Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 1/25/18
Episode #13197 ~ Abigail questions Gabi about the murder; Lani squirms as JJ looks forward to being a father; Valerie informs Eli that Lani is pregnant; Eric tries to hide his feelings for Jennifer, and it leads to a heated argument between them.
Provided By Suzanne
Eric: Jenn, what are you-- what are you doing here?
Jennifer: I needed to see you. I needed to tell you that i never stopped caring about you.
Eric: What about dr. Shah? I thought you were--
Jennifer: No. I just dated him to get over you.
Eric: Why? We were connecting.
Jennifer: Doesn't matter why. All I know is I can't get you out of my heart.
[Gentle music]
[Sorrowful music]
Jj: Get the hell out of my bed!
Lani: What's wrong?
Jj: Kayla told me everything.
Lani: Wait, what do-- what do--what do--
Jj: Why didn't you tell me the baby wasn't mine?
Lani: I wanted to, okay, but then everything happened with theo and you wanted to end your life and I was scared--
Jj: What? Scared of what? That I couldn't handle the truth? Admit it! You think I'm a loser.
Lani: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Jj: Lani.
Lani: I'm so sorry.
Jj: Lani, lani.
Lani: I don't know, I--
Jj: Lani, wake up. Hey, wake up. Wake up.
Lani: Oh. I must have been dreaming.
Jj: Sounded more like a nightmare. You wanna tell me about it?
[Gentle music]
Eli: Finally got some shut-eye?
Gabi: Barely. I can't stop thinking about andre and... Him stealing the company and being murdered yesterday in that horrible, violent way.
Eli: Yeah, it was quite the day yesterday.
Gabi: What about you? You were--you were up most of the night. What--what kept you up?
Eli: Gabi, I've been trying to figure out a way to tell you this.
Gabi: Tell me what?
Eli: You know that I care about you.
Gabi: Yeah, of course I do.
Eli: You know that I really, really want our relationship to move forward. But that can't happen if there's any secrets between us. Gabi, I did something, something that-- that I regret more than I can say. And I just pray that, once I tell you what it is, you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.
Gabi: Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not that bad. Just--just tell me what it is.
Eli: The night that I thought that you slept with jj... I slept with lani.
Gabi: You all right?
[Gentle music]
Kate: The last time we spoke you told me that you loved me, and I didn't answer you.
Andre: I didn't say it to put pressure on you.
Kate: I know. I know that, but I was uncomfortable with answering you. But the truth is... I do love you, too.
[Tender music]
Andre: You do?
Kate: I do. I think that I just-- I didn't want to admit it to myself. But, andre, I love you.
Andre: I can't tell you how I've longed to hear those words.
Kate: Why do I feel like that statement has a "but" at the end of it?
Andre: Well, I just hope you're gonna feel the same after I tell you what I have to say.
Kate: Okay. Well, what's going on?
Andre: Well, I have to tell you something. I just don't think you're going to like it.
Kate: Go ahead. What is it? Tell me.
Andre: I don't really love you, kate. I only used you so I could get the foothold in dimera. And now I don't need you anymore. So arrivederci.
[Laughs] Katerina.
Kate: Oh!
[Somber music]
Abigail: Andre?
[Gasps] Andre! Oh. Oh. Oh, please, be alive. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, thank god! Andre! Andre, who did this to you?
Andre: [Grunts]
Abigail: Andre. Open your eyes, no. Open your eyes. Don't die! No, no, no!
Chad: Hey. Hey, hey.
Abigail: Ahh!
Chad: Hey, hey, hey. Okay, it's okay.
Abigail: [Gasping]
Chad: You were having a bad dream.
Abigail: It was andre.
Chad: Huh?
Abigail: Andre.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kayla: I--okay, I agree. Yes, okay, maybe the dizziness is just no big deal and you just need a prescription for some glasses. Okay, I love you, too. All right, let me know how it goes. All right, bye. Oh, hey, you. I was just about to call you. Have you heard from abe?
Valerie: He called this morning. Just finished getting theo checked in and settled in at the clinic. His doctors are very, very optimistic.
Kayla: Oh, that is so great. Was he able to reconnect with lexie's family down there?
Valerie: Oh, her mom's been to visit twice already.
Kayla: That is great.
Valerie: Yeah.
Kayla: That's gonna make it a lot easier for him to leave theo and get back here to his work and you.
Valerie: Mm-hmm. And lani, too, especially now.
Kayla: Yeah.
Valerie: Yeah. I'm assuming you already know. She's pregnant.
Kayla: Well, I just didn't know that you knew. But yes, I'm the one who examined her and gave her the news.
Valerie: Eli, what did you do?
Eli: I slept with lani.
Valerie: I know it's all very unexpected, but despite that, you know, abe's being very supportive. And lani's happy about it, from what abe tells me.
Kayla: Well, abe will be an amazing grandfather. Doting, I'm sure.
Valerie: Yeah, I'm sure of that, too. You know, I heard the news right before abe left town, and I didn't get to ask him just how far along lani is.
[Gentle music]
Lani: You don't--you don't really want to know.
Jj: Of course I do. You kept saying that you were sorry. Was it about the baby?
Lani: I don't remember, and I don't want to talk about my dream anymore. I just... I want to focus on you and how much I love you.
Eli: All I remember is a feeling that I was losing something really important to me.
Gabi: Yeah, well, I can relate to that.
Eli: Look, I know that you're still upset about losing gabi chic.
Gabi: I know. I just-- I can't believe it. I mean, yeah, that and then andre being murdered right after. Ugh.
Eli: There's gotta be something that we can do.
Gabi: Yeah, well, if you figure it out, will you let me know?
Eli: Okay, well, this might be a little too soon, since she just lost her husband, but kate has always been a champion of yours. Why not go to her and make the case that countess w needs you now more than ever?
Gabi: But like you said, it might be too soon.
Eli: Well, go and offer condolences, and if the opportunity presents itself to discuss the future of gabi chic, take advantage of it. What was that for?
Gabi: For being there for me, like you always are.
Eli: There's no place else I'd want to be. I don't ever want to let you down.
[Gentle music]
Kate: [Grunts]
[Gentle music]
Abigail: And when he--when he opened his eyes, I asked him who did this to him. And I felt like he looked like he wanted to say something, and then he just closed them before he could.
Chad: It's not like it really happened. I mean, he was--he was dead when you found him, right?
Abigail: But I just feel like if he had been conscious, he would've told me what happened. I mean--and I don't know. Maybe he--he would have told mE. Maybe it was anna that hit him over the head with the urn.
Chad: You know, speaking of anna--
Abigail: What, did the police find more evidence against her?
Chad: Actually, she-- she was released.
Abigail: What? How?
Chad: Roman gave her-- gave her an alibi.
Abigail: But I mean, how would they explain the fact that the urn was at the murder scene?
Chad: I don't--I don't know. I didn't as for specifics. I just assumed that hope and the salem pd looked into it.
Abigail: So if anna didn't kill andre, then who did?
[Exhales sharply] .
Kayla: Well, you know, i really can't discuss the specifics of lani's pregnancy because she is my patient.
Valerie: Well, yeah, of course not. I shouldn't even be asking. And it's not like I can't do the math myself, right, 'cause--let's see, lani and jj broke up right after theo was shot. So obviously, she got pregnant prior to the shooting.
Kayla: Well, however far along lani is, as long as that baby is happy and healthy, that's all that really matters, right?
Jj: It's funny. I can't even feel a baby bump.
Lani: [Chuckles] Every women carries differently, especially with the first pregnancy.
Jj: I wonder what it'll be, boy or girl? Will you want to find out?
Lani: I haven't really thought about it.
Jj: We don't have to decide today. But isn't there a month where-- when you can find out?
Lani: I don't think I want to find out. I kind of like the idea of being surprised.
Jj: I still can't believe it. We're having a baby.
Jennifer: Mm, that is a museum I have always wanted to go to. That's on my list.
Henry: I'd love to take you. Maybe make a weekend of it.
Jennifer: Thank you. That would be so--
Henry: Eric! I'm glad you're here. Join us.
Eric: I don't want to intrude.
Henry: As much as I enjoy having jenn to myself, that grant proposal for the center needs to be reviewed. I sent you both an email about it.
[Phone beeps] It's the hospital. Looks like you're gonna have to review it without me.
Jennifer: Oh, that--no, we can wait for you.
Henry: No, it needs to go out today, and I don't know how long I'll be so. Last night was really nice. I'll call you later?
Jennifer: Yeah, I hope so. Thanks.
[Gentle music]
You don't have to stay. I can review the proposal and email you the revisions.
Eric: No, no, no, we're here now. Why don't we just go ahead and get it done? Unless you're working on "the spectator." I'm sure you must be covering the andre dimera murder.
Jennifer: No, I assigned another reporter to the story.
Eric: I heard abigail's the one who found andre. Must be awful for her. I remember you telling me that she and andre were really close.
Jennifer: Yeah, they were. His death has been really hard for her.
Abigail: I just keep seeing his face, his... great smile and just... the way that he was when he was trying to make me feel better. It's really hard for me to imagine anyone hating him enough to kill him.
Chad: I know. We'll just-- we'll have to assume that hope and rafe will, they'll figure out who it was.
Abigail: Do you really think that we can trust them?
Chad: What do you mean?
Abigail: I mean, I like them, I do, but I-- I mean, rafe is gabi's brother. And I'm not saying that I think that she's guilty or anything, because I really love gabi. But--and I think that she's a good person, really has a good heart, but I ran into her the night that andre was murdered, and she was just in a rage and I-- over being fired from the company and... I don't really want to say this out loud, but... do you think that she could have been mad enough to kill him?
[Door opens]
Gabi: Kate?
Kate: Hey, gabi, come in.
Gabi: Oh, here, let me-- let me help you with that.
Kate: No, no. No, no, no. I don't want you getting hurt. Although, I guess it's too late for that.
Gabi: I came by to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.
Kate: Yeah. Well, that's kind of you considering what andre did to you.
GabI: Do the police have any leads?
Kate: Anna dimera was at the top of their list, mostly because her late husband's funeral urn was found at the murder scene, and they are assuming that was the murder weapon.
Gabi: Wait, you said she was a suspect?
Kate: Well, apparently, roman is so besotted with her that he gave her an alibi so.
Gabi: But you think he's lying?
Kate: Yes, I do. If anna didn't do it, who did?
[Dramatic music] .
Valerie: Yes, I mean, we all want lani to have a happy and healthy baby. I was just thinking I would give her a baby shower. And I wanted to be sure she was out of that first trimester. You know how tricky that can be.
Henry: Kayla, I've been looking for you.
Kayla: Oh.
Henry: I need your insight on a cardiac patient.
Kayla: Sure. Well, we'll talk later, okay?
Valerie: Okay, sure.
[Ling trilling]
[Phone ringing]
Eli: Hey, mom. What's up?
Valerie: Hey, darling, can you--can you meet me at the square in about 20 minutes?
Eli: Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?
Valerie: Let's--let's discuss it when I see you. Okay? See you soon.
Jennifer: Wow. Henry sure does know how to write a proposal. I mean, who could say no to this?
Eric: You two seem to be getting along pretty well.
Jennifer: Well, he's-- he's a great guy. I mean, he's thoughtful, he's funny. You know, he's--he's perfect for the center.
Eric: Well, I meant more on a personal level. Are you two dating?
Jennifer: Yeah. I guess you could say that.
Eric: That's--that's great. I mean, if you're happy, I'm--I'm happy for you.
Jennifer: Why don't we just get back to this proposal?
Kate: Gabi, if you want to know more about the murder investigation, you should really ask your brother. He knows more than I do.
Gabi: Yeah, well, rafe is like a vault when it comes to ongoing investigations.
Kate: Yeah, well, I suppose that's--is the way it should be, right?
Gabi: You know, I wasn't--i wasn't gonna ask you, and I didn't come here with the intentions of asking you, but...
Kate: What? What is it?
Gabi: Well, what's--what's gonna happen with gabi chic? And if you don't want to answer this right now, we don't have to talk about it.
Kate: No, no. That's not what it's about. I knew nothing about what andre was planning to squeeze you out of the company that you created, and when I found out, I was furious, and I let him know.
Andre: There's something I have to tell you, and you're not going to like it.
Kate: [Laughs] Well, what is it?
Andre: I fired gabi.
Kate: Why?
Andre: Because she failed to disclose that the money for her company, blood money, came from her father.
Kate: You fired gabi because of eduardo?
Andre: And retained the company for countess W.
Kate: You need to undo that, andre.
Andre: And what if I don't? What are you going to do?
Gabi: What did you do?
Chad: I don't believe that gabi would kill andre. I don't--
Abigail: No, I'm--I'm not saying that she did. I... but we did-- we told hope that she was really upset over what had happened.
Chad: Yeah, she-- she wasn't--I don't know. We weren't--we weren't thinking straight. We were in shock.
Abigail: I mean, I know I was. Look, I really--I don't want to believe that gabi could have done this any more than you do, but I just--I keep thinking about gabi chic and I keep thinking about what that meant to her. I mean, outside of arianna, that was her whole life.
Chad: [Stammers] Speaking of arianna, I just don't-- I can't imagine gabi would take a risk, any risk where she would lose her daughter again. She went through hell the first time she went to prison.
Abigail: Even if it's what she said she would do?
Chad: What are you--abby, what are you talking about?
Abigail: I... the night of the murder, I ran into gabi, and she said, I mean, she said that andre wasn't gonna get away with this, and then... she threatened to kill him.
[Dramatic music]
Do I use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or... .
[Tense music]
Abigail: I just--I don't-- I don't think in the entire time that I've known gabi-- I've never seen her like this. I mean, "I swear I will kill him," and those are her exact words.
Chad: Yeah, but it's a figure of speech. People say that all the time and it doesn't--it doesn't mean they mean it.
Abigail: I know, and that's why I didn't tell hope, but...
[Sighs] And gabi is one of our closest friends, I know that neither one of us wants to believe that she could do something like this.
Chad: I don't know. I just--
[Stammers] I don't--I don't see it.
Abigail: But--but we do know something and hope knows it, too. There's something else we know.
Chad: What?
Abigail: She has killed before.
Gabi: So after andre informed you that he'd fired me, then what?
Kate: I gave him an ultimatum.
Andre: You need to calm down.
Kate: You need to rehire gabi.
Andre: You know, kate, you're not looking at the whole picture. In the end, I will spare us from having another scandal. This way, countess wilhelmina will make more money, because we don't have to give gabi her share.
Kate: God, no! No! That's wrong! It's wrong, and it's horribly unfair!
Andre: Said the woman who prides herself a cutthroat businesswoman.
Kate: I would do absolutely anything for this company. We both know that. But what you're doing to gabi, it's--it's personal and it--and it's greedy and it's cruel! Andre, it's--it's cruel. We can't just fire her and take her company away from her.
Andre: It's already done.
Kate: You see, I thought we made the decisions together as partners. As partners! In business and in life.
Andre: Well, naturally, you were wrong.
Kate: You begged me. You begged me to make this a real marriage, and I opened my heart to you. And I told you I loved you. So if that means anything to you at all, you will reinstate gabi and her deal.
[Tense music]
Andre: I can'T.
Kate: That's not a request. You either bring gabi back, or you and I are through. Then I left.
Gabi: You never got any kind of answer?
Kate: No.
Gabi: Was that the last time you saw andre before he was killed?
Lani: I could stay like this all day.
Jj: Mm-hmm.
Lani: [Laughs] But I do need to get to the station.
Jj: I wish you didn't have such a dangerous job.
Lani: Hmm. I can handle it.
Jj: I'm not questioning that. It's just, you know, I'd feel better if you were partnered with someone who I knew always had your back. Hey, maybe you can remind eli how great it was when you two were partners.
Lani: I'm not reminding anyone of anything. And I don't want or need eli grant to be my partner. I'll be fine without him. Promise. Come here.
Eli: Hey. Hope I'm not late. I stopped and picked up a coffee and a muffin for my favorite mom.
Valerie: Oh, thanks. That's very thoughtful of you.
Eli: You sounded like you needed a little pick-me-up.
Valerie: We both might.
Eli: What do you mean?
Valerie: Okay, eli, I'm not gonna dance around this. I need to ask you a question, and I want an honest answer.
Eli: Okay.
Valerie: When you slept with lani, did you use protection?
Eli: Whoa.
[Laughs] Where--where--where's-- where's that coming from?
Valerie: Yes or no, eli.
Eli: I know that I should have, but...
Valerie: [Scoffs]
Eli: Mom, things just happened in the heat of the moment. I assumed she was on birth control.
Valerie: You assumed wrong.
Eli: What do you mean?
Valerie: She's pregnant. We're doing a cream cheese test. .
Jennifer: So I just think we can help drive the point home if we just flip those paragraphs.
Eric: What do you need?
Jennifer: I'm just looking for my stylus. It's so crazy. I mean, I had it earlier when I was checking my email. I must've dropped it when i was leaving for breakfast.
Eric: Yeah, well, maybe you left it at shah's place.
Jennifer: Excuse me?
Eric: I assumed, since you two had an early breakfast, together that you--
Jennifer: That we spent the night together? That is one heck of an assumption and none of your business.
Jj: I wonder how my mom's gonna react.
Lani: What do you mean, about the baby?
Jj: I know we were wanting to wait 'cause you're not that far along, but I mean, your dad knows, so I feel like I should tell her, you know, before she hears it from someone else.
Lani: You think she'll be angry?
Jj: She won't like that we're not married, but my mom loves babies. Once she gets past the initial shock, she'll start buying every onesie she sees.
Lani: Well, tell her. Let's just hold off a little bit before we tell anyone else.
Jj: I know you're worried about getting past the first trimester. But it's almost over, right?
Lani: Right.
Jj: I'll bet when it is, you'll be just like me and want to shout it out to the whole world! Come here. Sexy baby mama.
Eli: How do you know that lani's pregnant?
Valerie: Because abe overheard her talking to jj about it.
Eli: Well, why-- why are you telling me?
Valerie: Come on, eli, because the two of you slept together.
Eli: Jeez! Mom, one time. All right. A move that lani and I both agree was a big mistake. I should have never told you.
Valerie: I haven't told anyone.
Eli: Well, I hope not. That would really hurt gabi. And jj.
Valerie: I don't want to see anyone hurt, least of all a little baby. An innocent little baby who, whether you like it or not, could potentially be yours.
[Tense music]
Eli: Just because lani's pregnant, mom, it-- look, it doesn't mean the baby's mine, all right. We slept together once.
Valerie: That's all it takes.
Eli: Do you know how far along she is?
Valerie: No. I tried to find out from kayla since she's lani's doctor, but she had to keep it confidential. Okay, okay, listen. You said you slept together right before christmas, right?
Eli: Christmas eve to be exact.
Valerie: So if this baby's yours, that makes her one month pregnant.
Eli: That's a big if.
Valerie: It's still a possibility.
Eli: Why are you even coming to me about this before we know if it's actually true?
Valerie: Considering how you grew up, not knowing who your real father was, because of me, if this baby is yours, eli, I think you should know.
Eric: Hey, I'm sorry if I overstepped. It's just you mentioned that you and shah were dating and--
Jennifer: Yeah, can I just be honest with you for one second, just so we won't have any tension between us?
Eric: Okay.
Jennifer: Whatever I choose to do with my life, it is not your concern, at all. And I'm-- I'm gonna move on, and hopefully that means I'm gonna fall in love with someone who--who can love me back.
Eric: And why wouldn't you?
Jennifer: What? I mean, why-- why are you even saying that? Why don't you give it a shot yourself?
Eric: No. Me? I don't even know where that would come from.
Jennifer: I do. And I think you would, too, if you were just honest with yourself.
Gabi: Was that the last time you saw andre?
Abigail: Gabi, what are you doing here?
Chad: Everything all right?
[Phone rings]
Kate: Hello.
[Scoffs] Okay, fine. Yes, that'll be fine. I'll be there shortly.
[Beep] That's the funeral director. I have to discuss arrangements.
Chad: Has salem pd even released andre's body yet?
Kate: No. No, the autopsy is still pending.
Abigail: But we already know the cause of death. Someone bashed his head in. I saw it. Somebody murdered andre in cold blood.
[Dramatic music]
7 days ago, karen wasn't
thinking about .
Eli: Hey, I need-- I need to talk to you.
Lani: What about?
Eli: In private.
Lani: If it's about the dimera murder--
Eli: It's not.
Eric: Wait, you don't think that I'm not moving on with my life? Is that why you suddenly went cold on me? On us?
Jennifer: No, eric, I just think that maybe you're still hung up on--
Jj: Hey, you two. It's good to see you together.
Jennifer: We're--we're not.
Eric: Hey, jj, what's up?
Jj: I've got some--some good news for a change. Great news, actually. At least I hope that you'll think it's great.
Jennifer: We won't know what it is until you tell us.
Jj: Okay, here goes. Lani's pregnant.
Jennifer: She's what?
Jj: We're going to have a baby. And I'm--I'm really happy about it so--so even if you're not, try not to completely flip out.
Jennifer: Is she happy about it?
Jj: And nervous and-- and excited and scared and--
Jennifer: And what about abe?
Jj: He knows. And now you do, too.
Jennifer: You don't-- you're not surprised about this.
Eric: Jj's been seeing me for counseling.
Jj: There's no way he could have told you, mom.
Jennifer: No. No, of course not. Well, this is exciting.
Jj: You're really okay with it?
Jennifer: Yes, yes, of course I'm okay with it. My goodness, yes. I'm so excited. Congratulations, honey.
[Laughs] Okay.
Lani: What's going on, eli?
Eli: I know that you're pregnant, lani. Is it mine?
Kate: I'm going to have to change to meet the funeral director.
Abigail: You should go with her.
Kate: No. That's not necessary.
Abigail: Look, kate, we're your family and we want to be here for you, and you're not going through this alone.
Chad: I'll grab my--my wallet and keys from upstairs.
Gabi: Yeah, I should-- I should get going, too.
Abigail: You got here bright and early.
Gabi: I wanted to offer kate my condolences, yeah.
Abigail: Is that all?
Gabi: Well, I wanted to ask her about gabi chic and what she knew and when.
Abigail: Yeah, I kind of want--want some answers, too.
Gabi: What about?
Abigail: You're one of my closest friends, so that makes this really hard to ask.
Gabi: What do you mean, what do you wanna ask about?
Abigail: I don't even really know how to say it unless i just come out with it.
Gabi: What do you mean, come out with it? What's going on?
Abigail: Did you do it?
Gabi: Do what?
Abigail: Did you kill andre?
[Tense music]
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