Days Transcript Friday 9/19/14

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/19/14


Episode #12425 ~ Sami & EJ reconnect; Chad levels an accusation of theft at Ben; Clyde keeps Jordan in line using her past.

Provided By Suzanne

Abigail: Actually, I'm here with Jordan. Or I was. She got up all of a sudden and said she would be right back. I don't even know why.

Jordan: What the hell is Jeremiah doing in Salem?

Rafe: Did Jordan see me coming? Is that why she left?

Abigail: Stop. She just saw someone she knew.

Clyde: I don't appreciate your tone, young lady.

Jordan: I don't care. Is Jeremiah in town because you are setting up shop here?

Clyde: I have no idea what--

Jordan: Stop it, Clyde. I wasn't that young or that blind. I know exactly what Jeremiah did for you, and you better not even think of doing that here.

Will: She has an assignment for me.

Sonny: Already? That's great. What's it about?

Will: Chad.

Sonny: Chad? Why would Zoë want a story about Chad?

Will: Well, you know, it's-- it's Sonix. I mean, this is their kind of a profile--a hot young heir to the DiMera family.

Sonny: Which your mother married into. So you turned it down, right?

Will: Not exactly.

Ben: Look, buddy, unless you're ordering, I don't have anything to say to you.

Chad: Come on, Benny.

Ben: After the way you treated Abigail yesterday, you can just get the hell out of here.

Chad: Is that any way to talk to your boss?

Ben: I work for Sonny Kiriakis.

Chad: Yeah, my partner. See, I own half this club, so you work for Sonny and me. And this is just not the kind of attitude that we like to see from our service personnel.

Kate: Well, since you were at the house, did you have a chance to talk some sense into Sami about EJ?

Roman: Well, I, uh--I tried, but, uh, Sami reminded me of a couple things I'd forgotten.

Kate: Like what?

Roman: For one, you can't always pick who you fall in love with.

Kate: [Sighs] Now, what is that supposed to mean?

EJ: Your father? Hey, I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

Sami: [Sobs]

EJ: He must think you're out of your mind staying here with me. I understand. He's just being protective of his daughter--that's all. When I think what I would do to somebody if they hurt our kids-- I mean, you know exactly what I would do. So, whatever he said to you--

Sami: No. EJ, you have it all wrong.

Roman: So I walk in, and, uh, Sami and EJ are kissing.

Kate: So what was her excuse? She can't help who she loves? I'm telling you, that girl has no more originality than a dime-store greeting card. I hope you really let her have it.

Roman: You bet I did. I told her I love her, and I'd back her up.

Kate: Are you serious? How can you be so foolish?

Sami: I'm not--I'm not upset because of that. I mean, I know I had a fight with my dad. We did fight. It just turned into something else. It changed into something else entirely, and... and I guess I finally saw... and--and even my dad admitted that... that no matter what else happens, if you find someone that you truly love, you... you have to be there. And the revenge and the guilt and the bitterness and the... and the even being right, in the end, it's really... cold. And it hurts... a lot. And it doesn't just hurt you... which I was all in favor of.

EJ: I think that's, um... understandable.

Sami: But it hurt me too, and... and it would hurt the kids. And it needs to be over. It costs too much.

EJ: Uh-huh. And, um... that's--that's what you told your father?

Sami: Well, not in--in so many words, but... but enough so that he would understand what happens next.

EJ: So, um... so what--what does happen next?

Sami: I want... I need... to forgive you.

Chad: Sonny and I started this place together. I mean, do I look like I would make that up?

Ben: I heard you were good at making up stories.

Chad: [Inhales sharply] Touché. Once upon a time, maybe. Yeah, I don't play now. I'm giving it to you straight, and if you can't deal with that, then--

Tad: Chadwick?

Chad: T!

Tad: When did you get back?

Chad: Last night.

Tad: Wow. You were missed, son.

Chad: I can tell. You work here?

Tad: Yeah. Practically run the place.

Chad: Now, that is sad. I guess Sonny was scraping the bottom of the barrel for staff. [Chuckles]

Tad: Uh-uh. Me and Ben--we're, like, the "a" team in here. Have you met Ben? He's a good guy. Been here a couple months, and he's already dating-- never mind.

Chad: Huh.

Rafe: Well, I should get going before Jordan gets back.

Abigail: Why?

Rafe: Don't want to spoil your fun.

Abigail: Okay. But, you know, if you do, then she might think that you are avoiding her.

Rafe: Oh, yeah?

Abigail: Yeah. Tough call, but you know where I stand.

Jordan: Why was Jeremiah here in Salem?

Clyde: He was just passing through... on his way home from Chicago.

Jordan: Business or pleasure?

Clyde: I have no idea. Can't I say hello to a friend?

Jordan: You can do whatever you want, Clyde, but lie to me, which is you are doing right now, or set--

Abigail: Good call... sticking around.

Rafe: Oh, well... did Jordan say how long she might be?

Abigail: No. I don't think she'll be too long. So why don't you tell me about this basketball game.

Rafe: Ah, basketball.

Abigail: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah. Your boy Ben--he may have schooled me.

Abigail: Did he really?

Rafe: Okay, you don't need to look so happy about it.

Abigail: [Laughs] I just--it's not something he would ever tell me, so...

Rafe: Yeah, well, he's a predator on the court, okay?

Abigail: Oh, really?

Rafe: No, not really. I was kidding.

Abigail: [Laughs]

Rafe: A joke.

Abigail: I just know that Ben's really worried about Jordan, so...

Rafe: Yeah.

Abigail: I thought maybe he took it out on you.

Rafe: Oh, he did... definitely, yeah. But I don't blame him, I would have done the same thing. Yeah. Don't worry. I think Ben's a good guy.

Abigail: Me too.

Rafe: Yeah.

Abigail: I wonder what's taking Jordan so long.

Jordan: Go ahead. Take a swing at me.

Clyde: Good lord, things that come out of your mouth, Tammy sue. I wouldn't hit you.

Jordan: Then you might want to loosen that fist.

Clyde: [Chuckles] It's just a reflex, honey. I don't cotton to being called a liar.

Jordan: I don't like being lied to.

Clyde: You got your answer about Jeremiah. I'm sorry if it wasn't the one that you wanted or expected. Now, go see your little brother, will ya? He's got something for you... from me.

Jordan: If you're setting up shop here, you'll be sorry. I'm warning you.

Clyde: Don't you threaten me, little girl.

Sonny: Will, did you accept an assignment to write about Chad?

Will: No. It's up in the air. I can opt out.

Sonny: And?

Will: And Zoë will assign it to another writer who--who doesn't care about Chad, who won't protect him.

Sonny: Does this sound familiar? This is the same thing you said before you did that hatchet job on your mom and EJ.

Will: "Hatchet job"? Is that what you think about my writing?

Sonny: No, that's not what I think, but I think other people will if you write this about Chad. I thought you weren't gonna do this anymore. Chad is practically family, and he is my business partner.

Will: I know.

Chad: And he's not even here to defend himself.

Will: Actually, he is. He got back last night.

Chad: It's all right. I know all about Ben and Abigail. I guess Sonny wasn't the only one scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Tad: [Laughs] Wow. The man's always had a harsh sense of humor.

Chad: [Laughs]

Ben: I guess that's why nobody's laughing.

Chad: Ouch.

Ben: It's time for my break... if that's okay with you, boss?

Chad: 15 minutes. Ticktock.

Ben: [Scoffs]

Chad: Hey, Benny... is this why you're in such a hurry to leave my club?

Kate: The man that Sami was kissing is the man who betrayed her, who did horrible things to her.

Roman: I don't need the litany.

Kate: You know, I don't understand how you could support that. I mean, I really don't, although that girl has always worked you. She always has. All she has to do is bat her eyes at you, and you fall to pieces 'cause you think she needs daddy's approval.

Roman: You weren't there, Kate.

Kate: No, I didn't have to be there, because I can imagine it.

Roman: Really?

Kate: "Oh, daddy, but I love him, daddy. I really do. He just--it was one mistake. It was just one mistake. Seriously, just one, not two, not three. I mean, it doesn't matter"...

Roman: Okay, all right. Hey, hey, all right, that's enough. Stop, okay? Stop right there.

EJ: So I take it your father's not coming around anytime soon.

Sami: [Laughs] No. I mean, he understands... about us, but, um... that doesn't mean that he, you know, likes you.

[Both laughing]

EJ: Right, I would imagine the world would tilt off its axis if that were to happen.

Sami: Right. But he's not gonna yell at me anymore, and he's not gonna tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. He... he knows how much you mean to me.

EJ: I will earn it. I know this is just the beginning, but, um... and I know that I need to do a tremendous amount of work--

Sami: "We," okay? We have a lot of work to do. [Sighs]

EJ: You let me do the heavy lifting, okay?

Sami: Okay.

EJ: Thank you. I am just so grateful for the chance. [Sighs]

Roman: [Sighs] All right, you know what? I thought this was a good idea, but I guess it was just a big mistake.

Kate: Sorry. I'm just being realistic.

Roman: Realistic? What the hell do you know about realistic? Look at your life, Kate.

Kate: [Scoffs]

Roman: [Sighs] Kate, hear me out, all right? Look, I have been Sami's dad a long time, and I've been trying to lock up DiMeras long before you even came to town. What I am saying here is I know what I'm dealing with, okay? Nobody stops Sami when she's made up her mind. You just stand by, pick up the pieces when it all blows up again. That's all I'm doing. That's all I'm doing, whether you approve or not.

Kate: Well, I still think you're making a mistake.

Roman: Okay, let me ask you this. What the hell does it matter? You hate Sami. If EJ makes her miserable, so what?

Kate: Because she's my partner. And if she goes down, I don't want to go down with her.

Roman: You know what, Kate? I'm not worried about you... 'cause you are a survivor. You survive. That's what you do... no matter what.

EJ: [Chuckles]

Sami: [Sighs]

EJ: It's fine. Your way in your time, okay?

Sami: Um, that must've hurt, huh?

EJ: Ah, you know... he didn't get a straight shot.

Sami: [Laughs]

EJ: You know, it could've been a lot worse.

Sami: So what do you have in mind for your dear brother now, huh?

EJ: I took a hit out on him. He'll be dead by tomorrow.

[Both laugh]

EJ: He's gonna be fine. He'll be angry until he's not. I just hope he understands that there are limits.

Sami: He's not gonna get to me. I know you're worried he'll torpedo us or at least try.

EJ: Well, I had a word with him. He's on notice.

Sami: Okay. So what about Kate... and Stefano?

EJ: Yeah.

Sami: Pretty much every single person we know, when they find out about us, they're gonna be--I don't know--wishing at least one of us dead.

EJ: [Laughs] Well, there's nothing new there.

[Both laughing]

Sami: Right. Right, of course.

EJ: I can think of three little people who'll be very happy that you and I are together.

Sami: But they don't even know that there was a problem. And I'm really glad about that. I'm glad I did at least that right. [Chuckles]

EJ: You did a lot of things right. I just wish your older son could've seen that.

Sami: Well, I'm not holding my breath, right? But surprisingly, even though he thinks I'm a complete pain in the you-know-what, he, um...

EJ: [Laughs]

Sami: I think he realized that he misses me.

EJ: Smart man.

Sonny: You're kidding. Chad just showed up?

Will: I guess. One of Zoë's stringers saw him on the plane. That's why she's hot to get the story going now.

Sonny: He hasn't even called. Has he been to the club?

Will: I don't know.

Sonny: I've been running that place for a year, and he's getting half the profits. He gets back to town and doesn't have five minutes to call me? What's he so busy doing?

Chad: I'm still waiting for an answer.

Ben: I'd like my money back.

Chad: Ah, you've got some stones.

Ben: It's my money.

Chad: Really? Do you have a receipt, a bank slip... something that can account for brand-new $100 bills in sequence? I have to wonder--

Ben: Wonder all you want. It's my money. So you can give it to me now, or all these nice people are gonna wonder why your ass is on the floor.

Chad: [Inhales sharply] [Clicking tongue]

Sonny: [Sighs] I just wonder why Chad came back all of a sudden.

Will: Well, see, now, that is definitely all going to have to go in here.

Sonny: How can you be so obnoxious and charming at the same time?

Will: Years of training, years.

Sonny: Mm.

Will: [Sighs] I'm sorry that Chad blew you off. There is no excuse for that.

Sonny: And you can't wait to put that in the article.

Will: I didn't take the assignment. And I haven't made up my mind either. I really did wait for you... and Chad, and if this is something that's not okay with you guys, then I'm not going to go for--

[Cell phone ringing]

Sonny: It's T. "Chad's here. All hell's breaking loose."

Will: What?

Sonny: We got to go. We got to go.

Rafe: Did you see who Jordan was talking to? Not that it's any of my business.

Abigail: No, actually, I-I didn't get a good look, but it might be her stepfather, Clyde.

Rafe: Clyde. Did you see which way they went?

Abigail: That way.

Rafe: I'm gonna go check on her. So...

Abigail: I was hoping you'd say that, Rafe.

Clyde: There are a lot of things that I could do here, a lot of things that I could say that could have a real bad effect upon your life here. And none of us want that, do we?

Jordan: So you're threatening me now?

Clyde: I just want us all to leave the past behind. Now, you don't want anyone, especially your little brother, to know exactly what happened when you left. He doesn't know the whole story. If he does, do you think he'd worship you the way he does now?

[Footsteps approaching]

Rafe: Jordan?

Clyde: Well, I was real glad to run into you, honey. It warms my heart to know that we can have these chats every now and again. How you doing, Rafe? Good to see you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Clyde: I'll let you two get caught up.

Rafe: Jordan... what the hell's going on? What'd he just say to you? My budget and I are good. But it wasn't always that way.

Sami: [Laughs] Wha--

EJ: What?

Sami: We're staring at each other...

EJ: Uh-huh.

Sami: You know, and the walls.

EJ: I'm not staring at the walls--I'm staring at you, and I could do that all day.

Sami: No, you couldn't.

EJ: Yes, I could. Why don't you tell me what it is you would like to do?

[Cell phone ringing]

Sami: Answer the phone.

EJ: Fantastic. Did you plan that?

Sami: [Laughs] Believe me, nothing about this day has turned out the way I planned. Oh, except this. It's Merkel.

EJ: Oh, uh, do you want me to leave?

Sami: No, stay. I'll put it on speaker. George, Samantha DiMera. How are you?

Merkel: Delighted with your gift, Sami. It was very thoughtful.

Sami: Well, Millicent told me how much she likes olives and the fruit from southern Spain, and it sounded like it really meant some to both of you.

Merkel: I see EJ's name on the card as well.

Sami: Yes. Yes, we both appreciated your vote at the Lancaster deal.

Merkel: You and your husband are quite a team.

Sami: It's a joy to go to work every day. We look forward to seeing you at the next board meeting. Good-bye.

EJ: [Laughs] You put my name on the card-- smart.

Sami: Well, yeah.

EJ: Mm-hmm.

Sami: But I would've done it, even if I still hated you.

EJ: I know. Of course you would.

Sami: Food.

EJ: Oh, it was a fantastic idea--absolutely, very smart, especially with Merkel.

Sami: Oh, no, no, I meant-- I just realized, I haven't eaten anything all day.

EJ: Me neither. Hmm. Let me see what I can do about that. That's for you, my dear. Cherish it always.

Sami: Oh, always.

EJ: Always.

Rafe: Jordan, just tell me--

Jordan: Don't touch me!

Rafe: Okay, something has you spooked. I know that Clyde is--

Jordan: You think that's why I don't want you to touch me?

Rafe: Okay. Okay. Maybe I misunderstood what I saw, just like you misunderstood what you saw when you came to my office and saw Kate. Just give me five minutes to explain!

Jordan: I don't want to hear about you and Kate!

Rafe: Okay, just listen. I feel like we're just missing each other. If you'll just give me a chance, I can clear things up, Jordan!

Jordan: I said no, okay, Rafe? No, I don't want you near me. I don't want you anywhere around, okay? It's not safe for--

Rafe: It's not safe? Safe?

Jordan: Me, okay? You are not safe for me. Just--just leave me alone!

Rafe: Jordan, you're not-- Jordan.

[Knock at door]

Clyde: Your girl told me to come right on in. And I was set on delivering these in person.

Kate: And I bet you plucked one out and gave it to her.

Clyde: Well, it seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do, yeah.

Kate: [Chuckles] I bet my assistant, Cindy, was not bowled over by your charm.

Clyde: Well, it looked like she'd seen a few versions of myself over the years, yeah. But she did take a flower.

Kate: Of course she did.

Clyde: But you... I still have my work cut out for me.

Ben: Give me the damn money.

Tad: Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, let's step off and go out--

Ben: T, this guy comes in out of nowhere and accuses me of stealing from Sonny?

Chad: And me. Look, you take from the club, half of that is mine.

Ben: I didn't steal it.

Sonny: Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here?

Chad: Sonny... good to see you, man. You too, will.

Sonny: What is that?

Chad: Looks like I got back just in time. We have to check the bank deposits, because this employee cannot explain why he had this.

Sami: [Laughs] Wha--

EJ: What?

Sami: We're staring at each other...

EJ: Uh-huh.

Sami: You know, and the walls.

EJ: I'm not staring at the walls--I'm staring at you, and I could do that all day.

Sami: No, you couldn't.

EJ: Yes, I could. Why don't you tell me what it is you would like to do?

[Cell phone ringing]

Sami: Answer the phone.

EJ: Fantastic. Did you plan that?

Sami: [Laughs] Believe me, nothing about this day has turned out the way I planned. Oh, except this. It's Merkel.

EJ: Oh, uh, do you want me to leave?

Sami: No, stay. I'll put it on speaker. George, Samantha DiMera. How are you?

Merkel: Delighted with your gift, Sami. It was very thoughtful.

Sami: Well, Millicent told me how much she likes olives and the fruit from southern Spain, and it sounded like it really meant some to both of you.

Merkel: I see EJ's name on the card as well.

Sami: Yes. Yes, we both appreciated your vote at the Lancaster deal.

Merkel: You and your husband are quite a team.

Sami: It's a joy to go to work every day. We look forward to seeing you at the next board meeting. Good-bye.

EJ: [Laughs] You put my name on the card-- smart.

Sami: Well, yeah.

EJ: Mm-hmm.

Sami: But I would've done it, even if I still hated you.

EJ: I know. Of course you would.

Sami: Food.

EJ: Oh, it was a fantastic idea--absolutely, very smart, especially with Merkel.

Sami: Oh, no, no, I meant-- I just realized, I haven't eaten anything all day.

EJ: Me neither. Hmm. Let me see what I can do about that. That's for you, my dear. Cherish it always.

Sami: Oh, always.

EJ: Always.

Rafe: Jordan, just tell me--

Jordan: Don't touch me!

Rafe: Okay, something has you spooked. I know that Clyde is--

Jordan: You think that's why I don't want you to touch me?

Rafe: Okay. Okay. Maybe I misunderstood what I saw, just like you misunderstood what you saw when you came to my office and saw Kate. Just give me five minutes to explain!

Jordan: I don't want to hear about you and Kate!

Rafe: Okay, just listen. I feel like we're just missing each other. If you'll just give me a chance, I can clear things up, Jordan!

Jordan: I said no, okay, Rafe? No, I don't want you near me. I don't want you anywhere around, okay? It's not safe for--

Rafe: It's not safe? Safe?

Jordan: Me, okay? You are not safe for me. Just--just leave me alone!

Rafe: Jordan, you're not-- Jordan.

[Knock at door]

Clyde: Your girl told me to come right on in. And I was set on delivering these in person.

Kate: And I bet you plucked one out and gave it to her.

Clyde: Well, it seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do, yeah.

Kate: [Chuckles] I bet my assistant, Cindy, was not bowled over by your charm.

Clyde: Well, it looked like she'd seen a few versions of myself over the years, yeah. But she did take a flower.

Kate: Of course she did.

Clyde: But you... I still have my work cut out for me.

Ben: Give me the damn money.

Tad: Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, let's step off and go out--

Ben: T, this guy comes in out of nowhere and accuses me of stealing from Sonny?

Chad: And me. Look, you take from the club, half of that is mine.

Ben: I didn't steal it.

Sonny: Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here?

Chad: Sonny... good to see you, man. You too, will.

Sonny: What is that?

Chad: Looks like I got back just in time. We have to check the bank deposits, because this employee cannot explain why he had this.

Sami: Did you make that?

EJ: Ta-da. No, I did not make it, mainly because I would like you to be happy and not sick.

Sami: [Laughs]

EJ: Please.

Sami: What? No, you don't have to wait on me.

EJ: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, I figured that we didn't want to have Harold under our feet, and the staff have been grumbling. Apparently, you ladies are a lot more difficult than the DiMera men-- very demanding, they tell me.

Sami: Who said that?

EJ: I'm not a snitch.

Sami: You just did snitch!

EJ: [Laughs] I didn't give you a name.

Sami: Wha--

EJ: I tell you, I was spending some time downstairs with the scullery maids, and you would not believe what I heard. You know, they treat me like one of the help.

Sami: Wait, wait, wait. We do not have scullery maids.

EJ: We absolutely do. I heard more gossip in half an hour than I've heard in--

Sami: Okay, now you have to tell me. You have to spill it.

EJ: Um, let me think about that.

Sami: No, you don't have a choice in the matter. I will get it from you.

EJ: Do your worst.

Sami: [Sighs]

[Lids clang]

Sami: Wow.

EJ: Yes, turkey burger. I know you don't like fancy food in the middle of the afternoon, so something very simple, no bun, just how you like it.

Sami: Thank you. Is that a--

EJ: Shandy, yes, it is.

Sami: From the night we met. Wow. So what else?

EJ: Oh, there's some apple pie.

Sami: No, there's not. You convinced the cook to make plain, old, boring apple pie?

EJ: I have some friends in very low places, my dear.

Sami: [Laughs]

EJ: So I hope that you will indulge.

Sami: Today? I'll think about it.

EJ: To time machines.

Sami: Okay. Hmm. You will explain that now, please.

EJ: You don't remember. The night on the pier... after the tango contest. You remember what you said to me?

Sami: Oh, my God, you're telling me you do?

EJ: Yeah, I remember every word. I was besotted with you. I mean, despite all of my best-laid plans--

Sami: Evil, wicked--

EJ: Despite all of my best-laid evil and wicked plans, no. You--you had... blown a hole in everything I ever thought I knew or wanted.

Sami: Well... I guess that's my specialty.

Kate: Some of my favorites-- very impressive.

Clyde: My pleasure.

Kate: Well, I should to get back to work.

Clyde: Well, I'll get out of your hair just as soon as we set a time... for dinner.

Kate: Hmm. About that dinner, I don't remember saying yes.

Clyde: You said you weren't afraid to sit down with me.

Kate: Yes, but that is a long way, a world away from saying yes.

Clyde: Oh, my mistake. So does that mean that you don't want to be seen in public with a guy like me?

Sonny: I checked the cash balance this morning. Everything that should be there is there, so just take a step back and relax.

Chad: Unless you're paying this guy like management to pour coffee, he's carrying around six months' salary in cash, and something isn't right. Are you running a side business in my bar?

Ben: Are you kid--

Sonny: Your bar?

Chad: Answer me! Are you trying to jeopardize my liq--

Sonny: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Will: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Ben: Give me my money!

Sonny: No, you're making it worse!

Ben: Give me the money!

Abigail: Wait. What?

Ben: Give me the money!

Abigail: What are you doing?

Sonny: Let go of him!

Abigail: Stop. Let him go, Ben.

Sonny: Hey, let him go.

Abigail: Ben, let him go.

Sonny: Let him go. Let him go.

Chad: So he is housebroken. Good.

Sonny: Hey, hey, hey! Stop it! Stop.

Chad: Oh. Whoo.

Sonny: Hey, do it again, you don't leave me a choice.

Ben: Sonny, I didn't do anything wrong.

Sonny: That's a lot of cash to be carrying around.

Ben: I know. I wouldn't be. It's--it's not my money. I didn't steal it. I'm not dealing. I didn't do anything illegal to get it. Anything more than that, it's not my place to explain. Sonny, I'm sorry. If that's not good enough for you, I-I'll leave.

Sonny: Just wait here a minute.

Chad: [Exhales deeply]

Sonny: Let me have it.

Chad: Seriously?

Sonny: It's Ben's money.

Chad: Oh, you can't believe--

Sonny: I can--I know the guy, and I can believe him.

Chad: With that kind of cash?

Sonny: He says it's his money. Do you have a speck of evidence that proves it's not? Nothing is out of place at our club. And he hasn't had a problem with anything or anyone until you showed up. I trust him.

Chad: [Chuckles] My partner trusts you.

Abigail: Wait--Ben, wait. You want to tell me what the hell is going on here?

Chad: Ask your boyfriend, the one who has an envelope of $100 bills he won't explain. [Inhales sharply]

Clyde: Classy lady like you, a hick like me--I can see why you'd hesitate. But I tell you what--I clean up real good. I could pass as one of your crowd. So give me one night. After that, I give you my word I will not bother you again.

Kate: Unless you decide to blackmail me, right?

Sami: So what did I say that night on the pier when we won that tango contest?

EJ: You said that you wished you had a time machine so that you could travel back an undo all of your mistakes, come back with lots of friends, and you'd be the life and soul of every party.

Sami: [Laughs] Oh, my God!

[Both laughing]

Sami: What was I, 12? I sound so young.

EJ: You were young. We both were.

Sami: I wasn't wrong.

EJ: You were completely wrong.

Sami: You're telling me you wouldn't want a time machine to go back and fix your mistakes?

EJ: That part, yes. But I have to tell you that... I have grown a lot, and a lot of good has come from some of my most colossal mistakes.

Sami: So what about having a lot of friends?

EJ: Well, to have true friends takes a tremendous amount of effort. I'm not sure you can have too many of them and do a good job.

Sami: I'd be happy to get it right once. [Chuckles]

EJ: You did.

Sami: You really can say that to me after I had you tossed in jail?

EJ: Absolutely. That is why you and I--

Sami: Don't say "perfect."

EJ: Are perfectly us, okay? And as for being the life and soul of the party, Samantha...

Sami: I'm not holding my breath on that one.

EJ: You are the party. You always have been.

[Cell phone ringing]

EJ: Ah. Did you plan that?

Sami: [Laughs] No. Oh, it's Johnny.

EJ: Oh.

Sami: He sent me a picture of a costume he's making in craft class that I just don't understand. I need your help.

EJ: Oh. [Clears throat]

Sami: What--what is that?

EJ: Oh, it's a ninja miner. Yeah.

Sami: That's not a thing.

EJ: Yeah, it's a character in a game that he plays. Look, Allie's a, uh, warrior princess--same game.

Sami: But sh--but she's in a pink skeleton costume.

EJ: Well, you know, the game has a somewhat dubious mythology.

Sami: [Laughs]

EJ: I was gonna talk to you about it, actually. But fair warning--they really like the game.

Sami: Well, she looks cute, right? She's in pink.

EJ: Where's Sydney?

Sami: She's taking the picture.

EJ: Oh.

Sami: She did a good job, right? I mean, she just cut off their feet a little.

EJ: Yeah, she's getting a lot better.

Sami: [Chuckles] I'm really happy they're coming home tomorrow, you know. Everything will be back to... normal. And it'll feel...

EJ: Everything will feel right again. (Vo) if you have type 2 diabetes,

Chad: So I saw your article while I was traveling in morocco. Your mom sent it to me.

Will: Seriously?

Chad: Listen, I was just glad to know the whole story.

[Cell phone ringing]

Chad: You're a good writer. I got to run. I'll catch you later.

Will: Okay, well, actually, there's something that I'd like to discuss.

Chad: Later. Sonny, I'll call you.

Sonny: So did you tell him about the assignment?

Will: He had to go. Zoe's waiting for an answer, so I guess I should turn it down.

Sonny: Really? I'm not so sure.

Clyde: Oh, "blackmail" is such an ugly word and not real precise. I prefer, uh, "leverage." And I only use that in business or looking out for my family.

Kate: So there's no consequences if I say no?

Clyde: Oh, I didn't say that. You'd miss out on a fine meal and real good company, and my pride would suffer a terrible blow, but I would just have to pick myself up and move on.

Kate: [Chuckles] One dinner. I'll look at my schedule, and I will get back to you with a time.

Clyde: Well... it looks like dreams really do come true.

Jordan: Hey, what happened?

Ben: You look freaked out.

Jordan: It's been a weird morning.

Ben: Here... it's your money, Jordan. Take it, please. I do not want to carry it around anymore.

Jordan: Fine.

Ben: You are not okay.

Jordan: Yeah, I am. I just--ugh. I need to go. We'll talk about this later, okay? Thank you.

Ben: Yeah.

Abigail: You want to tell me what's going on?

Sami: Yes.

EJ: Yes.

Sami: Everything... does feel right. Yes. [Laughs]

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