Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/17/06 - Canada; Monday 11/20/06 - U.S.A.
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Proofread By Niki
Sami: Will, you're gonna be late for school.
Will: There's a teachers' meeting today. We don't start till third period.
Sami: Oh, well, I forgot. Well, your room's almost finished.
Will: Already?
Sami: Yeah. I'm sorry it wasn't ready yesterday for your birthday, but, you know, with the family traumas...
Will: Mom, it's all right. You really didn't have to paint my room. I'm only gonna be here a few nights a week. That was our deal.
Sami: I know, but I just wanted to do something nice.
Will: I mean, it's gonna take a little more than redecorating my room to get me to move back in.
Sami: Will, I'm working really hard to be the kind of mom that you can look up to.
Will: What about dad?
Sami: What about him?
Will: How much longer until you can get him to move back in?
Lucas: I'll have these figures on your desk first thing Monday morning.
Victor: Excellent. There's one more thing. I need you to pick up someone at the airport tomorrow -- a V.I.P. Here are the instructions.
Lucas: With all due respect, you do have a chauffeur.
Victor: I'm aware of that, but this requires the utmost secrecy. Be flattered. I trust you.
Lucas: Dr. Hubert Weinstein? Who's that?
Victor: Never mind who he is. Just follow the instructions.
Lucas: Sure. Actually, I have a favor to ask you -- not that you owe me or anything.
Victor: What's that?
Lucas: Sami and I, we want to take Will on a ski camp trip next week. I'll need a couple days off, if that's okay.
Victor: Well, your timing couldn't be better. Once the doctor gets here, I'll be very busy, so go and enjoy yourself.
Lucas: Thank you. Victor, are you sure everything's okay?
Kate: Oh, Victor, I'm so glad you're here. I need to talk to you. Honey, I'm sorry, but it's really important.
Lucas: That's fine. I was just leaving. Excuse me.
Kate: Sure.
Victor: [Sighs] What is it, Kate? I'm very busy.
Kate: I'm sure you are, but you need to take a look at this.
Victor: San Diego standard? What are you doing with that?
Kate: Well, a client from California left it in my office, and it got buried under some paperwork, but I came across it this morning. You'll need to take a look at this picture.
Victor: "The latest marine battalion ships out from Camp Pendleton."
Kate: And I was thinking about Philip, so I was looking at the soldiers. I was looking at their faces. Look at the soldier in the back row. You tell me that's not our son.
[Music plays on radio] If you could read my mind
Belle: Shawn? It's Belle. I have someone to see you.
You would see that I am ready for love
Belle: Shawn? Hello?
Your love
Belle: The door is unlocked, the radio's on, and nobody is home. Where is your daddy, hmm?
Claire: [Cooing]
Shawn D.: Special delivery.
E.J.: Great. One second. Here. Thank you very much.
Shawn D.: No problem.
E.J.: Keep up the good work. "Bo knows about Eve. Cops are closing in."
Bo: No one told me there was a meeting.
Roman: Well, it was kind of spur-of-the-moment.
Bo: Glad you and Marlena are home safely. I can't thank you guys enough for what you did for Kay.
John: I'm just glad that Kayla's all right.
Bo: Yeah, you got that right. So, what's going on? What did I miss?
John: Well, Kramer here has made a rather interesting discovery. It seems our man, Wells, has a safe-deposit box at Salem Trust.
Bo: Hmm, I wonder what he's got in there.
Tek: Yeah, that's what we're all wondering.
Bo: One way to find out.
Abe: Well, you can forget about that. I practically had to grovel to get a warrant to get into Wells' phone records and bank statements, and there is no way in hell that Judge Fitzpatrick is gonna let us get into his safe-deposit box.
John: Fine, so we do it without a warrant.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives.
Sami: Will, your dad and I -- we're working really hard to be the kind of parents that you need. We want to do what's best for you.
Will: But if he wanted you back, you'd be into it, right? I mean, you still love him.
Sami: I don't think we should have this conversation right now.
Will: Look, I know you guys are scared, but there's got to be some reason why you guys keep coming back to each other.
Sami: That reason is you, honey. The only reason your dad speaks to me at all is because of you.
Will: Ah, don't be so sure.
Sami: What do you mean?
Will: Look, I just have this feeling -- don't ask me why -- that everything could still work out for all three of us. Anyway, I got to go. Call you later.
Sami: All right, see you later, hon.
Will: All right, goodbye.
Sami: Will, you forgot your books.
Will: Oh.
Sami: Do you need these?
Will: Yes, I do. Thanks, Mom.
Sami: I love you, honey.
Will: Love you, too.
Sami: Have a good day.
Will: Thanks, bye.
[Knock on door]
Sami: What did you forget now, sweetie? E.J.
E.J.: Hey. Champagne. I forgot champagne, but I think it's a little early yet. Seeing as how we've already dispensed the preliminaries many times, why don't we just get down to business, eh?
Abe: Are you suggesting we break into Wells' safe-deposit box?
Tek: We wouldn't necessarily have to break in. I got equipment that can get us a good idea of what's inside without having to open it.
Abe: Now, just hold it right there. Now, this department is under enough scrutiny without adding "fraud" and "illegal search" to our list of transgressions. I won't allow it.
Tek: If we do it right --
Abe: Detective Kramer, you're dismissed.
Tek: Dismissed? I do all your grunt work, I finally get you a break in this case, and you cut me out?
Abe: I don't need your opinion on how to proceed. Excuse us, please.
Roman: Uh, I'll be right back.
John: You know, Abraham, you can dismiss us all, but I really think we need to take a look inside that box.
Abe: Maybe you missed what I just said.
John: No, I get it. The judge won't issue a warrant, and you can't risk the force taking another hit. Well, since you refuse to deputize me, I'm not on the force. We can do this job on our own.
Show me the way to your heart baby, unlock the door
Belle: Well, we should probably just leave the pictures here for your dad. He can look at them when he gets home.
Shawn D.: Belle.
Belle: Oh, hi.
Shawn D.: What are you doing here?
Belle: We just stopped by. We were in the neighborhood. Hope that's okay..
Shawn D.: No, that's fine. Hey, baby girl. Did you miss your daddy, huh? Can you say "dada"?
Belle: Oh, actually, Shawn, "dada" is still Philip to her.
Shawn D.: She's got to call me something.
Belle: Well, I can barely get her to say "mama."
Claire: Mama, mama.
Belle: [Gasps] There it is! So, anyway, the real reason I came over was to bring you some pictures that I had taken of Claire at the mall. And I was hoping that you could help me pick out ones to order.
Claire: [Cries]
Shawn D.: Want to hold that? Of course I want to see them. Let me see them.
Belle: Well, the last time we tried to have professional pictures taken of her, she was afraid of the photographer, so she cried the whole time, tears in every picture, so we couldn't have any. And I know I said I would never do it again, but what kind of mother would I be if I didn't have Christmas pictures taken? Anyway, I'm glad we did because she was all smiles all day.
Claire: [Cries]
Belle: Until now. I know.
Shawn D.: Aw, look at her. [Chuckles] Thank you so much for doing this..
Belle: Well, she was a very good girl, weren't you, honey? [Chuckles]
Shawn D.: I don't know how we're gonna pick here. She's beautiful in every single one of these. Then again, she takes after her mother, so I guess that explains it.
Belle: Do you know that you left your door unlocked? You really should be more careful about that, especially if Claire's gonna be staying here.
Shawn D.: My what? I left my door unlocked?
Belle: Yeah, anybody could have walked right in.
Shawn D.: I don't know. I just ran out to run a quick errand for E.J. and I guess I just forgot.
Belle: What's wrong? You want to tell me what's really going on?
Victor: I don't know what you're talking about, Kate. That doesn't look like Philip at all.
Kate: I'm telling you. It's him.
Victor: Kate, I know you're worried about our son. I am, too. But I've got the best detectives that money can buy on his trail. Don't you think that if he had re-enlisted we'd know about it?
Kate: Well, obviously not, because he has, and he's going back into combat.
Victor: That's ridiculous. The marines would never send him back into combat. He's missing part of his leg. They wouldn't send him to the front even if that's what he wanted.
Kate: Well, somehow, they must have, because I know my son, and I would know him anywhere. We have to get in touch with the military, we have to get in touch with Philip, and we have to get him home before something terrible happens.
Victor: I've already checked with the Pentagon, but if you insist, I'll do it again.
Kate: Yes, I do insist. We need to get him back. We need to get him back before he's hurt again or worse.
Victor: Can you just stop, Kate? He is not in combat. He's living someplace where he obviously doesn't want to be found. You can't just make a phone call and get him back, so stop deluding yourself. He's gone, possibly for good.
Belle: Is there something wrong? Did we come at a bad time?
Shawn D.: No, no, no. It's just I can't believe I left the door unlocked.. I could have sworn I locked it. Anyway, you don't have to worry about it. It's not gonna ever happen again, I promise. So now, let's get back to looking at these pictures, 'cause we have to make a decision here.
Belle: Look. Who's that? Who's that? She likes that one.
Shawn D.: This one -- these two right here.
Belle: Me too. Those are the ones I picked. Good. All right. Well, then, I just need to figure out how many to order and who gets what for Christmas and frames.
Shawn D.: Wow.
Belle: Yeah, I know. Everything becomes a really big deal when you have a kid.
Shawn D.: I'm starting to get the idea, but I'm starting to like it.
Belle: It's fun. Most of the time. [Chuckles]
Shawn D.: Speaking of "fun." Claire, look at what daddy's got for you. [ Gasps] [Chuckles]
Belle: She loves that. What did you do, buy out the whole toy store? This must have cost a fortune.
Shawn D.: It's no big deal. I just got paid. And if she needs anything else, buy it for her, okay? Ooh, somebody likes money. Ooh. [Chuckles]
Sami: Um, E.J., what are you doing?
E.J.: What am I doing? I'm here to finish what we started yesterday. You came over to my apartment to lay that amazing kiss on me. And I've been thinking about it ever since and all those nice things that you said to me.
Sami: Yeah, you know what, though? I'm busy. I'm painting, as you can see, so, maybe we could talk about this later, okay?
E.J.: No. Not okay. How much longer do you think you can play this game, Samantha? You get me all worked up, just so you can leave me out in the cold. I hate to think you were toying with my affections.
Sami: That's not what I was doing.
E.J.: Well, then, you won't mind taking this to the next level then, will you? Unless...unless there was some other reason for your visit.
Sami: I don't know what you're talking about.
E.J.: See, while you were... distracting me, somebody was going through my apartment -- somebody like, say, John Black or your Uncle Bo. Now, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? Hmm?
Abe: Nice try, John, but I'm not gonna look the other way while you go outside the law to nail Wells.
John: Well, since the department won't be involved, you got nothing to worry about.
Bo: John, maybe Abe's right on this. Maybe you should back off this case..
John: You want Lockhart and Wells as much as I do. You're the one that pulled me in on this, Bo.
Bo: I'm thinking you should just leave it alone. You and Marlena almost lost your lives because of your involvement.
John: [Chuckles] She got to you.
Bo: I don't know what you're talking about.
John: Come on. She got off the plane, and she came right over to your place.
Bo: She's worried about you.
John: I'm worried about her. With E.J.'s probable connection to the DiMeras, she is as much a target as Hope, you, and the rest of the Brady’s, and I'm in this as deep as you are, Bo.
Abe: Neither one of you is in this. John, you're not employed here, and, Bo, you're on suspension. So both of you, just back the hell away from this case and leave it to the working police.
John: Nice going. You know you can't make promises to Marlena that you can't keep.
Bo: I owe her. She nearly gave her life for my sister.
John: She never would have been in that position if it weren't for the scum that put Steve and Kayla in the hospital. All right, here's the deal. Either you and I continue working on this together, like we have been, or I'm doing this on my own. You choose.
Belle: There you go, baby. Shawn, really, this is way too much.
Shawn D.: No, it's not. Just consider it another child-support payment.
Belle: Well, it's very generous. Thank you. You know, don't take this the wrong way, but it's really hard to imagine what it is you're doing for E.J. that's paying you so much money.
Shawn D.: Why do people keep saying that?
Belle: I'm sorry. I'm just a little worried about you.
Shawn D.: Look, like I already explained to you, E.J.'s willing to pay top dollar to keep me from the competition. He was interested in my engine way back when, remember? I'm not just some plain, old mechanic.
Belle: I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really glad that you're doing so well, and I shouldn't be so critical. I don't even have a job.
Shawn D.: Well, you're a full-time mother to Claire. And anything else you need, you can ask me.
Belle: Well, I appreciate that, but I would like to help contribute. I want to work. I've always wanted to have a career.
Shawn D.: And you will, when you're ready. In the meantime, just remember that you can count on me.
Belle: I do know that... for the first time in a really long time. Well, we better get going. Come here, baby. I'm going to leave the proofs with you, and you can pick out which ones you like, and we'll order what we need to order for family and stuff.
Shawn D.: Awesome. Thank you. Here. Let me help you guys.
Belle: Okay, well, say goodbye to your daddy, honey.
Shawn D.: Bye-bye, sweetheart. And you, um, come back, okay? Come back soon. [Smooches]
Belle: Thank you for everything.
Shawn D.: You're welcome.
Willow: Tell that bitch to call next time she comes by.
Kate: I can't believe what I'm hearing. Just a little while ago, you were beside yourself because Philip was missing. Now, I give you a solid lead, and you don't even want to discuss it.
Victor: I hardly think that a blurred photo where every man pictured could pass for Philip in uniform qualifies as a solid lead.
Kate: Oh, this is very, very strange. Since when does Victor Kiriakis just give up, hmm?
Victor: What are you implying, Kate?
Kate: What I'm implying is that you're hiding something. I think maybe you know a little bit more about Philip's whereabouts than you're letting on.
Roman: Tek, Tek, look at me.
Tek: Yeah, I'm looking at you.
Roman: You've got to understand. Abe's under a lot of pressure. We all are.
Tek: Come on, Roman. This is about one thing. The guy hates my guts for sleeping with his wife. Not that I blame him. Why the hell doesn't he just fire me?
Abe: Detective Kramer, is there a problem?
Tek: Yeah, you're damn right there's a problem. I'm sick of taking your crap. If you can't deal with me working here, then let me go. Show some guts.
Roman: Partner, you may not want to hear this, but we do have a problem. This department's coming apart at the seams, and all this infighting's sure as hell not helping and it's sure as hell not getting us any closer to the maniac who's terrorizing my family.
Bo: Look, man, I appreciate everything you've done. You partnered with me when Abe booted me off the force. You're the only one who believed me about Lockhart. Hell, you made that connection between Lockhart and Wells and the DiMeras. You've done your part and then some.
John: Just surface work, Bo, you know that. It's not gonna be enough until E.J. Wells and Patrick Lockhart are thrown in jail right alongside Tony.
Abe: John's right. If you think you know a way into that safe-deposit box, let's hear it.
Sami: E.J., I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know about a break-in. I came over to your place 'cause I was lonely and I felt bad about how things ended between us.
E.J.: Really?
Sami: Yes, really. But you know what? Lucas and I have talked, and I think that we can work things out for Will.
E.J.: Samantha, I'm not interested in Lucas or Will or anybody else in your life. I want to know who sent you.
Sami: No one. What more do you want from me?
E.J.: I think I've made that clear, don't you? Now, if you're really telling the truth and you had nothing to do with that break-in, then you must want the same things.
Sami: No, no, I don’t.
E.J.: No? I'm confused. No, you don't want it now, so you were lying before, or, no, you're lying about the break-in at the apartment.
Sami: I think you should leave, E.J.
E.J.: I don't think I'm ready to leave.
Sami: Please stop!
Lucas: Yo! Get your damn hands off of her!
Victor: You can't be serious. Why in God's name would I hide Philip's whereabouts, especially from his own mother?
Kate: I don't know, but I do know you're acting very strangely. [Doorbell rings]
Victor: Excuse me. Belle, what a surprise. To what do I owe the honor?
Belle: Well, I think you can ask Miss Claire. She really misses her great-grandpa.
Victor: Really? Is that so? Well, I missed her, too. We had such a good time the last time she was here, didn't we, my little Greek Princess?
Kate: Well, hello, Belle.
Belle: Kate.
Kate: I didn't know that Victor had visitation privileges.
Victor: Even though you may no longer be related to Claire, she is my grandson's daughter, therefore a Kiriakis.
Belle: Well, I should have called first. I didn't realize that you had company.
Victor: Don't be silly. You're always welcome here. Besides, Kate was just leaving.
Kate: [Chuckling] Oh. I find this all very, very interesting. Suddenly, you're showing more interest in Claire than when Philip thought she was his daughter. I wonder what that's all about.
Belle: What was that about?
Victor: Oh, she's still grieving over the loss of her son. She can't accept the fact that Philip is gone, possibly forever.
Belle: Well, I hope he does come back someday. I really miss him.
Shawn D.: Don't you ever call her that again.
Willow: I am sorry, Shawn, but what do you expect? I live here, too, and I have to hide every time Belle comes around because you're trying to be something that you're not.
Shawn D.: I am just trying to be a good father to my daughter. What in the hell is so wrong with that?
Willow: What's wrong with that is you're living a lie. I mean, here you are, working for E.J. Wells, and you don't even know what you're doing for all that crazy money that he's paying you, and you're too scared to ask. On top of which, you are living and sharing your bed with your ex-hooker girlfriend, but you have to keep it a secret so you can keep on seeing your kid. Do you know what that makes you, Shawn? A hypocrite. And as soon as Belle finds out that's what you are, you will be out of her life and Claire's forever.
John: I take it this means that you've come around.
Abe: I'm willing to listen.
Roman: All right, John. What's your plan? How do we get into E.J.'s safe-deposit box without a key or a warrant?
John: Simple. By posing as the executor of his estate. All I need is a valid death certificate and a probated will, and I'm in.
Abe: Oh, that's all? So, we just have to wait for E.J. to die, or are you suggesting now that we kill him?
Bo: As much fun as that would be, I don't think we have to do either. I think this plan could work.
Shawn D.: I told you when you moved in that you would have to lay low when Belle was around. I made it perfectly clear, and you said that you understood. Why are you throwing a fit now?
Willow: Because I thought at least I'd have a little notice that Belle wouldn't come barging in like she owns the place when I'm half-naked in my underwear, but I guess that's too much to ask, so I am out of here. I'm heading back to the "Y." This is ridiculous. Ugh!
Shawn D.: [Exhales deeply]
Willow: I'll be back for the rest of my stuff when nobody else is around.. It was nice knowing you, Shawn. It's been real.
Shawn D.: No. I don't want you to go.
Victor: I'm surprised to hear you say that.
Belle: I mean, I miss Philip as a friend. I know that I hurt him, and I know how much he loved Claire, and I know how much it killed him when he had to leave her, and I feel awful about that. And I feel even worse about how we left everything.
Victor: Well, there's no need, my dear. One thing we both know about Philip is that he's very strong, very brave. Wherever he is, I'm sure he's doing just fine or will be soon. And one day, he'll have everything he deserves.
Belle: I really hope so.
Victor: Now, you let me spoil my great-granddaughter for a few hours, and then I'll send her home.
Belle: Okay, but don't go overboard.
Victor: Don't worry. I know exactly what she needs. I promise. I'll do right by her.
Belle: Very good. Okay, bye, sweetie. Bye. I'll come see you later. [ Smooches]
Victor: "Bye, mommy. Bye-bye."
Belle: I thought you left.
Kate: No, I was waiting for you. I want to show you something. Take a look at this photo. Tell me who you see.
Lucas: Get away from her. Get your hands off of her! Are you all right? Did he hurt you?
Sami: He wasn't gonna stop, Lucas. I'm so glad you're here.
Lucas: I should kill you right now.
E.J.: Oh, spare me your pathetic little allegiances. You know, Samantha, we have several words for girls like you in our country, but one in particular stands out. You're a tease.
Lucas: Get out of here right now before I throw you out.
Sami: You come back here, I'm calling the police.
E.J.: Don't worry. You showed me your true colors today. I'm a little disappointed, but I'm not surprised. Here.
Lucas: You all right? You okay? He's gone now. He's not coming back, all right?
Sami: I can't believe I thought he was my friend. I thought he cared about me.
Lucas: I've been telling you since day one the guy's trouble. What were you talking about? What was that about a break-in? I heard you when I was outside.
Sami: I didn't tell you?
Lucas: Tell me what?
Sami: My Uncle Bo called me yesterday, and he asked me to help him. He needed me to distract E.J. for him, and I didn't want to get involved, but he said it was a matter of life or death. And so I did what I could.
Lucas: What did you have to do?
Sami: Well, I went over there, and I was talking to him, and E.J. wasn't believing my excuse for being there.
Lucas: So?
Sami: So I...kissed him.
Lucas: You kissed him?
Sami: It was a stupid thing to do. I know I shouldn't have done that. I just couldn't think of anything else. And now -- and now E.J. thinks I'm a tease. Lucas, that's exactly what Alan said to me. That's the only excuse he needed to rape me, and now you probably think I was asking for it.
Lucas: Listen to me, I didn't think that then, and I don't think that now. You're amazing, and I'm proud of you.
Sami: Really?
Lucas: Hell yeah. It took a lot of guts to go over there and do what you did.
Sami: Look where it got me. In my own apartment, he attacked me. He lives down the hall. He's gonna be back.
Lucas: He's not gonna be back. Just leave him to me.
Sami: What are you gonna do?
Lucas: You don't want to know.
Tek: [Slurring] Just keep them coming.
Bartender: Are you sure, buddy? That's four now already.
Tek: I'm off duty. It's okay. No, it's okay. [Sighs] Thank you.
John: You with me on this?
Bo: You bet I am, and Frankie will be, too. He can draw up those phony documents that will pass for the real thing.
Abe: Are you out of your minds? The last thing we need is to drag anybody else into this. If Frankie agrees, if he gets caught, he could be disbarred.
John: We play this right, no one's getting caught.
Bo: Frankie's gonna want to do this, believe me. We've had family members almost die because of Wells, who now knows that he's under suspicion and that his apartment has been searched. We don't do this now, we may lose him. He'll be in the wind, and we'll have nothing.
John: This is our opportunity to find out who the hell he is and who he's working for. Can't let it slip away.
[Door opens]
E.J.: What the hell do you want?
Lucas: I just wanted to show you my true colors.
E.J.: Mm-hmm.
Lucas: Go near Sami again, the next can's going on your coffin, got it?
Sami: Lucas, what did you do?
Lucas: Just a little redecorating.
Sami: You didn’t.
Lucas: Oh, I did. I don't think E.J.'s gonna be bothering you anymore.
Sami: You got paint on your shoes.
Lucas: Yeah. Oh, well.
Sami: Let me help you clean them up.
Tek: Hey, I'm gonna be over there, okay? Here. Let me give you this. Thank you. Dr. Carver? Do you mind if I sit down? May I join you?
Willow: I don't get it, Shawn. Why can't you make up your mind? Either you want me here or you don’t.
Shawn D.: It's not always about me. I am trying to get my life together so I can prove myself to Belle for my daughter. Yeah, and maybe you and my dad are right about E.J., but this is the only job I have, and I need it, just like I need you to understand about our living situation. I am so close to having everything fall into place. I can't blow it now.
Willow: I do understand. I understand that I was so desperate for a place to call home that I thought I could put up with anything, but I was wrong. I even have my limits, Shawn.
Shawn D.: I'm sorry.
Willow: Don't be. Nothing good ever happens to me. I was an idiot to think it'd be different this time.
Shawn D.: I'm gonna tell Belle not to come by here the way she did again.. And if I'm gonna see Claire, then it would be easier if I just go to her.
Willow: You would do that?
Shawn D.: What happened today is not gonna happen again, okay?
Willow: Okay.
Belle: Oh, my God. Is that Philip?
Kate: I thought so, but I don't know for sure.
Belle: Did you show this to Victor?
Kate: Yes. Yes, I did. But he thought I was crazy, but you have just proved I'm not.
Belle: He didn't think it even looked like him?
Kate: Let's just say I think Victor knows a lot more than he's saying.
Victor: There we go. Philip? Got a surprise for you. Look who's come to visit her daddy.
Claire: Dada?
Victor: Yeah. Dada. There we go.
Sami: [Sighs] Lucas, I am so sorry. I think you ruined your shoes.
Lucas: That's all right. It was worth it to see the look on E.J.'s face when I doused him with that paint.
Sami: It's been a long time since anyone's stood up for me like that.
Lucas: Yeah, except for E.J., right?
Sami: E.J. doesn't count. Not anymore. It meant a lot to me what you did, Lucas. I don't know what to say.
Lucas: You don't have to say anything.
Sami: Lucas...
Lucas: Don't say anything. Just kiss me.
E.J.: What the hell? Whoever you are, you're gonna be damn sorry.
Abe: All right, this is against my better judgment, but seeing how it just may be the last chance to get Wells...
John: You won't regret this, Abraham.
Abe: Just get me something I can use, huh?
Roman: You know I don't have to say this. If anything goes wrong...
Bo: We're on our own.
John: You know nothing, Abe knows nothing, and this conversation never took place.
Bo: Let's go see Frankie about a death certificate and whatever else we need to get into that box.
John: By the time we get done with E.J. Wells, he's gonna wish he were dead.
Roman: All right. Good luck, guys. Well, let's hope it works.
Shawn D.: You're living with one man while you're having another man's baby. Clean up the mess that you made of your own life, and stay the hell out of mine.
Sami: What do you feel? Do you feel anything for me that doesn't involve your lower anatomy?
Tek: Fire me, big man. Fire me.
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