Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/11/13
Episode #12230 ~ Theresa blackmails JJ; Will tells Sonny he knows Sami, Kate and Gabi's secret.
Provided By Suzanne
EJ: I can't live like this anymore.
Sami: You don't have a choice. We are living like this because you lied to me about Kristen and Eric.
EJ: I didn't tell you because I was afraid of what you would do if you actually knew.
Sami: You've had all this time, and that is still the best you can come up with?
EJ: You're not going anywhere.
Sami: Oh, you are not ordering me around.
EJ: You are going to tell me exactly what is going on.
Will: We need to talk.
Gabi: What about?
Will: Nick.
Gabi: Why? Why would I even spend a minute thinking about Nick?
Will: Gabi, I know. I know what happened.
Gabi: [Screams]
Will: I also know it's not your fault.
Rafe: I'm getting back on my feet. So you don't have to feel guilty anymore. And you don't have to hang out in this dump. You can have your life back.
Kate: You think I feel guilty?
Sami: No. No. EJ, no-- no, stop, no. Stop it.
EJ: What?
Sami: Okay, it is not going to work, not this time.
Abigail: All right. About time we made this house look like Christmas, right? Everything okay, mom?
Jennifer: Uh, yeah. Yeah, no problem. I'm just--I'm not sure where JJ is, so we should probably wait till he gets here.
JJ: I'm telling my mom everything.
Theresa: Well, I wouldn't do that if I were you.
JJ: What is this?
Theresa: What does it look like? So much for he said/she said, right? Looks like she's got the goods on you.
Will: You must be freaked out.
Gabi: Of course I am.
Will: Well, I mean, I get it. I und--I understand.
Gabi: How--how can you understand if I can't even explain?
Will: What do you mean explain? You don't have to explain anything. I mean, it was Nick. You didn't have any choice in the matter.
Gabi: I didn't. I didn't, no. Just... I can't believe that you're being so good about this. I mean, I just--I've been carrying this around for so long, and I feel like it's--it's been, like, about to explode. And I just didn't know how to--
Will: It's okay. It's okay. I'm so sorry. Man, I just--I wish you, you know, would have just told me.
Gabi: I didn't know how. I mean, I didn't think that you were gonna believe me or anyone.
Will: I despise the guy. I've had a bad feeling about him for weeks. Of course I believe you.
Gabi: He pushed and pushed, and I really didn't know how to stop. Will, I've had really bad nightmares.
Will: It's okay. It's all gonna--I mean, it's all good now. He can't bother you anymore, can he?
Gabi: You're right.
Will: Right. Good riddance. Stay in New York is what I say.
Theresa: [Chuckles]
JJ: [Sighs] This is, like, dark-side stuff, man. What is wrong with you?
Theresa: Nothing. I am not, in any way, shape, or form, wrong.
JJ: You faked having no memory of that night.
Theresa: It got me out of jail--thank you. I got to stay here in Salem. It's basic survival 101. The fact that it made your mom crazy, well, that's just a bonus.
JJ: Yeah, like hell. I'm blowing the whistle.
Theresa: No, you're not. You saw that video. I've got you, kid. And your memory of that night-- it's about to get a lot worse than mine.
Abigail: Oh, my gosh, look, this is my favorite one. I will always love this for some reason. Those are JJ's teeth marks.
Jennifer: I know. Why did I let him chew on that?
Abigail: Well, it explains a lot.
Jennifer: Hey, stop that. That's not nice.
Abigail: Oh, hey, I ran into hope on my way home. She told me what happened when Shane and Kimberly came to deal with Theresa.
Jennifer: Uh, yeah.
Abigail: Well, is it true? Did they really say that they would turn Theresa in if you didn't sign off on her staying in Salem?
Jennifer: Uh, more or less.
Abigail: So you had an opportunity to get rid of Theresa Donovan for good, and you didn't take it why?
Theresa: She has nothing to do with my life. And yet somehow my parents decided that she should decide my fate. You know, your mother was so smug. She looked at me like--like I was lint on her shirt. She has no idea who I am, and she has no right--
JJ: Hold on. Back up. My mom didn't send you to California. She gave you a break.
Theresa: It wasn't hers to give. Oh, my God, don't you get that? Do you have any idea how hard it was to grovel... to her? [Scoffs] I mean, JJ, I swear, there was this moment where I thought, "screw it." You know, I'd rather rot in prison than let that bitch sit over me in judgment--
JJ: Don't call her a bitch.
Theresa: And if she has to suffer because of Dr. Dan, then so be it. If she has to walk in on me and Daniel together... [Chuckles] If she saw that, her head would explode.
Rafe: Well, you told me you felt guilty about this. In fact, you said that you were the reason that Stefano found out about us.
Kate: Um, no, I said that I felt responsible for what happened to you in the hospital.
Rafe: Oh, okay. Okay, well, responsible, then. Let it go, okay? I am gonna be okay. I am getting the hell out of this hospital, so... all right, listen, I remember when you broke things off with me. You said things were getting too serious, you felt stifled, and, well, I'm sure that me being in here wasn't a relief from that. You got what you wanted, okay? You're free. All right, I'm sure your business needs you.
Kate: Well, just so you know, I managed all my work commitments.
Rafe: Oh, yeah, of course. I'm sure you did, but think of all the time you could have spent with Arianna you were here wasting with me.
Kate: Wow, I never thought of it as a waste of time being here.
Rafe: Okay, well, if I was a distraction before, then this must have been way worse. You're an independent woman. You need that. You're free now.
Kate: [Clears throat]
Gabi: New York.
Will: Yeah. That's the real reason you decided not to go, not my mom's big pitch.
Gabi: The real reason?
Will: Yeah, of course. You found out Nick was gonna be in New York too. I mean, that's a fate worse than death, right?
Sami: This is crazy.
EJ: Tell me what is going on.
Sami: There's nothing going on.
EJ: Stop avoiding the question. Something is going on, Samantha.
Sami: I don't want to tell you what it is, okay? So deal.
EJ: Please, this is crazy. Stop--
Sami: Are you upset? Is it unfair? Is it unbearable... that I don't want to share something with you? How did that happen do you think?
EJ: Samantha, we can't go back there as if it could have been any different! There is nothing that I could have done that would have changed what happened in that church.
Sami: You hid something huge from me, and you are still hiding something from me. And I have to stand there and take it? I have to just move on?
EJ: I'm not hiding anything, nothing. I'm right here.
Sami: Angry at me for keeping one little thing from you.
EJ: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I don't know what it is, but I guarantee you it's not one thing and it's not little, Samantha. God knows what you've done, but I can't protect you unless you talk to me!
Sami: I don't need you to protect me. I don't need you to stand here and act like--
EJ: What, you don't need me? Is that what you're saying? You don't need me?
Sami: That is not what I said.
EJ: Really? Because you kicked me out of your bedroom.
Sami: Are you angry about--the sex? You're not getting any?
EJ: That's not what I said.
Sami: Well, EJ, let's just do it right now so we can get you satisfied, huh?
EJ: Oh, really? That's the way you're going to go with this, is it?
Sami: Yeah, well, I mean, there's parts of this room we haven't christened yet. We could start with the piano. You could throw me across the keyboards.
EJ: Oh, would you shut up, you insufferable little brat?
Sami: You like it, right? That's what gets you hot, is when you're angry at me?
EJ: No, sweetheart, that would be you. What are you doing? Oh, for pity's sake, Samantha.
Sami: I think we should do it right now. Come on. Let's just do it right now, EJ.
EJ: Enough, enough, enough!
Sami: Let's make it all better.
EJ: Stop it. You are embarrassing yourself!
Sami: Why? Why, EJ? I don't understand. One minute ago, you wanted to have sex with me against that wall, and now... because I'm being honest with you about what's really going on here... what? Now you're--now you're saying that I'm embarrassing myself? I just want to do what you want. EJ, I just want to be a good little--
EJ: Good little what? What, Samantha? What do you want to be? You're not my lover. My fiancée? My fiancée for life? Right?
Sami: I am the woman who knows you best, EJ. I am the woman who calls you on your bull.
EJ: No, that's you not answering my question. That's what that is.
Sami: And, EJ, I know that you are just angry at me because I am busting you... and that you can't get it in gear without admitting that I'm right. No, EJ. No way in hell.
Gabi: I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier.
Will: You don't have to be sorry, but, um, why didn't you?
Gabi: I was embarrassed.
Will: Embarrassed? Gabi, it wasn't anything that you did, right? You broke up with him, and he shouldn't have been following you to New York.
Gabi: Will, that wasn't all of it. I mean, he was the one that set up the whole thing.
Will: Set up wha--what?
Gabi: [Sighs] He was the one that set up the--the meeting with sparkle agency. He pitched me as a model. He sent them my story. I mean, he basically orchestrated the whole offer.
Will: [Sighs] Wow.
Gabi: Yeah. When I found out, I just... [Sighs]
Will: Well, I mean, you bailed, obviously.
Gabi: No, I mean, I knew I wasn't gonna move to New York after I spoke to Sami, but when I found out, I--
Will: You confronted him?
Gabi: Yeah, I had to. I mean, he had this whole fantasy that he and I would get together, and I tried to make him understand that that was never gonna happen, but he just didn't, and he kind of went nuts, and I was trying to calm him down, but he was so angry. He was so angry, will, and...
Will: It's a good thing I wasn't there, 'cause I-I don't know what I would have done. Let's just hope that he never shows his face here again.
Gabi: I don't think he will.
Rafe: All right, just hold on. I'm just saying, when you broke it off before, you said that we hadn't been friends, but we were now. So... we still are? Like, we're cool?
Kate: Of course we are. Wh--
Rafe: Okay, I'm just checking. Like, you know, if I don't hear from you because now you're taking care of all the things that you couldn't take care of because you were looking after me, like, I shouldn't be offended personally.
Kate: No, we're fine, okay? Rafe, what--
[Knock at door]
Rafe: I don't know.
Kayla: Uh, sorry. I will just be a second.
Kate: Oh, no, that's fine. Go ahead.
Kayla: Thank you. Well, so you're on the move tomorrow, huh? Tomorrow afternoon?
Rafe: Oh, my God, I cannot wait.
Kayla: I bet. Well, I know that Jordan has spoken with you and that you know that we've reassigned her and that your P.T. sessions now will be with Pete Clark for a while, if you're okay with that.
Rafe: That's perfect.
Kayla: Great.
Kate: Um, look, I'm gonna get going. I know you two have things to talk about.
Rafe: No, no, hey, Kate, this is just gonna take a minute.
Kate: No, really, it's fine. We're done.
Jennifer: I didn't want to push Shane and Kimberly. I mean, they had to make a decision about Theresa that they could live with.
Abigail: Okay, but, I mean, isn't that basically like saying it's okay for her to stay?
Jennifer: Well, if she went to California, she would be put in jail. And you know what? Despite all the problems that she caused, I really don't want to be responsible for that.
Abigail: Mom, but Theresa got herself in trouble.
Jennifer: But she couldn't get herself out of it in jail. And, believe me, she said all the right things about changing.
Abigail: Oh, come on, mom. Seriously, you believe that?
Jennifer: You know what, honey? I really don't care, because if Theresa wants to get in trouble again, she can set her sights on someone else and leave my family alone.
JJ: I'm out of here.
Theresa: Not so fast.
JJ: If I stay here one more minute, I will hurl.
Theresa: Well, then listen closely, and we'll get this done quicker. Do you know what this is, JJ? This is all the cards-- all the cards, and I've got them. So, if you want me to stay quiet, you're gonna have to pay.
JJ: You're blackmailing me.
Theresa: Mm. There's a list. First, I'm gonna need you to get me some primo weed.
JJ: I can't do that.
Theresa: You're afraid I won't be able to pay?
JJ: That's not the problem.
Theresa: Because you're right. I won't. You will. Figure it out.
JJ: You OD'd, Theresa. If you want to die, please jump off a bridge. It's much easier.
Theresa: I'm not gonna be dying anytime soon. But if you go all rebel on me, if you don't do what I tell you to do, it's your life you're gonna have to worry about, JJ, not mine.
Will: So how do you feel right now-- kind of like you dodged a bullet?
Gabi: Definitely.
Will: Well, you know, we really are glad that you're staying.
Gabi: Me too.
Will: And I think you should reconsider modeling.
Gabi: No.
Will: Why not? Come on, it'd be great. I saw you guys at the pub, you know, all huddling together and conspiring.
Gabi: That wasn't about modeling.
Will: Then what was it about?
Gabi: Forget it. It was just a secret. It's girl stuff, okay?
Will: Okay.
Gabi: Uh, I-I could use some air.
Will: All right, well, I can put Ari in the stroller.
Gabi: If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to just go alone. I want to clear my head from all this Nick stuff.
Will: Sure. I'll--sure.
Gabi: I should be back before she wakes up. Thank you.
Theresa: And my other request--I need you to keep track of your mom and Dr. Dan... just in case.
JJ: Well, they're both miserable and alone thanks to you.
Theresa: Thanks to me? No, no, thanks to you is more like it. You're the reason Daniel's gone all martyr on us. And look at you--the guy I thought was immune to guilt trips. But this one--whoa. It really sucks, right? The good doctor... even after all the crap you've put him through, hanging himself on a cross to keep you out of prison. You know, normally I wouldn't feed your guilt, but... wow, right? I mean, this one--did I say we were done?
JJ: I did. I'm not doing any of this, Theresa.
Theresa: Yes, you will, kid. You will.
Nick: Gabi?
EJ: Why are you doing this? Do you want to torture me?
Sami: I'm torturing you?
EJ: That is exactly what you're doing!
Sami: You are the one who put this in motion.
EJ: I am the one, Samantha, who put up with all of your dithering for a year... when you couldn't decide where you wanted to be. I'm the man who came to you with love, with nothing but love, and only for you. I'm the man who asked you to marry me... who moved heaven and earth for you, who threw away everything that he had so you wouldn't have to spend the rest of your life in prison! And all you've done since then is move away!
Sami: That is not true. That is not true, EJ. I want us to be together, if only--
EJ: If only what? If only what, Samantha, hmm? If only things had been different? Well, guess what. I would have liked things to be different too, but life happened. You know what the difference is between you and me? I didn't blink.
Sami: That is so unfair.
EJ: Really? A shooting happens in a nightclub that nobody could have done anything to stop, and suddenly the wedding's off. Why? Because your daddy furrowed his brow.
Sami: Oh, that is not how that happened.
EJ: Never mind the fact that you told me you would never leave me alone. And then you're moving out? Or maybe you're not, 'cause you can't make up your mind.
Sami: This is my fault? It's okay for you to lie to me about Kristen and Eric because--
EJ: I did not lie to you! I didn't lie! I will get that tattooed on my forehead! I found out one hour before that wedding that they slept together--one hour! Kristen regretted it! I'm sure your brother regretted it! And I chose not to ruin everybody's lives! And if I had known that a video existed and it was gonna be played in that church, you don't think I would have stopped it?
Sami: Then what are you still hiding from me? Tell me right now! Did you know that Kristen drugged Eric? Do you know where she is now? What are you hiding from me?
EJ: There is nothing I can say to you that is gonna satisfy you, clearly.
Sami: Because you are still lying!
EJ: That's what you think? Why are you still here?
Sami: You want me to go?
EJ: I don't want any of this. But if you don't love me, you should get out. Last year was the biggest flu
Gabi: [Breathing heavily] [Whimpering]
Tad: Hey. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Gabi: Oh, I'm so glad to see you.
Sonny: Hey.
Will: Hello. What's going on?
Sonny: Nothing. Where are the ladies?
Will: Ari is getting her beauty sleep, and Gabi, uh, allegedly went out for some air.
Sonny: Allegedly?
Will: Something's going on. I found her at the pub with mom and Kate, and they were all huddled together.
Sonny: Okay, that's wrong.
Will: And when I--when I went up to talk to 'em, they just clammed up. And when I leave, they just start laughing.
[Soda can opens]
Sonny: So you think it's about you?
Will: I know, right? Then I got to thinking. And I knew. Okay? I know.
Sonny: Okay.
Will: So you don't have to keep up the charade anymore.
Sonny: You think I'm involved?
Will: Oh, no, probably not. They--they know you'd spill.
Sonny: Spill what?
Will: [Chuckles] Okay, I think... they're planning a surprise party for me.
Kate: Good job. You really worked that perfectly.
Jordan: Ugh. I have no clue what you're talking about.
Kate: Well, you laid the groundwork, you built the trust, and then you bided your time. You even worked some angles, and now it's your moment. Do you think you've pulled it off? 'Cause you should think again.
Sami: I can't believe you... I can't believe that you just said that to me. I don't believe that you think that.
EJ: What else am I supposed to think, Samantha? Every day I watch you move further away from me, inch by inch. You can barely stand to spend more than five minutes in the same room as me.
Sami: That is not true.
EJ: No, if you have the children with you, yes-- if you use them as a human shield, but otherwise, no.
Sami: Stop it, okay. Just--
EJ: No, no, I'm calling you on your bull. You're doing everything you can not to speak to me, not to give us a second chance. So why are you staying?
Sami: Is that really what you think? Do you really have no idea--
EJ: All I see is somebody who can barely tolerate to be in the same room as me.
Sami: What you did... I hate what you did... not you. It's not hard to be with you because I don't love you, EJ. It's hard to be in the same room with you because I love you so much.
Jennifer: Here you go, sweetie. [Gasps]
Abigail: Thank you.
Jennifer: That's your dad's angel wing. Chad sent it back to you.
Abigail: Yes, he did. I'm not surprised. He knew how much it mattered to me.
Jennifer: Yeah. So did a lot of things.
Abigail: Did you know this was taken from a cherub in a Raphael painting?
Jennifer: No. How did you find that out?
Abigail: EJ knew. He told me.
Jennifer: Well, I promise you, that is the one fine-culture fact that that man knows.
Abigail: I don't know, mom. I think it'd be pretty random that he knew just that one fact.
Jennifer: Did JJ say anything to you about, um, being at school late?
Abigail: No. But I don't think he's trying to be out there causing trouble.
Jennifer: No, that's--that's not really what I'm worried about. I mean, your brother is definitely in a different place. I mean, he's--he's serious. You should have seen him earlier. He felt compelled to just tell me all the terrible things that he did to me and Daniel, and he really wants to fix things... however he can.
JJ: There is no way that I'm letting you mess with me or my mom.
Theresa: What are you gonna do, JJ?
JJ: I'll tell her that you remember everything, and I'll tell Daniel too.
Theresa: Okay, well, I'll tell the judge, so don't worry about that.
JJ: You're not gonna go to the judge, 'cause that video implicates you just as much as me.
Theresa: Actually, you're the guy with the joint and the looming court date in front of a judge who, I hear, is just itching to lock you up.
JJ: I don't care.
[Door closes]
Will: You got the bargain kind?
Sonny: Your birthday is coming up.
Will: Yeah, right? And my mom has always had this picture in her head about throwing me a surprise party and showing the world how much she loves me.
Sonny: That's sweet.
Will: No, it's not. I hate parties. I hate surprises. So this is a double dose of awkward, and I need your help, please. Come on. I want to be--I want to be warned.
Sonny: You will be... when everyone jumps out and yells "surprise!"
Will: That's not funny. Please, God, give me a hint.
Sonny: I don't--I don't know. I'm out of the loop.
Will: Okay, could you find out, please? I'll do anything.
Sonny: Anything?
Gabi: I'm sorry. Uh, you must just think I'M...
Tad: No.
Gabi: Like, crazy or something.
Tad: No, no, no, I'm sorry. I-I should know better than to sneak up on someone at night.
Gabi: No, no, don't be. It's just me being all jumpy and weird and stuff. I just have a lot on my mind.
Tad: Yeah? What's up?
Gabi: Oh, nothing. Just-- [Sighs]
Tad: Nothing? That clutch wasn't nothing.
Gabi: Well, I'm just overreacting. I'm making a big deal out of nothing.
Tad: Okay. All right, well, I'm sure you came here to be alone, so...
Gabi: Wait. Just--don't go. I mean, we don't have anything to rush about, right? You could stay. I'd actually like some company.
Tad: Yeah, no problem.
Jordan: You know, Kate, we really need to find a better outlet for your imagination.
Kate: Oh, come on, it's not even a little hard to see what you're doing now, seeing through it. I mean, you're not even pretending anymore.
Jordan: Can you refresh me? What is it that I'm pretending?
Kate: To be a professional, to be a physical therapist. You dump Rafe off on another person, so I guess you've covered all your bases ethically. Now he's moving out of the hospital into his own place. He's not gonna have anyone to cover his back, and, well, you'll be free to do whatever you want to do.
Jordan: That is--
Kate: But it's not going to happen... because I'm not going to let him get hurt.
Jordan: So you've said.
Kate: So you should believe. I'm not someone you want to cross. You should just ask around, because I don't bluff, Jordan... or whoever the hell you really are.
Sami: You think I don't want you back? Do you really think that I don't--I don't ache to be with you every--every minute? I can't because I don't trust you. And that was always--that was always our thing, right? It was always about trust, and-- and you broke it. But I love you. I love you, and that will never die.
EJ: Yeah, but that's not enough.
Sami: EJ... you want trust between us too. I know you do. That is what you have been saying. So don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like you're okay with this, because you're not. I know you. I know you down to your bones.
EJ: Yeah... as I know you.
Sami: And I think that's our problem. I think, you know, we gave each other a lot of room, and--and I think it was a relief, but-- but I think it's also a trap.
EJ: What do you want me to do?
Sami: I want you to tell me the truth.
EJ: How am I ever going to convince you that I didn't betray you if you won't believe a word I say?
Sami: I don't know.
EJ: How do we change that?
Sami: I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I don't know, EJ, and it's not for lack of trying. I mean, I think about it all the time. I am trying to figure this out. I--
EJ: Then just let me help you, Samantha.
Sami: You can't. I don't--I don't know what to do, okay? I don't know how to fix this. I don't know how long it will take. What I do know is that I do not have the answers that you seem to need from me right now. And if--if you don't want to wait for me... if you want me... to get out of here... then I will go.
Abigail: Hey, bro.
JJ: Hey.
Jennifer: Oh, you're just in time.
JJ: Oh, look at all this stuff.
Abigail: Yeah, look at all this stuff that I got out of the attic all by myself.
JJ: Oh, I'm sorry.
Jennifer: Yes, and this is your box of ornaments right here.
JJ: Hey, mom, we should talk.
Jennifer: Yeah, we're gonna talk. We're gonna make snacks. We're gonna talk. We're gonna decorate the house.
Abigail: Oh, we should get eggnog.
Jennifer: Oh, I have eggnog in the fridge. Do you want me to make you a snack?
JJ: Yeah, whatever you're making's fine.
Jennifer: Okay.
Abigail: This new JJ is very easy.
[Telephone rings]
JJ: [Sighs] Hello.
Skip: JJ Deveraux, please.
JJ: This is he.
Skip: This is Judge Goldberg's clerk. We've received some new videotaped evidence in your case. You'll want to call your lawyer.
[Cell phone ringing]
Kate: Oh, my God. [Sighs] What is it?
Gabi: Hey, about the meeting tomorrow, that you and Sami wanted to meet up, I think we should do that at my place. I mean, will and Sonny won't be here.
Kate: Yeah, that's fine.
Gabi: Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow. [Sighs] I can't do this.
Kate: Pull it together, Gabi.
Jordan: No, I finally have something to hold on to. Kate is not going to ruin it for me.
EJ: I don't want you to leave. We can figure this out. We, uh--we just will. Okay, we will. I will.
Sami: I wish I could be so sure.
EJ: I'll just figure it out for both of us.
Sami: [Chuckles]
EJ: It wouldn't be the first time.
Sami: No, it wouldn't. I miss you.
EJ: [Sighs] Hmm. [Sniffles] I miss you.
Sami: [Crying] I wish--I wish it was this simple.
EJ: We'll fix it, okay? We'll fix it. We'll fix it.
Sami: I, um--I'm gonna go... I'm gonna go check on the children.
EJ: I know. I know, I know, I know. Patience.
Sami: [Sobbing]
JJ: What kind of videotape? You can't give that to the judge. My lawyer will file a motion.
Skip: The judge is watching it right now.
JJ: No, he can't. [Laughter] What?
Theresa: Hey, cutie, that was my neighbor skip-- just messing with you.
JJ: You are really sick.
Theresa: That was your warning. Next time it's for real. Got it?
JJ: This is out of control.
Theresa: I'll call you tomorrow. In the meantime, don't mess with me, JJ. I'm not playing.
Abigail: Hey.
Jennifer: Okay. Oh, hey, who were you talking to?
JJ: Telemarketer.
Abigail: Ugh, those telemarketers--they always call at the worst time.
Jennifer: Okay, grab your eggnog. I am going to make the first toast, all right? To a new start... for all of us.
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