Days Transcript Wednesday 4/11/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 4/11/18


Episode #13251 ~ Stefan and Gabby go to extremes to make sure Marlena doesn't reveal their secret; John starts to worry when Marlena misses their dinner plans; Lucas confronts the person he thinks is behind Chloe's offer; Rafe is rocked by Hope's decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Eve: Oh--

[Phone clatters]

[Light music]

Lucas: If I'm right about miguel's boss...

[Laughs] It makes perfect sense. The big mystery around the boss's identity, the fact he's producing an opera for you, only you, and it's out of the country--it's too obvious, too obvious!

Chloe: Uh, not to me, it isn'T. What do you think it is?

Kate: Well, the sooner that wretched woman is out of my life, the better. Keep me posted. 'Kay.

[Phone beeps]

Rafe: A lie.

[Scoffs] You think what we had was a lie because I did one stupid thing?

Hope: It's not just-- it's not just sami.

Rafe: Oh, no?

Hope: No, it's not, it-- there's a lot more to it.

Rafe: Okay.

Hope: The night that we had the fight.

Rafe: Uh-huh.

Hope: We blew up at each other, we both said things that we never should have said. But...

Rafe: But what?

Hope: You broke our engagement.

Rafe: I--

Hope: You gave up on us.

[Rafe sighs] I asked, um... I asked... I asked belle to draw these up.

Rafe: [Small laugh] Annulment papers. Hmm.

Hope: I've already signed them

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

[Papers rustling]

Hope: It can't come as a total surprise.

Rafe: Just like that?

Hope: No. Not just like that. I had a lot of time to think in hong kong.

Rafe: Yeah. That's what you said you needed, you needed some time and some space, so I gave it to you. And you come back with this? Or had you already made up your mind before you left?

Hope: It's what's best for both of us.

Rafe: So that's it. After everything we had...hmm? No matter how much I love you, that--that...means nothing?

Hope: I know that you love me, and I-- I'm sorry. There's nothing more to talk about. Please...rafe. Just sign it, please.

Gabi: Look, you shouldn't be here, okay? Just go home.

Chad: I know. I promised rafe I'd stay. And,'re a friend, so I'm not going anywhere. Rafe called. Ari's surrounded by the ones that she loves, and... take a seat. Justin's already filed for an appeal.

Gabi: An appeal? Chad, i shouldn't even be here, okay? God! I can't believe... I can't believe I'm here. I mean, with nick--yeah. I deserved it. But this time, I--I'm innocent, okay? You do believe me, right?

Chad: I do. And that's why we're gonna prove that stefan murdered andre and framed you.

Gabi: Even if it means implicating your wife?

Gabby: Please tell me she's still alive.

Stefan: Congratulations, gabby, you haven't killed again.

Gabby: Okay, first of all, abigail is the one who killed andre, and second of all, it's not funny.

Stefan: Right. It's not funny. But did you really think knocking her out was the only option?

Gabby: She figured out that abigail was the one who killed andre. She was gonna go to the cops! I didn't have a choice!

Kate: I know they are in here somewhere.

[Laughs] Hmm...

[Tense music]

[Door closes]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Chad: Yeah, I don't understand why abby would say those things. I just-- I don't know, stefan must have forced her to do it somehow.

Gabi: Yeah, brainwashed her.

Chad: I don't--brainwash, hypnosis, he threatened her-- either way, it doesn't make sense to me, gabi...okay? She loves you.

Gabi: Does she?

Chad: Yes. She does.

Gabi: Well, I have A...I have a thought. I think that...that she helped stefan frame me because deep down... she hasn't forgiven me for being in love with you.

Kate: Boring. Boring. Boring.

Gabby: Someone's here. What are we gonna do?

[Poker clatters]

[Thud, clattering]

[Edgy music]

Kate: I know I heard something.

Eve: Ah-ah-ah! Got it. You know, you need to watch where you're going.

Brady: I'm exactly where i wanna be--for the second time today.

Eve: Give it a rest, please?

Brady: You know, last time we were here, we danced.

Eve: And I was drunk.

Brady: Doesn't matter, we danced. You getting something to eat?

Eve: Lost my appetite.

Brady: I'm sensing low blood sugar with you. Why don't you let me treat you to dinner? Come on, I'm buying.

Eve: My blood sugar is fine, thank you very much, and you need to get it through your thick head that I have zero-- as in zilch, nada, zip-- interest in spending one more minute with you than I have to.

Brady: Then let's make it a business dinner.

Eve: No.

Brady: Hey, I know the rules. It's fine, it's fine. No touching, no knives.

Eve: Uh-huh. No deal.

Brady: Eve, when claire wins the new face of "bella" contest, we're gonna be spending a lot of time with each other, on and off the clock. So I think you should get used to the idea that we're gonna be working together whether you like it or not.

Eve: I don't think so.

Brady: We have a bet.

Eve: Yeah, the bet is if claire wins, right?

Brady: Yeah, but you're gonna give me a second chance if I win the bet, right?

Eve: Have you seen the numbers? Ciara's so far ahead claire's never gonna catch up.

Brady: I wouldn't say that. I'm an optimist.

Eve: Well, you know what? So am I. Which means ciara's gonna win. Which means you're gonna lose. I'm gonna win. Game over!

Brady: [Mouthing words]

-If you told me a year ago

where I'd be right now...

Rafe: You want--really? An annulment? You know what an annulment means?

Hope: It means that the marriage never happened.

Rafe: Well, it did happen, hope. It did, and I'm not gonna pretend that it didn't, okay? We were at your cabin, your family's cabin, we were there, we exchanged vows. You don't remember? "Till death do us part, for better or for worse"?

Hope: Who would have thought "for worse" would be right now?

Rafe: I'm sorry, okay? I am sorry. I made a huge mistake, the biggest mistake of my life. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.

Hope: If you really believed that our marriage, then you never would have had a fling with sami.

Rafe: Okay, it wasn't a fling--it was one night.

Hope: Whatever you wanna call it--one night! Stop saying it was only one night. Stop! It happened.

Rafe: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I regret it, I wish that I could take it back. But this... this...

[Papers slap down] It's not the answer.

Hope: It's the only answer i have.

[Papers rustling] Our marriage--it never should have happened.

[Somber music]

Chloe: So are you gonna tell me who miguel's boss is, or you're just gonna stand there and talk to yourself?

Lucas: I gotta check something out first. But, um, I-I-I--if everything goes the way I think it's gonna go, there is no way you can take this offer. There's no way.

Chloe: But it sounds like an incredible opportunity.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, right. Right. Maybe too incredible.

Chloe: Where are you going?

Lucas: Find out the truth. I'll be right back.

[Edgy music]

Kate: Now, that's strange.

Gabby: Okay. Whew! Whew, that was close. Oh, well, you were brilliant. I mean, again. Bringing her down here to dr. Laura's hideaway? It's the last place anyone'll think to look.

Stefan: Well, I like what dr. Laura's done with the place.

Gabby: Hmm. You know, she had help.

Stefan: Excellent taste. It's almost homey.

Gabby: Well, at first dr. Laura made it just as a place for us to change, but then it's kind of become a real sanctuary, you know, our own private little club.

Stefan: What are you doing?

Gabby: Oh, dr. Laura just thinks she's so smart. I kinda like to mess with her sometimes. I mean, she's not gonna be happy about this.

Stefan: I know. There weren't many other options, though.

Gabby: I know. So...I mean, what do we do when dr. Evans wakes up?

[Intense music]

Real cheese people know

good things come in threes.

Brady: Hey, you.

John: Hey!

Brady: You solo tonight, or--

John: Oh, well, no, actually, I'm supposed to meet doc here for dinner, but, uh...I don't know. She hasn't gotten back to me yet. You wanna hang with your old man while I wait here, unless you've got other plans?

Brady: I--pffft--I don'T. It's not for lack of trying, either.

John: Yeah? What's going on?

Brady: Well, I ran into eve out there and asked her if she wanted to have dinner, but turns out she still hates my guts.

John: Ah. Well, kid, I'm sorry that things are that bad between the two of you. But you know what? I got a beer and I got an ear, so you wanna tell me what's going on?

Brady: Well...I screwed up. Big-time.

Eve: Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo. Earth to chloe.

Chloe: Hey, sorry. Caught me daydreaming.

Eve: Well, I hope it's certainly something wonderful, fantastic, and completely out of this world, 'cause I really need to hear that somebody's got some magic in their life.

Chloe: Well, actually, it's A...crazy job offer that kinda came outta nowhere.

Eve: All right, well, share and I'll have a glass of red wine to go with the details.

Chloe: Well...

[Exhales] It seems that somebody saw one of my performances in vienna and they wanna produce an opera for me to star in.

Eve: [Gasps] Oh, my god! That is so wonderful!

Chloe: Yeah, it's A... once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Eve: And how come you're not shooting sparkles? What--what's the problem?

Chloe: Well, it seems that the circumstances are a bit... unusual.

Eve: Well, unusual can be managed.

Chloe: Yeah, except lucas thinks that something shady's going on.

Lucas: Mom! We need to talk.

Kate: Did you break it off with chloe?

Lucas: No.

Kate: But you're not drinking.

Lucas: No, no, I'm not drinking.

Kate: Good. But you're still seeing chloe, so you haven't seen the light.

Lucas: Mm, no, no, no, I have seen the light. I've totally seen the light! Did you really think you were gonna get away with this? Really?

Chad: No, you're wrong. There's no secret resentment about anything. What? There's not.

Gabi: Sure about that? There's no secret resentment about anything?

Chad: Absolutely not, no. Abby is secure in her love. She has been for a very long time.

[Background chatter] What?

Gabi: Nothing.

Chad: No, say it.

Gabi: [Sighs] Okay, look, no woman is that secure.

Chad: Come on.

Gabi: No, it's true, I mean, maybe it's a little sexist for me to say, but women definitely have a hard time with jealousy. And the people that have spoken the most to me about jealousy have been women. So I know that it doesn't go away completely.

Chad: Okay. What's your point?

Gabi: Jealousy, chad! It doesn't go away, okay? Look, what you and I had, it wasn't just a casual fling, okay? We had a serious relationship. Or...I mean, it was serious to me, so...

Chad: It was for me too.

Gabi: Right. Then you, you know, you made sure I understood that you loved abigail more, and that does not negate that you and I had something that was special.

Chad: Okay, look, it's-- it's--you're missing the point, gabi, okay? It wasn't about more. And [Stammers] I-- what I'm trying to say is she's the mother of my child. Okay? And...abby loves you. She would never do anything like that out of spite.

Gabi: Well, I was really feeling the love when, uh, she told the world I confessed to killing andre.

Chad: That's not fair. Abby would never willingly lie or collude with stefan. Ever.

Gabi: She did lie, okay? Maybe not consciously.

Chad: What does that mean?

Gabi: Abigail swears on thomas' life that she's telling the truth. And I swear on arianna's life that I'm telling the truth. She just believes it.

Chad: And?

Gabi: And chad, have you ever stopped to think that maybe her mental illness is back?

Chad: No--[Ahem]--Why would you say that?

Gabi: I don't know, do you remember when she was saying that she was seeing ben weston everywhere? I mean, maybe she imagined i said that I killed andre.

Chad: Yeah, of course i remember. I lived through it with her, okay? I know all the signs of ptsd, all right? I-- you saw how abby was when ben showed up at the wedding, okay? She was stronger than hell.

Gabi: She let him have it.

Chad: Yeah, and if anything was gonna make her crack, it would have been that. It didn'T. Abby's fine.

Stefan: [Exhales] What to do with the good doctor.

Gabby: Can't exactly set her free. She knows too much.

Stefan: If she talks, abigail goes to prison.

Gabby: Or a psych ward. And our chances of being together are gone. They'll zap her, mind-meld her, medicate life will be over before it's even started.

Stefan: Stop. I'm not gonna let that happen. Okay?

Gabby: But what are we--how do we get out of this mess? We can't just let her stay down here.

Stefan: Haven't I always promised to protect you? Hmm?

Gabby: Yeah.

Stefan: Don't I always figure something out?

Gabby: [Laughs] You do.

Stefan: Good.

Gabby: But this time... I think if we're gonna make sure that the truth doesn't get out...we have to get rid of dr. Evans for good.

[Dramatic chords]

Copd makes it hard to breathe.

John: Wow. Yeah, yeah, son, i would say that you just took screwin' up to a whole nother level.

[Laughs] Quite the ass, right?

John: To purposely lead a woman on just to break her heart? Come on, kid, that's not you. Now, definitely sounds like something vic migh-- this whole thing was his idea, wasn't it?

Brady: Eh, yeah. But, hey, I agreed to it. So I'm just as guilty, right?

John: All so you could be ceo of titan? Come on, kid, whatever happened to getting things the old-fashioned way? You know, a little bit of hard work, use your brains, integrity? Come on!

Brady: Dad, dad, dad, i thought--I convinced myself that if I gave grandfather what he wanted, if I got basic black back and gave it back to him... then I could take control of my own life again, you know?

John: Yeah. But you didn't expect to be falling in love with eve, did you?

Brady: No. That wasn't part of the plan. You should--you should see eve with tate, dad, with my son. She's so good with him. And he digs her. It's--and when we're together, we laugh and we have these conversations. I just love our chemistry together the time I realized i was head over heels for this woman, I convinced myself that i could give my grandfather what he wanted. I could have eve as well, it would-- I'm an idiot.

[Silverware clatters] It was a stupid plan, right?

John: really do love her, don't you?

Brady: Dad, I love the hell out of her. I'm gonna get her back.

Eve: So this miguel guy--they won't tell you who his boss is? I mean, what's that about?

Chloe: Supposedly, this person wants to keep a low profile.

Eve: Well, that's doable, isn't it?

Chloe: Yeah, I mean, I guess, and miguel does seem legit to me. I think it's a real job offer, but lucas thinks it's something weird and he's out investigating as we speak. I just hope his investigating doesn't mean he's gonna try to attack miguel again.

Eve: Really? Are you kidding me?

Chloe: Yeah, uh, it was a misunderstanding.

Eve: Well, it sounds like lucas is a little possessive to me.

Chloe: Well, maybe more like overprotective? I don't know, I just... it feels kinda nice to have someone looking out for you after being alone for so long.

Eve: Yeah. Instead of somebody stabbing you in the back.

Chloe: Oh, my god, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking--

Eve: No, no, hey, no, no, no. Look, I am so over it. Right? Anyway, we're talking about you and you grabbing this chance to launch yourself into opera stardom. And, if I'm correct, which i think I am, it's something that you've always wanted, right?

Chloe: It is, but--

Eve: What what? Hey, hey... buts squash your dreams. Don't let that happen. I want you to go home, you pack your bags, take this first-class ticket, and don't look back. Come on.

Chloe: I would, but lucas thinks that--

Eve: Who cares what lucas thinks? Or any man thinks? Don't let them stop you from pursuing your dreams! They'll only break your heart in the end. They're not worth it.

Kate: Get away with what? I have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about.

Lucas: Really? Miguel and offering chloe a job in mexico? Really?

Kate: Well, w-who's miguel? And believe me, mexico wouldn't be nearly far away enough.

Lucas: You know, I know exactly how you operate--you dangled that countess wilhelmina job in front of me just to see if I'd take it, right? And when I didn't take it--because i wouldn't stop seeing chloe--you went to plan B. Which was what, try to get her out of the country? Offer some fake opera gig in the middle of nowhere? Come on!

Kate: We both know that chloe is very easily distracted by shiny, pretty things.

Lucas: Oh, wow, you are too much, too much with the flowers and the first-class ticket. That was great, mom, nice touch, really. Oh! And miguel. What a great guy that was. What a hire you had there! He went on and on about how his boss just loved to see chloe in vienna and how he was taken by her voice and he couldn't wait to see her in mexico--blah, blah, blah! I'm not buying any of that crap!

Kate: Well, I don't blame you for being suspicious. I mean, she's not that talented.

Lucas: All right, enough, stop it! Tell me the truth! Did you do this? Is this your doing?

Kate: Honey, obviously, I do not wanna see you involved with chloe, but really, do you think I'd do something that extreme?

Lucas: Poisonous brownies. You remember those, right? Are those extreme enough for you?

Kate: Okay. Seriously? That is enough. Look, do I wish that I had thought of this idea, appealing to her ego? Yes, I do. But I had absolutely nothing to do with this job offer. If you ask me, she'd be an idiot to pass it up.

[Edgy music]

Rafe: You're hurt. And you're angry. And you have every right to be, but we love each other. Hope, I know you love me. Don't stand there and deny it. Don't we owe it to ourselves to at least try and make this marriage work?

Hope: This marriage? This...marriage?

Rafe: Yes.

Hope: When I think about us in the cabin... promising to love... to cherish, to honor... I don't feel joy. I don't feel happiness. You know what I feel? I feel like a fool. I feel... tricked. Like everything I thought I knew about you...about us, it-- it was a lie. Can't build a life on a lie.

Rafe: [Whispers] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Hope: Rafe.


Rafe: [Whispers] Hope.

Hope: Please. Just sign the papers.

[Somber music]

[Papers rustling]

Rafe: Not a chance in hell. The noble tortilla was created

Chloe: You are just down on men and love because of brady.

Eve: Well, that does not mean that my advice is wrong.

Chloe: So is he still trying to win you back?

Eve: Yeah. He's an idiot.

[Both giggling] He made a bet with me.

Chloe: Really? Okay, this i have to hear.

Eve: Well, got that new face of "bella" magazine contest. If claire wins, then I have to give him another chance.

Chloe: And you agreed to that?

Eve: Mm-hmm. Because ciara is so far ahead, there's no way that claire's ever gonna catch up. Which means...brady has to back off and leave me alone.

Chloe: Which is what you want.

Eve: Yeah. Absolutely. I just-- why are you looking at me like that?

Chloe: I'm just thinking that maybe you took that bet because it'll give brady another chance to make it work, all while protecting that wounded pride.

Eve: Okay, just so we're clear, my pride and I want nothing to do with that man.

Chloe: Okay.

Eve: Okay. Okay. And right now, I'm just focusing on my career, and you know what? Glass up. I suggest you do the same.

Lucas: You want chloe to take this job, right? You would love it if she left me.

Kate: [Laughs] There's nothing I'd like better than to see her on the other side of the planet. But, putting my feelings aside, it's kind of a dream job for the little songbird, isn't it?

Lucas: Yeah, except for it stinks all over. If this benefactor's legit, what's with all the secrecy?

Kate: Well, I don't know. I mean, if I were a fan of chloe, I'd kind of be ashamed of it too.

Lucas: Really? Really?

Kate: Sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. She is--she's gifted. She really is, and I think it's--I think it's an opportunity to be able to share that gift with lots of people far away from here. And i think, actually, you could be more supportive.

Lucas: I'm worried about her. I'm worried about this stalker. Could be a scam. It could be a scam, you know. I'm trying to protect her.

Kate: Are you? Are you trying to protect her? Or are you just being selfish because you're afraid that if she leaves town again, she's gonna forget all about you?

Lucas: Oh, there it is. I knew you'd do that. Thanks for the support, as always.

Kate: What do you want me to say, lucas?

Lucas: I want you to swear to me--swear to me that you had nothing to do with this.

Kate: I swear.

Lucas: You're amazing. After all this time, I still can't tell if you're telling the truth or not!

Kate: Wh--are you--lucas! Lucas!

Gabi: If abigail isn't mentally ill, then I don't know how to explain her blatantly lying on the stand.

Chad: I think--[Ahem] I think stefan got to her somehow.

Gabi: Yeah, but you don't have any proof.

Chad: She's been off ever since we got back from hong kong.

Gabi: What does that have to do with anything?

Chad: I think stefan took her there to...

[Scoffs] Do something to her, brainwash, hypnotize--I know it sounds crazy.

Gabi: Yeah, that's a little farfetched.

Chad: For a man who's trying to recreate himself in the image of stefano dimera? That's exactly what he would do. I'm gonna prove it, okay? I just need some time.

Gabi: Chad, I don't have... a lot of time, okay? I'm facing life in prison because of abigail. My only chance of getting out of here... is--is if you prove that your wife lieD.

Stefan: I'm not a murderer, gabby. I'll find another way to deal with marlena.

Gabby: Okay, but until then?

Stefan: Until then, we just keep her locked up in here.

Gabby: Well, she's gonna wake up. And she's gonna call for help, and someone's gonna hear her, and then we're gonna be toast.

Stefan: The walls are thick. We're underground. I'm pretty sure it's soundproof in here.

Gabby: But what about her family? What about the john black guy? He's gonna be wondering where she is, and they're gonna go to her office, they're gonna check her schedule, see she had an appointment with abigail--

Stefan: Hold on, you're getting ahead of yourself. Abigail's name on the schedule doesn't prove anything, but you're right--we do need to be proactive.

Gabby: Cover our tracks?

Stefan: Yes, uh...I'm gonna start by moving marlena's car before anyone sees it. Of course there's no signal down here. But she got a text from john. They're supposed to have dinner tonight.

Gabby: Well, she missed it, and now he's probably wondering where she is. Stefan, how in the world are we gonna pull this off?

7 days ago, karen wasn't

thinking about

John: Eve agreed to the bet. I have to say that's a pretty good sign. You know, maybe...listen, maybe underneath all that anger, what she really wants to do is just give you a second shot.

Brady: Ah, no, not the way she's putting it, dad.

John: She could have said no, son.

Brady: She could have said no, yeah.

John: Right. It's not like doc to be a no show. I'm gonna shoot over to her office, see if maybe she got tied up at work. Are we good here?

Brady: Yeah. I'm better. Thank you for understanding...

John: Hey, hey, anytime. Anytime. You know that, kid. All right. Listen... if this is the real deal, she'll be back.

[Soft music]

Brady: We have to stop meeting like this.

Eve: You're damn right we do.

Hope: Why are you making this harder than it has to be?

Rafe: Shouldn't it be hard to walk away from a marriage?

Hope: We were married less than 24 hours before I found out what you'd done.

Rafe: We've been in love for a long time. I can barely remember what it was like before you walked into my life. I don't wanna remember! I barely ate or slept the whole time you were gone--all I could think about was how I hurt you, how I hurt the person that i love the most in the world. And if I could take it all back, you know I would, you know I... you know I would.

Hope: I do.

Rafe: Okay.

Hope: But knowing what i know, I cannot stay in this marriage. I can'T.

[Somber music]

[Suspenseful music]

John: Okay. So where could she be? Come on, doc.

Gabby: That's it. We're done.

[Scoffs] Why did I have to bash her over the head? I ruined everything. I mean, I might as well just give up and let dr. Laura take over, 'cause she's gonna be so pissed.

Stefan: Stop. Stop. Stop. Look at me. There's no giving up here. You are the one abigail relied on when things got tough. You fought for her enough. Fight for yourself.

Gabby: Well, it was a lot easier when I didn't have something to lose. And now I have you. I mean, you make me feel like I'm real, like... I mean something and I am someone. You know, I don't wanna lose that.

Stefan: You're not gonna lose anything... because I won't let you. All right? Trust me?

Gabby: I do.

Stefan: Okay. I'm gonna move marlena's car. I'll respond to john's text just as soon as I get a signal. That'll buy us some time until we can sort out a plan.

Gabby: I'm gonna pack some clothes and hang them in the tunnels...just in case.

Stefan: All right.

Gabby: Okay.

[Tense music]

Hope: Obviously, nothing about this is easy for either one of us. But ending this marriage, it is--it's the right thing to do.

Rafe: No, it's not.

Hope: Yes, it is!

Rafe: No, it's not, and I'm not gonna give up on you, and I'm not giving up on us.

Hope: You don't have a choice.

Rafe: Actually, I do.

Hope: No, you don-- rafe.

[Soft music]

Chloe: Oh, hey, that was quick.

Lucas: Yeah.

Chloe: What, mystery solved?

Lucas: Ah, well, um...i thought my mom was behind this.

Chloe: Why would kate offer me a job?

Lucas: To keep us apart. Sorry.

Chloe: That is so kate. So what did she have to say?

Lucas: Well, she denied it. You know, but of course, she would like you out of the country--that wouldn't hurt.

Chloe: Oh. That's not a surprise. Do you think she was telling the truth?

Lucas: I don't know. I don't know, with her it's just so hard to tell, you know?

Chloe: Yeah. So...this could be a legitimate job offer? That's what you're saying?

Lucas: I don't know about legitimate--that's a push, right? It's weird! Right? This--this thing is super weird. And you're not agreeing with me at all, are you?

Chloe: Lucas, I have to be honest, I...just really wanna take this offer.

[Somber music]

Chad: All right, I guess i should probably leave. Looks like she's getting ready to throw me out.

Gabi: Thank you. Yeah, thank you so much for... for being here and for believing in me and fighting for me.

Chad: Of course. You're not alone, gabi.

Gabi: Will you tell arianna i love her, please?

Chad: Absolutely.

Gabi: I didn't get to say good-bye to her.

Chad: Can't bring her by?

Gabi: No. I don't want her to--I just don't want her to see me in this place, okay?

Chad: You're not gonna be here long, okay? I'll prove what I need to prove.

Gabi: Okay.

[Dark music]

[Phone beeps]

Stefan: That should keep you occupied for a while, mr. Black.

[Suspenseful music]

Kate: Were you down in the tunnels?

Stefan: It was open when i came in. The hinges must be loose, so I'll make sure it gets fixed so thomas doesn't wander down there--it's dangerous.

Kate: It's not the only dangerous thing in this room.

John: Come on, doc, where are you?

[Beep beep] "Sorry I missed dinner. Still with a patient."

[Suspenseful music]

[Intense musical buildup]

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