Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/29/13
Episode #12159 ~ EJ worries he ruined Sami's case; Brady proposes to Kristen; Daniel's decision devastates Jennifer.
Provided By Suzanne
JJ: Mom, Dr. Jonas is here. Do you wanna talk to him or me?
Daniel: I'm sorry I didn't call first.
Jennifer: no, I-I'm just surprised.
Daniel: Well, if this is a bad time, I understand, and, uh, I'll go.
JJ: Guess it's your call, mom.
Theresa: An expedited delivery is a great idea. Okay. Let's see. Okay. Theresa, you have to stop, or you're gonna blow through all that money that you stole from Vargas. So no more online shopping for you... today.
Cameron: Look, I know you're confused about Chad and me--
Abigail: So you thought you would just make this decision for me, is that it?
Cameron: No. No.
Abigail: Well, that's what it feels like. It feels like you are just giving me to Chad, Cameron.
Cameron: Abigail, I can't give you to anyone. Look, it's just, you know, I was wrong. I was wrong to ever try to pressure you into any kind of commitment with me. Look, I just started my career, and I don't have time for anything serious.
Abigail: [Scoffs] You had time for a whole other job not too long ago, Cameron.
Cameron: Look, you and Chad have a bond, and I know that.
Abigail: Wait, how long have you been planning this?
Cameron: Planning what?
Abigail: To end things with us? When did you decide?
Nicole: Eric's had a lot on his mind all day.
Brady: Something important?
Nicole: I guess. He just hasn't been himself.
Brady: What do you mean?
[Phone rings]
Nicole: Brady, who is it?
Brady: It's my dad.
Eric: It's the dream that I keep having. It's unclear, I-I don't know how to interpret it. The disturbing part-- well, it's just that I feel that d is trying to talk to me, and I just--I don't know what he's trying to say. I'm gonna have to continue this conversation later, father matt. Someone is in my office. Yes. Thank you very much for your time. I'll talk to you soon.
Kristen: Hi. You seem upset. Is there--is there a problem?
EJ: You're sure nobody saw you come in?
Stoller: I parked down the road, came up the rear driveway to the--the back door.
EJ: So the funds have been deposited in the account?
Stoller: Yes, sir. Timmy Bernardi's account now has well over $100,000 in it. When the police discover that, they'll no doubt assume that his father was taking bribes.
EJ: Good. Well, then I just have one question for you.
Stoller: Yes, sir?
EJ: Is there any way that that can be traced back to me?
Melinda: I presume this meeting can only have one purpose.
Sami: I wanna make a deal.
Melinda: A deal?
Sami: Yes.
Melinda: So you're willing to give me EJ DiMera?
Eric: I'm sorry, I'm just tired, I guess. Drained. I was up all night with a parishioner--a young woman. She passed away this morning.
Kristen: Oh, no. Were you with her when she died?
Eric: Yeah.
Kristen: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Eric: I'm sorry. Is there something that I-- you're here for the parent-student interviews.
Kristen: Yeah, but I can do it alone if you wanna get some sleep.
Eric: No, I tried to do that earlier, but it was just--tossed and turned, you know?
Kristen: Oh, bad dreams?
Eric: Something like that.
Stoller: There is no way the funds can be traced back to you, Mr. DiMera. I guarantee it.
EJ: And the deposit dates, is there any way to prove that they were altered?
Stoller: As I told you, the cops would have to jump through hoops in order to--
EJ: I know what you told me, Stoller. What about the FBI? If they brought in forensic accountants to investigate it?
Stoller: Well, as I said, they still couldn't trace it back to you.
EJ: But?
Stoller: But with all of their, uh, resources, the FBI might be able to determine that the money was put in the account after Bernardi was killed.
EJ: Well, then they'd know that it was a setup. [Sighs] Dear God, Samantha. What have I done?
Sami: I want better terms.
Melinda: Better terms?
Sami: More generous. I'm negotiating for my life here, ms. Track.
Melinda: Exactly. You're facing life in prison. I'm offering you ten years. Not sure how much more generous I could be, ms. Brady.
Sami: You're asking me to rat out the DiMera family. That is a tall order, and we both know it.
Melinda: Thing is, ms. Brady, while putting away your fiancé would certainly be a major coup, it doesn't guarantee that he'll squeal and give me what I really want-- the shark himself, Stefano DiMera.
Sami: So what do you say we cut EJ out of the equation entirely?
Melinda: To what end?
Sami: Let's just say I don't give you anything on EJ and everything on Stefano DiMera.
Cameron: Wait, when did I decide--I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Abigail: Oh, God. Is there anything worse than a guy playing dumb? My brother gets that same look on his face with me at least four times a day.
Cameron: No, I'm not playing dumb, I have no clue what you're talking about--
Abigail: Ugh--okay, stop. I spoke to aunt Kayla. She hinted to me that I don't need to be torn between two guys because the answer will just make itself clear to me. She obviously knew that you were gonna break things off with me.
Cameron: That's--that's absolutely impossible. I would never say that--I never said that to your aunt.
Abigail: Well, maybe it was just her intuition then. Whatever. It doesn't really matter anyway now.
Cameron: Why do you say that?
Abigail: Because...I went on a date with Chad last night, and I was's not fair for me to lead you on anymore.
Roman: Hey.
Theresa: Uh, uncle roman. Hey.
Roman: What were you up to?
Theresa: Uh, just wrapping up some stuff. What brings you by?
Roman: Actually, I was looking for you.
Theresa: Ooh, why does that not sound like you came by to take me out for some ice cream?
Roman: You know, I was just talking to hope, and she said you were hanging out with that Vargas guy right before he was arrested for drug possession?
Theresa: Yeah, yeah, I was. Okay, but only because I was bored. But I had zero idea that that guy was into drugs or had such a bad temper, okay? You don't believe me.
Roman: Theresa, you do understand this, don't you? You're on very thin ice here. So I'm gonna tell you this. One more mistake-- I don't care how big, how tiny it is-- and then that so-called plan b to straighten you out here in Salem, that will be history.
Theresa: I've really been walking the line, okay? I mean it.
Roman: [Laughs] Oka--whoa. Let me get this straight here, okay? Hanging out with a convicted felon, carrying drugs-- now that's you idea of walking the line?
Theresa: I already told you, okay, I had no idea he was--
Roman: All right, stop, Theresa! Again, listen. Okay, you're not here to have fun. So I would advise you to concentrate less on that and more on keeping this job that you have. Grow up, Theresa. Grow up. Think.
Jennifer: It is important-- very important that we finish our conversation. But right now I'm gonna speak to Daniel.
JJ: Cool. Good to know where I stand with you.
Eric: Here is the list.
Kristen: Okay. Whoa. So many deserving candidates. Then you see 'em face to face, and they have such plaintive looks in their eyes. They're so full of hope and innocence. It just makes you wish you could give all of them a scholarship. [Chuckles]
Eric: You really come alive when you talk about those kids.
Kristen: Yeah. I guess it's 'cause kids think anything is possible, you know? No matter how ambitious and far-fetched their dreams are, they still think they can come true. Just kind of reminds you. Or it reminds me anyway of what that was like... when it was so lovely and... hopeful. Before life kind of did what it can do to people. Does that make any sense?
Eric: A lot.
Nicole: Hey.
Brady: Thanks for waiting.
Nicole: Yeah, how'd it go?
Brady: Mm, told my dad about Kristen and me. He acknowledged that there's nothing he could say or do to make me change my mind and that the last time he tried to interfere, he only made things worse.
Nicole: Are you saying he approves of your relationship?
Brady: No, he's just--he's just not gonna fight me on it anymore. My dad will never, never accept me with Kristen.
Cameron: So you've decided you wanna be with Chad?
Abigail: He's, um...funny, and, uh, you know, we really do have a lot in common.
Cameron: Yeah, well, I'm happy for you. Chad's a good guy.
Abigail: I know.
Cameron: You may wanna take things slow, you know? There's no need to--to rush.
Abigail: I wasn't planning on rushing things, but, uh, thanks for your advice. Okay, well, anyway, um--you know, it's good. I'm glad that things worked out for the three of us, you know? And nobody got hurt.
Cameron: Right. So...take care.
Abigail: Yeah, you too. Um, I hope that-- [Laughs] Well, I'm sure I'll see you around.
Cameron: Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Bye.
Abigail: Bye.
Cameron: [Clears throat]
Abigail: [Sighs]
Jennifer: Where you stand is you're my son, and I love you. But I decide when the time is right to talk and when it isn't.
JJ: Whatever.
I believe you have a paper that you need to work on for your last summer final, so you can go to the library and do that where you won't be distracted.
[Keys jingle]
Please, come in, Daniel. I'm actually really happy that you stopped by because I'd been wanting to apologize to you for getting so upset on the phone earlier.
Daniel: No, it's okay. I get
Jennifer: Do you? [Gasps] Daniel, your name is on parker's birth certificate. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. I know how much this means to you.
Daniel: I know. I know. I know you do. That's why I'm--
Jennifer: Oh, let me look at it.
Daniel: I wanted you to see it. Because you--you have sacrificed so much to make sure Chloe didn't take my son away from me. You--you sacrificed your own happiness because you recognized that there is nothing that matters more to me than being a dad to my--to my son. And, uh, it just reminded me that, uh--
Jennifer: What? Go on. Go on, please.
Daniel: I think I finally realize that I have been terribly unfair to you.
Nicole: Brady, I am so sorry. I know that you said things were getting better with your dad before he left town.
Brady: It's all right. I actually expected his reaction to be worse. He seemed more resigned than angry. I think he thinks that if he stays out of it, I'll just come to my senses one day.
Nicole: Well, I think that's what everyone who cares about you is hoping for. Okay, all right, all right. I'm sorry. I promise I will not say mean things about Kristen or rain on your parade. Okay, but that doesn't stop me from praying that you will see the light someday.
Brady: "See the li--" that's still condescending, I think.
Nicole: Okay, so sue me for wanting what's best for you.
Brady: Kristen is what's best for me, Nicole. That's the end of the discussion, okay? Let's put a period on it.
Nicole: Right.
Brady: Thank you.
Nicole: I got it. Still love ya.
Brady: Well, guess what. I still love ya too. See ya.
Nicole: Okay. Bye. [Groans] Kristen's such a snake. Even if she sheds her skin, she'll just grow a new one back. Maybe I can prove it.
Melinda: Ms. Brady, you already admitted you have no way of giving me Stefano DiMera. That's why asked for EJ.
Sami: I know. I was there.
Melinda: What's changed?
Sami: I was just holding out on you. I wanted to see what else I could get.
Melinda: Bull.
Sami: Why do you think that?
Melinda: If you had something on Stefano DiMera, you would have said so right away. What a waste of time.
Sami: Wait. U caught me. I was bluffing. I don't have anything on Stefano. But--
Melinda: But what, ms. Brady?
Sami: But I can still give you EJ.
Theresa: [Sighs] Yo, speed man. You playing hide-and-seek from your friends?
JJ: You got a little bit of ketchup on your face.
Theresa: Oh, thanks. So, uh, did your mommy ground you again?
JJ: Good-bye.
Theresa: Now come on. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I just--I'm having a bad day too. You want some fries?
JJ: Sure. So, uh, why are you having a bad day? Is it 'cause your date last night got arrested?
Theresa: How do you even know about that?
JJ: Will told me.
Theresa: Oh, my God. Is there, like, some blog that my family posts to every 30 minutes, so my parents can check in and see what an awful daughter they got stuck with?
JJ: Wow, you really don't get along with 'em, huh?
Theresa: Um, you know, aside from the fact that everything I do brings disgrace and shame to the family, uh, no, it's a perfectly loving and nurturing relationship.
JJ: Yeah, it's like me and my mom.
Theresa: Oh, yeah? I thought you two got along.
JJ: You thought wrong. In fact, right now my mom is like a--like a stranger to me. I don't get her at all.
Theresa: Sounds like you need an escape as much as I do.
JJ: What kind of escape are you talking about?
Theresa: Oh, I was thinking maybe we could take a trip somewhere over the rainbow.
JJ: Way up high?
Theresa: Way up high.
Nicole: I need a favor.
Roman: Okay. What kind of favor?
Nicole: I need you to prove once and for all, emphatically and unequivocally, that Kristen DiMera is a conniving, evil, diabolical skank.
Kristen: So I'm gonna write up the interview summaries, and I'll have them by tomorrow.
Eric: Well, if you have time.
Kristen: Oh, I'll make time. Talk to you soon. Hi, father matt.
Matt: Hello, Kristen.
Kristen: How are ya?
Matt: Uh-huh.
Kristen: I got someplace I gotta be. I'll talk to you soon.
Matt: Okay. I'm glad to see you two are able to work together.
Eric: Well, she's good at what she does. She's great with kids.
Matt: Do I sense a but?
Eric: I-I just feel a little uncomfortable around her at times, and I just can't figure out why.
Chad: All right, here you go. Double shot. Look like you need it. Oh, damn it. The, uh, jury selection for Sami's trial was today, wasn't it?
EJ: Yeah.
Chad: And?
EJ: Things didn't quite pan out to our advantage.
Chad: Well, I still feel so bad about that video I shot of Sami attacking Bernardi. I just, um--
EJ: Don't. You're not the only person who's made an error in judgment when it comes to this case.
Chad: What does that mean?
EJ: It means I've been doing everything that I can to help Samantha. I'm afraid I m so are we gonna party or what?
JJ: I can meet you after my ass tomorrow. It's the last day of summer school.
Theresa: Well, then you'll have a reason to celebrate.
JJ: So, uh, how do you know that I'm not gonna take your money and leave you hanging?
Theresa: Because... [Kisses] I trust you. So I'll see you tomorrow, after school.
Daniel: I can't fault you for the way you're handling things with your son, especially as a single parent, which is all that more challenging. I know. And we could debate about how to do things and what's the right way until we're just blue in the face, but what I've come to realize is there is no right way. You have to do what you feel is best at the time. And I have to support that, which is what I intend to do from now on.
Jennifer: Okay. So what are you trying to say?
Roman: Huh. Marlena must be beside herself.
Nicole: Marlena, john, me, and all of the free-speaking world.
Roman: But I'm not sure what you think I can do.
Nicole: Kristen is as dirty as mud. I don't know, you--I think you could probably dig in her records and find something, expose the truth, and finally prove to Brady what a waste of a product she is.
Roman: Nicole, I'm suspended. I'm not the acting commissioner right now, so I have no access. And you know what? Even if I did, I think I'd have to say no.
Nicole: Why? Don't you care about Brady at all?
Roman: Yes, I do very much. And I have told him the very same thing you're saying. But you know what, you and I can talk and talk, but I think it's obvious. Brady's gonna have to find out the truth about Kristen on his own.
Nicole: Damn it. John said the same thing too. Apparently the question is--is where's the truth gonna come from?
Eric: Actually my uneasiness with Kristen is more about my history with her family than about her. She's doing a very good job. She's working very hard to make amends for past transgressions.
Matt: Eric, you were telling me about a disturbing dream when we talked on the phone earlier. What was it?
Eric: You know, it's something you don't wanna hear.
Matt: Try me.
Eric: I was making love to a woman. I didn't see her face. I didn't know who she was.
Matt: Surely that's not the first time you've had such a dream.
Eric: No. But this was different.
Matt: In what way?
Eric: The sexual nature of the dream wasn't concerning to me at all.
Matt: Then what was?
Eric: I just feel there's a part that I'm not remembering, but I should. I just feel like God is trying to tell me something. I just don't know what.
Brady: Goadhead.
Kristen: This is so frightening.
Brady: I love that you're reaching out. There's nothing to reach out. Okay, we're here. We're here.
Kristen: I'm ready.
Brady: Are you ready?
Kristen: I'm ready!
Brady: Are you sure?
Kristen: Yes.
Brady: Are you ready? Okay.
Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, no, no.
Brady: Huh?
Kristen: There are no words.
Brady: Of course there's words. How about "Brady, this is great"? How about "Brady, this is fabulolo"? "You are the bomb, Brady."
Kristen: Yes, all that and so much more.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: Where the heck are we?
Brady: We are--we are somewhere in Hawaii.
Kristen: Really?
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: And we didn't even have to go through airport security.
Brady: Right. Check this out.
Kristen: [Gasps] Oh.
Brady: Exactly. You didn't even have to leave work, and I figured I would bring Hawaii to you.
Kristen: Mmm.
Brady: Is that good?
Kristen: Yes. I just love it.
Brady: You do?
Kristen: I do. I love you.
Brady: I love you too. Mmm.
Kristen: Yummy.
Brady: No kidding.
Sami: Wow, you really do think I'm an idiot, don't you? I mean, my lawyer's not here, I don't have anything in writing from you, and yet you expect me to fork over everything I know?
Melinda: Fine. I will drop the conditions.
Sami: Excellent. And while you're at it, I want you to add immunity for my son, William Horton.
Melinda: Because he and his boyfriend covered up that video of you attacking Bernardi?
Sami: Because I wanna make sure he is protected from any and all fallout.
Melinda: Anything else? New car maybe?
Sami: Thank you for reminding me. Yes, there is something else.
Melinda: You are really trying my patience here.
Sami: If I can get you Stefano DiMera, directly on my own--
Melinda: Whoa, back up. You just said that you couldn't get him.
Sami: If I can get you Stefano on my own, without any involvement or any culpability directly at his son, then I want a maximum of five years with a possibility of parole sooner.
Melinda: Should I come back with a public defender for you when I have the papers?
Sami: No need. My lawyer will be here soon. EJ, I'm sorry. What else could I do?
Cameron: [Clears throat]
Chad: Cameron? What's going on, man?
Cameron: Hey, I'm just here to check up on you.
Chad: Why?
Cameron: Because you took a shot to the head at the club opening, and I told you that the swelling could be an issue for your tumor.
Chad: You know, you really need to back the hell off, man. I don't want people to know.
Cameron: As soon as you start treatment, everyone's gonna know.
Chad: Not according to my doctor. I'm getting cutting-edge treatment that you probably don't even know about. I could beat this thing before anyone even knows I have a problem. Now stick to your promise, and keep your mouth shut, yeah?
Daniel: you... enough to step away. That is what I'm saying. You did that for me, so I could be with my son. And I have to do that for you. With JJ.
Jennifer: Daniel, it's not the answer.
Daniel: Okay, no, you heard him. He does not want me in your life. Do you really think you can tell him that you don't care about how he feels? It's okay. Look, you can't. And--and I don't blame you.
Jennifer: He just needs a little more time. He just needs to get over losing his dad and feeling more secure
himself and his relationship with me, you know, before he can accept another man in my life.
Daniel: I get it. And if that happens, maybe we can talk.
Jennifer: Wait, wha--what? Maybe? I--
Daniel: Okay, Jennifer, Jennifer. We can't keep doing this-- living in false hope that maybe someday things will work out. We can't. Because we--we need to live in reality right now. And for now, you need to take care of your son, you focus on him, and I will focus on my son.
Jennifer: [Sobs]
Daniel: Hey. Come on. Good-bye. Good-bye. I love you. I love you.
Matt: You lost a parishioner this morning, father Eric.
Eric: Yes, but what could that have to do with my dream?
Matt: I just think that when you watch someone die, well, sex is life-affirming. Maybe this is the way your psyche is trying to cope. Listen, you look exhausted. Why don't you try to stop worrying and get some sleep?
Kristen: Mmm. [Giggles] An umbrella drink and a massage. You're totally spoiling me.
Brady: Yeah, that was kinda my point. That was my--
Kristen: This is go--ooh. This is good too.
Brady: Listen, could you, um--could you give me some sunscreen? It's under the towel.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: Thank you.
Kristen: What's that?
Brady: I don't know. Why don't you open it and find out?
EJ: Hey.
Sami: EJ. I'm glad you're here.
EJ: Why? Did something happen?
Sami: [Clears throat] Melinda Trask was here.
EJ: Why wasn't I told about this? Was Justin here?
Sami: Uh, no, he wasn't. He didn't know about it either.
EJ: Samantha, why on earth would you talk to Melinda--
Sami: She offered me five years.
EJ: For what? Our firstborn?
Sami: Your father. I have to come up with enough information to put your father behind bars. Tomorrow...
[Phone ringing]
Abigail: [Sighs] Hi, Chad. What's up?
Chad: You know, you took off so fast before that I didn't even get to ask you a really important question.
Abigail: Okay. Shoot.
Chad: You wanna go out again tonight?
Abigail: I'd love that. Yeah. Uh, what do you feel like doing?
Chad: Leave it to me.
Abigail: Okay.
Chad: I'll call you later.
Abigail: All right. Chad is a great guy. And everything worked out as it was supposed to.
Theresa: Hmm. Very interesting. Well, maybe this isn't such a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day after all.
[Door opens]
[Keys jingle]
JJ: I printed out my notes and left them here. I need them. Where's Daniel?
Jennifer: He's gone, and he's not coming back.
JJ: Mom, I--
Jennifer: No. Just go do your paper.
[Knocks on door]
Nicole: Eric, are you in there? Eric, can I come in?
Eric: [Gasps]
Kristen: What? You are so funny. What is this about?
Brady: Nothing. So? Will you?
EJ: So you cut a deal with the special prosecutor without your attorney present and without speaking to me?
Sami: Five years. That's a good deal.
EJ: It's an impossible deal, Samantha. You don't have anything on my father.
Sami: But you do. So you just have to give me something that I can make stick.
EJ: Yeah, but what if I don't?
Sami: Well, then I would have to give them something on you.
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