Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/7/14
Episode #12395 ~ EJ realizes he still has a chance with Sami; Rafe tries to explain himself to Jordan; Jennifer & Eve face off in court.
Provided By Suzanne
Abigail: Oh, my God. Ben, stop!
Ben: You swore you would never hurt her.
Jordan: Ben, stop it!
Abigail: You have to stop, Ben!
Ben: That's my sister, you bastard!
Jordan: Stop, Ben.
Abigail: Please, stop it!
Paige: Remember the place where we used to eat lunch in Miami? The one on the Dixie Highway?
Eve: Yeah, the one with the crab cakes?
Paige: Right. I ran into one of the waiters.
Eve: Where?
Paige: Right here in Salem. I told him I used to go there all the time, and he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about.
Eve: Hmm.
Paige: JJ found out that I was right, though. You and I called him, uh, Kevin back then?
Eve: That guy?
Paige: Yeah, but now he says his name's Ben. I don't know. JJ said he had some explanation, but I just -- I wonder why he would like to me.
Eve: Because that's what men do. They lie, and don't you ever forget it.
Aiden: Again, I am sorry that it is so last minute, but can you get ready in time?
Jennifer: Yeah, it's no problem.
Aiden: All right.
Jennifer: I'll see you there.
Aiden: Okay, good.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Aiden: Bye.
Jennifer: Whew!
JJ: Was he here because of the lawsuit?
Jennifer: Yeah, the judge went over the summary judgment, and it looks like she's going to make a ruling on it today.
JJ: So this -- this whole mess with Eve, it could just go away?
Jennifer: If we're lucky, yeah.
Kate: Please, please, tell me you're not having second thoughts about EJ.
Sami: I was just thinking about what you said.
Kate: That's a first.
Sami: Kate, I am the one who pushed him away. You know, I wouldn't sleep with him. We fought for months. EJ was trying to make it right, and I was the one who was being stubborn.
Kate: Okay. Don't go there, Sami.
Sami: What if I am the one who pushed him into Abby's arms? I mean, you ever think about that? What if I made this huge mistake? And now I'm about to make another one -- a bigger mistake -- by letting him go?
[EJ eavesdrops]
Nicole: What is taking so long? All the cardinal has to do is tell Eric whether or not he can be a priest again. He has to have done it by now.
Eric: Your Eminence, you have no idea how much it means to me to know that you and the church believe in my innocence. After everything that I've gone through, I can't find words to express my gratitude.
Cardinal: I know it's been a very trying ordeal, but you still haven't answered my question. Do you wish to be a priest again?
Ben: You think you're such a big man?
Jordan: Ben, stop!
Abigail: Right now, please!
Jordan: Rafe, are you okay?
Rafe: I'm okay.
Ben: No, you're an animal. And why are you helping him?
Abigail: Enough.
Ben: Do you know what he did?
Abigail: Yes, but --
Ben: No man is going to treat my sister like that. Get up! Get up, Rafe.
Jordan: Ben, you have done enough damage!
Ben: Me? Me?
Jordan: Why didn't you defend yourself?
Rafe: 'Cause he's right. I had it coming.
Sami: He was so wonderful to me. I -- You know, he sacrificed everything for me to keep me from prison when I shot Bernardi.
Kate: So he did one nice thing for you?
Sami: More than a nice thing, Kate, and you know it. He's the one we turned to when we threw nick in the river. And he's a good father, not just to our kids, but to will and Allie.
Kate: Are you telling me that if EJ walked through that door right now, that you would forgive him?
Sami: I don't know. Maybe.
Eric: Your eminence, you have no idea how much I want to be a priest again. More than anything. I hope you believe me.
Cardinal: I do. I can hear it in your voice. And yet, I also hear something else.
Eric: One of the first things that I learned in seminary was that being a priest isn't a job, it's a calling from God. On the day I received sacrament of holy orders, I-- I could feel the calling so strongly.
Cardinal: But now those feelings have changed? Do you no longer believe God is calling you to the priesthood?
Paige: Mom, I don't want you coming down on JJ.
Eve: I wasn't. Okay? Although I wouldn't be surprised he didn't learn a trick or two from his dad. Jack Deveraux was a born con man. Hey, before I left Salem? That man swindled millions of dollars from me.
Paige: I thought you willingly gave up all your possessions.
Eve: Well, I did. But it didn't hurt to have a nest egg. Just in case.
Paige: Uh-huh.
Eve: And JJ's dad managed to steal it right out from under me, sweetheart. And that's why we deserve the royalty money from that book. 'Cause jack owes me.
Paige: Well, I'm sorry Mr. Deveraux somehow tricked you, but JJ would never do anything like that to me.
Eve: Well, I hope not, sweetheart. Because the last thing I want for my beautiful daughter is to see her with a broken heart.
JJ: Does Mr. Jennings have any idea what the judge is going to say?
Jennifer: Well, he said going in we have a 50/50 chance.
JJ: That's decent odds.
Jennifer: Yeah, definitely. And, you know, after everything that has happened--especially with your sister--I just want to put all of this behind us.
Rafe: Some guy treated my sister the way I treated yours, I'd have done the same thing.
Ben: Well, since you get that, why don't you get the hell out here, and leave my sister alone.
Rafe: Because I still love her. I never stopped. And I'm hoping one day she could forgive me.
Ben: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?
Abigail: Leave it alone, Ben.
Jordan: Come on, we better go get those cuts cleaned up.
Ben: You're not going anywhere with him, Jordan.
Jordan: Ben, I can handle it. Abby could you please try and calm him down?
Abigail: Yeah, I'll do my best.
[Phone vibrating]
Kate: Would you stop looking at that damn picture?
Sami: Just been so focused on getting even, I haven't even thought about anything else.
Kate: That's because it's easier than thinking about how EJ lied to you and betrayed you.
Sami: What if I'm not doing the right thing?
Kate: Sami, why don't you go take another look at those pictures of Abby and EJ? Why don't you stand in front of your shower and think about them having sex in there?
Sami: What if I was so awful? What if I pushed EJ into having that affair? What if it's my fault?
Kate: Okay, listen to me. You listen to me. People who forget the past--who don't learn from the past--are doomed to repeat their mistakes. EJ made a fool of you with Abigail. And now you're saying that it's your fault? If you're that pathetic, then you deserve a man like him.
Paige: You've been in a bad mood all morning.
Eve: [Scoffs] You know, I thought I actually had covered that up. Okay, I'll tell you. You know that thing that Jennifer's lawyer did?
Paige: The summary judgment?
Eve: Mm-hmm. Well, I found out on the way over here the judge is going to rule on it today.
Paige: You should've said something. You must be a nervous wreck.
Eve: No, sweetheart. No, not me. No, it's just a desperate ploy on Jennifer's part and it's doomed to fail. No. The case is going to move forward. I'm sure of it.
EJ: Has the shipment arrived yet? Excellent. No, no, no, don't distribute it yet. No, I need to talk to one of Kiriakis' old contacts first.
Sami: You want me to stick to the plan because you just care about number one. You don't care about me, you don't care about my happiness.
Kate: No. Of course I don't. I don't like you and I never will. But I do have a grudging respect for you, Sami.
Sami: Yeah, right.
Kate: You remind me of myself. And I know that you are a strong, independent business woman who would never let a man walk all over her.
Sami: Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I was walking all over him and he just couldn't take it anymore.
Kate: Oh, really, so what are you going to do now? Go crawling back to him on your hands and knees?
Sami: I didn't say anything about crawling on my hands and knees. I'm just saying that-- that we were happy, okay? We were happy before all this--
Kate: You were happy? With a man who kidnapped your baby and let you believe she was dead? Or did you drive him to do that, too? But go ahead. Forgive him one more time. It'll be interesting to see what new way he finds to break your heart.
Eric: When I was in Africa, I witnessed so much pain and suffering. There was a time that I questioned my faith in humanity and in God. Then after an incredibly brave, selfless act by one priest in particular, I was inspired to go to mass. I took comfort in God's words and then I received sacraments. I just seemed to know that I should be of service the same way my friend was. I never doubted God again, or his love. I still don't. I just--
Cardinal: What?
Eric: It's too hard to talk about it.
Cardinal: But it's time you did. Don't you think? You have a very important decision to make.
Eric: It's about Nicole.
Cardinal: What about her?
Eric: I hate her. I know I should forgive her. I just can't find a way in my heart. And yet--
Cardinal: Go on.
Eric: At the same time, I-- I want her. I'm consumed by how much I want her.
Nicole: I was an idiot to try to compete with you. I told myself that I could make Eric happier than if he were a priest. But it's obvious that he loves his vocation with all his heart and soul. And I should've never kept him from it. Because it was what he was meant to do. And what he was meant to be.
Eric: When you told me I could be a priest again, my heart should be filled with joy.
Cardinal: But it wasn't. I could see that.
Eric: But how can I devote myself to my vocation when I have nothing but feelings for Nicole? This hatred, this lust. I asked to be released from these feelings. I prayed for a sign that would show me what I need to do.
Cardinal: My son, you may not have realized it, but I think you've already been given that sign. Ice: Go ninja go ninja go...
JJ: You heard about the hearing, right?
Paige: Yeah, I wanted to be there, but mom wanted to go alone.
JJ: Okay, well, I just want you to know that even though I support my mom, I do feel really bad that all this is happening. Because I know that your mom is counting on the money for a lot of reasons. Most importantly, so that you can go to Stanford. And it's not that I won't really miss you, but if it's going to Stanford--if that's what makes you happy--then that's all I care about.
Paige: Thank you, JJ. But if you want to make me happy, you only have to promise me one thing.
JJ: Okay?
Paige: That you won't ever lie to me about anything.
Aiden: In summation, your honor, eve Larson's annulment agreement with jack Deveraux contains several areas where the wording is vague, if not contradictory. Also, and more significantly, jack Devereaux's signature appears in two entirely different manners, which--and I trust you will concur-- render the document null and void.
Lawyer: Your honor, I object to counsel's characterization--
Aiden: Therefore, I am asking the court to dismiss the suit, with prejudice toward the plaintiff.
Lawyer: But your honor--
Judge: I don't need to hear anymore. I've already come to a decision.
Rafe: Would you sit down?
Jordan: Why?
Rafe: Because I don't want to make excuses, but I would like a chance to explain.
Jordan: Go ahead.
Rafe: You know, I was out of my mind when Gabi went to prison. I felt-- I feel like-- like I've failed her. Just like I failed our sister, Arianna.
Jordan: I thought you weren't going to make excuses.
Rafe: No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm just trying to let you know what was going on in my mind.
Jordan: You slept with a woman that hates me.
Rafe: She doesn't hate you.
Jordan: Yes, she does.
Rafe: Okay. Here's the thing. You know-- it didn't feel like I could do anything to help Gabi or Arianna because they both kept me in the dark about what was going on with their lives. Just like you have with your past.
Jordan: So, you're saying what you did is my fault?
Rafe: No. No. It's-- I was disgusted with myself. And then I got drunk.
Jordan: What?
Rafe: I guess I felt you deserved someone better than me.
Ben: Jordan gave up having a life to take care of me. After she-- after we both ran away from my old man, she never let herself get close to anybody. Just to make sure there was no chance of anybody else finding out the truth.
Abigail: That must have been really lonely for her.
Ben: It was. Until Rafe came along. And he knew it. He knew how hard it was for Jordan to trust him. And what does he go and do? He sleeps with Kate Roberts. And what's wrong with her? She knows the guy's got somebody else, and she sleeps with him anyway? I mean, what kind of a person does something like that?
Abigail: Me. That's exactly what I did to Sami.
EJ: Hello, Samantha. Kate.
Kate: Well, you're looking quite cheerful for a man who just lost everything.
EJ: Things are looking up.
Kate: Looking up how?
EJ: Would you mind if I had a moment alone with my wife? Look, Samantha, I know that things have been ghastly for you. But I also know--
Sami: Don't touch me!
Cardinal: You've made a very important decision today. And I believe it's the right one. I'll be praying for you.
JJ: Paige, I'd never lie to you. If this is about all that stuff with Theresa, I tried to be honest to you, and I told you what I felt was important to tell you.
Paige: No, no, no. It's -- it's not that, okay?
JJ: Okay, then what is it? Is it because I said that I love you? Because I meant that, and I still do.
Paige: So do I. I just -- I want us to always be honest with each other. That's all.
[Phone chiming]
JJ: Oh, damn, I forgot that I was supposed to register for my classes today.
Paige: Oh, well, want to use my computer?
JJ: No, my log-in information's at the house. Um...
Paige: Okay.
JJ: No, I'll do it later.
Paige: No, don't put it off or your required classes might get filled up.
JJ: Right.
Paige: Mm-hmm.
JJ: Okay, um. [Kisses Paige] All right. Bye.
Judge: I've decided that I will not grant the summary judgment. I will allow this case to go to trial. However, I must warn the plaintiff that I came very close to granting the judgment, because I find this cake to be quite weak. As I stated earlier, I do agree with Mr. Jennings' arguments. But I'm not sure this document will hold up in court. And Ms. Larson? You and your lawyer have your work cut out for you. Court is dismissed. [Bangs gavel]
Aiden: Okay. Sorry about that.
Jennifer: No, thank you for trying. Really.
Aiden: Okay, I'm going to have a word with eve's lawyer, and I will be in touch, okay?
Jennifer: Okay.
Eve: You know, Jennifer, I've been thinking--
Jennifer: Oh, no. If you want to talk about a settlement right now, I am not interested.
Eve: I'm just thinking about the children. It's not necessary that we drag them through a nasty--
Jennifer: When you were offered a settlement before, you were not interested in the children. Okay? And not for one minute do I trust that you will not do something underhanded again. Because what I offered you was fair, and you blew it.
Eve: Okay, fine. But don't say I didn't warn you.
Jennifer: About what?
Eve: Well, when JJ finds out that you're willing to drag this out no matter what it does to Paige, he is going to hate you. And everything that Theresa tells me and it won't be the first time. So good luck with that, little miss perfect.
Ben: Um, Abigail, I didn't mean to--
Abigail: No, I know. It's-- it's okay. See, the thing is, uh... you're right. What Kate did, it wasn't just wrong, it was hateful. And so is what I did to Sami.
Ben: But you're trying to own it. I don't see her trying to do that. And can you believe her coming out of the club yesterday? Acting like she was better than us?
Abigail: Well, she and Sami have teamed up now.
Ben: She has no right to judge you, but she did anyway. Don't you think for one minute that you are anything like her. What's wrong?
Abigail: Can I be honest with you?
Ben: Of course.
Abigail: When you were, um-- when you were beating up Rafe you were so angry... you scared me.
Jordan: So let me get this straight. You didn't think you were good enough for me, so you slept with someone else? What was that, you proving yourself right?
Rafe: I know. I know, it doesn't make any sense. Only thing I know for sure is that falling in love with you is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.
Jordan: You've probably already guessed this, but... [Laughs] I have a hard time trusting men. And you were the first one that I ever truly loved.
Rafe: I love you, too. What we had is-- well, honestly it was so important to me. And I was an idiot to risk it.
Jordan: You think you've risked what we had by falling into bed with Kate? Rafe, you destroyed it.
Sami: Stay away from me.
EJ: Samantha, what are you-- whoa! I don't-- Samantha, I don't understand!
Sami: Then let me make it very clear. I don't want you to touch me ever again. And if you try, I will go straight to the police station and file that restraining order. I haven't done it yet because I didn't want it in the news to get the board suspicious.
EJ: Do you think that they don't already know? I mean you've been talking about my... situation with Abigail all over town.
Sami: Yes. Yes, I have been. To a few select people whom I'm sure will not say anything because they want to protect little Abby's reputation.
EJ: You hope.
Sami: You are the one who saw to it that your board lives all over the world. You and Stefano wanted to be able to do whatever you want here in Salem. Well, it's going to help me and Kate. Because by the time they hear about this, they're going to be so happy with the money that Kate and I have made them, they won't care.
Kate: The children are home. Sydney's asking for you.
Sami: Thank you, Kate.
EJ: What did you say to her? Are you dealing with hot flashes during menopause?
Paige: Hey.
Eve: Hey.
Paige: How'd it go?
Eve: Well, like I said, it was nothing to worry about. The judge shot down Jennifer's little stunt.
Paige: Then why don't you seem happier?
Eve: Because she also said that my case might not be airtight.
Paige: So we might not win?
Eve: Don't you worry about that, Paige.
Paige: How can I not worry, mom? I know how much you're counting on that money. But I think I have a way to help.
Jennifer: Hey, honey.
JJ: Hey, how did it go?
Jennifer: Well, the judge denied our request to dismiss.
JJ: I'm sorry.
Jennifer: But the good news is it looks like we have a really good chance of winning when we go to trial.
JJ: That's good. Yeah, that's great.
Jennifer: I know that this whole situation has put you in an awkward position, and I am sorry about that.
JJ: Yeah, well, it's not your fault.
Jennifer: And maybe things will get easier when Paige goes off to college.
JJ: What does that mean?
Jennifer: Honey, I just think that--in many ways--the distance will do you both some good.
Abigail: What you were doing to-- Rafe today. I just--I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Ben: I'm sorry. When a man treats a woman like that-- I grew up around that.
Abigail: Is that why you can't stand your father?
Ben: I loved that he told you I inherited my mother's temper. My mother was afraid of her own shadow because she never knew what was going to set him off. The dinner could be too hot, too cold, the house could be too clean, or too neat. And I tried to step in, but I was a little kid. And Jordan tried, too. That's when he started hitting her.
Abigail: Oh, my God. I-I can't believe that that man I just met is capable of that.
Ben: That is what drives me nuts. Because he's so good at hiding his temper around other people. I swore to myself I would never be like him. But I guess he and I aren't so different after all.
Rafe: Jordan. Jordan, please don't do this--
Jordan: You know what really bugs me is that I should've seen this coming. I knew how Kate felt about you. And the second I laid eyes on her, I knew that she wanted me out of your life so she could get you back. And the second that she had you, she had to make sure that I knew about it.
Rafe: Thought it was Sami that told you.
Jordan: No. She was just doing Kate's dirty work.
Rafe: Well, no. Sami only knew about us because she overheard Kate and me talking. Kate did not want anyone to know about this.
Jordan: How naive are you? Kate and Sami run a company together. They share a house now. Do you really think that she never said a word to Sami about sleeping with you? Oh, my God, it all makes sense now. Every time Sami saw me, she stared daggers at me.
Rafe: What?
Jordan: It's true. It's been going on for weeks now. And I barely know Sami. Kate must have turned her against me. Kate planned everything. She was out to destroy us, Rafe. And she did.
Kate: I don't know what you're talking about.
EJ: Samantha was about to forgive me, I heard her.
Kate: Well, I have no idea what you think you heard, but I live with Samantha now. And she is never ever going to forgive you.
EJ: She said if I walked through that door--
Kate: Yes, but you didn't. And that's what's so sad. Losing your timing at this point in your career. Now you've lost Sami... forever. This. This. That's all you have left of Sami. Okay? So why don't you act like a man for once, and just leave? Leave with a little dignity.
EJ: What I will do is make you very, very sorry.
Kate: Really? Elvis the shark?
EJ: You won't even see the fin break the water.
Nicole: Eric. I just came from the cardinal's office, no one was there. What happened? Are you back in? What's with the suitcase? Are they sending you somewhere else?
Eric: I'm going home.
Nicole: You'll be back at St. Luke's?
Eric: I'm not going back to the priesthood. Living with chronic migraine
Eve: You did it. [Laughs] You did it! You talked JJ into getting Jennifer to back down. He's going to make her give us what's rightfully ours, right?
Paige: Well, actually I--
Eve: This is so fantastic. You know what? I never would've thought to involve you like this, but since it was your idea, just-- oh! This is great, this is so great.
Jennifer: Honey, you know how fond I am of Paige, she is a great girl. But you're 18 years old, and I just think there's so many girls out there that maybe--
JJ: No, mom. There's not going to be anyone else but Paige, all right? Not ever. I'm in love with her.
Abigail: Hey. Ben. You are nothing like him.
Ben: Come on. You saw what I did to Rafe. I was out of control.
Abigail: You were trying to defend her. Yeah, you went too far. But you were trying to protect her from being hurt. It sounds like your father enjoys hurting women. You are the opposite of him.
Ben: Thank you. I probably need to get--to go back to work. Can you believe I was just telling you I was hoping we'd have some time when our lives just weren't crazy? And there I go just keeping the craziness going.
Abigail: You're going to try not to do anything like that again, right?
Ben: Yeah.
Abigail: Good. Because seeing as how I no longer have a job or any idea what I'm doing with my life, I think that I can fit in some non-crazy time into my schedule.
Rafe: Kate knows how I feel about you. She knows. No matter what she does with the rest of her life, she's always been honest with me. What happened between me and Kate, it is not on her, it is on me. Okay? Me.
Jordan: You're still defending her. Maybe she's right. Maybe you two do belong together.
Rafe: No, it wouldn't work because-- because I love you. Jordan, I wish I could get you to understand that, to believe that.
Jordan: You wanna know what I believe? I believe that I should've left this town when I had the chance. And never looked back.
Rafe: No, no, Jordan. Please, would you-- no.
Jordan: Stop.
Rafe: Jordan.
Jordan: Stop.
[Door slamming]
Sami: EJ's gone?
Kate: Yep. I hope it was something I said.
Sami: Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but I think it was probably something I said.
Kate: Oh?
Sami: Well, I made it clear to him that nothing has changed, and that I am not going to forgive him, ever.
Kate: Good. You came to your senses. We're going to have to stay strong if we're going to get what we want.
Sami: And once we do? I mean, once we've gotten revenge against EJ and Stefano and everything, where does that leave us?
Kate: Oh, somewhere in the neighborhood of deliriously happy meets filthy rich. You're gonna like it there. I promise.
EJ: It's good to have you on my team. Victor Kiriakis speaks very highly of you.
I'll bet. You said you're looking to boost profits all over town.
EJ: I am.
How you gonna do that?
EJ: We're going to raise the price of all of our products by 15%.
Really? How's that going to fly?
EJ: It'll fly just fine. Trust me, we're the only game in town. Go on, get to work.
Nicole: Are you kidding me? The cardinal wouldn't reinstate you? I'm going to go find him, I'm going to make him listen--
Eric: Nicole, you've done enough.
Nicole: Obviously, I haven't.
Eric: You don't understand. You cleared my name. The cardinal believes that I'm innocent.
Nicole: Well, if that was true, then why aren't you back in? Why aren't you a priest again?
Eric: Because it's over. I'm done. I'm not going back to the priesthood.
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