Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/06/03--Canada;
Proofread by Bernadette
[ Distant horn honks ]
Brady: So this is where
you disappeared to.
Nicole: Brady.
Brady: I've been looking
for you.
Nicole: Really? Uh, I was
-- I was just taking a walk. I needed some air.
Brady: Thought you might
burn a few things in the process?
Nicole: Burn?
Brady: I saw you throw
something into the fire. You care to share with me what it was?
Jennifer: Aunt Maggie, you
said that you knew who the killer was. Can you tell us?
Mickey: Should -- should
we putting this kind of pressure on her? I mean, it's too much for her right
now, isn't it?
Lexie: Mickey, it's
obvious that she wants to talk. We have to let her try.
Hope: Lex.
Lexie: Hi.
Hope: How's Maggie doing?
Lexie: She's conscious.
Where's Bo?
Hope: Still at the crime
scene. Has she say anything about the killer?
Lexie: Yeah, she says she
can name the murderer.
Hope: Thank god.
Lexie: Yeah.
Mickey: You just hang in
there, darling. Hang in there, okay?
Hope: Hi.
Maggie: [ Mumbles ]
Hope: You're all right.
Nobody's going to hurt you now. But, Maggie, please, you have to tell us -- who
was it? Who tried to kill you?
Maggie: [ Whimpering ]
Mimi: Rex? Sweetie? Rex?
Shawn-D: Damn it!
Mimi: What?
Shawn-D: My dad's cell. It
keeps going straight to voice mail.
Mimi: You tried your mom?
Shawn-D: Yeah. She's not
picking up, either. I think it's 'cause she's at the hospital.
Marlena: Is he all right?
Mimi: Dr. Evans, how did
you know?
Marlena: Cassie left me a
message. Rex? Rex? Rex, can you hear me?
Shawn-D: Marlena, I don't
know if Cassie told you, but you need to know that he is the one.
Mimi: Shawn!
Shawn-D: No, she has to
know that he is the killer.
Mimi: You have no proof of
this, for god's sake.
Shawn-D: Listen, I'm
really sorry that you have to hear this from me. I know you don't want to think
of your son in a bad light, but when we came here earlier, we found him asleep.
We woke him up and asked him if he knew why we tracked him down. He said he did.
He said that he knew that Maggie had been murdered, that she was dead.
Marlena: Dead? How could
he know that?
Shawn-D: Well, I
immediately called him on it, because I know the only way he could know is if he
did it! And he realized his mistake. He shouldn't have blurted that out. And
that's why he pretended to pass out again.
Mimi: He's not pretending,
Shawn. You have to help him, Dr. Evans. He's been unconscious for a while now. I
mean, if he were sleeping, you'd be able to wake him up. Look how pale he is,
Marlena: Rex? Rex, can you
hear me?
Shawn-D: That's it. I'm
calling my dad. I'm going to tell him to come down here, arrest Rex for the
murder of Jack and Abe, and for the attempted murder of Maggie and my parents.
Marlena: No, no, don't do
that. Please don't do that. Let me wake him up, see what he has to say.
Philip: Cassie, where the
hell are we?
Cassie: Philip, just
please trust me.
Philip: All right, fine,
but why would Tony be in this basement?
Cassie: Shh.
Philip: Face it, Cass, he
is M.I.A., just like all the other suspects.
Cassie: Will you please
just -- could you be patient?
Philip: What is this? What
is this room?
Cassie: It's a special
place that my dad goes. Rex and I are under strict orders not to go in here, but
Rex could be in trouble, and I know my dad would want to know about it.
Philip: Yeah, that's
right, so open it. Come on.
Philip: I -- I don't
believe it.
Like sands through the
hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Nicole: You scared the
hell out of me, Brady.
Brady: You're not
answering my question, Nicole.
Nicole: I wanted to get
out of the house. I had to, actually. I mean, this whole thing with the divorce
and Victor trying to pay me off -- it caught me off guard, to put it mildly.
Brady: It is what you
wanted, isn't it?
Nicole: $100,000? Victor's
paid more for his cufflinks.
Brady: Nicole, please,
it's what you wanted. Think about it. It's your freedom.
Nicole: That's why I came
here -- to think it over.
Brady: Okay. But you're
still not answering my first question.
Nicole: Which question was
that? You ask so many.
Brady: What did you throw
into the fire? What are you burning?
Nicole: Right. It was a
Halloween mask.
Brady: A mask? Was it
Nicole: Yeah. I left the
house, put it on. I wanted to be able to walk around without people looking at
me, wondering if I'm the Salem serial killer.
Brady: Well, how'd it go?
Nicole: It went great.
Strange, though. It's that kind of night, I guess -- Halloween. You know, I... I
never went out. I never went trick-or-treating. My dad wouldn't let me. He said
there were too many crazies waiting to take advantage of young innocent girls
like me. Ironic, huh? And here I am, a grown woman, doing things I could never
do when I was young.
Brady: Well, you know, you
can do anything you want if you accept Victor's offer.
Nicole: Not when I'm in
prison. $100,000 doesn't get you very far when you have to hire a lawyer to
defend your life.
Brady: You're not going to
have to hire any lawyers, Nicole.
Nicole: Right. Right. The
only thing I have to worry about is Maggie and her hypnotherapy session with Dr.
Evans tomorrow.
Brady: Maggie is not going
to name you as a serial killer, okay? Wait a second. You don't -- you don't
think that she will, do you?
Nicole: No. No, Maggie
won't name me. Not tomorrow, not any day, not ever.
Brady: And you're sure
about that, aren't you?
Maggie: [ Mumbling ]
Hope: Can you tell us,
Maggie? Can you tell us who it was who hurt you? You saw that person, didn't
Maggie: [ Mumbling ] Uh...
I have to get...
[ Mumbling ] To Tuscany.
Mickey: Tuscany?
Sweetheart, everything at the restaurant is taken care of. There's no need to
worry about that.
Maggie: [ Mumbling ]
So...much to do.
[ Mumbling ] I have to...
o-open in an hour.
[ Mumbling ]
Lexie: Hope. Jennifer.
Hope: [ Sobbing ]
Jennifer: Lexie, what --
what is that? What's going on? Why did she do that?
Lexie: Uh, lack of oxygen
to the brain.
Hope: Will she be lucid
Lexie: I have no idea.
From the severity of the injuries, it's a miracle she's even conscious at all.
Hope: But that's a good
sign, isn't it? I mean, that she's conscious?
Lexie: Oh, sweetie, I wish
Hope: Doesn't that mean
that she has a chance now?
Lexie: I don't want to
give you false hope. It doesn't look good.
Marlena: Rex? Rex, can you
hear me? Mimi, could we have some water, please?
Mimi: Sure.
Shawn-D: You're wasting
your time if you think he's going to come clean 'cause you're here.
Marlena: Shawn, stop this!
Shawn-D: He's just going
to keep lying like he always does, claiming that he had nothing to do with the
attack on Maggie, nothing to do with any of it.
Mimi: You have no proof he did, Shawn.
Shawn-D: How could he have
known that she was attacked? If he had been asleep the whole time, there's no
way he could have known! Listen, I saw him buying a mask earlier today. I told
Mimi about it. Even she thought it was in bad, horrible taste. But it was the
same mask that we saw on the killer on the video feed at the police station.
Marlena: What? You saw
Maggie's attack? You saw it happening?
Shawn-D: Well, no, not as
it was happening. It was a video feed. It was a few minutes delayed. The kid is
a techno-freak. Who else would hook up a video camera and stream the attack to
the police station? I'm sorry, Marlena. I know he's your son, but he is sick and
demented, and this time he didn't cover all of his tracks, because Philip
actually found the same black costume that the killer was wearing on Rex's floor
in the closet.
Marlena: You didn't touch
it, did you?
Shawn-D: No, no, of course
not. I know it's evidence.
Mimi: Shawn, tons of
people were wearing that costume tonight -- same mask and everything.
Shawn-D: Mimi, would you
please stop defending him? I know that he's your boyfriend, and I know that he's
Marlena's son, but at some point tonight, we have to start facing the facts.
Mimi: Or maybe we need to
calm down and stop accusing people without solid proof!
Marlena: Oh, stop this.
Stop it, both of you, for heaven's sake. How long has Rex been like this?
Mimi: I don't know. When
we first got here, he was asleep, and then he woke up.
Shawn-D: And he told us
that Maggie had been attacked -- "killed" is actually what he said, t
I think that was wishful thinking on his part, 'cause he's going to be in for a
rude awakening when Maggie is still alive and able to point the finger at him.
Marlena: Shawn, you've got
to calm yourself down here. Mimi, go on.
Mimi: Well, he was awake
for a couple of minutes, and then he just passed right back out a little while
ago and that's when Cassie and Philip took off to find Tony.
Shawn-D: Yeah, which they
won't find him, by the way, because that S.O.B. is probably behind this entire
thing, and he's using Rex to do his dirty work.
Philip: Is this for real?
I mean, how'd you find out about this place?
Cassie: I followed Tony
down here once, but I was under strict orders never to disturb him here.
Philip: Yeah, well, he's
going to want to know his son's about to be arrested for murder. Tony? Tony?
Tony: Ya!
Philip: Uhh!
Cassie: Dad, what are you
doing? Philip wasn't attacking you.
Tony: You must never
disturb a man in a meditative state.
Philip: I had no idea you
could do something like that.
Tony: I could have
reflexively killed you without even gaining full consciousness.
Cassie: We didn't mean to
upset you.
Tony: What are you doing
Cassie: We had to find
you. It's Rex.
Philip: We have proof he's
the Salem serial killer.
Tony: What did you say?
Marlena: Shawn, I know you
feel angry and upset right now, and you would do anything you could to stop this
nightmare, but you can't accuse people with no proof. You can't do that. It only
adds to all the agony we're already going through. You have got to find some way
to calm yourself down.
Shawn-D: Actually, no, I
can't -- not when people are being killed for no reason. How in the hell am I
supposed to stay calm?
Marlena: We're doing all
we can right now, Shawn, and if Tony and Rex have anything to do with these
attacks, they will pay. We've got to hear Rex's side of the story first. We
simply have to.
Shawn-D: Fine.
Mimi: Thank you, Dr.
Marlena: Rex, can you hear
me? It's mar-- Rex, it's your mother. Honey, I'm here to help you. I want you to
hear the sound of my voice and try to come towards it. Rex. We need to know
where you were tonight and what you did.
Nicole: Because I didn't
kill Jack or Abe. That's why Maggie won't name me.
Brady: You're leaving out
Colin Murphy.
Nicole: I didn't murder
anyone, and Colin Murphy's death isn't related to the serial killings.
Brady: I'm not too sure
about that. Three murders, all connected to the Bradys. It seems too
Nicole: I have to get back
to the house. It's freezing out here.
Brady: Hang on a second.
Nicole: I don't want to
talk about it, Brady. I know you flatter yourself by thinking you're my
confidant, but right now, all I want to do is be alone.
Brady: You can be alone
from this point on if you just accept my grandfather's offer.
Nicole: I said I don't
want to talk about it.
Nicole: I just... want to
remember what it was like tonight wearing atat mask, moving anonymously through
the crowd. No one staring or whispering like they do during the day. "Oh,
look, there's one of the Salem 7. Get a camera." It was swell.
Brady: Well, if it was
that swell, why'd you take it off? Why burn the mask?
Mickey: Ahem. Before --
before we got into bed tonight, we were talking about our daughters -- you know,
Sarah, Melissa, and... the memories. I told her there'd be so many more. She
Hope: What did she say,
uncle Mickey?
Mickey: She said she
didn't think so.
[ Sobs ]
Lexie: Mickey. Mickey,
look, how about we set you up somewhere so you can lie down and get some rest,
Mickey: No, no, darling,
thank you, you know, I got to --
Jennifer: What are you
Mickey: Please, I'll be --
no, I want to be here with Maggie. I want to be here till she's okay, till she's
Jennifer: Hope, what's
going on? Have you uncovered anything else with the case?
Hope: We found the weapon
-- a liquor bottle.
Jennifer: What? That's
Hope: Yeah, and I took a
statement from Officer Kent. He was on duty at uncle Mickey and Maggie's house.
Jennifer: Well, did he see
the person that attacked?
Hope: No, no, no. The
killer took him completely by surprise and knocked him out before Kent could see
his or her face.
Jennifer: So he doesn't
remember anything about the killer?
Hope: Well, he did confirm
-- he did confirm that he or she was dressed in all black and was wearing a
Jennifer: What, a mask?
What, like that movie? That kind of mask?
Hope: Wait a minute. There
is one thing that might help us.
Jennifer: What?
Hope: The killer fed
streaming video of the attack to one of the computers at the police station.
Jennifer: What, you -- you
had to watch that?
Hope: It's not uncommon
for serial killers to want their work appreciated.
Jennifer: This is such a
nightmare. This is a nightmare. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and all of
this is going to...
Hope: Come here. We're
going to get through it. We're going to get through this, Jen.
Jennifer: Yeah. What?
What's wrong?
Hope: I have to go and
question uncle Mickey. On the video feed, we saw him look up and say
Jennifer: Wait -- wait a
minute. He -- he saw someone's face. He recognized them?
Hope: That's what I need
to find out. I just wish to god I didn't have to do it right now. I have no
other choice. Uncle Mickey?
Lexie: Um, I'm going to go
back in and monitor Maggie's condition. I'll let you know immediately if there's
any change.
Hope: Thanks. Thank you.
Uncle Mickey? I wish to god I didn't have to do this right now, but... I really
need to ask you a few questions.
Mickey: Yeah, yeah, sure.
Go ahead.
Hope: Okay. I need for you
to go back and think really hard. Tell me if you saw the killer when he or she
came into the room.
Mickey: I did. I -- I was
kneeling next to Maggie, and then I looked up and... I saw him.
Hope: Then -- are you
saying that you saw the killer's face? On the computer.
Mickey: No, I -- I didn't
see the killer's face.
Mickey: You. You son of a
-- how can you do this to Maggie?
Mickey: Had his mask
and... had it on when he came back in the room.
Hope: But you said
"you," uncle Mickey, like you knew who the person was.
Mickey: I didn't mean
anybody specifically, I just meant --
Hope: You, the killer.
Mickey: Yeah. But I saw
those eyes, and Maggie's -- Maggie was right. They were pure evil. It was a
little fuzzy, but -- I mean, he slashed me with a scalpel, and I know I would
have been killed if Officer Kent hadn't -- Kent, Kent, he -- where is -- where's
Kent? Is he okay?
Hope: Yeah. He was very
lucky. You both were very lucky, uncle Mickey.
Mickey: Oh, god, but...
where was the luck for Maggie? She -- she's got to live.
Nicole: I burned the mask
because it was a lie. I can't go through life hiding. I have to accept myself
for who I really am. Don't you agree?
Brady: You know how I feel
about that.
Nicole: Oh, it was great
while it lasted, but I was just fooling myself. You know, I keep -- I keep
thinking, what would Marlena say about the whole mask thing, right? So ripe for
psychoanalysis -- my constant need to escape reality. Maybe... maybe I always
wear a mask. Maybe nothing about me is real at all.
Brady: I don't believe
that. Neither do you.
Nicole: I can't fool you,
Brady. Never could, ever since you moved into the mansion. The only person I
can't hide from is you.
Marlena: Rex? Rex. Hey.
Rex: Marlena? Mom. How
long have I been sleeping?
Shawn-D: Oh, please.
Mimi: Are you okay, Rex?
Shawn-D: Don't even try
and give some bogus excuse, okay, Rex? We know that you killed Abe and Jack.
Mimi: Shawn!
Shawn-D: And we know
tonight that you attacked and tried to kill Maggie Horton. The only way you
could have known about it is if you did it.
Rex: What the hell are you
talking about?
Shawn-D: I'm talking about
the fact that we got you. The mask and the costume that the killer wore is right
there in the closet. It's over.
Tony: The only thing
that's over is the harassment of my son.
Marlena: [ Gasps ] Cassie?
Tony: Now I want everybody
except my family to leave this house now.
Shawn-D: We're not going
Nicole: You're not saying
Brady: I'm just glad to
know that you're -- that you're comfortable around me.
Nicole: That's not what I
said. I said I can't fool you. I can't hide the real me from you.
Brady: You've tried.
Nicole: But you won't let
me. Why not, Brady?
Brady: Because, Nicole, I
know that underneath that cold and cynical mask that you wear, there is a caring
and generous person.
Nicole: Maybe you just saw
another mask. Maybe that's not the real me, either.
Brady: Sure it is.
Nicole: Only because you
want to see me that way.
Brady: No, because you are
a good person, and all that -- that cynicism and that coldness, it's -- it's
only because you don't know, you have no faith in yourself.
Nicole: Well, maybe I was
born that way.
Brady: What, hating
yourself? No. No, no one is born that way. Your father -- now, he's responsible
for that.
Nicole: He always told me
how special and beautiful I was.
Brady: Right, so then he
could drug you into making himself proud. Even so, Nicole, you always knew what
you were doing was wrong, and it made you feel unloved and unworthy of being
loved, and you've been beating yourself up over this ever since.
Nicole: Isn't that pretty
much the standard shrink-wrap they throw together for every criminal?
Brady: Are you saying
you're a criminal? Really? What crime have you committed?
Shawn-D: We're not going
anywhere, Dimera.
Tony: You're trespassing.
Shawn-D: That's right.
We'll be out of your way shortly, just as soon as I get my dad down here to
arrest the Salem serial killer.
Cassie: No.
Mimi: Shawn, you can’t.
Tony: Turn that off.
Shawn-D: I don't think you
said please.
Tony: Excuse me --
Philip: Don't do it.
Tony: You don't want to
take me on again.
Shawn-D: Again?
Mimi: What happened?
Philip: Tony and I had
kind of a run- e earlier. He roughed me up pretty good when Cassie and I --
Tony: You woke me from my
Marlena: That's enough.
Shawn, please hang up the phone.
[ Beep ]
Marlena: Thank you. If you
hurt anybody physically or verbally, I will see that you're arrested. Rex... we
need some answers now.
Rex: I have nothing to
hide. What did you want to ask me?
Marlena: We need to know
if you had anything to do with the attack on Maggie Horton.
Rex: No.
Shawn-D: Liar!
Lexie: No change.
Mickey: She -- she's
Lexie: She's unconscious.
We still have her on oxygen. Mickey... you really should get some rest.
Mickey: No. I'm not going
home till Maggie goes with me.
Lexie: Okay. Um, I'm going
to go back inside.
Hope: Uncle Mickey...
Mickey: Yeah.
Hope: I'm sorry, but I
still need to ask you some questions.
Mickey: Yeah, yeah, that's
okay. You ask me anything. I mean, we want to catch this monster, you know.
Hope: Uncle Mickey, what
Bo and I still can't understand is why would Maggie shut off the alarm. When I
spoke to you on the phone, you assured me that it was on.
Mickey: Yeah, we-- it was
when you called. I mean, I had warned Maggie not to let anybody in the house.
Jennifer: Okay, right, so
then why? Why would she have turned off the alarm and opened the door?
Mickey: Well, Maggie --
she's so trusting. I mean... she was convinced none of the suspects could really
be the killer. I mean, she could have let -- she could have let any one of them
Nicole: I didn't commit
any crime. I-I'm just saying, I mean -- isn't that the abuse excuse every
criminal uses? Doesn't every murderer claim it was their screwed-up childhood
that caused them to turn out the way they did?
Brady: Here. Take this.
Nicole: Thanks.
Brady: Nicole, you're a
good person. You have to believe that. But most of all, you have to believe that
you deserve to be loved.
Nicole: Such a cliché --
"you deserve to be loved."
Brady: Yes, it is a cliché,
but it's true. You see, love --
Nicole: What?
Brady: Love is the only
thing that really, truly matters in life. It's what makes everything else make
[ Footsteps ]
Victor: Well, there you
are, together again. Why am I not surprised? At least this time, you've got your
clothes on, Brady.
Hope: Uncle Mickey. How do
you know Maggie felt that way about all the suspects, that she was convinced
that none of them was the killer?
Mickey: Because we -- we
talked about it before she was attacked. She said all of them were people that
she either knew or loved or had come into the club.
Jennifer: No, Mickey, not
all of them were close friends. Like Tony, and she barely knew Rex or -- or
Mickey: Maggie -- Maggie's
heart -- I mean, it -- it -- it -- it just -- it was inconceivable to her that
anybody that she knew and loved could commit murder. It just -- that's why she
was attacked. She kept saying that there's no way any of these people could be
the killer. The killer must be a madman. That's what she said -- "he must
be a madman."
Hope: Wait. Wait a minute.
Is that exactly what she said? "He must be a madman"?
Mickey: Yeah.
Hope: Oh, my god. Then
that must be it. Subconsciously, Maggie knew all along that the killer was a
Shawn-D: Then why would
you have said it? How would you have known that Maggie Horton was attacked if
you weren't the one who did it?
Rex: Look, everyone is
aware that Maggie Horton knew the identity of the killer and that she was going
to be hypnotized by Marlena again in the morning, hopefully to reveal his or her
identity. Now, it's only logical that the killer would try and keep Maggie from
naming them by any means possible, including murder.
Tony: Well, that makes
sense to me.
Philip: I'll tell you what
doesn't make sense. Your attitude, Rex. It's like you're talking about the
weather, not a woman being attacked and maybe killed.
Rex: I'm very upset. What,
I mean, you want me to grieve over poor Maggie Horton while I'm being attacked
myself? You know, accused of something I didn't do by people who have it in for
me because I'm a Dimera.
Mimi: Besides, even under
the best of circumstances, Rex isn't the type of guy who shows a lot of emotion.
Shawn-D: Yeah, that's
true, unless he gets angry, in which case, he gets extremely violent.
Tony: Marlena...
Marlena: Yes.
Tony: When was Maggie
Marlena: Three, maybe four
hours ago.
Tony: Really? Then there's
no possibility that Rex is her attacker. My son has an airtight alibi.
Mickey: I should have
realized that before.
Hope: She knew.
Mickey: Subconsciously,
anyway, that the killer was male.
Jennifer: Right. Well, why
else would she refer to them as a he?
Hope: Okay, so all we have
to do now is figure out which of the male suspects Maggie would most likely open
her door to.
Mickey: But -- but --
Maggie would have opened her door to anybody that she knew without even
considering she might be in danger. I mean, she'd treat them all the same. The
kind of woman she is, she never allows herself -- herself to think the worst of
people, and now, because she was... so good and trusting, she... may die.
Cassie: You and Rex were
together? Is that Rex's alibi?
Tony: No, but in that time
frame that we've established, I heard Rex come in and go upstairs.
Philip: But you were
downstairs meditating.
Tony: Yeah, so?
Philip: Well, that room's
miles from the foyer and the stairs.
Tony: Uh-huh, no. I heard
him before I went downstairs.
Mimi: Of course. I knew he
couldn't have done it.
Cassie: Thank god we found
you to set things straight.
Tony: Yes. So we can leave
my son alone and now concentrate on finding who the real killer is.
Shawn-D: You know what?
This story has so many holes, I should have brought my golf clubs. We checked
the house. No one was here.
Tony: Oh, Shawn, we were
here. You just didn't look hard enough. I was downstairs meditating. My son was
upstairs, asleep.
Marlena: Can somebody
vouch for his whereabouts?
Tony: No, but certainly,
the question of where my son was is settled.
Shawn-D: No, not even
close. The only thing that's settled here is how far the Dimeras will go to
cover their asses. One of them lies... and the other one swears to it.
Tony: Hmm.
Brady: If you're upset,
why don't you just say so, instead of insinuating that --
Victor: I'm not
insinuating anything. I'm being very direct. The last time I saw you and my wife
together, you were wearing nothing but a towel, rolling around on the lawn.
Brady: I explained how
that happened.
Victor: Yes, you did. Now
explain this.
Nicole: Victor, there's
nothing to explain.
Victor: Alone late at
night in a deserted alley?
Brady: Nicole wasn't home,
okay? So I came looking for her.
Victor: And you found her
here... cowering in the cold. Alone, miserable, forlorn, waiting to be rescued.
What was it this time, Brady? What burning fire did Nicole want you to put out?
Brady: How can you talk to
me like that?
Victor: I'll talk to you
any way I damn well please. As inconvenient as it may be for you, you are still
my grandson, and Nicole is still my wife, though with any luck, not for long. So
have you decided to accept my terms and agree to a divorce? I'm sure Brady is
desperate to know exactly when you're going to be available.
Brady: Sorry to disappoint
you, granddad. I can tell that you're enjoying the intrigue. But the only reason
why I want you and Nicole to split up is 'cause you make each other miserable.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with my feelings for Nicole, except as a friend.
I want her to be happy, and you know what? I want the same for you.
Victor: You're deluding
yourself, and you're lying to me. I'm considerably older, wiser, more
experienced, and considerably more jaded than you are, and I know damn well
something's going on between the two of you.
Hope: I'd better call Bo
and tell him our theory.
Jennifer: Wait, Hope, wait
a minute.
Hope: What?
Jennifer: When -- when
people are uncertain of someone's gender, don't they usually say "he"?
I mean, I know it's not politically correct, but it's convenient.
Hope: No, you're right.
Jennifer: And think about
it. "Madman" is such a generic term.
Mickey: So you're saying
it's just wishful thinking that we could narrow it down, that the killer could
still be any of the suspects.
Hope: You know what? It's
ridiculous. It's ridiculous to think that we can eliminate anyone at this point.
Jennifer: I just pray -- I
pray that Maggie recovers, and she can just tell us, name the person who
attacked her and name whoever murdered Jack and Abe.
Lexie: Mickey, you'd
better get in here now.
Mickey: Thank you.
Tony: How dare you accuse
me of lying? I want this lunatic caught, probably more than you do. But the
Dimera name will not be cleared until this monster is caught and brought to
Philip: And speaking of
monsters, what about the Halloween party, Rex I mean, you still haven't told us
why you just decided not to attend, why you kept Mimi waiting. She was very
worried about you.
Shawn-D: Yeah, you went to
the trouble of getting the hockey mask and everything.
Philip: Mm-hmm.
Shawn-D: Seemed like you
were all geared up to go.
Rex: I didn't go because I
had a killer headache.
Shawn-D: Now that is an
interesting choice of adjectives.
Philip: Yeah.
Marlena: All right, that's
enough. That's it. We're done with this. From now on, the police will sort this
out. Understood? Everybody else, stay out of it.
Shawn-D: That's fine.
Rex: What are you doing?
Shawn-D: Oh, I was just
going to go in there and put your costume and the mask in a bag, take it down to
the police station, check it in as evidence.
Rex: Go ahead. That's the
best way to prove that you're wrong. I mean, if I'm the one who attacked Maggie
Horton, there'd probably be blood all over my clothes, wouldn't there?
Shawn-D: Then what do you
call this?
(On the next Days of Our
Tony: What about the other
suspects? Do they have alibis? What about Sami? If there was damaging evidence
against her, wouldn't you be protective of your daughter as I am of our son?
Marlena: You had something
to do with the attack on Maggie?
Sami: No! I asked you to
help me, mom. How could you -- how could you want to hang me for murder?
Lucas: Jen, am I too late?
Jennifer: Did you do this?
Shawn-D: If aunt Maggie
dies, I will make sure that you pay.
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