be spreading false news.

Marlena: Hey, uh, is that true? Did--did you hire paul to spy on her?

Kate: What? Are you listening to a lunatic?

Vivian: Marlena is a fair judge. I did see kate at the house with paul, conspiring to find some dirt on me. Well, the fact is, I have nothing to hide. He's gonna come up empty.

[Dynamic music]

Kate: We'll see.

John: Well, they had scheduled a session. Abigail says that doc canceled out. She's hiding something.

Eric: I've been trying to reach mom all day.

John: Huh. Did you see doc at the-- at the mansion at all?

Chad: No, not recently. Abby was supposed to have a therapy session with her, but--or... uh, abby or gabby, I don't-- I don't know what's what anymore, to be honest with you.

Jennifer: I look in my little girl's eyes and I don't even recognize her anymore. How does that happen?

[Solemn music]

John: I'm worried about what might have happened to doc.

Paul: Yeah, kate and vivian are also missing too.

John: There's three of them.

Jennifer: Wait a minute, you don't think that abigail could be involved in that?

Hope: Let--let's not jump to any conclusions, okay? I'm gonna put an apb out on all three of them. In the meantime, I'll do everything I can to get more answers out of her... out of abigail.

[Eerie music]

Laura: What a fine mess you've made of everything, gabby.

[Music builds]

Gabi: This--this is insane. So, you're saying this entire time, abigail has been working with stefan to frame me?

Jj: It--it's not her fault. She's--she's not in her right mind.

Rafe: Yeah, he's right. Stefan even admitted to chad that he brainwashed her.

[Somber music]

Gabi: That's why she lied on the stand, that--that I told her I confessed to killing andre.

Jj: Makes sense now, in a twisted way.

Gabi: Have you arrested them?

Rafe: Well, it's complicated.

Gabi: Why?

Rafe: Well, for one, when chad found stefan in bed with abigail, he gave him a pretty bad beating. Stefan's in the hospital.

Gabi: Good. And abigail?

Jj: We don't know where she is. She--she took off.

Gabi: Okay, but-- but now that we know the truth, I--I can leave, right? I can go home?

Rafe: Well, soon. Yes, soon. I mean, we're working on it. We can prove that abigail is the one on the surveillance video in hong kong, but we're not sure if it's her in andre's office that night.

Jj: I'm sorry.

Rafe: Hey, gabi, listen to me... we're gonna get this done, we're gonna find some concrete evidence, and we are gonna get you out of here, okay? I promise.

Gabi: Yeah, well, that could take a long time, rafe, okay? And every single day in here without arianna feels like a lifetime.

Jj: We're close, gabi.

Gabi--gabi, look at me. We are not giving up, and we are not gonna stop fighting until you're out of here.

Gabi: Okay.

Vivian: [Sighs]


Kate: Could you stop moving around? You're using up all the oxygen.

Vivian: Oh! Now you're criticizing my breathing.

Kate: Well, would you rather me start with your personality again?

Vivian: Oh, you wanna talk about personalities--

Marlena: Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh! Stop this, you two. You sound like a couple of feral cats trapped in a duffel bag. I bet you can't even remember why you hate each other.

Vivian: [Laughs]

[Overlapping chatter]

[Slow instrumental music]

Marlena: Okay... you do remember. Come on, that was years ago.

Both: Feels like yesterday.

Marlena: See, see, ah, you're doing it. You're doing that thing. You're talk-- talking at the same time, saying the same stuff.

Kate: What?

Marlena: Look... here's what's odd. You are both the same person. You are both intelligent, successful businesswomen, and you are fabulous mothers.

[Overlapping protests]

Never mind.

Jennifer: We have to get abigail some help.

Chad: Marlena was supposed to be the one to do that.

Jennifer: Well, I'm gonna talk to kayla and see if she can help us too.

Eric: Well, I'm gonna come with you. John, call if you learn anything.

John: Yeah, you know I will.

Hope: I'll take care of her, don't worry.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Hope: I love you, cuz.

Jennifer: I love you.

[Solemn music]

John: You know, this, uh... gabby...

she's gonna be a tough nut to crack. I think she knows a lot more than she's saying.

Hope: And not just about marlena. About andre's murder.

Chad: But if we can, if we can get through to her, then... we can get her to tell us everything we need to know in order to nail stefan.

Hope: And right now, we have the leverage.

She wants to see stefan. She's desperate to see him.

Chad: All right then, whatever. Do it, whatever it's gonna take.

Gabby: I don't have time to deal with you right now, laura.

Laura: You know, it seems to me that you have nothing but time.

Gabby: Leave me alone.

Laura: I tried to warn you and stefan what would happen if you tried to pursue a relationship.

Gabby: [Scoffs] Look, it's not my fault that chad went mental.

Laura: Oh, it is absolutely your fault, because you allowed yourself to be led around by your zippers, and now he's lying half-dead in the hospital, and you've got us stuck in here.

Gabby: Okay, so what? Wh--what are you d--what-- what--why are you here? Are you here to tell me, "I told you so"?

Laura: I am here to tell you that you need to be very careful about what you say to the police.

Gabby: Yeah, no kidding, okay? And we're totally screwed, especially now that the john black guy is on our case about locking up those three crones.

Laura: You know... we might not be quite so screwed as you might think.

Gabby: How do you figure?

Laura: Well, lucky for us, someone was thinking ahead.

Gabby: What did you do?

[Music intensifies]

(Vo) more "doing chores for mom"

Rafe: That was hope. They have abigail in custody.

Jj: Is--is she all right?

Rafe: Uh, well, I don't-- I don't know know if she's all right. She's not acting herself. They're about to start questioning her now.

Gabi: Thank god. Hopefully this nightmare is almost over.

[Tense music]

Hope: Joe, I want you to take him down to his cell. Officer jenkins is gonna take you back to your cell.

Chad: No, I'm not going anywhere. I need to be here, in case--

Hope: Chad, there's nothing you can do here right now. Please! I need to question her. Chad, trust me.

Paul: Look, I promise, we'll let you know how it goes, okay?

Joe: I got him.

John: You know, we're wasting time here. Every second that goes by puts doc in more danger, hope.

Hope: You know I'll do everything I can to get her to talk. Stefan really did-- did a number on her. It's like I'm talking to two different people.

Laura: Think back to the night after you fled stefan's bedroom, after he told you to run.

Gabby: What about it?

Laura: Well, you went down into the tunnels. You remember anything about what happened there?

Gabby: It's a little hazy. Why? Were you there?

Laura: See, you and stefan let things get a little too messy, so I had to step in.

Gabby: What did you do?

Laura: Keeping those women in that room was only a temporary solution, gabby... so I devised a more permanent one.

[Pounding, rumbling]

Vivian: Oh! Ah! Agh! [Mumbles]

Marlena: What are you doing?

Vivian: I'm looking for food. You can't have champagne without food. It's inhumane. There's gotta be food around here.

[Sighs] Is anybody finding it a little difficult to breathe?

Marlena: Vivian, are-- are you okay? Are you all right?

Kate: I thought it was my imagination, but you're right.

Marlena: Oh, my gosh. We're running out of air.

Vivian: [Gasping]

[Music intensifies]

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