Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/28/17
Episode #13203 ~ Will reunites with Kate; Rafe goes to bat for Hope with Abe, but things don't go quite the way he expected; Ben makes a surprise return to Salem; Chad kicks Andre out of the house.
Provided By Suzanne
[Knock at door]
Rafe: Hey, boss. I thought you'd like to know eli just finished going through theo's phone messages, and--
Hope: Rafe, stop. I can't talk about this case anymore.
Rafe: What? Why?
Hope: Because abe just fired me.
Kayla: Hey.
Abe: Oh. Well... did you speak to the specialist?
Kayla: I did, actually. I went to gaffney medical center and spoke to dr. Brown in person.
Abe: And what'd they have to say about theo?
Kayla: Well, he wants to see some updated tests-- mri, specifically-- so they can map theo's brain activity. So theo is gonna be really busy this morning, so why don't you go home and get some rest? And I'll call you if anything changes, all right?
Abe: I'm not leaving until my son's awake.
Jj: Lani... I can't see you anymore.
Lani: What?
Jj: Your father needs you, and so does your brother.
Lani: Yeah, but you need me too. Don't you?
Jj: My needs, I have to put them aside. This is about your family, theo and abe. They come first.
Lani: [Sighs]
Andre: I notice that sonny left. How is he?
Chad: He's-- he's having a tough time. You know, he's thrilled that will's alive, but... you know, he's obviously having a hard time with the fact that will doesn't remember anything about their life together.
Andre: Well, I'm sure it's extremely frustrating for everybody concerned. But right now, my focus is on theo.
Chad: As is mine, which is why I'm gonna have to ask you this question again. And I'm hoping you'll be completely honest with me. The night that jj shot theo, are you absolutely certain that he wasn't there doing anything for you?
Andre: My god. Are we back on this again? You sound like a bloody broken record. I will tell you again for the last time, I hope, I would never do anything to put father's beloved grandson in harm's way. Hey! Do you believe me now?
Kate: [Sniffling] My sweet angel.
Will: Oh, no. Not at all. Just--my mom taught me to be, you know, kind to strangers and always carry a handkerchief, 'cause you never know; you might run into someone who needs one.
Kate: That doesn't sound like your mom to me.
Will: Well, I know it's old-fashioned, but, you know, so is susan.
Kate: Susan.
Will: Yeah, my mom. Or, um, sort of my-- the mom I've known. Oh, wait. You thought I was talking about sami brady.
Kate: Yeah, I did.
Will: Oh. Then I guess we know each other?
Kate: I'm your grandmother.
Sami: I know it's crazy, but it's doable, right? Good. Then do it. Text me when everything's set up, and do not screw this up. My son's future depends on it.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Soft music]
Kate: I am so sorry. I really am. Just--that had to be really jarring for you. I mean, I know you don't remember me. I just--I couldn't help myself.
Will: Oh, it's okay. You know, that's been happening to me a lot lately. I don't want to be rude. I just mean that I'm kind of flying blind with the who's who in my life.
Kate: No, I totally understand. I do. Don't worry about it. We can--we can start all over again. How's that? I am kate roberts dimera. My son is lucas roberts, and that's your dad.
Will: Yeah, he's the one person I haven't met yet.
Kate: Yeah, well, he-- he thought that the search for you had come to a dead end, and no one's heard from him.
Will: So he doesn't know I'm alive.
Kate: Um... no, he doesn'T. He's an alcoholic, you know, and he had a-- he had a relapse. It was sad for all of us, because he had been sober for a long time.
Will: Oh, no. What happened?
Kate: Well, it's just, you know, things fell apart in his--in his private life. But he had started drinking before he heard about the possibility of you coming back.
Will: You're very worried about him, obviously.
Kate: Yeah, I am. Yeah, I am. I'm afraid that if-- that if he doesn't get the help that he needs that he's the one who might end up dead.
Sami: Eric, I didn't hear you come in.
Eric: Didn't mean to surprise you. Mom gave me a spare key.
Sami: Mom's not here. She had patients or something.
Eric: Good. Then you can tell me exactly what you're up to.
[Suspenseful music]
Lani: It's not just about my father and my brother, jj. You're suffering too.
Jj: I'll be okay. I mean, yeah, my life is changed forever, but what I'm going through, there's no comparison for what you and your dad must be feeling. And there's theo. What are you thinking?
Lani: Just that I wasn't expecting this, okay? You wanting to break up with me.
Jj: It's not about wanting to. I have to.
Lani: Yeah, but we love each other.
Jj: It's not enough. It's not enough.
Kayla: You know, I understand you not wanting to leave theo, but maybe I could find you an empty room and you could just lay down and rest for a little bit.
Abe: Nah, there's no need. Couldn't sleep. My mind is just racing, trying to process how jj deveraux could have shot at an unarmed man, my son.
Kayla: I know. It's a terrible, heartbreaking situation. But hope is a good detective, and as the commissioner, she will do everything in her power to get to the bottom of this.
Abe: No. She won'T. Not anymore.
Rafe: Abe fired you. I don't believe it. Just like that?
Hope: Just like that. Abe ordered me to fire jj, and I told him I wouldn't do it.
Rafe: But you just started the investigation into theo's shooting, yes?
Hope: Yes.
Rafe: And jj is on suspension currently, right?
Hope: Correct.
Rafe: Well...
Hope: Not enough for abe. He wants jj to pay for what he did to his son.
Rafe: He's not thinking right. It's not right.
Hope: Yeah, well, you and I both know that, but it doesn't matter. He's made up his mind.
Rafe: Well, I'm gonna help him change his mind.
Chad: You know, I-- I want to believe you. I really do. But my gut just tells me otherwise.
Andre: Well, your gut is dead wrong. I don't know anything about this. My god, I thought we put this to rest.
Chad: Put it to--how can we put it to rest when you keep swearing up and down that you are doing everything you possibly can, that by any means, by any measure necessary to find who was trying to destroy our company, hmm?
Andre: So you took that to mean that I would use someone as innocent and as trusting as theo to do my dirty work?
Chad: I gave abe my word that as long as theo worked for dimera, he would keep his hands clean.
[Doorbell rings] I told him that I would take care of it personally--
[Doorbell rings] Come in!
Eli: Excuse me. I'm here regarding the investigation into theo carver's shooting.
Chad: How can we help?
Eli: We've been going through your nephew's phone. We reviewed a number of voice mails recorded prior to the shooting. I was hoping that you would be able to tell me what they're about.
Chad: I wouldn't know, eli. I haven't called my nephew in some time now.
Eli: You haven'T. But he has.
Chad: Are you telling me that andre called theo before he was shot?
Eli: More than once. And there was this one message.
Andre: Theo, it's your uncle andre. The family business is under attack, and I need your help. (Avo) if you've been struggling with belly pain
[Somber music]
Lucas: I'm sure you both are disappointed in me, aren't you, grandma and grandpa? Not exactly a model horton, am I? I tried. I tried so hard, but... winning's just not my thing. I'm sure you noticed that. The way I see it, there's just nothing else to live for anymore. Might as well go out big.
[Melancholy music]
Will: If I'm even part of the reason why my father is drinking again--
Kate: No, will. None of this-- none of this is on you. He fell off the wagon because he had-- well, he had a terrible breakup with a woman that he should never have been with in the first place.
Will: Anyone I knew? On second thought, please don't answer that.
Kate: No, you really-- you don't need to know. The point is, that's what sent him over the edge, okay? And what I'm thinking is that with you back in town like this, this is something that could really help him pull himself together.
Will: Hmm. So no pressure.
Kate: Well, if you knew how much he loved you... here, let me show you. Let me show you something. This is a picture of the two of you together.
[Laughs] You were younger. Look how happy you were.
Will: Yeah. I've seen him before. Sami showed me a picture in memphis.
Kate: Let me show you something else. This...
[Laughs] This one, this is your first christmas with your father.
Will: My first christmas?
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Will: Looks like I'm, like, three years old.
Kate: Yeah, that-- yeah, you were.
Will: So then how was that my first christmas?
Kate: Well, um, sami was--she was a little dishonest about your paternity for a while.
Will: Are you serious? How could she be dishonest about that?
Kate: It's a really long story, will. It really is, and it really doesn't, you know, paint your mother in a good light, so...
Will: You know, none of the stories I've been hearing seem to do that.
Kate: Hey, if you want to know more, I think that you should talk to her. I do, 'cause it's not my place to tell you.
Will: Maybe I don't want to know more. Maybe I know all I need to know. Maybe--maybe susan was right and sami brady is a monster.
Sami: You know how annoying that is, to have people always thinking that you're up to something?
Eric: Sami, I heard you when you were on the phone when I walked in, so I didn't just think it. I know you're up to something, so why don't you just tell me what it is?
Sami: Okay. Fine, yes. I am, you know, doing something.
Eric: Okay, can you be more specific?
Sami: Eric, my son doesn't remember his own life, and it breaks my heart. I just feel like I have to do everything I can to help him get his life back.
Eric: Whatever it is you're planning, did you talk to mom about it?
Sami: Look, maybe mom is a professional and a psychiatrist. I get that. But she is also will's grandma. She has babied him and coddled him his entire life, and that is what she is doing right now.
Eric: Okay. From what I understand, she's just trying not to put a whole lot of pressure on him right now.
Sami: I know that that's how she sees it, that she just wants to give will space. But it's not working. It could take forever. And I just want to know how much more of his life he's gonna miss out on. He doesn't even know his own daughter. I gave will life. Now I have to help him get his life back. At the very least, you have to believe that I have will's best interests at heart, right?
Eric: Listen, I'm starting to see your point of view.
Sami: Thank you. I just want will to feel the love that we all have for him. He needs to feel his family's love. He needs to feel sonny's love. He-- he needs to remember that he is this strong, kind, smart, funny, courageous guy. Why are you still looking at me so skeptically?
Eric: Because I'm just concerned that if you push too hard to give will his life back--
Sami: That I'm gonna alienate him even more? That is a risk I am willing to take.
Hope: Rafe, no. Wait, wait. Please wait. It's not a good idea. Confronting abe, it's only gonna make things worse.
Rafe: You don't know that.
Hope: His son was shot. Theo may never come out of the coma. That's the only thing he understands right now.
Rafe: Will you just please let me go talk to him?
Hope: Rafe, please don'T.
Rafe: Just let me give it a try. What's the worst thing that could happen? Huh?
Hope: Wait, wait.
Rafe: Just let me go, please?
Hope: All right, okay. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope: But wait a minute. Just--what if abe ends up firing you?
Rafe: Then we'll both be unemployed together.
Hope: Not funny.
Rafe: Just hold off on packing your stuff, okay? Hold off until I get back. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine. I promise, okay? I got this.
Hope: You promise.
Rafe: Yes.
Each year sarah climbs
58,007 steps.
Chad: You spoke to theo before he was shot?
Andre: No, I did not. I left him some messages, but he never returned my calls.
Eli: This is true. Well, at least according to theo's phone log.
Chad: You didn't tell me or kate about the messages.
Andre: Well, no, because there was nothing to say that would shed light on what was going on, so why would it matter?
Eli: Mr. Dimera. Until we find out what theo was doing that night and how it led to him getting shot, each and every detail matters.
Chad: I think what eli is trying to say is, is there anything else that you have "forgotten" to mention about your communication with theo that night, just before he was shot?
Lani: So are we-- are we over? Is that what you want?
Jj: How can you ask me that? This is--my god, this is not about what I want.
Lani: So then when my brother wakes up, can--
Jj: We don't know if he's gonna wake up.
Lani: Can you let me finish? When theo wakes up, can we-- can we be together?
Jj: Let's just focus on the present, okay? I can't think ahead right now.
Lani: You can make all these big decisions on your own right now?
Jj: What do you mean?
Lani: I mean I am in this too, jj. This is my life too. We love each other, and we are in this relationship together, but yet you can just make this decision and decide what we both want on your own? Why don't I get a say?
Abe: Hope wouldn't follow my orders where jj was concerned, so I had to let her go.
Kayla: I'm sure that was a very difficult decision for you to make. You and hope have been friends and colleagues for so long.
Abe: Right now, I'm just concerned with my son and his recovery.
[Cell phone beeps]
Kayla: I have rounds. I have to go. I'll come find you after theo's tests, okay? And, abe, you know... steve and I are praying for him. Everybody that knows theo is praying for him. He's a wonderful boy. He is so loved. As are you. See you in a bit, all right?
Abe: Yeah.
Kayla: Okay.
Rafe: Hi, abe.
Abe: Yeah.
Rafe: How's he doing?
Abe: No--no change since last night.
Rafe: I'm sorry.
Abe: I think I know why you're here, and now is not the time.
Rafe: Please. Just hear me out.
Abe: You got five minutes.
Silent night
Rafe: Abe. Your reaction to hope's decision not to fire jj, I get it. I mean, truly, I do. But just try and understand where she's coming from. She's just doing her job, following the rules, going by the book.
Abe: That's your argument? I heard that from her. As mayor, I need to send a strong message to the community that law enforcement who shoots unarmed individuals will be held accountable.
Rafe: Especially if that unarmed individual is your son.
Abe: Detective hernandez. You have now crossed a line.
Rafe: Abe, imagine when it gets out there, when people find out you fired the police commissioner because she was following the rules.
Abe: Jj broke the rules when he showed up at this hospital, snuck into my son's room. Now, that's cause for dismissal right there.
Rafe: Yes, yes, technically, that is true. But surely you can understand why jj wanted to see theo.
Abe: I don't give a damn. He was told to stay away from theo while the investigation was ongoing.
Rafe: Okay. We've been friends for a long time. A long time. And as I stand here and say this to you, my heart breaks for what you are going through. But you are dealing with this situation not as the mayor but as a grieving father. And you need to figure out for your sake and for the sake of this community how to separate the two.
Abe: What if I can't?
Kate: So susan banks has her reasons for despising sami. But if loving your children makes you a monster, then I'm a monster too. Sami is a very complicated woman. And it would probably surprise her a little bit to hear me say this, but I really think that she has put most of her old ways behind her. She's grown up, will.
Will: Guess I'll have to take your word for it, I guess.
Kate: This is gonna feel-- sound strange, but I--I envy you.
Will: Really? Why?
Kate: Well, to be able to come into your life without any baggage, you know, without anything you have to live down. It's a fresh start, and you can leave your past-- at least the things that you're not proud of-- behind you.
Will: Are there things that you would like to leave behind you?
Kate: Oh, yes.
Will: Do you want to talk about it? According to susan, I'm a very good listener.
Kate: [Laughs] Yes. Yes, you are. I know that for a fact. No. Thank you, though. Because you need to focus on you. You really do. Don't let anyone push you. You need to just put, I think, one toe in the water and then just wait till you're ready, till you really feel that you want to ease back into your life, you know? Don't let anyone make you do anything you don't want to do. Okay, well, here. This is my number, and you can call me anytime. You can call me night or day.
Will: Okay. Thank you.
Kate: I love you. Okay.
Will: Okay.
Sami: I know you know my faults better than anyone. I'm impulsive and stubborn and controlling. But you also know that when it comes to my kids, I'd be willing to sacrifice anything for them, for their happiness. And will needs me right now to do whatever it takes to help him get his life back.
[Cell phone beeps] I have to go.
Eric: Sami, where?
Sami: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
Eric: Sami, please. Please be careful.
Sami: I love you too.
Abe: I appreciate you coming to talk to me. It took a lot of guts.
Rafe: Well, I did it for hope, but I also did it for you. I don't want to see your reputation take a hit because of this.
Abe: I'm not worried about my reputation.
Rafe: One day, you will be. Look, you need to let this push to fire jj go, all right? Let the investigation run its course. Let internal affairs handle it. They will figure out what to do with jj, and if they decide that he acted improperly, they'll make sure he answers for it.
Abe: Fine. We'll do it your way... on one condition.
Andre: If I had any further information, I would have shared it with the police, or I would have taken it to abe carver, because he's a member of this family.
Eli: I'm aware of that, yes.
Andre: Oh. Oh, good. So I hope we've clarified things for you, detective. Detective now, isn't it?
Chad: Do you have any more questions for us, eli?
Eli: No. No, we're still trying to access theo's cloud, so I'm hoping it'll shed some light on what he was doing prior to the shooting.
Chad: Well, let us know if you need anything.
Eli: I will.
[Tense music]
Andre: So what's that look for?
Chad: Well, it seems to me that you know a hell of a lot more about what happened that night with theo than anyone else. So I want the truth.
Andre: I'm so sick and tired of being this family's fall guy. I've told you everything I know! I had nothing to do with theo being shot! And if you don't believe me, you can go to bloody hell!
Lani: Answer me. Why don't I get a say?
Jj: Lani, how does your father feel about you and me? I mean now.
Lani: You know how he feels. He's terrified of losing his son. He's devastated.
Jj: I asked how he feels about you and me.
Lani: Obviously, he's upset at you. You know that, jj.
Jj: Again, about you and me. Does he think it's okay for us to still be together? Or is he against that? Did he maybe tell you that he doesn't want you to see me anymore? That's what I thought, lani. And, lani, we have to respect his wishes. So do I. He deserves that now. Anything to help him deal with the pain of what he is going through. Don't you think your father deserves that?
Lani: I just know that I love you and I wish things were different.
Jj: So do I. Take care of yourself, okay? I'm praying for your brother. You and your dad too. Good-bye, lani.
[Door closes]
Eli: Abe? Any change in theo's condition?
Abe: No.
Eli: I'm sorry. Look, I didn't want to disturb you, but I thought you may want to know the latest in the investigation.
Abe: Yeah, what do you got?
Eli: We're still trying to access theo's cloud, but we were able to listen to voice mails on his phone. There were a number of them from andre dimera.
Abe: That's no surprise. Have you brought him in?
Eli: No, we don't have enough to do that yet, but as soon as we do, rafe and I will be all over it.
Abe: Speaking of rafe, there is something that you should know.
[Knock at door]
Hope: You're back.
Rafe: Yeah. Sorry. Took longer than I thought.
Hope: How'd it go?
Rafe: Abe agreed not to fire jj, so that's good. He's gonna let the investigation run its course and then let ia make the decision.
Hope: That is great. Thank you.
Rafe: Mm-hmm. And unfortunately, I wasn't able to change abe's mind about firing you. I'm sorry.
Hope: It's okay. I knew abe wasn't going to change his mind. I knew that. But thank you. I am grateful. I'm glad you tried. I guess abe is going to probably now bring in another commissioner, right?
Rafe: Yeah, me.
[Dramatic music]
Chad: You know what I'm sick of, andre? I'm sick of you, your lies, your deception. You say that you have our family's back.
Andre: You know I do.
Chad: No, I don't, 'cause every time I turn around, you do something to further your own agenda, leaving me and kate to clean up the mess. I'm done, you hear me? Done!
Kate: What the hell is going on?
Chad: Something I should have done after that embarrassment of a press conference the day that andre betrayed this family: Kicking your lesser half out of the house.
Will: Hey. Uh, buddy, you okay?
Sami: I see you two brought me what I wanted.
Yes, mrs. Dimera.
Just as you requested.
[Dramatic music]
Sami: I knew I could count on you both to procure for me the one man who can help me bring my son's memories back.
[Intense music]
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