Days Transcript Tuesday 1/22/13

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 1/22/13


Episode #12006 ~ EJ offers to help Will get custody of the baby; Nick asks Justin for advice

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Laura

Daniel: Jennifer... why do you have the number to Child Protective Services? Is this about Chloe?

Jennifer: No, I-I don't understand this, uh--

Daniel: You know about Chloe, don't you? That she was so wrecked when we split up that someone was able to blackmail her into turning tricks.

Jennifer: Yeah, yeah, I just found that out.

Daniel: You just found out? You knew. You were gonna tell me, but then you changed your mind? Why would you change your mind?

Jennifer: Kate--Kate wanted me to tell you, and I couldn't.

Daniel: You couldn't, so instead, you sit here at your desk with this number in front of you like you're gonna--

Jennifer: No. What? What? I'm gonna do what?

Daniel: Tell me, are you gonna call Protective Services on Chloe? Tell me.

Chloe: What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall of that office.

Anne: You really think it's gonna work?

Chloe: Is Daniel going to think that she went behind his back? What else could he possibly think?

Anne: [Chuckles]

Rafe: Hey.

Nick: Hey, you, uh, you looking for Gabi?

Rafe: Yeah, well, I didn't come here for the chowder.

Nick: Heh, actually, she's not here.

Rafe: Where is she?

Nick: Uh, Caroline said she went to St. Luke's Church.

Rafe: I see. What happened to your new job?

Nick: Oh, I'm just helping out here until I start it.

Rafe: Yeah.

Nick: Oh, hey, Rafe, um... I, uh... I have something for you.

Rafe: Oh, yeah. [Exhales] Right. Guess you don't have much use for a honeymoon now, huh?

Nick: Oh, no, Gabi and I are still planning on getting married. I don't care what happened last night.

Gabi: Please forgive me. I brought a lie here to Your house... all because I wanted a church wedding. I'm sorry, I just--I wanted Nick and me and the baby to have a good start. I lied to Father Eric. But I did it for the baby. I promise, I promise you that I will always put the baby before myself.

Nicole: [Clears throat] Hi. I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop, uh... are you okay?

Gabi: I guess you know. Everybody does. I was just trying to, um... I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't know.

EJ: So a little bird tells me that you're the best custody lawyer in town. [Laughing] Listen, I hope you have a little bit of time on your calendar. Good, I thought you might say that, so I took the liberty of sending a check for the retainer over to you. You'll get it by the end of business today. No, thank you. For once, it's not me. No, a guy by the name of Horton. William Horton. Yeah.

Sami: So it comes down to this. What are you gonna do about it? Are you going to be a father to your baby or not?

Will: Y-you know, Mom, I really love how you really try to take the pressure off.

Sami: Well, William, I'm pretty sure you put that pressure on yourself by having sex with Gabi without a condom.

Will: I'm not gonna talk-- I'm not going to talk to you about that, okay? At least not before I talk to Gabi.

Sami: Well, when you talk to Gabi, make sure you figure out what her agenda is.

Will: Her agenda?

Sami: Oh, she has one. She definitely has one, that girl. She had an agenda when she tried to make sure you gave up all rights to your baby. She had an agenda when she lied to me about it from day one. And she definitely had an agenda when she was saying that you were the one pushing her to have an abortion.

Will: I'm sor--why-- why were you talking to her at all?

Sami: Because I wanted to lay the groundwork for you to have rights to your child. And now the rest is up to you. If you want those rights, you're gonna have to fight for 'em. And you better do it soon.

Will: I'm sorry, what part of "I'm not going to talk to you about this" do you not understand?

Sami: This is your child we are talking about here.

Will: Yes, Mom, that's right. That's my child. My child. So maybe you should do less talking and more listening to the father of said child.

Sami: I would love to listen to you talk. Right. Right. I am talking, I am doing the talking, because I care... because I love you, and I don't want to see you get hurt. And because I can see by your face that this hasn't sunk in for you yet, because it's not real yet. You haven't heard...the heartbeat. You haven't seen a sonogram. And I know you haven't because, if you had, this baby would already be the most important thing in your life. I'm begging you not to make a decision until you know exactly what it is that you're giving up. Please. Please get the right advice.

Will: From you, right? Is that...

Sami: Okay...okay. Not from me. From your grandma. [Chuckles] From either of them. Talk to your father. Talk to your Uncle Eric. Talk to anyone. Anyone who is on your side.

Nick: Do you see where I'm-- I'm coming from here or--or not?

Rafe: spite of everything that happened at your wedding, you're still here. In fact, you wanted to marry my sister, even though she was carrying someone else's baby.

Nick: I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of her.

Rafe: Right.

Nick: And the baby.

Rafe: But now everyone knows everything.

Nick: Well, thanks to Chad.

Rafe: So no need to rush into anything. Know what I'm saying?

Nick: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I-I hear you.

Rafe: Okay.

Nick: Yeah.

Justin: Rafe.

Rafe: Justin.

Nick: Hey. Justin.

Justin: Yes.

Nick: Thanks so much for coming.

Justin: Sure.

Nick: Yeah.

Justin: So what's this about?

Nick: Well, before I tell you, I wanted to make it official.

Justin: [Chuckles] You're putting me on retainer.

Nick: Well, if you take that, then attorney-client privilege attaches, right?

Justin: Guess those jailhouse lawyers you were inside with taught you well. You didn't waste any time.

Nick: Well, I have some questions that can't wait.

Justin: Like what?

Nick: Gabi's rights. And mine. What are they?

Justin: Word gets around quickly in this town. So when you say "rights," I assume you're talking about Will and Gabi's baby.

Nick: Well, the deal is the baby is gonna be born after Gabi and I are actually married. So maybe this is a stupid question, but would that make me the baby's legal father?

Justin: Well, that depends on what Will decides to do.

Nick: Right.

Justin: If he renounces his rights as a father, you know, it's pretty simple.

Nick: And if he doesn't?

Justin: Well, then you're looking at a custody action.

Nick: But--but the judge will most likely give the custody to the mother, right?

Justin: Well, not in every case.

Nick: [Sighs] Okay, um... I guess what I'm asking here is what do Gabi and I have to do to make sure we get total custody of the baby?

Nicole: Well, you probably know I've made every mistake in the book. So if you want to talk to someone who won't judge you or doesn't have a stake in all this, I'm happy to listen.

Gabi: You know, I thought we had everything...figured out.

Nicole: But it blew up in your face? Yeah, yeah, I've been there.

Gabi: I know that Nick loves me, and he still wants to marry me.

Nicole: But...

Gabi: Now everybody knows it's Will's baby, and everything's changed.

Nicole: Not, everything. You can still marry Nick. You're gonna have this baby. This baby that's a blessing, a miracle. I had to learn that the hard way.

Gabi: This poor baby's gonna have me as a mother. Yeah, I've pretty much screwed up my whole life. My mom doesn't want to talk to me. I practically have no friends.

Nicole: Okay, all right. Don't talk like that. I've screwed up my life in ways that you probably can't even dream of, but people, they-- they have an amazing ability to forgive.

Gabi: I don't know.

Nicole: Oh, Gabi. What did you do that was so bad? You made love to the wrong guy, and you got pregnant, and now you're dealing with it the best way you know how. Listen to me. You are going to be all right.

Will: I'm only gonna say this one more time. The decisions I made were my own. I don't need your advice. I don't need Grandma's advice. I don't need Uncle Eric's advice. I don't need anyone's advice. The baby is not yours, Mom. It's mine. What are you doing here?

EJ: You on your way out?

Will: Yeah.

EJ: Well, please don't go. I just want to talk to you for a minute.

Jennifer: First of all, I did not--I didn't-- I don't know how this got on my desk. This isn't even my handwriting. And, second of all, if I didn't tell you about Chloe, why would I tell Child Protective Services?

Daniel: That's what I'm trying to find out.

Jennifer: That's what I'm trying to tell you. I don't know how this got here.

Daniel: All right, they need me in the OR, I gotta go.

Jennifer: Daniel, wait. No! Daniel. Daniel...

Anne: Are you-- are you all right? You look upset.

Jennifer: I need to know where this came from.

Anne: Oh, Hayley, the new candy striper.

Jennifer: How do you know that?

Anne: Well, she puts little lines through her sevens. She thinks she's English.

Jennifer: Okay, I need to know why she put this on my desk.

Anne: Well, she's right over there, we... Hayley...could we ask you something? Did you put this on Ms. Horton's desk?

Hayley: Uh-huh.

Jennifer: Why did you do that?

Hayley: Um, because you asked for it?

Jennifer: No, I most certainly did not ask for that.

Hayley: Oh, gosh. Uh... I just started here, and there's so many faces to remember. I guess I thought you were somebody else.

Jennifer: I'm sorry, I-- I guess you did. Thank you.

Hayley: I wonder who did want that number.

Anne: Well, don't wonder. Go find out. Now. Ugh, ditz. Anything else?

Jennifer: No. Nothing.

Chloe: Damn, you two are good.

[Both laugh]

Nicole: Okay, well, I'll-- I'll let you two talk.

Gabi: Thank you.

Nicole: You take care, okay? Mm.

Rafe: [Grunts]

Gabi: You know, I came here to, um, tell God how sorry I am about lying to everyone. But...God isn't the only person I need to apologize to, is he?

Sami: So I think I will leave you two alone.

Will: Uh, Mom...

Sami: William... you don't want to talk to me. You have made that very clear. But you have been dealing with this alone for way too long. And I think EJ might be the perfect person to give you some advice. And I know the only way you will listen to him and take it is if I am not here.

Will: Yeah, but you--you don't have to leave, I...

Sami: I love you. And I'm gonna go visit your Uncle Eric at the church, drop something off. Got lots to do today.

Will: So, uh, what do you think I should do?

EJ: I don't know. I mean, I know you're in a very difficult situation. But I think you're trying to do the right thing.

Will: No. The right thing? I-I... even I don't believe that.

Justin: You want full custody?

Nick: That's what I said.

Justin: Then you need to convince Will to petition the court to give up his rights as a father. That'll make things very cut and dried. Then, once the child is born, you could adopt.

Nick: Fine, that's-- that's fine.

Justin: Are you sure that Will won't balk at making this legal?

Nick: Well, why should he? I mean, he was perfectly fine with letting the whole world think the baby was mine.

Justin: Yeah. But now, the whole world knows that the baby is his.

Nick: Okay.

Justin: Families are involved. It's not just the three of you anymore.

Nick: Do you really think that Will wants to be a father? Really?

Justin: I don't know what Will is thinking, but I do know that it's possible he could change his mind.

Nick: Okay. Okay, so...say you're right. What would it take to prove that Will's not fit to be a father?

Justin: You want Will to be declared unfit. That's saying that you don't want him even to be allowed to be near his child.

Nick: That's right.

Justin: And how do you define "unfit"?

Nick: Well, it's not for me to define--that's for the judge, isn't it?

Justin: If it's because he's gay...

Nick: Hey, I didn't say that.

Justin: Look, Nick, you started out talking about... your rights.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Justin: And now you're talking about total custody and having Will declared unfit. Okay, there must be a reason.

Lucas: Man, I went to prison for you!

Nick: I just want to consider all of my options. That's all.

Justin: [Sighs] Consider a new attorney while you're at it. This case doesn't appeal to me.

EJ: Okay, so you don't think that you were trying to do the right thing?

Will: It's a little bit more complicated than that.

EJ: Well, tell me.

Will: Okay, um... when I first came out to Grandma Marlena, she knew and Gabi knew and Sonny knew and you knew. And that was it. And then I was outed in the newspaper, and you know, then everybody knew. I thought... "All right, great. You know...everybody knows, so I don't have to pretend to be somebody I'm not." But the thing was, I was still scared. I don't know, I didn't know, like, who in my family was gonna be...prejudiced against me. And what people were gonna think and what people were gonna say. And, one time, one of my best friends came up and... said that... basically, being gay is vulgar and disgusting, and everybody thinks so. And I didn't know if he was right or not. And, basically, I was in a... very insecure place when I went to meet Gabi, who was also upset, and we kind of ended up just comforting each other. And then we had sex, and--and then afterwards, I was like, "That was the--that was the stupidest thing I could have done." Then, after that, I felt like I knew who I was, you know? And I wasn't afraid anymore. And I didn't give, you know, a crap about what anyone else thought. You know, and then I started going out with Sonny. And, like, I don't--being a part of something that real and that good was just, like, the most amazing thing that I've ever experienced. You know, and I just felt so great.

EJ: And then that was when Gabi told you she was pregnant?

Will: Yeah. And I wanted to... I wanted to make it not true. I would love to say that... you know, I saw how happy Nick and Gabi were, and I made this big sacrifice for them, but that...would just be a lie. Because I--you know, when Nick told Gabi that he wanted to marry her...and he wanted to take my child and tell everyone that it was his, I saw a way out. And I thought, "great, you know, now nobody has to know. And Sonny doesn't have to know, and I could still be with him and..." bottom line, no, I didn't do the right thing. I took the easy way out. Yeah, the easy way out. Yeah, right.

Billie: Hey, Mom, I just dropped the check off for the hospital foundation, and I'm heading back to the office.

Daniel: Are you talking to Kate?

Billie: I was just leaving her a voicemail.

Daniel: Yeah, well, you tell her I got a little message. I want to talk with her sooner, not later.

Billie: Wow. You seem really angry. What's going on?

Daniel: You know damn well what's going on. You just tell her to call me.

Billie: Okay. Wow, lovely running into you too.

Daniel: Please, just have her call me.

Chloe: Daniel.

Daniel: You're still here?

Chloe: Yeah, um, we have more to talk about.

Maggie: Hi, honey.

Jennifer: Hi.

Maggie: If you're looking for Daniel, he isn't here.

Jennifer: No, I know he's not. He's, uh, in surgery right now. And he's really angry at me.

Maggie: With you? Can you tell me about what?

Jennifer: No, that's the problem. I really can't tell you all of it.

Maggie: Well, what can you tell me?

Jennifer: Um...I can just tell you a little.

Maggie: All right.

Jennifer: I was given some information... and...information that Daniel needed to know, and I kept it from him.

Maggie: Why?

Jennifer: Because I didn't feel like it was my place, Aunt Maggie, but you know what? He ended up finding out anyway, and then he knew that I knew what it was, and I didn't tell him.

Maggie: So that's why he's upset with you.

Jennifer: Yeah, but there's more--somehow, he got the idea that the reason I didn't tell him was because I want to use this information behind his back.

Maggie: I'm having a little trouble keeping up.

Jennifer: Yeah!

Maggie: [Laughs] Okay. Well, one thing I do know for sure is that you would never go behind his back to do something that concerned him. So how would he get this impression?

Jennifer: I don't know. I guess it was an accident. Or maybe it wasn't.

Chloe: Well, I mean, I dropped a bomb on you earlier today, and we didn't really have a chance to talk about it.

Daniel: No, we didn't, but that's kind of a big conversation. Um, but, really, I'm in a hurry.

Chloe: You have to go to the OR?

Daniel: No, the attending surgeon showed up, and he took over, but, look, I need to find Jennifer right now.

Chloe: Oh, I saw her. She was in the elevator with her coat on.

Daniel: You did? You saw her?

Chloe: Yeah.

Daniel: Leaving?

Chloe: Yeah, I'm really on pins and needles right now. I mean, you know something awful about me that I didn't even want you to know about.

Daniel: All right, Chloe, look, I can't really--

Chloe: Daniel, I'm scared to death. I'm afraid that this is gonna affect the way that we deal with Parker.

Daniel: That's what you want to talk to me about?

Chloe: Yeah.

Daniel: Okay. No, we'll talk.

Chloe: You're scaring me.

Daniel: I just--I just got a lot on my mind right now. But I know this much: You would--you wouldn't sell yourself under any circumstance...not if you were in your right mind.

Chloe: Yeah. I mean, I tried to kill myself.

Daniel: I'm sorry. That never... I don't know, I guess we both got played about the most important thing in the world... our son. We both went a little crazy, I guess.

Chloe: Well, you didn't do what I did.

Daniel: No, but what you did do is put your life together, and you are a good mother. And when I see you with our son, I know, I know it's true.

Chloe: Thank you. Thank you for saying that. Ohh.

Daniel: Um...I, uh... I'm sorry that you had to worry about that today. I just had a lot to deal with. Um, you know I do need to go.

Chloe: Yeah, I totally understand.

Daniel: Good.

Maggie: Okay.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Maggie: Here you go.

Jennifer: Is Chloe here?

Maggie: Uh, no. I brought Parker home because she said she had something to take care of at the hospital.

Jennifer: Did she?

Maggie: This information that you concerns Chloe?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Maggie: And Daniel is angry with you because of it.

Jennifer: Mm-hmm.

Maggie: Are you wondering if Chloe set this up?

Jennifer: Yes, I am. I would really like to think this is just some horrible mix-up, but Chloe has been in town for two days. And Daniel and I are already having problems.

Maggie: Well, if this helps, I brought Parker home. Chloe was waiting to talk to Daniel.

Jennifer: Really?

Maggie: Yeah. She said they had to finish a conversation that they started earlier. You know what I think? I think that you'd better have a conversation with him yourself.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Maggie: Here, give me this.

Jennifer: I'm gonna go right now.

Maggie: Go, go.

Jennifer: Thank you, Aunt Maggie.

Maggie: You're welcome.

EJ: So I assume that you talked to Sonny about this.

Will: Mm-hmm.

EJ: How did that go? Hmm? William, I meant what I said yesterday. I'd like to help you. I already took the precaution of hiring you a custody lawyer.

Will: What?

EJ: Because it's the smart thing to do.

Will: I don't--I'm-- I don't need anybody else trying to run the show. I'm sorry, I got my mom already. Why do you want to help anyway?

EJ: I'll give you two reasons: The first one is you're a fantastic brother to Johnny and Sidney. The second one is, I care about your mother very much. Don't be surprised that I want to help you, William, and I'm certainly not trying to run the show. You just need to stop and think about exactly what it is that you want, then I will help you get that.

Will: Well, how am I supposed to do that when everyone's trying to tell me what I should want?

EJ: By "everybody," do you mean your mother?

Will: Sometimes she seems like a crowd. Well, when she's passionate about something, she doesn't deviate from it. We both know that.

Will: So if you were me, what would you want?

EJ: Well, I'm not you. William, I can tell you that my children are the most important thing in the world to me. That's the other reason I wanted to help you. I've been forcibly separated from them before. I know what it's like, and it's hell.

Gabi: Rafe, I lied to you about my baby's father, and I let you tell Mommy that lie. I wouldn't blame you if you hated me right now.

Rafe: Come on, hey. You're my sis. I'd never hate you. Right?

Gabi: Hate the sin, love the sinner, right?

Rafe: [Chuckles] Right. Listen, you were in a rotten situation. Truth's out now. Just have to figure out what to do next.

Gabi: I know.

Rafe: Listen, if you promise to be honest with me from now on, I promise to help you in any way I can. No matter who gets in our way.

Nicole: Oh, hey, how's it going there, Granny?

Sami: Well, it brings me joy to know that you still have that wicked sense of humor, Nicole.

Nicole: Okay, okay, this isn't funny. But I did--I did just talk to Gabi.

Sami: Did you? She could have used your advice on how to lie about her baby’s daddy.

Nicole: Well, I'm--I figured you probably gave her enough lecture, so...

Sami: Yeah, well, she deserved it. I don't like being lied to, as you know.

Nicole: Yes, 'cause you have such high standards in that area, mm-hmm. Must be troubling that your own son also lied to you.

Sami: You want to start something, Nicole? 'Cause today is your day.

Nicole: No, no, no, I don't-- I don't want to start anything. I just want to put you on notice, okay? I like Gabi, and I like her older brother, and I told her, if she needs anything, she could come to me.

Sami: Well, that must be very reassuring for them both, since you have such a great track record as a friend.

Nicole: You know, I really wish I thought twice about helping you get Rafe back.

Sami: What? What did you just say?

Nicole: Oh, please tell me-- you don't--you really don't know? Come on. New Year's Eve. I stalled EJ so that you and Rafe could be together at midnight.

Sami: I just couldn't believe it's true, because why would you do anything for me?

Nicole: I didn't do it for you, I did it for him. Because he wanted to be with you so much. I should have known you would blow it. You always do.

Rafe: Hey, let me know what the doc says, okay?

Gabi: Yes, I will.

Rafe: [Sighs] My sister's a little confused. So, uh... please look out for her. Her and the baby. Please?

Sami: Oh, God.

Rafe: What are you doing here?

Sami: Well, it's definitely not for a trip down memory lane, that's for sure. Huh. Can't help but think about how happy I was, planning your sister's perfect wedding.

Rafe: Okay, let's not do this...okay? Not here. All right?

Sami: Oh, no? Not here? Aren't you supposed to tell the truth in church?

Rafe: Listen, before you get up a full head of steam, let's remind ourselves that Will signed off on everything that my sister did, including, of course, lying to you.

Sami: Yeah, he was terrified of losing Sonny, and your sister, boy, she knew how to play him. She wanted that vine-covered cottage with Nick.

Rafe: Come on, please. She's just a scared young girl.

Sami: Yeah, I know that's what you see. Hey, I saw it too. Guess we both conveniently forgot that she did something so terrible that she was almost gonna get thrown in prison just a few months ago.

Rafe: Enough.

Sami: You know, if she had gone to prison, she wouldn't be pregnant with my son's child right now.

Rafe: I said that's enough.

Billie: Mom, it's Billie again. Listen, I was just at the hospital. I ran into Daniel, and he was so mad. He wants to talk to you, and whatever you were planning, let me tell you, it has backfired, big time. So call me--I'll fill you in.

Jennifer: Daniel... hey. Listen, I, uh... just really need to talk to you.

Daniel: Okay, I want to talk to you, but I want to go first.

Jennifer: Okay.

Daniel: I am so sorry.

Jennifer: You are?

Daniel: You...are the most decent, honest person I know. You told me you didn't know where that phone number came from, and that should have been enough for me. Instead, I was a jackass and made you defend yourself.

Jennifer: [Scoffs]

Daniel: I just want to say this...I love you. I believe in you. And I will always trust you. Always. So are we okay?

Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah. We are so okay. Yeah. I have to tell you, I, um... I was scared. I mean, after this morning, I was--I was really scared. Because I saw your face, and I thought--

Daniel: Okay, listen to me. Listen, the look on my face was confusion. And I should know better. Now, one of the things I can count on in this life is you. The sort of person that you are. And nothing or no one is ever gonna make me doubt that.

Jennifer: Okay. Okay.

Nicole: Yo! Chloe, hey...

Chloe: Oh, hi.

Nicole: You're gonna see Daniel now, right?

Chloe: Why would you say that?

Nicole: Well, because I heard Billie leave a message for big mama--she told Kate that her plan backfired. Daniel's still on your side, right?

Chloe: Yeah, he is, just... not the way I hoped.

Nicole: What happened?

Chloe: Well, he'll back me if someone questions my fitness as a mother.

Nicole: But Jennifer's still the woman he loves. Honey, you're not gonna win this one.

Chloe: Daniel loved me... and only me...until people started screwing with our lives. But we have a son together. And I may have lost this round. And it may be a lot harder than I thought to get Jennifer out of his life. But I am just getting warmed up.

Gabi: I'm so glad to see you. I practically ran all the way over here when I got your text.

Nick: You said you were at the doctor's office. Are you okay?

Gabi: Yeah, no, I have to have a sonogram, but the doctor says that everything's fine and that the baby's perfect.

Nick: Good, okay.

Gabi: You know, last night, I kind of told myself that when I woke up this morning, everything was gonna be okay. But then I woke up and, well, I was kind of fooling myself.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Gabi: I don't know what to do next, Nick.

Nick: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Um, I looked into it, and our marriage license is still valid. So we can go to the courthouse and we could get married by dinner.

Gabi: I can't do that, Nick.

Will: Yeah, that's right, she can't. Not until we talk about what we're gonna do about the baby.

Nick: [Sighs]

Sami: What, that's it? That's all you have to say?

Rafe: What Gabi did before has nothing to do with the situation that we're all in now.

Sami: I know that you want to cover for her. But she is a mother now. She's going to have to take responsibility for her actions.

Rafe: Right. How many times, exactly, did I cover for you?

Sami: [Chuckles] You wanted that to hurt, it did.

Rafe: Well, I'm just trying to get your attention. Anyway, you have no say in the matter anymore.

Sami: But Will does. And I can promise you this: he's not gonna sit around and think it's his job to make life easy for Nick and Gabi. He's a great big brother to Sidney and Johnny and Allie, and he is going to be a great father. And he's certainly not going to just stand by and let that child be raised by a felon, who murdered someone, and your sister, who should be spending time behind bars herself.

Rafe: All right, I said that is enough, Sami.

Sami: I don't think it is, Rafe, I think--

EJ: Leave her alone, Rafe.

Rafe: Oh. [Snorts]

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