Days Transcript Thursday 11/15/07

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/15/07 - Canada; Friday 11/16/07 - U.S.A.


Provided By Eric
Proofread By Niki

Kate: If you think that I ran all the way over here from the hospital so you could ask me more silly questions -- I’ve told you everything I know about E.J.'s shooting -- everything -- okay? I don't even know why I'm here.

Bo: You claim you threatened the DiMeras with a gun.

Kate: Yes, and I took that gun and I threw it away.

Bo: In a dumpster?

Kate: Yes.

Bo: But you don't know where this dumpster is.

Kate: Okay, let's face it. All dumpsters look alike, don't they? I'm not exactly a fan of dumpsters. I don't spend a lot of time admiring their nuances.

Bo: Well, we do. We searched through every one in a 15-mile radius of the DiMera mansion.

Kate: Lucky you.

Bo: Guess what we found.

Kate: Garbage?

Bo: A whole lot of it. No gun. Tell me your story -- again -- and I want the truth this time. Where the hell is the gun?

Caroline: Shawn... hi. You a little nervous about getting married?

Shawn D.: No. Not me. I'm the happiest groom in the world. It's not gonna be a typical Brady Thanksgiving, though.

Caroline: Oh, Thanksgiving shmiving. That comes every year. This is a wedding. It's not just any wedding. It's you and Belle. Listen, I'd give up Christmas and the Fourth of July to host this party.

Shawn D.: Oh, thank you, grandma.

Caroline: You know, seeing you marry John's daughter -- well, you know, it's been a hard year, but this reminds us to be thankful.

Shawn D.: So, we're gonna be having the celebration here, right?

Caroline: Oh, yeah. As soon as you say your vows, all the food is ready. I just finished the centerpiece. It's a masterpiece, if I do say so. You want to see it?

Shawn D.: Definitely. [Shawn D. and Caroline laugh in distance] Hey, Grandma, hold on just a second. I'm gonna grab my keys real quick. Hey, Steve.

Steve: [Coughing] Hey.

Shawn D.: What's going on?

Lucas: What's up, Billie?

Billie: Oh, not much. I just wanted to come by and say hello. I know you've been feeling bad. Any excuse to see those gorgeous twins of yours.

Lucas: Yeah. At least one of them's mine.

Billie: How you holding up?

Lucas: What do you want, the good news or the bad news?

Billie: After the day I've had, I'll take some good news, please.

Lucas: All right. [Clears throat] E.J. told Sami that [Scoffs] that he wants to die.

Billie: [Scoffs] Okay. Well, if that's the good news, then I don't think I want to hear the bad news.

Lucas: She's with him right now. She keeps telling me she's out running errands, but I know she's with him.

Billie: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You know or you think? Lucas, are you watching her? Do you have somebody following her?

Lucas: Just trust me, all right?

Billie: How do you know that she didn't go over there to say goodbye?

Lucas: 'Cause they already said their goodbyes. She can't let go of him.

Billie: Can you blame her? Lucas, she was standing right next to him when he was shot.

Lucas: So I can't expect her to just shrug it off? It's way too traumatic of an experience for her just to walk away?

Billie: Don't you think?

Lucas: And if she does, then people are gonna think that she doesn't love the guy? Is that what you're saying, 'cause I really don't want to hear that now?

Billie: It's not what I am telling you. Listen, they've been through a traumatic experience together, and that tends to create a --

Lucas: A bond. Go ahead. Say it.

Billie: No, no. A connection. That's all. Boy, you really are in bad shape.

Lucas: Yeah.

Billie: Is there anything I can do?

Lucas: I don't know. Not that I can think of.

Billie: Come here. It'll get better, okay? It'll get better.

Lucas: It's about to get worse. Johnny's gonna be raised as a DiMera. Sami doesn't seem to think so, but I don't know what she's thinking.

Billie: Well, there's always your daughter.

Lucas: Yeah, if it wasn't for Will, she's pretty much all I have. They're in there. You can go see them if you want.

Billie: Okay. Just a quick peek.

Lucas: Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait. There is something you can do for me.

Billie: Anything.

Lucas: Get me the name and the number of a good lawyer you know.

Billie: You're already divorced from Sami, and Sami's married to E.J. Why do you need a lawyer?

Lucas: I'm gonna sue for sole custody of daughter. I'm gonna have to raise her alone.

E.J.: Lucas isn't the one you love -- is that what you just said?

Sami: We're not here to talk about me. I'm here to make sure that you don't give up.

E.J.: Oh. You just said that Lucas isn't the one that you love.

Sami: I don't want to talk about it, okay?

E.J.: Sure. Let's talk about the funeral, shall we?

Sami: Stop it. You're not dying, E.J.

E.J.: [Chuckles] One way or another, yes, I am. You should be happy. You'll finally get to be free of me.

Sami: I don't believe this. You can't possibly be the same man who stormed into Salem, hiding everything including your last name. And you walked around like you owned the town and everyone in it.

E.J.: But I'm not that man anymore, am I? Let's be honest. I've kind of given up. [Chuckles]

Sami: Wow. Elvis Jr. DiMera. you had everything handed to you your entire life -- everything you ever wanted given to you on a silver platter. What, you just can't take it when times get a little tough?

E.J.: I guess not.

Sami: E.J., listen to me. People live full, rich, successful lives in wheelchairs. Some of them -- I know it's shocking -- are actually happy. Can't you just --

E.J.: Don't you understand? If I have to live like this, I really don't want to live.

Bo: Start talking, Kate. If you make me jump through hoops to get a search warrant -- I don't know -- by the time I get it, I might be so frustrated I'll have to tear your place apart.

Kate: Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you?

Bo: I'm sure you don't want your overpriced furniture to get all damaged.

Kate: The judge isn't gonna give you a warrant and you know that, because you don't have probable cause.

Bo: I've got two witnesses who saw you pointing a gun at the victim a couple of hours before he was shot at the church.

Kate: E.J. and Stefano? Oh, come on. Those two have criminal records that are so tangled --

Bo: That you went into business with one of them, slept with the other -- or both, knowing you.

Kate: Friends -- they're just friends.

Bo: Who you occasionally point a gun at.

Kate: Can I go?

Bo: Need the gun.

Kate: I told you --

Bo: Oh, stop with the dumpster.

Kate: You know, I can't! I can't because this is the truth -- at least I think it is.

Bo: [Chuckles] Now things get interesting. You're not sure you put the gun in a dumpster?

Kate: To tell you the truth, I was scared, okay? So I think I threw it into a dumpster, but I can't swear because I panicked.

Bo: Kate, why would you be panicked?

Kate: Look, Bo, I told you once -- I don't know where the gun is, and, frankly, now, I'm getting tired and I'm feeling a little emotional, all right?

Bo: Oh, stop, would you? You haven't cried since you found out there wasn't a tooth fairy. All right. Last chance. Talk.

Kate: And for the last time, I don't have the gun, and I don't know where it is.

Steve: Dude -- ha ha – I know you got wedding bells jamming up those brain cells, but, uh, what's it look like I'm doing? I'm getting myself a drink back here. I used to work here part-time, you know? Oh. What am I thinking, man? I'm driving. I can't drink this. Sorry. I'm running late. I got to go. Hey, listen, I'm looking forward to hearing you say those "I do's."

Shawn D.: Yeah. Yeah, me too. I'll see you there.

Steve: Okay. [Exhales deeply] That was really smooth. Yeah. It's me. Uh, no luck. There was no time. Shawn came in before I could get my hands on it. Yeah, I'll try again later. Hey, don't worry. I'll get it.

Billie: Oh. I didn't know that you and Sami were arguing over custody.

Lucas: We're not -- not yet.

Billie: All right. You just lost me.

Lucas: Look, sometimes we've discussed where the kids would stay with me and then sometimes maybe they would stay with her.

Billie: Therefore also with E.J.

Lucas: Right. And then we've also discussed the scenario where I take care of my little girl and little Johnny lives across the hall with them.

Billie: Well, that might be the thing to do. Have you discussed that with Sami? She might like that idea.

Lucas: What if E.J. needs something, huh? I mean, what if they have to move? What if he needs special equipment or he's got to have special ramps put in?

Billie: Assuming he lives. You just told me he wants to die.

Lucas: He's gonna live. He'll live just to tick me off. You know that.

Billie: And you think that Sami would take your baby girl away from you?

Lucas: I don't know, all right? I don't know what she'd do, and I don't know what she's thinking.

Billie: She would never do that. I can't imagine it.

Lucas: Unfortunately, I can. Even if she didn't go over that line, E.J. would. That's why I need it in writing. I need it in writing and stamped by a judge. I can't take any chances, Billie. I am not gonna let my daughter grow up under the DiMera roof.

Sami: E.J., I got to tell you -- you sound downright pathetic.

E.J.: Get out, will you, Samantha? I don't need your pity.

Sami: You think I'm here because I pity you?

E.J.: Well, I think it's either that... or my father promised you something... or he threatened you. What was it, hmm? Peace for the Brady’s? Or was it death to the Brady’s? Either way, you didn't walk through that door of your own volition.

Sami: I haven't talked to your father.

E.J.: Never lie to a liar, darling...especially not one as good as me.

Sami: Well, there, you see? You're bragging to me. You can't be that depressed.

E.J.: We'll find out, won't we? Now get out of here. Go home to Lucas.

Sami: E.J., listen to me. I'm not leaving. I'm not gonna let you just sit here and will yourself to die.

E.J.: [Scoffs] Why not?

Sami: Because I care. You want to hear me say it? I care. I care about you. I am not gonna just sit here and do nothing, if for no other reason than your son. Think about that, E.J. You want to just sit there and let him go on without you? You're gonna abandon your only son because you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself to care?

Shawn D.: What were you looking for, Steve?

Kate: For the 100th time --

Bo: I counted, at most, six, but we have learned you have a tendency to exaggerate.

Kate: Look, I have told you everything. There is nothing else I'm going to remember -- thank, God.

Roman: How's it going here?

Kate: Roman, would you please call off your bulldog of a brother? I have answered all of his questions thousands of times.

Bo: And the count keeps going up.

Kate: [Sighs] You know, I don't know what else you want from me, Bo?

Roman: Patience. Patience, Kate. Show us how kind and cooperative you can be and you'll get points.

Bo: Any news?

Roman: Abe called. He's got it.

Kate: Got what?

Bo: One last chance. Where's the gun?

Kate: And one last time -- I don't know. Of course, I could lie to you. I could tell you I left it in a locker at the bus station, and you could go look for it, and you could waste a lot of time.

Bo: Not my idea of fun, and I'm sure this won't be yours. Collins.

Kate: [Sighs]

Bo: Take Miss Roberts here into the office. Have her write up another statement.

Kate: Again? Is this really necessary?

Roman: No. No, it's not. But we'd have to charge you with perjury if you don’t.

Kate: Fine. Let's do it.

Bo: Remind me again -- how long were you married to that woman?

Roman: You know, sometimes I can't even believe we were.

Bo: Yeah. Where's Abe?

Roman: He's waiting outside Kate's building, warrant in hand, so anytime.

Bo: Have him tear the place apart. Uh, I made a promise. I told her I would.

Roman: All right. In that case, maybe I'd better go over there and give him a hand.

Bo: Especially anything expensive, difficult to replace.

Roman: We will be thorough. I promise you, okay?

Bo: Thanks, bro. [Cellphone ringing] Brady. Hey, Shawn, how's it going? Yeah, there's something I want to talk to you about, too. No, no, no. I'll tell you when I get there.

Billie: They're gorgeous.

Lucas: I'm frightened for them.

Billie: I know.

Lucas: Look. Maybe I can't be there for Sami anymore. Maybe that whole situation's out of my hands. But I can be there for my daughter, and I'm gonna protect her. That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Billie: Okay. Okay. Top-level custody lawyers. I will get you a list of names...on one condition.

Lucas: Anything.

Billie: You think this through, because if you go through with these proceedings without telling Sami, she's gonna think you don't trust her.

Lucas: Well, Billie, I don’t...

Billie: Whether you do or not is not the point. Lucas, if you do this without telling Sami, she is just gonna side with E.J. even more.

Lucas: You know what? I'm sick of paying the price. She told me she married E.J. to end the vendetta and save her family.

Billie: You don't think that's true now?

Lucas: I don't know what to think. All I know is, is that Andre's dead and Stefano's teetering on the edge of the abyss. Tony's turned his back on his family, and E.J. is an invalid. So there's nobody left to carry on this feud anymore, but yet she's still there. She's still with him. Why? That's why I need a lawyer -- to formalize everything we have. And if she finds out that I don't trust her -- good -- because you know what? I don't trust her -- not anymore.

Sami: What is the matter with you? You have a son who needs you.

E.J.: Needs me for what? So we can fight over him?

Sami: No. No, I'm not doing that again. E.J., I don't even know if you know this, but Lucas and I -- we used to hate each other. For years we used to fight all the time about Will. I used to trash Lucas in front of his son. I was so selfish that I wanted Will to hate his father. Luckily, Will grew up to be a wonderful kid in spite of me, and I'm not making that mistake again, not ever. And, uh, if Lucas and I... aren't able to, um...

E.J.: If Lucas and you aren't able to what?

Sami: Everything's changed, and I don't know what the future holds.

E.J.: Are you saying there's A... maybe a -- a possibility for you and -- and me?

Sami: I'll tell you one thing for sure. I could never be in love with someone who can't stop feeling sorry for himself because for once in his charmed life everything doesn't come up roses. Nobody loves a loser, E.J., and right now that is exactly what you are. I think he will have to deal with that, but I will say this. My son is amazing. He's dealing! let's go! Grab your bags! Get in the car!

Bo: Hey, Shawn.

Shawn D.: Hey.

Bo: How's Claire doing?

Shawn D.: She's doing great. You wouldn't even know she was hurt.

Bo: Oh, that is great. You wanted to talk to me?

Shawn D.: Yeah. You first.

Bo: Okay. You must have been pretty crazy when you got that message from Belle.

Shawn D.: Yeah. I was scared to death. Why?

Bo: You took off from the station, didn't tell anyone where you were going.

Shawn D.: I didn't know how bad it was. All I knew is my daughter was in the emergency room.

Bo: I get that. But all the review board is gonna see is that you didn't act like a cop. The job has to come first, and I know that's difficult at times, but we got a public out there depending on us to be there when they need us. If your family needs you, your friends need you, they're gonna have to wait, 'cause you have to stay at your post until you can be relieved. The department has to be your top priority. If you can't make that adjustment, you can't be a cop.

Billie: After what E.J. put Sami through, there is no way she would ever side with him -- never.

Lucas: Yeah, well, I don't want to believe it.

Billie: Then don't.

Lucas: I can't help it. I have no choice. Something is going on between them. I know it. And I also know that she loves me, but at the same time --

Billie: Isn't that all that counts -- that she loves you?

Lucas: No, it's not, because if he pulls through, they're gonna be together all the time. She'll be taking care of him night and day in that apartment. How do you think that's gonna make me feel?

Billie: Knowing that she loves you and the reason she is doing this --

Lucas: The only thing I know is that the woman I love is sharing her life with another man.

Sami: So you're just gonna give up? You're not even willing to try.

E.J.: You don't get it, do you? You want to see me try? Watch. Watch very closely. All right. I'm trying. Keep watching. I'm still trying! Nothing moving!

Sami: You can lead a long, successful, rich life if you would just stop pitying yourself.

E.J.: Shut up, all right? I'm sorry, but I don't want to live like this.

Sami: Sorry isn't good enough. I care about you. You can't just give up. Are you really prepared to just abandon your son?

E.J.: My son barely knows me. He certainly isn't gonna remember me for very long.

Sami: Are you trying to make me angry? I'm asking you to fight. I'm asking you to try.

E.J.: Why?

Sami: For your son.

Bo: It's not an easy commitment. But being there for the community, for the department -- that's what the job's all about.

Shawn D.: Dad, I understand. I made a mistake. I'm not denying that. It's not gonna happen again. But I'm not a cop yet. And if I were on duty, I wouldn't have left the way that I did.

Bo: People at the department were depending on you.

Shawn D.: I know I have sacrifices that need to be made. I'm willing to make them the same way that you and Uncle Roman and Abe have all these years.

Bo: You sure?

Shawn D.: When I'm at the station, it's like being at home. I know that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Leaving for Claire was a bad call -- I get that -- but I'm hoping that it wasn't make or break. I mean, how mad is Abe -- or should I say Commissioner Carver?

Bo: I don't think he'll hold it against you, as long as the lesson was learned.

Shawn D.: Lesson learned.

Bo: Good. You wanted to talk to me about something?

Shawn D.: [Sighing] Yeah.

Bo: What is it?

Shawn D.: Steve. He was here earlier. I came out from the back room, and he was behind the bar looking around -- you know, kind of snooping. I asked him what was wrong. He said he was just getting himself a drink. Granted, there was nobody behind the bar at the time, but --

Bo: But what?

Shawn D.: He looked like I caught him doing something. He poured himself a drink. Then he changed his mind, and he left.

Bo: So he was acting suspicious?

Shawn D.: I hate doubting him after everything he's done for Belle and me.

Bo: Don't worry about it. You want to know what the whole story was.

Shawn D.: Yeah. I couldn't shake it, so I decided to check around.

Bo: And?

Shawn D.: And... I think that I found what he was looking for.

Billie: If that's how you really feel, Lucas...

Lucas: "If"?

Billie: ...Then why are you talking to me? Talk to Sami.

Lucas: I have. She's heard it before. And I don't want her to do something noble. I just want my life back. I want our life back. I want my wife -- or my ex-wife -- whatever.

Billie: Well, you know, that's exactly the way it's gonna stay if you hire a lawyer behind her back, but you know what? It's your choice. I will fax you a list of names -- the best lawyers in the country. But if I were you, I would think long and hard before I make that call.

E.J.: Look. I-I appreciate what you're trying to do. I really do. Look at me. But I want you to stop.

Sami: What are you talking about?

E.J.: This -- this brave, heroic attempt to convince me that my son needs me and that you care about me, you know, so that I will fight to stay alive.

Sami: It's highly heroic. Your son does need you.

E.J.: [Inhales, exhales deeply] You would say that, wouldn't you? It's a good way to manipulate me to get me to do what you want.

Sami: It's still true.

E.J.: Let's say I believe you -- I don't believe you. I love you... and I care about you far too deeply to watch you throw the best part of your life away on half a man.

Sami: Listen to me, E.J. You are the only man who can be a father to your son. But being a man means that you don't get to run away from the responsibility that you have to teach your son what it is to step up and face all of life's challenges.

E.J.: No.

Sami: E.J. --

E.J.: No, Samantha. Listen to me. I am not going to saddle my son with an invalid father. I won't allow it. I won't allow him to carry that burden any more than I would allow you my nursemaid for the rest of your life.

Sami: E.J., I mean --

E.J.: No! That's it. I won't allow it.

Bo: Smart move -- keeping your prints off that. Did Steve say anything?

Shawn D.: Nothing really. Said he's excited for the wedding, just talk.

Bo: So, what made you suspicious?

Shawn D.: Honestly? There was just something about him that seemed off. I can't pin it down.

Bo: It's instincts. You can't teach it. You either got 'em or you don't. Your partner, your best friend, your weapon, your lifeline -- but if you have good instincts, you'll be a great cop, and it looks like you got 'em. It's good police work. I'm proud of you.

Shawn D.: Thanks.

Bo: Well, you should be proud of yourself.

Shawn D.: I am, but...

Bo: What?

Shawn D.: I just hope this isn't what it seems like -- that Steve might have been the one who shot E.J.

Sami: You would leave your son without a father rather than risk him having to help you with your wheelchair?

E.J.: I love him too much to burden him with this.

Sami: If you really believe that, then you have a lot more wrong with you than just your legs.

E.J.: I'm not listening to you.

Sami: You listen to me! You are still the same man. You are still the man who always gets what he wants.

E.J.: Samantha, no matter how much I might want to, I-I can't fix this.

Sami: You don't know that for sure. And I'm telling you that you don't have to fight this alone. I will help you.

E.J.: [Chuckles] You really expect me to believe that, now, eh?

Sami: Try me. Let's find out.

E.J.: You're very stubborn, you know that? You're very strong. But I don't think you're tough enough... for a life with me.

Sami: Alone, maybe... but we can do this together. You and me -- we can meet what's coming.

E.J.: And you'll be there, I suppose, no matter what, right?

Sami: You want a miracle? We'll make one.

E.J.: Oh. Ha. Hallelujah. [Chuckles]

Sami: I've seen it happen. But you have to want it. You have to believe.

E.J.: Thank you. That was a very nice pep talk. But it's a dream, sweetheart. We both know that. Go on. Go back to Lucas. Forget about me.

Shawn D.: So, do you think Steve's involved?

Bo: I don't know what to think just yet.

Shawn D.: It does look like it, doesn't it?

Bo: Yeah, it doesn't look good. But until we know for sure, we can't say anything to anyone.

Shawn D.: What are you gonna do, send the gun off to the lab for some tests?

Bo: No. You didn't see Steve put it back there, did you?

Shawn D.: No.

Bo: Well, he may be telling us the truth. He wasn't looking for anything. He was getting a drink. But we got to know for sure, and I know how we can do that.

Lucas: Hey, Sami, it's me again. Just call me as soon as you get this, okay? It's important. I'm at the apartment. I, uh... I'll just talk to you later. [Knock on door] What's going on?

Officer: You the father?

Lucas: Yes, sir. I am. What happened?

Officer: Drinking. Underage. Sign the release, Mr. Roberts. We'll leave the rest to you. Found a group of them down by the lumberyard having their own private party. First offense, so we can let the boy off with a warning this time, but, uh...

Lucas: Yeah. First and last. Don't worry about that. Thank you. I appreciate it. What the hell is wrong with you?

Will: I had a few sips with some friends, all right? Big deal.

Lucas: "Big deal"? You're underage. Who the hell brought you beer?

Will: I don't know.

Lucas: You don't know? We have a family history of alcoholism. That puts you at risk. Do you understand that?

Will: Okay, okay. I'm sorry.

Lucas: Don't "okay" me. I went through hell with this. I don't want to see you go through the same thing! Now, if I'm yelling, it's because I'm mad and you're scaring me. Do you understand that?

Will: I want to go back and live with Aunt Carrie and Uncle Austin.

Lucas: What?

Will: We talked about this before. You said it was okay.

Lucas: Yeah, I know, but --

Will: I want to go.

Lucas: Why? Why now? Tell me that.

Will: Because at least when I'm there I don't have to watch my mom wrecking my life, my dad's life, everything. I hate it.

Sami: E.J., you can do this. You just have to want it.

E.J.: Do you know what I want? I would like you, please, to leave. That's what I want.

Sami: Too bad I don't care, 'cause remember how selfish I am? I want to stay here, and you can't make me leave.

E.J.: [Chuckles] Who are we kidding, huh? You told me that saving your family was the only reason that you married me.

Sami: Well, you've made me pretty angry, E.J. -- Maybe angrier than I've ever been. But when you got shot... that changed everything.

E.J.: Why do you do this?! Why?! I know the truth, okay? You don't care about me. You didn't care about me before, you don't care about me now, and you certainly wouldn't care about me in the future, so please just get out. Samantha, just leave me alone.

[Knock on door]

Roman: Katie.

Kate: You did this deliberately, didn't you, leaving me in this little room all alone for hours and hours?

Roman: Well, it hasn't been hours, much less hours and hours.

Kate: Fine.

Roman: That's my girl. That's better. All right, Kate. A piece of news. We just finished turning everything in your place upside down.

Kate: What? Bo told -- that son of --

Roman: Easy, easy, easy, Kate.

Kate: Bo told me that if I wrote out a statement, he would not go through my things.

Roman: Don't worry, 'cause I think everything is pretty much exactly where you left it.

Kate: "Pretty much"?

Roman: Except for this. It looks to me like maybe that, uh, statement you made might need one or two changes before it gets logged in.

Shawn D.: Steve, Steve, Steve. Good to see you again.

Steve: Hey, Shawnie. Man, shouldn't you be out getting your tux fitted?

Shawn D.: I already got it done. I'm ready to roll.

Steve: That's good. So, listen, I want to surprise Kayla with some chowder. How about two bowls to go, huh?

Shawn D.: Yeah, no problem. Two bowls on the way.

Caroline: Shawn -- [Both chuckle]

Shawn D.: Steve's here.

Caroline: Oh. Hi again.

Shawn D.: Two chowders.

Caroline: All right. I need you to give me a hand. I'll get those orders to you right away.

Bo: Hey, Steve.

Steve: Hey. Ha. Beauregard.

Bo: Hey. What you doing back there?

Lucas: You've always done a lot for my son, so thank you very much. All right. I'll call you later.

[Sighs] There's a private school nearby. They'll accept your credits, so you can graduate.

Will: Great.

Lucas:, You know everything that's happened lately -- you know none of that's your fault, right? I mean, you're a great kid. Your mother and I -- we couldn't love you any more.

Will: I know.

Lucas: It's tough enough growing up, though, and these are important years for you, so you need a stable home, and you like Carrie and Austin, don't you?

Will: Well, sure. Switzerland's great.

Lucas: And I know you're gonna be all right. Just -- I'm gonna miss you a lot.

Will: I'm gonna miss you, too, Dad.

Lucas: Yeah, you'll be fine. You're a big boy now. Just, I guess, get your things together and, uh, say goodbye to some of your friends, and I'll call for a ticket.

Will: Oh. Dad... I don't know what I want anymore. I-I don't know what to wish for. I just want you guys to be all right.

Lucas: I know. I know. We will will be. We will be. I promise you, all right? I'll figure out a way to make all this okay. We're a family. We always will be, no matter what.

Sami: E.J. --

E.J.: Just stop. Stop, okay? Don't -- just please don't do this, okay? I'm tired. I don't feel so good. I think my fever's coming back.

Sami: Here. Let me see.

E.J.: No.

Sami: Just let me take -- you don't feel warm, but maybe I should just get the nurse to check.

E.J.: Please just go. Please go. Go and get the nurse, okay? And, Samantha, please don't come back, okay?

Sami: So you're saying you don't really have a fever and you just want me to go get the nurse to get rid of me?

E.J.: I'm not talking, okay? Please just leave.

Sami: We don't have to talk.

E.J.: What are you doing?

Sami: If you're gonna will yourself to die, I'm gonna make you do it in my arms.

Philip: If you can lie next to him at night and not think of me, then go ahead -- marry him.

Bo: We got to find these shooters before Stefano does.

Kate: You don't believe me, do you? You think that I shot E.J.

Bo: He said he was at the church just before the shooting.

Roman: It's my gun.

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