Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/8/17
Episode #13211 ~ Will finds Hope's engagement ring in Sami's hotel room; J.J. offers to make an unexpected move on Hope's behalf; Eli and Rafe get new information about the night of Theo's shooting; Kayla and Steve confront Kate about blackmailing Tripp.
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: Hey, will, it's me. Still gets me to say that.
[Sighs] Anyway, could you call me back when you get this? I really think we need to talk.
[Cell phone beeps]
Hey, uncle vic. Treating yourself to breakfast?
Victor: Cut the act. What's wrong?
Sonny: Nothing. I'm good. I would love to stay and talk, but I actually--
Victor: Sit down.
Sonny: What'd I do now?
Victor: Nothing yet. But if you're gonna be dealing with will horton, you're gonna have to deal with me first.
[Soft dramatic music]
[Knocks on door]
Paul: Please let this be sonny.
Brady: Hi.
Paul: Hey, brady.
Brady: Listen, I need your help. I need black patch to do a job for kiriakis enterprises.
Paul: Yeah, sure. What's the problem?
Brady: Someone's trying to loot the company.
Paul: What are you talking about? A hostile takeover?
Brady: No, no. I wish it was that easy. It's my uncle deimos' widow. Her name is eve.
Maggie: What? What? Where do you think you're going with that? Excuse me? I'm asking you a question. Henderson! Where are they going with that chest?
Eve: To a nice consignment shop. Oh, and they took your little people too.
Maggie: What little people?
Eve: Oh, you know, little figurines. Little shepherdess and that little boy sitting on a fence 'cause he's scared of the toad.
Maggie: Frog. Large frog.
Eve: Anyway, I think they were really happy to get that tacky stuff.
Maggie: Hmm. Why are you doing this?
Eve: Well, I figured now that I've moved in here, I'm just gonna class this place up a bit.
Maggie: Oh, really?
Eve: I think maybe this stuff looked okay back in the day, but I don't know, maggie, now it just looks... tacky. [Chortles]
Maggie: Tacky?
Eve: Yeah.
Maggie: [Laughs]
Eve: Who's your decorator? I mean, mamie eisenhower?
Maggie: Actually, it was me.
Eric: Hi, will.
Will: Hi.
Eric: I'm eric brady. Your mother sami's twin brother.
Will: Oh, okay. Well, if you're anything like sami, I don't think we're gonna be getting along.
Eric: I'm sorry to hear that. You and I used to get along before.
Will: Really?
Eric: I know sami can be headstrong and difficult.
Will: Okay, if you came here to tell me that I'm gonna like her once I get to know her, you can save that. I already know sami well enough to know I'm never going to like her.
Lucas: Thank you for coming. I didn't know who else to call.
Sami: When that cop called me, I thought you were dead.
Lucas: I'm fine. I'm fine. Really. I'm fit as a fiddle.
Sami: Like hell you are. He told me you were dead drunk when you rolled your car three times, lucas. You're lucky you didn't kill yourself. You're lucky you didn't kill someone else.
Lucas: Listen, I didn't think I was that loaded, all right?
Sami: Well, you didn't think at all. It's a good thing I'm here to start thinking for you.
Lucas: Look, sami, I'm not in the mood to talk about this--
Sami: Don't even with the "look, sami" business. If you wanted a pat on the head and someone to say "poor lucas" you called the wrong ex-wife.
Lucas: I'm pretty familiar with tough love. My mom's kate roberts, remember?
Sami: Kate roberts is a walk in the park next to me. When I get through with you, you're never gonna do something stupid like that again.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eric: May I come in?
Will: Sure.
Eric: [Clears throat] Listen, I know it must be hard to know your mother when you have no past memory of her.
Will: Honestly, if those memories are anything like the things I've already experienced with her, then I'm very glad they got erased.
Eric: Sami has her own way of doing things.
Will: Oh, you think? She broke a serial killer out of an insane asylum and then forced him to reenact my murder.
Eric: I know. That was over the top.
Will: Over the top? What kind of mother does something like that?
Eric: I think she was desperate to get through to you.
Will: [Scoffs]
Eric: Will, you were her first born. They'll never be anyone quite like you. Losing you nearly killed her.
Will: Can't she just be satisfied with knowing that I'm alive?
Eric: No, because she wants the close relationship you and her had before.
Will: Well, I don't care. That's too bad. That's not what I want.
Sami: Aren't you sick of waking up every day feeling like crap?
Lucas: What's so good about being sober? You wake up first thing in the morning, you open your eyes, that's the best you're gonna feel all day.
Sami: Better than waking up in a gutter somewhere covered in your own puke.
Lucas: I hate my life, all right?
Sami: Fine, adrienne broke up with you, but our son is alive. Isn't that enough of a reason for you to want to go get help?
Lucas: You know, I called you to bail me out of here. I don't need any of these lectures. You don't have to make me feel bad.
Sami: You're not in any position to call the shots here, pal.
Lucas: So what? Now you're not gonna help me?
Sami: No, I'm not helping you unless you help yourself. You don't wanna do that, you can sit in those handcuffs and rot.
Eve: [Chuckles softly] You know, maggie, maybe I went just a little bit too far with that. I mean, it's not all that bad. The sofa can stay.
Maggie: Do I need to remind you that you're a guest in this house? And that you don't have any say in how the décor is?
Eve: Well, actually, I do. And I acquired that when your husband and brady tried to frame me for deimos' murder. In fact, I could probably turn this place into a sweatshop if i wanted to.
Maggie: You don't have a shred of proof that victor or brady did anything.
Eve: Maggie, there you go again. You're talking off the top of your head. Victor may have given brady an alibi for deimos' murder, but we both know there's more to it. For starters, how did brady get his hands on that amulet thing to plant on me unless he pried it out of my husband's cold, dead hand? So unless you want me to go blab all that to "the intruder," I suggest you just calm down and accept that there's a new mistress here at the manse. And that's me.
Maggie: [Scoffs]
Paul: Okay, how is eve a threat to the company? I thought you two were friends.
Brady: Yeah, I thought so too until she married my uncle deimos on the sly and then stole basic black from under us.
Paul: So her whole claim to a share in the company is that she's deimos' widow? I think you guys need a lawyer, not a private detective.
Brady: No, listen, listen. That's not her whole claim.
Paul: Okay, what else does she have?
Brady: [Sighs] Look, all I'm at liberty to tell you is that she has some leverage on the family. It's of a personal nature, and she's using it.
Paul: What do you want me to do?
Brady: Eve paints herself out to be this loving mother of a murdered daughter, but she's no saint. I need something on her to make her back off. Will you help me?
[Soft dramatic music]
Paul: Sure. No problem. My schedule suddenly opened up.
Victor: So what's going on with you and paul? I know something is
Sonny: Well, finding out he is alive and getting to see him again has really thrown me.
Victor: How wouldn't it?
Sonny: But then will doesn't remember his life here.
Victor: Is that true? He really doesn't?
Sonny: No. He doesn't know me from adam.
Victor: Good. So you and paul are all right then, huh?
[Somber music]
Sonny: I broke it off with paul.
Victor: Already? You were about to marry the man.
Sonny: I know, but I can't marry paul. Will is still my husband and I want another chance with him.
Victor: Are you out of your mind?
Sonny: Thank you for the sensitive reaction.
Victor: You throw away a good and decent man like paul for an adulterous mama's boy and you want sensitivity?
Sonny: It wasn't an easy decision.
Victor: But a stupid one just the same. Now you and will were already separated when ben weston got him.
Sonny: And when I was grieving for him, I kept thinking about all the times he begged me to forgive him and take him back.
Victor: Yeah, and he would have broken your heart all over again.
Sonny: You don't know that. Will is still my husband and we were happy for a long time. And I am going to make him remember those happy times.
Victor: Then you better remember, in spite of that happiness, he cheated on you and lied about it.
Sonny: What do you want me to do, uncle vic?
Victor: I'm glad you asked. Celebrate the fact that he's back with his family, and then file for divorce.
Sonny: Did you not just listen to everything I said? I am not gonna file for divorce. I wanna make my life with him.
Victor: You listen to me. He upended your life once before. And he's going to do it again.
Eric: You know, I will admit. Since sami realized you were alive, she pretty much blew it.
Will: Thank you for saying that.
Eric: Sami's always been ready to do whatever it takes to make her point.
Will: Is there something wrong with her? I'm serious. Has she always been mentally unstable or is this, like, a relatively new thing?
Eric: Will, she's a mother who loves her son.
Will: She has a strange way of showing it.
Eric: She had you when she was a teen. She did the best job she could to be a good mother. She didn't have an easy time growing up.
Will: And you didn't either?
Eric: She witnessed something. Something that I did not see, and it made a deep impression on her.
Will: You gonna tell me what it was?
Eric: Our mother... your grandmother, was having an affair while she was still married to our father.
Will: Marlena? No. No way.
Eric: Sami walked in, seeing our mother with john.
Will: Having sex?
Eric: Yeah.
Will: Oh, I... really?
Eric: Yeah. It changed everything in how she felt about our mom, her rage on behalf of our father. I mean, it was traumatizing, obviously. I mean, sami started doing whatever she wanted. Whether it was right or wrong, no matter who she hurt.
Will: That's, uh... that's exactly what...
[Clears throat] What paul said I was like to sonny.
Eric: Well, you two made your own mistakes.
Will: So you're saying that I'm basically a chip off the old block?
Eric: [Sighs] Sometimes, yes. Yes, you are.
Lucas: You really would leave me sitting here?
Sami: In a heartbeat. If I bail you out on this frame of mind, you're gonna head straight to a bar. And you know what? It's not okay with me if you succeed in killing yourself this time. So if you have to sit in jail to sober up, that's what you're gonna do.
Lucas: I don't wanna sober up, okay?
Sami: I don't believe this. You are going to get sober, lucas. I swear to god, you're gonna sober up one way or another.
Lucas: I don't want to.
Sami: What about our kids?
Lucas: What about 'em? My son doesn't even remember who I am and I never get to see my daughter again.
Sami: Oh, you...[Growls] Don't do that with me. You see allie whenever you want and you know it.
Lucas: Yeah, right.
Sami: And I'm sorry that will doesn't remember you, okay? It sucks! It sucks for me too, but he's still your son and he still needs you! You're his father! So suck it up, lucas! Sober up and be a father to our son.
[Soft dramatic music]
Paul: Okay, tell me about eve.
Brady: I have a story for you. There's plenty of 'em, but here's one. Jack deveraux, jennifer's late husband, he was a journalist. Right before he died, he wrote a book about his time behind enemy lines in iraq. He wanted all of the profits of this book to go to a veterans' organization. Well, the book got published, it was doing very well, and then eve suddenly produced this piece of paper that jack had signed because he was trying to get out of his marriage with her. Gave eve a huge percentage of the profits of any book that he ever wrote.
Paul: Wow, he must have really wanted out of that marriage.
Brady: Yeah, he did. Eve ended up taking jennifer to court. Jennifer settled just to get her off her back. Eve took that money from those veterans without a blink of an eye.
Paul: So she's greedy?
Brady: She's greedy, but I need more than that though. I need something to neutralize this bitch and take her out.
Paul: That sounds pretty serious.
Brady: [Sighs] Paul, victor is trusting me with this and he's nervous about doing it. I need this to be successful for a lot of reasons. And I need you to keep that between us.
Paul: So I can't tell dad or steve?
Brady: No, not at this time. And I especially don't want you telling sonny.
Paul: Yeah, well, you don't have to worry about that. I'm not gonna be sharing anything with sonny any time soon.
Victor: I had a front row seat the last time will worked you over. I saw the damage that it did. You had to go halfway around the world to recover.
Sonny: I went to paris. Not a yurt in mongolia.
Victor: Well, you cleared your head and you made quite an impression with the titan office there.
Sonny: Exactly. And that's why you made me ceo. And, uncle vic, you know I'm doing a good job. That's not gonna change now that will's back.
Victor: Yeah, well, you've already ditched paul so you'd be available in case that little hustler wants you back. Not the kind of decision-making process I want for a ceo.
Sonny: What part of "will is still my husband" do you not understand? I will not turn my back on him.
Victor: You know, I went through this whole thing with brady. His devotion to the wrong person is what got him demoted.
Sonny: Will is not nicole.
Victor: No, you're right. At times, he's much worse.
Will: Okay, I know I cheated on sonny. What else did I do?
Eric: [Sighs] The first time that sami decided to marry ej, you thought he was bad for her. So you shot him.
Will: I'm sorry, what?
Eric: At the wedding.
Will: I shot him? Why am I not in prison right now?
Eric: Because, will, ej recovered. You, you know, were just looking out for your mother, and you thought what you were doing was right and lucas ended up taking the wrap for you.
Will: Lucas my father?
Eric: Yeah.
Will: [Laughs] I can-- I...
[Chuckles wryly] Um, well, eric, you kind of-- you've blown me out of the water a little bit.
Eric: Will, all I'm saying is that you and sami are both human. You've both made mistakes. You've made big ones.
Will: [Chuckles] Oh, my g-- oh, my god.
Eric: But don't be so quick to judge her.
Will: I feel like if I give her an inch, though, she's gonna smother me.
Eric: Then tell her that. All I'm saying is, try to make a connection with her. Listen to what she's trying to say, okay?
Will: Okay, what if I don't like what she's trying to say? Is she gonna send her goons after me again?
Eric: No, no, I don't think she's gonna do that. I think she's gonna listen to what you're trying to say. It's in the right direction, will.
Will: Okay. You really want this. Why? What's in this for you?
Eric: Nothing. I love my sister and I know when she's in pain.
[Somber music]
Not having a connection with you right now, I know it's killing her.
Sami: I have done everything I can think of to try to get through to will. Susan banks has him brainwashed.
Lucas: I know. This whole thing is her fault.
Sami: God, will hates me. So I need you, okay? I need you to sober up because you're the only person who can help me get through to him.
Lucas: What makes you think I'm gonna have any more luck than you had with him?
Sami: I don't know. Something has to work. Look, lucas, I can't stay here forever. Christmas is coming and the kids need me. I have to go home, and... I would love to take will, but i know he wouldn't go to the corner with me. So... I need you to help me with him. I need you to be there for him.
Lucas: You have no idea how bad I really wanna be that kind of father.
Sami: So what's stopping you?
Lucas: It's really hard to get sober. I did it once before, but it's so hard, and I just don't know if I could do it again. I don't know if I have it in me.
[Soft dramatic music]
Victor: Are you really ready to dump a man like paul for someone who might never remember any of his past?
Sonny: I'm not doing this just for me. I have arianna to think about. We were a family once, and she remembers that. Even though will doesn'T. I owe it to her to try to put this family back together. I hope you can at least understand that.
Victor: Yes, I suppose I can.
Sonny: And you don't have to be a fan of will, but don't punish me at titan because you don't like him. I'm doing a good job.
Victor: And you better keep doing it. Brady got demoted, but he's not out of the game. You screw up and I won't hesitate to replace you with him.
Sonny: And demote me to what?
Victor: Nothing. You'll be out.
Paul: Yeah, sonny's broken our engagement.
Brady: Just like that? What a jerk.
Paul: Well, he's still legally married to will.
Brady: They were separated.
Paul: Yeah, well, he's trying to make things work.
Brady: Oh, my god, their marriage fell apart, paul.
Paul: I know. I was part of what made it happen.
Brady: [Laughs] Will doesn't even remember sonny. He might not even want him back.
Paul: Oh, I know that too, 'cause if will wanted sonny, he probably wouldn't have walked in here and planted a kiss on me.
Sami: All you have to do to clean up your act is just decide to do it and then go do it.
Lucas: You don't get it.
Sami: What? What don't I get?
Lucas: You're not a drunk. You don't drink. You don't get it. You don't understand.
Sami: Okay. Explain it to me.
Lucas: I can't go one hour without wanting a drink. Not one.
Sami: Okay. Okay, so how about every time you think about having a drink, you think our kids instead?
Lucas: My son is going through hell right now. He needs somebody who is strong and protective and who's gonna be there for him and give him advice and I can't do any of that.
Sami: That is bull. You have done all of that for me and way more, lucas. You've been there for me 1,000 times.
Lucas: I'm not that person anymore.
Sami: Because of adrienne-freaking-johnson?
Lucas: You know what, I was in love with her. I was in love with her with all of my heart, and when you're in love it's quite different, right? It's the most important thing and it's all that matters.
Sami: Well, you have a life, lucas. You have way more than her.
Lucas: Do I have a life?
Sami: Yes! You have kids!
Lucas: Really? I have a life? I live in a hotel and I work with my mother. Or I worked with my her.
Sami: You have kids and a granddaughter and you have friends and you have family and you have me.
Lucas: I'm not the rock that you think I am.
Sami: Yes, you are! I wouldn't be wasting my time on you if you weren't, lucas. You are! You have to pull it together for me, and you have to pull it together for will. Lucas, you have to pull it together for you! You aren't just a good father. You are a great father. And he needs you.
[Dramatic music]
I'm just asking you to try. Come on, please. Just tell me you'll try.
Maggie: You know, I have to admit, I kind of-- it's hard for me to understand why you would chose to live here when you know that you're not wanted. I mean, with all that inheritance, you could buy yourself a lovely home of your own, and decorate it any way you like.
Eve: Know what? That's true. And I had planned on moving out, you know, after I'd spent some time with tate, but then brady and victor went after me in such a nasty way. Trying to get me locked up for something that I didn't do. So guess what, maggie? It's game on. I'm gonna stay right here in this house where I can see my nephew any time that I want and I can make your lives as miserable as you've made mine. To me...
[Chuckles] That is a pretty sweet deal.
[Tense music]
Brady: So will just walks in here and kisses you? What's up with that?
Paul: You know, I shouldn't have said anything to you.
Brady: Paul, hold on. You did, so you might as well just tell me everything.
Paul: Okay, I overstated it. He didn't just walk into that door and kiss me, he, uh... he wanted to talk about our past together.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Paul: But then he was looking at me like he was seeing me for the first time, and then he kissed me. But it didn't mean anything. I mean, that kiss was coming from a guy who's trying to find himself.
Brady: Right. Well, sonny is real dumb.
Paul: Well, I get where sonny's coming from. I mean... man, I think I've known all along. Yeah, he fell in love with me, but that doesn't mean he ever stopped loving will. I think he thought they'd eventually work things out, but... but then will died.
Brady: Yeah, now will is back, so you get dumped. Which hurts like hell. I should know.
Lucas: I wish I could say that I could do what you need me to do, but... I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I'm not gonna have another drink again.
Sami: Okay. Well, the program says to take it one day at a time, right? So how about that, right? Can you just promise me you won't take a drink today?
Lucas: What happens if i break that promise? What are you gonna never talk to me again?
Sami: Only way I will never talk to you again is if you don't even try. You have been in this dark hole before, and you pulled yourself out of it, and you did it by taking it one day at a time. I believe in you, lucas. I can see it. I can believe that you can do this again.
Lucas: I don't know.
Sami: If it's not rock bottom, what else is? I mean, look at you. Look what you did to yourself. There's only one way to go from here but up. Promise me you won't drink again today. Just today.
Lucas: I don't know. I don't know if I could do that.
Sami: Stop it! Lucas, I can't take it anymore! I can't want this for you more than you do! Pull it together and believe that you could do this. Just today! I'm asking for today! Promise me you won't drink today and then tomorrow you call me and you promise me that you won't drink tomorrow. And that's how we're gonna do it from now on, okay? One day at a time. You and me, we are going to do this. If you can't do that, lucas horton... then you really are dead to me.
Maggie: Yeah, I'm sorry to hear how vindictive you plan to be. In my heart, I know that neither victor nor brady killed deimos.
Eve: Well, is your heart telling you why they had the amulet?
Maggie: No. And I don't care.
Eve: You don't care?
Maggie: You just don't have the right to come barging in here and acting like you own the place.
Eve: Well, that's where we disagree yet again. In fact, after I redecorate this place, I am going to go straig--
Maggie: What? What? You're gonna destroy us one by one? You should remember that you're not dealing with a pack of amateurs.
[Chuckles] We have dealt with interlopers before.
Eve: You know, maggie, I remember when you used to live in that little, bitty cottage. Used to make your oatmeal cookies and collect your little people. Now you're talking like ma barker here.
Maggie: And you almost make me nostalgic for the bonnie lockhart era.
Eve: You comparing me to a two-bit crook?
Maggie: You have money now, but you're still two-bit. Oh, and while you're making your plans, you should remember that the kiriakis family sticks together, and that victor always gets the upper hand. So you just go to that "intruder," and you have fun telling those lies to that rag, but you better do it soon because it's just a matter of time before you're out of this house and out of the company. You'll end up back where you started... all alone.
[Tense music]
Sonny: I love my job, and I love working for you. I am as committed as the day you made me ceo.
Victor: Yeah, you say that now.
Sonny: Uncle vic, my personal life is none of your business.
Victor: You know, will was supposed to be interviewing paul when he slept with him, outted him. It was all over the newspapers, as I recall. That makes it my business.
Sonny: So for the sake of pr, you want me to get back with paul and just forget that my husband, who I thought was dead, has come back? That's good decision-making in your book? You were at our wedding. You know what will meant to me.
Victor: I also know what you meant to him. That he left you with his little girl and went off to hollywood to play big shot screenwriter. Then when he comes back, he humiliates you. And you want me to forget about all that and be supportive?
I believe in love. Thanks to maggie, I know what it is now.
But I question whether or not sami jr. Is capable of that.
Sonny: Well, I'm gonna find out. I'm gonna see this through to the end. Whatever that is.
Victor: Well, you know how I feel about you. I wish I could say this looks good, but it doesn'T.
Paul: Brady, I'm so sorry about you and nicole. You didn't deserve that.
Brady: Thanks, man. Victor keeps telling me I'm better off, but... I'm having a hard time seeing it that way.
Paul: Yeah, I know what you mean.
Brady: Hey, man, look. I came to you with this eve situation because you're my brother, but if it's not a good time because of what you're going through, I'll go to steve or dad.
Paul: No, no, no, I--
Brady: It's fine.
Paul: I need this. I need something to take my focus off of sonny for a while.
Brady: It'll be good to work together.
Paul: Yeah, I agree.
Brady: Yeah. All right, well, listen. Let me know if you need anything. If you need to vent or scream or punch something, you let me know. All right?
Paul: Thanks.
Brady: All right. Be good.
[Somber music]
Will: I can't imagine what it's like for a mother to lose a child, but the thing is, eric, sami did not act like a grieving mother.
Eric: Susan banks didn't give her a chance to react naturally. She had you convinced that you were ej dimera. That's insanity and sami knew that.
Will: Listen. I know susan lived in a fantasy world. But ej's death must have driven her off the deep end.
Eric: It wasn't a long drive.
Will: But from what I've seen, everything that she told me about sami has been true.
Eric: Susan is no saint.
Will: She was really good to me.
Eric: She was trying to convince you that you were somebody else. That's being good to you? Will, I can't imagine what it's like to have the memories of your life just wiped out. But until, and I hope in due time that they come back, for your sake and sami's, but until that happens, all I'm asking you to do is to give her a chance. I believe she deserves that.
[Soft dramatic music]
Lucas: Listen, my head is killing me. I have the mother of all hangovers right now. I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Sami: No, I'm sorry. I'm not backing off. Okay? I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna sit here and talk about it until you promise me that you are going to be there for our son.
Lucas: How am I gonna do that?
Sami: Well, for one thing, you're gonna stop turning to the bottle and you're gonna start leaning on the people who have had your back for years. A lot of people love you, you stupid jerk.
Call one of 'em. Admit you need help.
[Dramatic music]
Brady: [Sighs] Mmm.
[Soft dramatic music]
Maggie: I was so relieved to get your call.
The officer outside told me what happened.
[Sniffles] Talk to me, sweetheart.
Lucas: My name is lucas and I'm an alcoholic.
[Shakily] And I really need your help, aunt maggie.
Maggie: You'll have it. I promise.
[Somber music]
Paul: [Sniffling]
Eric: You must be looking for will.
Sonny: Is he here.
Eric: I'm sorry. You just missed him.
[Knocks on door]
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