Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/27/17
Episode #13202 ~ Abe orders Hope to fire JJ; a guilt-ridden Kate visits Theo; Sami gets an idea of how to help her son; Will asks Marlena to help him regain his memory.
Provided By Suzanne
[Melancholy music]Sami: What're you looking at?
Sonny: I'm just trying to decide if I should say something or keep moving. I'm just not sure if we're okay.
Sami: I get it, okay. I was too hard on paul.
Sonny: You were. But I do understand where you were coming from.
Sami: Sit down. I'm not gonna bite.
[Laughs] Actually, you're rescuing me from a terrible memory from high school. This project I was working on, I had to read a short story about a couple who got a magic monkey's paw, and they got three wishes from it.
Sonny: [Chuckles]
Sami: Stay with me here.
Sonny: Okay.
Sami: They made the wishes, but every time, it would totally get screwed up.
Sonny: So what made you think of that?
Sami: It's just the million-plus times I wished for will to be alive.
Sonny: Me too.
Sami: But never once did it occur to me that I should probably make sure to wish for him to actually remember me.
Gabi: [Softly] Hi. Here, give me that, baby.
Will: Uh... hi.
[Clears throat] That's a very pretty coat that you have.
Gabi: Honey, can you say thank you.
Will: Oh, okay. That's okay. I know you don't remember me. We haven't seen each other in quite a while, but, you know what? As soon as I saw you, I felt really, really happy inside.
[Soft music]
Claire: What's that?
Tripp: It's a turkey sandwich. I put that canned cranberry junk on. I remember you liking it.
Claire: Oh, thank you. It's really nice, but I don't have much of an appetite right now.
[Knocks on door]
Hope: Hi, sweetheart.
Claire: Hi.
Hope: How are you doing?
Claire: Not great.
Hope: Yeah, none of us are. Tripp, hi.
Tripp: Hi.
Claire: I don't understand any of this. Theo was completely fine at lani's party. Why would he leave the party and try to break into an office building.
Hope: Honey, that is what I'm trying to find out.
Claire: Okay, well, did you find something on his phone?
Hope: It's more of a case of what I didn't find.
[Dramatic music]
Kate: Oh, god.
Please don't look at me like that. I didn't mean for theo to be shot. You don't have to make me feel guilty. I'm already there.
[Sighs] I know what I did.
Chad: What is it you did?
[Tense music]
Abe: Did you hear me? I said get away from him!
Jj: I just wanted to--
Abe: You wanted what? To finish what you started?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jj: I just wanted to see him. That's all.
Abe: Well, now you've seen him and what you did to him. Are you happy now?
Jj: No.
Lani: Dad, this isn't helping theo. Hey, you shouldn't be here.
Abe: Did-- did you ever see anybody in a coma before? What-- what's it feel like to see him like that, and know he's there because of you?
Jj: I needed to say that I'm sorry. I needed to say that to him.
Abe: You know what? It's too late for sorry.
Kayla: Okay, all right. Let's just take this outside, okay?
Lani: Come on, dad.
Kayla: Take it outside, all right, jj? Okay?
[Dramatic music]
Claire: So theo and I, we weren't really on the best of terms right before this happened. He wasn't really saying much to me, but I know him, and I know that he would never do something illegal like this.
Hope: Jj said theo was holding something in his hand that he mistook for a gun. It turned out to be a device that's used to override security codes.
Claire: I'm sorry, what? If he had something like that, it's because somebody gave it to him and was making him use it.
Hope: Tripp, do you have anything to add?
Tripp: Theo was a tech geek, so he could have just had that to see how it worked. Doesn't mean he was trying to rob a building.
Hope: Then the question is: Why did he take off running after jj specifically told him to stay where he was?
Tripp: I don't know.
Jj: Both jj and lani said it looked like he was trying to break into the warehouse.
Claire: None of this makes any sense to me.
Hope: I know. It doesn'T. It doesn't make any sense to me either. Hopefully, forensics will be able to access his cloud account and figure out who he was in touch with that night.
[Tense music]
Kate: I was just trying to explain something to your father.
Chad: Well, I heard you say you know what you did, but that's an oil painting, not my father, so why don't you explain it to me?
Kate: Well, it's more what I failed to do.
Chad: Yeah, okay, and what's that?
Kate: To get dimera enterprises out of it's financial crisis so theo wouldn't feel like he had to involve himself.
Chad: Oh. Well, look, theo, you know, he gets things in his head, so you can't really blame yourself for that.
Kate: But I do.
Chad: Well, don'T. My money's on andre anyway. If he wasn't involved, why would he leave all those messages on theo's phone?
Kate: Because he cares about theo.
Chad: Okay. That's not why I'm here. I don't wanna talk about andre anymore. I, um... I have some news.
Kate: What news?
Chad: Abby and I went out this morning to see your grandson.
Kate: What do you mean "my grandson"?
Chad: Will.
[Dramatic music]
Arianna: I missed you, daddy.
Will: Thank you. Could I--would you mind if i just look at you for a second.
[Softly] Okay. You're very pretty. I bet one day you're gonna drive all the boys crazy, which is probably gonna drive your dad crazy as well.
Gabi: All right, why don't you show your dad the picture that you made for him, yeah? Why don't you sit right here.
Will: Oh, okay.
Gabi: She drew a picture at school for you.
Will: Oh.
Gabi: Show him.
Will: Wow.
Arianna: Mommy, sonny, you, and me.
Will: [Chuckles] Oh, wow.
Gabi: Oh, and what about the ponies? We got the ponies. Maybe your dad would remember that horsey game you used to play?
Will: Gosh. What's this one's name again?
Arianna: Black beauty.
Will: Yes, black beauty. How could I forget that.
Abe: Did you think seeing theo would help your conscience?
Jj: Nothing could help that.
Abe: Well, what do you know? We finally agree on something. So I don't want you anywhere near my son again. Is that clear enough?
Jj: I'm so incredibly sorry.
[Dramatic music]
Abe: Please tell me that you have finally seen the light, and will have nothing more to do with that boy.
Kate: You and abigail saw will?
Chad: Yes, we saw him, and he is very much alive.
Kate: Okay, so you know that's impossible.
Chad: Okay, yeah, that's what we thought too, but we were wrong.
Kate: You saw...will? Will's alive?
Chad: Yes.
Kate: What ben--
Chad: Yes, will's alive!
Kate: Oh, my god!
Chad: Yes.
Kate: I wanna see him. Where is he?
Chad: No, no, no, no, okay, okay, but that's-- so before that, there's something that you need to know. Will is alive, but he's just not necessarily the same as he used to be.
Gabi: I think it's time to put the ponies away. I know you missed your daddy a whole bunch, but, you know, marlena's his grandma. She missed him a whole lot too. So we're gonna go.
Will: Hey, we'll get together again soon. I promise.
Gabi: Okay. Come on. Here. Can I hug you?
Will: Yeah.
[Soft dramatic music]
Gabi: Okay, ready?
Will: Bye.
Gabi: Bye.
Marlena: I know how hard that was for you.
Will: That poor kid. I can'T... can you imagine, like, being her age and not having your own father recognize you?
Marlena: Gabi and sonny will help her through this.
Will: Susan shouldn't have done this to all of you.
Marlena: She shouldn't have done this to you.
Will: You're a shrink.
Marlena: Mm-hmm.
Will: There must be something you can do to help me remember.
Sami: [Gasps] Look who it is.
Both: Hi.
Sami: Oh, hi, my little princess. Yeah, check you out. Ooh, there's my big girl. How'd it go?
Gabi: Mm...
Sami: Okay. How was she?
Gabi: Well, she's a little upset, a little confused.
Sami: Sounds to me like grammy sami needs to treat you to some ice cream to spoil your dinner.
Gabi: Okay, well, how about you help her out with the project that she's got for school.
Sami: Oh, yeah, what is it?
Gabi: She's gotta pick a fruit and then she has to say two things about it. Right?
Sami: Two things?
Arianna: [Giggles]
Sami: All right. I say we go with cherries 'cause they're red and they go in manhattans. Let's go, baby.
Sonny: Will didn't have a clue, did he?
Gabi: No. It was actually really hard to watch.
Sonny: If ari can't break through, then who can?
Marlena: I would like to start by running a series of tests on you at the hospital.
Will: Why?
Marlena: Just to make sure that there are no physiological reasons for your memory loss.
Will: I guess that makes sense. What if the tests say I'm fine?
Marlena: Well... then we could try hypnosis.
Will: Really?
Marlena: Sure. Hypnosis can be very effective with helping retrieve memories that have been blocked.
Will: And you know how to do that?
Marlena: I do.
Will: Then why do we have to do the tests first? Let's do this now.
Kate: Susan has will believing he's ej? How did she think she was gonna get away with that?
Chad: 'Cause she's nuts.
Kate: Oh, god. Does he have any memories of before she found him?
[Soft music]
Chad: What're you doing?
Kate: I'm gonna book a flight to memphis.
Chad: No, no, there's no point in that. Besides, will's here.
Kate: I know you're right. I know. I know. It's just that I'm having a really hard time dealing with this.
Chad: I know. We are too.
Kate: Does lucas know?
Chad: Nobody's heard from lucas since he got back from memphis.
Kate: Okay, I'll get a hold of him.
Chad: I don't think that's a good idea.
Kate: He's will's father, chad.
Chad: Yeah, think about will. When abby and I saw him, it was like he's never seen us before. How's he gonna deal with a drunk father he can't remember?
Kate: [Sighs] Oh, my god. And the memory loss, is it permanent?
Chad: Marlena's gonna do everything she can to make sure it isn'T. Where are you going?
Kate: No, don't worry. I'm not gonna just descend on will. You know... I do need to absorb the fact that he's alive. You know, he'S... he's alive. I'm gonna, um... I'm gonna go see theo.
Chad: Why don't you let me take you.
Kate: No, I, you know, kinda wanna just be alone right now, you know? It's hard for me to believe that something so wonderful has happened to me and theo's, you know, the way he is. So...
Chad: Okay, well, I have some phone calls to make anyway.
Kate: Okay.
Chad: Bye.
Kate: [Sighs]
Abe: So how's he doing?
Kayla: Um... he's young and strong and breathing on his own. Those are good things.
Abe: You already told me that.
Kayla: You don't know how much I wish I could give you better news.
Abe: [Sighs]
[Tense music]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
Abe: [Sighs]
[Cell phone rings]
Hope: Oh, excuse me. It's abe. Abe, hey. Did something change with theo? Is he doing better?
Abe: Look, I'm calling about jj. Just when I thought he couldn't make matters worse, he did, and I need to see you immediately. I'm at the hospital.
Hope: I'm on my way. I'll be right there.
[Cell phone beeps]
Claire: Hey, what did abe say? Is theo worse?
Hope: I don't know. Something happened with jj. Abe wants to see me right away.
Claire: Okay, well, I'm going with you.
Tripp: Are you sure? You're exhausted.
Claire: Yes, I'm fine. It's not like I'm gonna even sleep if I stay here.
Hope: We were just leaving.
Steve: Hey--okay. Bye.
Is everything okay?
Tripp: No, actually. Everything sucks.
[Melancholy music]
[Door opens]
[Soft dramatic music]
[Door closes]
Jj: I'm so sorry I upset your dad. I thought he'd left the hospital for a while. I just... I had to see theo.
Lani: You shouldn't have done that, jj.
Jj: I know, but...
Lani: Hope ordered you to stay away from him, okay? It's the rule.
Jj: But I didn't shoot some stranger. I shot a kid I've known since he was born.
Lani: It doesn't matter. Okay, you can be in worse trouble than you already are.
Jj: I don't care what happens to me. I just... I needed to tell theo that I'm sorry.
[Knocks on door, door opens]
Abe: Oh.
Claire: Hey, abe.
Claire: How is he?
Hope: Hey.
Abe: He's the same. Claire... why don't you stay with him for a little while. Tell him what his friends have been up to.
Claire: Sure. I will, but you don't have to leave.
Abe: I need to talk to hope.
Claire: Okay. Love you.
Hope: Love you.
[Soft music]
Claire: Hey. I'm back. I just--I went home to take a quick shower. I've gotten, like, a million texts and emails from people asking about how you've been. I even got one from that stuck-up emily girl in lit class. Guess what? I wrote a song for you. I hope you like it.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Gentle guitar music]
Oh, oh-oh, oh
oh, oh-oh, oh
Marlena: I want you to stay this relaxed keep your mind clear. Be aware of your breathing. If you like, if you're more comfortable, you could open your eyes.
[Soft music]
Do you know where you are?
Will: Your house.
Marlena: Do you know who I am?
Will: Marlena, my grandmother.
Marlena: You know that because you remember me or because somebody told you?
Will: I'm not sure.
Marlena: Okay. I'd like you to look around. See if there's anything in this room that might make you remember an experience you've had.
Will: That turkey.
Marlena: Tell me about that.
Will: It makes me think of a big table. A big table with a paper turkey in the middle. It's like something a kid would make.
Marlena: So it's like a thanksgiving table?
Will: Yeah.
Marlena: Can you tell me who's there?
Will: I see a woman with white hair. She's smiling at her husband.
Marlena: And what's going on? What's happening in the room?
Will: The old man has finished carving the turkey. He takes out the wishbone and he hands it to the kid sitting next to me.
Marlena: Is it a big kid, a little kid?
Will: Little kid. Just a boy.
Marlena: Are they calling him johnny?
Will: Not so I can hear.
Marlena: Who's on the other side of you?
Will: My mother. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Marlena: Tell me what your mother looks like.
Will: Dark hair, glasses, teeth kind of stick out. Her friend roger's sitting on her other side. I remember now we're at roger's church for thanksgiving dinner. The minister is asking who wants white meat and who wants dark meat.
Marlena: Okay. Okay, that's fine. I'm gonna count to three. We'll wrap this up, you'll feel refreshed and relaxed. One... two... three.
Will: What happened?
Marlena: You remembered your last thanksgiving with susan.
Will: It didn't work?
Marlena: Honey, it's the first time we've tried it.
Will: Come on. I need this to work and nothing's gonna work. I mean, I can't remember my... I can't remember my daughter. I can't remember my husband. I can't remember my best friend. I can't even remember my mom.
Marlena: Don't give up on this. Okay? Come on. And I do want you to get those test run at the hospital.
Will: [Sighs] This means a lot to you, doesn't it?
Marlena: This means everything to me.
Will: Okay, then I'll stay for the tests.
Marlena: [Exhales shakily] Thank you.
Will: Okay, but I gotta get out of here.
Marlena: You're coming back?
Will: Yeah, it's just that... today's been stressful, so I think I need to take a walk. I know how to get back though because I pinned your address on my phone.
Marlena: Good. Have a good walk, honey.
Will: Thanks.
Marlena: [Sighs]
[Cell phone ringing]
[Soft dramatic music]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Cell phone beeps]
Hope: Right before jj and lani saw theo outside of the warehouse, the only calls he had received were from andre.
Abe: Well, what did andre say when you questioned him?
Hope: What do you think he said? He had no idea what theo was doing there?
Abe: What did you think he was going to say? Make him take a lie detector test.
Hope: Abe, when you called me, you said it was about jj.
Abe: I found jj in theo's room today.
Hope: I specifically ordered him not to go anywhere near theo.
Abe: Well, he didn't listen. I don't want jj anywhere near my son again.
Hope: Abe, I am so sorry. I will speak to him immediately.
Abe: No, that's not good enough. He disobeyed a direct order. I want him fired today.
Claire: Feels so cruel
for you I hope you heard that. I wrote it for you.
Kayla: It was beautiful.
Claire: Hi. Thank you. I did some research online and i read that people can come out of comas all the time. Especially if they're young, so...
Kayla: Yeah, it's possible, but so far I don't see any indication that theo is regaining consciousness. I wish I did.
[Soft dramatic music]
Steve: When you're young, you think you're gonna live forever. When something like this happens to someone your own age, it really shakes you up.
Tripp: No, it's not just about theo.
Steve: Listen. You can't help how you feel about claire.
Tripp: It's not about claire either.
Steve: Then what's it about?
Tripp: I just need to talk to someone about this. I'm just gonna go nuts.
Steve: Look, talk to me. I'm right here.
Tripp: It's about what kate dimera did. (Avo) if you've been struggling with belly pain
Steve: So this is about that anonymous donation you made to the hospital, right? Kate told you she knows it was you.
Tripp: Yeah, what's the deal with her?
Steve: She was born on a power trip. She loves throwing her weight around. She pressed kayla until kayla admitted that the money came from you.
Tripp: [Softly] Oh, man.
Steve: But don't worry. Kayla would never give you up for trying to frame her. She knows it was jade who was lying to you and egging you on. Kayla protected you. She's gonna keep doing that.
Tripp: Maybe she shouldn'T.
Steve: Why do you say that?
Tripp: Because if the hospital finds out that she's covering for me, she could lose her job for real this time.
Steve: I don't think it'll come to that.
Tripp: No, I'm serious, okay? I know you guys are just trying to look out for me like you were doing with joey, but that blew up in your faces and this could easily too.
Steve: Listen. I hear what you're saying. I do. But parents have to put their kids needs ahead of their own.
Tripp: You mean when they're little.
Steve: And I know for a fact, you'd do the same thing for kayla.
Tripp: Yeah.
Steve: Okay. I have to go. Don't give kate dimera a second thought. Kayla's got your back.
[Soft dramatic music]
Tripp: And I've got hers.
Kate: [Sighs] Theo, I'm so sorry.
[Sighs] I wish I was in that bed. You shouldn't be there. You should be out enjoying your life, looking forward to your...
[Sighs] To your beautiful, bright future. I didn't tell you enough that I love you so much. Please open your eyes. Please wake up so I can tell you now.
Hope: Abe... you said you made me commissioner because you trusted my judgment. I am following all the correct procedures with jj. I have done everything right. By the book.
Abe: Jj doesn't care about procedure. That's why I found him in theo's room today.
Hope: And that will be part of the investigation.
Abe: Are you-- are you giving him special treatment because he's a member of your family?
Hope: Absolutely not.
Abe: Then fire him today.
[Tense music]
Hope: I'm sorry, but won't do it.
Abe: Then I'm sorry... because you're fired.
Marlena: Well, will was very taken with her, but of course he was. I mean, she's adorable.
Sami: But not as her father.
Marlena: No. He didn't feel anything like that towards her.
Sami: And hypnosis did nothing? So what do we do now?
Marlena: Well, I'm doing a lot of research, I've contacted professionals in the field of memory loss, and will has agreed to go through an extensive group of tests at the hospital.
Sami: That sounds like it will take forever.
Marlena: Honey, we can't afford to be frustrated. There's a lot at stake here.
Sami: [Exhales sharply]
Marlena: Look, honey, I've gotta get to the hospital. I've got patients that are waiting to see me. Please, please. Slow this down and be patient. Okay? Okay, we'll get him back.
Sami: Patience. Right.
[Soft dramatic music]
Jj: It's just I've gone over shooting theo, like, a million times. I can't be 100% sure I didn't see his face. All I was looking at was the gun. What I thought was a gun.
Lani: I'm not doubting you. I know it was an accident. I keep trying to convince my dad of that, but he's just so scared for theo right now.
Jj: Thanks for trying. It means the world to me that you don't hate me.
Lani: I don't hate you. I love you.
Jj: I love you too. Lani, um...
I can't see you anymore.
Hope: Abe... you're upset. You're terrified about theo. I understand that. You can't really wanna fire me.
Abe: Don't tell me what i want and what I don't want. The police commissioner is appointed by the mayor, and serves at the pleasure of the mayor.
Hope: I never said you didn't have that power.
Abe: And I'm exercising it.
You are hereby terminated as police commissioner. Effective immediately. Go clean out your office.
[Tense music]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Phone line trilling]
Sami: I have a job for you.
[Soft dramatic music]
Kate: [Sighs]
[Dramatic music]
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