Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/15/17
Episode #13216 ~ Chad and Kate bring in a specialist to help Theo; Steve makes a surprising move; Ciara figures out Tripp has feelings for Claire; J.J. learns his fate has been decided.
Provided By Suzanne
Steve: Tripp. Got a minute?
Tripp: Yeah, what's up?
Steve: Kayla and i had it out with kate.
Tripp: About what I told you? I thought you said you'd keep quiet.
Steve: Look, I had to tell kayla, but then she took matters into her own hands.
Tripp: What happened?
Steve: We told kate that we know she was the one who sent theo to that warehouse, and she said if we go to the police--
Tripp: She'd tell them that she was covering up for what i did at the hospital.
Steve: She said she'd have kayla fired and she'd see to it that you went to jail.
Tripp: I hate this. She sent that poor kid to that warehouse. Now she's getting away with it.
Steve: Maybe she won'T. I think I found a way to get the truth out without you or kayla having to suffer.
Tripp: Really? What can I do to help?
Steve: Nothing. I'll handle kate myself.
Kate: Thank you for coming to salem on such short notice, dr. Bretts.
Chad: We're hoping this treatment is the miracle theo needs.
Bretts: I reviewed theo's case history on the plane. It's clear that conventional treatment hasn't worked.
Kate: Well, we realize unconventional treatment may be the only thing left for him.
Chad: I spent a couple weeks in boston a few years ago and that's how I heard about you and your--your work and the successes that it's had.
Bretts: I have also had a lot of failures.
Chad: Okay, well, you know, we've--we've spoken to theo's father and he knows the score, and he's ready to move forward.
Kate: You're our last, best hope. It would mean the world to us if you could bring him back.
Abe: You know, I got a text from chad. The specialist from boston just got here.
Claire: Oh, please let him be able to do something.
Abe: Right.
Claire: I just--I just feel so guilty. I know you know that the last time theo and I talked, we got in a huge argument. That was right before he got hurt. I don't know, it just kills me to think that the last thing we talked about was... some stupid misunderstanding like that.
Abe: You know, kids your age have arguments. That doesn't make what happened your fault.
Claire: Try telling that to ciara.
[Soft dramatic music]
Rafe: Ciara. Thought you left.
Ciara: I did. Now I'm back. Was that sami I just saw you with?
Rafe: Was it--oh, yeah. Yeah, she just left, wants to go back home, be with her kids before christmas.
Ciara: She tracked you down to say good-bye?
Rafe: Yeah, we're friends.
Ciara: I guess so.
Rafe: If hope ever found out that you and I slept together... where'd you go?
Ciara: Huh?
Rafe: Well, you--you just had this really serious expression on your face. Something wrong?
Ciara: Yeah, something is.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Dramatic music]
Jj: Police! Freeze! Drop the weapon! I said drop it! Look, I don't want to shoot you, but I will. For the last time, drop the gun!
Theo: [Breathing heavily]
[Muffled gunshot]
[Gunshot] I wanted you to drop the weapon. Why didn't you just listen to me? Can you hear me? Huh? Put your hands behind your back.
Theo: [Breathing raggedly]
Jj: Look at me, look at me. Theo.
Theo: [Labored breathing]
Abigail: Jj, it's me. Can you please open the door?
Jj: Go away!
Abigail: Yeah, when hell freezes over.
Bretts: And even if there is improvement, I can't promise you that theo will be the same young man you knew before he was shot.
Kate: Well, anything that you do would be better than the state he's in now.
Chad: Have you spoken to abe?
Bretts: I'm on my way to the hospital to do that now.
Kate: Well, then chad and i will--will meet you there. Whenever you're ready.
Lani: So this coma specialist will be here today?
Valerie: Yes, that's what he said in his email.
Lani: And he's good?
Valerie: Yeah, dr. Bretts is one of the best in the field.
Lani: I really hope he's the miracle that theo needs.
Valerie: And can undo what happened in the surgery.
Lani: Valerie, you are a gifted surgeon, but you're also human, okay? And we all know that you did everything that you could.
Valerie: Except succeed for theo. I don't know how you and abe can be so forgiving, but I am beyond grateful that you've forgiven me. Thank you.
Claire: They say that sometimes people in comas can hear what you're saying, so I just keep telling him that I'm sorry... and that I love him.
Abe: I'm sure he knows that. You know what? If this specialist is as good as they say he is, then maybe next time you say that to him, he'll be able to say he loves you too.
Ciara: What's wrong is... if I can't use the bike, how am I supposed to get the motorcycle license mom says that I have to have?
Rafe: Oh, well... In this state, to get a class m license, all you need to do is show that you've passed the motorcycle education course.
Ciara: Well, if I don't have any experience on the bike, I might not pass the course.
Rafe: Well, you know what? I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do. When I have my first day off, I'm gonna take you on the motorcycle and you can get some practice in an empty parking lot.
Ciara: Can't I just do that on my own?
Rafe: Yeah, but it'll be legal if you're with me.
Ciara: Come on, rafe, just give me the keys to the bike.
Rafe: No, no.
Ciara: Let me take it home.
Rafe: I told your mom that I would take care of this.
Ciara: She doesn't know the difference.
Rafe: Okay, but if I don't tell her, that would be like lying to her, and I don't want do that.
Ciara: Oh, no?
Rafe: No. She's got enough problems as it is. I don't need her worrying about you.
Ciara: Yeah, I know what great care you take of mom.
Rafe: That didn't sound very sincere. What is going on with you? Is there a problem?
Rafe: Okay, ciara, you've been giving me attitude ever since you came back. Why don't you just tell me what's bugging you?
Ciara: You don't want to lie to mom about who's taking the bike back to my house.
Rafe: No.
Ciara: But you had no problem taking her job when abe fired her.
Rafe: Yeah, well, if it hadn't been me, abe would have hired someone else.
Ciara: But it is you.
Rafe: Okay, but your mother-- your mother understands.
Ciara: I'm sure she thinks she does.
[Cell phone ringing]
Rafe: Excuse me. Hernandez. Okay, thanks. I'll handle it.
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: Oh, jenn, hi.
Jennifer: Hi, thank you. Thank you so much for coming here. I know how busy you are right now.
Kayla: No, it's fine. I was on a break. What's up?
Jennifer: Kayla, I just-- I feel--I just feel like a nervous wreck. I mean, jj is racked with guilt and he's so depressed right now.
Kayla: Well, I know what abe's been going through with theo, and-- but I really can't believe how he's treated jj.
Jennifer: Jj won't even talk to me about it. I asked eric to maybe try to get through to him.
Kayla: Well, if anybody understands that kind of guilt...
Jennifer: No, jj won't even listen to him.
Kayla: This is just an awful situation. I mean, jj was just trying to do his job.
Jennifer: Kayla, do you really believe that?
Kayla: Of course I do.
Jennifer: Eric believes that--that theo coming out of this coma is the only way that jj will start to forgive himself.
Kayla: Well, did abigail tell you that chad found a specialist? He's here in salem and I'm-- I think he's on his way to the hospital right now.
Jennifer: Wait, really?
Kayla: Yes. He's had a lot of luck with his treatment for coma patients, so hopefully this will bring theo out of it.
Jennifer: Oh, god, I would give anything for that to happen.
Kayla: We all would.
Lani: If my dad can understand that you did everything that you could, why can't he understand that jj would never do anything to hurt theo?
Valerie: I don't know, sweetheart.
Lani: He won't even look at him. I can't even say his name.
Valerie: Wow, I wish there was something I could do.
Lani: It's tearing me up, valerie. He doesn't even want to see me anymore.
Valerie: Wow.
Lani: And I love him so much.
Abe: I assume you're talking about the man who shot your brother.
Abigail: Look, I'm not gonna give up, jj. If you don't open the door, I'm gonna go and I'm gonna find eli and have him unlock it. Oh, my god. You look awful.
Jj: So?
Abigail: You're not even dressed.
Jj: Abs, why are you here? Mom send you? She's sent everybody else she knows.
Abigail: Why don't you go and take a shower and put on some clean clothes?
Jj: What's the point?
Abigail: I would like to take you out somewhere. I have no idea when the last time--when'd you eat last?
Jj: I don't want to go anywhere with you, you know.
Abigail: Okay, then I'm gonna go to the kitchen and I'm gonna make you a sandwich.
Jj: You need to back off. You need to go, please. What do you want?
Rafe: What do I want? Well... I was in the square and I got some news, so I thought I'd come by and deliver it in person.
Jj: What news?
Rafe: Well, the news that ia has finished their investigation into theo's shooting. They've made their decision about you.
Kate: Ready to leave for the hospital?
Chad: Yeah, I'm just waiting for a phone call from belle, and then we can take off.
Kate: Why do you have to talk to belle?
Chad: 'Cause she's my personal lawyer. And the legal department's investigators aren't finding out who hacked our company.
Kate: You think she can find out?
Chad: Well, she--she knows andre better than any of them.
Kate: [Scoffs] Why do you keep on suspecting him? How many times to do I have to tell you that there is no way he would sabotage his own family's company?
Chad: That's what he keeps saying, but then there's the matter of theo.
Kate: Oh, okay, I don't know what that means.
Chad: An outsider isn't gonna convince him to break into a warehouse office. So he must have done it for somebody that he knows and cares about.
Kate: Well, that wasn't andre.
[Cell phone beeps] Everything all right?
Chad: Yeah, it's-- it's just belle. She wants me to call her. Why don't you head to the hospital? I'll meet you there.
Jj: Ia's already made a decision?
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Jj: What is it?
Rafe: I don't know yet. They're sending the report over to my office now. Meet me there in an hour.
Jj: Yeah.
Rafe: And put some pants on.
Abigail: This could be good news, you know. You could be cleared and you could get your job back.
Jj: Or I could be found culpable and be facing a trial, maybe even prison time.
Abigail: Don't borrow trouble.
Jj: I don't need to borrow it. I have plenty already.
Abigail: Why don't you go take that shower I was talking about, and I'll lay out some clean clothes. You know, there's at least a 50/50 chance that everything's gonna work out.
Jj: Tell that to theo.
Steve: Hey. Good, you got my text.
Chad: What's going on? What's so urgent?
Steve: I know who sent theo to that warehouse. He didn't act on his own.
Chad: Wait, what do you mean, you--you know who? You have proof?
Steve: I will have proof real soon. Indisputable proof.
Chad: Just tell me. Give--give me something.
Steve: Okay, listen. I can tell you this. This person took drastic measures to cover their tracks.
Chad: Was it someone in my family? Was it andre? What--what measures are you talking about?
Steve: You just have to trust me on this, chad. It's all gonna come together.
Chad: Why the hell are you being so cryptic?
Steve: All your questions will be answered, all right? Now, here's how we're gonna play this.
Lani: Yeah, dad, I was talking about jj.
Abe: You still love him?
Lani: What does it matter? We're not together anymore.
Abe: Well, that's for the best.
Valerie: Abe, maybe you should try and understand that--
Abe: What? Understand what?
Bretts: Mr. Carver? I'm dr. Bretts.
Abe: Oh, dr. Bretts, thank you, thank you so much for coming all this way to try to help my son.
Bretts: Sure.
Abe: Doctor, this is dr. Valerie grant. It's theo's surgeon,
Bretts: Hello.
Abe: And this is theo's sister, lani.
Bretts: Hi.
Lani: Hi.
Abe: Claire, this is the specialist I told you about.
Claire: Oh, hi, hi. We're so glad you're here.
Bretts: Hi.
Abe: Claire is theo's girlfriend.
Bretts: Uh-huh.
Valerie: Yes, so I've prepared all the materials you asked for. So if you'd like to examine theo now.
Bretts: If I could.
Valerie: Yes, of course. I'll show you to him.
Abe: May I be there?
Bretts: Sure.
Claire: Can I go?
Bretts: One family member is all I allow, and if I do decide to go ahead with the procedure, you'll have to leave too.
Abe: Whatever you say.
Bretts: Ladies, this could take a few hours.
Claire: A few hours? It's gonna feel like forever.
Lani: Yeah, well, we'll just have to be patient. That man could be the answer to our prayers.
Tripp: Hey!
Ciara: SorrY.
Tripp: Yeah, you really look sorry. You meeting somebody here?
Ciara: I was wondering where claire was. Every time I see you, she's crying on your manly shoulder.
Tripp: She's at the hospital with theo. Do you ever just lighten up?
Ciara: I caught her act at theo's bedside.
Tripp: It's not an act.
Ciara: Oh, come on. She was playing juliet mourning over romeo's body. And I know for a fact that her and theo had a huge blowup right before he was shot.
Tripp: Yeah, and that wasn't her fault.
Ciara: It sure as hell wasn't theo's! And who cares whose fault it was? That girl is a selfish, spoiled brat and I totally don't get what theo ever saw.
Tripp: Aren't you guys related?
Ciara: I try not to think about that.
Tripp: Yeah, you also try not to think about what a good person claire really is, that she's funny and talented and--
Ciara: Oh, my god. You have a thing for her.
[Knock at door]
Kate: What are you doing here?
Steve: Your dude, harold, let me in.
Kate: Okay, well, I'm assuming you're here to see me, and I'm going to the hospital. And I think the last time we saw each other, I made it perfectly clear that I have nothing to say to you.
Steve: Yeah, you did. But I still have some things to say to you.
Kate: [Sighs]
Tripp: Claire and i are friends. That's it.
Ciara: Then how come the first thing I saw when I got back was you with your arms all around her?
Tripp: I felt sorry for her. She's going through hell through theo.
Ciara: And you telling me how funny and great she is, is that because you feel sorry for her? Man, you must be some kind of masochist, because I'm telling you, she couldn't care less about you. She's the kind of girl that needs every guy in the room to be in love with her, which is why she comes running to you every time she needs a hug from a frienD.
Tripp: Okay, look, I'm not stupid. If claire was doing that, I'd be onto her.
Ciara: Just watch, watch and see what happens if theo's lucky enough to come out of that coma. She's gonna be all over him and she won't even remember your name. You're just insurance for while he's out of action.
Tripp: Whatever. I need to get back to work.
Ciara: I've known claire a lot longer than you have. She's always had to have some hot guy following her so her little followers will think she's all that. Okay, take it from me, she is nothing but a selfish little bitch.
Tripp: Okay, that's enough!
Kate: You've got two minutes.
Steve: Okay. I wanted to let you know that I convinced kayla not to go to eli or abe and tell them everything she's got on you. And it took some doing.
Kate: Oh, well, I'm sure you had motivation, because you knew what would happen to her if she did that.
Steve: You said she'd lose her license to practice medicine.
Kate: [Laughs] Well, more than that. She used her position as chief of staff to cover up for that son you just found out about. The two of them could have ended up in prison, steve.
Steve: Well, I'm not about to let that happen to kayla or tripp.
Kate: So you've seen the light.
Steve: I have. You win.
Kayla: [Sighs]
Jennifer: Is everything okay?
Kayla: Why do you ask?
Jennifer: You just keep looking at your watch.
Kayla: Oh, well, I was just thinking that the specialist is with theo and I just wonder how it's going.
Jennifer: Is that the only reason? I'm sorry. I just know talking about jj, maybe it made you think about joey. Is he okay?
Kayla: Well, as okay as you can be in prison, but he's handling it. It's just been a rough time for all of us, you know?
Jennifer: What do you mean?
Abigail: Mom. Hi. Sorry.
Jennifer: Hi. Did you see jj?
Abigail: Yeah, and rafe showed up while I was there.
Jennifer: Why?
Abigail: To say that ia sent the report about the shooting.
Jennifer: Has he seen it? Has rafe seen it?
Abigail: No. No, but jj's on his way over to rafe's office to find out what it said.
Kayla: Go. Please go.
Abigail: I'll go with you. And I told someone else about it. I just hope that was the right thing.
Jennifer: What? Wait, who?
Abigail: Lani.
Lani: JJ.
Lani: I know why you're here.
Jj: Wow. Word travels fast.
Lani: I just want you to know that I think you deserve to be cleared.
Jj: Thanks. You'd better get back to the hospital. Abe will go ballistic if he finds out you're here.
Lani: I know, but I don't care.
Jj: Lani, don't give me that. You love having your father in your life, and you should. And he and theo, they need you.
Lani: There's nothing I can do for theo right now. He's with the specialist chad and kate brought in.
Jj: Is he gonna be able to help him?
Lani: Maybe. This doctor is supposed to be the best. His treatment has worked on coma patients before.
Jj: I really hope it works for him.
Lani: And I really hope things go well for you today. And just so you know, whether you like it or not, I am here whenever you need me.
Abe: Yeah, rafe, look, I don't have much time. There's a specialist examining theo.
Rafe: Well, I'll talk fast, then. I just want to let you know that the ia has made their decision on jj.
Abe: Have you-- have you read the report?
Rafe: Well, I don't have the report just yet, but as soon as I get it, I'll let you know what it is.
Abe: Please do. And thank you, thank you for calling.
Rafe: My pleasure.
Ciara: You don't want to listen to me? Fine. I mean, you hardly even know me. But don't say I didn't warn you.
Tripp: Why are you so down on claire?
Ciara: Look, like I said, I've known her a lot longer than you have, okay? I have a reason to be down on her.
Tripp: But she's going through hell over theo.
Ciara: So am I.
Tripp: I know. I know. It seems like this is where a lot of this is coming from. Okay, what happened to theo shouldn't have happened to anybody, but especially not to him. And I understand being mad too. When I first came here, it's all I could do to prevent myself from throwing a fist through a wall. I thought I was given a raw deal from life, and I was gonna make some people pay. But in the end, it made me feel a whole lot worse than I already did. So do you think you could just give claire a break?
Ciara: Oh. Oh, oh, I get it. You don't give a damn about how I really feel. This is all about claire. Wow, I've had it up to her you don't give a damn about how I really feel. This is all about claire. Wow, I've had it up to here with people making themselves out to be so kind and caring
Tripp: And what the hell did he ever do to you?
Ciara: He's a total hypocrite just like you are. You say that you're all worried about theo, but while he's laying in that hospital bed, you're trying to make a move on his girlfriend.
Kate: I need to be assured that you just meant what you said.
Steve: I do mean it. I convinced kayla not to tell anyone what you did.
Kate: But her career was already jeopardized by your son.
Steve: Well, kayla and tripp have put that situation behind them and they're gonna protect each other now. Unfortunately, that means they'll also end up protecting you, which is why I said you win.
Kate: I'm glad you have that straight.
Steve: Yeah. Well, hopefully this will be the last conversation you and i have for a long time. So before I go, I have a few more things I need to say to you.
Kate: [Scoffs]
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