Days Transcript Thursday 5/30/13

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 5/30/13


Episode #12096 ~ Kristen reveals shocking information about John to Marlena; a drug dealer approaches Brady.

Provided By Suzanne

Nicole: Zipping the lip. I'm zipping the lip. I'm sorry. You know what? From now on, you should only listen to father Eric.

Eric: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Johnny: She's funny.

Eric: Yeah, sometimes she is.

Johnny: You should marry her.

[Door opens]

Lucas: Hey, look who's awake.

Will: Hey, dad.

Lucas: How you doing?

Sami: Lucas, I'm so glad you're here.

Lucas: Yeah, obviously he's on the mend. Looking good.

Sonny: He's gonna be good as new.

Lucas: Excellent. That's excellent. Wow, look at her, huh?

Will: I know.

Lucas: That is amazing. You must be popping stitches with pride right now, looking at that little baby. Look at those eyes. You got to meet your daddy.

Nick: There's something I have to tell you about. [Deep breath] I-- I don't even know how to say this. I just-- I'm so ashamed.

Gabi: What are you talking about?

Nick: It's time. It's way past time... [Sniffles] For you to know the truth about me.

Gabi: No, I do know the truth. Of course I know the truth. You're an amazing man with a great heart. And that we're gonna have a really great life together.

Nick: Gabi, stop.

Gabi: What?

Nick: You just think you know me. But you can't. I don't even know who I am.

John: You look like hell. What's happened?

Brady: What did you do tonight, dad? With Kristen.

Kristen: It's not fair. [Crying] It's not fair! [Sobs] I told the truth. I told the truth. Bitch!

Marlena: Isn't that what payback is, Kristen?

Lucas: You know, I got all the details about what happened on smith island. It's pretty incredible.

Will: I just did what I had to do, you know? I learned that from you.

Lucas: I don't know about that. You did some wild and crazy things. I think you learned that from the blonde over there.

Sami: [Laughs] Hilarious.

Lucas: Thank you, Sonny. Thank you for bringing the baby here so will could see her.

Sonny: We didn't do that.

Will: Oh, um, Nick did.

Gabi: You know what? We shouldn't talk about this today because you've had a really awful day. And you just need some sleep, that's it.

Nick: Wait, no, no, Gabi. We have to do it now. [Deep breath] I-I've been hiding stuff, okay? And I've been telling myself that--I don't know. That somehow it would evaporate or something. Or maybe I thought I could just lie forever.

Gabi: No. No, we haven't lied. We've told everything to each other. We haven't done that.

Nick: Gabi, I lied about everything.

Gabi: No--like, what? What? What?

Nick: Everything, everything. I-I blackmailed will to give up his rights to the baby. I blackmailed him.

Gabi: Okay, yes, I-I mean, I always thought that you had something over him. But that's because you were trying to protect me from Sami, that's--

Nick: No. [Sniffles] It had nothing to do with Sami. It's because will's gay.

John: All I wanna know is: Are you okay?

Brady: And all I wanna know is what you did with Kristen tonight. Did you go to her room, dad? Did you try to-- did you try to seduce her, dad? Yes or no?

Kristen: You vicious, vindictive--

Marlena: Bitch. Yes, I know. You said that.

Kristen: You can't help yourself, huh? You had to come back and gloat?

Marlena: I didn't come back for you. I came to make sure Brady was okay.

Kristen: No, he left. And he's not okay. You ruined his life, remember?

Marlena: I thought he had a right to know the truth.

Kristen: Is that what you thought? Are you sure you didn't think that you've been trying to get revenge on me for 15 years, and now was your chance? So what if Brady gets hurt in the process?

Marlena: That was never the intention.

Kristen: Oh, really? Well, now you're here. What do you want? You want me on the ground again so you can kick me when I'm down? You know what? I didn't think it was possible, but I hate you more than I ever did. I only have one regret-- that I didn't kill you when I had the chance.

Nick: Look. The way I treated will and Sonny-- [Sniffles] It's not because I'm religious. [Deep breath] In prison... things happened... that changed me.

Gabi: Nick, I--

Nick: No, I just--I-- [Groans] You need to let me get through this, okay, all of it. Because if I can't tell you-- [Deep breath] Life inside, Gabi... you have no idea the things that can happen. When I got out, I was-- I was a wreck, you know? I was lost. I was-- I was just faking everything, just to get through an hour. You know, and then to get through another hour. And I thought if I could just forget-- you know, if I could just wipe away everything that happened, that I would be okay. [Crying] And then--and then I met you. Oh, my God. You were so wonderful and warm and sexy and loving. And I made a huge mistake.

Gabi: What are you talking about?

Nick: I held on to you, Gabi. I held on to you for dear life. I made you my whole world. And I took everything that happened in prison and I put it in this box. And I just locked it away. And that's-- I thought I would be okay. I thought that you would save me. Because if as long as I had you, then I wouldn't have to deal with all my demons. [Deep breath] Oh, God. And then will-- will turned out to be the baby's father. And that's... that's when some of those demons started to come out again.

Gabi: Will and Sonny never did anything to hurt you.

Nick: I know. But if I didn't treat them like dirt, how was I gonna justify all my--all my dirty secrets? I know this doesn't make any sense, Gabi. But I couldn't stop it from happening. And then--[Crying] And then will-- will risked his life for me. He almost died trying to stop Jensen from killing me. And that's when I realized... I gotta face what Jensen did to me in prison. I gotta face all of the lies. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Gabi. I'm so sorry.

Nicole: So how was Johnny after I left?

Johnny: Nicole. I know she likes you.

Eric: And what makes you think that?

Johnny: 'Cause she looks at you the same way she looked at my daddy when she liked him.

Eric: Interesting.

John: I need you to know that no matter what, I love you, son, more than anything in this world.

Brady: Wow, that's reassuring, dad. Do I get my answer now?

Hope: Brady?

John: Hope, we're in the middle of something.

Hope: Yes, so am I. I'm sorry to interrupt. Brady, I need to ask you some questions about Kristen-- Kristen and Sy Miller.

Marlena: Wow. [Pop] The real Kristen emerges. Hello again.

Kristen: Go to hell.

Marlena: You've put on quite a show the last six months. But I never bought a ticket, because I know the truth about you, always have.

Kristen: I think you and I need to have a little talk. I don't think you know everything you think you do.

Marlena: I don't care what about what you say about anything or anyone.

Kristen: Not even john?

Nicole: Johnny was interesting? I, uh, would-- okay, what does that mean?

Eric: Yeah, um, you know that little boy.

Nicole: Okay, whatever. I was just wondering, are you comfortable working here?

Nicole: Sorry?

Eric: I guess what I'm trying to say is: Are you at peace, living here?

Nicole: At peace? I don't know what-- oh, man. Are you talking about that little comment that Johnny made earlier?

Eric: I'm just concerned that maybe--

Kristen: You can't possibly think that I have feelings for you. That's crazy. What's the matter with you?

Sami: You know what? Let's get the baby back to the nursery. I'll go with you, okay?

Sonny: Okay.

Will: Here, take this.

Sonny: I got it.

Lucas: You get some rest, okay?

Will: Hey, um, dad?

Lucas: Yeah?

Will: Would you mind, uh, sticking around for a minute?

Lucas: Yeah, sure.

Will: Okay.

Sami: So, um, I really wanna hear every detail of what Nick said to you when he brought the baby in.

Gabi: You said that I was someone you grabbed on to. Does that mean that what we had wasn't real?

Nick: [Sniffles] When it all came flooding back, I realized... I spent every day since I first met you pretending I was someone else.

Gabi: So you never really loved me?

Nick: I-I thought I did. I wanted to. I was so confused. Gabi, I was lying so much to so many people. How could I know what I really felt?

Gabi: Nick, you swore you loved me.

Nick: Honest to God, Gabi, I wanted my fantasy to be real. But you have to understand, in prison, I was so twisted that--

Gabi: Before we got married, Nick, I asked you-- I begged you to tell me what happened to you.

Nick: I know, I know. And I couldn't tell you. I couldn't do it. I'm sorry.

Gabi: We got married. [Crying] We got married, Nick. And I just had a baby. What is it that you're trying to tell me?

Nick: [Deep breath] Jensen-- Jensen raped me, Gabi. He raped me and he beat me again and again and again and again. And after that--[Crying] There was no me.

Hope: That photograph will be key evidence. I'll need it. The man receiving money from Kristen, he's one of the muggers from the square, correct?

Brady: Yeah. And that's Kristen paying him off right there.

Hope: You received that photograph from Marlena tonight?

Brady: Yes, I did.

Hope: Has Kristen seen it?

Brady: Yes, she has.

Hope: And what did she say?

Brady: She lied. She lied, just like the day in your office when I ID'd this guy as one of the muggers.

Hope: Exactly. When she insisted he wasn't one of the muggers. Brady, what do you think now?

Brady: What do I think now? I think she hired two men to stage an attack. I think she knew that I'd follow her. She knew that I'd rescue her. And she knew she could reel me in and then lie to me and then use me. That's what she did.

Kristen: First of all, my condolences on your upcoming divorce. John told me.

Marlena: Well, first of all, it's none of your business. And secondly, nothing's written in stone.

Kristen: Mm. You crazy kids think you're gonna work things out?

Marlena: As I said, none of your business.

Kristen: Hm, maybe. I can't help but be a little nosey, 'cause it's so weird. A couple hours ago, he was in my hotel room. Actually, he was on my bed. He had me on my back. Should I go on? Enough about the book, I want to hear about your date.

Sonny: Nick just showed Arianna to will, said he was sorry about everything. And will said he understood.

Sami: Will was really amazing out there, wasn't he?

Sonny: Yeah, that's who he is.

Sami: It's a weird feeling, when you realize your child is a better person than you are.

Sonny: You wouldn't have let Nick die, Sami, come on. You know you would've done something too.

Sami: No, I'm not 100% sure of that. What I really wanna know though is how that guy Jensen got out of prison in the first place. And look what he's done to Rafe, what he did to will, what he was going to do to Gabi. Man, somebody better have some answers.

Will: I just wanna say that everything that you said was spot-on, about--about, you know, me seeing my daughter for the first time.

Lucas: Overwhelming, isn't it?

Will: I swear, it's like, when--when I woke up and Nick was standing there and he brought me her, it was just like-- I mean, I swear, music started playing.

Lucas: Yeah, she's beautiful, man. And so tiny, helpless.

Will: Yeah, yeah.

Lucas: And you gotta realize, you gotta know that you're responsible now.

Will: Yeah. I'm gonna do everything I can to give her the best life, you know? I'm not gonna let anybody hurt her.

Will: That's how I felt when you were born.

Nick: He raped me. I've never... said that out loud before. But that's what happened. That's real. And that's what I have to deal with now-- [Sniffles] What's real. I can't tell you how sorry I am that I used you, Gabi.

Gabi: So you're saying that it was a fantasy, what we had?

Nick: It was so obvious what I was doing, you know? Like, Sonny and will show up and I start in with the names and trashing them every chance I get. I hated them because of what Jensen did to me. It was sick. You know, Jensen wasn't even gay. You know, in prison, it's not about being gay or straight. It's about violence and power. Gabi, I'm so sorry. I wish you'd never met me.

[Door opens]

Sami: Look who we have for you.

Sonny: Hey, ready to check out little--

Sami: Arianna is here--

Sonny: I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?

Sami: Um, you know what? We'll just take the baby to the, um, nursery--

Gabi: No, no, no. Wait, wait. I wanna hold her.

Sonny: Go to your mom.

Sami: Isn't she precious?

Excuse me. Mrs. Fallon, I need your signature.

Gabi: Okay. It's Arianna's birth certificate.

Nicole: You are a piece of work. May I remind you-- since you've hired me, and I admit we've had our fights-- but I've stood by you. And I've tried to be the best friend I could possibly be. And what are you doing? You're obsessing over what a child said. I mean, really, a child? Thinking, "ooh, Nicole can't keep her eyes off me. I'm so irresistible to her."

Eric: Nicole, I never--

Nicole: You were thinking it. Better get over yourself, Eric.

Hope: Brady, I'm so sorry. The photograph, I'll need it.

Brady: Evidence. Take it.

Hope: Thank you. We'll talk.

Marlena: I think I'll pass on your stories about john. We all know you're incapable of telling the truth. I guess Brady found out the hard way, huh?

Kristen: Ask him.

Marlena: Sorry?

Kristen: Ask john if he wasn't on top of me, ready to go.

Marlena: I think I've heard enough.

Kristen: And he's gonna tell you that he did it to save Brady. That he had to have sex with me so he could show Brady what a horrible person I am. And that's plausible, sort of. It's crazy, but I know john so well. I think I even know him better than you do. He has this way of doing things. You know, he convinces himself that he's doing them for the right reasons, that seducing me was okay because it was serving a higher purpose. Did you know that he's been coming on to me for weeks?

Marlena: Have you no shame?

Kristen: There's no shame in telling the truth, Marlena.

Marlena: You're trying to fool yourself into thinking john would have anything to do with you at all.

Kristen: Oh, honey, honey, sweetie, girlfriend, I don't have to fool myself about anything. He was on top of me. Now granted, his pants weren't at his ankles. But woman-to-woman...

Marlena: Oh, my God. You...

Kristen: No, no, no--he was ready.

Marlena: Are disgusting.

Kristen: Aw. Can I help it? Can I help it if he still wants me? Might be a little bit of emotional stuff there, but basically it's just sex. And I know that you're not exactly in touch with that part of yourself. You know and I know that when john and I are in the same room, sparks fly. You see it. It terrifies you, 'cause you know it's never going to die.

Eric: Nicole, I think you may be reading too much into this.

Nicole: You're reading too much into things. I mean, really? A silly little comment from Johnny DiMera? But you know what? I know why. Because you're always judging me. And you're disappointed that I'm an openly sexual person with healthy needs and desires.

Eric: Nicole, I really don't want--

Nicole: Okay, so why don't you just face it, father, okay? I can get those needs met anytime without your help. Okay, so stop assuming that you're on my radar, or that you ought to be. You know, in fact, if I'm gonna continue working here, I want a full throated apology from you by tomorrow by noon.

Sami: I'd like to see that birth certificate.

Nick: No, you wouldn't.

Sami: Excuse me, Nick, but I have every right to look at it.

Nick: There's no point, Sami. It has to be redone. The name of the father is wrong.

I'm sorry. The papers said you two are married.

Nick: We are, but the name of the father is wrong.

Gabi: The name of the father should read "William Horton."

Will: Everything's gonna be perfect now again.

Lucas: [Whispering] You are gonna be a great father.

Marlena: You know, if you're expecting me to have some apoplectic fit over your accusations, you're wrong.

Kristen: Ask him!

Marlena: I wish you could understand how sick you really are. You are as sick as the day you tried to kill me. You're ranting, you're raving, you're out of control, you--

[Glass shatters]

Kristen: I could've destroyed all of you tonight-- you and john and Brady. All I had to do was let john do what he came to do, and make sure that Brady caught us in the act.

Marlena: [Exhales]

Kristen: It wasn't a lie. I don't care what anybody says. It wasn't a lie. I changed. I changed. I changed because of Brady's love. I realized that no revenge in the world could ever give me the kind of joy that loving Brady gives me. [Crying] So I told john that I was leaving. I chose a wonderful man's love. I chose love. And then you came with that photograph. And you ruined all of our lives.

Marlena: That's a heartbreaking story. And you brought it on yourself.

Kristen: Shut up! You smug, sanctimonious bitch. Get out! But you just remember one thing. You remember what I told you about john. He was all over me. He was everywhere. Now you live with that the rest of your putrid little life.

Brady: You never answered my question.

John: You know the truth now. Isn't that all that matters?

Brady: [Sighs] So I don't get an answer... which is an answer.

John: Son, Brady--

Brady: Get away!

Marlena: She has convinced herself that she's the victim.

Hope: Of course she has. I saw Brady.

Marlena: How is he?

Hope: About how you'd expect. Marlena, you did the right thing. Kristen.

Kristen: No, I cannot deal with this right now.

Hope: Well, unfortunately, you do have to talk to me... about this. I think you know who gave it to me.

I'll get this taken care of.

Sami: Gabi, Nick, doing the right, that was-- thank you.

[Door closes]

John: You did it. You nailed Kristen.

Marlena: She did that herself. All I did was show Brady the picture, and then she couldn't lie her way out of it.

John: Well, it's over, and we won. Brady knows the truth, and now we can just put things right.

Hey. I got some great stuff, bro-- Durango dynamite. Takes you straight to happy. C-note makes you a winner again. You ready?

Brady: Mm. No. [Scoffs] Your loss, bro.

Brady: [Sighs]

Nicole: Brady, what are you doing here? Hey. You look awful. What happened? Something about--

Brady: [Grunts]

Nicole: Oh, God. It's something about Kristen, isn't it? What? Tell me.

Brady: [Deep breath] It's over.

Sami: You know, I had this big revelation tonight. I had to tell Sonny. It's a crazy feeling when you realize your kid is a better person than you are. What do you think?

Lucas: I think our kid is a lot better person than you are.

Sami: Lucas!

Lucas: What? He's a better person than both of us put together. And that is just the way we should want it.

Sonny: It's so incredible. You know, not so long ago, everything seemed so dark. Nothing to hold on to. But now, everything's gonna work out. We're gonna make it work, will. You and me, together.

Gabi: Nick. We have a lot to think about.

Nick: Get some rest.

Gabi: [Crying] Don't worry, sweetie. Your mommy's always gonna be here for you. And you're always gonna be loved. [Deep breath]

Eric: [Sighs] Heavenly father, I-- please bless Nicole, whatever her needs. I also wanna pray tonight for my stepbrother Brady.

Brady: I fell in love with a lie. I just-- I've been so stupid. How could I have been so stupid? I don't understand.

Nicole: Brady--

Brady: It was all just a joke.

Nicole: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Listen. Look, why don't-- why don't you and me go somewhere, okay?

Brady: No, no--

Nicole: We'll go to a bar. We'll go to an all-night diner and we'll just talk until they kick us out, okay? Look at me. Hey. You need a friend right now. And I can use one too, okay? I'm not gonna leave you alone tonight, I'm serious.

Brady: I'm fine.

Nicole: I am not going to leave you alone. You're not fine. I'm so sorry.

Marlena: What did you do tonight, john?

John: Well, it's complicated.

Marlena: Always is.

John: Look, doc, I'm-- I'm not sure what you heard--

Marlena: You know what? Um... I don't wanna think about this tonight. Not about you or Kristen or what happened or what didn't happen. I don't wanna give it one more ounce of my energy.

Kristen: So, I don't suppose you'd be willing to call Brady for me, tell him how much I love him and I always will?

Hope: [Chuckles] No. I won't be doing that, Kristen. I'm here to take you down to the station, where you'll probably be charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault... a felony, that I'm sure will stick. And I think you know that, because Brady will be testifying against you.

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