Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 7/2/13
Episode #12117 ~ Sami's fate is sealed; Eric finds proof of what happened to him.
Provided By Suzanne
Eric: I just got off the phone with the bishop's office. He can make it after all.
Sister Margaret: [Gasps] How wonderful.
Eric: [Chuckles] I've asked him to give the blessing.
Sister Margaret: What a fine start for the new school.
Eric: Hey.
Ciara: Hey yourself.
Eric: Sister, this is Ciara, my favorite cousin, and her grandfather Mr. Kiriakis.
Victor: Sister.
Sister Margaret: Nice to meet you both.
Eric: So tell me what brings you here. And what happened to your hand?
Victor: She was pushing her friend on a swing--
Ciara: Hey, let me tell, grandpa.
Victor: Sorry, okay.
Ciara: And my pinkie got caught in the chain.
Eric: Ooh. I bet that hurt a lot.
Ciara: It did, but not anymore.
Eric: Well, that's good.
Ciara: Oh, I wanna tell you. Everybody at camp says you're a hero, father Eric. You saved the new school.
Eric: [Chuckles] Actually, I didn't do it alone. I had a lot of help. [Heavy breathing] Shut up and kiss me.
Kristen: Nice work, girlfriend. Now it's time for step two. Oh, no.
[Cell phone chimes]
Gabi: [Sighs] Where are daddy and Sonny? [Sighs]
[Cell phone chimes]
Nick: Hey, thanks for meeting me.
Vargas: [Sighs] So what do you want?
Nick: Well, we kind of talked about this before, the idea of the two of us going into business together.
Vargas: Yeah, I remember. But it seemed pretty pie-in-the-sky to me, though.
Nick: Well, I'm hoping that it won't now. I came up with some ideas, and I put it in writing.
Kate: Selling someone else's secrets, Nick?
Nick: Kate. Uh, this is my ex-boss Kate Roberts. And this is Vargas. He's a-an old friend.
Kate: Ah, school chum?
Vargas: No, cell mates, actually.
Adrienne: Hey, sweetheart.
Sonny: Hey, mom.
Adrienne: Hi, baby. How are things going with little Ari?
Sonny: Good. I just didn't realize that new babies made so much laundry.
Adrienne: [Chuckles]
Sonny: It's ridiculous.
Adrienne: No, I know, they do indeed.
Sonny: Will, yeah, he's at the baby store right now picking up some little t-shirts and stuff. And I wanted to get takeout food to bring home, but the cafe's closed.
Adrienne: Yeah. This is where they had the memorial service for that cop. You know, the one that...
Will: That my mom killed?
Adrienne: [Sighs]
Will: Is that what you were gonna say?
Justin: The court clerk should be coming out with the grand jury's decision soon.
Sami: [Sighs] Maybe I should've told my family what was happening. I mean, if--if it's bad news, it's gonna hit them like a ton of bricks.
EJ: [Clears throat] Well, what does it say, Justin?
Justin: They didn't vote to indict.
EJ: [Sighs]
Sami: Oh, my God. It's over?
EJ: It's over.
Justin: Congratulations.
Sami: Super.
EJ: Mwah.
Marge: No! No, that's not possible. Your father, he made this happen.
Sami: My father isn't even acting as the commissioner--
Marge: Don't give me that. You're the commissioner's daughter. And you know you can get away with murder.
Adrienne: I'm sorry, Will. I-I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject.
Will: It's okay.
[Cell phone rings]
Will: Don't worry about it.
Sonny: Yeah, she was just telling me that the cafe's closed.
Will: Sweet. Oh, I got a text from your dad.
Sonny: What's it say?
Will: Apparently, the grand jury didn't even indict mom.
Adrienne: What? Are you kidding me?
Eric: So what are you doing here?
Victor: Actually, Ciara wanted to see the new school. And I wanted to congratulate you on breaking up the gridlock at the state capitol.
Ciara: Father Eric? Can I see the new school now? Please?
Eric: [Sighs]
Sister Margaret: We can't go inside since the workmen are still finishing. But maybe we can go look through the windows.
Ciara: Awesome.
Nicole: Okay. I'll let you two talk.
Eric: No, please, stay. If you're here to offer your congratulations for getting the accreditations, you should be talking to Nicole. She's the one who drove to the capitol, and found me when I was sick, and then twisted the bureaucratic arms while I was in the hospital. Otherwise, things would've gone badly.
Victor: Arm twisting, ay? Wasn't that your major in college?
Nicole: [Laughs] I was just doing my job, Victor. Thank you.
Victor: That's one thing I don't understand, though. If you were too ill to ask for help, what induced you to drive all that way to come to the rescue?
Eric: What--what just happened?
Kristen: Oh, no, no, no. That will never do, father. You can't be hesitating. You've gotta be into it. Let's do a little edit. Oh, damn it! Damn it to hell. The end.
Justin: Mrs. Bernardi, you need to keep yourself under control.
Marge: No, I thought I'd at least be able to--to go home and tell my little boy that the woman who--who took his daddy away from him was gonna pay for what she did. What do I say to him now? She not only wanted Joe dead, she doesn't want his son to think he's a hero.
Justin: I know the police department provides counseling. Maybe someone there can--
Marge: Explain why life isn't fair and that murderers get set free? I don't need counseling to tell me why that happened. She's a Brady. So the fix was in. That's why she's not in custody right now. You'll pay for this. I'll see to it.
EJ: I really don't think this is the time for threats, Mrs. Bernardi.
Justin: He's right. Miss Bernardi, come on.
Cop: Marge? Marge. Timmy needs you at home.
Marge: She got--she got away with--she got away with murder.
Kate: I like that about you, Nick. You have such lovely friends.
Vargas: Oh, we both did our time. Now, we just wanna move on without being judged, you know, for what we did in the past.
Kate: It's been my experience that people are always judged by what they've done in their past.
Nick: Well, you'd know better than anyone, Kate, wouldn't you?
Vargas: I've gotta go. I'll be in touch.
Kate: So if you asked me to meet you because you're hiring a lawyer, you can save your money and my time because I have every right to fire you, Nick.
Nick: I haven't hired a lawyer. I came here to give you this.
Gabi: [Sighs] You were supposed to be back by now. I'm late for an appointment. Where are you guys?
Arianna: [Cries]
Gabi: [Sighs]
Sonny: What's so unbelievable that Sami didn't get indicted?
Adrienne: I'm just surprised, that's all. Justin's always saying that grand juries tend to indict.
Will: Well, I guess this one didn't. I mean, maybe they--they figured she didn't do anything wrong.
Adrienne: Honey, she shot a man.
Will: Yeah, to save a man.
Adrienne: Yes, according to her.
Will: Great, I don't--I don't like where this is go--
Adrienne: No.
Sonny: Neither do I.
Adrienne: Wait, I'm not-- I'm not--I'm not bad-mouthing your mother. I'm sure she didn't mean to harm anyone. It's just that I'm surprised that there wasn't a trial, that's all.
Will: Well, maybe what happened was she told the truth and the grand jury, unlike some people in this town, believed her.
[Cell phone chimes]
Will: Oh, it's Gabi. She needs to go out. Okay, gotta get back to the apartment.
Sonny: I'm going with you.
Will: Sweet.
Adrienne: No, wait. Sonny, please. I didn't mean...
Nicole: So I knew that Eric left his notes behind. And I couldn't fax them over. So I jumped in the car and I headed to the capitol. I didn't know Eric was sick until I got there.
Eric: And she was the one who got me to the hospital.
Victor: What an inspiring story. You've become an exemplary assistant, Nicole, flying above and beyond the call of duty to St. Luke's and to father Eric.
Eric: And I am beyond grateful. Nicole not only got me back to Salem, but she got those bureaucrats to realize how petty they were being.
[Cell phone chimes]
Eric: Oh, I'm sorry. It's Justin. Oh, my God, I have some wonderful news.
EJ: Come on.
Sami: I was so scared. [Sighs] And I feel terrible for Bernardi's wife and their-- their poor little boy. [Sighs]
EJ: Samantha, you didn't murder Bernardi. He died because he had a secret life his wife didn't know about.
Sami: But still.
EJ: Come here.
Sami: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Kristen: Oh, fantastic. Maybe I should've just left it the way it was. [Sighs] You poor thing. Eric, you had no idea what was happening to you. It's too bad I have to go to such lengths. But I do. [Sighs] This has to be perfect before I can make my next move. If only... I have it.
Nick: Don't worry. It won't bite.
Kate: [Sighs] What's on it?
Nick: It's something I developed while I was still on your payroll, which means legally it belongs to you. You know, the--the formula that--that Sami and EJ stole?
Kate: Oh, yeah. I do.
Nick: Well, what's on there will make what they have look like old-fashioned cold cream.
Kate: [Sighs] Okay, look. If you think that I'm going to re-hire you--
Nick: I'm trying to do the right thing, Kate. That's all.
Kate: Well, that would be a refreshing change, Nick.
Nick: Okay, you know what? What--I was going through a lot back then, personal things. And that's why Sami and EJ were able to steal that formula from me. You went out on a limb. And you took a chance on me. And--and I think that you deserve something for that.
Kate: Okay, so that envelope that you were giving to Mr. Vargas, are you patching things up with him as well?
Nick: You know what? Vargas is really none of your business.
Kate: Why is that? Did he rape you in prison too?
Nick: Uh, no. Actually, Vargas saved my life.
Will: I wanna see you in a couple of days--
Gabi: You went shopping?
Will: Uh, yeah. We picked some stuff up for Ari. Now, we don't have to do laundry all the time.
Gabi: Okay, look, you said that you would be back half an hour ago. I'm supposed to meet somebody, and I'm really, really late already.
Sonny: We ran into my mom--
Gabi: Well, you could've texted me, okay?
Sonny: I'm sorry?
Gabi: No, we're supposed to be in this together.
Will: We are. Sorry, today hasn't been an ordinary day.
Gabi: Okay, I have to go. Arianna's finally asleep. I made two bottles and I left them in the fridge. I'll see you later. [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Will: [Sighs]
Nicole: So what's the news?
Eric: It's great. It's such a relief. Sami's been cleared of any wrongdoing by the grand jury.
Victor: Well, more proof that God works in mysterious ways.
Eric: Yes.
Nicole: Well, that's great news, Eric. I'm really happy for you and for Sami's kids.
Eric: Yes, thank you. Thank you very much. Well, I have something I need to take care of. So I better take off.
Victor: Of course.
Eric: It's good to see you, Victor.
Nicole: Well, I've got some work to do too. I'm sure you don't wanna stick around here and chat with me. So...
Victor: Actually, I do. Why don't you start by telling me what's really going on around here?
Kristen: What was that name? It's been a while since Stefano gave it to me. I hope I didn't delete it. [Gasps] That's it. Excellent.
Sami: I just wanna finish this email to my dad. I don't want him to hear the good news from anyone but me.
Kristen: Good news? Huh?
EJ: Oh, Samantha testified before a grand jury hearing this morning.
Kristen: Hm, it went well?
Sami: Uh, actually, it did. It went very well. The grand jury decided not to indict me.
Kristen: [Gasps] Fantastic. I was so afraid you were gonna have to spend lots of time in the slammer.
Sami: Yes, yes, I'm sure I was keeping you up nights, Kristen. But just think: Now that it's all gone well, you don't have to bake me a cake with a file in it.
Kristen: [Laughs] I'm sure EJ told you I don't bake, Sami.
Sami: Oh, really? You'd just order me something, right?
Kristen: Yeah.
Sami: I'm sure you would ha--
EJ: We actually have something very important that we need to talk about, so excuse us for just a second.
Kristen: Congratulations.
EJ: Thank you so much.
Kristen: Oh, it's too bad that I couldn't have used you, Sami, to get back at your mother. But then again, you don't swing that way. At least I don't think you do. Well, that's too bad. It could've been glorious. What could possibly hold together
Kate: [Sighs] Y-you went through a really horrifying ordeal in prison. And I just made a completely flippant remark. And I apologize for that.
Nick: I had it coming. I did some pretty horrible things to will. And I said some pretty rotten things about him and Sonny.
Kate: No. Even if payback was in order, I was totally out of line. And I apologize.
Nick: Well, I hope what's on there works for you, okay?
Kate: [Sighs]
Adrienne: Marge?
Marge: What?
Adrienne: Adrienne, we work on the board together.
Marge: Oh. Oh, right. You--your last name is Kiriakis. [Scoffs] Your husband, he defended the woman who murdered my Joe.
Adrienne: Yes, he did.
Marge: You must be proud. He got her off.
Adrienne: [Sighs] All I can say is how deeply sorry I am.
Marge: Are you? Are you really?
Cop: Come on, Marge. Timmy's waiting. Come on.
Will: [Sighs]
Sonny: How is she?
Will: Still down for the count.
Sonny: That's good.
Will: I hope she wakes up soon, though. Otherwise, that means she's probably gonna be up all night again.
Sonny: Yeah, and Gabi's mad enough as it is.
Will: Yeah. She did have a point, though.
Sonny: I know, but you didn't get to tell her the news about your mom, like...
Will: Oh, I don't--I don't care about that. I was just upset that she went off on you.
Sonny: Why? Because you're the parents and I'm the outsider?
Will: No. That's not what I meant.
Sonny: You know, when I got this apartment, I thought it was so the three of us can take care of this baby.
Will: That's how it's gonna be?
Sonny: Yeah, well, I was up with Arianna for two hours last night.
Will: I know. You're a pro. Thank you. Gabi and I got some sleep. Honestly, I-I don't know how we would do any of this if you weren't here.
Sonny: Really?
Will: Yes, absolutely. Okay, I don't know about you, but I'm starving.
Sonny: Well, all we have is baby formula in the fridge.
Will: Okay, well, we could order in. I mean, my treat.
Sonny: Great.
Will: Sweet. And--oh. Damn.
Sonny: What?
Will: I think I left my-- my credit card at the--at the baby store.
Sonny: So go get it. You can pick up sushi on the way home.
Will: Come on, what if Ari wakes up?
Sonny: Well, like you said, I'm a pro.
Will: [Groans] Okay, fine. I'll be back in a flash.
[Door closes]
Nicole: You think something's going on? Really? Like what?
Victor: Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out.
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Victor: How do I reconcile the woman that used to run titan for me like a shark and spend money like a Kardashian with the humble, devoted clerk slaving away in the church office? And saving the new school in her spare time? Come on, what gives?
Nicole: I'm having trouble reconciling the woman I am now with the ambitious idiot who married you. Victor, people change. You know what? Maybe I actually enjoy this--
Victor: Life? Don't kid a kidder. You haven't changed, Nicole. You're still the same opportunistic liar you've always been. Maybe you're seeking opportunities in different areas.
Nicole: You're wrong about me.
Victor: No, I don't think so. People like you never change. Unless, of course, it helps them get something that they want.
EJ: [Sighs] To new beginnings.
Sami: [Laughs] [Sighs] Well, I'm definitely grateful. I can't even tell you how relieved I am. I just--it's just hard not to think about Bernardi's wife, her new beginning as a widow.
EJ: Look, Samantha, Bernardi was on father's payroll. This day was always looming for his wife.
Sami: Yeah, but she didn't know that. I mean, he went out of his way to make her think he was this perfect husband, this perfect father. [Sighs]
EJ: Look at you.
Sami: Wha...
EJ: This woman was having a go at you today. And yet here you are, all feeling sorry for her instead of celebrating your own freedom. You have compassion for the wife of the man who tried to kill your ex-husband. I don't care what anybody else says about you. You have a heart of gold...
Sami: [Laughs]
EJ: A big one.
[Knocks at door]
Kristen: [Sighs] What? What? Oh. Hi, father. To what do I owe the pleasure? Hey Kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
[Knocks at door]
[Vacuum shuts off]
Sonny: Brent!
Brent: Hey.
Sonny: Oh, my--when did you get back in town?
Brent: This morning. So is what I saw on your Facebook page true? Are you really with will Horton? And is that a baby in there?
Sonny: Sure is. Isn't she cute?
Brent: Dude, are you insane?
Will: Grandma.
Kate: Oh.
Both: Hi.
Will: Hi, how's it goin'?
Kate: Hi, sweetie. How's the new daddy?
Will: Um, tired but good. Good.
Kate: [Sighs] I miss that.
Will: Yeah. So--so what's up with you?
Kate: Well, I-I just had this kind of upsetting meeting with Nick, but...
Will: What did he do?
Kate: Actually, nothing, you know? He was trying to make amends. But it didn't stop me from reaching into my arsenal and making a really hurtful remark. So...
Will: What happened exactly?
Kate: You don't need to know 'cause you have enough on your plate, so...
Will: Okay, fine. Well, if it makes you feel better, you can always come back with me and see the baby.
Kate: Oh, I would love to, I really would. But I'm going by to see Rafe. They're gonna wake him up today, which is good news for everyone.
Will: Yeah. I mean, you could--you could-- you could tell him about mom.
Kate: What about her?
Will: What? What? You don't know? She went before the grand jury today. And for some reason, they-- they decided not to indict her.
Kate: Really?
Will: Yeah.
Kate: I'm so happy for you.
Will: Yeah.
Kate: That's great, honey. That's really great. I'm happy for her whole family. I'm--just--yeah, I'm a little surprised. I thought maybe she had finally run out of luck. EJ and Justin really managed to pull that rabbit out a hat, huh?
Adrienne: I heard you won in court today, or Sami did.
Justin: Yeah. I told you.
Adrienne: Well, I was with will when he heard. And then I ran into Marge Bernardi at the square. She looked awful.
Justin: [Sighs] Why wouldn't she?
Adrienne: Look, I know you did a good job for Sami. I do. But when I think about Marge going home to that house, his clothes still in the closet, the empty side of the bed... oh, God. I just don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you.
Justin: Oh.
Adrienne: [Sighs]
Nick: How are you and the baby doing?
Gabi: [Sighs] Well, we got through our first night. She--she woke up a lot. So we didn't get a lot of sleep.
Nick: Is will helping?
Gabi: Yeah. Sonny too.
Nick: I hear they're bringing Rafe out of the coma soon.
Gabi: Today.
Nick: Is he gonna be okay?
Gabi: I hope so.
Nick: Me too.
Gabi: Okay, so you didn't, you know, ask me to come over here so we could catch up. You wanna talk about us?
Nick: I figured something out... about our future.
Gabi: You mean I-if we have one?
Nicole: Look, Victor. I'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you that I've changed. Oh, I didn't know you were there.
Vargas: Sorry. You know, the door was open.
Victor: Who's he?
Nicole: Th--this is Vargas. He works here too.
Victor: Vargas. Hope Brady is my daughter-in-law.
Vargas: Hm.
Victor: She tells me you helped find that lunatic out on smith island.
Vargas: Yeah, I did what I could.
Victor: Good work. Well, I'd better find Ciara. Pleasure talking to you, Nicole, as always. Oh, I understand you're trying to stay on the straight and narrow? Bit of advice: Keep a distance from that one.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Vargas: [Sighs] Wow, what was his problem?
Nicole: Don't get me started.
Vargas: Well, you shouldn't let him talk to you like that.
Nicole: Oh, thank you. I'll try to remember that.
Vargas: Hey, I'm serious. Look, you were really good about helping father Eric. And because of you, that new school's gonna open. So who cares what that jackass thinks?
Nicole: How come I haven't seen you around here lately?
Vargas: [Laughs] I've just been getting my ducks all in a row.
Nicole: Why?
Vargas: I'm leaving.
Kristen: I'm surprised to see you. How are you feeling?
Eric: Much better. I guess it was some kind of bug.
Kristen: Oh, right.
Eric: I'm actually here to see Sami. I heard about the good news today.
Kristen: Isn't that great?
Both: Yeah.
Kristen: She's in the living room with EJ. Come on in.
Eric: Thank you.
Kristen: Yeah.
Eric: I'm sorry about what I said to you today at the hospital. I just wasn't myself.
Kristen: No worries. We're just human, right? Even a priest like you. [Sighs]
Eric: I am so happy for you.
Sami: I am so happy too. And I feel very lucky today.
Eric: Well, good. And thank you very much for standing by her.
EJ: Oh, no place I would rather have been.
Sami: How are you? How are you feeling?
Eric: Oh, no, I'm fine. I'm much better. I'm feeling lucky today too.
EJ: Oh, congratulations. I hear your school finally got its accreditation.
Eric: Yes, and we are going through with the dedication.
Sami: Awesome. And Johnny, and Sydney, and Allie, they are so excited for their shiny new school. EJ, we have to show him that video they made him.
Eric: Really? I'd love to see it.
EJ: Yes, it's quite an accomplishment.
Sami: [Laughs] Well, that's a good way to put it. But it's on my tablet in the other room. EJ, will you get it for me so I can talk to my brother?
EJ: Of course.
Kristen: Hi, is this Sarah smith? Oh, fantastic. I guess it's my lucky day. Stefano DiMera's my father. And he said you did a brilliant job of editing a project of his. Yeah, really. He was very impressed. Yeah, well, anyway, I have some footage that needs to be edited. And I was hoping that you were available right now? Uh, no. It's actually of a more personal nature. Not too complicated. I uploaded it on my tablet. Uh, I have to call you right back.
Sami: Thank you so much, honey. When you see this, don't get a big head, okay? But this is gonna change the whole way you see yourself.
Eric: Okay.
Nick: When I met you, I pretended to be somebody that I wasn't. And you fell in love with that guy, not me.
Gabi: You--you found out the things I did and--and you forgave me.
Nick: That's not enough, not for somebody like you.
Gabi: And you took care of me.
Nick: I went behind your back. And I blackmailed your best friend, the father of your baby.
Gabi: What are you saying, Nick?
Nick: I think you know. Too much has happened. I mean, we care about each other, and we always will. But we shouldn't be married.
Kate: So you and Sonny, how's that going?
Will: Great. I mean--well, I guess it just seems like we just moved in together, and--
Kate: And you--now, you don't seem to have any privacy. And you're wondering if you'll ever have it again, right?
Will: Yeah, totally. Totally, but, I mean--I mean, we both love Ari. And--and neither of us mind making sacrifices for her. So...
Brent: Wow. You know what? She really is beautiful.
Sonny: You know, look at those eyes. Hey.
Brent: You know, I always thought it might be cool to have a kid someday, you know, of course after I've seen everything I wanna see, done everything I wanna do.
Sonny: You're gonna be an old man by then. And it takes a lot of energy to deal with one of these. Hold on.
Brent: So does it bother you, you know, that she's not yours?
Sonny: Well, I mean, I'm with will. And she's will's biological daughter. So I feel like she's mine.
Brent: So her mother, is she--she still in the picture? [Sighs]
Sonny: Uh...
Brent: Wow, Sonny, she's living here, isn't she?
Sonny: Yeah, she and the baby didn't have anywhere to go. Well, at least for, like, right now.
Brent: So the baby and the mother are a package deal? Dude, come on. That cannot be what you want, Sonny.
Adrienne: Thank you, sweetie. So if the charge had been manslaughter...
Justin: Sami might be facing a trial right now. And I get it. I-I get why Marge is so upset. But the jury followed the law. Nothing was rigged.
Adrienne: So Sami's just free.
Justin: Barring any new evidence coming to light, this thing is over, which I couldn't be happier about because now, I get to spend my evenings with my wife again.
Adrienne: [Laughs] [Sighs]
Nicole: You're leaving?
Vargas: Uh, yeah. Actually, I-I came by to leave a note for father Eric.
Nicole: So all that talk about being grateful and having a-a chance to start over, that was just bull, right?
Vargas: Hey, what can I say? My ship's come in.
Nicole: Legally?
Vargas: Well... hey, look, what I do now is none of your business, okay?
Nicole: Yeah.
Vargas: So--I mean, I think you should really be focused on solving your own problems, right?
Nicole: Oh, and what problems do I have?
Vargas: Well, the fact that you're in love with father Eric? I'd call that a problem.
EJ: Ah.
Kristen: Hey, I-I'm in a hurry, EJ.
EJ: No, no, no, have you heard from father--
Kristen: No, I haven't heard from father. Get out of the way, come on. What are you doing? What?
EJ: You have that look in your eye.
Kristen: Get away from me. What look?
EJ: What look? Which member of Samantha's family are you targeting now, Kristen?
Eric: Why do you have a password on your tablet?
Sami: Well, because I have lots of work stuff on there. You never know where Kate is lurking. So just under the video icon. John, it's over.
Gabi: Are--are you talking about an annulment?
Nick: I talked to a lawyer. And he said what I did, it-- it's something--they call it "emotional fraud."
Gabi: Okay, but an--an annulment is like it never even happened.
Nick: Right. So that when--when you meet the right guy, you can marry him. The church will let you marry him.
Gabi: I thought that you were the right guy, Nick.
Nick: I'm trying to do the best I can for you, Gabi.
Gabi: [Inhales]
Nick: Look. You got your whole life ahead of you. And you have a baby to think about now. You don't need any excess baggage.
Gabi: I never thought of you that way.
Nick: I'm not going anywhere. And if we feel like trying again someday, if that happens, then-- then we'll do it again. And--and--and we'll do it the right way. No secrets.
Gabi: [Sighs]
Nick: Are we in agreement?
Gabi: Yeah.
Nick: [Sighs]
Gabi: [Sighs]
Nick: [Sniffles] [Sighs] I'll never forget this time together. I'll never forget the way you made me feel.
Gabi: [Sniffles]
Sonny: It was my idea to take this apartment so that Gabi and the baby could live with us.
Brent: [Sighs] I don't think I could've done that.
Sonny: Sure you could. If you loved a guy as much as I love will, his daughter would be like your daughter. And Arianna has made us a family. And Gabi is part of that family.
Brent: The things you do for love.
Sonny: And I do love will.
Brent: What about the way you were living before, huh? Climbing mountains? Pretty much doing whatever you wanted. Are you sure you can give that up to change diapers? I mean, no offense. It's just I can't see you staying put for too long. It's not who you are.
Sonny: People change, Brent.
Brent: Right. Are you sure this isn't just your latest adventure? I mean, is this the life you wanna be tied down to permanently?
Nicole: I love it when someone I barely know tells me how I should be feeling.
Vargas: Really? Well, the old man that was in here before? He was right about one thing. You are a liar because you're lying to yourself. You need to face the facts and get a life, Nicole, because father Eric, he's not playing at being a priest. He's in it for real. And if he figures out that you've got a thing for him? He's gonna freeze you out because he has to. He's not going to break those vows that he took, not for you or anybody else.
Sami: So did you find it yet?
Eric: Uh, there's just a squirrel sitting in a tree.
Sami: Oh. [Chuckles] Johnny must've been playing with my tablet again. But just keep looking. It's in there somewhere.
Kristen: EJ, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, okay?
Sami: Would you excuse me for just a second? Could you please keep it down out here? It's super embarrassing. My brother is a priest and I'm trying to convince him that we are all happy and normal.
Kristen: All right, I'll get out of your way, all right? I just wanted to get this. I'm going. [Gasps]
Sami: What? What is wrong now?
Kristen: Wait, rubber ducky wallpaper? What the...
Sami: Oh, that's mine. Sydney just put it on there. How did you open my tablet?
Kristen: I typed in my code.
Sami: It happens to be EJ's birthday?
Kristen: Yes, it does. Why? Is that yours too?
Sami: Yes. Well, I need to change my password. No wonder that Eric can't find that video the kids made.
Kristen: What video?
Sami: The kids made a video for him on my tablet.
Kristen: That's your tablet.
Sami: Wait.
EJ: Oh, I must've--I must've picked up the wrong one from the table, darling.
Sami: Oh. [Sighs] Well, then, he's looking at...
Kristen: Mine.
Eric: Here it is.
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