Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 2/8/18
Episode #13207 ~ Will and Paul spy on John and discover his unsettling plans; Steve's condition worsens as he and Kayla race against time to find out what's wrong with him; Eli is faced with a difficult decision; Claire tries to get the truth out of Tripp.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Abe: So you want my blessing to marry my daughter?
JJ: I know it's old-school to ask, but... your okay would mean a lot.
Abe: Well, thank you for involving me in this.
JJ: Yeah, it--it's been on my mind since Lani told me she was pregnant. And it
seems like the next logical step. Now, I-I already knew that I wanted to spend
the rest of my life with Lani. Now that we're having a child together, why wait?

[Soft dramatic music]
Eli: I don't understand. I asked you if the baby was mine, and you told me that
the baby was JJ's and that you were two months pregnant, not one.
Lani: I lied, Eli-- to you, to everyone, including JJ. Okay? I let him think
that this baby was his. But it's not. It's yours, and I am sorry for not telling
you the truth from the start.
Eli: I knew it. I knew it, but, you know, I-- I didn't question you because I--
Lani: Because I-I told you what you wanted to hear. I made it easier for us to
forget about our mistake. You could move on with Gabi, and I could move on with
Eli: Only now...
Lani: There's a baby involved, which-- it complicates everything, because we
could both lose the people we love.

Kayla: Ugh, sorry that took so long.
Steve: [Sighs]
Kayla: Steve?
Steve: Did you get 'em?
Kayla: Yeah, I, um, have your blood test right here. Hopefully these results are
gonna give us some answers.
[Tense music]

John: So what do you say, good-lookin'? You ready to roll? Come on.
Marlena: Absolutely.
John: [Laughs]
Marlena: I will just finish signing off, get my things, and, uh, nothing would
make me happier than spending the evening with my favorite person in the world.

Will: We've been following your dad all day and we have no clue what's going on,
no explanation for why he's poisoning Steve Johnson.
Paul: Shh.
Will: You shh. Now he's about to go home with my grandmother, which gives me a
lot of anxiety, Paul, so I say we either go in and confront him, or at the very
least, we go to the police and report him.
Paul: Not yet. Can you just give it some more time?
Will: Do you not understand how serious this is? Giving you more time means
letting John keep hurting Steve, maybe killing him.

Marlena: Before we go, I want to check with Kayla, see how Steve's doing.
John: That's a good idea.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of our Lives."
[Soft orchestration]

Claire: Oh, my God. Tripp, this is amazing. Whoa, did you use a recipe?
Tripp: Uh, no, I just improvised.
Claire: Wow. Well, you have a true culinary gift, Tripp Dalton. Um, thank you
for saving me some.
Tripp: Yeah, Ciara said I didn't mash the potatoes enough.
Claire: Hmm. I don't know, I think they're perfect. Um... so did you guys-- did
you guys do something fun tonight?
Tripp: No, just hung out.
Claire: Hmm. No--no interesting conversation?
Tripp: What are you getting at, Claire?
Claire: Okay, look, when I was on my way in tonight, I heard Ciara thanking you
for keeping her secret. Something that she didn't want anyone to know,
especially me. So what was it?
Tripp: [Clears throat]

Steve: So what's the story? What's it say?
Kayla: Well, it's, uh, still a mystery, I'm afraid. It's an autoimmune disease,
but what the exact type is, they still don't know.
Steve: Still a mystery? Come on. They took, like, a half a gallon of my blood,
and they can't figure this out?
Kayla: I know. I know. Just--
Steve: I just want to know what I'm up against here, baby.
Kayla: Just be patient, all right? Listen, we'll know more tomorrow when we see
the doctor. You know, in the meantime, why don't--why don't we go home, get some
Steve: [Sighs]
Kayla: Steve? Steve, what is it? What is it?
Steve: [Moans]
Kayla: What is it?
Steve: Oh, God.
[Exhales heavily]

Will: Who is that guy?
Paul: I've never seen him before.

Marlena: I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met.
Man: We haven't, but I know him. John Black? You run a detective agency with
Steve Johnson called Black Patch?
John: That's a fact.
Man: I saw you across the way and figured this is my chance.
Marlena: Your chance to what?
Man: Hire him for a case.
Marlena: Oh, well, we were just heading out. Maybe you could call his office and
make an appointment.
Man: I'm intruding on your evening. I'm sorry, but this is kind of urgent.
John: It's all right. It's all right, Doc. You know, I'll hear him out. Why
don't you go check in with Kayla and, uh, I'll meet you at home, okay?

[Tense music]
Paul: We need to follow them.
Will: Okay, uh, let's take the stairs.
Marlena: Uh, Will? Paul? What are you doing here?

Tripp: You know, it's not cool to eavesdrop, Claire.
Claire: I mean, Tripp, it's not like I was hiding behind a plant. I mean, I was
on my way in, and I heard Ciara thanking you for keeping her secret. I just want
to know what it was.
Tripp: I-I can't tell you. No, I-I gave her my word I wouldn't, and I'm not
gonna betray Ciara's confidence.
Claire: Okay, well, I didn't realize you and Ciara were so close...Tripp. Is
there something more than friendship going on between you two?

JJ: Now, before you give me an answer, you should know that I am getting my act
together so I can provide for Lani and the baby. I even talked to Kayla, um,
about the possibility of becoming an EMT. She thought I'd be great at it and
offered to recommend me for the program, which will only last six months. Um, so
by the time I finish, Lani will still have a month to go.
Abe: Well, you know there's no doubt in my mind that you're excited about this
baby that you and Lani are having. And I--and I appreciate that you want to be
married, but I only hope that you've thought through this decision.
JJ: Oh, I-I have. A lot. And I know that I want us to be a family. There's no
doubt in my mind. I would just like to make it official before the baby's born.
So what do you say? Do I have your blessing? You still have reservations about
me, don't you? Is it because of Theo, what I did to him?

Lani: We both agreed that our one-night stand was a mistake. And mostly mine,
okay? If I hadn't jumped to the worst conclusion after seeing Gabi and JJ
together, we never would've ended up in bed together.
Eli: Wasn't like I turned you away.
Lani: But it happened because of me. I could've waited to-- to see what exactly
happened between Gabi and JJ instead of just running into you and making
you...think something that wasn't true.
Eli: And this is how you make it up to me? By keeping me in the dark about my
own child?
Lani: No. By... not letting you lose the woman you love, Eli, okay? I've seen
you with her. I've seen how you-- you look at her, how you laugh with her.
You--you seem so happy, and I didn't want to take that away from you.
Eli: You sure this wasn't about you losing JJ too?
Lani: Of course it is. I was protecting what I have with JJ. And now I feel like
I-I made everything worse by lying.
Eli: Well, at least you didn't wait till our kid was an adult to tell him. So...
why now? What made you change your mind?
Lani: Well, it wasn't exactly my idea.
Eli: What do you mean?
Lani: It was your mother. She forced me to tell you the truth.

Abe: JJ, listen to me. My hesitation, it has nothing to do with you. I told you
that I forgave you, and I meant it.
JJ: Then what is it?
Valerie: It's me.
JJ: You?
Valerie: Abe and I, we were discussing the possibility of you and--and Lani
getting married, and I-I-I-I shared my concerns about it.
JJ: And I don't mean, um, any offense by this, but why do you have a problem
with Lani and me getting married?

Lani: Your mom knows this baby is yours. And she gave me 24 hours to tell you,
or she would.
Eli: [Scoffs softly] How--how did she even find out?
Lani: Apparently she had her suspicions and went through my confidential
Eli: She did that? It's because of what happened with me and my dad.
Lani: She admitted that, and... she told me she regretted keeping the truth from
Eli: She doesn't want history to repeat itself. She doesn't want me kept in the
dark about my child, like my dad was kept in the dark about me.
Lani: But do you want that?
Eli: I told you that I would be there for my kid. And I meant it.
Lani: Even if you don't have to? Eli, this can stay between us. I still think
that it's best for everyone if JJ thinks he's the father, okay? All you have to
do is keep the truth to yourself.

[Solemn music]
Kayla: Are you feeling better?
Steve: [Sighs] Yeah, I am.
Kayla: Well, the dizziness, is it the same as before, or is it more intense?
Steve: Hard to say.
Kayla: Come on, be honest.
Steve: [Sighs] It was a little more intense.
Kayla: Okay, that does it.
Steve: Hey, what are you doing?
Kayla: I am calling to have you admitted overnight for observation.
Steve: No, no, baby, please. Please, no more of that. Don't do that. Come on.
Kayla: Come on, Steve, really.
Steve: No, no, listen. The best medicine for me is to be sleeping in my own bed
with you next to me. That's it. Come on, that's what I want. Please, baby. Look,
if I have another one of those dizzy spells tomorrow, we'll deal with it then.
Kayla: You are so stubborn. Come on.
Steve: Yeah. I think you knew that when you married me. But maybe you should
check the warranty. I mean, it's less than a year in and I'm already falling
Kayla: Well, I'm not ready to throw you on top of the junk heap yet.
Steve: That's good.
Kayla: I just worry about you.
Steve: Yeah. I'm fine.

Will: Hey. I, um... I didn't think you would be here so late.
Marlena: Well, I often am, actually.
Paul: Well, we're here to see a friend.
Will: Uh, yeah, Derrick. He works in administration.
Paul: Yeah, I think we should go see him before he leaves.
Will: Okay, well, I'll talk to you later.
Marlena: Sure. Bye.
[Foreboding music]
John: What the hell was that all about?

John: Oh, you come anywhere near Marlena or my family--
Man: You have nothing to worry about, as long as you carry out your mission. But
to do that, you'll need this. I figured a refill was in order, since the other
one was broken when you threw a hissy fit at the pub.
John: How in the hell--
Man: We see everything, John. And we'd hate for you to abandon your mission.
John: I smashed that vial because I'd just found out that my best friend was
diagnosed with an incurable illness. If I knew that was in the cards for him, I
never would have agreed to--
Man: What does it matter, John? Johnson is doomed. We both know that. Our ISA
muckety-mucks want him gone. And this drug slowly but surely is gonna kill him.
[Dramatic music]

Tripp: You want some more? I can heat it up again.
Claire: Tripp, stop avoiding the question. Are you and Ciara more than friends?
Tripp: [Laughs] You are reading way too much into this.
Claire: Well, the fact that you won't answer me really--
Tripp: Look, we're friends, okay, that's it. And I don't know why you think
anything else of it.
Claire: I don't know, maybe because before Ciara came back from Hong Kong, you
and I were pretty close. And now she's back, and you're sharing secrets and
plotting breakups with her. And she's inviting you to go with her to her mom and
my grandmother's wedding.
Tripp: Look, we're not plotting anything, okay? Not anymore. And the only reason
we did that before was because she-- Ciara had it bad for Theo. And, you know, I
Claire: Had it bad for me.
Tripp: "Had." Past tense. Okay, we've both moved on.
Claire: With each other?
Tripp: [Laughs] Seriously? She needed to vent. And I had nothing better to do,
so I listened.
Claire: Okay. But... you're still my friend too, right? I mean, we were friends
Tripp: Of course I'm your friend.
Claire: Okay, okay, good. Because I-I--you know, I get that you're over me and
you've moved on and everything, but...
Tripp: But what?
Claire: I don't know, just-- just don't pull away from me completely, okay?
Tripp: Okay.

Valerie: Marriage is a huge commitment.
JJ: I know that.
Valerie: And--and, you know, just because--just because Lani is pregnant doesn't
mean you have to rush to the altar. I mean, my advice would be that you--that
you take your time and--and you really-- you really get married for the right
JJ: We love each other. I-I mean, what's more right than that?
Valerie: Sometimes love isn't enough. I-I mean, you-- you've been through a lot.
And you're only just getting back together.
JJ: Look, I-I get what you're saying, um... but I know this is right, and that
doesn't mean that I don't appreciate your concern. I'm sure if Eli were in my
spot, you'd be saying the same thing to him.
Valerie: Without question.
JJ: But look, I love Lani. And we created a life together. And I want us to
officially be a family so when the baby is born, he or she will have my name. I
really would like to propose to Lani. I hope you approve.

[Soft dramatic music]
Eli: You want me to keep my mouth shut and let another man raise my child?
Lani: JJ will be a wonderful father. You've seen for yourself how excited he is
about this baby.
Eli: Well, how excited do you think he'll be once he finds out that the baby
isn't his?
Lani: He'll be heartbroken.
Eli: Why did you lie to him this whole time?
Lani: I didn't intend to. JJ, he overheard me talking about my pregnancy with my
doctor, and... he just assumed. He assumed he was the father.
Eli: That's a big assumption, considering you two hadn't been together in a
Lani: Yes, it was. I wanted to tell him the truth. I really did. But he-- he
looked so happy, and he was so excited. And after everything he had been
through, it was like he was the JJ I first met. He needed this so much.
Eli: So let me get this straight. To keep JJ happy and excited, you're gonna lie
to him his entire life?
Lani: Do you think I want to? I am gonna be living this lie too--every day. But
I still think that JJ, the baby, and I can be together, a family. And we can
make it work, like you and Gabi can.
Eli: [Scoffs softly] Except we'll be living a lie too.
Lani: You told me how much Gabi meant to you, how much you loved her. Eli, what
do you think is gonna happen when she finds out that--not only that you cheated
on her but you got another woman pregnant?
Eli: The last thing that I want to do is hurt Gabi, especially now that she's
got this Andre nightmare hanging over her head.
Lani: What Andre nightmare? What happened?
Eli: Gabi is the prime suspect in the Andre DiMera murder.

Kayla: Are you sure?
Steve: Yeah, I'm sure, baby. I'm not staying over. Nothing you can say will
change my mind.
Kayla: Please, come on.
Steve: [Sighs] Listen. How about this? If I have another dizzy spell like that
other one, you can bring me back here and I won't fight you, okay?
Kayla: I'm gonna hold you to that.
Steve: How about just hold me tonight?

Marlena: Oh! Watch it, you two. There you are. I've been looking for you
everywhere. I'm--I'm, uh--wondering, Steve, how you're doing.
Steve: I'm hanging in.
Kayla: Um, we're seeing an immunologist tomorrow, and, uh, hopefully we'll have
some answers.
Marlena: I know how stressful this can all be. I want you to know that I'm here
for you, and so is John.
Steve: That means a lot.
Marlena: In fact, he's been worried sick about you. He was up half the night
trying to think of some way that he could help you.
Steve: He's a good dude, that husband of yours. They don't make better friends
than him.

Man: You're the one who suggested we use this drug on Johnson.
John: It's because it's untraceable.
Man: It's also poisonous enough to kill him. Of course, because it works slowly,
it'll look like he died of natural causes.
John: Yeah, and in the meantime, his wife and family have to suffer right along
with him.
Man: Then put them out of their misery.
John: What are you saying?
Man: Finish Johnson off now rather than later. A few more doses of this poison
and he'll be dead.
[Dramatic music]

Abe: I hope you know how much I appreciate and value your opinion. Or what it
means to me that you care enough about my daughter to express what I realize are
legitimate concerns. But as I said before, I'm still very old-fashioned. And
it's important to me that Lani marry the father of her child. It's best for
everyone, especially when that father is a decent, responsible young man like
JJ, who clearly loves my daughter and this baby she's carrying.
JJ: I do love them-- more than I could put into words.
Abe: JJ, I haven't always been supportive of your relationship with Lani, but...
there is no denying how happy you make her.
JJ: Well, she makes me happy too. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure
Lani and our baby have the best life possible.
Abe: Well, growing up in a home with two loving parents is still how I see
family, which is why I'm giving you my full blessing.
JJ: [Sighs] You don't know how much that means to me. My whole life, I've looked
up to you, and it killed me when it felt like I had lost your respect.
Abe: You have it now.
JJ: Dr. Grant, I appreciate your concern for Lani, but you don't have to worry.
Valerie: Uh, listen. JJ, I hope you know that my concern had nothing to do with
you personally.
JJ: Well, you don't want us to make a mistake. I get it. But this is right.
You'll see.
Valerie: I hope so.
JJ: Guess I'm free to look at rings now. [Laughter] I promise I'll make her
Abe: Yeah, you already have.

[Stirring music]
Valerie: [Sighs]
Abe: I hope you're not upset.
Valerie: Of course not. No, I just-- I want what's best for everyone involved.

Lani: So Gabi swears she didn't do it?
Eli: Yeah, and I believe her. We just need to find a way to prove it. I mean,
she's terrified about going back to prison and leaving Arianna again.
Lani: I couldn't imagine being separated from my child.
Eli: Neither can I.
Lani: This is definitely not a good time to tell her about the baby.
Eli: This isn't about Gabi. This is about you denying me my child for the rest
of my life.
Lani: Eli, it's not like this baby won't be taken care of and loved by two
parents who want to be together, okay? Is it--is it worth blowing up all of our
lives over a stupid one-night stand that never should've happened?
Eli: But if we tell the truth--
Lani: Everyone will lose, including this baby, okay? So... I am asking you, can
you please keep this secret, Eli? Please--for all of our sakes.
Eli: I need some air.
Lani: Okay. Okay, um, can you just-- can you think about what I said?

[Dramatic music]
Man: We don't have a lot of time. We need to take care of Johnson soon, before
anyone figures out what's going on.
John: I told you, I got this.
Man: You'd better.

[Suspenseful music]
Paul: I'm gonna tail that guy, try and find out more about him. You--you keep an
eye on my dad, okay?
Will: Okay, I won't let him out of my sight.
Paul: Just do not do anything until you call me first.
Will: Why do I need your permission?
Paul: Just don't, okay?

[Line trills]
Steve: Hey, buddy. I meant to call you.
John: Ah, it's all right, partner. Listen, I need to talk to you about a-a new
Kayla: If that's John, no tying one on tonight.
Marlena: He'd better not be offering that up.
John: Meet me in the office in ten?
Steve: Hey, can it, uh, wait till tomorrow? I'm pretty wiped out.
John: Mm, this won't take long. 15 minutes, tops.
Steve: Okay, I'll be there.
John: Sounds good. I'll tell you what. I'll stop at the pub and... grab a couple
coffees on the way.

Claire: Okay.
Tripp: Hey, I was in the middle of something.
Claire: Well, Tripp, do you really think that battling a dragon is more
important than what I'm about to tell you?
Tripp: Well, that particular dragon, yeah, maybe.
Claire: Okay, well, I have some news--some very exciting news. And now that
we're back to being friends, I want to share it with you.
Tripp: Okay, I'm listening.
Claire: Okay, so, uh, when I was at work today, my Uncle Brady came in.
Tripp: Uh, Brady Black, right? His dad is partners with my dad at Black Patch.
Claire: Right, exactly. So he and this woman Eve, who has known me forever and
is a total fan of my music, um, they came in together and were talking about
creating a contest to find the new fresh, young face of "Bella" magazine, which
is what they're trying to re-launch right now online.
Tripp: And don't tell me. They picked you.
Claire: I mean, hello, it's a contest, so the readers pick the winner. But, um,
my Uncle and Eve said that I should definitely enter.
Tripp: Hey, you got my vote.
Claire: Thank you. Um, and, you know, I bet I kind of have an in, since my
Pop-Pop owns the company. Not that I want him to, like, rig the contest in my
favor or anything like that.
Tripp: No, no, no, but you wouldn't mind if he maybe pushed you a little more
than the other contestants, though, right?
Claire: I mean, I wouldn't mind. I'm just thinking of my music, because winning
a title like that would get it showcased in a really big way.
Tripp: I mean, hey, how could you not win, you know? You are talented and
beautiful. And anybody would be lucky to have you. Any--any magazine, I mean.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah.
Tripp: And you know that I'm talking to you--this-- as a friend, not someone
harboring some lame unrequited love, right?
Claire: Totally, yes. I got it.
Tripp: Okay.
Claire: Thank you, Tripp.
Tripp: All right.
Claire: [Laughs]

Abe: I just can't believe how excited I am to walk Lani down the aisle.
Valerie: Mm.
Abe: I missed so many big moments in her life.
Valerie: Yeah. I mean, no father should be kept from knowing his child, despite
the good intentions of the mother. I learned that the hard way. Eli! Hey.
Eli: Hey.
Valerie: Everything okay?
Eli: It will be.
Abe: Hey, you know, have a seat, Eli. We're just having dinner.
Eli: No, no, it's okay. I'm not hungry.
[Cell phone ringing]
Abe: Mm, excuse me. Look, uh, Val, can you convince him to join us while I take
this call, huh?
Valerie: Yeah.
Abe: All right.

Valerie: What's the matter, sweetheart?
Eli: You can stop threatening Lani. She told me about the baby.
Valerie: Thank God. Well, now that you know, what are you gonna do about it?
Eli: That's a good question.
[Dramatic music]

Lani: What's this for?
JJ: Having my baby.
Lani: That's really sweet of you.
JJ: And since I know how hungry you always are these days, eating for two and
all, if you're free, I'm going to take you to dinner tonight. I already made a
reservation at Chez Rouge.
Lani: [Chuckles] Actually, I'm--I'm not really up to going out.
JJ: What is it? Everything okay? Is it the baby?
Lani: No. JJ, it's not the baby. I'm just--I'm tired, that's all.
JJ: Well, that's-- that's pretty normal, right, especially during the first
trimester? At least that's what the book "what to expect when you're expecting"
says. You're taking your prenatal vitamins every day, right?
Lani: I am.
JJ: 'Cause you can't forget. The baby needs those nutrients.
Lani: I know.
JJ: Did you also know that if you--if you do skip them, you can take a double
Lani: JJ, can you just stop?
JJ: Okay. The book also says that mood swings and feelings of agitation and a
desire to strangle the baby's father, it's all normal.
Lani: [Chuckles] I don't want to ever do anything to hurt you.
JJ: Well, lucky for us, we're almost through the first trimester, and once we
get over this hump, we'll-- we'll both feel better about telling people, and
we'll be moving right along.
Lani: Actually, uh, there's something I want to talk to you about, something
that I-I don't want you to hear from anyone else.

Claire: All righty. Here you go.
Tripp: Where are you going?
Claire: I am going to bed.
Tripp: Kind of early, isn't it?
Claire: Well, if I want to be the fresh, young face of "Bella" magazine, Tripp,
I cannot have bags under my eyes. So thank you for dinner and for having my back
about the contest.
Tripp: Hey, send me my ballot and I'll cast my vote.
Claire: I will. I'll get you 20. [Both chuckle] Just kidding. All right, night.
Tripp: Night. [Clears throat]
Claire: Oh, I forgot. What was Ciara's secret again?
Tripp: So not smooth.
Claire: Okay. It was worth a shot. All right, good night, Tripp.
Tripp: Night. [Sighs]

JJ: Sounds serious.
Lani: It's not good news.
JJ: Well, you can tell me. I mean, we're about to have a baby together. You
should be able to tell me anything.
Lani: [Sighs] It's, uh-- it's Gabi.
JJ: What about her?
Lani: She's being held as a suspect in Andre DiMera's murder.
JJ: There must be some mistake. Gabi wouldn't-- she couldn't have--
Lani: Eli is sure she's innocent too.
JJ: Of course she's innocent. Where is she? Can I--can I see her?
Lani: She's being processed. Uh, Eli said it would be a while.
JJ: Oh, God. I feel so bad for her. She's got to be sick about leaving Arianna
again. And Eli, God, he must be out of his mind.
Lani: You have no idea.

Eli: Lani wants me to keep quiet and let JJ keep thinking that he's the baby's
Valerie: Yeah, of course. That works well for her. It's convenient. But what
about you? What do you want?
Eli: I hate the thought of pretending that my child doesn't exist. But... Lani's
right. Mom, if the truth comes out, a lot of people will be hurt.
Valerie: What are you gonna do, Sweetie?
Eli: I honestly don't know.
[Suspenseful music]

Will: Your dad is meeting Steve and he just poured--
[Door opens]
John: Oh, hey, Will. What are you doing here?
Will: Um... uh, just--actually, I was looking for you. Do you got a-- you got a
moment to talk?
John: Um, actually, I'm, uh, kind of late for a business meeting here. But I'll
tell you what. I'll, uh-- I'll hook up with you first thing in the morning, all
Will: I can't let you do that.
John: Do what?
Will: I'm not gonna let you poison Steve.

Steve: It won't take long, okay? As soon as I'm finished with John, I'll meet
you at home.
Kayla: Does he really need to meet you today? I mean, you told him you weren't
feeling well.
Steve: I can handle a 15-minute meeting. Besides, John, he needs my input. He
said it wouldn't take any longer than that.
Kayla: You know, I think our husbands both, uh, have this, uh, superhero
Marlena: I think you're right.
Kayla: Yeah, they think they're indestructible.
Steve: That's because we are.
Marlena: [Laughs]

Kayla: You're so bad. You're bad.
Steve: I'll see you later.
Kayla: All right.
Steve: Okay.
Kayla: Steve? Steve? Steve!
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