Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/16/17
Episode #13194 ~ Gabi makes a fervent plea on Eli's behalf. Nicole desperately tries to reason with Brady. Rafe agrees to partner with Eli. Sami clashes with Paul and John. Hope and Rafe argue over how she's handling her new position.
Provided By Suzanne
[Phone ringing]
Brady: You better answer the damn phone, tell eric you're never coming back to himever again. Go ahead. Answer the phone unless you want me to tell the new police commissioner that you murdered deimos. Answer it.
[Ringing continues]
[Dramatic music]
Hope: You got me a cactus.
Rafe: It's a succulent.
Hope: I'll kill it.
Rafe: You--no, it doesn't even need water.
Hope: Oh, that's good, because I barely have enough time to grab a glass as it is. There are so many cases, and we are so understaffed.
Rafe: Well, your promotion and jj's suspension has left us two detectives short.
Hope: Hmm, which is why I reinstated him.
Rafe: You what?
Hope: I reinstated him. There a problem?
Rafe: Why would you do that?
Eli: Everything good?
Gabi: Sleepover's a success so far.
Eli: So what's with the frown?
Gabi: Well... for the first time in a long time, arianna had a dream about will. And she woke up with all kinds of four-year-old questions.
Eli: Well, maybe she just overheard some of the adults talking and picked up on their concern.
Gabi: I hope not, 'cause the last thing I need is arianna thinking that her father could still be alive. We have to accept that will is dead and buried.
Paul: I'm so sorry, will. I hope you know that. If there was any other way...
Sami: Don't even think about it.
John: Samantha. I had no idea you were in town.
Sami: Well, I'm really sorry that I didn't apprise you of my travel plans. Maybe it's because I was the last one to know about all of this, so I had to scratch and claw my way onto a last-minute seat on an oversold flight. But now you can tell me what the hell you and your son think you're doing to my son's grave.
[Dramatic music]
[Sweeping music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Phone rings]
Nicole: Hey. Uh, no, I'm fine. I just--I got held up. A little complication, but it's all good. I promise I'll be back soon. I love you.
Brady: Good job. That was impressive. I now know why misty circle has such a good fan following. I mean, you're a great actor.
Nicole: Telling eric I love him is not an act.
Brady: You used to use that tone with me-- you know, same tone, same little smile. Yeah, yeah, when you used to tell me that you loved me. You said, "I want to have a family with you, brady." It was the same--same tone.
Nicole: I did love you.
Brady: I don't know why I thought it was gonna be different for me, 'cause I've watched you in this very--I've watched you lie to every single man that you've been with: Daniel, deimos, victor. I don't know why I thought it was gonna be different. I didn't--
Nicole: What we had was real.
Brady: No, it was--no. No. This is real. The choice that you have to make right now is real. You either leave eric and you lose your baby and your freedom, or you do nothing and you lose everything. So I want to know what it's gonna be. What is it gonna be? Tell me now!
Nicole: Well, I'm not going to tell him something like this on the phone. I want to talk to eric in person.
Brady: You should. That's a good idea. You should--you should break his heart in person. I like that. Yeah, it'll be a--it'll be a knife through your heart too, though, won't it? Not literally, like the knife that you shoved in deimos' chest, but you know what I mean. Oh, but I'm not gonna be there to see it. I'm not gonna be there to see my brother's heart explode. Damn.
Nicole: Stop this, please. This--this isn't you.
Brady: Oh, baby, no, this is me. This is the new me. How are you? This is what you've created. So I want you to--I want you to go out there, and I want you to tell one more big, fat lie in this town of salem that you do so well. I want you to go to eric, and I want you to end it, 'cause if you don't, I swear to god, nicole, I am gonna make sure that you go to prison and that you never see your daughter again. Do you understand me?
John: I know how-- how this must look.
Sami: The hell you do.
John: But it's only because we heard some things about will, and--
Sami: I know. Mom told me. So just because that murdering bastard ben weston says that his murdering bastard father, clyde weston, said so, it must be true?
John: Well, we also heard that... dr. Wilhelm rolf could be behind this, and we know what he's capable of.
Sami: Rolf? Okay, okay, so three psycho crazies said so. So you decide to dig up will's grave?
Paul: It was my idea.
Sami: Oh, we finally meet. Paul, the man who destroyed my son's marriage.
John: No, this isn't the time or place, sami.
Sami: Oh, yeah, and I'd hate to interrupt your father-son bonding here, but, unfortunately for you, it's time to stop.
Paul: Sonny's wrecked over this. Is will alive? Isn't he? We need answers.
Sami: Were you so concerned about sonny when you slept with his husband?
John: Sami. Come on, now.
Sami: He has a hell of a lot of nerve. You both do. I just wanted to come and visit my son's grave in peace.
John: I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Paul: You don't believe will could be alive.
Sami: I was in the morgue with his dead body. I saw them lower his coffin into the ground. No, it's not possible.
Paul: I believe that too.
Sami: Really? 'Cause the shovel in your hand says you don'T.
Paul: Okay, other people, they aren't so sure.
John: This is dr. Wilhelm rolf we're talking about.
Sami: [Sighs]
John: I'm living proof that coming back from the dead is possible.
Paul: Look, I'm sorry we've upset you. It's not what we meant to do. But the not knowing is ripping people apart, not just sonny-- your mom, lucas, kate, gabi. Everyone who loved will, they deserve to have any doubt put to rest. And there's only one way to do that.
Gabi: You know, what if arianna has overheard somebody talking about the possibility of will being alive? She loved her daddy so much. The way her eyes lit up any time will would walk into the room... she was really young when will was killed. What if she gets her hopes up? I mean, if she loses him all over again, this would be devastating for her.
Eli: Arianna has sonny, okay? She's got grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and fans, like me, who will love her even more. And there's you. If it comes up again, you'll know exactly what to say, because you're the most amazing mom, woman ever.
Gabi: Are you saying that because I flipped you yesterday?
Eli: Of course.
[Both laugh]
Chloe: Hey, guys. Thank you for coming to the soft opening. Are you enjoying yourselves?
Eli: Very much, thank you. And congrats to you on the new venture.
Chloe: Thank you.
Gabi: Yeah, keeping it old-school, "doug's place." I thought that maybe you'd want to go with something like "club chloe." I don't know.
Chloe: Yeah, well, it was julie's idea, and when she gets an idea in her mind...
Eli: Oh, yeah. My grandmother can be very persuasive.
Chloe: That's one word for it.
Eli: Who knows? Maybe she can convince hope to give me a job.
Chloe: There's a concept: Julie using her powers for good. Well, enjoy yourselves. Thanks for coming.
Eli: Thank you.
Gabi: So you haven't heard anything about the position yet?
Eli: Nothing.
Gabi: I bet I know why.
Rafe: The department is suffering a crisis of trust with the public. I mean, thanks to raines, everything that we do is suspect. Everything that we do is under the microscope. You give jj a slap on the wrist for an infraction that many people could argue should have ended his job--
The squad is overworked. They're overworked! We're understaffed. We have more cases than we can handle. What was I supposed to do? Jj is a damn good cop. He made a mistake.
Rafe: He's also your cousin.
Hope: [Sighs] You didn't just say that, did you? Is that really what you think? I handed him his gun and badge because he's my cousin?
[Sighs] How would you have handled it?
Rafe: Well, I would have been much tougher on jj. I would have let him feel the consequences for his actions, and I would have showed the rest of this department that there are rules, rules that they need to follow. But you're commissioner, and I respect your decision. And I'm damn proud of you.
Nicole: Brady, I--I know you hate me and you want to hurt me right now.
Brady: Don't forget my brother. I want to hurt him too.
Nicole: You're just acting out of rage. I know that there's a part of you that knows this is wrong and you want to let me walk out that door, because the brady I know--
Brady: Doesn't exist anymore. Stop trying to convince me that I'm too good to hurt you, nicole, 'cause I'm not.
Nicole: And what about holly? You love her. She's just an innocent little girl in all of this. Doesn't she deserve a life full of love and happiness?
Brady: Mm-hmm. I want holly to be very happy. I just want you and eric to be miserable.
Nicole: Oh... brady, would-- would you really do this?
Brady: Sweetheart, I'm doing it. You've decimated every single thing that I thought we had, every--everything. And I have nothing left. All I have is the ability to destroy your life, and I'm gonna do it, because you destroyed mine. And if you don't play ball with me, I swear to god I'm gonna grab that amulet and that recorded confession, and I'm gonna go to the police, and I'm gonna tell them that you murdered deimos kiriakis. End of story.
[Suspenseful music]
John: We need answers here, sami. Because sonny and will were legally separated when will died, sonny couldn't authorize an exhumation.
Paul: And justin said that the decision had to be made by will's next of kin, so we asked lucas, and he said no.
Sami: So you ended up going behind lucas's back. And sonny's too, I bet.
Paul: He doesn't know. I love him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I also know how much will loved him, and he would hate to see sonny suffer the way he is right now.
John: You know, sami, you can put an end to this madness with one call. All you got to do is call justin and give him your approval, and everybody will know the truth. So what do you say? Will you do that? .
Hope: I hear what you're saying about jj. And I appreciate your input. I do. But given the demands on the department and being shorthanded, I have no other choice but to stand by my decision.
Rafe: Understood. I hope I didn't overstep.
Hope: You gave me a cactus.
Rafe: A succulent.
Hope: So there's no overstepping.
Rafe: No?
Hope: I want to hear what you think.
Rafe: Even when I disagree with you?
Hope: Especially when you disagree.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope: Oh, and I hope that you won't mind when I give a certain detective preferred treatment once in a while.
Rafe: As long as you don't kill the plant.
Hope: It's dead.
Rafe: It's not.
Hope: It will be.
Rafe: How dare you? I got to get back.
Hope: Okay.
Rafe: I'm waiting for some news from--
Hope: Oh, wait! There's something I want to talk to you about.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: I want to talk to you about your new partner.
Rafe: My new--yeah. About that. Actually, I was thinking I would fly solo for a little while, you know, just till you find the right fit. And, obviously, no one could ever replace you.
Hope: Well, you know what? I have a great candidate. I mean, he is head and shoulders above the rest.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: I'm listening. Tell me.
Hope: Just let me finish before you say anything, okay?
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: I know that eli grant is not your favorite--
Rafe: No, I already told you. No!
Hope: He's fbi-trained, just like you are.
Rafe: I told you no about eli. That's not happening. There is no chance in hell.
Gabi: Rafe needs a partner. You should be that partner.
Eli: Yeah, well, rafe probably has other ideas about that.
Gabi: He's being an idiot. You saved my life.
Eli: I also took a shot that could have killed his little sister.
Gabi: Well, he's gonna regret that I'm alive, because I'm going to give him hell.
Rafe: Gabi, look. He's being protective, all right? That's what older brothers do. Probably didn't help that he caught me kissing his little sister.
Gabi: Well, I liked that kiss, so it doesn't matter, because it's none of his business anyway.
Eli: You liked it, huh? Good to know.
Gabi: I'm gonna go talk to him. Forget this.
Eli: Gabi, don'T.
[Phone ringing] Oh, this is my mom. We've been playing phone tag. I'll be right back, all right?
Gabi: I'm--
Eli: Don't move. I'm serious. Hey, mom.
Nicole: I can't believe that everything my daughter has been through, you're willing to take her away from her mother. That's what deimos did.
Brady: Yeah, he--he was a monster. Maybe you bring the monster out in the man.
Nicole: [Sighs]
Brady: Your love is pretty toxic.
Nicole: Deimos was evil. But you, brady, you-- you're a loving and kind man.
Brady: You know, you said somewhere, underneath all this bitterness that I have, that there was a part of me that actually would want you to go to my brother-- go to him, be with him. There is a part of me that wants that, not because I'm good or that I believe in true love or anything like that, because I know that sooner or later, he's going to bore the hell out of you. And you will just destroy any kind of dreams that you had together.
Nicole: So there isn't anything I can say to convince you to leave me in peace, to let me live my life with eric?
Brady: No. This plays out my way. And I'm gonna gut both of you. So what's it gonna be, hmm? Your daughter or prison? What do you want?
Nicole: You son of a bitch! Fine, okay? You--you win. You win, okay? I'll break eric's heart, I'll break my heart, and I'll take holly, and I will--I will leave salem.
Brady: Great, that's what you should do. Go, go. Get a move on. Go!
Nicole: Maybe I am a liar. But the biggest lie is telling myself that you were a man of honor and compassion. And no wonder you hate your brother so much. He's a better man than you'll ever be.
Brady: The saintly ex-priest, the alcoholic priest who drives drunk and kills people and sleeps with his brother's woman? He's still got a halo over his head? Amazing.
Nicole: You're more of a monster than any man I've ever known. Damn you, brady.
Brady: Bye, baby. See ya.
[Glass smashing] See ya.
Sami: You've convinced me. I need to do what has to be done for will.
Hope: Eli has abe's endorsement on this.
Rafe: Maybe because abe's dating eli's mom, no?
Hope: I can't believe-- I cannot believe you just said that. He would never give a recommendation without merit.
Rafe: I'm sorry; it's no. Grant is impetuous. He takes too many risks. It's just--no. It's a no for me.
Hope: What are you talking about? He's fbi trained, just like you. I thought you would like--
Rafe: Speaking of impetuous and taking too many risks... hi, sami. How's it going?
Sami: I'm calling to report a grave robbery. Kyle: Mom! Mom! .
Eli: Yeah, I love you too, mom. All right, I'll talk to you soon, bye. Hey, where's gabi? She go to the ladies' room?
Chloe: Uh, no. She paid for the meal and left.
Eli: Left? Damn it!
Gabi: Hope!
Hope: Oh, gabi, hi.
Gabi: Sorry, should I say "commissioner brady"?
Hope: "Hope" works. Come here. Hi, sweetheart. What brings you here?
Gabi: I'm actually looking for my brother. Is he around?
Hope: No, actually, he just went out on a call. Is there something I can help you with?
Gabi: You know what? Actually, there is.
Rafe: Sami, welcome home.
Sami: Rafe.
Rafe: Wish it were under different circumstances. Looks like you two have been busy.
Sami: Yeah, I want you to arrest them.
Rafe: Well, why don't we just not press charges, okay? Everyone here wants answers about will. Everyone here loves him, okay? Let's just not spin this out of control, shall we? You two will give me your word you're not gonna do anything like this again?
John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a mistake.
Sami: Only because you got caught.
John: Once again, samantha, I'm sorry.
Sami: Just go.
[Scoffs] Unbelievable.
Rafe: Yeah. Well, it's good to see you haven't changed.
[Soft piano music]
I know. I know. Sweetheart.
[Uneasy music]
Nicole: We are gonna be so happy together. I know it. I love you.
Lucas: Well, look at you. You mind if I get one of those?
[Intense music]
This is me .
Hope: Gabi, I agree with you 150%. Eli would be the perfect partner for rafe.
Gabi: He's perfect, but my brother refuses to work with him. I mean, you're the commissioner, and this is totally your call, right? So you could just hire eli and make rafe work with--
Eli: Commissioner brady, whatever she just said, ignore it.
[Crickets chirping]
Sami: [Sniffles]
Rafe: So you in town for a while?
Sami: Oh, I'm here as long as I need to be to protect will.
Rafe: Yeah. Well, if you need a shoulder...
Sami: I'm fine.
Rafe: It'd be our secret.
Sami: Well, then maybe I will take you up on it.
Rafe: Okay. You know, if you-- if you need a ride anywhere or--I don't know if you're going back to your mother's or...
Sami: I don't think I will be. If I see john again tonight, my head will actually explode.
Rafe: Okay, if you need a ride anywhere else...
Sami: Thanks. But, you know, I just wanted to sit here with will, talk to him for a while tonight.
Rafe: Okay.
Sami: Thanks.
Rafe: I'll see you.
Sami: Yeah.
[Gentle piano music]
Lucas: I--I need to see sonny.
Brady: He's not here.
Lucas: Yeah? You don't mind if I have a little drink, do you, real quick?
Brady: Help yourself.
Lucas: Thanks. Liquid courage, you know. I got to look sonny in the eye, have a talk about the greatly exaggerated rumors of my son's death.
Brady: You have to be going through hell.
Lucas: Well, you know, the universe screws with you all the time, right? It put a "kick me" sign on my back, and the hits just keep coming. But me, nah, I got my secret weapon right here. Mmm, mmm! You're empty. You want a little? You want a little more? Come on.
Brady: Let's--let's do it.
Lucas: What do you got going on? Wait, don't tell me. Don't tell me. Nicole again, right? What, is she banging your brother's drum again? Ouch.
Brady: Something like that. Yeah, I was right about that, that whole thing.
Lucas: You were?
Brady: Yeah.
Lucas: Well, screw it. Here's to being right, even when it sucks.
Brady: Well, here's the thing. I'm not only right, but I won.
Lucas: You won?
Brady: I shot their happily-ever-after straight to hell.
Chloe: Tell me what happened. Did you talk to eric? What did you tell brady?
Nicole: Look, um, I have somewhere I have to be. I hate to ask again, but would you mind watching holly for just a little bit? I won't be long.
Chloe: Yeah, of course. You know I love this little munchkin.
Nicole: Thank you.
Chloe: Hey, nicole? Hey, you are clearly not okay. What happened? .
Nicole: I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind.
Chloe: No, you're not fine. You weren't with brandon last night, were you? Okay, just tell me. What happened?
[Gentle piano music]
Nicole: When you told me eric had feelings for me, I had to talk to him face-to-face. And when he told me he loved me, I saw it in his eyes, I felt it, and... I realized I loved him too.
Chloe: Oh, wow. And you--you went home and told brady?
Nicole: Chloe, he was so angry.
Chloe: [Sighs] I bet. I mean, I'm sure that he's devastated, and I feel for him, but you know what? You did the right thing. And brady may be hurting right now, but one day, he's gonna understand that you respected him enough to be honest. So what are you gonna do?
Nicole: If you could watch holly, that would be-- that would be great.
Chloe: Maybe I shouldn't have told you how eric felt or that brady tried to force him to fire you.
Nicole: I'm glad you did, because knowing what I know now, it changes everything.
Chloe: Well, if it means that you finally found your happiness and that you and eric can be together, then I'm kind of glad that i stuck my nose in your business. What was this for?
Nicole: Just, um... for being my friend, for telling me the truth, for that little girl over there. I'm so glad that we're close again.
Chloe: Good, 'cause you're stuck with me.
Nicole: Yeah. Okay, um, I'll--I'll be back.
Chloe: Hey, nicole? I really do love you.
Nicole: I love you too.
Lucas: Know what? Now we're sitting here chiming glasses, bonding, becoming simpaticos and stuff, I think I can help you.
Brady: You're gonna help me? How's that?
Lucas: Well, you know, with sonny out chasing ghosts and stuff, you know, maybe you could use another pair of hands at titan. I'm a good-looking guy, got a lot on the ball.
Brady: I got titan, lucas, so that's all right. Thank you, though.
Lucas: Yeah?
Brady: Yeah.
Lucas: Not for inside trading information on countess dub. Stick it to my mom, you know, for all that tough love she tried to give me. I don't even need a corner office, man. I'm low-maintenance. Just give me a job.
Brady: It's not-- hey, no, no, I can't make that call. Until victor hires a ceo, officially, no major decisions can be made. I'm sorry about that.
Lucas: You sure?
Brady: Yeah, I got to say no.
Lucas: All right, it was worth a shot. You know, I'm enjoying my vacation a little too much anyway.
Brady: Yeah, I see that. Listen, man, I'll tell...
Lucas: Whoa!
Brady: Sonny that you stopped by, all right?
Lucas: What, you want me to leave?
Brady: [Sighs]
Lucas: All right, all right. You don't have to say it. I'll leave. Mmm. Can I take this with me, though, a little parting gift? Come on; you won't miss it. You got tons.
Brady: Take it. Take it.
Lucas: It's mine?
Brady: It's all you.
Lucas: You're the man. I like you. We should hang out. We should drink together, you know, go out sometime? End up passed out in a cab together? It'll be great.
Brady: Yeah.
Eli: I want the same consideration as every other applicant--no special treatment, no politics, no personal agenda, whether that's mayor carver or anyone else who wants to pressure you.
Hope: I appreciate your integrity.
Eli: We need to leave.
Gabi: No, I'm not going anywhere. I have to talk.
Eli: Look, I'm sorry for the interruption.
Rafe: Oh. So you hired him, even after our discussion.
Hope: Nobody has been hired.
Eli: Yeah, we were just leaving.
Gabi: No, not yet. You and me, in there.
Rafe: Okay. What's going on, hmm? Why are you here?
Gabi: Eli is the perfect man for the job.
Rafe: Oh, my god.
Gabi: You two are so much alike, you can't even see it.
Rafe: Gabi, gabi.
Gabi: [Speaks spanish]
Rafe: No, liste--okay. I know where this is coming from.
Gabi: You're being an idiot.
Rafe: You're freaked out, okay? You're freaked out because will may or may not be alive. Everyone's thrown for a loop, okay? Hell, sami came back to town. All right? Now, look, I understand. You have a lot of feelings, memories, emotions, okay? You're fired up. But this? This? It's not your fight, okay?
[Crickets chirping]
Sami: I know you hate it when I cry, don't you? I just thought it would be easier. Oh, will, I almost lost my mind when I lost you. I miss you with every breath. All this crazy talk that you might still be alive. I-- I know I said that it's not possible. But it's not because I don't wish more than anything that it was true. Oh, will, I would give my life, I would give my last breath to see your smile one more time.
[ Ding dong ] .
Gabi: Let's go.
Eli: Well, congrats again.
Hope: Thank you, eli. Safe trip.
Rafe: Hang on. Just give me a second, okay, please? Okay. Two people that I love and trust more than anything in this world say that you are the right man for the job, so... so I'm willing to give it a shot.
Hope: Eli grant, I would like to officially offer you a position as partner to detective hernandez.
Eli: I accept. Thank you.
Rafe: I'll work with you, but you ever pull a stunt like you did with my sister and raines, and you're out.
Brady: You lying little bitch. You better be breaking that bastard's heart right now, or I swear to god... I'm gonna bring you down. I'm gonna bring you down.
[Melancholy music]
[Knocking at door]
Sami: I promised you, will, that I would keep the tigers away. And I'm gonna do that, and I'm gonna find some answers so that everyone just leaves you alone so you can rest in peace.
Lucas: Well, lookee here. First will comes back to give me grief, and now you're here to give everybody hell.
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