Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/27/13
Episode #12179 ~ Chad gives Abigail a gift; Will gets angry with Gabi, Nick and Sonny; Nicole gets a job offer.
Provided By Suzanne
Abigail: I don't want to pry...which is code for, "I'm going to, but I don't want you to call me on it."
Chad: [Chuckles]
Abigail: But you've yet to explain why you didn't want to tell me about moving back in with your family.
Chad: Ah, didn't want to ruin lunch.
Abigail: Chad, I think that something about this decision bothers you.
Chad: I always love eating with an ex-psych major.
Abigail: [Laughs] Okay, fine, well, maybe something about this decision bothers me. You just moved into your new place. What would make you do such a 180?
Chad: If I hadn't agreed to move back in the mansion, would you have told Abigail that I was lying to Cameron this whole time about the brain tumor?
EJ: Well, luckily for both of us, we will never know the answer to that question.
Chad: You want to know the truth?
Abigail: Yeah, that'd be nice.
Sonny: You know what this is, Ari? It's a dirndl. Even the most beautiful girl in the world will look dowdy in a dirndl, so don't you ever, ever wear this.
Cameron: You know what, does will know that you--you secretly go to, what's that, German barmaid websites? Oh, my goodness. Uh, they have such huge--huge smiles. It's--
Sonny: Yeah, well, my club-- it--we're doing an Oktoberfest celebration, so I was passing out some flyers.
Cameron: Oh, okay, Oktoberfest. You know what? I have a slogan for you. It's, "eins, drei, getrunken." It's, "one, two, drink."
Sonny: Well, I know how much you like German beer, so I'd love for you to come.
Cameron: I wouldn't miss it.
Sonny: You know who else would enjoy it? He said very casually.
Cameron: So this is the part where I ask who, I'm assuming?
Sonny: Gabi.
Cameron: [Chuckles]
[Door opens]
Will: What the hell is going on?
Gabi: Uh--
Nick: Oh.
Gabi: W--I--what--what are you doing? I thought you were taking Arianna to the zoo.
Will: What is he doing in my apartment, Gabi?
Gabi: Okay, Nick, let's go. We're going--
Will: No, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hey. Hey! You're not going anywhere with him!
Gabi: What are you doing?
Nick: Hey, what?
Will: Gabi, have you lost...
Nick: Bro, bro...
Will: Your mind?
Nick: You're way out of line.
Will: Shut--
Nicole: Checking to see if I've been dipping into the communion wine?
Brady: Is Eric here?
Nicole: I don't know. I haven't seen him. In fact, he hasn't been here all morning.
Dr. Sanchez: Five, four, three, two, and one. [Snaps fingers] Well?
Eric: I don't remember anything new. Just a bunch of scattered thoughts and images.
Dr. Sanchez: But nothing new?
Eric: No. [Sighs] None of what I remember, or what I think I remember, come together. They're just--they're images, you know? Just like the ones that I remembered after the session with my mother in hypnosis. It's--[Sighs] You know, these images aren't making a complete picture.
Dr. Sanchez: That's understandable, given the time lapse.
Eric: Yeah, well, I thought I was getting closer to remembering what I figured out after the session with my mom. You know, how was I in a hotel with that woman? Her in my dreams. I mean, the woman that I dreamt that I was making love to.
Dr. Sanchez: But you didn't go there today.
Eric: Doctor, I have to ask you, do you think what I remembered with my mom could be, on some level... not at all real?
EJ: I'm sorry. Did I startle you?
Kristen: Not at all. I was just thinking.
EJ: From the look on your face, you were thinking dark thoughts.
Kristen: Oh, why do you say that? Because we DiMeras are usually so sunshiny and upbeat?
EJ: My clue was the way you closed your purse. It looked like you were hiding something.
Kristen: Yes.
EJ: This would not have anything to do with getting back with Brady, would it?
Kristen: Absolutely.
Will: [Sighs] Okay.
Gabi: Okay, look, I do not have time to explain to you--
Nick: No, yeah, you don't have to explain anything.
Will: You'll have to make time. No, you absolutely have to explain, Gabi!
Gabi: No!
Will: After everything that this guy has done, really? The only explanation is that you have lost your mind, Gabi!
Nick: Hey, hey, hey! Do not talk to her...
Will: First of all--hey!
Nick: Do not talk to her like that.
Gabi: Stop.
Will: Never lay a hand on me again. Secondly, do not tell me how to talk to the mother of my child, especially when she's about to make...
Nick: Calm down.
Will: The biggest--I'm sorry, let me repeat that. Repeat, the biggest mistake of her life by hooking up with a disgusting, disgusting human being like you!
Chad: I think you know why I'm moving back in with my family. After everything EJ and Sami went through on my account, I feel like I should show them some support.
Abigail: Okay. Maybe the video was a bad idea, but Sami did shoot the guy and then lie about knowing him, so I'm pretty sure that she would be in trouble no matter what you did.
Chad: Well, maybe, but also, I grew up an only child. Now I'm moving into a house with a brother, a sister, a father, and little kids running around everywhere.
Abigail: I-I get that. I do, except the part about your father. You told me that EJ took over the family business and he threw him out, and now what? Now, you're just--you're one big, happy family?
Chad: Look, everyone is just trying to move on, okay? And--and be a family. Maybe I can help, you know, smooth the process.
Abigail: I think it's really nice of you to try.
Chad: I'll tell you one thing about living there though-- not boring.
Abigail: You could say the same thing about Damascus.
Chad: Yeah, let's change the subject. You know, I hate talking about myself.
Abigail: I've noticed that.
Chad: Mm, I got something for you.
Abigail: For me?
Chad: Yes, it's for you.
Abigail: Oh. Well... hmm.
[Tissue paper crinkling]
Abigail: Where did you get this?
Nicole: So there's really no reason for you to stick around. Ugh, you know what? Why don't you just go devote yourself to your psychopathic fiancée and leave me to my downward spiral?
Brady: I'm not leaving. We're gonna talk about us, and then we're gonna talk about you and Eric.
EJ: So what is it that you're keeping from Brady this time?
Kristen: Well, that's a very snide way of asking.
EJ: [Chuckles] Not that it should be too hard to keep Brady in the dark. He's not exactly the quickest of cats.
Kristen: You know what? I resent that. Brady's not as devious and Machiavellian as we are, so he's not as suspicious as we are. But that doesn't mean he's not intelligent, because he is extremely intelligent, and what I'm keeping from him has nothing to do with trying to trick him.
EJ: Why don't you tell me what it is that we're talking about? I will be nice. Promise.
Kristen: I don't think I can handle you being nice.
EJ: What is wrong, Kristen?
Kristen: Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine. It's just kind of complicated. I had an appointment this afternoon. I'm not sure I'm gonna follow through with it, okay?
EJ: Why not?
Kristen: Because I want to hear what Brady has to say in our session.
EJ: I see. So this session with father Eric is some sort of test?
Kristen: Yeah, kind of. I mean, a priest will be there. His brother is the priest, so it's kind of like putting your hand on a bible, isn't it? I just want to hear what Brady has to say in these sessions, okay? So I know what he's thinking and what he's feeling, so I know if our relationship is real, if it has legs.
EJ: Okay, well, what if it's not real?
Kristen: Well, then, I guess a lot more is gonna be revealed, okay?
Abigail: How did you manage to do this? It hasn't even come out yet. [Sighs] [Cries]
Chad: I didn't mean to make you cry. Hey, hey. I-I didn't mean to make you sad. I'm--
Abigail: No, no, I'm--I'm not sad. I just-- oh! [Sighs] It's just making me realize how much I miss him. If my dad were here right now, he would know how to help JJ and my mom. [Sighs]
Nick: You are the only one who is blowing this way, way out of proportion. I need you to calm down.
Will: I'm--[Scoffs]
Nick: Will, you need to calm down.
Will: You're not gonna tell me what to do. I spent nine months of you doing that, okay? And he did that to you, by the way. Do you not remember that, Gabi?
Nick: Hey, hey.
Gabi: Can everybody just stop? Let me get a word in so I can explain to you.
Will: Okay, please do explain why you're about to have sex on our couch!
Gabi: What?
Will: Because Sonny and I were gone for a few hours.
Nick: What--the couch?
Gabi: No! No, no, no, no.
Nick: That's what this is about? You're worried about the couch?
Will: Why are you still here? Gabi, Gabi.
Nick: Hey, hey, hey.
Will: Listen, listen, listen. Hey, shut up! Gabi...
Nick: Are you for--
Will: I'm worried about you, okay? This guy made my life a living hell...
Nick: Oh, my g--
Will: And he almost ruined yours, okay?
Nick: You get her pregnant when you know you're gay, and you're lecturing me and her?
Gabi: Stop, stop.
Will: Listen, I tried to do the right thing, okay?
Nick: You tried, okay.
Will: You had to blackmail me to get what you wanted, okay?
Gabi: Okay, stop!
Nick: Okay, so we both made mistakes, will!
Will: Okay, great!
Gabi: Stop!
Will: I swear to God, if you tell me that you've changed one more time, I will beat the living crap out of you.
Nick: I dare you. Do it.
Gabi: No, you will not!
Nick: Just do it to me.
Will: Okay, I swear to God that I will!
Gabi: Stop it right now! Stop!
Nicole: There is nothing going on between Eric and me, okay?
Brady: Oh. Yeah, Nicole, um, I don't know if you know me. My name is Brady. I know you inside and out, and I also know that you wouldn't be sucking down mimosas early in the morning if everything was hunky-dory with Eric.
Nicole: You don't know what you're talking about.
Brady: I know that you're unhappy. I know that you want to move on. I know that you want to be happy, but you're never gonna move on when you're wrapped up in Eric as tightly as you are.
Nicole: Wha--come on! He needs me.
Brady: That's not true. It's just not true, and the sooner you realize that, the happier you're gonna be.
Eric: I know that you are trying to help me, but I can't talk to my mother about this. When she hypnotized me, the images that I saw were very disturbing.
Dr. Sanchez: You mean the part about you being with this woman at the hotel?
Eric: I don't think there is a guy on this planet who would want to share that particular dream with his mother, and throwing in that I'm a priest-- the embarrassment would be exquisite. If I'm going to figure out what this all means, I guess I'm going to do it on my own.
Dr. Sanchez: [Sighs] I'm sorry that we seem to have reached a dead end. I know you must be very upset.
Eric: Actually, doctor, I'm not.
EJ: Well, that sounds very cryptic, but I suppose if this pre-cana with Brady makes you feel more certain about your relationship, then it's a good thing. Would you like a little tongue loosener, my dear? Something to help loosen those inhibitions, the defenses that you have up at the moment, you know? Open you up a little bit.
Kristen: I'm interested in how Brady's feeling, EJ, not me.
EJ: Suit yourself. You know, I'm not quite sure that that's the spirit of openness that the good padre had in mind.
Kristen: Isn't it kind of early in the day for that?
EJ: Don't. Okay, just don't.
Kristen: Huh. So what's going on with your marriage plans anyway? Now that the fiancée is out of the holding cell, what's next? Posting the bans?
EJ: Don't let me keep you, Kristen.
Kristen: I'm not trying to be flip, honestly. I'm just curious. Sami's free. The nightmare's over. Why the hell aren't you more cheerful?
EJ: I am cheerful. Thank you.
Kristen: Oh, you're not cheerful.
EJ: I'm fine, Kristen.
Nicole: You're gloomy. Gloomy as this house.
EJ: I am fine.
Kristen: You're not fine either, EJ. So let's see, everything else in your life is fine, so we must be talking about one thing--father.
Abigail: How did you do this? I mean, you must have had some sort of connection.
Chad: Just been trying for a while.
Abigail: But we just--
Chad: Look, I wanted to get this for you because we were friends, and now that we are, well, more than friends, I'm really glad I could get it. I would have given it to you no matter what, because being your friend, it really matters to me.
Abigail: Yeah, I know what you mean. We're lucky. It's, like, being friends makes everything else better.
Chad: I've got something for you.
Abigail: Wha--anoth-- you're gonna spoil me.
Chad: I know, I know.
Abigail: [Laughs]
Chad: Let's see. Oops, I may have left it at the apartment.
Abigail: Oh.
Chad: Yeah.
Abigail: That's okay. Doesn't even matter.
Chad: What do you say we go get it, huh?
Abigail: I say that's a good idea.
Chad: All right, let's go. Come on.
Nick: What's stopping you, will?
Gabi: Yeah, stop!
Nick: I'm right here.
Will: I'm fine, let's do it!
Gabi: Stop! Stop, stop.
Nick: Then do it!
Gabi: All right, look. I understand that Arianna is our daughter and that we have to talk about that, but you are not gonna control my life! You are not!
Will: I'm not trying to control your life.
Gabi: Yes, you are!
Will: No, I'm not!
Nick: Yes, you are trying to control her!
Will: No, I'm not. I'm trying to save you from making a huge mistake. You--I mean, I've got to say it. You will not get involved with this guy again, you won't.
Gabi: What?
Nick: Again?
Gabi: Excuse me?
Nick: What, you think this is the first time this has happened?
Will: I'm not talking about when you were married for two seconds.
Gabi: Nick, okay, let's go.
Will: I'm talking about right now.
Nick: So am I! So am I. Yeah. You don't believe me? Why don't you talk to your boyfriend, because he knows all about it.
Gabi: Nick. Nick!
Cameron: All right. You know, hey, sorry, I'm on call.
Sonny: No, it's no problem. I'm just trying to get a hold of will. He was supposed to just pick up her bunny and come right back.
Cameron: Oh, you know what, maybe he's on a German barmaid website too. [Laughs] Are you two gonna be wearing lederhosen?
Sonny: Well, if you come with Gabi, you can find out.
Cameron: Why are you looking after Gabi all of a sudden?
Sonny: You know, I've just come to realize that she's a nice person, and it'd be cool if she could hang out with a nice guy.
Cameron: [Chuckles] Look at Sonny, playing matchmaker. All right.
Sonny: It's the least I can do.
Nicole: You know what? Know how hard it is to keep a straight face when you're getting unsolicited relationship advice from a guy who's about to marry a--a--
Brady: Go ahead.
Nicole: Oh, gosh, I've run out of words. I don't--I--I--I don't have anything to say about Kristen.
Brady: Does it mean anything to you that my brother, who happens to be a priest, is personally giving us pre-cana counseling, hmm?
Nicole: Oh, please. I still think he's gonna change his mind about that.
Brady: Really? Is that why he made this appointment?
Nicole: Oh, my God, there's no appointment! If there was an appointment...
Brady: Are you sure?
Nicole: It would be in the calendar, okay? So-- unless, of course, he didn't want me to know about it.
Brady: Where are you going?
Nicole: Anywhere but here, because I am so tired of pretending to be chipper and happy about you and the future Mrs. Black. And just for the record, I think Eric is nuts for agreeing to this nutty idea, and someday both of you are gonna regret it.
Brady: See you!
EJ: I didn't bring up Stefano, Kristen, you did.
Kristen: You didn't have to. You've been in this family long enough, you can see the signs. Sami's free, almost your entire family's under one roof, and here you are, withdrawn and drinking very early in the day. Now, that tells me that I think Stefano's back in the picture. Maybe he possibly has you back under his thumb?
EJ: Not almost.
Kristen: I'm sorry?
EJ: You said, "almost the entire family's back in here." Chad is moving back in, so it's the entire family without any need for a bloody qualifier.
Kristen: Okay, so I guess we're not talking about Stefano. So Chad's moving back in, huh? That's great news. I'll have to give him a call. EJ, I know what it's like to take a risk and then have to pay the price when you fail.
EJ: I am fine, Kristen.
Kristen: I feel bad for you. It's horrible, isn't it, when you've worked so hard for something only to have it end up ruined? It's almost enough to make you vow never to let it happen again.
Chad: This should have been inside the book. I'm sorry.
Abigail: Ah. [Clears throat]
Chad: Mm.
Abigail: Chad, these are the early reviews of my dad's book.
Chad: Now, let me kill any suspense. I wouldn't have given them to you if they weren't all great reviews. I-I think the New York times really liked it.
Abigail: You know what's really sweet?
Chad: Hmm?
Abigail: They all talk about how my dad was able to find something funny in the middle of all that horror.
Chad: Well, he said that it was you and your family, that's what got him through it.
Abigail: He did?
Chad: Okay, I read it. I thought I was only gonna read, like, a couple pages, but then I ended up reading the whole thing. It--Abigail, it was amazing. It was really good.
Abigail: I don't even know how to say thank you.
Chad: You already did.
Abigail: Well, let me do it properly.
Gabi: Look, I want to talk to you about this calmly, okay? Because it's not what you think.
Will: Okay. I honestly don't know what to think. You know what? I do. Because of you, I walked in on my worst nightmare crawling his way back in my daughter's life, okay? That's on you, all right? So if you think that I'm pissed off, it's because I am.
Miles: What a surprise to find you at a bar.
Nicole: Oh, miles, hi!
Miles: How are you? How are things going?
Nicole: Good.
Miles: Have a seat.
Nicole: Oh, thanks.
Miles: Oh, my gosh. You know, I thought that since you weren't at titan anymore, that you would have moved on to a bigger market by now.
Nicole: Yeah, well, you know, I changed my career. I decided from being a TV correspondent to working in a church, you know, for next to no money, so that's great.
Miles: What?
Nicole: But I do get all the holy cards I want for free.
Miles: Sounds like a shrewd career move to me.
Nicole: Oh, yeah.
Miles: Whoa.
Nicole: You know, I haven't seen your show in a while 'cause, you know, there's this terror of a nun who thinks Moses came down from the mountain to give her the remote control. I've been watching a lot of mother angelica reruns.
Miles: Wait a second, you-- you live in a convent?
Nicole: It's a really long story. But seriously, how's your show doing?
Miles: Oh, well, honestly, it's been better. You know, I lost my star reporter to the competition, and so now, I'm looking for someone with sparkle and class to replace her, and look at this, here I am sitting across the table from someone with sparkle and class.
Nicole: Oh, that's really sweet, but I--I haven't sparkled in a really long time.
Miles: Nicole, it's like riding a bike. Here, take this. Think about it, honestly, and ask yourself this question-- is what you're doing right now really, really what you want to be doing?
Eric: Hey, have you seen Nicole, because I wanted to talk to her before we got started.
Brady: Oh, she just left a couple minutes ago.
Eric: It's nothing urgent.
Brady: Are you all right? You seem a little preoccupied with something.
Eric: Yeah, well, I'm sorry. It's just been kind of a strange day, that's all.
Brady: Well, you're about to have a pre-cana conference with Kristen and me, so your day is gonna get even more strange.
Eric: You do know, don't you, this isn't a test or a pop quiz? It's about making sure the two of you are right for each other before taking a sacred vow.
Kristen: So why don't we get down to work and do just that? It's a new era...
Chad: I don't think anyone has ever thanked me like that.
Abigail: Well, I guess I thought that a thank you note would be a little impersonal.
Chad: Well, that was not impersonal. I know--I know that this is important to you.
Abigail: Hey, I don't want to talk about it, okay? This is everything that I want it to be, with the person that I want to be with.
[Phone vibrates]
Chad: Ah. Turn that off!
Abigail: I can't. I'm sorry. I'm filling in for Theresa. My mom needs my help.
Chad: She couldn't find a temp?
Abigail: No, my mom doesn't need someone to just take a file to the printer or whatever, you know? She needs to know that she has someone there that she can count c on, no matter what. She's just--she's spread so thin right now.
Chad: Well, you really are something, you know that? No wonder your dad said all those great things about you.
Abigail: He did?
Chad: Yeah, and he was so right.
Gabi: I cannot believe that you just did that.
Nick: I'm sorry.
Gabi: It sounded like you were bragging in a locker room. I was just--I was standing here, and it felt like you were just--
Nick: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. He just--he makes me so mad. He's so smug.
Gabi: He's angry, and he has reason to be angry. He's trying to fix things and you're making it a turf war.
Nick: No, no, I just--
Gabi: Yes, you are!
Nick: Gabi, you know the way that I feel about you.
Gabi: Why don't you just go? I have to go visit Rafe.
Nick: Can we talk about this?
Gabi: No. No, will is right. I need to think about this.
Nick: And you're gonna listen to him?
Gabi: Am I gonna listen to you? Nick, it's me not will, okay? Maybe th--maybe this is wrong. All right, have you thought about it? Not one person in this whole town wants to see us together. Maybe this thing is a big mistake!
Nick: I'm really sorry for the way that I behaved, and I want you to take time, okay? I do, but please, give me a chance to prove to you that this is not a mistake. Give me a chance to prove to you that I've changed. Please. I'll call you.
Gabi: You have changed, Nick, but so have I. I have to move on with my life, and deep down, I know that doesn't include you.
Sonny: Hey! We were gonna call you. What took you so long?
Will: I just had a talk with Nick and Gabi. Sonny, have you been lying to me?
EJ: Considering a new career? Oh, Nikki, what would the good father say if he was to lose his girl Friday?
Eric: I've read the answers to your questionnaire. You seem to have answered them as honestly as you possibly can, and I really appreciate your time and energy, but I would like to ask a few questions. Kristen, why do you love Brady?
Kristen: Wow. No warm-up question? We're just gonna cut right to the chase, huh?
Eric: Well, you can take your time.
Kristen: Well, you know, there's more than one reason why you love somebody.
Eric: Do you not want to answer, then?
Kristen: No, it's not that I don't want to answer it. I mean, it's not that I can't answer it. I'm just wondering, like, what's the most important thing, you know? I want it to be in the right order. Like, um, is the most important thing the way that he leans in when he's listening? It makes you feel like you're the most important person in the whole world. Or is it the way that he always stands up for Nicole? Even though your life would be a lot easier if you would just do what I say and ignore her. But he won't, because she's his friend and that matters. Or is it the way he wants me to go to this cockamamie counseling? I'm sorry. [Laughs] I'm sorry--just because our marriage working is that important to him? Or maybe it's the funny faces he makes in the mirror in the morning when he's shaving.
Brady: I don't do that.
Kristen: Yes, you do.
Brady: I don't make faces.
Kristen: Yes, you do. I love that.
Eric: Faces?
Kristen: I really love that I'm noticing all these things, because you taught me how to love again. I mean, I don't know, it's probably gonna be a huge shock to both of you, but I tend to be a little egocentric and, um, self-absorbed.
Both: No.
Kristen: Very funny. But now, I just--I think about you, not so much about me. You know, when I came back to Salem I was hell-bent on revenge, and I realize that I was just heading over the edge of a cliff with my pedal to the metal, and I was Thelma and Louise all rolled into one. Now, I just want to be me, in love with you.
[Phone chirping]
Cameron: [Clears throat] Oh.
Abigail: Hi.
Cameron: Hey.
Abigail: Well, uh, see you.
Cameron: No, Abigail! You know, you and I both know that we're gonna continue to run into each other, so we might as well talk about what happened.
Abigail: I guess that means that you know that Chad and I are together?
Cameron: Yeah, I know, and it's cool.
Abigail: Yeah.
Cameron: Yeah.
Abigail: It is cool. We are very together, and he's really sweet to me.
Cameron: Yeah, that's great. That's great. I'm happy for you. You know, Chad, he's a good guy.
Abigail: Yeah, he is.
Cameron: Yeah.
Abigail: I'm really lucky.
Cameron: Yeah, uh, not as lucky as he is. Hey, look, do you remember when we spoke about that no matter what happened, we still all would remain friends? Do you remember that?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Cameron: I genuinely hope that's still the case.
Abigail: Yeah, of course. I know how busy you are here with work and everything, but yes, I don't see why not.
Cameron: Okay. Good.
Abigail: Well, I better get going.
Cameron: Okay.
Abigail: There are easier things than working for your mother. All right. Bye.
Cameron: Bye.
EJ: That chap that just walked out, miles, right? He's a television producer. Is he trying to get you back in front of the camera?
Nicole: He is. Me and my it factor.
EJ: Mm-hmm, I see. You know, I could be wrong, but I would imagine it would be rather more difficult for a television commentator to spend afternoon time in a bar than somebody in your--sorry, what is it you do again?
Nicole: I'm an intern in the fallen woman program.
EJ: That's it. Nicole walker, standard bearer for fallen women around the world. Well, I would imagine this television job would be infinitely more glamorous, probably pay better too. I can't think of any reason why you would turn it down, unless of course, they wouldn't have the good father Eric be your co-host. Irish?
Nicole: Just coffee.
EJ: Nikki, this working in a convent seems to have had a rather profound and deleterious effect on your character. Watch out. Celibacy is looming.
Nicole: Celibacy never says, "we're out of milk."
EJ: Look at what you've done to yourself so you can have this silly job with father what's-his-name. Hmm? You've stopped being yourself.
Nicole: What is with all these observations about me being me, me not being me? I mean, I would think for a guy whose fiancée just beat a murder rap, you'd have better things to do than bar hop and get up in my grill. But you know what? I'm glad you did.
Brady: When I met Kristen, I s--I was a mess. I was an absolute mess. Losing Madison for me was too much. It was o much pain. It was too much--it was too much loss. I couldn't deal with it, so I decided to become a zombie, and I sort of just walked around the world and shut it out, and this lady over here, she woke me up. You don't know that you're not living until you start to live again. And the reason I know it's love, is because it was love that-- that got us past everything that happened with us.
Eric: And those things that did happen, how do you feel about it still? I mean, is that something that's been forgotten? Forgiven? Imagine a new level of skin quality.
Chad: [Sighs] [Sighs] Just how long do I have to keep this up?
Will: And I think my favorite moment was when Nick said that this has been going on for a long time, and you knew about it, and you said nothing to me.
Sonny: I did know about it.
Will: Sonny, you didn't--
Sonny: I was just--I was trying to protect you.
Will: I don't want any excuses from you, Sonny. The bottom line is, you should have told me about it and you didn't.
Sonny: No, you know what? You don't get to come here and start bitching at me!
Will: I'm not!
Sonny: You know what I--you know everything I've put up with from you?
Nick: Gabi's right. The problem is this judgmental town. We need to go somewhere else to be together, and I'm gonna make that happen.
Gabi: Hi, Cameron.
Cameron: Oh, hey.
Gabi: I got your text for the Oktoberfest at the club.
Cameron: And?
Gabi: And I would love to go.
Cameron: Oh, okay, great!
Gabi: Yeah.
Cameron: Great. Then, it's a date.
EJ: [Sighs] Nikki, darling, you sound like you're having some sort of epiphany at my expense.
Nicole: Well, you remind me of all the mistakes I've made, and how colossal they were, and how they always had something to do with a man, so maybe it's time I learn from my mistakes, and I learn to never, ever again make myself miserable with someone of the male persuasion the way I did with you.
[Phone rings]
EJ: I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt you.
Nicole: Oh, no, of course.
EJ: I have to take this. One second. Hey--sorry. I'm sure this would have been so much fun. Take care.
Nicole: It's okay.
EJ: Hello? Yeah.
Brady: I don't know how to answer that.
Kristen: Then don't.
Brady: No, no, I need to. I need to. Eric needs to know the truth, so total honesty. It still hurts me to know how you preyed upon me...
Eric: Do I know you?
Brady: And that I was attacked to further your plan. I mean, even with all the love in the world, how do you trust someone after that? How do you move on with someone, knowing that they wanted to harm you? You all right?
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