Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/14/12
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: Abigail, I'm heading out, baby.
Nicole: Hey.
Jennifer: Hey.
Nicole: So you're headed out?
Jennifer: Uh, yeah for a bit.
Nicole: Cool. Gonna go see Brady?
Jennifer: Brady? Why would you say that?
Nicole: Well, I just saw you two hanging out at the Horton town square, and it looked like you were hitting it off, so...
Jennifer: We are friends, Nicole.
Nicole: I know that. I know, but you two are, you know, going through a terrible time right now. Must be nice to have someone like him to lean on.
Jennifer: Mm. You mean instead of Daniel?
Anne: This is for Jennifer Horton. It's her office assignment.
Maxine: B-102? Is this for real?
Anne: That's what it says, isn't it?
Daniel: Uh, hold on there a second, uh, Anne.
Anne: Mm-hmm?
Daniel: Did you forget our little discussion that we had the other day?
Anne: Uh, discussion?
Daniel: Yeah, the one about how lucky we all are to have Jennifer Horton working for us and about how all of us, you in particular, are going to welcome her with open arms?
Anne: I simply assigned the woman an office.
Daniel: Yeah, that's right, you did. B-102. "B" as in basement.
Anne: I don't know what you're accusing me--
Daniel: You know what I'm accusing you of? Of thinking that just because she got the job that you coveted that you could stab Jennifer Horton in the back. Well, it is not gonna happen.
Chad: Melanie nearly died because of you. And there is no way you'll be part of our wedding. This can't happen.
Gabi: What does that mean?
Chad: It's over.
Gabi: Over? Okay, w--you're saying that you're gonna tell Melanie exactly what I did?
Chad: All of it-- everything you did, what you knew about Andrew.
Gabi: If you tell Melanie, she's gonna hate me.
Chad: No kidding.
Gabi: Well, what about you?
Chad: What about me?
Gabi: Well, I mean, you've known this whole time, and you haven't said anything to her. How do you think Melanie's gonna feel when she hears about that?
Melanie: But you heard already?
Maggie: Oh, word gets around.
Melanie: I know. I just wanted to tell you myself. Do you like it?
Maggie: [Gasps] It's beautiful.
Melanie: So I figured you could help me plan the wedding. Won't that be fun?
Maggie: Yes, it will be, of course.
Melanie: Um, I figured you would already have ideas about, like, dresses and flowers and, like, who should sit next to who.
Maggie: Well, it's your wedding, Melanie. I don't want to impose. And we'll figure it all out together.
Melanie: You don't really sound... very thrilled about this.
Sonny: Out of curiosity, when t told you I wasn't interested in Brian... did he mention anything else about me?
Will: What do you mean anything else?
Sonny: Just, you know, anything.
Will: Uh, I mean, like, maybe if there's somebody else you might be interested in?
Sonny: More or less.
Will: Yeah? Um... yeah, actually. Come to think of it, he did.
Rafe: God.
Brady: Whoa. What's wrong?
Rafe: I'm an idiot. That's what's wrong.
EJ: You look stunning.
Sami: Thank you.
EJ: Are we ready to go? Unless you have something you'd rather do this evening. Is there a problem?
Sami: EJ, I can't go out with you tonight.
Brady: What's going on?
Rafe: Sami.
Brady: [Sighs] Sami, yeah. What about her?
Rafe: Ah, it's just... it's kind of embarrassing, really.
Brady: It's embarrassing?
Rafe: Mm.
Brady: After everything you guys have been through--
Rafe: Yeah, we kissed, all right? We kissed.
Brady: That's a bad thing?
Rafe: [Scoffs]
EJ: You're canceling our date... when I'm standing here? I'm in your living room, Samantha. I'm ready to go. Come on. So I have the most wonderful surprise planned for you. I promise you.
Sami: I know--no, no. You know what? No. I'm--I'm serious. I really can't. Something came up.
EJ: Something--what came up exactly?
Sami: Well, I forgot that Allie has a school project, and--and she just--it's due tomorrow.
EJ: Samantha, we made this arrangement yesterday. It was your idea.
Sami: Well, I know that, but I forgot about the project. I'm really sorry.
EJ: You're a gifted liar, Samantha, but you're not that good. Is this because of what I walked in on earlier? Is this because of Rafe?
Sonny: So t told you that I was interested in you?
Will: Mm-hmm. And he also said that, um, you didn't think that I was interested in you.
Sonny: Well, that's 'cause I know that you aren't, so...
Will: No. I mean, I... you're--I mean, I--you're wrong.
Sonny: Um, but the--the night that I wanted--I tried to help--help you--
Will: Yeah, I know, I was messed up. And it wasn't you. I mean, you were trying to help me, and I realize that. And I came to find you, you know, to kind of tell you how I felt, but...
Sonny: Uh, you saw me with, uh--with Brian.
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Will: That's where I really messed things up. Anyway, so I figured that you were with Brian, you know, and that you were... kind of...
Sonny: Kind of what?
Will: I don't know--out of my league.
Sonny: Out of your league?
Will: Yeah. Out of my league. I don't--I don't know. I'm new to this, like I said. And I probably let that mess with my head. I'm sorry. And this whole thing has been my fault, so is there any way that you can forgive me?
Maggie: Melanie... I just want to make sure that this is all happening for the right reasons.
Melanie: It is. I love Chad so much. He loves me so much.
Maggie: But you're in such a hurry to get married.
Melanie: You think I feel threatened?
Maggie: It's hard not to think that.
Melanie: This has nothing to do with Nick.
Maggie: Melanie, I saw your face when you ran into Nick yesterday. You couldn't get out of here fast enough.
Melanie: Because I was surprised, not scared, and I had somewhere else I was supposed to be. You know how much I want this. I have always wanted just a relationship where somebody loves me and it's real and it's honest.
Chad: So what are you saying, Gabi--that if I tell Melanie that you knew about Andrew all along, you're gonna turn it around on me?
Gabi: Look, I tried to tell Melanie. I know that I did things wrong. But you know what? You tried to stop me, okay?
Chad: Because she was freaked out enough over Nick's parole hearing, okay? She didn't need to know that the real enemy was right in front of her.
Gabi: I get it--you were trying to protect her. Your heart was in the right place--I understand.
Chad: Yeah, uh-huh, all the good that's done, right?
Gabi: I am not the enemy, Chad. You know, Nick is always going to be an issue for her, especially now that he's staying in Salem and working at the pub.
Chad: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What--what did you just say?
Gabi: Oh, you didn't know? Mrs. Brady hired him.
Chad: I don't believe this.
Gabi: That's why she needs her friends now more than ever.
Chad: Oh, don't you talk like you're one of her friends. Get over yourself!
Gabi: Chad, look, I know I messed up, and I know that if she finds out, that's gonna crush her. When she finds out what you did... lying to her... covering stuff up... she's gonna be destroyed.
Daniel: So I suppose it's just a fluke that Jennifer's been given an office, say, in the basement.
Anne: It was the largest space available at the moment.
Daniel: You know, she really doesn't need large. She needs to be online. You really want to go up against me on this, Anne? No. You don't.
Nicole: Jennifer, why are you being so defensive? I'm just trying to be positive and forward-looking for you.
Jennifer: "Forward-looking"?
Nicole: Yes. Brady is a great guy, and you and he, sadly, share something that you, no doubt, could help. That's the only point I was trying to make.
Jennifer: I have to get to work.
Nicole: Okay, just one more thing. Since you brought up the subject of Daniel... I just hope I didn't offend you the other day.
Jennifer: Oh, when you accused me of pushing him aside? No, I didn't take offense to that at all, Nicole.
Nicole: I'm sorry if you think that was the point I was trying to make--
Jennifer: No, but I think you were making yourself very clear that the best thing I can do for Daniel is to give him space. I understand.
Nicole: Look, I don't mean to harp on it. That's just what I'm getting from him. I know that you don't want to play mind games with him, no matter how unintentional it may be.
Jennifer: I'll see you later.
Nicole: [Sighs] And off she goes to work with Daniel. [Scoffs] Hmm. Well, with the number I just pulled, she'll probably keep her distance, but... just in case she doesn't...
Melanie: What Chad and I have is real.
Maggie: Melanie, I never doubted your love for Chad.
Melanie: I know. And I was hung up on the fact that he's a DiMera. But that's not who he is.
Maggie: Of course not. But that's not what I'm concerned about.
Melanie: You don't need to be concerned about anything. I called my mom. She's happy. She's totally fine with it. She and my brother are gonna come out for the wedding.
Maggie: That's wonderful.
Melanie: It would be... if you were happy too.
Maggie: Come here. I am happy for you. We are gonna have so much fun planning the perfect wedding for you and Chad. So... when is your mom coming?
Melanie: Uh, she doesn't know. She doesn't have her schedule yet. [Sighs] I was thinking maybe I would go, um--go see her in Europe first.
Maggie: I--yes, I think you should go visit her definitely.
Melanie: I know, I just-- I don't want to leave Chad right now, so maybe I'll just wait until the wedding.
Maggie: Uh, does that mean you've set a date?
Melanie: No. No, no, no, we're gonna have a long engagement.
Maggie: [Laughing] Oh, good. Of course. Yes.
Melanie: Okay, I have to go. But having your support means... everything.
Maggie: You have it... always. I love you so much. [Crying]
Melanie: I love you too. Okay. Okay. I will, uh--I'll call you.
Maggie: Okay.
Melanie: Okay. [Giggles]
Maggie: [Sighs] She's not in a rush. Oh, thank god.
Chad: All I wanted was for Melanie to feel safe, and you messed it up.
Gabi: Me? Really? Look, I am not the reason that Nick got paroled, Chad.
Chad: You hired Andrew to stalk you. That's how all this started.
Gabi: What? Look, all I wanted was for you to notice me--that's it.
Chad: So what are you saying? This is my fault now?
Gabi: Yeah, maybe if you would have told me that it was never gonna happen between us, then I would--
Chad: Are you serious right now? I had no idea how you felt about me.
Gabi: Really? [Scoffs] How could you not? I mean, did you--let me--did you look at me just once, maybe? Once?
Chad: You know what? I wish I did. Maybe then I would have realized what a nut job you are and what you were capable of.
Gabi: Or maybe you just liked the idea of me fawning all over you.
Chad: Oh, yep, you know what? That's it. That's what I live for-- being stalked by some lunatic girl who doesn't care if someone dies, as long as they get my freakin' attention!
Gabi: Chad... this is not all on me, all right? If you--if you would have noticed me, noticed how I felt-- you know what? You could have told me "Gabi, this is never gonna happen for us. I am never gonna be able to love you." Then maybe, maybe none of this would have ever happened to Melanie.
[Doorbell rings]
Maggie: Okay, what did you forget? Nicole?
Nicole: Hi, Maggie. I-I'm sorry just to stop by. May I come in, or is the warden standing guard somewhere?
Maggie: Uh, no, I mean, you can come in, but, uh... Victor's not at home.
Nicole: Thank you.
Maggie: Nicole, what can I do for you?
Nicole: Oh, um... well, Daniel told me he'd talk to you about letting me stay here, and he said that you were willing, despite my history with Victor.
[Both chuckle]
Maggie: Nicole, I know you didn't come all the way over here just to thank me for that.
Nicole: Yeah, of--of course I did. I-I mean, I'm so grateful that you stuck your neck out for me. You're an angel.
Maggie: That's it?
Nicole: No. I'm--I'm here because of Jennifer. I'm really concerned about her.
Maggie: And why is that?
Nicole: I just--I feel like she's under a lot of pressure.
Maggie: Nicole, what kind of pressure?
Nicole: Do you know she's gone back to the hospital? She's working there again. She's got her job back.
Maggie: No. No, I didn't know that.
Nicole: Oh. Well, that's odd she didn't share that information with you. I-I just think it's impulsive, you know? I-I'm just not sure she can emotionally handle that stress on a day-to-day basis.
Maggie: Okay, you're telling me this why? I mean, what exactly do you suggest that I do, Nicole?
Nicole: I think Jennifer needs to--to get away... with you, and I know she adores you, and it would help her escape from her sadness and the memories. But for poor Jennifer's sake, the sooner you leave, the better.
Maxine: It's so good to have you back.
Jennifer: Thank you. It is so good to be back, Maxine. This is great. Now I just need to figure out where they're putting me.
Maxine: Oh, don't worry. I got a feeling you'll have the best office here.
Jennifer: Why do you say that?
Maxine: Because of the way Dr. Dan went off on that... nasty woman in H.R.
Jennifer: Wait. What? What nasty woman?
Maxine: Anne. You remember her. She wanted your job. She was gonna put you in the basement, but he stepped in, made her rethink that nonsense. [Chuckles] He's got your back, girl.
Daniel: Hi.
Jennifer: Hey.
Daniel: Welcome back.
Jennifer: Thank you. Hey, I-I heard about what you just did.
Daniel: I'm sorry--what did I do?
Jennifer: Uh, my--my office and--and Anne-- what you did for me.
Daniel: Oh, that. You know, it wasn't--I--
Jennifer: Yeah, I really wish that you hadn't. I realize that you're trying to help, but I want you to know that I can take care of myself.
Rafe: She's crazy. You know that--
Brady: Hmm.
Rafe: Reckless, impulsive.
Brady: Yep, and you are done with her, right?
Rafe: Yeah, I am. I am done with her. I do not need or want that kind of craziness in my life.
Brady: I hear you.
Rafe: What am I supposed to do? She was my wife. I was married to her. I raised children with her. Huh? What am I gonna do? I'm just gonna let her self-destruct with the jerk?
Brady: "The jerk"? Oh, I assume you mean our, uh, favorite person in the world?
Rafe: Yeah, EJ. Who the hell else, right?
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: And after everything that he's done to her, the ways he's hurt her, not to mention the stuff that she's pulled on him-- do they not realize that they're toxic together?
Brady: Are they together?
Rafe: Oh, who the hell knows? I don't know. The only thing that I do know for sure, and I repeat, I am not--I am not getting involved in this.
Brady: Kind of sounds like you already are.
Rafe: What? Why? What, because we kissed? All right, listen... I don't even know why I said anything to you, okay? It just kind of came out. Bottom line, it meant nothing, okay? It was meaningless and--
Brady: Mm-hmm. I get it. It was--meant nothing. You're over it. You obviously don't care about her anymore, right, at all?
Rafe: Why would you say that? No, of course I care. That's the problem. I care.
EJ: I'm waiting. Samantha, is this because of Rafe?
Sami: Yes. Yes, okay? I was all set to go, and then he just showed up here.
EJ: And?
Sami: Nothing. Nothing. He was just being normal, you know, Rafe.
EJ: What exactly does that mean?
Sami: That he had to make himself heard. He needed to make sure I knew what a huge mistake I was making.
EJ: What, by spending time with me? Well, what did you say to him? Samantha... what did you say to him?
Sonny: So you want me to forgive you?
Will: Yes.
Sonny: For what? For what? We had just--we had a--like, a misunderstanding. Don't you think? We have--we have it all figured out now.
Will: Okay, yeah, I guess so. Well, then okay, great. That was a misunderstanding. Okay, then--I don't know-- what do you want to call this?
Sonny: I don't think we need to call it anything, you know? We don't need to label anything right now.
Will: Yep, I agree. Yeah, good point.
Sonny: I think the word that we should focus on right now is just "slow."
Will: "Slow." Okay. [Both laugh] Yeah, no, I like that. I like that idea. Yeah, I like slow.
Brady: Does my sister know you still care about her?
Rafe: I don't know what your sister thinks... [Scoffs] Not anymore. Hell, I don't know if I ever did. The only thing I know for sure is talking about it's a colossal waste of time.
Brady: So you're done, then?
Rafe: Well, nothing's changed--that's for sure. No eyes were opened. No great truths were revealed. Let's see. Yeah, look at that-- no calls, no texts, no nothing. So... as far as I know, it happened. I walked out the door, and Sami and EJ could be having the time of their lives.
Brady: "It" happened. By that, you mean the kiss you guys shared, right?
Rafe: Yeah, just proves what I've been saying all along. The kiss, which, yes, is what I meant by "it," meant nothing... zip... not to her and... sure as hell not to me. Good talk.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Sami: I don't know what you're hoping for, EJ. I didn't say anything to Rafe.
EJ: Why not?
Sami: 'Cause it's Rafe. I mean, he does all the talking, you know? He was lecturing me.
EJ: No, he wasn't Samantha. He was scaring you away from spending time with me, and what I don't understand is why you would listen to that.
Sami: I didn't have much of a choice.
EJ: Didn't have a choice? You opened the door, you let this guy in, and then you choose--you choose to listen to what he has to say.
Sami: Okay, first of all, no need to get angry at me. Secondly, this guy is my ex-husband, okay? We were married for a long time. I'm not gonna just slam the door in his face.
EJ: Look, I'm not... I'm not ang-- okay, let me rephrase that. I'm not angry with you. I didn't mean for it to come across like that, so I apologize. I recognize I'm being somewhat unfair. Rafe was your husband. You shared a family together, so I suppose he's always going to have an... investment where you're concerned. But what I don't understand is, if he had something to say, why he couldn't say it to me. Hmm? Why couldn't he say that to my face?
Sami: I don't know. Maybe he didn't want to get into it.
EJ: Yeah. It's more likely he went to spend time with Nicole and his baby.
Sami: I don't know where he went. I just... look, EJ, I'm sorry, okay? I really am. I know how special this night was and how much planning--
EJ: Samantha, I just wanted to spend some time with you. That's it.
Sami: I'm just not in the mood. I just don't feel up to going out--I'm sorry.
EJ: Okay. I understand. I, uh... sorry for the way I behaved. I'm sorry for that, so... hey... we can, uh--we can do this, uh... another time, you know? I'm a patient man.
[Door closes]
[Fist thudding against wall]
Will: Hey. What you reading? Oh, bridal stuff.
Gabi: Yeah.
Will: For Chad and Melanie? Hey, are you okay?
Gabi: I'm great. Melanie just asked me to be one of her bridesmaids.
Will: And you said yes?
Gabi: Well, people don't usually say no when they ask them to be in their wedding, will.
Will: Well, you do if you were personally trying to break the couple up, I think.
Gabi: All right, can we please just not talk about this?
Will: Okay. I was just trying to inject a little humor into the--
Gabi: Well, you know what? Whatever happened with Chad in the past is gonna stay there, and I'm gonna keep it that way.
Will: Okay.
Melanie: I know. I could just--I could tell my grandma was, like, faking it for my benefit.
Chad: I'm sorry, babe.
Melanie: [Chuckles] It's okay. I think she just thinks I'm marrying you because I'm freaked out about Nick being out on parole.
Chad: Are you freaked out? I mean, is--is that why you said yes?
Melanie: You're kidding, right?
Chad: Mm-mm-mm.
Melanie: I think I remember asking you if that's why you asked me to marry you.
Chad: Uh, okay, I remember that. I do remember that. I also remember me telling you, "no, it's not," because I am marrying you because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Melanie: That goes double for me.
Chad: Double, eh?
Melanie: Double. Mm.
Chad: Mm.
[Both laugh]
Daniel: Okay. I didn't mean to get in your way, and I didn't mean to imply that you needed me or anyone else--
Jennifer: No, I know. I know that you had the best intentions, and I appreciate your concern, but I need you to know that I can handle this on my own. And if that means that my office is in the basement, then my office is in the basement.
Daniel: Okay. Noted. Won't do that again. I got to get back to work.
Jennifer: Okay.
Maxine: Now, this may be none of my business, but, girl... are you crazy?
Maggie: I just can't suggest to Jennifer that she leave town.
Nicole: Well, not leave-- get away with you. I honestly believe she needs it.
Maggie: Well, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna leave this up to her to decide, because it's not my place... or yours.
Nicole: You're right. I-I'm sorry if I overstepped.
Maggie: Apology accepted. Good-bye, Nicole.
Nicole: Bye.
Maggie: See ya.
Nicole: Yep. See ya. Oh, damn that woman. What a waste of time. Jennifer's... on her way to the hospital. I mean, hopefully she won't run into Daniel, but it's a big place, a lot of sick people. But what if she does? [Sighs]
Jennifer: Maxine, he crossed the line.
Maxine: What line? Dr. Jonas was just trying to do something nice for you.
Jennifer: I don't want him to be nice to me.
Maxine: Well, I think you took care of that. Jennifer, nobody here doubts your ability to do your job. Dr. Jonas was just standing up for a friend who was getting a raw deal, and you jumped down his throat.
Jennifer: Oh, you make it sound like I attacked him.
Maxine: Didn't you? He looked embarrassed you even knew about it.
Jennifer: Then why did you tell me?
Maxine: Because I thought it would make you feel better to know that you had people on your side the first day back. [Scoffs] Guess I'm the crazy one.
Jennifer: Maxine, I'm sorry. I-I'm--I didn't--I'm sorry. I really am.
Maxine: Enjoy your new office.
Jennifer: [Sighs]
Gabi: Okay, okay, w-w-wait. Hold on. Okay. Sonny? Sonny's the guy you've been into this whole time?
Will: Yeah, he is. I don't--that feels so weird saying it without even thinking about it.
Gabi: Okay, is he into you?
Will: Yeah. I mean, I thi--surprisingly.
Gabi: Wow.
Will: I know. I know, right? Um, and the crazy thing is that it almost didn't even happen.
Gabi: Why? What--
Will: Well, because I... I don't know--for a while, I didn't think he liked me that way, and he didn't think I liked him that way, so...
Gabi: Okay, so then what happened?
Will: It was just a misunderstanding. It was all a misunderstanding. It's funny how you can know somebody so well, you know, as a friend and then just, like, completely... I don't know--be so wrong about 'em.
Nicole: Hey.
Daniel: Hey. What, uh--what are you doing here? Is everything okay with the baby?
Nicole: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, the baby's fine. I just, uh--I had some free time, and I thought maybe you would let me buy you coffee or something.
Daniel: Oh. Uh...
Nicole: Are you okay?
Daniel: Uh, me? Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm good.
Nicole: Are you sure? Because I-I think I know you pretty well now, and I can kind of tell when something's wrong. So, whatever it is, I mean, I have all the time in the world, and you know there isn't anything you can't tell me.
[Knock on door]
Sami: Oh. You.
Brady: Hey. I wanted to talk to you, Sami, because I figured you'd be a little ticked off at me by now, huh?
Sami: Really?
Brady: Just a little.
Sami: Oh, Benedict Arnold-- right. The whole Kate thing-- promoting her instead of throwing her out with yesterday's trash.
Brady: Yeah.
Sami: Yes, I am pretty ticked off about it, but you know what? I don't feel like talking about it right now. Can we, like, make a plan for another day for me to bitch you out?
Brady: Yeah, that's fine with me, because I didn't want to talk about Kate anyway. Guess who I just came from seeing. Guess.
Sami: Hmm. I don't want to play games.
Brady: Rafe.
EJ: You know, Samantha's house is in the opposite direction.
Rafe: Excuse me?
EJ: You seem to have a tough time keeping your distance from her, Rafe.
Rafe: Yeah. You really don't want to start with me right now.
EJ: You don't want to cross me.
Rafe: Get a life.
EJ: Really?
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
EJ: You know, I think you would do well to take a little bit of your own advice. You need to accept the fact Samantha has moved on.
Rafe: [Scoffs] With you?
EJ: Maybe you should have a look at your divorce paperwork. Samantha does not concern you anymore. So get out of her life and mine.
Melanie: Out there... everything is just so unpredictable. But in here, it's safe. And I am with the most loving, honest, amazing man. You are everything that I want, and you are everything that I need.
Jennifer: Oh, Maxine, hi.
Maxine: Hello. How's your new office?
Jennifer: It is really, really nice.
Maxine: Mm. You need something?
Jennifer: Yes, I need to apologize. You were right. I was way out of line with Dan-- with Dr. Jonas, and I am sorry.
Maxine: Apology accepted. I could never stay mad at you anyway.
Jennifer: Thank you, Maxine. Uh, do you happen to know where Dr. Jonas is? I need to apologize to him too.
[Pager ringing]
Maxine: Yeah, I think he went on break. Excuse me.
Daniel: Yeah, you know, something did happen earlier. It just kind of--kind of threw me, but, um... I'm--I'm over it.
Nicole: Are you?
Daniel: I am... 100%.
Nicole: Well, good.
Daniel: Yeah.
Nicole: Because I have some news I want to share with you, and I think now is the perfect time.
Daniel: Do you?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Oh, really, now? What is it? What is this news you got?
Nicole: I have a name... for the baby.
Daniel: Yeah?
Nicole: Daniel Raphael, after my two favorite saviors.
Daniel: Oh, my g--you don't have to do that. You--aw.
Nicole: I want to do it. I want my baby to have a strong name... a strong man to look up to.
Daniel: Oh, my god.
Nicole: And... I want my baby to know how much I care about you.
Sami: You saw Rafe?
Brady: I did. And he mentioned that he had just come from seeing you.
Sami: He was here earlier.
Brady: It was a real eye-opening conversation, Sami, given the mood that the guy was in.
Sami: He was in a mood?
Brady: Yeah, he was in a mood. But I-I got him to open up. I mean, he let it all out.
Sami: Okay, I'll bite. Obviously you want me to ask. So what did he say about me?
Brady: What do you think he said about you, Sami?
Rafe: That's funny. You're telling me to leave Sami alone.
EJ: You heard me?
Rafe: Yeah.
EJ: Good... because now I don't have to repeat myself.
Rafe: What is that... some sort of order?
EJ: Well, it certainly wasn't a suggestion.
Rafe: Well, you're not the mayor anymore... so I have a suggestion for you. Go to hell.
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