Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 7/4/05 - Canada; Tuesday 7/5/05 - U.S.A.
Proofread by Niki
Bonnie: But neither of us want that, right?
Rex: Of course not.
Bonnie: Patrick told me you've been brainstorming around the clock, trying to
figure out a way to free Mimi, so forget anything bad I ever said about you. You
make one hell of a prospective son-in-law.
Rex: Thank you, I think.
Bonnie: And take as much time off of bartending as you need to keep doing what
you're doing, with pay. This is a priority.
Rex: Thanks.
Bonnie: And there's just one more thing you should know. I'm working on a plan
of my own.
[Chuckles] And if everything goes the way it should, by night's end, Mimi will
be f-r-e-e -- out of there.
Patrick: [Exhales]
Guard: Oh, that's some cake.
Patrick: Yeah, I know it's a little over the top, but, you know, my mom didn't
want my sister to feel like she's missing the 4th, so...
Guard: Very touching, but both you and it have got to go through the metal
Patrick: All right, all right, I know the drill. Let's see here. Okay. [Beeps]
That's weird. I think I got everything.
Guard: Let me have a look at that cake.
Patrick: Mom's not a real good baker, but she tries hard. [Beeps] [Beeps]
Maybe too hard. Thanks a lot, mom.
Brenda: Time to start teaching the cute young newbie the ropes.
Woman: You're the boss, Brenda.
Brenda: Welcome to the pen, blondie.
Mimi: The name's Lockhart.
Brenda: Oh, excuse me, Lockhart. But the new girl gets to scrub the toilet. Make
it shine, sister.
Mimi: The Judge sentenced me 15 to 20 years, but she didn't say anything about
having to scrub toilets. Clean it yourself.
Brenda: I'm your Judge now. Failure to follow my orders is a death sentence.
Kate: Shawn was a bad influence. I really felt that when Belle got here, when
she saw Philip, she'd make the right choice, and she did. She did. She chose her
John: Mm-hmm.
Kate: But she's your daughter. And you and Marlena didn't bring her up to take
her vows lightly.
John: That's right. She's my daughter. So, see? I'm glad that somehow I was able
to give you a little bit of good news through all this.
Kate: Yes, you were. And I'm glad that Belle and Philip have this time alone
together, because they really need it.
John: What did the doctor say?
Kate: Um, actually he was upbeat. He reiterated a lot of the things that you'd
been saying about the high-tech advances in prosthetics. You know, I was
thinking about when they were little and you would worry about every cut and
scrape they would get. Then the day would come when they needed their first
stitches, and do you remember? You would look at them and think they were never
gonna be the same again -- they were gonna be scarred for life. Now...
John: Hey, the important thing is he's alive. He's gonna be just fine.
Kate: Yeah. Yeah, he is. He's going to have a wonderful life with the woman he
loves. You know, I may be overprotective, but my children are the most important
things in my life.
John: You are not overprotective. You are...just a damn good parent, Kate.
Kate: I'd do anything to ensure that they get the happiness they deserve.
John: I know. I feel the same way. So can I give you a little advice?
Kate: You know you can. I'll take anything you have to give.
John: Well, I hope so, because this has to do with Samantha.
Kate: [Sighs]
Sami: Oh! Stupid -- ugh! Aah! [Knock on door] Just -- just a second. Oh.
Lucas, hi. Um, you can't come in because I'm planning a surprise for you and
Will, and you can't look at it.
Lucas: Sami, I can't worry about that right now. Whatever it is, I'm not gonna
look, all right? I'm doing some research on that guy Stan, and I could really
use your help.
Sami: What do you expect me to do?
Lucas: I don't know. Just tell me anything -- anything you can remember about
him, from the first time you saw him.
Sami: [Sighs] Lucas, um, the thing is, he's gone, right? We're never gonna
find him. And he's never gonna be able to hurt us again.
Lucas: Wait a minute. That guy almost killed all of us, Sami. He's gonna pay for
that. We gotta find him. If we find him, maybe we'll track down Tony DiMera,
Sami: Maybe we won’t. Lucas, we're never gonna find him, okay? Let's just be
grateful that we made it out of there alive. Let's move on with our lives.
Lucas: Why is it every time I bring up Stan's name, you change the subject? Why
is that, Sami? Are -- you're hiding something, aren't you?
Chloe: Now do you understand why I didn't want you to see me, why I wanted you
to think I was dead?
Brady: No. Chloe... I l-- I-I love you. I'm not gonna let you go, not now, not
Chloe: But my face.
Brady: What about your face?
Chloe: Look at it.
Brady: I am.
Chloe: And?
Brady: And...Chloe, I see the woman that I've always loved, the woman that I
want to spend the rest of my life with, the woman I want to have a family with.
Chloe: But I'm a monster, Brady. I'm hideous.
Brady: Chloe... you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen... inside
and out.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.
Chloe: I'm not beautiful, Brady -- not anymore, not with these scars.
Brady: Scars? But what are you talking about, scars?
Chloe: What do you mean, what scars? I'm a freak! Children will run away from
me. Adults will try not to stare, but they will. And if you're with me, Brady,
they'll pity you. I can't do that to you. I won’t.
Brady: Chloe, you're not making any sense. Do you still love me or not?
Chloe: Of course I still love you. And if it had just been my vocal cords that
had been damaged in the accident -- but it wasn't, okay? My face was destroyed.
And these scars may never heal.
Brady: Chloe, you're not making any sense, okay? When I look at you, I see the
same, beautiful woman that I fell in love with, okay? The same woman that makes
my heart skip a beat every time I look at her.
Chloe: That's 'cause I look like Frankenstein.
Brady: No. Chloe, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. Look
at me. Look at me. Your face is perfect. Chloe, ever since the accident, ever
since I thought you died, I dreamed of seeing your face again. And now here it
is, as beautiful as ever. I never stopped loving you, not -- not when I thought
you died, not when I tried to move on. I will never stop loving you.
Rex: Bonnie, what do you mean, "Mimi is going to be free"? What did you do?
Bonnie: I wasn't planning on telling anyone, but I'm guessing you can keep a
Rex: Just tell me.
Bonnie: I baked a file in a cake.
Rex: What?
Bonnie: Patrick is delivering it to her as we speak.
Rex: Are you crazy, Bonnie? You're gonna wind up having two kids in prison. I
can't believe Patrick even agreed to do this.
Bonnie: That's the beauty of it -- he doesn't know what's in the cake. That way,
on the off chance he does get caught, he has complete deniability.
Rex: Oh, so it'll just be you and Mimi in Statesville.
Bonnie: Once Mimi files through those prison bars, you can fly her off to Grand
Cayman or Turks and Caicos -- I have a bunch of brochures here -- islands
without extradition treaties.
Rex: Bonnie, even if Mimi gets your little present, you cannot file through
prison bars. It's impossible.
Bonnie: It worked for Edward G. Robinson.
Rex: Maybe in some old grade-b movie.
Bonnie: Trust me. When it comes to prison movies, the oldies are the goodies.
So, if my file trick is a bust, I'll just fire up the DVD player and do some
more research. I remember this one where this guy busted out of the joint by
sneaking in a laundry bag.
Rex: Bonnie, Bonnie, come here.
Bonnie: What?
Rex: Look, I know your heart's in the right place, and I want Mimi out of there
just as bad as you do, but we have got to do this legally, okay? If Mimi gets
caught trying to escape, they're gonna add more time to her sentence.
Bonnie: At least I'm trying. Have you come up with a plan, Mr. Superbrain?
Rex: Not yet, okay? But I'm trying.
Patrick: I should have known my mom would pull a stunt like this.
Guard: Oh. Here's your culprit. Honey, it would take your sister about 300 years
to file her way out of this place with this thing.
Patrick: It's obviously a joke. My mom -- she's got this warped sense of humor.
Guard: Of course, it could also be used as a weapon, and that wouldn't be funny
at all.
Patrick: No, it wouldn’t.
Guard: Which is why I'm gonna have to write up this infraction and put it in
your sister's file. She's getting off to a very bad start, Mr. Lockhart.
Patrick: This isn't her fault. Mimi didn't know anything about this. Please,
this one time, could you just look the other way? She's in enough trouble
Brenda: Maybe I shouldn't kill you. Maybe I should just carve a "b," for
"Brenda," so you and everyone else knows I own you.
Mimi: You don't own me, so get your hands off of me.
Brenda: Shut up.
Woman: Good move, 'cause if you give into her now, cleaning toilets will be the
least of your problems.
Brenda: Get away from her. She's going down!
[Both grunting]
Mimi: We'll see who's going down.
Woman: Get her!
Woman: Come on! Come on!
Woman: Hit her! Hit her!
Kate: I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in anything you have to say about Sami.
John: I know you have problems with her.
Kate: John, problems? I don't trust her, all right? I don't trust her about
anything. She tried to ruin Austin's life. She tried to ruin Lucas' life. And on
top of all that, I would stake my life on the fact that she wasn't held hostage
by Tony. She was in cahoots with Tony.
John: She said she wasn’t.
Kate: Lying and breathing -- that's the same thing.
John: Listen, Kate, like it or not, she is Roman and Marlena's child. And they
love her. And they will always protect her, the same way you want to protect
your kids.
Kate: So what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to just let her destroy my
John: I didn't say that. Just don't let your anger for her destroy your
marriage. Kate, if you're really serious about renewing your vows with roman
when I renew mine with Marlena, and you want us all to be one big happy family
together, you're gonna have to stop attacking Samantha.
Kate: Please.
John: She's made mistakes. I know that.
Kate: Mistakes?!
John: The way -- what she's done to us and the way that she slept with Brandon
on the night that she was supposed to be married to Lucas. And, yeah, you're
right -- she just covers all those with lies, like trying to get people to
believe that you could be responsible for her being in bed with Brandon.
Kate: Sami is so predictable. She doesn't really love Lucas. She doesn't even
know what love is.
Sami: Oh, my God, this is incredible. It's Brandon Walker's bar bill with his
room number on it.
Kate: What we need to do is concentrate on getting Sami's claws out of Lucas and
into Brandon instead.
Sami: [Coughs]
Kate: Sami is so predictable. [Echoing] Predictable... Oh, let me guess. You
forgot your keys?
Sami: There's got to be some way that I can convince you to let me into my room.
You have cleaned me out, okay?
Kate: But I'm the maid. That's my job.
Sami: Open the door, okay?
Kate: Farewell, Sami. Goodbye. Good riddance.
Kate: No lie of Sami's is too big or is too outrageous. And I know -- I know
that she is still in some way involved with Tony, and I know she's scheming to
get Lucas back. She's spending way too much time with him, John.
John: Lucas is all grown-up. Maybe he wants her.
Kate: I will see her dead before I'll let her get her hooks back in him again.
Sami: Look, I am not hiding anything, okay? I'm just preoccupied, Lucas, because
I'm trying to make this American-flag dessert for you and will as a surprise,
and look at it. It was supposed to be a flag waving, and now it's just a big
Lucas: Just forget about the dessert for a second and try to answer my question.
What do you remember? What do you know about Stan?
Sami: Nothing, okay? Nothing! Oh! Oh!
Lucas: Sami...
Sami: Look at this. Damn it. I don't know why I even bother.
Lucas: It'll be fine. We'll clean it up. We'll fix it somehow.
Sami: Fix it? What, are we gonna raise the Titanic next? Look at this. I'm just
an idiot.
Lucas: You're not an idiot. We'll put it in a big bowl and call it "flag
surprise" or something. It'll be fine. I'll eat it. If you don't want to talk
about Stan, we don't have to do that, either.
Sami: I don't, okay? And I don't want to put it in a bowl.
Lucas: All right, we won't put it in a bowl then.
Sami: Look, I got a towel.
Lucas: Just explain to me what you were doing in the middle of a war zone with
Tony DiMera. That's all I want to know.
Sami: I told you, okay? Look, he kidnapped me, just the way he kidnapped all
those people that he put on that island. It's exactly the same thing.
Lucas: No, no, wait a minute. With those other people, he acted like that they
were dead. With you, Sami, it was different. It wasn't the same thing.
Sami: I don't know why, okay? Who knows why Tony does what he does? He's
Lucas: What about that note you left -- the note saying that you needed some
time away and you'd be back in a while? What, did he make you write that, too?
Sami: No. Look, I wrote that myself, okay? Before he kidnapped me.
Lucas: Befo-- oh, so it was just a coincidence?
Sami: Yes, okay? It was. Why are you so suspicious of me? Why do you and
everyone else in this whole town think that all the time I'm involved in these
horrible schemes?
Lucas: Well, Sami, you usually are.
Sami: Well, you're the one who used to work for Tony, and no one's questioning
what you were doing in the middle of a war zone.
Lucas: That's because I was with Rex and Shawn and Brady. We were trying to save
Philip. That's why. We weren't helping Tony.
Sami: Well, neither was I, okay? Don't you remember that I am the reason that we
got out of there? I am the one who knocked out that guard and got his gun? We'd
still be Tony's prisoners right now if it weren't for me.
Lucas: I know. Thank God you did that.
Sami: You also know that I want more than anything to turn my life around, that
I want to be a family with you and Will. And we would have that right now if it
weren't for your mother. She set me up, Lucas. She drugged me, put me in bed
with Brandon, and had you walk in on us.
Lucas: How do you really expect me to believe that my mother set us up, huh?
Sami: Oh, come on, Lucas. Tony has proof.
Patrick: Hey, thanks for not reporting this.
Guard: It was your one and only "get out of jail free" card. Try bringing
another of your mother's special cakes, and your sister won't be the only
Lockhart in lockup.
Patrick: Oh, my God, Mimi. What happened to you?
Mimi: I got in a fight. I thought she was gonna kill me, Patrick. I don't know
where I got the strength, but I won.
Patrick: That's good. That's good that you won. Now that you stood up to her,
you gotta use that to sway a couple of the other prisoners, okay, to your side,
because, look, if they think you can protect them, they're gonna watch your
Mimi: Maybe I should just let her kill me, put an end to the torture of prison
-- being away from everyone I love -- before it even really starts.
Patrick: Mimi, you can't talk like that.
Mimi: Why not? My life is over. Why not make it official?
Patrick: Because there are people out here who care about you -- me, mom, Rex.
He's going crazy, Meems. You have to let him come see you.
Mimi: No!
Patrick: Look, I have been in your shoes, okay? That kind of love and support --
it goes a long way when you're doing time.
Mimi: Rex loves me because he trusts me and believes in me. And I don't deserve
Patrick: Mimi, of course you do.
Mimi: Patrick, no, I don’t. I lied to him. I didn't even -- I didn't tell him
about the abortion. I didn't even tell him I was pregnant!
Patrick: You didn't lie to him, okay? You just -- you didn't tell him the whole
truth. And there's a difference.
Mimi: Maybe to you. But if Rex finds out, it'll change everything. It'll destroy
him. And I'd rather have to fight off Brenda every day for the next 20 years
than hurt Rex.
Patrick: But don't you see, Meems? Knowing you're suffering in here -- that's
gonna hurt him even worse.
Rex: Bonnie, I know Mimi doesn't want me to see her. She wants me to forget
about her and move on. But I can’t. I love her too much.
Bonnie: Just like Bill Holden and Barbara Stanwyck.
Rex: Oh, Bonnie, if Mimi is locked up for 20 years, that's like 7,305 days.
Bonnie: Stop. Stop. If you keep calculating, my brain is gonna explode.
Rex: I can't help it, Bonnie. I can't be without the woman I love that long.
Bonnie: So stop trying to figure out how long she's gonna be in there and start
figuring out a way to get her case my file-in-a-cake doesn't work.
Meanwhile, I am heading there. You got me worried, Rexie. I want to make sure
Patrick doesn't end up in the hoosegow.
Rex: Look, just tell Mimi that I'll never stop loving her, no matter what.
Bonnie: You got it, Romeo.
Rex: Just think of it like a puzzle. You're good at puzzles. Solve this one, and
Mimi goes free.
Brady: Chloe, you coming back to me like this -- it's like all of my prayers
have been answered.
Chloe: Stop it!
Brady: Chloe, my God! We love each other, okay? We're gonna be together, and
everything is gonna be okay. It's gonna be better than okay. It's gonna be
perfect. You are perfect. Chloe, don't you understand? I have missed you so
much. I've missed talking to you and holding you and touching you, and I am not
gonna lose you again.
Chloe: I don't understand. You must be lying to me... or to yourself. Can't you
see how ugly I am?
Brady: Are you serious? Chloe, you couldn't be ugly if you tried. You are the
most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Not just your face -- your
spirit and your soul. Can we please just go somewhere and celebrate this
Chloe: No, I can't be seen in public. I don't want people seeing me -- not even
you, Brady, so just stop it!
Brady: Chloe, I can't!
Chloe: Brady, no. You just need to let me out of your life. You need to let go
of me and forget about me, because I can't be with you -- not like this.
John: Now, that is exactly what I was talking about. Your anger for Sami is
gonna alienate Roman and Marlena. Listen to me, Kate. Samantha is their
daughter. Parents have this knee-jerk reaction when you start attacking their
children. Case in point -- when you thought Belle was gonna choose Shawn, you
said some pretty harsh things to her, didn't you? And, you know, I agree 100% --
she should be with Philip. My first reaction was to defend Belle because she's
my kid. Roman and Marlena will do the exact same thing with Sami.
Kate: It's just not a fair comparison, because, no matter what Belle did, I
mean, she is a saint compared to Sami. I am so thrilled that she's my
daughter-in-law, and she's the perfect wife for Philip. And Sami is nobody's
idea of a perfect wife. She's Satan's spawn, for God's s--
John: Oh, no, I wish you hadn't -- you just proved my point. That's -- your
hatred for Sami is gonna make you say and do things that you're gonna regret,
and, eventually, in the long run, it's gonna cause problems between you and
Kate: What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to turn a blind eye to all of --
John: I didn't say that. Just try to see her side of things. Maybe we made
mistakes, too. But we were so preoccupied with my drug addiction and we were
grieving over Roman and Marlena, maybe we didn't help her enough. I mean, after
all, she was trying to function under the premise that she lost both her
Kate: John, that is no excuse for her viciousness towards us. It's no excuse for
teaming up with Tony.
John: You're right. Bottom line, like it or not, we are one big, messy,
intertwined family, and if we don't find a way to make this work for everyone,
including Samantha, both of our marriages are gonna be in trouble.
Lucas: Tony told you that my mom set you up to be in bed with Brandon?
Sami: Yeah. Well, I think it'll still taste good if we just --
Lucas: Forget about that. What you're saying is ludicrous, even by your
standards. How would Tony know that, huh? How would he know anything about us or
Sami: Oh, come on, Lucas. Tony makes it his business to find out all sorts of
dirty secrets on everybody so he can use it to torture them and destroy them.
I'm sure he knows all of your mother's secrets, including all the evil things
that she did to keep us apart.
Lucas: I can't believe you're gonna take that guy's word.
Sami: I'd take the devil's word over your mother's.
Lucas: So, Tony has proof? What's his proof, huh?
Sami: I don't know. He just said that he had proof.
Lucas: Yeah, that's 'cause he'd say anything to get his way so you could do his
dirty work. That's the way he operates, Sami.
Sami: Look... for the last time, I am not working for Tony DiMera, okay? Don't I
get any credit for rescuing you and the other guys? God. I'm smart enough to
know when Tony is playing me. He was telling me the truth. I just wish I had
gotten the proof from him that your mother had set me up. I don't care if she is
your mother, Lucas. She deserves to rot in hell.
Rex: [Sighs] Why didn't Mimi even try and defend herself against those
charges? We all know she didn't try and hurt Jan. God, if I could just rewind
everything and take it right back to that exact moment, I know I could prove
that she's innocent. Oh, my God. Of course.
Bonnie: Don't worry, babies. Mamma's here. Rex had me worried for nothing. How's
my lit-- oh, my God. What have they done to you? They are not gonna get away
with this. I am calling Mickey. We are gonna press charges, sue the whole prison
Patrick: No, not unless you want to make things worse.
Bonnie: We've got to protect her.
Patrick: I am talking with her -- she's going to be fine.
Bonnie: [Murmuring] What about the c-a-k-e?
Patrick: The c-a-k-e? Oh, that was confiscated. Did you happen to see the metal
detector when you walked in? You almost got me thrown in jail for trying to
smuggle a weapon to a prisoner.
Bonnie: You weren't in any danger. You didn't know it was in there.
Patrick: Well, ignorance isn't a defense, mom.
Bonnie: Oops.
Patrick: Yeah, oops. That's right.
Mimi: What are you talking about?
Bonnie: Get me a chair.
Patrick: Here. Oh, you know. Mom just baked a file into that cake she sent over
here with me.
Bonnie: It could have worked.
Patrick: It was a nail file.
Bonnie: It's all I had. How about a sheet rope over the prison wall?
Patrick: We're not busting Mimi out of here. Mom's all obsessed with these
prison-breakout movies. I had to nix the whole "landing a helicopter in the
prison yard" or "tunneling through the sewer system."
Bonnie: I don't see you coming up with any big plans to get your sister out of
Patrick: I'm not giving up.
Bonnie: Good, 'cause neither is Rex.
Patrick: Yeah, I know that. And between the two of us, we're gonna come up with
a way to convince that Judge to set Mimi free.
Mimi: No, you can't! You have to get Rex to forget me.
Patrick: That's not gonna happen, Mimi. He loves you. I love you. So you just
gotta hang in there, okay? And, you -- you just stay out of trouble.
Bonnie: Buck up, honey. See, do you think you could fake an appendicitis attack?
I saw this one movie where the con got into the prison hosp--
Mimi: Mom, stop it. I love you and Patrick and Rex for caring so much about me.
But you all have got to face the facts. I'm not breaking out. I'm not getting
released. I am in here for the long haul -- 15 to 20 years... unless Jan dies.
And then it'll be for life.
Brady: Chloe, please. Can't you see how much I love you? I am not gonna let you
go. I am not gonna let you out of my sight. I am not gonna lose you again.
Chloe: What are you saying, that you're gonna follow me everywhere I go?
Brady: No. No. I'm gonna take you away from this place. I'm gonna take you
somewhere special, somewhere -- somewhere that we can be alone. And you know
what? I have just the place.
Chloe: Where?
Lucas: Look, Sami, I know that you and my mom are never gonna be friends, but --
Sami: She started this war.
Lucas: All I'm asking is that you just...look at things in a different light,
okay? Try to take a different point of view. Hey, my mom had a son who was in
combat. He was taken hostage, Sami, and he lost his leg. How would you feel if
that was Will?
Sami: Oh, my God, Lucas. Don't even say that.
Lucas: You wanted my mom to burn in hell, right? Well, right now she is in hell.
And she's one of the lucky ones, because her son is still alive. She gets to
spend 4th of July with him, even if it's in a military hospital.
Sami: Lucas, I feel terrible about what's happened to Philip. But this is
something different. I am not ever going to be able to forget or forgive all of
the things that your mother did to me. Look... Lucas, all I want is to be with
you, for us to be together, as a family, with Will.
Lucas: There's just a lot of things I have to look past before that can
happen... like you sleeping with Brandon.
Sami: Why won't you listen to me? How many times do I have to tell you that your
mother is responsible for that? She set me up.
Lucas: Fine. Fine. You prove it, and I'll turn my back on her. But she wouldn't
do that. No matter how much she hates you, she would never hurt me and Will that
Sami: What you're saying -- that means that you think I would. You're choosing
to believe her instead of me.
Lucas: Look, it's obvious you're not gonna help me find Stan, right? So I'll
just get my laptop, and I'll go back to my place. Don't worry about it.
Sami: [Thinking] You want proof of what your mother did? I swear to you,
Lucas, I will find it, because she is guilty.
Kate: So, let me get this straight. On top of everything else, Sami could
destroy my marriage with Roman and your marriage with Marlena, because that's
what she really wants, right? She wants her parents back together. And she wants
the two of us out of the picture.
John: Mm-hmm. Among other things, you are an incredible businesswoman, so why
don't we approach this as a business proposition? You just stay focused on the
prize. You eliminate all other distractions, because if you don't, it could cost
you your marriage.
Bonnie: Miriam Elizabeth Lockhart, you are not a quitter. You are not gonna
spend the next 20 years in prison. Whether you like it or not, we are getting
you out of here.
Mimi: Mom, please don't try to come up with any more of your plans.
Bonnie: I gotta do something. You're my baby girl. When I see you going through
what you're... that is one nasty-looking shiner. Does it hurt?
Mimi: Only when I blink... or cry or breathe.
Bonnie: I'd like to get my hands on the lowlife who did that to you. I should
get myself arrested so I can rip her face off personally.
Mimi: No. God, mom, the last thing we need is you in jail, too.
Bonnie: You're right. You're right. I gotta stay on the outside and help Patrick
and Rex figure out some way to either spring you or convince that Judge that
you're innocent, that Jan just slipped and hit her head.
Mimi: There's no way! There's no way. They have her voice on tape saying I did
Bonnie: But she's a liar.
Mimi: Maybe, but it would be pretty hard for any Judge not to side with a
comatose victim. Besides, I confessed. You all just have to accept it.
Bonnie: Please, just let Rex come and see you.
Mimi: No. If I do that, then he'll never be able to move on with his life.
Bonnie: Is that what you really want?
Mimi: Yes.
Bonnie: I hope so, because if you keep pushing him away like this, you are gonna
push him straight into another babe's arms. Get a good, clear picture of that,
Mimi -- the man you love loving another woman, kissing another woman, marrying
another woman. Are you absolutely sure you're willing to give up Rex forever?
Rex: Patrick. Hey, what's up? Did you see Mimi? How is she?
Patrick: She's not good, man. I was trying to be positive. I was trying to give
her advice. There's no way she's gonna survive in there, man. We have got to
find a way to get her out of there.
Rex: I think I have.
Bonnie: You're not sure, are you? So you can't give up -- not on you and Rex,
and not on some miracle happening to get you out of here.
Mimi: I'm doing my time. And there's nothing you or Patrick or Rex can do to
change that.
Rex: Well, what do you think?
Patrick: Well, I think it's 10 to one at best, but I've had worse odds pay off.
Rex: Me too, and it won't be easy, but if we get the break we need, Mimi could
go free.
Patrick: All right, what are we waiting for?
Rex: Let's go.
Kate: You're right. You're giving me good advice. I just hate to see Sami win.
John: Well, she hasn't. You have. You didn't want her to marry Lucas, and thanks
to her sleeping with Brandon, she didn't. So you win. She loses. It's over. Let
it go. Hmm?
Kate: I guess I kind of have to, don't I? I mean, it's not risk -- I can't risk
alienating my husband because of her. I mean, she's not worth it.
John: There you go. Why don't you just keep reminding yourself of that?
Kate: I will. I'm gonna follow your advice. I'm gonna take the high road.
John: Let's celebrate with some coffee.
Kate: [Thinking] Except Sami's going to be taking the lowest road, straight to
Lucas. And I've got to find a way to stop her.
Lucas: With or without your help, I'm gonna track down that Stan guy. And when I
do, I'm gonna make him pay for everything he's done.
Sami: All right, well, Lucas, you're never gonna find Stan, because that guy
doesn't exist anymore. While you're off chasing the invisible man, I have to
find a way to prove that Kate set me up so that I can get you and Will back. But
I don't know how I'm gonna do that, 'cause Kate is never gonna confess. I'm just
gonna have to find another way. [Sighs] Forget about Tony. Eugenia -- she was
in on it from the beginning. I just have to find a way to make her talk.
Chloe: You're not talking about taking me to the mansion, are you?
Brady: No, no. Definitely not. Nicole might still be there, and I don't want to
subject you to that. No, this is a place that I've always wanted to share with
you, but it was just never the right time. But's the perfect place for
you to see how beautiful our future's gonna be.
Chloe: I don't know what to say.
Brady: It's the place that I always knew I would take my one true love to. And
now I finally can.
Frankie: Hey, what -- what are you doing?
Max: Huh?
Jennifer: Tell me the truth. There's something wrong with you, isn't there?
Brady: I want this night to be special for the two of us.
Sami: There's something else I have to tell you, and I don't think it's good
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