Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/18/18
Episode #13256 ~ Brady pleads his case to Eve; Chloe makes a decision about the job offer in Mexico; Paul questions Leo about his ties to Vivian; Ciara reconnects with someone from her past.
Provided By Suzanne
Eve: You know what, brady? You're right. We do have a lot to talk about. Need to take care of some things since the campaign is done, get it going, and then I'm gonna loop in the marketing department.
Brady: Yeah, but first we're gonna talk about us. You see, I won the bet fair and square, which means you are required to give me a second chance to win you back. So I would like to start by, uh, yeah, taking you out to dinner. What do you say?
Eve: Absolutely not.
[Smooth music]
Tripp: Yeah, yeah, that's awesome, theo. You're gonna be walking again in no time. Uh, so look, what I was gonna ask you was, uh-- I mean, you've probably heard by now that claire won the new face of "bella" contest. You know, came from way behind to beat ciara. Yeah, yeah, no, of course-- of course you already heard. Um, anyway, you do have mad hacking skills, and claire just said something the other day that kind of made me think. Um...[Sighs] Did claire ask you to help her cheat so she'd win?
Maggie: Ah!
Claire: I mean, winning this contest is beyond amazing on so many levels, but hearing pop-pop say that he wants me to represent titan, it's, like-- it's the biggest honor ever.
Maggie: Well, "bella" magazine is very important to victor.
Claire: Mm-hmm.
Maggie: He named it after his daughter, isabella. You know that.
Claire: Yes, I know. And I promise to do everything I can to carry on isabella's legacy. I really want to make pop-pop proud.
Maggie: He already is proud of you. And you know what? I'm thrilled for you as well.
Claire: Oh, thank you.
Maggie: There's just one thing. Um, I'm sure ciara is very disappointed. So I hope you don't rub it in.
Claire: Me? No, of course not. No.
Maggie: I was sure you wouldn'T.
Claire: Never.
Ciara: "Claire brady wins 'bella' magazine contest by one vote." You know, why do you have to even be in competition with claire? Why do you have to be in competition with anybody?
Ciara: Can't you figure it out? To finally feel like I'm good enough, to finally feel like I belong.
Tripp: You did that. Look at--look at all the people who voted for you. You almost won.
Ciara: But I didn'T... because of one vote, tripp-- yours.
Wyatt: Ouch!
[Cell phone clatters]
Ciara: Wyatt?
Brady: You won't go out to dinner with me?
Eve: I'm not gonna go anywhere with you, brady.
Brady: Hold on. Hold on. We--we made a bet, right? If claire wins the contest, you agree to give me a second chance. You can't back out now, no.
Eve: Did you really think that I would base some big decision like that on some stupid contest? Come on, it was a lark, and it didn't mean anything to me.
Brady: Well, then why did you agree to it?
Eve: Because you wouldn't stop badgering me! And I actually thought that I was gonna win and, when I did, you'd get the hell out of my life!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Tense music]
Paul: All right, leo, where'd you go?
Leo: Looking for me? Now, you mind telling me why you've been following me?
Paul: Following you? No, no, I haven't been following you. If I was, I'm doing a terrible job, because you caught me.
Leo: Well, I finally managed to shake you. Wasn't easy. Now, can you answer the question?
Paul: Look, I don't even know you. I mean, I met you that one time. Why would I be tailing you?
Leo: I'm pretty sure I remember sonny saying his ex-fiancé was a private investigator.
Paul: [Chuckling] Okay. Um, no offense, but, I mean, you sound a little paranoid.
Leo: Look, I don't know what's going on here. But you and sonny are over, so I don't know why you'd be trying to dig up dirt on me.
Paul: Okay, leo, listen--
Leo: Bottom line: If you don't stop following me, I'm gonna have to have a chat with sonny.
Paul: Okay, this isn't about you and sonny. This is about you and vivian alamain.
[Sneaky music]
Lucas: Can I get some coffee?
Vivian: Well...
Lucas: [Sighs]
Vivian: If it isn't lucas horton. Why don't you join me and have a blood mary?
Lucas: I don't drink.
Vivian: Says the notorious lush.
Lucas: No, really, I don't drink anymore, vivian. I'm sober.
Vivian: Do you know what I call people who don't drink?
Lucas: What?
Vivian: Quitters.
Lucas: Well, that's actually pretty funny.
Vivian: Why so glum? Is it because your mother is working overtime trying to get rid of chloe?
Lucas: What do you know about that?
Chloe: Mr. Garcia, hi. Thank you for coming. I-I know I could've done this over the phone. I just felt like I should do it in person.
Miguel: Of course. So I understand you've finally come to a decision about the job.
Chloe: Uh, yeah. This is such a wonderful offer: Chance to star in my own opera, have a production specifically for me. It's a dream, really.
Miguel: Forgive me, ms. Lane. The suspense is killing me. What did you decide?
Wyatt: Ah. Long time, no see. I heard you were back in town.
Ciara: You heard right.
Wyatt: I texted you a bunch of times. Maybe you didn't get them?
Ciara: No, I got them.
Wyatt: Does that mean you're still mad?
Ciara: Gee, wyatt, I don't know. Theo set us up, and you pretended like it was all your idea. You lied to me. You used me. You messed up my life, which is the reason why I left town, and that was pretty much the biggest mistake I've ever made. So yes, wyatt, I'm mad. Even madder now that I've lost theo forever.
Wyatt: I'm really sorry, ciara. I guess I deserved that cell phone to the head. Nice aim, by the way.
Ciara: I actually wasn't trying to hit you.
Wyatt: Yeah, well, I wouldn't blame you if you were. Look, I feel really bad about what happened between us. I honestly never meant to hurt you. And I know I was kind of a jerk to theo, but... I really did care about you. Okay, then...
[Chuckles nervously] So the phone. Uh, who were you trying to hit?
Ciara: No one. I was just mad.
Wyatt: At the world?
Ciara: Yeah. And the guy who caused me to lose the new face of "bella" contest.
Wyatt: Yeah, I heard about that. I couldn't believe it. I mean, you were so far ahead, and then claire pulls it out at the last minute? How the heck did that happen?
Tripp: No, I-I-I get that you're just trying to protect claire, um, but I'm just--I'm just trying to find out the truth, okay? And first of all, ciara is crushed. And if claire did ask you to help her fix the contest and anybody found out, I mean, you guys could be in some serious trouble.
Claire: Hey. Theo? Theo? Hi, I'll call you right back. Tripp, what the hell do you think you're doing?
Tripp: Psh, just catching up with theo.
Claire: Oh, sure. Yeah, no, I-I heard you ask him if he helped me cheat. You really don't think that i could've won this contest on my own, do you?
Tripp: No, it's-- it's not that. It's just that you were so far behind, and everyone said it was gonna be impossible, you know?
Claire: Yeah, yeah, and that's the only reason you voted for me, right? As a little charity case? Well, your one little pity vote put me over the top and pushed me right past ciara. Now that she's about to dump you, you are trying to make me out to be a cheater?
Tripp: I don't want to think that, but I do remember overhearing you at the café talking about doing something illegal.
Claire: Tripp, I told you, that was nothing.
Tripp: Mm-hmm, and I also remember the time theo bought you all those fake followers so your song would trend.
Claire: For real? No, that-- he--he did that behind my back.
Tripp: Mm-hmm.
Claire: I was furious. You know that.
Tripp: Yup, and I also know how far you'll go when you really want something.
Claire: Tripp, I swear, theo did not help me cheat!
Tripp: Mm. And I want to believe you, claire. I really do. But if you didn't have anything to hide, then why did you hang up that phone?
Claire: Because he needs to focus on his recovery.
Tripp: Mm.
Claire: And he doesn't need you bothering hiM.
Tripp: It is a simple question, claire: Are you hiding something? Yes or no? Yeah, I'm calling him back.
Claire: Fine, tripp, okay? I asked him to help me cheat. Are you happy now?
Brady: Okay, you do know how--how a bet works, right? Now, there's a winner. There's a loser. And in this case, I'm the winner.
Eve: Do you want a slug? Is that what you want here?
Brady: No, I just want to take you out to dinner. That's all I want.
Eve: And I said no. No date, no dinner, no nothing. And I just don't understand why you can't get it through your head that I don't want you in my life, brady!
Brady: Okay.
Eve: Okay what?
Brady: Okay. Yeah, no, no, no. Okay. You wanna renege on it, fine. Um, you're off the hook.
Eve: Really?
Brady: Sure. Yeah, really. Forget--forget the bet. Forget everything. But as far as me out of your life, no, that's not possible. See, we have to work together.
Eve: Well, you could sell me the magazine.
Brady: Nope, can't do it. It's my livelihood.
Eve: Mm, no, it's your opportunity to hover over me like an insect.
Brady: "Bella" magazine was named after my mother. It means something to me. Just like you mean something to me.
Eve: Well, you mean nothing to me, okay? And I just can't for the life of me figure out why you want to be around somebody who hates you so much.
Brady: Because I know-- I know you don't hate me, eve. And you know it too.
[Dramatic music]
(Vo) more "doing chores for mom"
Chloe: Before I give you my answer, I just-- I have to ask you something. And it won't affect my decision. I just--I need to know for my own peace of mind.
Miguel: Ask away.
Chloe: Is your employer a woman named kate roberts?
Miguel: Never heard of her. Who is she?
Chloe: Huh. Maybe kate wasn't lying for once in her lousy life.
Miguel: Does that mean you'll accept the offer, come to mexico and be the diva you are meant to be?
Chloe: [Laughs softly] Opera is my dream. My career has been derailed a bit the last few years, but my desire to perform has never been stronger. Ah, this offer is really a dream. It's what I've been praying for. With all that said... unfortunately, no, I cannot accept your offer.
Miguel: Well, I'm, uh-- I'm disappointed. Not nearly as much as my employer will be. You're passing up an incredible opportunity.
Chloe: Oh, I know. Believe me, this was-- this was a tough decision.
Miguel: [Chuckles] If I may, uh... what made you turn it down?
Chloe: In a word, lucas.
Lucas: No, no, no. This is gonna be good. What do you know about my mother and chloe?
Vivian: Well, I-I do hear things around the mansion.
Lucas: What do you hear, vivian? Don't mess with me. Did my mom arrange a job offer for chloe to get out of the country?
Vivian: Arrange it? No, I can't say that. But I did hear kate encouraging chloe to take said job. But of course you know she's such an insecure, miserable shrew--
Lucas: Don't--don't-- don't do that. Don't talk about my mother like that, all right?
Vivian: Oh, I'm so sorry. Is that an honor that is, um, reserved just for you?
Lucas: Yeah, actually, it is.
Vivian: Well, then I really apologize. Lucas, you know, I really feel bad about your situation with chloe. It would be just terrible if she went off to mexico and-- and never returned. And you've lost so much already. You poor dear.
Lucas: Yeah, it's fine. It's fine. I'm fine, all right? I don't--I don't need your sympathy, okay?
Vivian: Well... maybe you just need...this.
[Tense music]
Leo: Who's vivian alamain?
Paul: Okay, save it. I saw you talking to her right here.
Leo: Oh, that older woman? I-I never got her name. Why? What's her deal?
Paul: Well, her deal is that she's a class-a nutjob and she's had a vendetta against the kiriakis family for many years. And all of a sudden, she just claims she wants to bury the hatchet.
Leo: How come?
Paul: I have no idea. But they don't buy it, and neither do I. Look, vivian's up to something, and I want to know what it is.
Eve: For the last time, stop telling me how I feel.
Brady: Am I wrong?
Eve: Brady, you know what you are? You're crazy. What, I'm just gonna hang the fate of our relationship on some silly contest? I mean, do you know how ridiculous that even sounds?
Brady: Yeah, I do know how ridiculous it is. I do.
Eve: Okay.
Brady: Doesn't change the fact that I want you and you want me. And it shouldn't be this hard.
Eve: [Sighs]
Brady: Eve... I know I screwed up. I really do. And I really want to fix this. Please. Please.
Eve: Brady... I just don't trust you. And I don't think that I ever will be able to trust you again.
Brady: Has anyone ever said that to you before? Has anyone ever given you a second chance?
Eve: This isn't about me.
Brady: No. It's about us. Look how far we've come. My god, months ago, we were-- we were trying to frame each other for murder, eve. If we can get over that, we can get over anything together.
Eve: No, we haven't gotten over anything, and I don't think that we ever will get past it, get over it, or whatever.
Brady: I have a confession to make to you.
Eve: Well, you know what? Go find a priest, because, really, I'm not interested.
Brady: For a split second, I was thinking about rigging the contest. I was gonna do it. I was gonna have claire win, and I was gonna make it happen, but I didn'T. You know why? 'Cause I wanted to do this in good faith. I thought you did as well. I mean, now I'm not so sure--
Eve: You're gonna talk to me about good faith? And, you know, since you brought up the contest and rigging it, maybe--maybe you did. I mean, claire did make a miraculous comeback, I have to say.
Brady: Give me a break. You--you could've rigged the contest yourself, but you didn't, did you?
Eve: No.
Brady: You didn'T. You know what I think?
Eve: No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me.
Brady: I think you're afraid to give this another shot because you are afraid of your feelings for me.
Eve: You're wrong.
Brady: Look at me. Look at me. You look at me and you tell me that don't want this as much as I do. You say it to my face and you mean it, and I swear to god, I will walk away from you for good.
Ciara: So that is how she won--by one damn vote. Can we just stop talking about this?
Wyatt: Wait. Hang on. Hang on. You hook up with tripp and then he goes and votes for claire? What an ass.
Ciara: Okay, tripp and I were never officially hooking up, and now we won't be, ever.
Wyatt: Yeah, and you still live with both of them? That sucks.
Ciara: Guys suck.
Wyatt: Well, makes you feel any better... got my vote.
Tripp: You knew how much this contest meant to ciara. Winning this would've been the first good thing to happen to her in forever, but you just could not let her have that, could you? You know, you are really the most selfish person I have ever meT.
Claire: Oh, my god, tripp. You were not this upset when ciara said that she wanted to ruin my life.
Tripp: Oh, she didn't mean that. You know it. Okay, she was angry, all right, depressed. She's been through hell the last few years, but she still loves you.
Claire: I know. I love her too! And I've tried so hard to be there for her. I really have.
Tripp: Then how could you let some stupid contest come between you?
Claire: Tripp, this contest isn't stupid. To me, it's everything. It's my career, my future. Ciara's the one who thinks it's stupid and only entered to beat me. But you're right. You're right. Ciara's been through hell. And I feel awful about that. I do. But, you know, it's also--it's just-- it's not my fault. You know, it's not my fault that she dumped theo, theo fell in love with me, and then he tried to fix it by setting her up with wyatt. But she just pushed them both away, just like she does with everyone she cares about, tripp, including you.
Tripp: I just don't see why you two have to be at each other's throats all the time.
Claire: Well, ciara's my best frenemy. It's, like, a love-hate thing.
Tripp: Yeah, well, maybe it's just me, but I only see one half of that equation, and it's not the love part.
Claire: [Sighs] Just so you know, I never once tried to hurt ciara until she declared war on me. And I don't really know why. You know, it's like she wants to blame me for everything that goes wrong in her life when none of it is my fault!
Tripp: Mm. None of it?
Claire: Okay, well, if you're talking about me busting up my grandma hope's wedding, rafe cheated on her, so she deserved to know that, and she told me that she's glad I told her. So, like, what exactly did I do that's so wrong?
Tripp: You know what you did.
Claire: Oh, so now we're back to the contest. Okay. Why do you care so much, tripp? You know that I deserved to win.
Tripp: But you didn't win.
Claire: Yes, I did.
Eve: You're right, brady. I am afraid-- but not of my feelings for you.
Brady: Then what?
Eve: Okay, let's just say that I do give you another chance and you hurt me. And you can make promises until you're blue in the face, but like I said before, I don't trust you, so your words mean absolutely nothing to me, brady.
Brady: I get it. I get it. I get it. I do. And I-I can't promise I won't hurt you again, because that would be a lie.
Lucas: I told you that I am sober, all right? Why are you trying to tempt me?
Vivian: Drink. Don't drink. I don't care. But you did walk into a bar in the middle of the afternoon. There must be a reason. Ah. It's chloe, isn't it? You're afraid she'll leave, abandon you when you were just feeling so hopeful. Well, if you need a sympathetic ear, have no fear. Lil' ole viv is near. Bartender, this young man would like a bloody ma--
Maggie: What the hell do you think you're doing?
[Tense music]
Real cheese people are
ham and swiss people.
Chloe: Lucas doesn't want to stand in my way, but I know that he was initially against it, so I know he would be upset if I left.
Miguel: Well, that's very selfish of him-- to not be wholehearted in supporting you.
Chloe: No, you don't know the first thing about lucas. He's a great guy, and he's the opposite of selfish. He said if I wanted to go to mexico that I should go. He was 100% supportive.
Miguel: Then what's stopping you?
Chloe: Uh... look, don't get me wrong. My career means a lot to me, and I'm gonna continue singing. It's just that the timing of this offer right now, it's just--it's not good. That's all I'm gonna say. Thank you.
Miguel: Let me just ask you this: If you and lucas were not involved, would you have accepted the offer?
Chloe: I think so, yeah.
Miguel: I see.
Chloe: Look, I didn't mean to waste your time. I'm--I'm sorry. I just wanted to give it the thought and consideration that it deserved.
Miguel: Understood. Well, ms. Lane, I certainly hope your dreams don't die once I walk out that door. If you have any second thoughts, any at all, call me. Adios.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Maggie: You claim you want a truce with my family and you're here trying to ply my alcoholic nephew with liquor?
Vivian: Oh, boy. Oh, joy. The booze police are here.
Maggie: I should have you arrested-- for trespassing, harassment, not to mention flashing.
Vivian: Maggie, why don't you dust off that smug superiority and have a cocktail with us? Maybe it'll relax you and you can stop butting into everybody's business.
Maggie: Oh, shut up, vivian. Come on.
Lucas: Yeah.
Maggie: Are you all right?
Lucas: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I wasn't gonna take a drink.
Maggie: Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Lucas: I was tempted, but I wasn't gonna do it.
Maggie: All right, talk to me. Tell me what's going on.
Lucas: All right, well, chloe and I, um, we're-- we're seeing each other again.
Maggie: Oh. Um... well, you know aa recommends, as far as relationships and being newly sober-- you know what they say.
Lucas: Right, I know that. I know that. But, um, chloe, she knows me up close and personal. I mean, we've been through a lot together lately, especially with the whole anjelica deveraux thing and--and adrienne. She really got me through that. And, um, things were going great, you know? We were actually taking it slow. We were doing it right. But now it looks like she might have to leave town all of a sudden.
Maggie: Why is that?
Lucas: Because this miguel guy showed up out of nowhere and he said that his employer heard her sing in--in--in-- in vienna at this opera, so now he wants to produce his own opera just for her in mexico city.
Maggie: Wow. That's quite an opportunity.
Lucas: Well, it is. It's a great opportunity. But we don't even know who this guy is. We have no idea who this employer is. He's insisted on keeping his identity a secret--he or she. And you know what? That she could be kate roberts.
Maggie: Your mother?
Lucas: Oh, she's made it very clear she doesn't want chloe and I together. And I made it very clear to her that it's none of her business. So this could it, a last-ditch effort to try to get us to break up, you know? And the funny thing is, she's not admitting it. She's denying the whole thing.
Maggie: Oh, dear. So where are you in all of this?
Lucas: Chloe wants to go. She does. And the last thing I want to do is stand in her way. I don't want to be the one who-- who ruins her dreams or anything. So like an idiot, I told her to go. I told her to go, and now I'm regretting it, because now it looks like we can't even pick up where we left off. The whole thing's over before it's started. I feel like such an idiot. That was so stupid of me.
Maggie: No. It's caring and selfless, which is what you are. I mean, and it's a big sign of how far you've come. I'm so proud of you, lucas. Listen, and who knows? I mean, maybe chloe will turn the job down after all.
Lucas: I don't know about that.
[Cell phone beeps] It's chloe.
Maggie: Okay.
Lucas: Uh, she wants to see me.
Maggie: Ha!
Lucas: Guess I'll find out sooner than later.
Leo: All I can tell you is, this vivian woman came up to me out of nowhere. Somehow she knew I worked at titan--
Paul: Wait, wait, wait. You--you worked at titan? And you're dating sonny?
Leo: When that first started, I was just a temp. I had no idea sonny was my boss, let alone the ceo of the company. Then my gig was made permanent and I found out.
Paul: That must've been, uh, what, surprising. How did you handle that?
Leo: Uh, well, long story short, sonny and i aren't together anymore, which is a bummer because, as you know, he's great. But he drew a hard line. He wouldn't date an employee.
Paul: So you're still working at titan?
Leo: Yes.
Paul: Oh.
Leo: Which I guess is why what's-her-face wanted to talk to me. Like you said, she wants to bring down sonny's family.
Paul: Okay, but what did she want you to do?
Leo: I don't know. I turned her down before she had a chance to ask. My loyalty is to sonny, and I would appreciate it if you would stop following me.
Paul: Yeah, of course. Um...thank you for answering those questions. And, you know, I'd appreciate, if vivian tried to talk to you again--
Leo: You know what? I'll go right to sonny. How's that? Speaking of whom, I have to get back to work.
Eve: Wow. You can't promise that you won't hurt me. That's--that's--that's a way to sell it, brady. That's fantastic.
Brady: Here's what I can promise to you, eve, okay? From this moment on, I will be honest with you, completely honest with you about everything. Look, in relationships, we hurt each other, all right? It happens. I can't control that, but... I think the love is worth it.
Eve: You didn't just use the l word.
Brady: I did use the l word, and I will treat you with kindness and I'll treat you with respect and I will put your needs before mine--every day.
Eve: I can't be the fool again.
Brady: I don't want you-- I'm the fool, because I put this at risk. And I will not do that again. Give me another chance. You won't regret it, I promise. Please, just--just--just say... say okay.
Eve: Okay.
Brady: You just said okay, right? Thank you.
[Both chuckle]
Vivian: Oh, you got my text?
Leo: Thanks for the heads-up. Turns out it was paul, sonny's ex, who was following me. I told him to back off, but he had questions.
Vivian: About what?
Leo: Whether or not you're trying to bring down titan.
Vivian: Oh, damn.
Leo: I covered pretty well, but I think he's still suspicious.
[Tense music]
Tripp: What do you mean you won? You asked theo to help you fix the contest.
Claire: Exactly. I asked him. He didn't do it.
Tripp: Mm. And you just--you still came from way behind to win by one vote?
Claire: Yup--your vote.
Tripp: Yeah, nice try. But we all know that theo doesn't like saying no to you.
Claire: Okay, well, theo also does not like breaking the rules.
Tripp: Mm.
Claire: You know, buying followers, that's one thing. People do that all the time. But he just couldn't stand the thought of hurting his poor bff, ciara. So he turned me down and he said he didn't want to get in the middle of anything. Does that sound familiar?
Tripp: I don't believe you.
Claire: Fine, tripp. Call him and ask him yourself.
Ciara: You voted for me?
Wyatt: Chill. I wasn't cyber-stalking you or anything, but, you know, I'm on my computer 24-7, and something about the contest just came across my feed, so I clicked it.
Ciara: I didn't know you were into women's fashion magazines.
Wyatt: Oh, I'm into the faces. Ciara, those pictures-- you're really beautiful. No one even comes close, especially not claire.
Ciara: Wow. No one's ever said that to me. I mean, claire's always been so perfect and gorgeous and talented and-- ugh.
Wyatt: You're all those things too.
Ciara: Things always seem to go claire's way-- every damn time.
Wyatt: What?
Ciara: I just find it ironic that the guy I thought I could count on ended up being a jerk and the guy who I thought was a jerk ended up having my back, even though I ignored all of his texts.
Wyatt: Well, I never thought I'd get a chance to tell you I voted for you.
Ciara: I'm glad you did. Come with me.
Brady: Mm, mm
Eve: Stop it. Stop it. Don't do that silly happy dance.
Brady: Hey, I'm a silly happy guy. You've made me happy. That contest I came up with, who would have known that that would be-- it's like all the planets lined up for me. For once, I feel lucky and happy.
Eve: Okay, copernicus. Don't turn this into some cosmic destiny here. It's just one little date. Got it?
Brady: I got it. I got it.
Eve: Good.
Brady: So--so hey, where we gonna go? What are we gonna do?
Eve: I don't know, brady. We got a lot on our plate. We need to wrap up the contest and... gee, I'm thinking maybe-- oh, probably, like, a week from friday.
Brady: Uh, that's probably not gonna work for me. Seriously? A week from friday?
Eve: All right, let me--
Brady: You don't have one time where you can--
Eve: I'll check the calendar. Maybe I can squeeze you in for lunch. You know, we do need to discuss claire's, um, photo shoot.
Brady: Yeah. So--so it would be, like, a, uh--like, a business lunch or something?
Eve: We can order dessert.
Brady: I love dessert. What's your favorite?
Eve: You just calm down.
Brady: I'm--I'm calm.
Eve: This is one date.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Eve: One chance. That's it.
Brady: And that's all I need.
[Soft music]
[Tender music]
[Door opens]
Maggie: Um... I hope I'm not interrupting.
Brady: Mm-mm.
Eve: Oh, no, absolutely not. I just leaving.
Maggie: Did you and eve have a talk?
Brady: Yeah, we did. She is giving me another chance.
Maggie: [Gasps]
Brady: [Laughs]
Maggie: Oh, brady, that's-- that's wonderful.
Brady: Thank you. I'm happy about it. Maggie, thank you for rooting for me. I'm not gonna blow this one. I promise.
Tripp: Got it, theo. Thanks.
Claire: Told you.
Tripp: So you didn't cheat. You just tried.
Claire: No, I won that contest fair and square. And as much as you'd like to make me the reason ciara lost, no, that was all you. You're not gonna tell ciara what I asked theo to do, are you?
Tripp: How can I? She's not speaking to me.
Claire: [Sighs] Tripp, I'm really sorry.
Tripp: So am I.
[Soft music]
Claire: [Sighs] Theo, please, please do this for me. I really need your help. I'm sor-- wait, what do you mean no? This will take you, like, two seconds. Yeah. I'm not putting you in the middle of anything. Theo, I'm your girlfriend. Don't you want me to be happy? Yeah. Okay. Wow, o-okay. Well, obviously your, uh-- your friendship with ciara is a lot more important than your relationship with me. Now she's gonna win, and it's gonna be all your fault.
[Huffs] There's no way in hell I'm gonna win this contest now.
Wyatt: What contest?
[Suspenseful music]
That bike is sweet.
Ciara: Yeah. It was my dad'S. Of all the people in my life, he's the only one that never let me down.
Wyatt: I let you down. I really am sorry.
Ciara: I wanna get out of here. You wanna go for a ride?
Wyatt: Absolutely.
Ciara: I'm driving. Do you have a problem with that?
Wyatt: Nope. [Chuckles]
Miguel: [Speaking spanish] She says it's because of lucas horton. Consider him eliminated.
Lucas: Hey. So...I, uh-- I guess this is good-bye.
[Dramatic music]
Chloe: Does that feel like good-bye?
Lucas: No, not at all. Felt really good.
Chloe: [Laughs]
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