Days Transcript Wednesday 9/17/14

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/17/14


Episode #12423 ~ Hope makes a decision about her future; Jordan gets help from an unexpected source; JJ tells Paige he was set up.

Provided By Suzanne

Hope: [Sobbing] [Sighs, sniffles]

[Cell phone ringing]

Aiden: Hi.

Hope: I need to see you.

Aiden: Really? Because I thought we said everything we had to last night in the--

Hope: Look, I don't want to spar, okay?

Aiden: Okay, um... I'm at TBD.

Hope: I'll be right there. [Sighs]

Paige: [Sighs]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone thuds]

JJ: Oh, come on, pick up.

[Cell phone rings]

Eve: Did you get something to eat?

Paige: [Sniffles] I'm not hungry.

Eve: Honey... what are you so upset about? Did something happen at the party?

JJ: All right, this is not over.

Jordan: [Gasps]

Rafe: Hi.

Jordan: Hey. Uh, what are you doing here?

Rafe: I was just interviewing the victim of a mugging. Jordan, I haven't seen you in so long. Yeah, good time.

Jordan: Yeah? Well, it hasn't been that long since I saw you.

Kate: So, if we reduce the shares-- thank you-- that will create even a bigger return for the investors.

Sami: I mean, this looks fantastic. This is a good idea. EJ actually knows the guy who works at this company, so we could get an inside scoop. I'll ask him.

Kate: Yeah, yeah, ask him the next time your sleeping with the enemy.

Sami: I didn't sleep with him, and I don't think that EJ is the enemy. For the record, I think that EJ is totally on our side. I believe that.

Kate: Hmm. Do you remember when you believed that he would be faithful to you forever? How did that work out for you?

Sami: EJ.

EJ: Uh, sorry. I'm in a rush. I've got to disappear.

Sami: Wait, no, just--please. We have a thing we're working on, and I thought maybe I could-- what happened to your face?

Chad: Morning, all.

Kate: Chad.

Paige: I have a--I've got a 3:00. I'll be home after that, okay?

Eve: Wait. So you're not gonna tell me anything?

Paige: No.

[Knock at door]

Theresa: Hey. You busy? Hey.

Eve: Well, actually--

Paige: I've got to go, or I'm gonna be late.

Eve: Sweetheart-- okay, we'll talk later, okay?

Paige: Okay. Hi, Theresa.

Theresa: Hi, yourself.

Eve: Hey, I-I love you.

Paige: I love you too.

Theresa: Well, you look happy.

Eve: That's because I am. [Giggles]

Hope: Hey. Hi.

Aiden: Hey. You, uh--do you want some coffee?

Hope: Uh, no, no, thanks. Um, I really appreciate you agreeing to meet with me.

Aiden: It sounded important.

Hope: Aiden, look, I know that I've been avoiding this whole situation between the two of us.

Aiden: You've been doing a little more than avoiding.

Hope: Well, what if I said I-I didn't want to keep doing that.

Rafe: You saw me? What--when did you see me?

Jordan: You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm keeping someone waiting.

Rafe: Jordan. That's it, huh? You're just gonna avoid me from now on?

Jordan: No, not forever... just until it doesn't tear me up to see you.

Clyde: [Grunts] Everything go the way we planned?

Jeremiah: Yep.

Clyde: Well, that's good.

Jeremiah: Can I ask you something, boss?

Clyde: Jeremiah, that depends on what it is.

Jeremiah: What are you doing working for this DiMera guy?

Sami: [Chuckles] Chad, wow. When did you get in?

Chad: Last night. I didn't want to wake anybody, so I just put my stuff in my old room. I hope that's okay.

Kate: [Chuckles] Well, of course it is.

Sami: Yeah.

Kate: It's your home.

Chad: I snuck in to get a look at the kids, but they weren't there.

Sami: No, they're, um, at camp. They'll be home soon.

Chad: Oh, great.

EJ: You're getting the rug wet, Chad.

Sami: [Chuckles]

Chad: I'm glad I got to use the pool before it gets too cold.

Sami: Yeah.

Kate: It's so good to see you. [Laughs] Oh. It's really wonderful to have you home.

Chad: I see a few things have changed since I left.

Kate: Ah.

Chad: I like what you've done with the place.

Sami: Thank you. We thought it needed a woman's touch.

Chad: So did the company, apparently. I'm impressed.

EJ: Are you? I thought you and father were on such good terms.

Chad: I guess I have enough DiMera in me to appreciate a well-orchestrated scheme, especially the part where they took you down.

Kate: [Laughs] Well, I guess we've solved the mystery of what happened to EJ's face.

Aiden: Look, you made yourself clear last night. Okay, I-I get it. You're furious with your husband for abandoning you and Ciara, but you're still married.

Hope: No, you see I don't think I was all that clear. Aiden, you were surprisingly candid about the way you feel about me, and that took me aback. But it's not like me to be so...

Aiden: Indirect?

Hope: No, actually, I was going to say dishonest, with you and with myself.

Aiden: Okay.

Hope: [Chuckles] I have to be honest. I just--I really never saw this coming. But I do. I have feelings for you. I don't know. Maybe it's because, um, you-- because you make me laugh. You're so smart. You care about things and people passionately. I don't know. But what I do know for sure is that... I enjoy spending time with you. So last night I decided that... I was gonna stop denying that. Oh, my God, please say something.

Aiden: You know how I feel about you. So where do we go from here?

JJ: Paige. Whoa, Paige.

Paige: I'm gonna miss the bus.

JJ: I-I don't care. Look, those pictures, um... I know what they look like, and believe me, I know they look really bad. Hold on. Hold on. But it was a setup.

Paige: It didn't look like a setup to me. You looked like you were loving it.

JJ: No, hold on. You told me that you knew me, the real me, and you were right, and sometimes I think you're the only one that does, and you can tell when I'm lying and when I am telling the truth, right? Please, just let me tell you what happened, and then you can decide for yourself.

Paige: [Sighs]

Theresa: What's wrong with Paige?

Eve: Oh, you're not here to talk about Paige. Come on, what's up? Last night you were so freaked out.

Theresa: Well, yeah, I was, but I think I'm better now.

Eve: Hmm. Let me guess, the drug that they gave john isn't working, because you were all about him staying in that coma.

Theresa: Maybe not. Maybe it doesn't matter to me what kind of drug they gave john.

Clyde: Me and EJ DiMera are gonna work together just fine.

Jeremiah: Well, what's this guy really like?

Clyde: Well... he's a spoiled rich kid who thinks he's smarter and better than everybody else, 'cause, you know, he's too good to buy his suits off the rack.

Jeremiah: And you know better.

Clyde: I know I can use him. I'll meet all the right people. You know, I just keep my head down and be patient. You know me, Jeremiah. In the end, I always get what I want.

Rafe: Jordan, I know that I hurt you, okay? But we were starting to talk again.

Jordan: Yeah, I thought so too. What an idiot I was.

Rafe: Why would you say that? Why? Jordan, what we had was amazing.

Jordan: What we had is over, Rafe, and we both know why.

Sami: Well, Chad, I, um... think that you've been gone a long time, and everybody missed you, and I just hate to see two brothers get off on the wrong foot.

Kate: No, absolutely. You have to wonder what that's all about. Any ideas, EJ?

Sami: Kate, don't you think it would be better--I mean, now that--

Kate: What? Now that we know that he punched EJ in the face?

Sami: Shut it.

EJ: Yes, please do be quiet.

Chad: I know what you mean, Sami, and you're right. That's why EJ and I had a nice cathartic talk last night, you know, about our situation.

Kate: "Situation" being a euphemism for EJ seducing your former girlfriend.

Sami: Look, I don't think that that's helping.

Kate: You know, really? Because I think there is not enough truth in this house.

Sami: [Scoffs] How long are you in town for?

Chad: Glad you asked. Yeah, I came back to Salem to make a new start.

Kate: Oh, so you're not just here for a visit.

Chad: Nope. I'm gonna build a nice new life for myself. I'm gonna do it right here in this house.

Sami: Uh, EJ, could I talk to you in the garden about this investment, uh, opportunity, please?

EJ: I would love that. [Clears throat]

Sami: Welcome back, Chad.

EJ: Yes, welcome back, Chad.

Chad: Thanks. You know, we have all the time in the world now that I've moved back in the manse, so you and I will catch up later.

EJ: Yeah, I look forward to it.

Kate: Does it bother you as much as it bothers me that the two of them are on such good terms again.

Chad: Yeah, I'm glad they left. Now you and I need to have a little talk.

JJ: I swear to you, Paige, I don't remember taking my shirt off. I don't remember messing around with that girl, and I definitely do not remember anyone taking pictures and texting that to Rory. Now, if I picked up the wrong cup, that was stupid, and I am sorry.

Paige: But you don't think that's what happened, do you?

JJ: No, I think I was set up.

Paige: Who would do that?

JJ: Well, I got a list about as long as my arm. Cole, and then Bev hates me because I don't hang out with her anymore, and I do not get high. Mary Beth hates me that I'm with you. She thinks I talked you out of going to Stanford this year. And I pissed a lot of people off when I was messing around and dealing. And then there's--

Paige: Who?

JJ: There's your aunt Theresa.

Theresa: Well, I went online and did some research. Okay, when people get smacked in the head the way john did, they usually have something called retrograde amnesia when they wake up.

Eve: Okay. What does that mean?

Theresa: That the injury knocks out their memory of the event and a block of time before it happened. Poor john. He's not gonna remember anything about that night.

Eve: [Scoffs] Oh, my gosh, you never learn, do you? Well, you know what? I hope you get out of everything that you did or whatever you did that night, and I promise you, if anybody asks me what happened, I'll just say I don't know anything, because you know what? I don't.

Theresa: And because we made a deal.

Eve: I just love the fact that I have to make a deal with my own sister before she'll give blood for my surgery.

Theresa: Come on, it's not like you're having a heart transplant or something. I mean, you just lost your singing voice. And besides, let's be honest, eve. Who really wants to listen to you sing, anyway?

Eve: [Scoffs] You know what? I'm gonna ignore that comment, because I know you lash out when your back is against the wall, but that is your problem, Theresa. You act on impulse. Sweetie, if you want things to go your way, you've got to learn to plan.

Theresa: [Laughing] So you have a plan?

Eve: Mm-hmm. As a matter of fact, I do.

Rafe: Just listen to me. I don't know what it is that you think that I know.

Jordan: Okay, you know, let me jog your memory.

Rafe: Okay.

Jordan: I decided I wanted to talk to you.

Rafe: You did? When?

Jordan: Yesterday. So I went to your office.

Rafe: Uh... okay, what happened? Because I didn't see you there.

Jordan: Well, you were busy, so I left.

Rafe: I don't understand.

Jordan: I saw you with Kate. She was kissing you.

Rafe: What--that--what? No, that meant nothing.

Jordan: No, right, I know. The two of you are just friends now.

Rafe: Yeah, we are. Jordan, that's it.

Jordan: Well, I guess you are the kind of guy that stays friends with his exes, and you know what? Maybe someday that could be us too. But for right now, I think we need to just keep our distance.

Rafe: Jordan-- [Sighs]

Hope: Where do we go from here? Uh... [Chuckles] I haven't a clue. I just need to say that, in spite of all of my defenses, there is...

Aiden: A bit of an attraction?

Hope: Yes.

Aiden: Yeah.

Hope: And it goes both ways.

Aiden: [Sighs] So what am I supposed to do now, hmm? I mean, last night I was thinking, "I need to let this go." But now after you said what you just said, I... I don't think I can.

Hope: What do you mean?

Aiden: I don't know. [Chuckles] Like you said, it's complicated. But this is what I would like to do. I would like to take you out... and I'd like to take you out on a real date. What you see is brilliant, luminous haircolor.

Aiden: What do you say we... just go somewhere nice... preferably out of town, so we don't run into anyone we know, and have lunch, okay? We'll just talk to each other honestly and see where that goes. Now, look, it's quite possible this will all lead up to-- to nothing. And if that's the case, well, then... at least we both know. Shake hands and decide to be friends. But... if there is something... we can talk about that too. So what do you say? Are we going out?

Hope: Yes, we are.

Theresa: [Laughs] Well, thank you, big sister, for that life lesson. And, you know, I can see why you feel qualified to give it, since you're just living in the lap of luxury, and you have everything you ever wanted out of life.

Eve: I am walking around this town with a big chunk of Jennifer's cash in my pocket, aren't I? And I'm certainly not worried about what's gonna happen to me if my ex-husband's father comes out of a coma. Hmm.

Theresa: Damn it, eve. You know what? I gave you my blood so you could go croak out feelings in some tacky piano bar. So you just--you better stop insulting me.

Eve: Oh, now who's insulting who?

Theresa: [Scoffs] I don't even know why I try to talk to you. The only person you care about is yourself.

[Door closes]

Eve: That's not true! I care about my daughter.

Paige: Even if you're right about Theresa, you told me you were out of it. You can't remember anything, so you can't prove anything.

JJ: Okay, hold on. Just think about it for a minute. I had roofies in my system. So I read about what they do. They make you act drunk and sloppy, and you don't remember any of it. But the article also said that they don't make you act aggressive. And you know what aggressive is?

Paige: Yeah.

JJ: It's tearing off your shirt, being all over some girl, and then taking pictures and sending that to people. I was so wasted that I couldn't even get myself home. That Jill... she drugged me. I know that's what happened.

Paige: But why?

JJ: I-I don't know. I don't. Unless I can find her, um... I might never know, Paige. So, I mean, what-- what happens to us, then? It seems like it's just gonna come down to whether you trust me to tell you the truth or not. Paige, um... the first time I laid eyes on you, I stopped thinking about other girls. I love you. And I can't imagine being in love with anybody else. I just--I just really hope that you can still believe that.

Sami: Wow. So Chad hit you, huh?

EJ: He's angry. He has every right to be angry. He has no right to behave like an ass, though.

Sami: Maybe I shouldn't have-- [Sighs]

EJ: Shouldn't have what?

Sami: I sent him the magazine article.

EJ: Did you? It's what I deserve, I suppose. I really brought this all upon myself. I knew Chad was going to find out, and I had intended on talking to him. I just kept putting it off and putting it off. Now it's too late.

Sami: I did it out of revenge... but I know how close you and Chad were, and I'm sorry for that.

EJ: He made it very clear. The era of good will between us is over.

Kate: [Sighs] Sami and I had this grand plan to get even with EJ and your father, and now Sami wants to make EJ part of the plan.

Chad: Well... it seems like you could use a DiMera. How about me?

Kate: [Chuckles] Well, that's very sweet of you, but we both know you are probably the only person in the world that your father loves without reservation.

Chad: Yeah, he's been good to me. He not only got me all the best doctors in the country, he sat by my bed until I was back on my feet.

Kate: Then why would you want to help me nail him?

Chad: I told him I couldn't live with who he was. And he said he'd changed. Actually, he said he'd promised it to God if God let me live. He was totally conning me. He hasn't changed a bit.

Kate: Are you serious?

Chad: Absolutely. If Sami isn't up for it, we'll cut her out too. It'll just be you and me. No, no, no & wahh!

Paige: I do believe in you.

JJ: Oh, thank God.

Paige: I hope I don't end up being sorry I said that.

JJ: Oh, no. No, you won't. And I know that I'm asking a lot from you, but I'm gonna prove myself to you that you can trust me. Thank you so much. Oh, thank you.

Aiden: So we are on. Okay, well, how about tomorrow?

Hope: There's something I need to do before we go out.

Aiden: If you're talking about telling Ciara--

Hope: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not. I'm not.

Aiden: Okay, good, good, because I don't think we should tell the--

Hope: I totally agree.

Aiden: No.

Hope: No, we shouldn't, not until we know actually that there could be something-- is something between the two of us.

Aiden: Absolutely.

Hope: Right.

Aiden: Yeah. Okay, so this thing that you have to do, do you--

Hope: Oh, no, it has nothing to do with Ciara--I mean, well, not directly, but-- actually, it does, but not really. I mean, I just--I need to do it before...

Aiden: Our date? [Chuckles] You can say it.

Hope: Our date.

Aiden: Our date.

Hope: Yeah, date. Date, yeah.

Aiden: Okay. Okay, all right, well, I'll make the reservation, and, um, it will not be at a place that has a flat screen.

Hope: Promise?

Aiden: Promise.

Hope: Okay.

Aiden: Okay.

Hope: Call me, um, after you do it. And I'll be free.

Aiden: Okay.

Hope: Bye.

Aiden: Bye.

Sami: Chad will come around... eventually.

EJ: I don't think so.

Sami: He loved that girl. And then she dumped him, and then you had sex with her. Obviously, he's gonna be upset. It's one punch. It's not the end of the world.

EJ: It was a lot more than one punch, Samantha. The kid pulled a gun on me.

Sami: What?

EJ: A gun. You should've seen the fury in his eyes. I mean, you should've heard the anger in his voice. And when he pulled the trigger--

Sami: He pulled the trigger on you?

EJ: No, no, there were no bullets in the gun. But when he pulled the trigger, I really thought I'd drawn my last breath. I don't think Chad and I are gonna be bonding anytime soon.

Kate: So... you really thought Stefano would change because you asked him to? You're either incredibly naive, or you're not telling me something. And now you want to help me destroy him.

Chad: I want to make sure he never sets foot in this town again and that EJ ends up with nothing.

Kate: So the sweet, mixed-up kid came back an angry young man. I like.

Chad: Yeah, well, my father is Stefano DiMera, and my mother was A...

Kate: Liar and a whore.

Chad: So, sweet and mixed-up really isn't in my DNA. But you didn't answer my question. Do you want my help, or don't you?

Hope: "Dear Bo. I'm sending this to the last known address I have for you. I hope you get it, and I know there's no guarantee that you will. But whether you read this or not, I need to write it." [Sobbing] "You've been the love of my life since I was 16 years old. We grew up together." "God knows we've been through so much together. And in spite of the tragedies and the bad times... I never regretted loving you... [Sniffles] And choosing to spend my life with you, not for a second." [Sighs] "Brady, it's been so long since I've heard a word from you. I can't even reassure our daughter or your mother that you'll ever come home. Brady, you've broken my heart... and Ciara's. You deserted us. And your actions speak loud and clear to me. [Sniffles] You've chosen your mission over us, your family." I get it. I get it. [Sobbing] Okay, so... "I am faced with a decision. I can either go on like this and be miserable, or I can rejoin the living. And as hard as it is, I have to let you go. I can't do this anymore." I have to say good-bye to you, Brady, or the ghost of you, which is all I seem to have left. [Sniffles] "If you do read this"... "I know you'll understand." I'll always love you... always love you. [Sobbing]

Jeremiah: Hey, Tammy sue. You remember me?

Jordan: Uh, what are you doing here?

Jeremiah: I came up here to see your daddy.

Jordan: Clyde is not my father.

Jeremiah: Well, try and tell him that. He always talks about you like you was his own.

Jordan: Well, I'm not.

Jeremiah: Been a long while since I seen you. You look good.

Jordan: Let go of me.

Jeremiah: Remember when I bought you that pretty bracelet at the crafts fair? You must have been, like, 15 years old. You were pretty then, but now...

Jordan: You let go of me.

JJ: When you wouldn't pick up my calls this morning, I thought you had it with me. I'm gonna find out what happened last night. I'm going to prove that you're right to trust me.

Paige: But if you don't know how to find Jill, how can you even get started?

JJ: I already have an idea.

Roman: All right, so... what did you find out?

Rafe: Well, Kate was here yesterday, and she came to thank me for finding a way to keep Stefano from coming back to town. But she and Sami are both scared of what Stefano is probably planning for them.

Roman: They think he'll get to them before we get to him.

Rafe: Oh, yeah. Yeah. They're worried he's gonna find a way back into town and get even with both of them.

Roman: [Sighs] All right, we'll talk later, okay?

Kate: Of course I want your help. Sami's back in EJ's thrall. I need an ally. And I like you. It's just that I'm not sure what you can do.

Chad: Well, I am a DiMera, and you said it yourself--my father has a soft spot for me. So you'll see what I can do.

Sami: I know what I'm talking about. Chad will come around eventually. If he wanted to nail you, he would've put bullets in that gun. He's just gonna make you squirm, and then he will forgive you.

EJ: Maybe. Maybe. I know exactly what he's going to do, though.

Sami: What?

EJ: He's going to try and get back at me by destroying any progress that I've made with you. You know, he's gonna try and convince you that reconciling with me is a bad idea, because he knows. He knows that if he manages to undo the progress we've made, it will destroy me.

JJ: You know how I supposedly sent you those pictures by mistake?

Paige: Mm-hmm.

JJ: Well, I checked my call history, and I didn't send those pictures to Rory, just you, which means that no one else should have those on their phone, so therefore, if they turn up on somebody else's phone, that's how I know that they were involved.

Paige: I guess.

JJ: Somebody put Jill up to this. I know it. And whoever it is has those pictures. And I'm gonna find 'em, I swear it.

Eve: I can't believe a hooker finally gave me what I need to open Paige's eyes about the young Mr. Deveraux.

Clyde: Well, thank you for meeting me on such short notice.

Kate: Well, you made it sound important.

Clyde: That help you gave me, the connection-- that worked out real well.

Kate: That's great.

Clyde: Seems only right to give you proper thanks.

Kate: Really, that is not necessary.

Clyde: Oh, I think it is. So I'm gonna buy you some lunch, for starters.

Jeremiah: I don't mean any harm. I just want to talk to you.

Chad: Didn't you hear the lady? She doesn't want to talk to you.

Sami: EJ, don't worry, okay? Chad can't change my mind about anything, especially you.

EJ: No, but my point is, he's going to try, Samantha.

Sami: Well, let him try, okay? I promise, if he talks to me-- actually, I'm the best person for him to talk to. I-I know how he feels. I know what he's going through, okay?

EJ: Well, you say that, but do you mean that you're--

Sami: Hey, what's important here is Chad, and Chad cares about the kids. He cares about Sydney. He cares about Allie. He cares about Johnny.

EJ: He does, but he's also good friends with William, and you know how William feels about me. If he goes and talks to him, then it's just gonna reinforce--

Sami: Stop, stop, okay? He cares about Sydney and Johnny and Allie, and he's gonna see how much they love us. He's gonna realize that this is what's best for everyone, all right? If you--

EJ: Thank you.

Sami: [Chuckles]

Chase: I heard you getting a reservation at a restaurant. Is that for you and me?

Aiden: Um... nope. No, I'm afraid not. I, um--I just--I'm-- I have a date tomorrow.

Chase: Oh. When mom died, you said you wouldn't go on any more dates.

Aiden: Yeah, yeah. No, you're right. I did say that, and I meant that. Um... it's just, you know, sometimes things change, you know? Um, people--people change.

Chase: Are you gonna tell me the lady's name?

Aiden: Uh... it's-- no, not--not--not now.

Chase: Is she nice?

Aiden: Yeah.

Chase: Is she like mom?

Aiden: No, no... not at all.

Hope: I will always love you. I just can't live like this anymore. I have to go on. [Sighs] [Sniffles] [Sobbing]

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