Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/25/18
Episode #13261 ~ Ciara and Tripp work together to trap Claire; Miguel makes a move against Lucas; Eli seeks help and advice from Julie regarding Lani's condition; Victor makes an inquiry into his grandson's past.
Provided By Suzanne
Eli: All right, we got this. No problem. "High risk pregnancy: What you can do." Your doctor already told us what we could do. Next. "Placenta previa: What to expect." Okay, look, uh, your doctor told us what to expect, all right? If the condition is detected early enough--which it was-- and managed properly--which it will be--we can have a safe deliver all right, that's what we want. So we just need to go about this like we do anything else. Assess the facts, work the evidence, solve the case. All right. Okay, let's do it.
[Sighs] What am I thinking? I mean, you and the baby must be starving. You know what? I'm gonna--here. I'm gonna go downstairs. I'm gonna make you something to eat, and when I get back, we'll get to work.
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: Hmm, your new boyfriend got a text message.
Ciara: You really shouldn't be reading other people's texts, okay? It's an invasion of privacy, and totally uncool.
Tripp: Hmm, yeah, so I guess you know, you wouldn't care that the message is about you and that it was sent by claire.
Ciara: What? What does it say?
Tripp: [Sighs] "Hope everything is going great with ciara."
Ciara: What does that mean?
Tripp: I don't know. Did you tell claire that you were hanging out with wyatt?
Ciara: No, claire and i are barely speaking. She's the last person I'd ever share anything with.
Tripp: Oh, really? I thought that was me. Um, so, if you're not speaking to claire, then how did she know that you were hanging out with wyatt?
Ciara: Only one way to find out.
Claire: Eve, hello!
Eve: Hi, if it isn't the new face of "bella magazine." Congratulations. I'm really happy for you.
Claire: Thank you, I know. I still can't believe it.
Eve: I know, you staged a pretty good comeback there beating ciara by one vote. So how does it feel to be the winner.
It feels amazing. I still can't believe it. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, eve. I will not blow it.
Brady: Hi.
Maggie: Well, don't you look happy this evening?
Brady: Well.
Maggie: [Laughs]
Brady: Got my big date. My big date with eve tonight.
Maggie: Well, I know how excited you are that she's giving you another chance to prove that you belong together. And I hope it works out, brady. I really do.
Brady: That's good.
Maggie: So, no jitters?
Brady: Oh, jitters, come on. No, of course not. She can deny all she wants that she doesn't have feelings for me but I know she does.
Maggie: Oh.
Lucas: Hey, what's happening?
Brady: Lucas, how you doing, man?
Lucas: Good, how you doing?
Brady: Good.
Lucas: Good, good. I'm actually great. Came to share some great news with maggie.
Julie: Chloe. Chloe, don't bother with that. And I don't want you to worry for a moment about leaving doug and me in a bind. We're more than happy to run this club while you're away-- making that wonderful opera engagement in mexico. We might even buy you out.
[Laughs] The important thing-- the important thing-- is that you follow your heart and your dreams, even if they take you far, far away.
Chloe: Well thank you, julie. I really appreciate your support but I'm not going anywhere, because what my heart wants is here in salem.
Miguel: Yes, boss. I understand what needs to be done. After tonight, chloe lane will have no choice but to accept your offer, once lucas horton is out of the way.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eve: Okay, I'm gonna send over the contracts and some preliminary paperwork to get started, and I want you to look it over very carefully, okay? And maybe it might not be a bad idea if you had a lawyer to look over it.
Claire: A lawyer? What? [Chuckles]
Eve: Well, it's a big commitment, sweetheart, and I wanna make sure that you know exactly what you've signed up to do so you're ready to do the work.
Claire: Trust me, I am. I'm ready. I've wanted this more than I've wanted anything in my life.
Eve: I know, but you know what, this is just the beginning. You're gonna have photo shoots and public appearances. This "bella magazine" thing is gonna change your life.
Claire: God, I hope so.
Eve: What I mean is you're on your way to being a celebrity. You're gonna have millions of eyes on you. And you know how social media is these days with everyone. I mean, one mistake, and it's goodbye, career. Goodbye, your contract. Goodbye, your music career. Goodbye, your entire future. I mean, you will be defined by any foolish mistake that you made for the rest of your life. So be careful.
Claire: Okay.
Eve: See you later, beautiful.
Claire: Bye.
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: Didn't you just say it was uncool to look through other people's messages?
Ciara: Yeah, that was before I knew claire was involved.
Tripp: Mmm.
Ciara: Have to see what that skank has been saying to wyatt about me.
Tripp: Yeah, well, good luck. His phone's locked, so you're gonna need, like, a million pass codes to get into it.
Ciara: Okay, so let's try some. How about "wyatt?" Nope.
Tripp: Maybe "salem?"
Ciara: Salem. Damn. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wyatt told me that his birthday was next week. He wants to take me to some concert. He's so into me.
Tripp: Yeah, try the date.
Ciara: Mmm. Yes, we're in. All right, now let's see what wyatt and claire are up to.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Brady: That's great. That's great. I'm glad chloe decided to stay in town.
Lucas: Yeah, well, great news about eve too.
Brady: I know. We got some reason to celebrate tonight.
Lucas: Yeah, we do.
Brady: Yeah.
Lucas: No drinking for you.
Brady: No drinking.
Lucas: Or me.
Brady: We know.
Maggie: Oh, I wasn't gonna go there in the least.
Brady: All right.
Maggie: Just want you to know, though, I'm here if you need me.
>>: Lucas: I'm so psyched, I'm not even thinking about having a drink.
Brady: Actually, that's the last thing on my mind. I don't really want one.
Maggie: [Chuckles]
Lucas: Isn't that wild? Not too long ago, you and I were drowning our sorrows, nursing broken hearts. Now look at us in suits.
Brady: Look at us. We look like we're ready for, like, prom or something.
Lucas: Right? Isn't that true? Both having dates at doug's place? That's kinda weird.
Brady: Should have brought my corsage.
Lucas: We should have got a limo, is what we should have got.
Brady: I have a powder blue tux, I should have worn that.
Lucas: I'll bet you do have one.
Brady: I do, I do. Beautiful, has a ruffled shirt and everything. It's terrible.
Maggie: Oh, I love this. You all are so happy. And so hopeful. I'm so proud of you. And I hope you're proud of yourselves. I mean, it's no small feat how far you've come in such a short time.
Lucas: Couldn't have done it without you.
Brady: Hear-hear to that.
Maggie: Mmm-mmm.
Brady: Mmm-hmm.
Maggie: You two did the work. Brady, you've been nothing but honorable in your attempt to win eve back. And lucas, you put chloe's needs first by letting her know that you support her if she chose to move to mexico. I mean, you recognize she had this huge career opportunity, and you encouraged her to take it.
Lucas: Can't believe she decided to stick around. Didn't see that coming.
Brady: I know. When eve gave me a second chance I didn't think I was hearing her right. But she did.
Maggie: What is all this? Wait a minute here. You are two major catches, here. Now, come on. Stop selling yourself short. Chloe and eve, they're the lucky ones, here. Mmm-hmm.
Lucas: No, we're the lucky ones to have you.
Maggie: No.
Brady: Exactly.
Maggie: Come on, you gotta go. You don't wanna be late.
Brady: You're right. We're gonna be late.
Maggie: [Laughs]
Be home by curfew.
Lucas: All right.
Brady: Okay.
Maggie: [Laughs]
[Door closes]
Chloe: I mean, yeah, it was one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make. Somebody offering to produce an opera for me to star in, it was really tempting. But ultimately, I had to say no.
Julie: I'm sure it isn't too late to change your mind.
Chloe: Yeah, not gonna happen.
Eve: I'm kinda shocked. I thought this was something that you really wanted.
Chloe: Yeah, I thought so, too, but I just started thinking more and more about my time in vienna and fulfilling my dreams over there. And, you know, it was really great to be appreciated as an artist, but every night after a show, I'd go back to a hotel by myself, and it was really lonely. Made me realize that I do want a relationship. And lucas and I, we have a special connection. He's really changed. He's really in a good place right now. And just the other day--
Julie: Chloe, as much as i would love to hear every intimate detail of your love life, I got a club to run.
Eve: Not your biggest fan.
Chloe: Nope. She wants me gone. She's not the only one. Kate wants me as far away from her son as possible. And you...
Eve: What?
Chloe: I consider you a great friend. So, please, if you're gonna give me some lecture about how this was the wrong choice--
Eve: No, no, no, I'm not gonna do that because I would be a hypocrite if I judged you for giving lucas a second chance when that is exactly what I'm doing with brady.
Claire: [Sighs] Thank you. Thank you all so much. I am so grateful that you could all be here today. Uh, my name is claire brady. I'm the new face of "bella magazine." And I would be more than happy to sign autographs and take pictures with each and every one of you. But first, ladies and gentlemen, the world premiere of my brand new single, "bella claire."
[Clears throat]
Ciara: Where are the other texts from claire?
Tripp: I don't know. We looked through all of the text messages on wyatt's phone, and there aren't any.
Ciara: Then we keep looking.
Tripp: [Sighs] I don't know, ciara. Maybe this is just a waste of time.
Ciara: It's not, okay? The two of them are up to something, I know it.
Tripp: Is it possible that claire and wyatt are a part of some big conspiracy? Yeah, I guess. But it's probably way more likely that she just saw you with wyatt and is just being nosy. So should I give this loser back his phone, or should I just bury it in the lost and found somewhere?
Ciara: Hang on, hang on. There's one more thing that i can try. "Things are good with ciara. We just went for a ride on her bike. It was so hot."
[Suspenseful music]
Claire: Oh, thank you.
[Phone beeps] Ooh, a bike ride. Nice.
[Phone beeps]
Ciara: Maybe you're right. Maybe this is a total waste of time.
[Phone beeps] It's from claire. It says, "looks like we both got what we wanted."
Tripp: Hmm.
Eli: My famous garbage pail nachos. Check this out. Three kinds of meat, fresh jalapeņos, and my very own homemade cheese sauce. Aren't you gonna eat any?
Lani: I'm trying not to throw up.
Eli: Well, excuse me. I didn't know my nachos weren't good enough for you. Maybe I should just go down to that new french restaurant.
Lani: Eli, that's stakeout food. Yes, I'm a cop, too. And, yes, I like nachos, when it's 3:00 in the morning and we're sitting on a perp. But we're not, and we're not at work, and this baby isn't a case that I need to solve.
Eli: Yeah, okay.
[Soft music]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Phone trilling] Hey, um, look. I'm in trouble. I need your help.
[Dramatic music]
Eli: You all right?
Lani: I'm fine. Call me when you figure this all out.
Julie: Special delivery. Surprise. From the kitchens at doug's place. Dinner for three. For you, for eli, and for that little bundle of joy.
Lani: Thank you, julie, but I was just about to head out.
Julie: No, no, sweetheart. Sweetheart, you need to eat. You need to eat so the baby in your belly gets to be big and strong. Sit down for a minute. I have everything you need. Here we have wonderful grilled salmon. A specialty of chef nile. Yummy. Here we have sweet potatoes. Lots of them. Here we have the most fashionable vegetable of the moment, kale. Although I can't understand why. To wash it all down, milk. 'Cause you gotta have your calcium.
Lani: That does look really good, and I am starving.
Julie: Okay. Dig in.
[Soft music]
Lani: Mmm-hmm. It's really good.
Julie: Mmm. The least I could do. You know, when doug and I found out about the baby, we were thrilled for you. For you and jj. Remember when he asked me if i could officiate at your wedding?
[Laughs] And, of course, we were devastated for jj when we found out that he wasn't the father. But that said, this is going to be my great grandchild. I love this little pumpkin already. With all my heart.
Lani: You wanna sit?
Eli: You sure?
Lani: I can't eat all this by myself. Actually, I could, but--
[Both chuckle]
Eli: All right.
Julie: Well, my work here is done. So I'll just skedaddle.
Lani: Thank you again for the food, julie. This is just what I... what we needed.
Eli: You're the best, grandma.
[Soft dramatic music]
Julie: "High risk pregnancy?" Honey, is the baby okay?
Ciara: That's it, we totally have it.
Tripp: Have what? What does claire mean that we both got what we wanted?
Ciara: Well, obviously wyatt wanted me.
Tripp: Mmm.
Ciara: And claire wanted to be the new face of "bella." What should I text back? Oh, my god, I want to nail her so bad.
Tripp: Uh...I got it. I got it. "I'm assuming you're talking about the contest."
Ciara: Yeah.
Tripp: Yeah?
Ciara: Yeah.
Claire: Duh. We both know I'd never have won if it wasn't for you.
Ciara: [Gasps] I knew it! Claire did cheat. Oh, she is so busted.
Chloe: So you decided to give brady another chance after all.
Eve: For one reason, and one reason only. I lost a stupid bet.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, the "bella magazine" contest. Claire won. That's great.
Eve: She managed to pull off the comeback of the century. She beat ciara by one stinking vote.
Chloe: Oh, and you're upset about that?
Eve: Yeah, I'm upset about that.
Chloe: Come on, eve. Be honest with me for once. You were hoping that she would win. I know you took that bet hoping that claire would win so that you would be forced to be with brady. You know, save your relationship, save face.
Eve: Okay, okay. So maybe there's just a little part of me that's hoping that I'll get a second chance with brady. Maybe just a little bit.
Chloe: Oh, just a little bit. You know, I think we're both just a couple of song birds who have been singing the blues, and now we want a love song.
Eve: Oh, come on.
Chloe: I know that you want that. And, you know what? I think we deserve a second chance at love. And speaking of second chances, they just walked in the door.
Eve: Hmm.
Eli: Grandma, the baby is gonna be fine.
Julie: Well, then, why are you reading these brochures about high risk pregnancy?
Lani: We're just doing our research.
Eli: Exactly. There's a lot to learn. We just wanna be fully educated.
Lani: So we know when not to worry.
Eli: Which we won't, because the baby's gonna be fine.
Lani: Not only do I have the best doctor around, I also have eli to help take care of me and the baby.
Julie: You'd better.
Eli: Without a doubt.
Julie: You know, I couldn't think of any up side at all of chloe not taking that job in mexico, but now I think of it. If doug and I aren't so busy at the club, I'll have more free time to help the two of you.
Lani: Great.
Julie: Lani, I want you to think of me as available for you 24/7. I am gonna call you every day. Make sure you're getting the right things to eat. Make sure you're getting plenty of rest. Make sure you're obeying your doctor's orders. Come to think of it, this would be a good idea. I should accompany you to all those medical appointments.
Eli: Wow, wow. That's, um--you know, that's a really nice offer, grandma, but, um, I think we're good.
Julie: Okay. Well, maybe you could do-- what is it they call it-- live streaming? Streaming live? Then it'd be just like I was in the room with you.
Eli: Well, we'll keep you posted. Promise.
Lani: Thank you again, julie.
Julie: Sure.
[Kisses] Be patient with him. He'll catch on eventually.
Eli: Thank you, grandma.
Lani: [Sighs] I see where you get your control issues from. I'm sorry I almost bit your head off before. I know you're just trying to help.
Maggie: Hello, handsome.
Victor: Oh, somebody's in a good mood.
Maggie: [Kisses] Well, I'm happy. I'm happy for brady. Eve has decided to give him a second chance.
Victor: Oh, at what? Destroying his life?
Brady: My lady.
[Jazz music]
Eve: Did anyone tell you it's rude to stare?
Brady: Yes, yes, I've been told that, but I'm sorry. You're beautiful. Can't stop looking.
Eve: Well, we need to order. Running out of time.
Brady: Yeah, well, let me take the time to tell you right now that I wanna say thank you for giving me another chance. I appreciate it.
Eve: I lost a stupid bet.
Brady: I know, I know. And I won. I won big, didn't I?
Eve: Stop gloating.
Brady: It's not gloating.
You're gloating, yes.
Brady: No, I'm not. I'm not gloating. Listen... I hurt you... and I was very wrong. So from this moment on, I'm going to make sure that i show you that we are totally right for each other. Okay?
Lucas: Mmm, how lucky am I? You could be thousands of miles away right now, but instead you're here with me. Right here close enough to touch. Any word from miguel?
Chloe: Nope, not a word.
Lucas: Really?
Chloe: Mmm-hmm.
> Lucas: I'm surprised, since he and his mystery boss were so determined to get you to mexico.
Chloe: I guess they gave up.
Lucas: Okay, well, couldn't get rid of me that easily, that's for sure.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
[Suspenseful music]
Welcome to saturday.
Maggie: Victor, eve is-- she's not my favorite person.
Victor: Yet you continue to support her. Feel sorry for her.
Maggie: It's not what I feel. It's what brady feels. I mean, she makes him happy. He needs that. He shouldn't be alone.
Victor: No, better he should be with deimos' black widow.
Maggie: Eve is not a saint. But at least she's not a train wreck, like her sister theresa was. I mean, is she as selfish and self destructive? She fell right back into alcoholism and drugs. And then what? She up and she abandoned brady and poor little tate.
Victor: That's not exactly how it happened.
Maggie: What did you just say?
Victor: What's done is done. Just hope you're there to pick up the pieces when that she-devil breaks brady's heart.
Maggie: Brady is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Excuse me, I'm gonna go check on tate.
[Dramatic music]
[Cell phone trilling]
Victor: Shane, victor kiriakis. I'd like to talk to you about your daughter, theresa.
[Jazz music]
Brady: Well, stop.
Eve: What?
Brady: Was that a smile I saw? It was, wasn't it?
Eve: Don't be so cocky.
Brady: I'm not. Me? Come on, never.
Eve: Yeah, right. You know, a man that's smart, handsome, strong, is never over confident, is he?
Brady: You think I'm handsome?
Eve: Chemistry was never our problem, brady. It was trust. And that is something that can't be rebuilt over the course of one evening, no matter how beautiful your smile is or how razor sharp that wit of yours is.
Brady: Well, we gotta start somewhere, don't we?
Lucas: No regrets? Not at all?
Chloe: You mean regrets about staying in town? No, not one.
Lucas: You could be in mexico right now with thousands of people screaming your name, lined up for miles to hear you sing. Your name in lights. No, really? You don't miss that just a little bit? Come on.
Chloe: I mean, I would be lying if I said I didn't wonder what it would maybe be like if I had said yes.
Lucas: It's all right.
Chloe: But sitting here with you right now, I know I made the right choice.
Eli: Ready?
Lani: Honestly, I would rather eat three plates of garbage pail nachos with extra cheese than read all of this.
Eli: That's because my nachos are good, right?
[Laughs] No, but seriously, look. I know this isn't easy. And I didn't mean to be insensitive before. It was just a lot happening really fast. And you didn't expect to be doing any of this. Now you're doing it with me instead of jj, so--
Lani: Eli, I--
Eli: No, no, it's fine. I saw the look on your face when julie mentioned his name. You miss him. I still miss gabi.
Lani: I'm really sorry for what she's going through.
Eli: So am I. Look, you need support, okay? And I wanna give it to you. Lani, I want you to know that you can trust me. That we can trust each other. We did it as cops, and I think we can do it as friends.
Ciara: Why am I sitting here?
Tripp: Because you need to think this through.
Ciara: There is nothing to think through. Claire cheated to win the contest.
Tripp: Probably.
Ciara: Probably?
Tripp: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Did you even read her last text?
Tripp: Yes, I did, and right now it looks like she fixed the contest. But if you just start throwing accusations at her without any actual proof, you're just gonna look like a sore loser.
Ciara: Okay, but we knew that claire wanted to cheat. She admitted it.
Tripp: Mmm-hmm.
Ciara: Theo refused to help her, so she found someone else who would--wyatt.
Tripp: Yeah, but, I mean, is he even capable of doing something like this? That's a major hack.
Ciara: Yes, he is capable. He's very capable. He's got mad skills, you know. He and theo were in the same computer class.
Tripp: I mean, you could confront claire.
Ciara: But she would just lie. They both would. It's what they do.
Tripp: What are you doing?
Ciara: Not throwing away my shot.
[Suspenseful music]
Claire: "Good thing I was able to fix the votes." Yep. Our little secret, right?
Ciara: Wrong, claire. You are so done. Your dirty little secret is about to come out.
Baby boomers,
Ciara: This is perfect. When it gets out that claire cheated, she'll be humiliated in front of everyone, and she'll know exactly how she made my mom feel. God, I can't wait to see the look on her face when I tell everyone what a pathetic loser she is.
Tripp: Or you could just drop it.
Ciara: [Scoffs] Yeah, right.
[Stammers] Are you serious?
Tripp: You don't need this, ciara. You don't need to be the new face of whatever, okay? Let claire have it. Let her live every day of her life with the guilt of knowing that she took something that she did not deserve.
Ciara: Are you crazy? I can't just let claire win.
Tripp: That's just it, okay? She didn't win. I know it. You know it. And more importantly, claire knows that. So let her have the red carpet events and the magazine covers. All right? She needs that way more than you do.
Ciara: And what do I have?
Tripp: Me.
Eli: That actually wasn't as bad as I thought.
Lani: We just have to stay on top of it, see the doctor, and watch for bleeding.
Eli: Yeah, and there's a chance that it could correct itself.
Lani: Good chance. I read that the majority of women diagnosed with placenta previa at the point of the pregnancy that I was, that they have no problem at all. We are doing all the right things, and I've always been really lucky. So odds are the baby really will be fine. Right?
Eli: Right.
Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that theresa's safe. That was quite a sacrifice that she made, leaving her family to go down to mexico and be with that thug mateo so he wouldn't harm brady or tate. Well, I appreciate the update, shane. I'm glad she has you to look after her.
[Phone beeps]
Eve: [Sighs]
Brady: Have I mentioned to you--
Eve: What?
Brady: That you are beautiful?
Eve: Oh, my god, you don't stop, do you?
Brady: No, no. Not with you. Never.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Miguel: Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you. But, uh, I'm a huge fan of chloe lane.
Julie: Really? Chloe has fans.
Miguel: [Laughs] Oh, yes. And I'm her biggest one.
Julie: Well, I would be more than happy to introduce you to her, if that's what you'd like.
Miguel: That's very kind, but, uh, I'm terribly shy. I prefer to admire miss lane from afar.
Julie: So do I.
Miguel: Perhaps you could send over a bottle of your best champagne. Um, but I'd also like the gesture to remain anonymous.
Julie: Well. Well, of course. I think I should tell you the gentleman she's seated with is a recovering alcoholic.
Miguel: I understand. I've known people who have battled addiction. How about champagne and a nice glass of club soda?
Julie: Oh, perfect. I'll decorate it with a little umbrella.
Miguel: Wonderful. Thank you.
Lucas: I'm actually a little light headed right now. I mean, I didn't have a drink or anything, but... you're making me feel a little intoxicated.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Julia: There we are. Oh, I forgot your little umbrella.
[Suspenseful music]
[Suspenseful music]
Lucas: Ooh, that looks good. What's all this?
Julie: Well, it is club soda for you.
Lucas: Oh.
Julie: And it is champagne for chloe. On the house.
Chloe: Why?
Julie: In celebration of your decision to stay in salem.
Chloe: Oh, okay, that's so very sweet of you julie.
Lucas: Thanks.
Chloe: Very thoughtful. Thank you. Oh, wait, um, you know what, would you mind getting us another round? Because I think that we should share this moment with eve and brady.
Julie: They don't call them divas for nothing.
Lucas: [Laughs]
Lani: It's unbelievable. I can follow a 300-pound suspect into a dark alley by myself and not even blink. But this? This scares me.
Eli: 'Cause you've never done it before. I mean, neither of us have. When it comes to having a baby, we're both rookies.
Lani: Which means a lot of rookie mistakes.
Eli: Maybe. Okay, probably.
[Laughs] But we can do it. Together. What do you say? Partners?
Lani: Partners.
Ciara: I'm really sorry i went off on you after you voted for claire. Getting so angry and trying to make you jealous with wyatt. And even after all that, you're still here for me. Tripp: Mmm-hmm. That won't change. No matter what you decide to do with this contest.
Ciara: You mean that?
Tripp: Yeah. I do.
Ciara: I hope so. Because there is no way I'm letting claire get away with this. She was so self righteous about rafe cheating on my mom, saying that the truth had to come out, no matter who got hurt. Well, now that the truth is about her, why should it be any different?
Claire: Wyatt. Uh, what are you doing here? Nobody can see us together.
Wyatt: Chill, I'm looking for ciara.
Claire: Okay, well, she's not here.
Wyatt: Shoot. I lost my cell phone. I was hoping she had it.
Claire: Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. No.
Maggie: Who were you talking to?
Victor: Just business.
Maggie: I came in on the tail of it. It didn't sound like business to me.
Victor: I can assure you, it was nothing important.
Maggie: Hmm. Well, I must be hearing things. Because earlier when we were talking about theresa, it almost sounded like you were defending her. You know, she's a woman who abused alcohol and drugs, and then she just up and left. And she just left the man she claimed she adored. And her baby boy. I pray that wherever she is, she's getting the help she needs. I thank god that brady has finally moved on.
Eve: Okay, okay, I have to admit, that wit of yours-- you are on tonight.
Brady: I'm trying. I'm trying. And apparently I'm still handsome, right?
Eve: Apparently.
Brady: Yeah.
Eve: [Chuckles] Oh, my gosh. You're killing me, though.
Chloe: Hey, pretty people. Don't mean to crash your party, but we got something for you.
Lucas: Great balance here, huh?
Brady: What is this?
Lucas: We got champagne for the ladies.
Eve: Well, thank you so much.
Lucas: Here's some club soda for us. You know how we roll.
Brady: Sounds good, of course.
Chloe: I just thought that we should have a toast to new beginnings.
Brady: To new beginnings.
Eve: Aw, that's nice. There we go.
Eve: Cheers.
Brady: Absolutely.
All: Cheers.
Brady: [Chuckles]
Eve: That's nice champagne.
Chloe: Mmm-hmm.
[All talking at once]
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