Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/19/17
Episode #13218 ~ Will asks Paul if they can be friends; Eve overhears an argument between Brady and Victor; John surprises Marlena with a romantic gift; Kate and Eve battle over Gabi's company.
Provided By Suzanne
Kate: I'm no longer overseeing that acquisition. You're going to have to take up the details with chad. I'm stepping down as ceo, effective immediately. Oh, it was a pleasure doing business with you as well, celine.[Phone beeps]
Kate: Stupid cow! [Sighs]
Andre: You're stepping down?
Kate: Pushed out.
Andre: Why? What happened?
Kate: [Sighs]
Andre: Chad?
Kate: Yes, yeah, he knows. He knows I'm the one who sent theo into that building, and he wants me out of the house as well.
Andre: But we're married. He can't do that.
Kate: He does--
Andre: Op!
Kate: He doesn't want to see me.
Andre: Oh, he's angry. Listen, he can be reasonable when he wants to. Oh, he's got such great affection for you.
Kate: Andre, his favorite nephew is in a coma. He's not going to forgive me. And frankly, I don't blame him.
Eve: Gabi, it's eve kiriakis. And I know you have a meeting today with kate about taking gabi chic to countess wilhelmina. And I know I'm repeating myself, but trust me, you are gonna be so much happier at basic black. So I want you to call me so we can discuss numbers, okay?
Brady: Eve? Eve? What the hell? What's going on with the water, huh?
Eve: Well, I guess I forgot to mention to you that the workers were shutting the water off.
Brady: Yeah, yeah, you didn't mention that to me. So have them turn it back on so I can finish my damn shower.
Eve: I can't do that. Look at this. Christmas is around the corner. This place is under renovation, and it's got to get done, brady.
Brady: This is not your house.
Eve: Where the hell's your gratitude? You know this place was long overdue for a makeover. I want you to consider it a favor, okay?
Brady: You want to do me a favor? Pack your bags and get out of town, please.
Marlena: Okay, we've got grandchildren, nieces, nephews. That's all handled. And we've got--oh, oh, wait. Honey, we don't have anything for brady. Do you know what he might like?
John: I don't know. How about a sweater or shirt?
Marlena: I was hoping for something a little more... original.
John: Oh, come on, I've been shopping for hours. My brain is fried, woman.
Marlena: Okay, okay. So you want a shirt and sweater, like we're getting for paul. Oh, wait, for paul. What else do you think he might like? What about a briefcase for paul?
John: Paul's easy.
Marlena: Mm-hmm.
John: I think all paul wants for christmas is sonny.
Gabi: Sonny? Are you all right? What happened? Sonny: You know that doll that ari wants?
Gabi: Yeah. Sonny: The one that's sold out everywhere? I finally track one down. I have it in my hands. This crazy grandmother comes out of nowhere, pushes me into the bicycle display, and takes off with the doll. Can you believe it?
Gabi: You--you got knocked down by an old lady?
[Stifled laughter] Sonny: She came out of nowhere.
Gabi: Okay.
[Laughing] Sonny: You know, ari is gonna be so disappointed.
Gabi: No. No, she's not. Because...ta-da! Sonny: Where did you get that?
Gabi: They had a dozen over at baron'S. Sonny: Oh, I hate you.
Gabi: You love me. And arianna is gonna have the best christmas, because she gets to see will. She's over the mooN. Sonny: You know, I have some more good news for her. Will and I decided to give our relationship another chance.
Gabi: What? Sonny: And he is moving into the mansion today.
Gabi: Wow. Wow, you guys don't waste any time. Sonny: I love him, you know? I never stopped loving him. And I think this will be a good first step in putting our life back together.
[Doorbell dings]
Will: Just a minute.
[Dramatic music]
I was hoping I would get to see you again.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Will: I'm glad you stopped by. I was hoping that we could get another chance to talk.
Paul: I actually came to speak with my dad about work. Is he here?
Will: No. He's christmas shopping with my grandmother. Do you want to wait?
Paul: No, that's okay. I'll catch him later.
Will: Okay.
Paul: Are you-- are you going somewhere?
Will: Yeah, I'm moving in with sonny.
Gabi: Arianna getting to spend christmas with you and will? Oh, come on, best christmas ever.
[Phone beeping] Oh, actually, that's me. I have to go meet up with kate. Sonny: Oh, are you accepting her offer? Taking gabi chic to dimera?
Gabi: Well, I haven't quite made up my mind. I have another offer from eve over at basic black. So what do you think I should do? Sonny: I mean, you know, I'd rather have gabi chic under the titan umbrella, but I'm gonna stay out of it.
Gabi: Oh, where's the love? Sonny: I know that you're gonna make the right decision. But I will say this. Eve isn't someone that I would trust.
Eve: Brady, brady, brady. You really need to get a new song here. You've done your worst to get me out of here. Three times you failed. I'm here to stay.
Brady: Not if I can help it.
Eve: Maybe it's time to accept the things you cannot change. Oh, that's right, you don't go to meetings anymore.
Brady: Eve, why don't you accept the fact that nobody wants you here? You understand how pathetic it is that you're around people that hate you rather than live by yourself?
Eve: Oh, you're so bitter.
Brady: I'm the bitter one?
Eve: Yeah, you're the--
Brady: Let me tell you something, if you don't get--
Justin: What the hell is going on here?
Eve: Well, brady didn't get the memo, obviously, that the water was shut off, and he is madder than a wet hen. I'm sorry. Rooster.
Brady: Will you please talk some sense into your friend? Let her know that nobody wants her here.
Eve: Brady... got a little soap behind your ear.
Justin: Eve, why are you putting yourself through all this? You can afford to live anywhere.
Eve: After what brady and victor have done to me, it's justice.
Justin: Yes, and no one loves a good fight more than you.
Eve: Well, you know what? I never back down from a good fight. I consider it a challenge, and I never back down from that. And I need you to do me a favor. Can you look over this contract? It's for basic black.
Justin: Yes--well, I'm heading out now, but maybe later.
Eve: Okay.
Justin: Yeah.
Eve: Justin.
Justin: Hmm?
Eve: Brady is right. This whole family is against me.
Justin: Yeah, well, you could try being nicer.
Eve: It's a little late for that. But I could use at least one kiriakis on my side. And we were close once. And I swear to you, I could not have gotten through that horrible time after paige's death without you. So I could use your friendship now. An ally.
Justin: Of course I'm your friend. But as far as being an ally in this war you've created, sorry, my allegiance is to my family.
Eve: Well, I'm family now too. And my only objective is to get basic black back on tracK. I swear. Okay?
Justin: If you're sincere, I'll support you. But understand this. My son is the ceo of titan. So if you do anything to undermine him, you'll have to answer to me.
Kate: Steve provoked me. He provoked me, and I admitted what I had done, and... then chad walked in. He had recorded the whole thing. He was so, so angry. But I deserved it. I deserved the hate. Theo could have died because of what I did.
Andre: But we brought in dr. Bretts, the best of the best, to bring theo out of his coma.
Kate: The procedure didn't work.
Andre: Yeah, but I'm not gonna give up on--
[Doorbell dings] And I don't intend to give up on you and chad. I'm gonna do everything in my power to fix this.
Gabi: Oh, sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting.
Kate: Oh, no, gabi. No, I'm so sorry. I forgot we have a meeting.
Gabi: I can come back.
Kate: Don'T. Actually, there's something that I need to tell you.
Andre: No, no, there isn'T.
Kate: We might as well do it.
Andre: Now, what kate is trying to say is that we're thrilled that you're here, but also what's important is that my wife lock down this deal for dimera.
Justin: Ha, shopping? Or hand-to-hand combat? Sonny: Oh, it's brutal out there.
Justin: Wow, from the looks of it, arianna's gonna be one happy little girl on christmas morning. Sonny: She is, yes. But most of this is for will. I got him a fountain pen. It's somewhere around here. Because I know how much he used to love writing with that pen. So who knows? And goose down. Not duck down. Pillows, right? Because of his allergies. It's not like we're gonna be sharing the same room-- for a little while.
Justin: But you're hoping. Sonny: Oh, I'm hoping, yes.
Justin: Well, this is all very thoughtful. Whatever it takes to make the transition smoother. Sonny: You know, dad, you've always been pro-paul. You think I'm making a mistake, don't you?
Will: I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything about moving in with sonny.
Paul: No, it's fine. If sonny wants to work it out with you, and I guess you want the same?
Will: Well, I may not remember the great love that everyone says sonny and i shared, but I do feel something when I'm with him. And I think that's worth exploring.
Paul: Sonny must be thrilled. I hope it all works out.
Will: Wait.
[Dramatic music]
Liberty mutual stood with me
Justin: I like paul very much. And I certainly sympathize with his situation. But I'm not pro-paul. I'm pro-you. Sonny: You're avoiding the question, counselor. You think I'm making a mistake choosing will, don't you?
Justin: Will is a different person now. He doesn't have his memory back. Sonny, he may never get his memory back. You're heading into the unknown, and i can't help but be worried about you. Sonny: I know it's a risk, but if there is a chance that I can help will remember and we can recapture what we had, that is worth taking the chance, dad.
Justin: My son... you have always led with your heart. Sonny: I wonder where that comes from.
Will: Okay, I'm sorry. I know this is beyond weird. But I'm hoping that you and i can hang out.
Paul: How many times do I have to say it? I'm in love with sonny. What, you think you can play around on the side with--
Will: No, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I meant that it'd be nice if we could hang out as friends.
Paul: Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to assume.
Will: No, don't apologize. It was only natural of you to assume. I mean, I kissed you, and I slept with you when I was married to sonny. But I don't want to be that guy this time around.
Paul: Good, because sonny deserves the best that you can be.
Will: Yeah. You know, that's one of the things I like about you. You know, you always speak your mind. I think I could use a friend like that.
Paul: Well, there's plenty of people here that love you. Why don't you reach out to one of them?
Will: Yeah, but around them, I feel pressure to be the will they remember. Around you, I don'T. I can be who I am, and I can be whoever I turn out to be.
Paul: Well, you, sonny, and I have a history, and it's not a good history. So I'm not gonna be your friend. I won't do that to sonny.
Brady: Thank god eva's gone. I didn't want to go round two.
Victor: I take it that she won round one?
Brady: Getting rid of her is gonna be harder than I thought.
Victor: Might be easier if you laid off the liquor.
Brady: My drinking is under control.
Victor: Brady, you've got nothing under control, especially when it comes to eve. Your whole big plan to take her down was an abysmal failure.
Andre: Well, don't keep gabi waiting.
Kate: Well, I was just going to say that something has come up. There have been some changes--
Andre: No, would you excuse us for a moment?
Kate: Andre.
Andre: She's so funny.
[Laughing nervously]
Kate: What are you doing? I cannot make a deal. I don't work for dimera anymore.
Andre: You've already made the deal. All you've got to do now is close it.
Kate: What's the point?
Andre: The point is, acquiring gabi chic is a brilliant move. You lock this down, you're gonna show chad that this company cannot live without you, and neither can he.
Kate: I don't know.
Andre: Trust me. I know what I'm doing.
[Door opens]
Gabi: What's the problem?
Kate:'s nothing. We're just--
Andre: No, we were actually just discussing how impressed we are with gabi chic and... what you've done to make it successful.
Kate: Yes, it's really impressive, it is, all the traffic that you've got to the site.
Andre: And it's no surprise, either, I mean, given how hard gabi's worked to get it up and running.
Kate: No, that's true. It's not surprising, really. It's really quite remarkable, the strategy you used to get the right demographic. And the fact that you were under the radar, too, was very impressive.
Andre: And we also have some good news. I know you've been concerned about the stability of dimera, and maybe that's the reason why you haven't accepted kate's deal at the moment. But I want to reassure you that chad is coming back to take control.
Gabi: Wait, so chad's gonna be the new ceo? What about you?
Kate: It was all part of the plan. I mean, originally, me being ceo, it was temporary. It was supposed to be only six months. Actually, I decided to leave early, because I'm very eager to work with you, gabi.
Andre: And we also have some other good news. If gabi chic were to go under the umbrella of dimera, we'd be well-positioned to go public with this company, and your shares would be worth...
[Doorbell dings] A whole lot more than they would have been otherwise on the public market.
Gabi: What makes you think we can go public? Have you been talking to investment bankers?
Andre: Oh, absolutely. I mean, they are really excited with the potential of us working together, and... as kate and I are, of course.
Kate: All you have to do is sign on the dotted line.
Eve: Don't sign a thing.
[Dramatic music]
It's all pop-culture trivia, but it gets pretty intense. Sonny: So did you get mom a christmas present yet?
Justin: Way too early. You know me. I prefer the christmas eve madness. Sonny: I am so glad you two finally worked it out.
Justin: So am I. And I think this time, we're gonna get it right. Sonny: You will, yes. And that's the best christmas present you could give me. You two belong together.
Justin: We were each other's first loves. And it's a hard thing to shake. Sonny: Yeah. You know, paul was my first love. And I still love him. And there's a part of me that I think always will.
Kate: This is a private meeting, eve.
Eve: I'm here to stop gabi from making a huge mistake. Gabi, gabi, gabi, you belong at basic black. I'm gonna put you at the centerpiece of the company. We'll work side by side. If you work for dimera, kate has a multi-national--
Kate: Chad is ceo of dimera once again.
Eve: What? You were fired?
Kate: No, I stepped down specifically because I want to devote full time to gabi chic.
Eve: Oh, you would never step down at being top dog, kate.
Kate: I really enjoy building new things, nurturing fresh talent. I want to make sure that a brilliant young woman like gabi realizes her full potential.
Eve: Or cramp her style. Gabi, listen to me. You will have carte blanche at basic black to realize your full vision. And you will have complete backing and resources of titan to boot.
Andre: Now, that's a wonderful sentiment, but rumor has it that the family doesn't want you helming basic black.
Kate: Gabi, do you really want to put your future with a family that's doing battle with each other?
Eve: Listen, don't listen to morticia and gomez, okay? Basic black, I've got great ideas for it. I really do, sweetheart. And with you there, we can take it straight to the top. You sign with me, we will give it its full potential. Please.
Kate: Gabi... this is your decision, but you only can do it once. You know how much that I believe in you. And every decision I make is going to be to benefit you and gabi chic.
Eve: Gabi...
Andre: Well, gabi, you have a big decision to make.
Victor: I thought you had a new plan to get that harridan out of our lives. What happened?
Brady: I had dirt. Eve apparently was having a wonderful time taking money away from men of a certain age and running with it. She even used aliases, granddad. Turns out, only one of the idiots out of the bunch actually filed charges in civil court. But there's a gag order, and the case was settled.
Victor: So you got nothing, and we're still stuck with the viper.
Brady: I just need a little more time.
Victor: You failed three times, brady. I'm running out of patience.
Brady: Well, maybe if you hadn't let deimos in the family in the first place, we wouldn't be here.
Victor: Excuse me?
Brady: I'm just trying to clean up the mess that you started, granddad. You let deimos in here, and we're still paying the price for it. You want eve out of here? Then stop blaming me, and why don't you help me get rid of her? Hey, are you taking the tissue test?
Marlena: Okay, do you have your toothbrush and your shaving kit?
Will: I do.
Marlena: Oh.
Will: I'm only 15 minutes away, you know.
Marlena: I know.
[Laughs] You haven't been here very lonG. I just--gosh, I'm gonna miss you.
Will: Me too. Well, maybe you should, you know, invite me over every once in a while.
Marlena: Open door invitation, anytime. No reason needed. Come to sunday brunch. And...maybe you'll want to stop by my office for an hour once in a while.
Will: Isn't that called therapy?
Marlena: Yeah, for me, it's called a woman who really misses her grandson.
Will: Why not? Even though I know you're offering because you're a little worried about me.
Marlena: Honey, you've got a lot going on. You know, questions you'll be having, thoughts. Besides, your mother asked me if I would keep an eye on you.
Will: Okay.
Marlena: But, you know, I'll also leave you-- leave you some space.
Will: I want to do this right. Whether I remember who I am or not, I want to make good decisions. And I think I could use a little guidance in that area. And there's nobody that I trust more.
Marlena: Wow.
Paul: Hi. Sonny: Hey.
Justin: Paul, it's good to see you. Now, if you'll excuse me, duties of the season call.
Paul: Looks like you've raided the stores. Sonny: Yeah, even had to throw a few elbows. There's something that I have to tell you.
Paul: I know. I just saw will. He's agreed to giving your relationship a chance. He's moving in. Sonny: Yeah. I'm gonna go pick him up right now.
Paul: Well, I... I hope it works out for you. I really mean it. I just want you to be happy. Sonny: Thank you.
Paul: I should go. Sonny: Hey, paul. I'm really sorry that I hurt you.
Gabi: Do I need to make this decision right now?
Both: Yes.
Andre: There really isn't any contest, is there, really? I mean, it's obvious. Dimera is the perfect home for gabi chic.
Gabi: You don't even like me.
Andre: Oh, I do now.
Kate: Gabi, it's very simple. I'm a businesswoman--the best. It's my life, and I love it. And you're going to have the benefit of all of that experience.
Eve: I have business experience too, gabi.
Kate: As a hooker.
Eve: You were too. And now you're married to him.
Kate: And you were married to deimos. Gabi, really, do you want to work for a woman who's the widow of the man who tried to kill you?
Eve: That is so beside the point, kate.
Gabi: Stop, okay? Enough. Enough. I have made my decision. I'm going to sign... with kate.
Brady: I've spent my whole life trying to prove myself to you. It's never enough.
Victor: Don't be so dramatic. Look, you're very good at what you do... as long as you're not drinking or getting involved with the wrong women.
Brady: You pitted me against philip for years, and now it's me and sonny. Except this is a fight I can't win, right?
Victor: It ain't over till it's over.
Brady: How many years have I heard you gush about how sonny's just--he's the best of us? I'm not gonna be ceo, because you have me doing the grunt work while he's keeping his hands clean.
Victor: First of all, I don't gush. And secondly, you're a very valuable member of this family.
Brady: I think eve was right. She says my real enemy isn't her. It's you.
John: Hey, there he is. What do you say I get you a beer before we get down to business?
Paul: I'd rather just update you on the cases.
John: Sure, fire away.
Paul: Files are on here somewhere.
John: It's all right. Take your time, no rush.
Paul: I just downloaded them this morning. Damn it.
John: It's all right. It's all right.
Paul: No, it's not. Nothing is.
John: Hey, what's going on?
Paul: I went to speak with you at the townhouse earlier, and...
John: I see. You ran into will, huh?
Paul: He told me he's moving in with sonny. They're really gonna try and make it work.
John: Sorry about that, kid.
Paul: And if that's not bad enough, I just ran into sonny. It was so awkward.
John: Yeah. Look, I know how hard this is.
John: What do you say we just blow the work off right now, get a beer, and talk about it, huh?
Paul: No, I'd rather-- let's just finish the work.
John: All right.
Paul: The files have got to be on here somewhere, right?
John: Listen, son...
Paul: It's probably better if we do this another time. I got to go.
John: Yeah, sure. No problem, no problem.
Paul: Thanks.
John: Yeah. Be careful.
Will: Well, sonny should be here any minute.
Marlena: Are you excited?
Will: Nervous, actually.
Marlena: Well, it's a big step, moving in with sonny.
Will: Yeah. Do you think it's too soon?
Marlena: I think it's important that you're doing it because you want to, not because you might be feeling pressured.
Will: You officiated our wedding, right?
Marlena: I did.
Will: Were we happy?
Marlena: Oh, honey. You said to me... it was the happiest day of your entire life.
[Doorbell dings]
Will: Okay. Hey. Sonny: Hey. Hello, good to see you.
Marlena: Hello. Oops. Big day, huh? Sonny: Yes, yeah. Are you ready? Are you having second thoughts or anything?
Will: No, let's-- let's do this.
Brady: Eve was right. You are the enemy. I mean, the mind games, the power trips. You know how sick and tired I am of constantly trying to live up to your expectations, hoping for respect from you?
Victor: You were right before when you said you were a disappointment to me, because that's what you were. You have no judgment. You're weak. I gave you a shot at ceo, and you blew it miserably. Never again.
Brady: I knew it. You told me. You told me that all I had to do was get rid of eve, and the position would be mine. It's just another one of your lies!
Victor: No, it's another one of your failures. I want eve out of this house, and I want her out of basic black.
Brady: Who gives a damn about basic black anymore?
Victor: Nobody steals from the kiriakises and gets away with it.
Brady: Oh, granddad, you know, I'm sick of doing your dirty work.
Victor: Nobody's got a gun to your head. You can quit any time you want.
Brady: I need some air.
Eve: [Exhales] Now, that is something I can work with.
Andre: To the beginning of a beautiful and most lucrative relationship.
Gabi: Salud.
Kate: Thank you for putting your trust in me.
Gabi: Thank you for being so supportive in so many different ways.
Kate: We're gonna make a really great team.
Gabi: Oh, I'm counting on it. Oh, excuse me. I'm gonna go check up on arianna's babysitter. I'll be back.
Kate: Yes, of course. Bravo. You handled that beautifully.
Andre: You did too.
Kate: I was nervous.
Andre: You were classic kate. You beat eve, and you got the contract.
Kate: I lied through my teeth.
Andre: Without breaking a sweat.
[Laughter] Signed, sealed, and delivered. Not for just gabi's future; yours as well.
Kate: What if chad doesn't change his mind? This still could blow up all in my face.
Andre: You leave that to me.
[Somber music]
Paul: [Sobbing] Sonny: All right, I'll see you later. I'm gonna go ahead and take these to the car.
Will: Okay, I'll catch up in a minute. Sonny: All right.
Marlena: Bye, sonny. Sonny: Bye.
Will: Well...thanks for... thank you for everything. You've been so patient and kind, and I don't think I could have gone through any of this without you.
Marlena: You know, whether you get your memory back or not... you need to know that you are an extraordinary young man, and I have nothing but faith in you.
Will: Wish me luck?
Marlena: You know I do. Oof. You deserve to be happy.
Will: Thank you. Okay. Bye.
Justin: Eve, I'm glad I caught you. I can take a look at that basic black contract now.
Eve: Well, there's no need. The deal fell through.
Justin: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Eve: Already forgotten.
Justin: Good to see you don't wallow.
Eve: Well, as luck would have it, I think a new opportunity just landed right in my lap.
Victor: Well?
Brady: I'm pretty sure she heard every word. The plan worked. Maybe eve is right, huh? She says my real enemy isn't her; it's you.
Victor: Can't you see what she's doing, brady? She's trying to turn us against each other.
Brady: That's the answer.
Victor: What?
Brady: [Chuckles softly] Henderson. Let me know the minute eve walks through that door. That bitch is about to fall right into our trap.
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