Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/10/03--Canada; 11/11/03--USA
By Eric
Proofread by Bernadette
Caroline: [ Thinking ]
Maggie, how could someone have taken your precious life? Oh, god.
[ Sighs ]
Victor: You're in pain,
Caroline. Let me help.
Caroline: Victor.
Victor: My wife never lets
me pleasure her. What about you? Will you allow me to show you what she's been
Nicole's voice: Hey, girl.
You are hot.
Nicole: Aren't you a
little biased?
Nicole's voice: I tell it
like it is.
Nicole: So do we really
need perfume?
Nicole's voice: Does a
sundae need a cherry on the top?
Brady: Nicole.
Brady: Nicole?
Nicole: Yes?
Brady: Nicole, I want...
you --
Nicole: Oh, I thought
you'd never ask.
Nicole's voice: Ooh, you
go, gi.. mm.
Cassie: Where are you
taking him?
Roman: Booking, for the
murder of Maggie Horton. Let's go.
Cassie: Rex, hang in
there. Tony's talking to his lawyers, and he's sending somebody over.
Mimi: [ Sighs ]
Tek: Okay, take a look.
This is the killer's video file. All right, this is a bird's-eye view of the
murder. Very grisly. Interspersed with a lot of cutesy stuff like skeletons
popping up.
Philip: Rex Dimera is one
sadistic bastard.
Tek: All right, see if you
can break it down. I'm convinced there's a -- there's a method to his madness.
Philip: He's always been
into computers and gadgets. This little documentary is going to cost him
Tek: Well, let's just
hope. If we can get a print off the whiskey bottle, it'll be a slam-dunk.
Philip: Right. Come on.
Hope: Bo, you've been
quiet for so long, you're scaring me. Whose prints were on that bottle?
Shawn-D: Hey. Are those
the results from forensics? Rex's paws must be all over the murder weapon. Can I
Bo: No. We got a problem.
Roman: Go. Officer, book
Man: Yes, sir.
Roman: Do what the man
Roman: Enjoy your stay,
Rex: You'll never be able
to keep me in here.
Roman: We'll see about
Rex: You bastard. You're
enjoying this, aren't you?
Roman: If you need
anything, you just, uh, call the guard.
Rex: You know, I bet you
get a real buzz from seeing me behind bars. You think locking up one Dimera,
you've silenced us all. Well, you're wrong. Hey, you think Stefano and Tony were
bad? Wait until you see what I'm capable of.
Like sands through the
hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Victor: You always used to
get a stiff neck when you were troubled.
Caroline: I'm still in
shock over Maggie. Victor, you should have seen her at the hospital. My
beautiful friend, a gentle soul -- who could have done this?
Victor: Shh.
Caroline: Did you come all
the way over here because you were worried about me? You're so kind.
Victor: You're the only
person in Salem that thinks so. How's the headache?
Caroline: Oh, better. I
can't believe that Nicole won't let you pamper her like this.
Victor: She's too busy
being resentful.
Caroline: Why? She has the
whole world at her fingertips.
Victor: She has a knack
for biting the hand that feeds her.
Caroline: But why?
Victor: Nicole and I
disagree on a lot of things.
Caroline: Your grandson
Brady? Is that still a problem?
Victor: I didn't mention
this earlier, but I've offered Nicole a divorce -- freedom from her life as a
kiriakis, as well as a decent settlement.
Caroline: And has she
Victor: Not yet.
Caroline: What if she
Victor: That's not an
Caroline: Oh, I'm sorry.
The man at the bar wants to pay his tab and be on his way. I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
Victor: Nicole will give
me a divorce and stay away from my grandson. If she doesn't, she'll live to
regret it... or die.
Brady: Mnh-mnh.
Nicole: No, no, no, no.
No, don't say anything. Just close your eyes and relax.
[ Zipper unzips ]
Brady: Whoa -- whoa. No,
no, no -- wait a second. Nicole --
Nicole: I thought you
wanted me.
Brady: No, what I meant
was I want you to get dressed and -- and meet me downstairs.
Nicole: Too late.
Brady: We need to talk.
Nicole: Well, there's,
um... talking, and there's talking.
Brady: This is important,
Nicole, please.
Nicole: Can't it wait?
Brady: Something's
Cassie: I wish Rex and I
had never come to Salem. From the second we set foot in this godforsaken town,
things have gone wrong for us.
Mimi: Like you had it good
Cassie: We were like
Mimi: You were prisoners
on Stefano's island.
Cassie: Don't be
Mimi: Okay, then -- lab
Cassie: One minute you're
nice to me, and the next, you're mean.
Mimi: I was trying to be
real, Cassie. It's not like you guys were ever little princesses and princes.
You're here because Stefano and Dr. Rolf played god with Kate Roberts and Roman
Brady's DNA.
Cassie: Shut up.
[ Sighs ]
Mimi: Aren't you tired of
pretending, Cassie?
Cassie: As far as the rest
of this world is concerned, Tony and Marlena are Rex and my parents, Stefano
Dimera is my grandfather, and Kate and Roman mean nothing to me.
Mimi: That's a lie... and
it's really stressing Rex out and giving him those awful headaches. You know,
maybe if you two hadn't have kept this a secret, none of this would have ever
Cassie: What is that
supposed to mean?
Mimi: Maybe none of these
good, decent people would have been murdered.
Cassie: You really think
that -- that Rex is guilty, don't you?
Roman: You know what, Rex?
I've already read you your rights, so if you want to say anything incriminating,
please do.
Rex: You have no right to
keep me here.
Roman: You've sealed your
own fate when you murdered Maggie Horton.
Man: Sir.
Roman: What is it?
Man: Mr. Dimera's lawyer
is here.
Roman: Good. Maybe your
lawyer will talk some sense into you.
Rex: [ Groans ] No. Not
Roman: Well, well, well,
look who crawled out from under a rock.
Cameron: Ha. I'm going to
take that as a compliment.
Roman: Been a long while,
Miss Reese.
Cameron: Luckily for you
and the men in blue. Congratulations on your promotion, Commander.
Roman: Yeah. Thank you.
But I would gladly give up the title if it meant getting Abe back.
Cameron: Yes. We lost a
good man.
Roman: We lost the best
Cameron: Now, Roman, you
know that Abe and I had our differences, but I'm going to miss him.
Roman: You know, Miss
Reese, considering your past with Abe, are you really sure you want to represent
this kid? 'Cause it's very possible he could be responsible for all three
Cameron: Rex is innocent.
Roman: Yeah, right.
Cameron: The count asked
me to look after the boy.
Roman: You just never
could say no to the Dimeras, could you?
Cameron: Roman, you have
the wrong guy. As far as I can tell, he's a highly intelligent, well-mannered
young man. There's no way he could be involved in something like this.
Roman: All right, Miss
Reese. After you.
Hope: Couldn't the lab
I.D. the fingerprints?
Bo: Yeah.
Hope: Who do they belong
Shawn-D: Rex -- Rex, of
Hope: Bo.
Hope: There must be some
mistake here. This --
Bo: Nope, it says right
there. The prints on the bottle used to bludgeon Maggie Horton were Caroline
Brady’s. They're ma's.
Philip: Ugh. This is
Tek: Yeah, that graphic
footage they show you in basic training doesn't begin to prepare you for
something like this.
Philip: Yeah. What's in
the box?
Tek: All right, this is
some of the evidence we've collected so far. All right, I want you to compare it
to the video images, see if we missed anything.
Philip: Sure.
Tek: Okay, if you find any
clues, we're going to go back to the crime scene while it's still cordoned off.
All right?
Shawn-D: Grandma Caroline?
Hope: Surely hers can't be
the only set of prints on that whiskey bottle.
Bo: They are.
Shawn-D: No, that's
Bo: I'm telling you what
it says on that paper.
Shawn-D: All right, well
-- well, maybe Rex planted the fingerprints on there. I mean, he's a Dimera.
Maybe he's trying to make the Bradys take the fall.
Hope: Why Caroline?
Caroline: I'm sorry. Where
were we?
Victor: Listen, you're
exhausted. You've had a wretched night. I shouldn't be troubling you again with
my marital woes.
Caroline: No, no. You
stay. You're a friend. I'm concerned about you. The situation with Nicole sounds
Victor: You hit the nail
on the head before. She and my grandson are getting way too close.
Caroline: Well, there's
something else happened.
Victor: Caught them
together again tonight.
Caroline: Oh.
Victor: Well, not in bed
or anything. In an alley, it was dark, they were in the middle of a heated
Caroline: Victor, it is
Halloween. You know, kids go out, and they have lots of parties...
Victor: Nicole is not a
kid, and she's my wife, damn it, not Brady’s.
Caroline: You probably
don't want to hear this --
Victor: But you're going
to tell me anyway.
Caroline: Well, I --
sounds like you're jealous of young people.
Victor: On the contrary.
I'm concerned for my grandson's safety. I have to do everything I can to protect
him from Nicole, and I mean everything.
Nicole: How'd it happen?
Brady: Well, uh, Mickey
and Maggie were attacked in their home by a person dressed all in black and
wearing a Halloween mask. Nicole, when I saw you earlier this evening, you
Nicole: Dressed in black
and burning a Halloween mask.
Brady: And you said that
Maggie would never testify against you.
Nicole: Yeah. So?
Brady: So? Nicole, this is
driving me nuts, okay? This -- this string of murders, all the suspicion around
you. Did you do it? Tell me, please. Did you kill Maggie Horton?
Nicole: You pretend to be
my friend. You get me to open up, then you turn righteous and throw that
headline in my face and accuse me of murdering Maggie Horton?
Brady: I asked you a
question, okay? I'm just here to listen to what you ha e to say.
Nicole: Well, go to hell.
Brady: Wait, is -- is that
your answer?
Nicole: You're a trusted
friend, baby, and you've been slumming, and now the heat's on you, and you're
ready to throw me to the wolves. I can't believe I ever trusted you.
Brady: Would you just wait
a second?
Nicole: Brady.
Hope: Why would Rex Dimera
use a bottle with Caroline's prints on it to kill Maggie? Why? It doesn't make
any sense.
Bo: Actually, it's
Shawn-D: The bastard is
trying to frame her.
Hope: Now wait a minute.
Come on. No one in their right minds would ever believe that you Mother, your
grandmother, would be capable of something like this. She wouldn't hurt a fly.
Bo: Rex may be trying to
throw an element of doubt into this investigation, split our focus, force us to
go after one of our own.
Hope: Why Caroline? Why
not you or me -- Shawn?
Shawn-D: What did grandma
ever do to Rex?
Bo: This isn't personal.
If Rex is the killer --
Shawn-D: "If"?
Bo: It's as if the Dimeras
are sending the Bradys a message.
Shawn-D: What message?
Bo: If they can cast
suspicion on the woman who holds this family together, then they can get to any
one of us.
Shawn-D: Where's Rex?
Where is he? 'Cause I'm going to kill him.
Caroline: I know Brady had
a troubled youth. He's grown up now. He strikes me as a highly civilized young
Victor: He's a red-blooded
boy, therefore vulnerable. My wife may seem like an angel, but underneath, she's
as conniving as they come -- seductive, evil.
Caroline: You don't mean
Victor: Oh, yes, I do, and
with good reason. I want you to remember that if anything ever happens to me.
Caroline: Are you implying
that Nicole might try to kill you?
Victor: I wouldn't put it
past her.
Caroline: But you have a
Victor: So did Caesar.
Look what happened to him.
Caroline: You're scaring
Victor: That's not my
Caroline: I'm awfully
scared as it is. I mean, everything goes on in Salem. Abe and jack and Maggie...
Victor: I guess we're all
more aware of our mortality. I'm getting my affairs in order, getting Nicole out
of the family, seeing to it that all the people I care about are taken care of.
Caroline: Why are you
telling me all this?
Victor: Because you're one
of those people.
Mimi: I don't know what to
think anymore.
Cassie: You're supposed to
be in love with my brother.
Mimi: I am, and it kills
me to think he might have had anything to do with these murders.
Cassie: Then don’t.
Mimi: Easier said than
Roman: Rex! Rex, calm down
or I'll have you restrained!
Cameron: Don't threaten my
client. I'm Cameron Reese, your father's attorney.
Rex: Buzz off.
Cameron: Now listen, you
are really going to have to control your temper.
Rex: I don't need you,
okay? I'll be out of here before the night's over.
Roman: Really? And just
what makes you think I'm going to turn a killer loose?
Rex: [ Laughing ]
Tek: Any luck yet?
Philip: I'm trying to
match this mask to the one the killer wore. I think there might be some kind of
a serial number. Bingo. All right, this might be exactly what we're looking for.
Bo: Oh, where are you
Shawn-D: Rex is trying to
incriminate my grandmother?
Bo: Don't fly off the
handle here. You can't give the Dimeras any reason to cry foul play.
Hope: That's exactly what
they're looking for.
Shawn-D: So, what are you
going to do?
Bo: I don't have a choice.
I'm going to go question my own mother, interrogate her as I would any potential
Caroline: That's very dear
of you to want to make sure I'm taken care of.
Victor: Of all the women
that I've known, you're the most genuine. In a world full of sycophants and
phonies, you're the real mccoy.
Caroline: Well, thank you.
But, I mean, it's not necessary to do anything. I mean, I'm not rolling in
money, but, you know, I'm very comfortable.
Victor: Well, we share a
son. I've always considered myself very fortunate in that.
Caroline: Don't say any
more. Okay?
Victor: Well, I best be
getting home, make sure my wife isn't seducing my grandson.
Shawn: I'd appreciate it
if you'd let go of my wife's hand.
Brady: No, no, no, we
can't do this. [ Nervously ] Ha ha.
Nicole: Why not?
Brady: I can think of a
dozen reasons, Nicole.
Nicole: Remember that time
you were helping me work out? Do you know how turned on I was?
Brady: Yeah -- suppose we
just forget that ever happened, okay?
Nicole: Suppose we
don’t. Come on, Brady, you haven't been with a woman since Chloe left. I
haven't been with a man -- well, at least one remotely my age. So why don't we
throw caution to the wind and help each other out?
Roman: All right, Rex, cut
the theatrics. We're not done questioning you yet.
Cameron: Trust me, Rex, I
will tell you which questions to answer and which ones to ignore.
Rex: Look, I'm not
answering any more stupid questions, okay? And I don't need some
ambulance-chasing attorney coaching me on what to say. I am light-years ahead of
both of you.
Cameron: Well, retainer or
not, I don't have to put up with this. I'll see you outside, Roman.
Roman: Way to go, son.
Rex: Don't you call me
Roman: You are just
alienating everybody who's come in here to help you.
Rex: You're pathetic. You
know that? You can't hold onto your wife. Your daughter is a raving loon, and
you're just a tired, old cop who hasn't a clue about who really holds the cards.
Roman: Really. Well,
there's only one of us locked up in a cage right now. And it sure as hell isn't
Shawn: Perhaps I need to
make sure that you don't seduce my wife.
Victor: I'm sorry. I know
how this must look.
Caroline: Victor came by
after he heard what happened to Maggie.
Victor: I'm just here as a
friend, Shawn. I meant no disrespect.
Shawn: We suffered a
terrible loss tonight, and you're making it worse.
Victor: I'll go.
Caroline: Did you have to
be so rude?
Shawn: The man knows your
defenses are down, and he's preying on you.
Caroline: Don't get
yourself worked up, Shawn.
Shawn: Him holding your
hand and smiling like a crocodile -- the old bastard.
Caroline: Victor is Bo's
father, and he is a dear friend.
Bo: Hey. Good. You're
still up.
Shawn: How could you sleep
at a time like this?
Caroline: What brings you
here, Bo?
Bo: It's about Maggie
Horton's murder.
Caroline: Did you find out
about the killer?
Bo: I need to ask you some
questions, ma.
Brady: No, no. Enough.
Nicole: I'm just getting
Brady: Nicole, this isn't
Nicole: The whole world
isn't right. It's all screwed up. You just have to read the headlines. The one
thing that's not a lie right now, Brady, is the heat between us.
Brady: No, no, Nicole,
shush, no. This is not going to happen. We're not going to do this.
Nicole: I've seen
Henderson bring you your mail. What's under those plain brown wrappers, Brady?
Is... what's in those magazines any better than this?
Nicole: You wanted me to
drop the masks. Well, I did. You see something you like, go ahead, take it.
Brady: I have an idea. How
about you put this on, huh?
Nicole: Okay. You can't
blame a girl for trying.
Brady: Nicole, I am
flattered. Really, I am.
Nicole: No, you are more
than flattered, honey. You are on fire.
Brady: Good night.
Nicole: Brady, wait.
Brady: What, Nicole? What
is it?
Nicole: Something I had
made up for your grandfather a while back.
Brady: You were going to
give these to my grandfather as a gift?
Nicole: Yeah. In happier
days. But our marriage is a bust, so I... I want you to have 'em.
Victor: Still trying to
seduce my grandson, eh? I'll see you in your room right away, Brady.
Victor: I want an answer
about the divorce. Good night.
Brady: So, are you going
to chew me out like you always do?
Victor: I'm sorry about
what happened in the alley earlier. I was very hard on you.
Brady: That's all?
Victor: I need a favor.
Brady: From me?
Victor: I want you to
promise me something. Promise me you'll never get involved with Nicole.
Nicole: Bastard.
Victor: All I want is for
you to be happy, Brady. And I know in the long run, she'll never ever make you
happy. Honor me by giving me your word on this.
Brady: Yes. Yes, I
Victor: I knew I could
count on you.
Victor: And, remember, a
gentleman's word is the only thing he takes to his grave.
Nicole: Victor, you may
have won the battle, but I'm going to win the war.
Caroline: I saw Maggie at
the hospital, just before she passed away, but I don't know anything about the
Shawn: What's happened,
Bo: Roman arrested Rex
Caroline: No way that boy
is a killer.
Bo: Well, Shawn found a
piece of evidence at the Dimera mansion. He turned it in to us.
Caroline: What kind of
Bo: It's a black
sweatshirt with a hood on it -- the kind the killer was wearing in the video. It
had some blood on the sleeve. Forensics I.D.'d it as Maggie's blood.
Shawn: Oh, saints preserve
Bo: That's not all. A
weapon was found at the scene of the crime.
Caroline: What kind of
Bo: It was a whiskey
bottle. Apparently, the killer used it to bludgeon Maggie.
Caroline: Oh, god. That's
so cruel.
Shawn: Did the bottle
belong to one of the suspects?
Bo: No, sir.
Caroline: Well, were there
fingerprints on it?
Bo: Yes, ma. There were.
Caroline: Whose?
Bo: They're yours.
Mimi: I've meant every
word I've ever said to Rex. I've never been with anybody before him. And I
wouldn't have if I didn't love him with all my heart.
Cassie: You have to
believe in his innocence.
Philip: Well, that's not
going to be easy.
Cassie: What's happening
in there?
Philip: Comparing Rex's
mask to the killer's -- if it matches... I'm sorry, Cass. I wish things were
Cameron: No, I am not
discussing this with you, Bart. Put me through to the Count.
Philip: I gotta go, you
Cameron: Well, fine. Tell
Count Dimera that his son is refusing to cooperate. And as far as I can tell,
Rex seems pretty damn guilty.
Hope: What have you guys
come up with?
Shawn-D: Anything we can
pin on Rex?
Tek: Philip's just locked
in to an interesting detail.
Philip: Let me see if I
can make this a little clearer. We have the serial number from Rex's mask, and
I'm trying to compare it to the one the killer wore in the video.
Shawn-D: Oh, right, that's
Philip: If it matches, Rex
is toast. If not... we got the wrong guy.
Nicole: It's going to be a
long night, Brady... unless you give in to temptation.
Brady: No. No, forget it.
Nicole: See something you
want? Take it.
Cassie: Roman, could I
please have a moment alone with my brother?
Roman: You know what? I
think it would do Rex good to talk to somebody he can trust.
Mimi: Oh, then me, too,
Roman: No. One at a time.
Cassie: Hmm.
Roman: Mimi, there's a
reason I let her go first. There's something I want to say to you.
Mimi: What?
Roman: I have known you
since you were a baby, so I feel like that entitles me to give you a little
advice. Be careful. Rex is a very angry young man, very dangerous. And should he
get out of here, I'd hate to see him vent all that on you.
Caroline: My fingerprints?
Bo: That's right.
Caroline: Were there any
other fingerprints on the bottle, as well?
Bo: No, ma. Just yours.
Shawn: Are you accusing
your own mother of murder?
Bo: I got a job to do
here, pop. I'm in charge of this investigation. I can't be partisan.
Caroline: No, of course
not. Shawn, please.
Bo: Where were you
Shawn: She was at the
quilting party at st. Luke’s. They do it every Halloween. You should know
Bo: Yeah, I... that's
right. I-I'm sorry, ma. With everything going on, I totally forgot about it.
Oh... you have the best alibi in the world.
Caroline: Actually, I
never made it to the party.
Bo: Okay. You want to tell
me where you were?
Caroline: Why? Are you
going to arrest me?
Tek: This is just what we
need to put the Dimera kid away for good.
Hope: Thank god.
Caroline's fingerprints are on the murder weapon.
Philip: Yeah, I think we
got something.
Hope: I don't believe it.
Tek: Wait a second. What
is this?
Hope: Oh, no.
Philip: No, no, no, no.
Come on, come on!
Tek: Clear!
Shawn-D: Are you okay,
Hope: Yeah, you okay?
Shawn-D: Yeah.
Philip: Even my backup is
Tek: Whoever programmed
this little stunt is some kind of computer wizard.
Shawn-D: Damn you, Rex.
Cassie: I hate seeing you
like this.
Rex: Look, I won't be here
long. What is it?
Cassie: Philip said
they're checking out your Halloween mask and comparing it to the one the killer
used in the video.
Rex: Look, they won't be
able to prove anything.
Cassie: What about the
blood on the sleeve of your sweatshirt? It was Maggie Horton’s. The lab
results proved that.
Rex: Shawn Brady
contaminated it when he brought it in. Any decent criminal attorney should be
able to get that thrown out.
Cassie: I hope you're
Rex: They shouldn't have
done this to me.
Cassie: What are you
talking about?
Rex: There are going to be
other murders. The next victim's already been tagged.
(On the next Days of Our
Hope: I don't understand
why your mother's not cooperating. It's not like her.
Bo: She's got a secret.
Why the hell won't she tell me where she was?
Victor: I'll destroy Sami
for you. You destroy Nicole for me.
Kate: Deal.
Sami: God, I don't know
what I ever saw in you.
Lucas: You saw a sperm
Sami: You bastard!
Lucas: Just get outta
here! Let me drink in peace!
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