Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 9/26/13
Episode #12178 ~ Theresa wants revenge against Jennifer; EJ uses Chad's secret against him; Will catches Gabi with Nick.
Provided By Suzanne
EJ: Chad, this--this is not nothing. This is your handwriting. Chad, do you have a brain tumor?
Chad: Look, I-it's nothing, okay? I had a bump on my head at the fourth of July picnic, and I went to the hospital. They gave me a CT scan, and it showed something. It--
EJ: Chad, why didn't you tell me about this?
Chad: Because--because what it showed was a--was a false positive, okay? It was a false alarm. Whatever you want to call it, it was over before it started.
EJ: If that's the case, why are you reading about experimental treatments?
Sonny: So you and Chad are getting pretty serious, huh?
Abigail: I wouldn't exactly say that we were--
Sonny: Abigail, I just hope that he doesn't hurt you.
Abigail: Why would you think that Chad would hurt me, Sonny?
Sonny: I'm s--no, I didn't mean to imply that he would.
Abigail: Okay.
Sonny: You know? I just--Chad and I are friends, and we work together. And I just don't want to see you get hurt. That's all I'm saying. Just watch out.
Gabi: Wow. If that's how you talk about your friends, I'd hate to hear how you talk about the people you don't like.
Nick: My latest formula. That will make your company a lot of money.
Kate: You've got my attention.
Will: Hey, Grandma.
Kate: Hi, honey.
Will: Hi. What's goin' on? Are you--are you hiring Nick back?
Rafe: [Sighs] I am so ready to do work in an actual physical therapy room... I can't even describe it.
Jordan: You remember what I said about not pushing it. You have a long way to go, Mr. Hernandez. I'm not gonna let you overdo it in there no matter how good you're feeling.
Rafe: Huh. Well, that didn't last long.
Jordan: What didn't?
Rafe: Your sense of humor. The other day, you were making jokes. I started to actually believe you were human. Guess that was just a fluke.
Theresa: No. I may have to leave Salem, but there's no way I'm going home. Ha. Well, you did it. You've officially ruined my life. Now I have to leave town. Congratulations, evil bitch.
Daniel: I know what you did.
JJ: I don't know what you're talking about, Dr. Jonas, but I don't have to put up with you anymore, so I'm outta here.
Daniel: Well, someone broke into my place and spent the night, so unless you want me to call the cops, I suggest you stop right there.
Male announcer: Like sands
EJ: Chad, according to the time stamp on this paper, you printed it out yesterday. So you're obviously still concerned.
Chad: I was curious after it happened. That's all, okay? Just let's let it go.
EJ: Our sister died of a brain tumor, Chad.
Chad: EJ, I told you the scan was a false positive. It's okay.
EJ: You're certain? Who did the CT?
Chad: A doctor, of course. EJ, it's fine. Everything's fine. It's okay.
EJ: You're lying to me.
Chad: EJ, drop it, please.
EJ: You recognize that I'm on the board of directors of the hospital. I can make one telephone call to Kayla and she will--
Chad: No! Don't. Don't do that, okay? Please, just leave it alone.
EJ: Then why don't you tell me what's really going on?
Theresa: So is this how you get your kicks? I mean, does it make you happy to know that my entire family has abandoned me? Seriously, I mean, no one's left out. Aunt Kayla, Uncle Roman, Grandma Caroline--who would forgive Satan, by the way. Yeah, they're all sending me back to L.A., and they know that that means that I have to face jail time. They don't care.
Jennifer: Theresa, I don't get my kicks out of anyone's failure. I feel sorry for you. I do. I feel sorry for your parents. This whole fresh start that you were supposed to make in Salem-- it didn't work out. But if your job was so crucial to you, you might've tried something novel like working. Oh, and not embezzling hospital funds. That might've helped too, honey.
Theresa: Okay. So I made a mistake, but so did you by not taking me up on my offer. Because if you had given me my job back, JJ would have been home by now. But, well, now you've probably lost him for good.
JJ: Okay, dude, I didn't-- I didn't break into akur place, man. You and your constant accusations--
Daniel: Someone was at my apartment while I was gone, JJ. Things were moved. There was a framed picture of your mom and me shattered.
JJ: Okay, dude. I don't--I don't know, man. Maybe it was Parker's nanny or something or--
Daniel: Okay, all right. All right, here's the thing. If my super were to see a picture of this girl you've been hanging out with, the one with the--with the dark hair, he wouldn't recognize her as someone pretending to be my daughter, Melanie, right? And if I ask my neighbors if they saw you hanging around the building last night--
JJ: Okay, look. I--
Daniel: What?
JJ: Okay, man. I was there, but I didn't-- I didn't steal anything, man. I was only there to crash for just a--just for a few hours.
Daniel: That is still breaking and entering.
JJ: You know what, fine. Why don't you go ahead and call the cops? They have a list. Why don't you go ahead and add to it? I know you're just dying to send me to prison.
Daniel: What? No, no, no, no. That is the last thing I want to do, JJ.
JJ: Well, you just--you just accused me of breaking and entering.
Daniel: Because you just did! My God--okay, look. Look, I don't--I don't want to make things worse for you. I really don't.
JJ: Well, then what, man?
Daniel: So here's the deal. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make you a promise, okay? I am not gonna tell the cops or your mom or anybody about this. I will keep it between you and me.
JJ: What's the catch, dude?
Daniel: No, there is none. Yeah. None. All I ask is that you hear me out for five minutes, JJ. Would you be willing to do that?
Kate: Well, Nick recently did some freelance work for me, and it was such a success that I told him to contact me if he dreamed up anything else, and he did.
Nick: You know, to be honest, I was just trying to make up for the loss of the formula that your boyfriend and your mom stole from Kate.
Will: Oh, my God. He just cannot stop himself from taking a shot, can he?
Nick: No. Well--
Kate: What are you saying? He's just stating a fact. Honey, Sami was behind all of this. Al--although I didn't know that Sonny was part of it.
Nick: He was. But I-I understand why. I totally deserved it.
Will: Wow. That is--that's surprisingly evolved of you to admit that.
Nick: Evolved?
Kate: Okay, okay. So I guess I apparently was under the wrong impression, 'cause I thought everyone was getting along lately.
Will: No, everybody is getting along. It's just that, you know, he tried to put my mom in jail by whining to everybody about, "oh, she pulled a gun on me."
Nick: Will. Will, okay. First of all, your mom is a free woman, so that's a moot point, right? Second of all, I wouldn't have come forward if Kate hadn't said anything. And for the record, everything that I said on the witness stand was true.
Will: Okay, good for you. I'm gonna go say hi to Grandma Caroline, and then Sonny and I are taking Ari to the zoo.
Kate: Ohh. Oh, that sounds so nice. I would really like to spend more time with the baby.
Will: I'm sure--
Nick: You know what? It's fine. I actually--I have to go. Let me know if you're interested in any of my ideas.
Kate: Sure, absolutely. You know, it actually was my fault that Nick was called to the witness stand.
Will: Oh, sure. Nothing that Nick does is ever his fault.
Abigail: Answer my question, Sonny. Why is it that you think Chad's gonna hurt me?
Sonny: Chad is my best friend and my business partner. I would feel like an ass saying anything negative about him.
Gabi: Then why'd you say it?
Sonny: Gabi, this is not your concern.
Gabi: Well, Abigail's my friend--I think it is.
Abigail: No, it's okay. I don't mind if she hears this. Can you just tell me what you mean?
Sonny: He's a great guy. I would not be friends with him or business partners with him if I didn't think that was true.
Abigail: But?
Sonny: Okay, but you know-- you know this. You know that he's done some messed up stuff in the past and that he has really hurt people.
Gabi: Yeah, like he ruined my wedding.
Sonny: Yeah, that was pretty rotten, but at the time, I didn't know he had a very good reason for doing that.
Chad: Okay, I will tell you everything. [Sighs] It was Cameron who did the initial CT scan and broke the news to me that I may have a tumor. So I went to a specialist to see if I can get a second opinion.
EJ: And?
Chad: I received a clean bill of health, I-I swear.
EJ: But this research does not suggest you had a clean bill of health.
Chad: Okay, all right. For a while there, I thought I was sick, that I had a brain tumor.
EJ: Mm-hmm.
Chad: And so did Cameron, and he was acting all supportive and concerned. And then he stabbed me in the back.
EJ: Wait, what?
Chad: Look, the guy thought that I was sick, that I could be dying. And I come back from my appointment with the specialist, which he knew about, by the way, find him makin' out with Abigail. You call that supportive?
EJ: Ah, I see. So you pretended that you had a brain tumor to punish him, right?
Chad: I wasn't planning on lying to him. I wasn't. I-I-I don't know what happened. I saw him makin' out with Abigail, and I couldn't control myself. I was so angry, you know.
EJ: No, no, it's okay. It's okay. I understand.
Chad: You do?
EJ: Yeah. Actually, I think you made a very wise decision.
Jennifer: I don't regret turning down your offer because I know once you leave town, you're not going to have an influence on my son anymore. And then he might be able to start thinking straight again.
Theresa: You're dead wrong. I was your last best chance to get JJ to come home. Because trust me on this, Jen-Jen. The kid hates you.
Jennifer: Okay, we're done here.
Theresa: You know, I may be leaving Salem, but I will never forget how you ruined my life. And trust me on this. Someday, somehow, I will find a way to make you pay for it. Sleep tight.
JJ: Okay, dude. Okay.
Daniel: JJ, go home. Go home. Go be with your mother and make things right with her.
JJ: Dude, what's the point, man? She doesn't--she doesn't care about me at all. She practically forced me out of the house with all of her crazy demands.
Daniel: Because she loves you and she wants you to get your life back on track. Man, come on.
JJ: Right.
Daniel: You--okay. JJ, you know, before you came back from school, before I met you, I felt like I knew you because your mom--I mean, your mom, she just was nonstop about you, about what a good kid you are, how smart and funny and caring. I mean, she just won't let up. She doesn't. Always showing me pictures, telling me that you started talking when you were just, what, 18 months old, and that your first word was "Abba" for Abigail. I mean, our first date? You--you were the major topic of conversation.
JJ: You're just saying that, man.
Daniel: Now, why--why would I bother just saying that? JJ, I know about your academic rewards. That--that third grade report card where you got all "a"s and an a-plus. And the sports trophies and how--how you were a captain of the lacrosse team back in England as a sophomore. Captain as a sophomore.
JJ: Yeah. That was--that was pretty cool.
Daniel: Damn right, man, yeah. Oh, and all the little league stories, man. Jeez. I mean she told me about--about how if the game was close, that you'd be put in as a pinch runner 'cause you were just so, so fast, and--and about how you hit not one, but two grand slams in a championship game. Come on, what? [Laughs] What? You know your mom videoed the entire game. Yeah. You know, she and I, we watched it, I don't know, about a few months ago, I guess. And she just--I don't know. You should've heard her just cheering you on while we watched. It's like she was--she was right there, and it was happening again. She was--she was proud of you. Really proud. And I know for a fact, despite all this trouble that you've gotten into, she still is proud of you. Tell you something else, man. I know you love your mom and your sister, and this whole being apart thing, I--it's as hard on you as it is them, so go fix it. Go home, man, and just--just work things out.
JJ: Dude, even if I did, it wouldn't change anything. You're still gonna force your way into my mom's life and turn her against me again. So what's the point, man?
Jordan: I'm not your court jester, Mr. Hernandez. I'm your physical therapist.
Rafe: Yes, you are. Aware of that, yep. But do you always have to look like it's raining and you forgot your umbrella?
Jordan: If you are making good progress, you will be the first to know. But you're a grownup, and I'm not going to coddle you. And as for me inadvertently making a joke, I'll be more careful next time.
Rafe: Well, does that mean that you're not gonna open up for me at the comedy club? 'Cause I think we could take this shtick on the road. You know what I'm sayin'? All right, how 'bout this? Physical therapist and a duty nurse walk into a bar. No? Okay, I'll try another one. This is--tough crowd here, huh? I'm gonna work on this, though.
Gabi: No, you're right. Chad did have a good reason to stop my wedding. Neither of us or will, for that matter, should've lied about Arianna's paternity.
Abigail: But still, it wasn't up to Chad to expose your secret like that, especially at your wedding in front of all those people.
Gabi: No, he shouldn't have. It wasn't any of his business. But you know, the good thing is that, you know, it was for the best that everybody found out will's the father of my baby. So in a way, Chad helped. And since then we've made amends, so that's that.
Abigail: You guys, Chad's changed, and I can vouch for that. And I'm going to be late for my lunch with him if I don't leave right now. Thank you both for being protective, but who Chad is now, he's never gonna hurt me again. Okay? Take care, you guys.
Chad: So you approve of me lying to Cameron?
EJ: I mean, it got you what you wanted, didn't it? He played the good guy, backed out of her little triangle, and now you have Abigail all to yourself.
Chad: Yeah.
EJ: Yeah. And because of doctor/patient confidentiality, he cannot tell Abigail why he backed out.
Chad: Exactly. He and Kayla both think that I have a brain tumor, and they can't say anything, which is good, because I don't want Abigail to know about any of this.
EJ: No, she'd ask you far too many questions about your treatment.
Chad: Right.
EJ: I see. So you're just going to bide your time..."whoop, I'm cured," and nobody's any the wiser?
Chad: Mm.
EJ: Excellent.
Chad: And I was sure you would think I was totally insane.
EJ: Oh, good grief, no. No, no, no, no, no. Chad, I like Cameron. Don't get me wrong, but you're my brother. If Abigail makes you happy, then I support that.
Chad: Well, I'm glad.
EJ: You're thinking like a DiMera. You know that?
Chad: I'm not sure if that's high praise, but I'll take it.
EJ: It's a good reason for you to move back into the mansion.
Chad: [Sighs] EJ, I can't. Really. I can't move back in with Stefano, for my own reasons, and Abigail--it just, it wouldn't go over well. I hope you understand.
EJ: Of course.
Chad: Look, I--I've got to meet Abigail at the pub for lunch, okay?
EJ: Oh, please, don't let me stop you.
Chad: Look, thank you for being so supportive, and I'm really glad we had this talk.
EJ: Yes, me too.
JJ: You know what?? You were--you were right before, man. My mom did love me until you came in and messed it all up. And you made her think that I'm this awful son because you kept bad-mouthing me all the time.
Daniel: Okay, that's just not true, JJ.
JJ: No, I-I know you hate me--I know you do--when the only reason why you're at the park and tellin' me to fix it is so you could score points. You know, that's--it's actually pathetic.
Daniel: No, I love your mom. I want to be with her. I would never--
JJ: No, shut up, shut up. You are not my dad, and you never will be, okay? You will never take his place, ever.
Daniel: I'm not trying to be, JJ.
JJ: Yes--yes, you are, man. And I--and I'm not gonna let you use me to win her over, okay? And I'm not gonna go home so you can play hero.
Daniel: Okay, we're not done.
JJ: You need to let go of me, Daniel.
Jennifer: What's goin' on?
Nick: Damn it. Not one modeling agency in this town has responded?
[Sighs] The jerks. They should be jumping at the opportunity to sign somebody as beautiful as Gabi. I'm gonna make this happen for you. For both of us.
Gabi: I came by to drop this off. I don't want Arianna to be cold when she goes to the zoo.
Sonny: Thanks.
Gabi: I wonder what will would say if he found out you were trashing Chad.
Sonny: I don't know what you think you heard, Gabi... but I was not trashing Chad. I mean, how could I blame my friend for making a few mistakes? Especially after you almost single-handedly destroyed his entire life.
Chad: Thank you for dropping off those time sheets with Sonny, appreciate that.
Abigail: Yeah, you're welcome.
Chad: It's good to get away from the club--that's why I wanted to meet you here for lunch.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
EJ: [Clears throat]
Abigail: Oh.
Chad: EJ, what--
Abigail: Hi.
Chad: What are you doing here?
EJ: Chad, I'm sorry. But I simply cannot stay away.
Abigail: From?
EJ: I want to be here when you break this news to Abigail so that I can support you.
Abigail: What news?
Theresa: [Exhales] This sucks. I don't have enough money to buy a plane ticket. And a bus--ooh, God, no. I can't be around those gross poor people. [Drumming fingers] How the hell am I supposed to get out of this poor town? Hey, uh, you know, it's a beautiful fall day. I'd love to go for a motorcycle ride. I know we just met, but my instinct tells me you're a really cool guy.
You should trust your instinct then.
Theresa: So you'll give me ride?
Depends what I get in return.
Theresa: Oh, trust me. I'll definitely make it worth your while.
Jennifer: What are you two fighting about? Daniel.
JJ: All I promised you was five minutes. I gave you that.
Daniel: I was just trying to convince JJ... to go home.
JJ: But he blew it. Big surprise.
Jennifer: No, JJ, wait! What were you thinking?
Theresa: So Chicago, huh?
Your kind of town?
Theresa: [Laughs] You bet. [Laughs]
Theresa: Um, you know what? Change of plans. I, uh... I kind of need you to do me a different kind of favor, but I'll make sure that you're well-compensated for it.
Rafe: [Grunts] All right. I got it. You know, the inside of that therapy room actually looked familiar.
Jordan: Familiar how?
Rafe: Like inside the tower of London.
Jordan: I'll have the duty nurse bring you some pain meds.
Rafe: Oh, okay. Would beer be acceptable? [Laughs] There's the face again. Come on. I torture you, you torture me. Level the playing field. No? A little?
Jordan: Okay, that's it for this session. I'll see you for the next session.
Rafe: Yay! Can't wait. Gonna be awesome.
Kate: Wow... [Laughs] Honestly, I have to say, with the possible exception of Victor Kiriakis, I think she's one of the least personable human beings I've ever met.
Rafe: Yeah. Yep. She does come off that way.
Gabi: You can't wait, can you?
Sonny: For what?
Gabi: To tell everybody what I did to Melanie.
Sonny: Not everybody, but I would love to tell my boyfriend, because will and I don't keep secrets from each other. But it's a legal thing. I promised my dad and Chad that I wouldn't say anything, so I won't say anything. But I know what you did affected Chad and Melanie's relationship. He lost her because he found out what you did and he kept it a secret.
Gabi: Look, you don't--
Sonny: No, no, you know what? No. And I know he regrets not telling Melanie the truth or going to the cops right away.
Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, I bet you do too, because then I'd be in jail, and I wouldn't be standing here talking to you. I'd be out of your life and will's and also, you wouldn't have a baby cramping your style.
Sonny: Now you're crossing e the line.
Gabi: No, I'm telling the truth.
Sonny: Don't you ever talk about Ari and me. You know I love that little girl.
Gabi: Well, if that's the case, then you need to start respecting her mother a little bit more.
EJ: So Chad and I had a long talk earlier.
Abigail: Okay.
EJ: And after we parted, I gave it a lot of thought. And I simply cannot support you keeping this from Abigail any longer.
Chad: EJ, I don't know what you think you're doing here--
EJ: No, Chad, I'm asking you to do the right thing.
Abigail: Chad, what is EJ talking about?
Chad: Nothing.
EJ: Come on, brother. Look, I understand your reasons for keeping her in the dark. I do.
Chad: [Sighs] This isn't happening right now.
EJ: But if you think back to what it was that we discussed'll realize this is the right decision. Now, if it would be helpful in any way, I'm quite happy to tell Abigail.
Sonny: How'd you get Ari away from your mom?
Will: Wasn't easy.
Sonny: I bet.
Will: Hmm. What? What? Why are you lookin' at me funny?
Sonny: I'm not. You just look--you just look a little distracted.
Will: Yeah, I am, I guess.
Sonny: What's goin' on?
Will: Nothin' really. I just had a run-in that I wish I hadn't had.
Sonny: You had a--you had a run-in.
Will: Yeah. Nothing happened, but it was--it was Nick, and that, you know--as you know, that never goes well.
Sonny: Well, what did he say?
Will: Nothing, really. Nothing that matters. Thank you for bringing this, by the way.
Sonny: I didn't. Gabi dropped it off. She didn't want Ari to be cold.
Will: That's nice of her.
Sonny: Yeah. Yeah, she's a really good mom. So you sure you don't want to talk about this thing with Nick?
Will: No, I don't. I want to go have an excellent day at the zoo with you and Ari. Do you think she's gonna be afraid of the monkeys? Because I'm afraid of the monkeys.
[Sonny laughs]
[Knock at door]
Gabi: Nick.
Nick: Hey. Is it okay that I stop by?
Gabi: Yeah. Sure, yeah.
Nick: I knew will wasn't gonna be here because he is with Arianna at the zoo.
Gabi: How do you know that?
Nick: Oh, I saw him at the pub.
Gabi: Should I be concerned?
Nick: Uh, it wasn't great.
Gabi: Did you guys fight?
Nick: No, it's just--there's ways this underlying tension between me and will, like all the time.
Gabi: I'm sorry, Nick.
Nick: It's okay. It just gets me thinking. It's just gonna be hard to have a fresh start and to have people think that I've changed with all this ancient history revving everybody's engines up all the time.
Gabi: Yeah. Unfortunately, I know--I know the feeling.
Nick: What do you mean? Who's in your face?
Gabi: Sonny and I, we just--you know, we have issues. And we had an argument just now.
Nick: What about? What?
Gabi: The Melanie thing. He just--he keeps bringing it up, throwing it in my face, and honestly, I'm--I'm scared that he's gonna blab to somebody about it.
Nick: I doubt that.
Gabi: Then why does he keep bringing it up?
Nick: To scare you, I guess, because he knows that if he tells anybody about it, Chad, his buddy, is gonna land in jail and it's gonna be an even bigger problem for his dad, Justin, because he's the one who drew up the papers to keep it a secret in the first place.
Gabi: You always know how to make me feel better.
Nick: It's my favorite thing in the world.
Abigail: Chad, this is kind of starting to freak me out, so can you just tell me what's going on?
Chad: [Sighs]
Abigail: Chad.
EJ: You see, Abigail, Chad has been--
Chad: I-I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I made a decision to move back into the DiMera mansion. That's--that's what this is--
Abigail: What?
Chad: Yeah. Yeah.
EJ: See? Was that so hard, hmm?
Chad: Well--
Abigail: I don't understand. Why did you think that you had to keep that from me? I mean obviously, I would find out eventually.
Chad: Well, I wasn't totally sure it--it was--is the right thing to do. But--and I thought we--you wouldn't approve of this.
Abigail: Well, Chad, it's your family's house. And, you know, with your father not living there, it's not--
EJ: For now.
Abigail: What?
EJ: I mean, he might come back at some point. You never know.
Abigail: Oh. Hey, is this what you really want?
Chad: It wasn't an easy decision, and, uh--but I think it's the right one. Yeah.
EJ: Yeah.
Chad: Mm.
EJ: Definitely the right decision to make.
[Phone rings]
Abigail: You know what? I should get this because it's probably about my brother.
Chad: Yeah.
Abigail: Excuse me.
Chad: Yeah, sure, you should. You should do that. Oh, you son of a bitch.
Anne: Hey. Hey, hey! What are you--hey! Help!
Give me--give me the purse!
Anne: Please help!
Aah! Ohh!
Theresa: Get out of here, loser. Hey, are you okay?
Anne: I am, yes. Thank you, you really-- you really saved the day.
Theresa: Well, you're the tough one. I mean, you have a really good grip.
Anne: Oh, yeah. Well, if you weren't around, though--
Theresa: Well, I-I guess I got lucky.
Anne: Yeah, lucky. [Laughs] I don't think so.
Theresa: Well, what else would you call it?
Anne: I saw you with the creep before. You totally just set that whole thing up.
JJ: Rory. Wake up, dude.
Rory: Whoa., Okay. Someone's in a mood. What's up? What, that hot girl that called you changed her mind?
JJ: Nope, it's Dr. Dan.
Rory: What about him?
JJ: He knows that we broke into his apartment, man.
Jennifer: Did you approach JJ? Did he approach you?
Daniel: I...approached him.
Jennifer: Why did you do that?
Daniel: I just wanted to talk to him about going home and making things right with you again.
Jennifer: What, did you really think that would work? You know how JJ feels about you.
Daniel: Okay, look. I--
Jennifer: And you thought it would be okay to provoke him? Really? I mean, you just--you just got in his face like that? You just can't stop yourself, Daniel?
Daniel: I just wanted to help.
Jennifer: Help? How did that help? You just made everything worse. This... is me.
Kate: But will--anyway, he was rushing off with your niece because he was gonna meet Sonny at the zoo, and I really didn't get to spend any time with her at all, and... hey.
Rafe: Yeah?
Kate: Are you okay?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I was--I was just thinkin' about Jordan. Well, she's so difficult to read.
Kate: Why would you even bother? I mean, she's here to help you. I mean, she's here to help you. That's what matters, right?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. [Laughs] She is, I get it. I just--I find it interesting when someone fights so hard to be someone they're not.
Chad: Well, I cannot believe what you just did to me.
EJ: It was rather brilliant, wasn't it? Even if I do say so myself.
Chad: You blackmailed me.
EJ: Oh, please. Stop being so dramatic.
Chad: What was all that supportive talk back at my place?
EJ: I'm very supportive of you, Chad. It's about time you started being supportive of me. If you moving back into the mansion makes father happy, it makes life a lot easier for Samantha and me.
Chad: Oh, of course. Because I was put on this earth to make things easier for you and Samantha. Totally forgot about that.
EJ: Please stop whining and moaning, Chad. Think of the plus side. You and I get to spend more time together.
Chad: Well, considering what you just did to me? You played me. Put this over here.
[Slamming objects]
EJ: Chad, you've been in this family long enough to know how the system works.
Chad: I just have one question for you.
EJ: Shoot.
Chad: If I hadn't agreed to move back in the mansion, would you have told Abigail that I was lying to Cameron this whole time about the brain tumor?
EJ: Well, luckily for both of us, we will never know the answer to that question.
Abigail: Your brother's going?
Chad: [Sighs] Seems to be.
Abigail: Well, great. Now you can tell me what's really going on.
Gabi: Nick, we can't.
Nick: [Groans] Oh, I'm sorry. You're just--you're so beautiful. I get near you and I want you. I can't--I can't help it.
Gabi: That's--that's very sweet of you to say.
Nick: Well, it's the truth. But I don't want to make you uncomfortable. So...I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go.
Gabi: Wait.
Nick: What?
Gabi: You get to me too. And I'm really glad you're here.
Nick: Oh?
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
[Door opens]
Will: What the hell is going on?
Theresa: No. No, no, no. Anne, look, you've got--you've got it all wrong.
Anne: I mean, what were you trying to accomplish, Theresa? I did hear Jennifer canned your lazy, insolent ass. Did you think I was gonna a t you your job back?
Theresa: Well, I mean, you work in H.R.--
Anne: Yeah, no, I know where I work. It's impossible. It's not gonna happen. Not now, not never.
Theresa: Okay.
Anne: However, while what you just pulled here was nutty as hell, sometimes nutty could be another word for nervy or moxie or initiative--qualities I find in short supply at work, not to mention in the universe at large. I also know that your point of view about your former boss, well, that's--that's pretty identical to mine, which I deeply appreciate.
Theresa: Meaning?
Anne: Meaning... I think perhaps despite whatever problems you may have with Jennifer, there may still be a place for you at Salem university hospital after all.
Rory: If Dr. Jonas knows that we broke into his apartment, he's going to call the cops on us, JJ.
JJ: No, no, no. I--actually, I think we're okay. We don't have to worry about that.
Rory: Why not? What--because he's just okay with it?
JJ: No, 'cause he doesn't have the guts. And--and he also promised that he wouldn't say anything.
Rory: He did?
JJ: Yeah.
Rory: Wow. That was cool of him. See, maybe he's not so bad, dude.
JJ: No, Daniel's a jerk, man, all right? And what he's trying to do is use me to get close to my mom again. I ain't lettin' that happen. I'm never gonna accept the guy. Ever. Okay?
Jennifer: Daniel, what did you say to my son? What made him so upset?
Daniel: I told him the truth. Yeah, that you were worried about him and that he needed to go home. But he said no. And then--and accused me of trying to score points with you.
Jennifer: Okay. What did you say?
Daniel: I told him he was wrong. And then I told him that I love you. Jen--
Jennifer: What? Why did you say that?
Daniel: Okay, look, look. I'm sorry if this upsets you. I really am. But I am not gonna hide my feelings about you for anyone for any reason.
Jennifer: Daniel, don't you understand that that was the wrong thing to say to him?
Daniel: Wrong how? How? Should I have lied? Is that what you--
Jennifer: No! You shouldn't say anything to him at all! You know how precarious the situation is. I may never get my son back! And for you to just get in his face like that and-- listen, I am begging you, right now. I am begging you to stay away from my son.
Daniel: Jen--
Jennifer: And I am begging you... to stay away from me. I don't want to see you again.
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