Days Transcript Thursday 3/15/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 3/15/18


Episode #13232 ~ A vulnerable Gabby opens up to Stefan, and she makes a bold decision; Chad confides in Kate his concerns about Abigail; JJ calls Valerie on her negativity toward him and Lani; Eli lays down the law with Julie.

Provided By Suzanne

[Tense music]


Chad: Interesting.

Kayla: Okay, abigail. We can do those tests. All right, well... where's my glasses? Hmm.

Dr. Laura: What do you think you're doing?

Stefan: Well, look who it is. Hello, dr. Laura. I found your little dressing room in the tunnels.

Dr. Laura: You had no right to snoop around back there.

Stefan: It is my house. I have every right. Put this on.

Dr. Laura: Why?

Stefan: Because I'd like to speak to gabby. Now.

Dr. Laura: Well, I'm sorry, but gabby's not allowed to come out right now.

Stefan: I'm afraid I have to insist.

Dr. Laura: Well, I'm afraid that's not how it works.

Stefan: Because you're the gate keeper?

Dr. Laura: No, because you're the one who's interfered with something that you know nothing abouT.

Stefan: I'm just trying to help.

Dr. Laura: You've made matters worse. Your involvement with gabby is neither wise nor prudent. It hurts gabby, and it hurts abigail just as much. So it needs to be done with. Now give me the wig and let's get this over with.

Stefan: Or... or I could call the salem pd and tell detective price what your patient abigail did to andre.

Dr. Laura: That would make an already complicated situation messier.

Stefan: I like messy. So let me talk to gabby or I make the call.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Jj: Again, thank you for your concern, dr. Grant, but my aunt reassured me that lani is going to be fine. And with all due respect, our wedding plans... well, that's between me and lani. And how it'll effect the baby? I'm sorry, but that's really none of your business.

Valerie: No, you're wrong. It is my business.

Lani: What's going on?

Jj: Hey, um... I was just talking about our baby and the wedding plans...

Lani: Yeah.

Jj: Dr. Grant seems to have an opinion about both.

Valerie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

Jj: Yeah, but you did. Because I am trying to figure out why you are pushing so hard for us to postpone the wedding until after our baby is born.

Abe: Yeah, you do seem... rather adamant, valerie. Why is that?

Eli: Gabby loved arianna's drawing. It was actually the only thing that made her smile. Will you tell arianna for me? Okay. Yeah, I'll be in touch if anything changes, dr. Evans. I hope that gabi will be free soon too. Bye.

[Door opens]

Julie: Eli? Oh, thank god you're here. I just heard on the news gabi was found trying to destroy evidence. Is it true? And what was it?

Eli: You know I can't discuss an ongoing investigation.

Julie: [Sighs] Eli, I'm your grandmother.

Eli: And I love you, but I can't tell you anything more than that gabi was found with evidence that's pertinent to her case.

Julie: [Sighs] I'm so, so sorry.

Eli: That means a lot. I mean, the way you went off on gabi at hope and rafe's wedding, I'm kind of surprised you're here.

Julie: I cannot imagine how much you must be hurting. How devastating this must be for you. Find out that the woman you love is once again guilty as charged.

Eli: Are you serious? Gabi is innocent, okay? She didn't kill andre.

Julie: Well, if she didn't, can you tell me who did?


[Dramatic music]

Chad: Andre's phone. I got you now, you son of a bitch.

[Door slams]

Kate: What're you doing in here?

Chad: What am I doing in here? I'm bringing my brother's murderer to justice.

Dr. Laura: If you call detective price, then abigail will be arrested for murder. Now that puts gabby in a cell as well, and I don't think that's what you want.

Stefan: Abigail committed a crime. Unless you agree to my demands, I will make the call.

Dr. Laura: My job is to protect abigail and gabby.

Stefan: Then there is your answer.

Dr. Laura: When you ripped the wig off of gabby's head, you destroyed her reality and her sense of self. You made her aware that she's not a real person, but that she's an alter created to shield abigail, and to make matters even worse, you've weakened my influence over her.

Stefan: Maybe that's a good thing.

Dr. Laura: There is nothing good about an alter that grows too powerful. She's become very difficult to control.

Stefan: Then let me help her. Try and undo some of the damage. Let me talk to gabby.

Dr. Laura: You have real feelings for her, don't you?

Stefan: I'm just worried about her.

Dr. Laura: Hmm. You know, you'll never get what you want. You will never have abigail.

Stefan: Yeah, because she's in love with chad. I get it.

Dr. Laura: And as much as you'd like to believe it's possible, you can't have gabby either.

Stefan: I just wanna talk to her.

Dr. Laura: I think you've said enough. Anymore would do more harm than good.

Stefan: Listen to me. If I can just get through to her, maybe I can reel her back in and she won't be so prone to screw things up for you and abigail. Right? That's a win-win for everyone.

Dr. Laura: You know, gabby might not be very happy to see you.

Stefan: I'll take my chances.

Dr. Laura: And if I refuse?

Stefan: Then I turn abigail in to the police for the murder of andre dimera.

Dr. Laura: Hmm. You would really do it, wouldn't you? Give me this wig. Let's go upstairs. We don't need an audience.

[Suspenseful music]

'Sup, world? It's the box with 30% savings for safe drivers.

Kate: I can't believe it.

Chad: I told you I'd find something.

Kate: [Sighs] Where's stefan?

Chad: Working from the house today.

Kate: Did you break in?

Chad: No.

Kate: The desk wasn't locked?

Chad: Maybe. Yeah, okay. What am I gonna do? I'm gonna let a lock stop me from figuring out what the hell happened to my brother?

Kate: I know that andre had his phone before he was killed, and it was missing from the body when abigail found him, which means stefan could have taken it after he killed andre.

Chad: We got that son of a bitch.

Kate: [Exhales sharply] God. Okay, I'm calling the police.

Chad: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I want to handle this in person.

Kate: What're you talking about? This is exactly what they've been looking for. This is the evidence that could change everything. It could help free gabi.

Chad: Yeah, I know, okay, but he's gotten away with too damn much and I wanna look him in the eyes.

Kate: And do what? Tell him that you won and he lost? And then you're gonna get into it with him? Maybe, what, get into a brawl with him? Because that is exactly what stefan wants. He wants you to lose your cool. He wants you to attack him, and then he's gonna use that against you with shin and the dimera board.

Chad: He's going down for this, and I want a front row seat.

Kate: I understand that. I really do. But perhaps it would be more effective if he never saw you coming.

Jennifer: Hey. Did you lose something?

Kayla: Yes, my glasses, but they've gotta be somewhere here, right? I mean, they can't just get up and walk away. Unlike abigail. Have you seen her? I am ready to run her tests.

Jennifer: What? What do you mean? What tests?

Kayla: Oh.

[Exhales] I'm sorry. Never mind. I thought you were here to check on her.

Jennifer: No, I came here to check on steve, but if there's something wrong with abigail, I wanna know what it is.

Gabby: Oh, god.



[Tense music]


Stefan: Gabby?

Gabby: You blew me up. Everything that I thought that I knew about myself. I'm just some stupid impersonator in a wig.

Stefan: No, no, you're much more than that.

Gabby: Oh, is that what you were thinking when you ripped my hair off. Was it good for you?

Stefan: No, I never meant to hurt you or humiliate you.

Gabby: Oh, well, big fail on that.

Stefan: I just wanted you to see the truth.

Gabby: Oh, don't worry. Dr. Laura has already unloaded a whole dictionary of truth on me. See, I'm not a real person. Okay? I'm just some--what do you call it? An alter. A gabi hernandez wannabe. And apparently, the greatest perk to my personality is the fact that I have a motive for wanting andre dimera dead. Did I cover everything?

Stefan: Pretty much.

Gabby: So abigail goes and brains this guy and then leaves me to clean up the mess. Way to screw me over. You know, I honestly thought that I did it. I was freaking out and running around all over town trying to cover up my tracks. Turns out I'm only covering hers.

Stefan: There is a bright side.

Gabby: Can't wait to hear what that is.

Stefan: You didn't kill andre or nick fallon, for that matter.

Gabby: Whoo-hoo. I'm not a double murderer.

Stefan: Look, if it came down to it, it wouldn't have let anything happen to you. That's why I framed the real gabi hernandez.

Gabby: Okay, maybe I am a tiny bit grateful for that. But if I'm not the real gabi, then...

Stefan: Then what?

Gabby: [Sighs] Who am I? Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Eli: We don't know who did it.

Julie: Or is it that you're just not ready to accept the truth?

Eli: You know, there isn't a chance in hell that gabi killed andre. All right? And that's a fact. She was set up.

Julie: Because you have the proof? Or because you love her?

Eli: [Scoffs]

Julie: All right. Maybe gabi was set up. But she was just found trying to destroy evidence and she's killed before and the odds are not in her favor.

Eli: You love this, don't you?

Julie: Of course I don'T. I love you. That's why I'm here.

Eli: Then if you love me, I need you to stand behind gabi. Believe in her because I'm not giving up until I find the evidence that proves she's innocent.

Julie: Oh, I love your dedication to the law and to gabi, but, honey, when are you gonna give this up? Look at the hernandez family. Eduardo is behind bars. Dario is on the lamb from some drug lord. Rafe cheated on hope with sami dimera of all people. And gabi has killed before. You deserve better. You deserve... you deserve a woman who is worthy to raise your future children.

[Dramatic music]

Valerie: I'm really sorry if you think I haven't been supportive enough. It's just that I... I care so much. You know, honey, you and I are in a committed relationship, so that means this baby is gonna be a part of my life, and I would just hate to see anything go wrong because the two of you rushed into something so quickly.

Lani: Valerie, I really appreciate your concern, I do, but we've thought about this and it's what we both want.

Jj: Lani's right. This is right. Starting our family and making it official. I'm sorry if I was rude, but I have to be honest, from the day I asked abe's permission to marry lani, your lack of enthusiasm has been pretty obvious, and I asked you that day point blank if it was about me and you told me that it wasn't, so what am I missing?

Valerie: Jj, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I think you're a wonderful man, and I wish you nothing but happiness.

Jj: Valerie, help me understand.

Lani: You know how much jj loves me and what this baby means to us and to him, so please, valerie, can you just be happy for us.

Valerie: I am. I am. I just--I truly want the best for you and lani and the baby. It's just, um... you know, this really... it makes me think about my own son.

Abe: What does eli have to do with jj and lani's baby?

Valerie: Everything.

Gabby: You know, if I'm not the real gabi hernandez, then who am I? I mean what am I? I'm not even real.

Stefan: Of course you are.

Gabby: No, I'm not. I'm some coping mechanism for abigail.

[Sighs] I don't feel like a coping mechanism. I... [Sighs] I feel like me. You know, I want things. I know things and I wanna do things, but dr. Laura wants to keep me buckled up in the back seat. She can shove it. 'Cause gabby's out, she's proud, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna go back to abigail's dark, dank, miserable, little attic.

Stefan: That's quite a speech.

Gabby: I meant every word. And as ticked off as I am at you...

[Sighs] I know I wouldn't be who I am or who I'm not if it weren't for you. So, thank you. I think.

Stefan: You're welcome. I think.

Gabby: Now did you want to give me a kiss good-bye? I'm outta here. Sometimes you just need a little "me" time.

Abe: I'm confused. What does eli have to do with this baby?

Valerie: I just keep thinking about what I went through as a young mother with him.

Jj: Well, lani's and my situation is totally different. I want to be a part of my baby's life.

Valerie: Yes. Yeah, of course you do. But I'm talking about my own guilt, jj. You know, I think about just how selfish I was depriving a father of getting to know and love a child. He would have been so happy to know. Yeah, I think about how different things might have been if I had just had the courage to tell the truth.

Lani: You made the decision that you felt was best, valerie, for the baby and everyone involved. I respect that.

Abe: Oh, hey, you know... I forgot. For my first grandchild. And hopefully not my last.


Lani: Dad...

[Giggles] It's beautiful.

Abe: Thank you. Thank you. Why don't we celebrate with a round of coffee? And since I don't see the owner, I'll go grab the pot.

Valerie: Yeah.

Jj: All right.

Lani: [Chuckles] Can you get me a tea?

Jj: Yeah, whatever my baby mama wants.

Lani: [Laughs softly]

[Tense music]

Don't you see what you're doing? If you don't stop with the comments and the interference, jj is gonna figure out that something is wrong.

Valerie: Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. That is my grandchild that you're carrying, yet all I'm hearing is "this is none of your business."

Lani: Because it's not.

Valerie: Well, you can pretend all you want, but nothing changes the fact that that is my grandchild. You know how horrible it is for me to hear secondhand that you had to spend the night in the hospital. How scared I was about what's wrong with the baby.

Lani: I am sorry that you're worried and that you feel left out, but eli agreed to let jj raise this baby as his own. So you need to find some way to accept that and stay the hell out of this.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Door closes] Chad, what's up?

Chad: Hey, can you meet me at the dimera offices? I think I found something that might lead to the arrest of andre's real murderer.

Lani: What did you find?

Chad: I'd rather not say over the phone.

Lani: I'm on my way.

Chad: I'm in stefan dimera's office.

Lani: Got it.

Chad: And, hey, lani, can you just keep this to yourself?

Lani: I'll be right there.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone beeps]

Kate: Nicely played.

Chad: Not as nice as a haymaker right to the dome.

Kate: Hey, look. Stefan is dangerous. It's much better if we play this accordingly.

Chad: Yeah, you're right. Thanks for talking me down. I know that we should just let the authorities handle this.

Kate: Well, it's all the same in the end. Stefan and hopefully vivian are behind bars and gabi's free.

Chad: Yeah, and hopefully with the real killer caught, abby can finally find some peace.

Kate: She's taking this pretty hard, isn't she?

Chad: She's not well. She's not sleeping. She's having nightmares, headaches, forgetting things.

Kate: I had no idea.

Chad: I've been really worried about her. I just want this done with 'cause I'm just terrified that she's gonna get sick again. I can't have that.

Jennifer: Kayla, is abigail sick? What's going on?

Kayla: You know, I can't say anything.

Jennifer: She's my daughter.

Kayla: I know, and she came to me in confidence as a doctor, and asked me not to say anything to anyone, including chad, and I just can't betray that.

Jennifer: Kayla, please. Mother to mother, just tell me something. Anything.

Kayla: I really can'T. I'm sorry.

[Cell phone ringing] Oh, sorry. I thought that might be abigail, but it's not. Listen, I'm gonna step out and take this, all right? I'll be back.

Jennifer: Okay.

[Cell phone beeps]

Kayla: Hello?

[Dramatic music]

Stefan: Back up a minute. What do you mean you're leaving?

Gabby: The gabby is out of the bottle, and there's no way I'm going back inside. If I stay here, dr. Laura'll cork me up for good.

Stefan: Well, it's not like you can outrun her.

Gabby: Watch me. I'm getting stronger with every breath. If I stay here, then I'm gonna wind up exactly where dr. Laura wants me. Same as dead, and that's not gonna happen.

Stefan: You might want to think this through.

Gabby: There's nothing to think about. I'm on the next plane, train, or automobile out of town.

Stefan: Okay. What about the wig? You taking that with you?

Gabby: Is that a crack?

Stefan: No. Just curious.

Gabby: In the beginning, the wig made me feel more like gabby, but now, it just makes me feel free. So it stays.

Stefan: I'm not saying it shouldn'T. But leaving town, your whole life is here.

Gabby: No, the real gabi's life is here. Abigail's life is here. Mine? Not so much. How am I supposed to be myself if I run into abigail's husband or kid or mom or some friend or family member. I'd be on my way to the real dr. Laura, abigail's grandma, and you know what that means. Shady hills. Which is not an option for living large, which is exactly what I intend to do. So... sayonara, salem.

Stefan: No, no, can't let you do that.

Eli: If you're gonna trash gabi, you can leave.

Julie: That woman...

Eli: Killed nick fallon. Let it go. He was the monster, not her.

Julie: Nick was not a monster. He was not perfect, and she took his life.

Eli: Have you seen gabi with her daughter? She's an angel. Or with her family or friends? She would do anything for the people that she loves, which oddly enough reminds me a lot of you.

Julie: Me? I'm nothing like her.

Eli: You are very much you. But like it or not, grandma, the one thing that you do have in common with gabi is you both love hard and you don't back down. Look. I love you both, but if you can't find it in your big heart to show gabi at least some kindness... then you and I are done.

Chad: So I was actually just dropping off these folders and i found the phone. I didn't touch it. I didn't touch anything. Kate can back that up.

Kate: Yes, it's definitely my husband's phone. I just wanna know why stefan had it.

Lani: This is a real break. Thank you for the call.

Chad: I'm just glad we could help.

Lani: Trask will be very happy to hear this.

Chad: Trask? I thought you worked for hope.

Lani: The commissioner's out of town. Trask specifically asked me to keep her informed in any and all updates in the case.

Chad: I don't know if you're aware of this, but I actually saw the da having drinks with stefan on valentine's day. I mean, isn't that kind of a conflict of interest?

Kate: I mean, I really think the last person she's gonna wanna go after is her new friend. I mean, especially when it'd be so much easier just to hang it on a convicted murderer.

Chad: Yeah, somebody she's gunning for already.

Lani: There's protocol.

Chad: Yeah, but then there's the facts. I mean, look, all you have is the phone. So until you put all the pieces together and everything pans out, maybe it's best if you don't report anything to trask just quite yet.

Gabby: Let go of me.

Stefan: You can't run from dr. Laura. Or from abigail. You share the same body, you're in the same head. You walk out that door, you create total chaos for abigail.

Gabby: Well, it's not like she's ever done me any favors.

Stefan: Listen to me. Once dr. Laura regains control, she will shove you into the darkest corner of abigail's brain and you will never see the light of day.

Gabby: [Scoffs] Let her try.

Stefan: You know I'm right. You know I'm right. As much as you wanna freewheel it out of here, you have to realize... okay, you have to realize that dr. Laura will always be one step ahead of you.

Gabby: Please. I can take her any day.

Stefan: Maybe. But what about abigail? Can you suppress her too? She's the host. Once she resurfaces... you'll get shoved right back in.

Gabby: What are you, like, an expert after reading one book?

Stefan: Am I wrong?

Gabby: Well, that's a chance that I'm willing to take because I'm my own woman now and I want to be free.

Stefan: What about abigail's family? You thought about them?

Gabby: I really would rather not.

Stefan: They've already lost her once. You run, they won't let her go so easily.

Gabby: She's such a wimp. You'd think they'd be glad she was gone.

Stefan: [Sighs] What about chad, hmm? Abigail's the love of his life. He will scour the four corners of this earth to find her. You'll never be free. You'll always be on the run. Is that what you want?

Gabby: What's it to you, hmm? Why do you care if I go or stay? For my constipation,

Julie: You don't mean that.

Eli: Sorry, grandma, but if I'm forced to choose, I will.

Julie: I'm the one who's sorry. I've had my back up where gabi is concerned from the beginning. She was involved with nick. Then she was involved with jj. Then she was involved with you. I just want what's best for you.

Eli: That's gabi. Grandma, I love her. I just hope that I'm good enough for her.

Julie: You're slaying dragons for her. You're my flesh and blood. You're more than good enough. I look at you, I see david. Well, I see his spirit and his passion and... if only I'd been able to love him the way he needed to be loved. To understand him and what drove him and... and I'm not gonna get that chance again. And I'll just have to live with my regrets... all the days of my life. And then you come along. Such a gift to me. A beautiful grandson. Being a part of your life, it means everything to me. I hate it that we were kept apart all those years.

Eli: I'm sorry about that too.

Julie: Well, valerie had reasons. All the while, david was trying to find some wonderful purpose in life. He was... if he had just known that you existed, the child of his great love, he would have been there from the moment you first drew breath. Loving you. Doing all those things that a good father wants to do for his child.

Eli: I wish I could have got to know him.

Julie: How about this. I swear to be a better person where gabi is concerned. I swear to see her as the woman you love, not as the woman that sets my teeth on edge... and you promise me you'll never cut me out of your life.

Eli: Deal.

[Soft music]

Julie: [Sighs]

[Dramatic music]

[Door opens]

Kayla: Jennifer. What are you doing?

Jennifer: My daughter's been having headaches and nightmares and she loses track of time? You ordered an mri. Do you think that she has a brain tumor?

Kayla: Don't jump to conclusions, all right?

Jennifer: I mean, what is this? What does all this mean?

Kayla: I'm going to tell you what I told abigail, and that is that it's probably from stress.

Jennifer: Yeah. I mean, she's had a difficult time since andre died, and she has seemed really tired and distracted lately, so I'm sure that's what it is. I'm sure it's just grief.

Kayla: Well, you're not gonna get another word out of me. But I would like to know where abigail is.

Jennifer: What do you mean?

Kayla: Well, when I came back to tell her that the mri was scheduled, she had left.

Jennifer: I don't understand. She just left your office?

Kayla: Yep, no not, nothing.

Jennifer: I mean, if she was so concerned about seeing you, why would she do that?

Kayla: That's the question.

Gabby: Now you don't have anything to say? It's not a hard question. Why do you care if I skip town?

Stefan: I took risks for you. You can't just leave me here to clean up your mess the way abigail did for you.

Gabby: You sure that's the only reason?

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone beeps] No, thank you.

Stefan: Who was that?

Gabby: Mom.

Stefan: You let it go to voice mail?

Gabby: She's so annoying. She's always making donuts and wringing her hands.

Stefan: [Scoffs] Okay, rule number one about being the new you, protect yourself. If you ignore jennifer's calls, she'll get worried and come looking for you, and if she can't find you, there'll be a full-on man hunt.

Gabby: Fine. I'll listen to the message.

Stefan: Okay.

[Cell phone beeps]

Jennifer: Hi, sweetie. I'm with kayla at the hospital, and I'm concerned you left before she could run the tests. Please call me as soon as you get this. We're so worried.

Gabby: Tests? What test? Abigail's trying to get rid of me, isn't she? What do I do?

Stefan: Stay and fight.

Abe: You know, I'm sorry that valerie and lani had to run off.

Jj: We have women who love their work.

Abe: Mm.

Jj: I need to get to my studying. I have an emt exam to ace.

Abe: Yeah. You know, before you go... I'm sorry that valerie doesn't seem to be supportive.

Jj: I get it now. She sees lani as... young, single, pregnant. Brings back her own situation when eli was born. Lying to eli's dad about him, that had to have been hard. Living with that lie and the guilt. But how lucky am I that lani and I are in this together?

Abe: I am lucky and thrilled that you and my daughter, my beautiful daughter, have made me a grandfather.

Jj: I can't wait, sir. Oh.

Abe: Boom.

Jj: Cheers.

[Both laugh]

[Soft dramatic music]

[Knocks on door]

Valerie: Eli?

Eli: Is everything okay?

Valerie: I know you're worried sick about gabi and that you can barely think of anything else, but I needed to see you.

Eli: What's wrong?

Valerie: I had a run in with lani. She said that you had made up your mind to let jj raise the baby, and that I should stay the hell out of it. I thought you said that you were gonna think about this some more before you made your final decision? Honey, I know you. Are you really sure you don't want to be a part of your child's life?

Eli: Julie stopped by. She started talking about my dad, and the difference it would have made in his life if he'd have known me.

Valerie: I regret that decision every day. Please don't make my mistake.

Eli: Mom, I thought I made the right decision, but now I'm not so sure. I... I'm not sure if I wanna let my child go.

Valerie: Yes. Oh.

[Knocks on door]

[Knocks urgently]

Chad: Stefan, you in there?

Lani: Guess he's not in.

Chad: No, his car was in the garage.

Lani: Maybe he's somewhere else in the house. Would anyone on the staff know?

Chad: Well, since we're here, may as well have a looksie.

Lani: We don't have a warrant.

Chad: Yes, but you have me, which is even better. See, stefan owns the bank that holds the mortgage on the place, but technically on paper, I'm still the owner of this home, so consider permission granted and tear this room apart.

[Suspenseful music]

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