Days Transcript Monday 2/1/16

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 2/1/16


Episode #12771 ~ Steve works to make a deal with Ava; Ciara tears into Chase; Philip talks to Belle about Deimos' blackmail; Eve becomes Claire's mentor.

Provided By Suzanne

Philip: If you can be patient just a little longer...

Deimos: Why should I do that, Philip? You obviously have this miracle serum in hand if you're planning to patent it.

Philip: We're not nearly there yet. We have only one test subject, Caroline Brady, and she suffers from a very rare form of--

Deimos: I don't give a damn what she suffers from. I want the formula that Victor uses on her, and I want it now.

Philip: I told you, we're still tweaking it to make sure--

Deimos: I'm a very patient man, Philip. I waited 30 years to destroy your father. Now, if you continue to disappoint me, I'll be happy to put that plan on hold a bit longer.

Philip: Why would you do that?

Deimos: To turn my attention on destroying my brother's son.

Belle: Philip? What's wrong?

Steve: This is great. Listen, I've made about two dozen calls since last night, and you just gave me my first lead. I appreciate it. Thanks, man. Damn you. You didn't need to kidnap Kayla. I will find this boy. And I'll do anything to save Kayla from you.

Chase: Hey. Were you not able to find my clothes?

Ciara: Oh, my God. You're the one sending these texts to Theo? What the hell is wrong with you, man?

Hope: Ugh! It was all a ploy, wasn't it?

Rafe: What?

Hope: Oh, come on, you know what. Telling me you didn't know how to fish, let alone ice fish. The trout were jumping out of the water to swallow your hook.

Rafe: It was luck, I'm telling you. Besides that, I had a great coach.

Hope: Yeah, well, I had two great coaches: My grandpa tom, who taught me how to fish, and Shawn Brady, whose motto always was, "you catch 'em, you clean 'em," so I never caught them.

Rafe: Okay, fine, but I'm telling you, I never had fresh fish. Okay, I did have canned sardines every once in a while on lent, but other than that, my mom worked two jobs, and I never learned to cook, either, so if you want anything edible, don't look at me.

Hope: Yeah, well, you know what? Me either. I'm a terrible cook.

Both: Ciara!

Hope: Chase! Chase?

Rafe: They've probably got their headphones on.

Hope: Probably right.

Rafe: Yeah. Hey! You two! They're not here.

Hope: What?

Rafe: And chase's overnight bag is gone.

Steve: Thanks. Joe.

Joey: She's still...

Steve: Holding out until I find her son.

Joey: Who may or may not be my brother?

Steve: Who knows? She's a pathological liar.

Joey: Even if you do find him, what--you think she's just gonna let mom go?

Steve: Truth is, I don't know.

Joey: Dad, I'm really sorry. You tried to warn me, and I was so stupid. I can't believe I let her play me like that.

Steve: Come on, come on. She was working you, man. Couldn't help it. When I asked you flat out if you were working with her, you lied to me. You pretended you didn't even know her.

Joey: She told me that you wouldn't understand.

Steve: Of course she did.

Joey: Well, what was I supposed to do? She was helping me get you and mom back together.

Steve: So she could tear us apart. You get that now?

Joey: If I had just told you the truth when you asked me to, then mom would be okay right now, wouldn't she?

Steve: Who knows? Come on. We can't waste time on regrets. I just hope you learned a lesson. Now, I need to get down to business, 'cause I just got my first good lead.

Joey: On mom?

Steve: On the kid.

Joey: What are we gonna do? Just sit back? Let Ava call the shots?

Steve: No. No, we're not gonna sit back. Now, I don't know if that boy out there is mine, but if we have family somewhere, I'm not gonna rest until I know he's safe. As for Ava, I'm the one calling the shots. I'm gonna bring your mom home, and then Ava will answer for everything she's done to hurt our family.

Rafe: Hope, don't panic.

Hope: What do you mean, "don't panic"? What if André had us followed to smith island?

Rafe: Ciara.

Hope: Ciara, honey, thank God. Where have you been?

Rafe: Where's chase?

Hope: His bag is gone.

Ciara: Oh, no.

Rafe: No?

Hope: Did you two have a fight?

Ciara: Yeah.

Hope: Ciara, why?

Ciara: Mom, I don't know. I mean, I'm sorry.

Rafe: It's okay, it's okay. Just calm down. Tell us exactly what happened.

Ciara: Okay. A couple of weeks ago, Theo started getting these, like, really nasty texts.

Hope: What do you mean, nasty?

Ciara: Like, calling him retarded, saying that he rides the short bus.

Hope: That's terrible. Why didn't you tell me?

Ciara: Theo didn't want anyone to know.

Rafe: Okay, I'm sorry-- what does this have to do with chase?

Ciara: I just found out that chase is the one sending them.

Hope: Chase? Why?

Ciara: I don't know. I found his burner phone. It was in his bag. It was definitely him.

Hope: Oh, my God.

Ciara: I was so mad when I found them.

Hope: Sweetie, I'm sure you were.

Rafe: Did you confront him about it?

Ciara: Yeah, I threw the phone at him and walked out.

Hope: So, you just left him here?

Ciara: I didn't know he was gonna run away.

Hope: We've got to find him. It's freezing out there, and he doesn't know the area.

Rafe: Okay, how long ago did this happen?

Ciara: Half an hour at the most.

Rafe: Well, he couldn't have gone far. I'll go find him.

Philip: Nothing's wrong.

Belle: Come on, Philip. Don't lie to me. It's not about me, is it?

Philip: Belle, the sun does not rise and set on that fair head.

Belle: I know that.

Philip: And if you decide you want to give your marriage another shot, I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it.

Belle: I don't know what I want.

Philip: Of course you know. This is the girl who would get her day-of-the-week panties in a twist if she was wearing Tuesday on Thursday. You always have a plan.

Belle: Maybe I've changed.

Philip: You broke my heart before. You're not gonna do it again.

Belle: Philip, I care about you so much.

Philip: What does that mean?

Belle: It means I had a great time in Vegas, but... if Shawn is saying that he wants to try to work things out, I feel like I owe it to him and to Claire to try and see if my marriage is actually over.

Philip: What do you owe yourself?

Belle: A chance to be a better parent.

Philip: What?

Belle: Claire used to be such a good kid, you know? So easy--

Philip: Like you.

Belle: And we're both going through some growing pains right now, and lately, we've been fighting all the time, and I just-- I need her to know that I tried.

Philip: You can't sacrifice your happiness for hers.

Belle: I'm not.

Philip: And you do realize she's gonna be out of the house in, like, five years--

Belle: I know, I know. She's growing up, and she needs me less and less, but right now, this is what I have to do.

[Acoustic guitar music]

I've roamed past streams where the flowers are green and they wash away in the morning and the rivers, they shine but not so bright like the starless skies above oh, help me now my fears are close these darkened skies have dreamed--

[Music silences]

Eve: Okay, um... we're gonna go back one more time, okay? I still feel like you're not letting go. You're still holding on, and--

Claire: Well, I'm trying my best.

Eve: I know you are, honey, and I just-- I think that you can do better.

Claire: This is the fifth time that you've given me the exact same note. I've-- I don't have the training, so I can't do what you're asking me to do.

Eve: No, no, no. We don't say "can't." We just say "not yet."

Claire: Okay, well... fine, but these auditions are in a couple of days, so, for now, it's "can't."

Eve: Claire, listen to me. When you're an artist, there are always things that you have to improve on. You have this amazing natural talent. Those other girls at this audition--they've been studying their whole life, and they don't have half what you do. It's a raw talent that you have, and it's gonna open doors for you, sweetheart. With the proper training, come on, you're gonna get there.

Claire: How do you know that?

Eve: Listen, you only need two things, okay? It's confidence and the willingness just to be open to bare your soul. All right? So, I'm gonna sit right back down here, and we're gonna start at the top, and you are gonna loosen up and sing, okay? Let's go.

[Acoustic guitar music]

I've roamed past streams where the flowers are green and they wash away in the morning and the rivers, they shine but not so bright like the starless skies above oh, help me now my fears are close these darkened skies have dreamed the most and they're waiting for me

Ava: Patch.

Steve: Morning.

Ava: I thought I heard Joey's voice.

Steve: Yeah, he was here a little while ago. I sent him out so we could talk in private.

Ava: Oh. Okay. Well, before we do, Kayla's been alone without food and water for a while. I think you should let me go take care of that.

Steve: How about we take care of it together?

Ava: You'll get what you want when I get what I want.

Steve: I told you, I'm not letting you out of my sight.

Ava: Even if it means that your wife dies of hunger and thirst? I guess we have a bit of a problem then.

Belle: You know, I asked you what was wrong. How did this turn into a conversation about my problems?

Philip: I believe you decided my problem must be about you.

Belle: Well, it isn't, so... what is it?

Philip: I told you, I don't want to talk about it.

Belle: Why?

Philip: What's up with this crazy weather, huh? I mean, how can they call this global warming?

Belle: Why don't you want to talk about it?

Philip: You're not gonna let this go.

Belle: No kidding. Philip, don't you know that you can tell me anything?

Philip: Belle, I'm afraid you won't look at me the same way if you know what I've done.

Belle: Now you're scaring me. What is this?

Philip: It's an advance on your retainer.

Belle: You need a lawyer?

Philip: I need an ear. Someone whose advice I trust. Now, anything I tell you will be privileged.

Belle: You don't think that you could just tell me as a friend?

Philip: Belle, when you hear the mess I've gotten myself into, you might not want to be my friend anymore.

Ciara: Theo's the only guy I know that would never say a bad word about anyone. He doesn't deserve this.

Hope: No one does, honey.

Ciara: And chase is the last guy I would've thought--

Hope: Well, obviously, chase is a very troubled young man. And we certainly understand why.

Ciara: Don't make excuses for him.

Hope: I'm not making-- I should've realized how much he needed help.

Ciara: Well, you had a lot of other things to deal with.

Hope: Honey, you said you didn't have any idea why he would do this.

Ciara: I guess... I mean, Claire thinks that chase likes me.

Hope: Likes you, as in... what?

Ciara: I don't know. I told her she was out of her mind, but I guess...

Ciara: Chase does always seem kind of jealous about how Theo and I have such a close relationship. Mom, if he did this because of me, I swear--

Hope: Stop, stop. You cannot possibly blame yourself for this. Absolutely not. I just wish to God that you had told me. This could've ended very badly.

Ciara: It still might.

Hope: Rafe?

Rafe: I didn't find him.

Steve: I think Kayla will be all right for a little while longer. And you know what? I just got a strong lead from one of my ISA contacts.

Ava: Oh, did you?

Steve: Yeah. Well, didn't your father have a compound somewhere near Kansas city?

Ava: Mm-hm.

Steve: Well, there was a guy in the area convicted of sending black market babies to Indonesia around the time your son was born.

Ava: Indonesia?

Steve: Well, it's just a starting place. It doesn't mean he ended up there.

Ava: Or that he ever was there. And if you think I'm gonna tell you where Kayla is, because you might possibly have a lead that might possibly turn into another lead, then I think you're absolutely--

Steve: No, wait a minute. I'm gonna offer you a deal.

Ava: Well, I'm sure Kayla will appreciate that. And for her sake, I hope we come to an understanding very soon.

[Tense music]

Kayla: [Groans] Ugh. [Grunting] There's no way out.

Hope: Did you check the ferry dock? Maybe he went back to the mainland.

Rafe: None of the passengers I questioned have seen him. I have a call in to the captain, who just went off duty. In the meantime--

Hope: In the meantime we've got to find him before it gets dark. It's just gonna get colder out there.

Rafe: Yeah. Listen, I know we don't want people to know we're here, but I think it's time we put a call in at the Salem pd.

Hope: I agree.

Rafe: Hey, hey, hey. Just relax, okay? It's a small island. He has not been gone that long. We're gonna find him. Everything's gonna be fine.

Maggie: [Crying softly] "Dear Dr. Jonas, thanks to you, my mom-- my mom got to see me graduate from high school. I wish I could have thanked you in person." Me, too. I try-- I try not to think I never got to see him grow up. And that he's not gonna get to see Parker grow up.

Victor: Few people have touched as many lives as Daniel did.

Maggie: Oh... I'd like to hear her story. The lady with the flower. Do you mind?

Victor: Please.

Deimos: You've already lost so very much. First a son, then a godson. One could only hope that you don't suffer any more.

Belle: I didn't even know you had an uncle...Deimos.

Philip: Neither did I. My father had three brothers, and he disowned two of them. There was Xander's father, Titus. And Deimos, who was in prison most of my life.

Belle: And he blames Victor for that?

Philip: I don't exactly know the whole story. I just know he wants to destroy my dad.

Belle: And you're gonna help him?

Philip: I don't have a choice.

Belle: What does he have on you? Come on, Philip. What?

Philip: Okay. I had a fling with this girl.

Belle: Of course. How did I know this was gonna be about a girl?

Philip: She was a lot of fun.

Belle: Mm.

Philip: Always knew where to find a party. [Sighs] But one night,

Belle: What?

Philip: She OD'd in my hotel room. By the time I found her...

Belle: What, she was dead? Oh, my God.

Philip: It was too late to call 911. There was nothing they could've done. Her father was a Chicago police captain. If she was found with me, I knew I'd fry.

Belle: So, what did you do?

Philip: I... I had a friend help me move her into another room.

Belle: Oh, Philip, wh--

Philip: Her dad... he never found out that it happened in my room, but it turns out my uncle had somebody watching me.

Belle: Why?

Philip: He was just waiting for me to do something he could hold over my head.

Belle: So, are you telling me that Deimos actually has evidence that you were with this girl when she died? And now he's using it to make you betray your father?

Philip: But I can't do it, belle. My father and I, we don't always agree on the business, but he's my dad. I can't sell him out.

Belle: So, what are you gonna do?

Philip: I don't know. I've been stalling Deimos so far, but I-- I don't think I can get away with it much longer.

Steve: I'm giving you your freedom.

Ava: Why?

Steve: So you'll give Kayla hers.

Ava: Why would I...

Steve: If you let her go, I promise you I will go with you to look for our son. I'll walk away from Kayla and Joe if that's what you want. Anything to keep them safe. You free Kayla, and I'm yours.

[Acoustic guitar music]

Claire: Oh, help me now my fears are close these darkened skies have dreamed the most and they're waiting for me oh, help me now my fears are close these coldest stars have dreamed the most and I'm falling for them ooh-ahh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh [Sighs]

Eve: Whoo! [Clapping] Bravo! Oh, my gosh, that was beautiful. The musicality, your tone-- look at this. You made me cry.

Claire: [Laughs] Whoa, I did?

Eve: Yes! Honey, if you sing like this at your audition, Juilliard is gonna be begging you to come. I'm so proud of you.

Deimos: You're looking hale and hardy, brother. Especially for a man your age. I guess those chest pains were nothing to worry about, huh?

Victor: Not that you would've worried.

Deimos: Well, maybe if you were a better actor, I might have.

Victor: Or not. You know, you proved my point. You had no intention of ever reconciling with me. So why pretend? You didn't want to take my money and leave?

Deimos: Don't insult me.

Victor: Then you and I have nothing more to talk about.

Deimos: Don't you turn your back on me. You did it 30 years ago, and that's why we're here today.

Victor: Why don't you tell me exactly what it is that you want?

Rafe: Okay, I'm going out to join the search.

Ciara: I'm coming with you.

Rafe: No. You stay here.

Hope: Rafe's right. If chase comes back, we need to be here waiting for him. Good luck. Rafe, thank you.

Ciara: You know, if chase comes back, I am probably the last person he wants to see. After the way that I flipped out on him--

Hope: No, honey, I'm sure chase didn't run off because of what you said. It's more likely because he regrets what he did.

Ava: So, what's the catch?

Steve: There's no catch. There's a boy out there who could be ours. I'm just as motivated to find him as you are.

Ava: So, you would be willing to sacrifice everything to go away and find him with me? That's incredible. And by that, I mean not credible. I thought you would rather gouge out your remaining eye than ever be with me again.

Steve: I was angry. I'm sorry I said that.

Ava: So, if I did release Kayla, what's your incentive to hold up your end of the bargain?

Steve: What's my incentive?

Ava: Mm-hmm.

Steve: I grew up in an orphanage, Ava. I know what that's like. So even if the boy isn't mine, he deserves to know his mother. I mean that with all my heart. Ava, I'm offering you everything you want. I'll go with you. And I know how bad you want your child. Isn't the reward worth the risk?

Deimos: What would you want from me if the roles were reversed?

Victor: Nothing at all.

Deimos: You're a liar. The one thing you and I share in common is that we always settle our scores, and I'm gonna settle mine with you by taking everything that's yours.

Victor: You tried that once. Look where it got you.

Deimos: Don't you dare blame me for what happened to Helena. You know what's so ironic? You always spoke about how family always comes first, but after what you did to Titus, and Alexandros, and me, you don't deserve loyalty from anyone. You're not gonna know the hour or the minute when retribution comes, my brother, but I promise you it's coming.

Victor: Your life's ambition has always been to best me. And you were an utter failure, always ending up put in your place. For 30 years, that was a cage. And now, if it's a coffin, so be it.

Deimos: And that goes doubly for you.

Maggie: Victor? What's going on here?

Belle: So, what, exactly, does Deimos want you to do?

Philip: [Sighs] He wants me to steal this business secret, which is huge, and it could be used for less than honorable purposes.

Belle: Well, which is why he wants it, of course.

Philip: I'm sure. He knows that I'm holding out on him, and he kind of threatened me.

Belle: He threatened you? All right. Here's a crazy idea, but why don't you just tell your dad everything?

Philip: Because if Deimos finds out that I've opened my mouth, he'll ruin my life, and my dad will hate me, too.

Belle: Well, then it seems like you're stuck doing what he wants you to do.

Philip: Unless...

Belle: Unless what?

Philip: Unless I dig up something and turn the tables on him.

Belle: Okay.

Philip: Okay? Belle Brady, sworn to uphold the law, isn't gonna try to talk me out of blackmailing my uncle?

Belle: I don't think you're really in a position to eliminate your options, and I'm certainly not one to judge, but I think I know someone who might be able to help you.

Philip: Who?

Belle: My father.

Philip: No, no, no, no. You cannot tell John.

Belle: He would do anything for Victor, and you can trust him with your life.

Steve: You said you loved me.

Ava: But you don't love me.

Steve: We both want the same thing, and I know you care about finding your son.

Ava: It is the most important thing to me.

Steve: Then let's put our differences aside, Ava. Come on. You're on borrowed time. Let's work together to find this boy before it's too late for you.

[Cell phone beeps]

Ciara: Oh, no. He says, "this is good-bye." What does that mean?

Hope: Call him right now. Call him.

[Tense music]

Ciara: I'm gonna keep calling and texting him until he can't ignore me anymore.

Hope: I'll see if I can trace his phone.

[Phone rings]

Chase: Hey.

Ciara: Chase! Oh, my God. Where are you? Please come back.

Chase: I can't.

Ciara: Why not? Look, I'm not angry anymore. I know you didn't mean it. And Theo will forgive you.

Chase: I can't forgive myself.

Ciara: Chase, please... I'm worried about you. There are people looking all over for you on smith island.

Chase: I took the ferry back to Salem. And you don't need to worry. I'm fine.

Ciara: Listen to me. Remember when we first met, and I kicked you in the shin, and you told your dad that I was bullying you? Which I was. If we could get through that and become friends, then we can work through this, too.

Chase: I don't know.

Ciara: I do. You can't just run away. You can't just give up. Life is too short. We both know that. Please? I want to talk to you. Where are you?

Chase: Home.

Ciara: Seriously?

Chase: Yeah. I'm leaving now, though.

Ciara: No, please stay! I'll be there as soon as I can.

Chase: Ciara?

Ciara: Chase, please. Do it for me.

Chase: Fine. I'll stay.

Ciara: [Crying]

Deimos: I'm very sorry for your loss.

Maggie: Thank you.

Deimos: One can never be too prepared for the sudden loss of a loved one. You have my condolences.

Maggie: Victor?

Victor: Forget about him. Today's about Daniel-- nothing else.

Eve: All right, Claire. I want you to go home, rest your voice, and whatever you do, no dairy until after the audition, okay?

Claire: Okay, got it.

Eve: Okay.

Claire: Eve? I don't even know how to thank you. I was ready to quit, but you wouldn't let me.

Eve: Well, that would've been a terrible shame, honey.

Claire: Yeah, I see people around me quitting, and I do not want to be like them. So, thank you so much for believing in me.

Eve: Oh! [Laughs]

[Pounding on door]

Kayla: Help! Somebody help me! Help! Help. What am I gonna do?

Ava: When I look at you, I almost believe I can trust you again. The truth is, there is nothing you can say that will convince me.

Steve: You're right. Words alone don't mean anything, do they?

Ava: No. No, they don't.

Steve: Then I'll show you.

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