Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday
Episode #12956 ~ Ciara is driven to seek out Hope for answers;
Eduardo & Dario cut a business deal with Deimos; Kimberly & Shane try to talk
Theresa into making the right decision; Chloe is unhappy when she feels Nicole
betrayed her.
Provided By
[dramatic music]
Theresa: Weird… Grandma? Grandma. You said you wanted
to talk to me? It’s me, Theresa. Oh my God. Mateo must have sent that message to
get me here alone. [screams] Oh my God mom, you scared me to death!
Kimberly: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Shh. Calm down.
Theresa: You’re as bad as
Dad, sneaking around.
Kimberly: Shh. Calm down. Hush. Hush. You are safe.
For now, anyway. But that could change. You don’t think this situation through,
it could change drastically. Ok? Now...your father offered a way to protect you
and you turned him down. That’s why we’re gonna spend a little time together,
alright? Jeannie, you need to change your mind.

[dramatic music]
Rafe: Here. Sorry it’s not gourmet. Cop slop.
Hope: Thanks. You look like you could use a cup yourself.
Probably. Sleep’s overrated though, right? How you doing?
Hope: Scared.
Worried sick about Ciara. I left her a message right after the arrest. She...may
never. Just found out her mother’s a murderer.
Dario: When did he say he’d be
Eduardo: Soon.
Dario: You know I’m not so sure we should go
with the Kiriakis’. There are rumors of infighting, confusion.
So what? We go with the DiMeras’ now? It was just announced that Stefano was a
murder victim.
Dario: So what do we do? Wanna toss a coin? Which family
do we go with?
Eduardo:We go with whatever family has the greatest
weakness. Something that our family can exploit.
Deimos: This is on the
level, Nicole. It’s not a game. I’d just like to talk to you and see, well...if
we still have a chance.
Nicole: A chance? Interesting.
Look I have an appointment that I can’t miss right now. But afterwards, I can
text you and we can meet, I don’t know, in the Square or something? Nicole?
Nicole: Yes, Deimos. I would like that very much.
Chloe: I love you too,
Parker. Now please make sure you tell Taylor’s mom, thank you for having you
over there. Yeah, I’ll pick you up later tonight. I love you, bye.
Chloe: What’s wrong?
Nicole: No surrogate would even talk to me. I mean
I’m a convicted kidnapper.
Chloe: Well what if I did it. I mean hear me
out. You and Daniel, do the in vitro part, and the embryo gets implanted in me
and...then that’s it, you’ll get your own personal miracle.
Chloe: I’m
not going to keep the truth from Nicole forever. I just needed some time to
think. So what do you think, baby? Should I tell Nicole that you are her and
Daniel’s little boy?
male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are
the “Days of our Lives.”
[soft orchestration]
Eduardo: The main thing
is that everything will be in sealed containers and we would prefer that those
containers not go through customs. Your company would simply unload and deliver.
Deimos: Sounds doable.
Dario: At what price?
Deimos: Well
naturally, it all goes by weight. Our rates are pretty standard. Here you go.
Dario: This is nowhere near standard. This is what you call a rip-off. DiMeras
will do a helluva lot better, let's go.
Deimos: Alright fine, hey. You
guys want to go with the new kids on the block then by all means go ahead. Go
with the DiMeras. But if you want to companies with ties to custom inspectors,
those same ones who will look the other way, you might want to consider going
with us.
Eduardo: Yeah, we might. Why don't you give us your bottom line,
Deimos: I'll tell you what. Business is about relationships,
right? So in that spirit, what do you say I give you 20% off the standard rate?
Eduardo: Done.
Deimos: Good.
Rafe: Ciara just needs time to
process what's happened. She's going to come around.
Hope: eah sure. I
hope you're right.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: ‘Cause the the look on her
face when she heard the recording of me admitting to the murder...Totally
Rafe: In the moment, maybe. But... She loves you. Trust in
Hope: She lost her father almost a year ago. Now ...she's gonna
lose her mother.
Rafe: Hope, come on. Hey look. Listen. I know you're in
a dark place right now, but you still have a chance. You do. Roman, Justin and I
are all fighting to get you out of here. You know that, don't you?
Rafe --
Rafe: We are.
Hope: It’s not just the murder charge,
that’s just the beginning. They’re also coming after me for obstruction and
falsifying evidence.
Theresa: I can’t believe you set me up like this. Fake
text messages from Grandma. Closing the restaurant in the middle of the day --
Kimberly: I know, I know it's because we know that Mateo is having you
watched. See this way you just stopped by for a little visit with Grandma. I
slipped in the back way, Shane's out making arrangements to help you and he'll
slip in the back way too.
Theresa: Look I hate to disappoint you, Mom. I
know I've disappointed you a lot, but Dad's plan sucks. I can't just vanish. Not
by myself. Not with Brady or Tate.
Kimberly: No no no. It's the only way,
and Brady will understand.
Theresa: No, Mom, he will not understand.
Because the minute I tell him about Mateo, he's gonna get right up in his face
and he'll be dead by the end of the day okay? I know him, Mom. He never backs
Kimberly: I know, he does tend to get in people's faces. Dear God,
that means you'd have to go away alone?
Theresa: No, I can't do that
either because if I do that he'd kill Brady and Tate, or both, just to force me
out of hiding.
Kimberly: No, Theresa. You can't just stay here. Think
honey think. You have to do something.
Theresa: I know. I will, ok? I
have a plan.
Rafe: Hey come on. Don’t do that. I know you’re in a really dark
place right now, but try not to think like that. Ok? I’m here for you. Listen to
me. I’m here, I’m fighting for you. Don’t you know that? I love you.
Hope: I love you. I just -- Sometimes love isn’t enough --
Rafe: Not
sometimes. No. Always. You want me to go to the pub? I’ll get you a cheeseburger
or something, huh?
Hope: [laughs] You can’t keep breaking the rules for
Rafe: Breaking the rules for you, I’m breaking them for me. I’m real
selfish, you know that. Hey Ciara. Hey, come on in.
Hope: So happy to see
you. I was so afraid might not come.
Ciara: I’ve gotta admit.
I wasn’t going to. I wasn’t gonna come, but then Theo made me. He misses his
grandpa. He loved him.
Hope: I know.
Ciara: He wanted answers. But
I didn’t have any. And at first I did not want to hear an explanation. But now
you’re gonna tell me everything. No matter how horrible. 
Nicole: [sighs]
Come on Deimos. [phone rings] Chloe, hi. You hung up so fast earlier. I thought
maybe I said something I shouldn’t have. How are you?
Chloe: Fine.
Listen. I’m staying in a hotel right outside of Chicago. Do you think you could
meet me at Cafe Leo, you know, off Highway 57. That place where we used to take
Parker to get ice cream?
Nicole: Well yeah, sure. I mean I’m in the
middle of something right now. But I can meet you later this afternoon.
Chloe: I really need to see you as soon as possible.
Nicole: Is the baby
Chloe: Yeah, fine. I just really need to see you in private. There’s
something you need to know.
Nicole: Well, alright. Sure. I’ll leave as
soon as I can. I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Deimos: Are you going to meet
Chloe? Have you been in contact with her all this time?
Nicole: No,
Deimos. She literally just got back to me.
Deimos: And you didn’t think
to bother to tell me, when you knew how desperate I’ve been to find her? Nicole,
she’s carrying my child. I do have rights as a father.
Nicole: Deimos,
listen to me, ok? You’re not the father.
[dramatic music]
Deimos: What
is this? Some kind of a game? Why the hell would you say something like that? Is
Chloe putting you up to this?
Nicole: Ok, first. Please just calm down,
Deimos, and catch your breath. No, Chloe didn’t put me up to anything. I ran
into Philip a little while ago and he told me that the test results are
Deimos: They were rigged. You told me that yourself.
Nicole: Ok, I know. But I was wrong. Kate promised Philip and Chloe that she
would switch the results. But she got there later or something, and it turns out
that the results are accurate.
Deimos: [laughing] Come on! Nicole! You of
all people should know a lie when you hear one. So what? Philip, now I'm
assuming, is saying that he's the father again? Is that it?
Nicole: No.
No he's not. He doesn't know who the father is. Chloe wouldn't tell him.
Deimos: What? That doesn't make any sense, dammit.
Nicole: Deimos.
[whispering] I'm sorry. I know... Being a father meant so much to you
have to go through this disappointment all over again...
Deimos: No no
no. I am not going through this disappointment again. Not yet. Because I don't
believe Philip and I certainly don't believe Chloe.
Nicole: Philip
doesn't have any reason to lie to me.
Deimos: Really? Then why the hell
wouldn't he tell me?
Nicole: I don't know, Deimos. Maybe because you
haven't earned his respect yet.
Deimos: [sighs] You know what? That's it.
I'm done. Alright? I'm not accepting this. I'm gonna find out for sure. I want
another test and I want it done today.
Nicole: Deimos, don't.
Deimos: You said that you're leaving to go see Chloe, right?
Nicole: Yes,
at a little cafe.
Deimos: Alright, Nicole. If you ever cared about me,
take me with you, alright?
Nicole: This isn't going to end well, Deimos.
But I can see that you will not give up. Ok, let's go.
Deimos: Alright.
Shane: So good to see you again darling. Listen I’m sorry about all the fun and
games getting you here. But we have to assume Mateo has eyes and ears
everywhere. Now your mother’s already talked to you.
Kimberly: Jeannie’s
not going to do what you want her to do.
Shane: I’m sorry, why? What?
Theresa: Look, I really appreciate both of you coming here and trying to
protect me.
Shane: Well of course we want to protect you, sweetheart. We
love you. We’re here to help. I have the resources.
Theresa: I can’t do
it, Dad. Okay? I can’t take that chance. Mateo’s already reached out to me and
this morning he got to Tate. He literally left his calling card in his pocket.
Kimberly: No, how could he get that close?
Theresa: Because he’s El
Shane: Did he hurt Tate?
Theresa: No. But his message came
through loud and clear. I have to do what he wants or…
Shane: The
bastard. What did he want when he approached you?
Theresa: Well, he
wants...No, he insists that I go back to Mexico with him.
Kimberly: No!
No. You’re not going to do that.
Theresa: What can I say? He still has
the hots for me. It doesn’t even matter that I can’t stand to be near him. To
him it’s all a game, you know? It’s about his pride because I left him in the
first place.
Kimberly: Honey, listen to me. What are you going to do?
Theresa: I’m sorry, Mom. I’m gonna to give him what he wants.
Rafe: Hey
Ciara. Don’t have to be so hard on your mom. She’s dealing with a lot right now,
ok? Not to mention, you probably only know like 10% of what Stefano did to your
Ciara: He didn’t deserve to die. Not like that.
Rafe: Ok.
Well then maybe you should look at it this way. The man was evil. I mean he was
evil through and through. If he were alive today, he’d probably just be
torturing another family. I’ll let you guys talk. Hang in there.
Sorry about Rafe. He can’t help himself. His defending me. [sniffles] That’s no
excuse for what I did. There’s none. Zero. What I did was wrong.
[crying] You are such a hypocrite. My whole life you have been telling me do the
right thing. Don’t lie. Don’t steal. Don’t do bad things. Even the night that
you got arrested. You were going on this speech of how I shouldn’t take Grandpa
Victor’s money. “Oh it’s dirty money. It’s tainted. He did bad things.” And
you’re a murderer. Fine. Yes. I get it. Stefano was a cruel man. He was a
gangster, a thief. Probably a killer. But that did not give you the right to
murder him.
Hope: I absolutely agree with you. I had no right Ciara.
There is no excuse for what I did.
Ciara: Then why?
Hope: Because
I was a mess. [exhales] Terribly dark place after your dad died. I knew he’d
been kidnapped and tortured and then I thought evidence that pointed to Stefano
-- That he was responsible for what happened to your dad. And then you were
kidnapped and I thought “Oh my god, it’s happening again.”
Ciara: Stefano
was behind that?
Hope: I thought so. I did. Ciara, I swear with my heart,
I really did. I confronted him and he laughed at me. And he said terrible things
about your dad. And he kept going on and on. I don’t remember pulling the
trigger. I don’t, but I did. I did. I pulled the trigger Ciara.
Kimberly: No,
you can’t just go to Mexico...
Theresa: It’ll work, Mom. It’ll work. Ok
he’ll buy it. He’ll wallow in it. My return will be proof of his power. I mean,
not that he needs proof anyway. But once I’m there, I’ll get close to him and--
Shane: No! No, absolutely not. If Mateo ever finds out -
Look, he won’t. You’re a spy. You raised me. I lived most of my life living a
lie -
Kimberly: Honey, no. No, Shane. Please talk to her --
Theresa: You can’t talk me out of this. Listen. Just believe me, Dad. I haven’t
stopped thinking about this and...He told me that I was back on Mateo’s radar
and I’ve gone over it. Over and over and over again. It’ll work. Ok? I’ll make
it work.
Shane: But how do you propose to do that.
[sighs] Well first [crying] I’ll leave Brady and Tate. And then I will convince
everyone that I’m “old Theresa” again. Selfish to the core. Drinking and boozing
and...then I’ll just..I’ll go back to Mexico.
Kimberly: No. No, this is
insane. No, please don’t.
Theresa: Once I am living with him, I’ll be
able to get enough information that can take him and his cartel down.
Shane: No, I’ve already said no, Jeannie. For God sakes. This isn’t some
Hollywood movie, sweetheart, with a happy ending. This is real life. People get
Theresa: I know that, but what choice do I have? If I run, then
he’ll kill Brady and Tate. Maybe you and Mom, just to punish me.
Kimberly: Oh, dear God.
Theresa: And I’ll have to keep running the rest
of my life, or his. So this way, if I can just get enough information on him and
his cartel, then I have a chance to come home to my family. Case closed.
Hope: Baby, I’m not asking anyone’s forgiveness. Because I'm never going to
forgive myself. It's good that the truth came out, it needed to. Keeping it all
buried inside, it was…The guilt, it was eating me alive.
Ciara: That
makes so much sense. I mean since, the way that you've been since it happened. I
mean, the sadness, I just -- I saw in your eyes. And the way that you just curl
up on the couch. And now you just stare out into nothing. It was like your world
was so empty.
Hope: It felt empty, baby. But you know what the worst part
is? What scares me the most? Not prison. What scares me is what this could do to
you. My baby. Ciara, I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry, baby.
Ciara: Mom, it's ok. I'm gonna be ok. And I'm never gonna stop loving you.
We're gonna get through this, ok? We will.
Hope: Come here. Come here,
Chloe: Hey Nicole. Oh, thanks for meeting me.
Nicole: Yeah, of
Chloe: Wha--No, seriously? What’re you two joined at the hip
these days? I said I wanted to meet you in private.
Deimos: Yeah, well
guess what? People don’t always get what they want. And this little game of hide
and seek has gone on long enough.
Chloe: You’ve harassed me. You’ve
harassed my family and now you’re --
Nicole: Ok, whoa, whoa, can we just
be civil here please.
Chloe: You mean like he’s been?
Deimos is here because he heard that the paternity test you guys took in
Brookville was actually accurate.
Chloe: Then great. Leave. You’re not
the father, there’s nothing to talk about.
Deimos: I’m not going anywhere
until I get another paternity test. Which I am going to witness--
[groans] Seriously?
Nicole: Chloe, you haven’t exactly been truthful
about the result to anyone. And there’s a little life involved, a baby. And you
know how I feel about--
Chloe: I know how you feel about babies. I really
know. Remember? That’s actually why I asked you to come here today, and I really
resent that you would bring him.
Deimos: Let’s cut to the chase, Chloe.
Are you going to give me another paternity test? Or do I have to pull strings
again to get a judge to issue a court order? [dramatic music]
Fine. And when you learn that you’ve not the father again, and when you learn
that you have no right to come near this baby, maybe you’ll finally leave me
alone. Let’s go.
Shane: Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how dangerous a thing like--
Theresa: Of course I do. Dad I know him, he's a psychopath. Has no
conscience whatsoever. And if I screw up... I won't live to explain. But see...
I gotta face the facts because I brought this on myself. And no matter what you
guys said, no matter how many times you warned me, I didn't listen. The people I
hung out with and the way I lived and the risks I took and all the horrible
things I did. Well...I guess they came full circle. And now I have to pay.
Ciara: Can’t you just like plead like, temporary insanity or something? I mean
Aiden, or his lookalike or whatever. He tried to kill you.
Hope: I know,
Ciara: And then Dad came back and he saved you. And then he died. I
got kidnapped, Mom. Your life has been like a living nightmare.
Baby, I know that. Let’s just leave it to Justin, ok? He’ll give me the best
defense possible. But you’ve gotta remember that I did confess on tape.
Ciara: And then Andre DiMera played it.
Hope: Listen. Even though that
tape is inadmissible, I still need to take responsibility for what I did. But
you know what the hardest part it? Is knowing that I’m gonna have to…
Ciara: No. No way, Mom. No, ok? You don’t have to worry about me. We have a huge
family. I’m gonna be fine. But you gotta come back. You have to try to come
back, so I can have my mom again.
Theresa: So what’s it going to be, Dad?
Will you help me? Or do I have to go this alone?
Shane: Sweetheart, you
have to understand. An operation like this can take years--
Theresa: Not
if I’m good. Will you help me? Please.
Kimberly: We have to. We have to,
hon. Come on.
Shane: Dammit, alright.
Theresa: [cries] Okay.
Shane: Alright, listen. I can do this. I can talk to some people, I won’t
use your name, and see if the ISA can maybe come up with some kind of support.
Theresa: Ok.
Kimberly: That’s it.
Shane: I’ll be right back.
Kimberly: Thank you. Ok, Jeannie. I want you to tell me how you plan on
breaking things off with Brady.
Theresa: [cries]
Kimberly: As much
as you adore that man. do you plan on just walking away from your
little boy, hmm? Tell me.
Theresa: Well...I’ll do it by reminding myself
what happens if I don’t. And I’m not gonna lie, Mom, I’m gonna miss every single
minute with Brady and Tate. But--
Kimberly: Alright honey. Ok. it’s ok.
Now another thing. Explain to me, because I’m afraid you haven’t thought about
this, you may...have to become intimate with that monster.
Maybe not. Maybe not, ok? He has a stable full of women and...Look. Even if I
do, I’ll handle it. I’m not proud to admit this, but I’ve used my body before.
And you know what? I’m never gonna stop loving Brady. And I would sell my soul
to protect my baby.
Kimberly: Al right, this is insane. I’m not gonna let
this happen.
Theresa: You can’t stop me. Mom, I know that you slept with
Victor to save Daddy. So...You don’t have a moral high ground to stand on here.
This is going to happen. No matter what. 
Deimos: I don’t like this.
Chloe: Oh, what now?
Deimos: The doctor walks us in here, and then just
Nicole: Well he went to the lab to run the test. I mean, you
insisted that he do it right away, remember?
Deimos: Yeah, but why can’t
we be there? Make sure no one screws up?
Nicole: Well, Deimos-- Honey
what do you want to do? You want to look over this technician’s shoulder?
Deimos: Why not? You know, I’m gonna go in there. Make sure no one tampers
with the samples.
Nicole: Deimos, wait. Come on-- [sigh]
How dare you. You knew I was hiding from that bastard and you brought him right
to me?
Nicole: Chloe, think about this for a second though. Once Deimos
finds out the truth? He’s not the baby’s father--
Chloe: Then what?
“Everything’s gonna be fine?” Is that it? Oh, my God. You’re so in love with
him, you can’t even see what he’s really like. How dare you desecrate Daniel’s
memory with that man? [dramatic music]
Kimberly: Come here, baby. You know I
had my doubts about you and Brady in the very beginning.
[laughs] Yeah. You and everybody else.
Kimberly: Right. And so now
everybody knows how much you really adore that man. And they know how much you
adore your little boy. So what I’m afraid of. Nobody's gonna believe you when
you say you just don’t care anymore.
Theresa: Well, then I’ll have to
sell it. But don’t worry. I’m still working out the details. And uh, I have a
plan. The first thing I have to do is break Brady’s heart.
Eduardo: I feel
like we made the right move going with the Kiriakis.
Dario: I think so
too. What if Rafe smells something?
Eduardo: He won’t, ‘cause we're both
gonna make sure of that right? Gabby doesn't find out. Rafe doesn’t find out.
End of story. [dramatic music]
Hope: Ciara is an amazing daughter. I mean she
is so strong-- so much stronger than I could ever be.
Rafe: I know.
Hope: She forgave me. This day is lot better than it started out to be.
Rafe: Well, that’s good. See, isn’t that just great? Hey, and don’t worry
about her, at all, because I’m gonna be looking out for her.
Hope: Yeah.
I know you are.
Rafe: Yeah. So what about you? Is there anything you
need? Anything I can do for you?
Hope: Yes. I need a meeting with Andre
DiMera. [dramatic music]
[soft music]
Ciara: I talked to my mom. We
talked about what happened. If you wanna know I can tell you--
Ciara it-- It won’t matter. I’ll probably never be able to forgive her for what
she did to my family.
Ciara: Ok. Don’t. Don’t stop, ok? Just say it.
Just say it right out loud.
Theo: You’re my friend. Please, I don’t want
that to change.
Ciara: Me neither.
Nicole: Don’t ever school me about
Daniel’s memory. Got it?
Chloe: I thought nothing could ruin our
friendship. But you being with that man?
Nicole: What are you talking
about, Chloe?
Chloe: He bullied me into having that paternity test and
when that wasn’t good enough for him he’s bullying me into another one, thanks
to you.
Nicole: Ok, well he’s had to deal with some lies, ok? He feels
Chloe: He’s not the victim here. Come on. He has a temper.
You’re the one who called to warn me about him.
Nicole: I know but once
he finds out the result you--
Chloe: This is not about him. This is about
you. And how I don't know you anymore.
Nicole: So fine. I’ll leave. But
you said there’s something I need to know. Is it about the baby?
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