Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/18/17
Episode #13217 ~ J.J. learns the results of the Internal Affairs investigation into Theo's shooting; Abe gets bad news regarding Theo; Ciara opens up to Hope; Kayla and Tripp share a warm moment.
Provided By Suzanne
Kate: What's going on here?Steve: Did you get all that?
Chad: Yeah. Yeah... I got every word.
Kate: Yes. That's what I call it. And no one who loves theo can know about it, so you will keep your mouth shut, and you'll keep your wife and your son's mouths shut. And you will get the hell out of my house.
Chad: Your house? Huh? You think this is your house?
Kate: What I meant--
Chad: Do not speak!
Steve: All right. I'm gonna go tell kayla and tripp that she's been neutralized. You know, kayla has been at the hospital around the clock doing everything she can for theo. Don't you ever go after her or anyone in my family again.
[Tense music]
Chad: [Exhales sharply] When steven told me that somebody in my family was responsible for theo being shot, I of course-- I thought it was andre. When he said it was you, I couldn't believe him, so he told me that I should hear it for myself. And it was you. Yeah. It was you. Say it. You're responsible for theo being shot. Say it. Say it!
Kate: Yes. Yes.
Chad: Yes.
Kate: It was me.
Chad: [Growls] You know, if theo--if theo spends the rest of his life in that hospital bed seeing nothing, saying nothing-- if that is the life that is left for him, then that is on you. It's all on you.
Jennifer: Lani... kayla said she's really feeling optimistic about this whole procedure for theo.
Lani: They were still working on him when I left the hospital.
Jennifer: To come here and be with us.
Lani: I hope that things go well for jj today.
Jennifer: I am praying that we all get good news today.
[Solemn music]
Abe: Well? What does it say?
Rafe: "Therefore, on consideration of the findings of a thorough investigation, the department of internal affairs officially clears detective jack patrick deveraux of any wrongdoing in the shooting of theodore brandon carver."
Rafe: Can't believe I almost threw it all away. If hope ever found out that you and I slept together...
Hope: Ciara.
[Murmuring] You sounded really upset.
Ciara: Yeah. Thanks for getting here so fast.
Hope: Hey, what's wrong? What happened?
Ciara: What happened? Right. That's what I have to tell you--what happened.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Tripp: Come on. When's the last time you ate?
Claire: No. I'm not hungry. I shouldn't even be here. I should be back at the hospital.
Tripp: Just have something to eat so theo doesn't wake up and see you pass out in front of him.
Claire: This is not funny, tripp.
Tripp: Yeah, you think I don't know that? You think I don't know that you're also not just worried about theo?
Claire: I'm so sick of ciara. Like, why does she keep acting like I'm committing this crime every time I'm with you? We're friends. Like, for god's sake, you're my roommate.
Tripp: Right.
Claire: Right. So why does she keep acting like I'm doing something wrong? Why does she want me to feel guilty about it?
Tripp: You don't have anything to feel guilty about.
Claire: You know, I don't know what happened to her in hong kong, but she has come back a total bitch.
Hope: Is this about claire?
Ciara: What?
Hope: I stopped by the loft this morning. You weren't there, but shawn was. He said you were threatening to ruin claire's life?
Ciara: Yeah, well, shawn's got a big mouth.
Hope: Honey, please tell me there's been some misunderstanding.
Ciara: Nope. No, there's been no misunderstanding. If I ruin her life, it'll be because she deserves it.
Hope: Ciara alice brady, my god, that is a terrible thing to say, and it's not like you. What's going on with you, honey?
Rafe: "It is determined that officer deveraux executed his duties and followed departmental procedures."
Abe: Will you just--you can just stop right there, detective hernandez. I get the picture. He's getting away with it. It's another whitewash.
Rafe: Abe...
Jj: Abe...
Abe: No, no, no. Just no, detective deveraux. Just because the blue wall has closed ranks once again, the da can still file criminal charges against you.
Rafe: Well, actually, ia has recommended no charges, and the da will likely follow that recommendation. Abe... it's over.
Abe: Like hell it is.
Abe: I will not let this be over! That he was wearing a badge does not change the fact that he shot an unarmed boy.
Rafe: Abe, officer deveraux--
Abe: Give me, give me, give me that file!
Rafe: Well, hold on a second. Officer deveraux did not know that he was unarmed at the time.
Abe: Commissioner, you are not doing your job or your duty.
Rafe: Read it. Read it. It says in there that there is sufficient evidence that the victim was in the act of committing a crime.
Abe: My son is not a criminal. There's your criminal. And I don't care what you say, or ia, or even the da. I promise you this will not stand.
Ciara: What's going on with me? Let's see. My dad died, aiden tried to kill you, and oh yeah, let's not forget his kid raped me.
Hope: Ciara...
Ciara: And now you're moving on to a third guy.
Hope: Are you mad that I'm engaged to rafe? Is that it?
Ciara: I don't know if "mad" is the right word.
Hope: Sorry, I don't understand. You love rafe. You've always loved rafe. You've always been our biggest cheerleader, honey.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, he's a real stand-up guy.
Hope: I know what you've been through. Please talk to me. When you were in hong kong, you seemed really happy, until recently. What happened? Please. What aren't you telling me?
Ciara: Nothing.
Hope: That's not true. You called me here to tell me something. What is it, ciara?
Ciara: Okay. I'm a bitch and a liar.
Hope: That's not true. Stop saying that. Why are you so angry? Is it something I've done?
Ciara: No. No, no. It was nothing that you've done.
Hope: I know that grief comes in waves. They hit you again. But it does get better, baby. As bad as you're feeling right now, and as much as you're hurting, you're gonna find your way. You're gonna find your happiness again. Promise. Come here.
Rafe: You're upset--I totally understand that-- but please remember, you promised to stand by the results of this investigation. Now just hear me out. Try and look at this situation objectively.
Abe: [Sputtering] D-d-don't give me that crap! He shot my son, and I'm supposed to just let him walk free with nothing but a slap on the wrist. Or does he even get that?
Rafe: Ia is recommending reinstatement.
Abe: [Scoffs] Why don't you just give him a medal while you're at it? This is a travesty. Eli--
Jj: What did detective grant say? Abe, I'd like to know.
Abe: That this should never have happened.
Rafe: Okay, that is-- this is totally inappropriate for detective grant to have commented on an ongoing investigation.
Abe: He gave me his personal opinion because i asked him for it. But let me ask you: Were his concerns reflected in this report? Or did ia ignore anything that contradicted their foregone conclusions?
Rafe: Abe, you have my word that this report is a comprehensive and impartial investigation. Hope didn't interfere, and neither did I. You're welcome to read it.
Abe: I don't have time. I have to go be with my son. My son... who's fighting for his life thanks to you.
[Somber music]
Chad: Oh, kate.... do you know--you know what I remember? I remember you standing right there listening to me blame andre for what happened to theo. He didn't do anything; you did. And you just sat there, and you didn't say anything. You didn't--you didn't tell us what happened or how he got shot. You just sat there and-- and talked about how you-- how you were praying for him and about how much you loved him.
Kate: I--I love him.
Chad: Kate, please! Please! Please. 'Cause when theo went into the hospital with a bullet wound in his chest, you weren't praying. You weren't in a chapel. You were running around chasing some kid who just happened to have his phone trying to blackmail him into giving it back to you. And then when that didn't work, you went to kayla, and then you threatened her. For--no, for what? To cover your own ass?
[Sputtering] And I bet you're really sorry that theo got shot and you still didn't get what you wanted. What a bad night. Don't do that. You know what? You're lucky. You are lucky, 'cause imagine if my father was still alive and he found out what you did. Ooh, imagine what he would do then.
Kate: But you know what I did. So what are you gonna do to me?
Claire: I just don't know why ciara hates me so much, and why she wants me to act like I don't even love theo.
Tripp: I, uh, I guess I should probably tell you that she heard you and theo at the hospital. She knows that you and theo fought the night he was shot.
Claire: Okay. So? I mean, that makes it my fault?
[Phone beeps] Oh, god, it's aunt kayla. She said that the procedure's over. I have to get back to the hospital.
Tripp: Did it work?
Claire: I don't know. She didn't say.
Tripp: I'll go with you.
Claire: No. Tripp, stop, okay? Your break is almost over.
Tripp: Are you sure you'll be okay?
Claire: Yes. I'll be fine, as long as ciara isn't there.
Hope: I know that you're upset about theo.
Ciara: Every time I think I have nothing left to lose, I prove myself wrong. When I got home, all I wanted to do was feel close to dad. You wouldn't even let me ride his bike. You made rafe take it away. Don't you understand? Everyone has let me down.
Hope: Honey, I understand that you feel that way, but I think you're losing track of all the people that do love you, like claire.
Ciara: Don't start, okay?
Hope: You two have always been close. You're family. And you need each other right now.
Ciara: No. No. I do not need claire. She knows that the only reason I broke up with theo was because of what happened with chase. I couldn't let myself be close to anyone.
Hope: I know that, honey. I'm sorry.
Ciara: But I was finally ready to tell him how I felt. I know he loved me more than claire. I know that. But because of her, I'm never gonna have a chance to be with him again. Because of her, he might spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed.
Hope: Don't think that way. We have to think positively.
Ciara: It doesn't matter. She's made sure that I have no chance with him.
Hope: Ciara, it always matters. Claire is not responsible. It's not her fault that theo's in a coma.
Ciara: I'm your daughter, mom. Why can't you be on my side?
Hope: I am on your side. I am--and claire'S.
Ciara: No. That's not possible.
Hope: This is not how you were raised, and you-- it's not like you to be vindictive, ciara.
Ciara: Want to talk about vindictive? Just wait to hear what I have to tell you.
Hope: Whatever claire has done--
Ciara: No. This is not about--
Hope: I'm sure she didn't--
Ciara: This is not about claire. This is about rafe.
Rafe: All the charges against jj have been dropped. He'll be reinstated.
Jennifer: What? Oh, thank god. Where is he?
Rafe: He's pulling himself together.
Jennifer: Oh, god. Jj. Jj. Oh, god, I'm so relieved.
Lani: Have you told my dad?
Rafe: He was here.
Lani: What?
Rafe: But he's gone-- went out the back.
Lani: How'd he take it?
Rafe: Not real well.
Abigail: I knew everything was gonna be all right.
Jj: I'm sorry. It's not all right.
Lani: Jj... I'm glad this is over. I think ia did the right thing.
Jj: Dad didn't think so.
Lani: It may take some time for my dad to accept this. Okay? He's just-- he's really torn about theo.
Jj: I know that. I get it.
Lani: But maybe there'll be good news when he gets back to the hospital, and maybe we can start putting this behind us.
Jj: I don't ever see that happening.
Kayla: I'm sorry. I wish I had better news.
Valerie: We knew it might not work.
Abe: Can they try again?
Kayla: Dr. Bretts thinks that it could cause more harm than good.
Abe: I don't know. I can't imagine anything could be worse than this. So tell me the truth. Is there no hope? (Vo) more "doing chores for mom"
Kayla: I'm not saying that. We are right where we were before we tried the procedure.
Abe: Is there nothing else you can do?
Kayla: No. But that doesn't mean that there's no hope.
Claire: God, it didn't work, did it?
Valerie: No. But kayla was just saying that sometimes time is the best medicine.
Kayla: And prayer.
Valerie: Yeah.
Kayla: Don't give up hope, abe. I believe in miracles.
Chad: Okay, so now that it's just the two of us, you--oh, you get right to the point with what's important-- what really matters. What am I gonna do to you? What's important to kate dimera? "How is it gonna affect me?"
Kate: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to beat my breast, cry more tears? What do you want? You're not gonna believe me. You're not gonna believe me if I tell you that I was sorry, and I am sorry.
Chad: Yeah, I'm sure you're sorry that theo was shot, but that didn't stop you from putting him in harm's way to begin with.
Kate: What difference does it make? You're not gonna believe me if I tell you that's not true.
Chad: No, you're right. I'm not!
Kate: [Sighs]
Chad: Okay. So what, uh--what... am I gonna do to you? Hmm? I have enough evidence to send you to prison for a long time.
[Ominous music]
I'll tell you what: You are gonna do exactly what I tell you to do from now on.
Kate: You're not going to turn me in?
Chad: No.
Kate: Thank you.
Chad: Do not thank me. I think you deserve to go to prison. But I don't think abe can handle knowing that it was you that put his son in harm's way, and there's a selfish part of me that doesn't want to admit that I couldn't protect him. 'Cause I should have been able to. I should have been able to protect him from--oh, I should have been able to protect him from you. That was my promise, and I know you and your amoral and selfish ways and the things that you do to get what you want, and you walk over people, and I know that, but I had a soft spot, because part of me-- part of me thought that you were like a mother to me, and I thought that you felt the same. Lesson learned, right? You live and you learn.
Kate: I guess I never do.
Chad: No. You don'T. And you know what? And now jj's down at the police station waiting to find out if he's gonna be fired and face criminal charges. If that happens, you bet your ass that you're gonna be held responsible for that too.
Jennifer: Jj doesn't look like he just got good news.
Abigail: Eric said there were only two things that could help jj: Either theo's recovery or abe's forgiveness.
Jennifer: Well, if theo recovers, then abe will forgive him.
Abigail: I hope so. You know, they came to the right conclusion. You're a good cop and you didn't do anything wrong. Just--you need to forgive yourself.
Rafe: Your badge, service weapon. Now, you come back to work whenever you feel ready. All right?
Jj: Yeah, I don't think lani would feel comfortable working with me.
Rafe: Well, eli needs a new partner. I can put you with him. Ease you back into things. Sound like a plan?
Jj: Yes, sir.
Hope: What about rafe?
[Phone ringing] Speak of the devil. Excuse me, sweetheart. Hey. What's up? Be right there. That was rafe. I need to go down to the station, sweetheart, but this is good news. Jj was reinstated.
Ciara: Why do you have to go? You're not even part of the force anymore.
Hope: We'll finish this conversation later. Okay?
Ciara: Okay.
Hope: I love you.
Ciara: I love you too.
Hope: Be a good girl.
Ciara: Okay.
Chad: Better hope jj's exonerated. Now I'm holding onto exculpatory evidence that I'm gonna have to hand over, which is gonna show that theo was engaged in illegal activity while working for dimera. And we haven't even found out who's hacking us yet, kate, so well done.
[Dark music]
Okay. Here's what we're gonna do: You are... you're gonna step down as ceo, effective immediately, and I'm gonna take your place, and you're gonna help tamp down any dissension the board may have.
Kate: Of course.
Chad: If you make one wrong move, you will not only be out of this company, you will be out of this family.
[Elevator dings]
Hope: Looks like the system worked.
Rafe: Afraid abe doesn't agree with you.
Hope: He'll come around.
Rafe: Maybe if theo wakes up. But if he doesn't, I just don't see that happening.
Abe: Yeah, I remember when they told your mom and me you had autism... hearing about all the things that you might never do-- thinking I would never hear you say "daddy." Letting go of so many dreams I had for you. But you've spent your whole life just breaking all the odds and proving people wrong. My worst fear-- my worst fear then and now-- is people thinking that your life didn't matter. Oh, but it does. It does. You know, if it's the last thing I ever do, I will make sure no one forgets.
Look at you!
Tripp: So does claire know the procedure didn't work?
Kayla: She heard them tell abe. Sometimes I really hate my job. You know, I really should call chad and tell him.
Steve: Before you do that, there's something you should both know. Chad knows everything kate did. He's got her back in her cage-- permanently.
Chad: You thought that if a specialist flew in and theo was cured that you'd be off the hook? That you just--what? You wouldn't have to explain what really happened to him?
Kate: No. No, I didn't think that. I was praying for him to get better.
[Phone ringing]
Chad: Dr. Bretts. Hello? Okay. All right. No. I understand. Procedure didn't work.
Kate: [Sighs]
Chad: I think you should leave. I, uh... can't stand to look at your face right now. I want you to pack your bags.
Abigail: What's that all about?
Claire: You can probably tell the procedure didn't work.
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Claire: Yeah, I know.
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Claire: It really sucks.
Ciara: What are you even crying about? I mean, you probably think theo deserved this for--what horrible thing did he do to you, again? Oh, right. He tried to help you out by buying you some followers.
Claire: Tripp told me that you heard me talking to theo, and listened in on a really private conversation.
Ciara: Tripp? The new boyfriend?
Claire: He's not my boyfriend.
Ciara: Oh. Are you sure he knows that?
Kayla: What a surprise. You were off handling kate, and I didn't have a clue what you were up to. Thank you.
Steve: Well, I was pretty sure you had enough to worry about.
Tripp: Yeah, but not kate. Not anymore.
Kayla: Well, chad sounds like he was great, but are you sure that kate was neutralized?
Steve: Trust me. That woman is scared now. And for good reason.
Kayla: Oh. Thank god. It's from jennifer. Jj's been cleared. It's finally over.
Jennifer: Why don't I, um... why don't I take you to lunch and we can celebrate the good news?
Jj: Good news? Theo's in a coma.
Jennifer: But I still really trust that the specialist is gonna be able to help him. You've been reading your bible. That's so good. Jj, I've been praying, too, that everything's gonna be okay.
[Phone ringing]
Steve: That's great about jj. But I wonder how abe's gonna take the news.
Kayla: Probably not great. It doesn't help that theo's treatment didn't work.
Tripp: I'll go put your orders in.
Kayla: Hey, tripp. Steve told me that the only reason that you gave kate the phone was because she threatened me. I'll never forget that.
Tripp: Just like I'll never forget that you kept quiet just to protect me.
Steve: Wow. Look at us. We've come a long way.
Chad: It's good news about jj.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. I'm sorry about theo. I don't know how jj's gonna take it.
Jj: What did kayla say about theo? Mom, tell me.
Jennifer: I'm so sorry. It's not good news.
Abe: The police cleared jj. Don't worry. I am not letting this go. I will do whatever it takes to get justice.
Claire: Okay. So we just found out that theo's procedure didn't work, and nobody knows how long he's gonna be in this coma, and you're talking to me about boyfriends. Wow. You know, you may have done a lot of things in hong kong, but here's one thing you sure as hell didn't do: You sure as hell did not grow up.
Hope: May I ask, did something happen between you and ciara last time you were together?
Rafe: Well, I don't think she was that happy that I rode the motorcycle home. Why?
Hope: Well, I was just with her, and she said she needed to talk to me, but then you called, and we didn't get a chance to finish the conversation, but she said she needed to tell me something about you. She appeared very upset about it. Any ideas what it could be?
Ciara: Was that sami i just saw you with?
Rafe: Was it--oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she just left. Wants to go back home and be with her kids before christmas.
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