Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 8/30/11 - Canada; Wednesday 8/31/11 - U.S.A.
Provided By Suzanne
Daniel: Put your arm right here. You all right? You ready?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Daniel: Okay. Keep coming.
Jennifer: Okay.
Daniel: Come, come, come. All right, right about there.
Jennifer: Okay.
Daniel: Don't look.
Jennifer: [Laughs]
Daniel: You nervous?
Jennifer: Yes.
Daniel: You should be.
Jennifer: Where are we?
Daniel: Oh, my gosh. Ready?
Jennifer: Yeah. [Gasps] Daniel.
Daniel: What do you think?
Jennifer: I can't believe you.
Daniel: Yeah, I know. I know. I am kind of amazing, aren't I?
Jennifer: I was with you the entire day. How did you plan this?
Daniel: Hey, I told you. I got peeps in high places. I told you this. You like?
Jennifer: I love it. I love it. I love it.
Maggie: [Chuckles] Oh! Whoo! Okay, hold on just a minute. [Sighs] I'm still a little wobbly, as you can see.
Melanie: Yeah. You're doing great.
Maggie: Well, they treat me like I'm the queen of England, so it's hard not to thrive.
Melanie: Right. Well, I'm glad Victor's taking care of you now that you're out of the hospital.
Maggie: Mm. You know, I'm not used to not doing for myself. [Sighs] I'm a little overwhelmed.
Melanie: That's okay! Be overwhelmed, please? Just for a little while. It'll help your recovery go a lot faster.
Maggie: Speaking of recovery, how's your momma doing?
Melanie: Uh, I talked to her doctor, and she gave a good report and said my mom's working really hard.
Maggie: I'm glad.
Melanie: Um, she said I-- I could visit her, so I was gonna go tonight.
Maggie: That's good. Are you nervous?
Melanie: Yes. Yeah, I am. Um, but I'm not gonna feel better until I see for myself that my mom's doing okay.
Maggie: Come here.
Nurse: Carly? You've been out here a long time.
Carly: My son left without saying good-bye.
Nurse: I'm sorry.
Carly: He hates me. He really hates me.
Kate: Yes. I am desperate to see you too, my darling. Too quiet here without you. Tonight? Um, well, I'm going to have a light dinner and curl up with a book. I love you too. Bye. [Sighs]
Kinsey: Red velvet, butter cream frosting. Do not argue with me.
Chloe: Mmm, now, that is awesome. Okay... mmm. Oh, yeah, that's good.
Kinsey: Yeah, we had this, uh, this end-of-summer barbecue today, and there was more food than you can imagine. But you were in a good mood before the cupcake. What's up?
Chloe: Well, actually, I had a video chat with my son today.
Kinsey: Seriously, Chloe? Oh, my god, that's great!
Chloe: Yeah, parker could see me, and he was smiling and chatting. And the best part is he called me momma.
Kinsey: Oh, that is so great. I am--I'm really happy for you.
Chloe: Yeah. It's not the same as being with him, but I'm getting there. I've got an apartment, I have a singing gig at that club in Brookville, and I'm pretty sure that the court's gonna give me shared custody with Philip soon.
[Phone ringing]
Chloe: Oh. Sorry. Hello. Yes. What? No! No, this can't be happening. So the manager at the place in Brookville said that a pipe broke, and the club flooded, and now it's wrecked. So basically it's closed indefinitely until they can repair the damage.
Kinsey: Oh, my god. So--so all of your gigs are canceled?
Chloe: That was my only income. I need for social services to see a steady flow of money besides the voice lessons I'm giving, or they'll never give me custody of parker. At this rate, I won't even get visitation.
Kinsey: Well, I mean, maybe you can get another gig somewhere else.
Chloe: Where? [Sighs] I cannot be late on my rent and bills. That is the first thing they check. How am I gonna make money? [Sighs]
Jennifer: Wow. What is the occasion for all of this?
Daniel: Mm, it's you.
Jennifer: [Gasps] Huh, for an old guy, you still have some pretty excellent moves, grandpa.
Daniel: Thank you. Someone's gotta teach these kids how it's done.
Jennifer: [Gasps] Is that what I am? I am just a pawn in your seduction strategy to make a point?
Daniel: Mm, yeah. How does it feel?
Jennifer: Feels wonderful.
Daniel: Yeah? Mm.
Jennifer: [Laughs]
Daniel: Good.
Jennifer: Good.
[Romantic music]
ah, mm
all alone
just you and me
this love is a storm
that won't go quietly
kisses like rain
pour over me
again and again
baby, don't stop
tell me what it feels like
to be loved, oh
tell me what you feel inside
baby, don't stop
tell me what it feels like
baby, don't
it's higher than
the highest high
the highest high
Kate: Thank you. Love what you've done with the place.
Victor: I must say, I was surprised to hear from you.
Kate: Tonight, or when I sent the proposal?
Victor: Both.
Kate: So did you look at it?
Victor: I did. This morning.
Kate: Are you gonna keep me waiting? Are you ready to jump back into bed with your ex-wife?
Maggie: [Clears throat]
Nicholas: Mother.
Carly: Nicholas.
Nicholas: Can we talk?
Carly: Of course. Yes, we can. You left therapy so fast. I was afraid that, um-- but you're back. [Chuckles nervously] Nicky, what is it?
Nicholas: I just wanted to say that I never should've come here. It was a terrible mistake.
Kinsey: No. No, don't even think about it, Chloe.
Chloe: Kinsey, this is not your problem.
Kinsey: No, it's yours. Look, there is some lunatic attacking prostitutes, and the police have zero leads. Take your own advice, please. It's just--it's too dangerous out there right now.
Chloe: Just stay out of this.
Kinsey: You could be killed.
Chloe: Without my son, I'm already dead.
Kinsey: I am begging you. Please don't do this. No. Look, you could get more voice students, or wait tables, or mow lawns. Just, please, anything but this.
Chloe: Just promise me that you'll keep this to yourself.
Kinsey: I can't watch you do this.
Chloe: Well, then go now. Quinn, hey. Do you have a minute?
Quinn: Yeah, okay.
Chloe: [Clears throat] Look, um, I know what I said before, um, but I'm kind of in a tight spot. Do you have any work for me?
Kate: Maggie! I had no idea you were here.
Maggie: So I gathered. I didn't know you had company. I'll go back to my room.
Kate: Your room?
Victor: Oh, nonsense. Anything I discuss in this house you are privy to. Please.
Kate: [Exhales] Wow. Isn't that a refreshing change of pace. [Laughs] So you're living here now?
Maggie: While I recuperate, yes.
Victor: We're hoping we can just spoil her rotten so she'll never wanna leave. That would be a dream come true for me.
Carly: Nicholas, it wasn't a mistake for you to come back and see me.
Nicholas: That therapy session was a nightmare.
Carly: It was hard. It was really hard, but I think we made progress, don't you?
Nicholas: Look, I don't wanna make things worse, okay? I don't wanna hurt your feelings. I thought if I came here to see you and we talked that I could focus on you and what you were going through. But as soon as we started talking about father-- it's just too much.
Carly: You--you mean I'm too much.
Nicholas: No. I was surprised at how angry I still was. And all these feelings started coming up, and I didn't know what to do with 'em.
Carly: Nicky, I wish I could make you understand.
Nicholas: In my head I--I think I do, okay, and that's why I came here. I understand. My father was capable of terrible things. All right? To hear you say those words--that killing him was the only way to fix it-- really?
Carly: Nicky--
Nicholas: He was my father! Okay? I understand he was a bad person and he may have harmed you over and over... but you're my mother, and you killed him. That's all I can think about when I look at you.
Carly: All right, just-- okay. Dr. Norman asked you if you could ever forgive me. You didn't have an answer for her.
Nicholas: Well, I needed time to think.
Carly: Okay. And now?
Nicholas: I don't think I can forgive you for this.
Daniel: Hang on.
Jennifer: Staying back.
Daniel: Ooh!
Jennifer: Whoo!
Daniel: Geez.
Jennifer: Oh, my, this-- this is just so unpleasant.
Daniel: Oh, it's awful, isn't it?
Jennifer: It's terrible, yes.
Daniel: Just terrible. Whoa. That was a miracle I didn't spill that.
Both: [Laugh]
Daniel: You know what? You know how to make a point, though. That little grommet who called me gramps, yeah, he has no idea.
Jennifer: You know what? That is true.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: It's also true what George Bernard Shaw said.
Daniel: I know. It is.
Jennifer: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: What'd he say?
Both: [Laugh]
Jennifer: He said, "youth is wasted on the young."
Daniel: He was a very smart man.
Jennifer: I know. You know what? When I was their age, the most important thing in the universe was going to the prom. That was it.
Daniel: Yeah.
Jennifer: And if I could've gone to the prom with Leif Garrett, that would've been huge.
Daniel: Whoa. Whoa. Leif Garrett and Shaw in a span of like ten seconds?
Jennifer: I know. Be impressed.
Daniel: I'm very impressed. 'Cause when I was a kid, if I could drive a trans-am...
Jennifer: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: I would die a happy boy, right?
Jennifer. I know. Things were simpler then, weren't they?
Daniel: Uh...
Jennifer: I don't know. Maybe they weren't.
Daniel: But you know what? It has taken a long time and a lot of mistakes to get to this point right now.
Jennifer: Which is?
Daniel: Which is, you know what? Nothing else matters but love and family. And all that other stuff, it just adds up to nothing.
Jennifer: That's true--
Daniel: No, it is true. And when I look in your eyes, I feel like there's just no one else on the earth that I wanna spend the rest of my life with. Jenn?
Jennifer: Daniel.
Daniel: Are you okay?
Jennifer: Are you ser-- are you proposing to me?
Daniel: [Laughs]
Kate: So hearth & home is practically running itself, mostly due to Lucas, and I just felt that this would be the perfect time for me to focus my energy back on countess Wilhelmina cosmetics. This line made a fortune for titan once upon a time, and I believe that with my plans for the brand expansion, a whole new line of personal care products, the potential is-- there is no limit to this potential.
Maggie: I think it's wonderful, Kate. Alice and I, we, uh--we believed in countess Wilhelmina way back when. I mean, we were Billie's original investors.
Kate: Yes, um, I remember that, and Billie remembered that, and when I spoke to her about this project, she gave me her blessing to use the name.
Maggie: Wonderful.
Kate: You two are very quiet. Do you have any questions for me?
Victor: Just one. Why on earth are you bringing this to me instead of to your husband?
Carly: Nicholas, I know that there's a lot of work to be done and a lot of repair that needs to happen between us, but don't--don't give up, okay? Not on the therapy, and not on what it has to bring us, and not on me. Baby...I'm not gonna give up on you. I love you.
Nicholas: I love you too. And by coming here... I wanted to prove that to you. And I hope I have. Look, I just--I can't see past what you did.
Carly: Maybe with time, Nicky--
Nicholas: [Scoffs] What will time change? Okay, I'm still gonna know that you've murdered my father. I don't know if there's a forgiveness for that. I don't know how there can be. So...I think it's best for me and for you if...I just keep my distance.
Carly: What does that look like for you?
Nicholas: I can't stay here, and I definitely can't come back for more therapy sessions.
Carly: I--I--I know I can't change your mind, okay? I just have this horrible feeling that if you don't stay here and work on this with me, I'm gonna lose you forever...
Nicholas: I don't want that, but I also don't know what to do with how angry I am at you. It's no good. For either one of us. So I'm gonna go back to Europe, and I'm gonna stay as far away as possible. For both our sake.
Carly: [Sobbing] I--I don't want you to go, okay?
Nicholas: Take care of yourself, mother. Get well. Please.
Quinn: Chloe, you told me you wanted to quit.
Chloe: I do, but I can't. Not yet.
Quinn: Until the police catch this guy, I'm out, and so are you. No one who works for me is getting in the line of fire on my watch.
Chloe: Quinn, you know how serious this is for me. You know that I need money so I can show social services that I'm fit to take care of parker.
Quinn: Well, you're not gonna get it this way. It's just too dangerous. Look, until the police catch this guy, I'm out, and so are you.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Daniel: Did it sound like a proposal?
Jennifer: Well...
Daniel: Yeah? Well? 'Cause, uh, I mean, don't guys do that with a--with a ring? Hold on a second. I'm ring-less. Sorry.
Jennifer: Gosh, I'm--
Daniel: What?
Jennifer: I'm brainless and mortified right now.
Daniel: Why? What do you mean you're mortified?
Jennifer: I--I completely overreacted. That was so dumb.
Daniel: No, you didn't. No, you asked a legitimate question. I was talking it up with these forever words.
Jennifer: No, no, no, don't-- don't--don't say anything else. It's okay, really. Let's just let it go. I'm sorry. Really.
Daniel: Okay, okay. Uh, you know what? Just to be clear...
Jennifer: Yeah?
Daniel: Um, even though I'm not ready for marriage or even able to think about it yet--
Jennifer: Yeah, I get it, I get it.
Daniel: You do get it? 'Cause I'm happy, and you're happy, I think.
Jennifer: I'm really happy. Really happy.
Daniel: Really? 'Cause I just got a sense that you might be a little, I don't know, scared for a second there.
Jennifer: Um, I--I don't know. I mean, after everything with Jack and all the unresolved stuff, I...
Daniel: No, I understand, believe me. It's just, you know, I-- I just had these things on my mind, and in the moment-- and in that moment, that was all I was thinking about, you know? Just--
Jennifer: Really?
Daniel: Really. Really. And--and I don't mean to freak you out like that. I don't--I'll... try to edit myself--
Jennifer: No, don't. I don't want you to do that, 'cause I like it that you're real. I like that you just say what you think and feel when you think and feel it.
Daniel: Ya think?
Jennifer: Yes, I think.
Both: [Laugh]
Daniel: You are so cute when you're confused.
Jennifer: I'm so mixed up.
Daniel: Yeah?
Jennifer: Maybe I need just a little more champagne.
Daniel: Yeah, I think I need to. Do I gotta get it now?
Jennifer: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Okay. I'll get the rest.
Kate: I came to you, Victor, and not to Stefano, because I want this to be my project, my baby, independently, on its own.
Brady: Well, despite of what our families have been through lately, you and my grandfather have done business in the past together, right?
Kate: Yes! Yes, exactly. And in the spirit of this new relationship family-wise, I wanted to make this offer to you at the onset.
Victor: Well, that's very considerate of you.
Kate: I'm glad you feel that way.
Victor: Also a load of horse manure. You came to me because Stefano turned you down.
Melanie: Nicholas.
Nicholas: Yes.
Melanie: Oh, my gosh. It's you.
Nicholas: Uh, who?
Melanie: You came.
Nicholas: I'm sorry. Do I know you?
Melanie: Um, no. Well, yes. Kind of. I mean, not technically you--
Nicholas: Try that again.
Melanie: I'm Melanie. Your sister.
Nicholas: Um... wow.
Melanie: I know.
Nicholas: I mean, I've seen pictures of you. Uh, it's so nice to meet you.
Melanie: Yeah.
Nicholas: I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.
Melanie: It's fine. I-- you know, you've never seen me in real life, so it's forgiven.
Nicholas: This is weird.
Melanie: Yeah. But you--you came to see mom, our mom. Um, do you--do you call her that?
Nicholas: Uh, yeah. I call her "mother," actually.
Melanie: Wow. Cool. I must've sent you like 100 emails. Did I get your address right? I--I just was hoping that maybe you'd come see her.
Nicholas: Yeah, I, uh-- yeah, I got 'em. Uh, I'm sorry. I should've answered you. It was just--
Melanie: It's fine. It's okay. You're here now. Mom must just be over the moon. I mean, she talks about you all the time, how much she misses you. And for you to come now when she needs you the most... did something happen when you saw her?
Nicholas: Yes.
Melanie: What do you mean "yes"?
Nicholas: It was a disaster.
Melanie: Disaster?
Nicholas: Look, I-- I really shouldn't have come here in the first place, and I'm sorry I did.
Melanie: Did you tell mom that?
Nicholas: Yes.
Melanie: Okay, what the hell is wrong with you? My recipe for French toast?
Quinn: So think of this as a little vacation, all right?
Chloe: Yeah, an unpaid one.
Quinn: Look, I'm sorry.
Chloe: I know, I know. You're sorry, you're sorry. Just go. Hi. It's me Lola.
Kate: I came to you, Victor, and not to Stefano because I want this project to be mine, my baby, independently, on its own.
Victor: You haven't told him.
Kate: That's right.
Victor: Because you thought he would disapprove?
Kate: Because I want this to be mine. I told you.
Maggie: Oh, brother.
Kate: Stefano will understand that this is business.
Brady: It's more than that. [Clears throat] It's big business. Tell you what-- I'm gonna have a talk with the lawyers. As far as I'm concerned, titan--
Victor: Not interested. I'm sorry, Kate. This is not something we would be interested in.
Nicholas: What's wrong with me? Okay, our mother is in a rehab, all right? And by the way, she killed my father, all right? But you assume that things went south between us because of something I did. [Scoffs]
Melanie: Okay, I don't know you, Nicholas.
Nicholas: And I don't know you.
Melanie: Right, but I know our mom, and I know how much she loves you and misses you. So my guess is, if you came here to see her and things didn't go so well, it's not because of her.
Nicholas: Melanie, it's not that black and white.
Melanie: It-- did you make things worse?
Nicholas: I don't know, okay, but I'm leaving, and I'm sure she'll be able to recover better without me around.
Melanie: How the hell could you say that?
Nicholas: Look, I can't turn off my feelings.
Melanie: But you can turn off being a loyal son?
Nicholas: Don't even go there with me.
Melanie: Okay, fine.
Nicholas: Okay, you have no idea who I am.
Melanie: You're right. I don't. All I know about you is what mom's told me-- that you're funny, that you're handsome, and that you're smart. But she must've left out the part about you being a completely selfish bastard.
Dr. Norman: You wanted to see me?
Carly: Do you have any idea what you've done?
Dr. Norman: I'm sorry?
Carly: You're my therapist. You're not supposed to make things worse!
Dr. Norman: I'm sorry you feel that way.
Carly: My son, you pushed him too far too soon. And I was an idiot for letting it happen, but I had no idea what you were doing. He's going back to Europe. You put distance between us. And I don't know when or if I'm gonna see him again.
Dr. Norman: And you blame me for that.
Carly: Yeah, I blame you for that. My boy comes back here, nervous about our tentative relationship, and before he has a chance to get his head on straight, you're grilling him in some family therapy session.
Dr. Norman: [Sighs] You have a lot of history to process.
Carly: Oh, nothing's getting processed. He's gone!
Dr. Norman: And I'm sorry to hear that. I really--
Carly: Oh, my god! That's all you got for me?
Dr. Norman: Carly, it's--
Carly: Do you know how long it's been since I've seen him, since I've hugged him, since I've told him that I love him? My boy came back to me all on his own, and you ruined that! You ruined my life!
Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy
Jennifer: Mm. I have something that I wanna say.
Daniel: Uh, oh, preamble.
Jennifer: I just want you to know that the past few months that I have spent with you, they have been really special.
Daniel: Oh.
Jennifer: What?
Daniel: But...
Jennifer: No. No, there's no buts.
Daniel: No?
Jennifer: No. You're the best. You're the best guy. You are such a great guy. I mean, you're successful, you're--you're funny, you're patient, you're flippin' gorgeous.
Daniel: Wow. Nice.
Jennifer: You like that? Flippin'.
Daniel: That's hot.
Jennifer: Well, it's true. I mean it. And you're thoughtful. Look at this room. Look at-- look at this whole romantic setup you have here. You surprise me, and you deliver. You're kind of perfect.
Daniel: Hardly, but thank you.
Jennifer: And I just-- I want you to know... that there isn't anyone else that I would want to be doing this with right now. Out of anyone in--in this world, it's you.
Daniel: Um, can I ask you one question?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Daniel: Do you wanna do this with me more than Leif Garrett?
Jennifer: Yes, and that's big.
Daniel: Wow. That's an honor.
Jennifer: That's an honor.
Daniel: That's a big honor.
Jennifer: I know.
Daniel: Ohh.
Jennifer: Hey.
Daniel: Hmm?
Jennifer: I love you, Daniel Jonas.
Daniel: I love you too.
[Glass clanks]
Daniel: [Laughs]
Kate: Is this you going all hardball on me, trying to get me to lower my price?
Victor: Not at all, Kate. Wilhelmina just is not a good fit with titan any longer.
Brady: [Clears throat] With all due respect, I completely disagree with you.
Victor: Well, then we disagree.
Brady: You do realize that I have the power to veto your decision, granddad.
Victor: Trust me, Brady... this is not a good fit for us.
Kate: Okay, are you worried about Stefano? 'Cause I promise you, he will not interfere with this.
Victor: You're not hearing me, Kate. We decline respectfully, and the decision is final.
Kate: You can overrule this?
Brady: I can... but I won't. I'm sorry, Kate.
Kate: You are making a huge mistake.
Maggie: Kate, I don't think you're gonna get them to change their minds. I'll walk you out.
Brady: You passed up an amazingly profitable business venture, and I'd like to know what the hell is wrong with you?
Nicholas: Okay, listen, sis. You have no idea what I've been through or how I feel, okay? So until you step in these shoes for one day, please back off.
Melanie: Okay, listen, bro. This isn't the time to deal with your issues. Our mom is fighting for her life.
Nicholas: Okay, do you know how hard it is to live with this, to know that my own mother is responsible for my father's death?
Melanie: No. I can't imagine what you must be going through.
Nicholas: Okay, she didn't miss a birthday or--or not show up to a soccer match.
Melanie: I know.
Nicholas: All right? This basic trust that I had with her, it's gone, all right? And everything I used to think, I can't think that anymore.
Melanie: Was she good to you growing up?
Nicholas: Of course. She--she was an amazing mother. I didn't have her till I was 12 or so, but, I mean, she made up for it every day that we spent together afterward.
Melanie: I didn't get her till I was much older.
Nicholas: I know.
Melanie: Because your dad made her give me up. See, I grew up in a terrible household with a despicable man who tried to break me down and almost did. And because my mom did what your dad told her to, I missed out on a whole childhood of her love and my real father's love, who's an amazing man that I didn't get to meet until just recently. You may be okay right now, Nicholas, but life has this funny way of changing on a dime, and when yours does, our mom is the best person to have on your side. Forgiving her is the best thing I ever did. And you could have that too.
Nicholas: What if I can't?
Melanie: Your dad is gone. Okay? Nothing you do or say will ever bring him back. And do you wanna lose your mom too?
Carly: I am furious with you! And I'm blaming you for losing Nicholas. [Sighs] It's my fault. I-I'm the one who's in rehab. I'm the one who killed his father.
Dr. Norman: He still has a lot of his past he has to deal with. You're here confronting yours. Maybe in time the two of you will be closer to being on the same page.
Carly: It was easier before he came here. Honestly. I mean, I missed him terribly, but seeing him and having him tell me that he-- he can't even be near me, I'm not strong enough.
Dr. Norman: You are a very, very strong woman--
Carly: No, I used to be. I'm not anymore. I'm weak. That's why I'm here.
Dr. Norman: Well, then we're gonna work on knowing your strengths and dealing with your weaknesses. That is exactly what therapy is, what it can provide.
Carly: I'm done.
Dr. Norman: What do you mean?
Carly: I don't wanna be here anymore. I'm checking out.
Dr. Norman: Carly, I really want you to think this through.
Carly: I have.
Dr. Norman: You're just out of detox. You're only a few days into the program. Your addiction is bigger than you. I know you know this.
Carly: Dr. Norman, I'll just have to do my best, right? Look, I can't be here anymore. It's too painful.
Dr. Norman: Do you really think you're ready to go home?
Carly: I'm not going home.
Dr. Norman: Where then?
Carly: I don't know. Just somewhere where-- far away from where everything fell apart and far away from people who know how low I've sunk.
Dr. Norman: Well, if this is the way that you're thinking, you're not ready to be unsupervised.
Carly: What do you think? I'm gonna start using again?
Dr. Norman: I would fear that, yes.
Carly: I don't care.
Nicholas: I do. Remember when I was a kid and I hated to lose? I would always ask you...
Both: For a do-over.
Nicholas: Can I have one now? Okay, good. You okay?
Carly: Why'd you change your mind?
Nicholas: I met my sister.
Carly: [Sobbing]
Victor: I told you what I was thinking, Brady. Kate's company is not for us.
Brady: I don't get it. What, did you turn her down out of spite?
Victor: I don't do business that way, and you know it.
Brady: You saw the numbers, right?
Victor: Yes. Countess Wilhelmina is undoubtedly a winner.
Brady: Then why? I don't understand why.
Victor: Because I have something much, much bigger in mind. Watch and learn, grandson.
Chloe: [Sighs] Hi, honey. You're not standing me up, are you? Good. No, I'm doing this on the side, so please don't call Quinn. Okay, don't keep me waiting long, all right?
Rafe: You know what we need right now?
Sami: What?
Rafe: Distraction.
Sami: Oh, I love you so much.
Rafe: You can tell her the good news yourself.
Lexie: No, wait. The biopsy shows some abnormalities.
Sami: I have cancer, don't I?
Melanie: Nicholas.
Nicholas: Yes.
Melanie: Oh, my gosh. It's you.
Nicholas: Uh, who?
Melanie: You came.
Nicholas: I'm sorry. Do I know you?
Melanie: Um, no. Well, yes. Kind of. I mean, not technically you--
Nicholas: Try that again.
Melanie: I'm Melanie. Your sister.
Nicholas: Um... wow.
Melanie: I know.
Nicholas: I mean, I've seen pictures of you. Uh, it's so nice to meet you.
Melanie: Yeah.
Nicholas: I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.
Melanie: It's fine. I-- you know, you've never seen me in real life, so it's forgiven.
Nicholas: This is weird.
Melanie: Yeah. But you--you came to see mom, our mom. Um, do you--do you call her that?
Nicholas: Uh, yeah. I call her "mother," actually.
Melanie: Wow. Cool. I must've sent you like 100 emails. Did I get your address right? I--I just was hoping that maybe you'd come see her.
Nicholas: Yeah, I, uh-- yeah, I got 'em. Uh, I'm sorry. I should've answered you. It was just--
Melanie: It's fine. It's okay. You're here now. Mom must just be over the moon. I mean, she talks about you all the time, how much she misses you. And for you to come now when she needs you the most... did something happen when you saw her?
Nicholas: Yes.
Melanie: What do you mean "yes"?
Nicholas: It was a disaster.
Melanie: Disaster?
Nicholas: Look, I-- I really shouldn't have come here in the first place, and I'm sorry I did.
Melanie: Did you tell mom that?
Nicholas: Yes.
Melanie: Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?
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