Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 7/14/03--Canada; 7/15/03--USA
By Eric
by Bernadette
Brady: Well, I guess I
should thank you.
Victor: For what?
Brady: For keeping it out
of the paper. You know, the attempt on my life -- or if that's what it was.
Victor: That kind of
publicity is the last thing this family needs. I have decided to have some
people investigate though.
Brady: People?
Victor: Top private
investigator in the country. I'm determined to find out who was behind this -- I
mean, who took a shot at my grandson.
Nicole: [ Chokes ]
Philip: Whoa. Cassie.
Cassie: Do you ever watch
where you're going?
Philip: I'm sorry. I
didn't think that --
Cassie: What?
Philip: I didn't think you
were going to show up.
Cassie: What are you
talking about?
Philip: I left you a
Cassie: Well, I didn't get
Philip: Look, can we cut
the attitude for a second, please? Just start over. I'm trying to do you a favor
Cassie: I don't want you
to do me any favors, okay? You got that?
Marlena: Ha ha ha! Oh! Ha
ha ha! I don't care I'm not letting go. I'm not letting go of you. I'm not
letting you go.
John: Don't let me go.
Marlena: Oh... you're
here. You're here.
John: I'm right here with
you, baby.
Marlena: I was worried
sick about you!
John: You know, the whole
time, thinking about this moment is what got me through.
Marlena: When I heard
Tony’s yacht had blown up, I --
John: My god, it is so
good to see your face.
Marlena: I knew you'd be
okay. I just knew it. I knew --
John: Sit -- sit down. I
want to look at you. Sit down. Just sit down.
Marlena: Oh, honey, are
you hurt at all?
John: No, no, no. Hardly a
Marlena: Oh, thank god.
John: Listen, I would have
gotten to you sooner, but the I.S.A. had me questioning suspects -- you know the
routine. But the whole time, all I could think about was just getting back to
you and the kids.
Marlena: Tony -- you and
Tony -- what was --
John: Oh, you're not even
going to believe this. I think we have settled things.
Marlena: What?
John: The feud with the
Dimeras. It's, uh... it's over.
(Sami’s Dream Sequence)
Lucas: I love you, Sami. I
want you. And I know you want me.
Sami: I do want you,
Lucas. You're the only one who ever really understood me. Make love to me,
Lucas. Make love to me.
Lucas: What -- what --
what the hell -- what? Oh, my god, is it really that late? Oh, my head is
pounding. Ow... what? What? Don't even look at me like that! This is not my
idea. I didn't plan this out. It was you -- your meds that you took. You -- you
just conked out. That's it, and I brought you to bed. And I wanted to make sure
you were okay. That's it. That's where we're at right now. Lucky Will's at camp,
right? If he saw this, it wouldn't be a pretty picture. It's kind of a crazy
scenario, don't you think? Ow! Ow. Take it easy. If you want me off the bed,
just ask. Sorry. I forgot, you can't talk.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Lucas: You expecting
Tony: Samantha. Oh. So
have I interrupted something?
Like sands through the
hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Nicole: Oh...
Victor: Henderson.
Nicole: I am such a klutz.
Brady: Here, take this.
Nicole: Oh, thank you,
Brady. Henderson, thank you.
Henderson: Not at all.
Victor: Have I upset you,
Nicole: No. Gosh, don't be
Victor: The fact that I
hired a private investigator seems to have unnerved you.
Nicole: Oh, no. I wasn't
even paying attention. I was just being my normal clumsy self.
Henderson: Fortunately,
most of it seems to have hit the napkin.
Nicole: Yeah. Oh...shoot.
I got some on my blouse.
Victor: You look fine.
Nicole: No, really,
Victor, uh, I'd feel much better if I changed. I'm hot enough as it is. I'll be
right back. Okay...
Victor: My wife is a
never-ending mystery. I've long given up on trying to figure her out.
Nicole: Oh... are you
crazy? What are you doing here?
Larry: Shh. Relax.
Nicole: What if Victor
sees you?
Larry: In this get-up, I
could give the guy a kiss on the cheek, he'd have no idea.
Nicole: Well, do you want
to know his idea?
Larry: Yeah.
Nicole: He's hiring a
private investigator, best in the country, trying to find out who took a shot at
Brady by the pool.
Larry: All the more reason
to take care of business now, do the job right. By the way, no way I'm letting
you out of this deal, you understand? Victor's a dead man.
Philip: Cassie, hold on a
second, okay?
Cassie: Hey, let go of me.
Philip: Okay, look, the
message that I left you --
Cassie: I told you,
Philip, I didn't get it!
Philip: Look, I wanted you
to come down here because I found your compact at the police station. I just
wanted to return it.
Cassie: Oh.
Philip: There.
Cassie: I feel stupid.
Philip: It's okay. Forget
Cassie: No, the way I
freaked out at you, you must think I'm crazy.
Philip: Well, yeah, you
know, but I'll get over it. It's okay.
Cassie: Look, I'm sorry, I
just -- I've just had a lot on my mind lately.
Philip: Yeah, same here.
Cassie: You too, huh?
Philip: Yeah,
work-related. Lots of stress.
Cassie: Actually, my new
job is the only thing keeping me sane.
Philip: Yeah?
Cassie: I never thought
that being a hostess at Echelon would be so rewarding. I don't know, though. The
guys, they just -- they're all over me. They treat me like I'm a goddess.
Honestly, I've never felt more sure of myself.
Philip: Wow.
Cassie: What? Why are you
looking at me like that?
Philip: Well, if that's
what it takes you to feel sure of yourself, then you're more screwed up than I
even thought you were.
Marlena: I don't know, I
still can't believe it.
John: We made peace.
Marlena: You and Tony?
John: Would I lie to you?
Marlena: You'd lie to him.
John: [ Laughs ] Listen --
Marlena: I get it. I get
it. It's a ploy to get him to trust you. That way, you'll destroy him for good.
Tony: So, you two are just
having a visit?
Lucas: Uh, no, no, no. Not
really. I was just checking up on Sami because I didn't want her to sleep too
Tony: Oh. I thought she
would need her sleep.
Lucas: Well, yeah, but the
pain meds she's taking, they knock her out pretty good, and when she wakes u up,
she's pretty disoriented, so...
Tony: I see.
Lucas: Yeah.
[ Clears throat ]
Tony: Oh.
Lucas: Yeah, see, we heard
about what happened.
Tony: Yes. I had a brush
with death.
Lucas: But obviously
you're all right, right?
Tony: Well, you know, John
and I came out of it relatively unscathed. My boat, however -- not so lucky.
Lucas: Well, that's
incredible. Thank god that you're here.
Tony: Yes. The only thing
that died on that boat, really, was the hatred that John and I had towards each
Lucas: What?
Tony: Well, the rivalry
between John and I -- it's gone, finished.
Lucas: Tony, you and John
Tony: I know, it's
astonishing. But when you're facing the end, it has a profound effect. It...
gives you instant perspective. Sounds like a cliché, I suppose. But it's life
altering. I'm a changed man.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Man: Samantha Brady.
Tony: Oh. I'll get that.
There you are.
Man: Thanks a lot, sir.
Lucas: No. Don't look at
me. I didn't --
Tony: Well, actually
they're from me. Before I set sail, I had left an arrangement that flowers be
sent to you every day to help along with the healing process. You know, when I
thought it was the end for me, I was so happy I'd made that arrangement for
those flowers to be sent to you. It was important for me for you to know that I
was concerned, and how much I cared. And, you know, when I went underwater,
which I thought was the last time, I thought, "this is the end." The
only thought I had was of you, Sami.
John: Nope. It's not a
ploy, doc. Not at all. Tony and I were trapped in a life-and-death situation. We
had a little bit of time to talk about our lives, and we realized, what's the
use of attacking each other? We have bigger battles to fight.
Marlena: Well, I'm sorry
to sound cynical about this --
John: No, look,
realistically, I don't think Tony Dimera is reformed. I mean, our experience
together didn't fundamentally change who he is, but I realized that I haven't
been able to pin anything on him, have I? I mean, I haven't been able to link
him to any real crime, so what the hell am I doing holding on to this anger
here, this need for revenge? I mean, what do I want to do? Do I really want to
go around the rest of my life fighting with my -- my half-brother?
Marlena: What about the
business on the yacht? You thought he was doing something illegal there.
John: Yeah, well, listen,
whatever it was, it wasn't illegal, at least technically.
Marlena: Technically?
John: Look -- I can't go
around regulating Tony's moral compass. I mean, that's too exhausting. And face
it, the guy's smart. Whatever he's doing, he stays just above the law.
Marlena: This is so odd to
hear you talk like this. What do you want? You want to Tony just to go off
scot-free, is that it?
John: No, look, look, I'm
still with the I.S.A., so I have obligations to fulfill. I'm just saying that
I'm -- I'm through letting it get personal. My personal hatred for Tony can't
cloud my judgment. I just -- I got to let it go.
Cassie: I'm screwed up?
Philip: All right, well,
maybe that was a bad choice of words.
Cassie: Who the hell do
you think you are judging me?
Philip: It just seemed to
me like --
Cassie: It seemed like
what, Philip? You don't know me, so don't pretend to.
Philip: That's not
healthy, Cassie. I mean, you're basing your self-worth on how men you don't even
know treat you at some club.
Cassie: I never said that.
Philip: That's what it
sounded like.
Cassie: Oh... do you blow
things out of proportion just to seem wise, or is your life really that boring
that you have to make everything dramatic?
Philip: Look, I'm just
making an observation here, Cassie, all right? 'Cause I like you, okay? I think
you're a cool girl.
Cassie: Really? Ah, yeah,
I just -- I could just die happy now.
Philip: I know what it's
like, Cassie, okay, growing up in a rich family and having everything handed to
Cassie: This is
Philip: Just hold on a
second, all right?
Cassie: Philip, I am not
going to sit here and listen to you complain because you're lucky.
Philip: Can I talk for a
second, please?
Cassie: Ahh! I'm not
getting sucked into this!
Philip: Listen to me,
Cassie. All I'm saying is I think that you and I are a lot alike. All right,
look, it took me a long time to figure it out, but I finally realized that
sometimes when you're given so much, it makes you feel unworthy. I mean, that's
what happened with me. So I did a lot of stuff to make myself feel better -- you
know, more confident. Stupid stuff, too -- I mean, drinking and gambling and
picking fights.
Cassie: What's your point?
Philip: My point is that
no matter what I did, I always knew that my rich dad would be there to bail me
out. He became this kind of safety net that kept me from ever actually growing
up. I mean, I didn't even begin to discover myself until I let go of my family's
money and their influence and connections and I became a marine. I mean, I felt
like I knew myself for the first time, and...I like the guy.
Cassie: That's just great.
So, what? Are you saying that I should join the Marines?
Philip: No, that's not
what I mea-- all I'm saying is, the longer that you play the rich spoiled brat
who's just cashing in on the Dimera name, the longer it's going to take you to
find something that actually makes you feel good about yourself. And let me tell
you, it ain't gonna happen hostessing at some nightclub.
Cassie: Can I speak now?
Is it my turn?
Philip: Yeah, go ahead.
Cassie: Okay, one, this
whole self-righteous thing is embarrassing. And two, I will not give up my job
at Echelon. And three, I will never give up on being a Dimera. So, Philip, you
can just -- you can go to hell.
Nicole: All right, the
plan is still on. Let's just not freak out.
Larry: Hey, we're on the
same page, sweetheart.
Nicole: This private
investigator -- I mean, what if he finds out that you're still alive and what
we've been up to?
Larry: Look, as much as I
want Victor dead, I'm not going after him on his own property again. It's way
too risky.
Nicole: Then what do you
propose we do?
Larry: Well, you're going
to have to lure him out into the public someplace, somewhere where I can get a
clean shot at him.
Nicole: Oh, I don't think
Larry: I do think so.
Nicole: Well, Victor
doesn't even let me out of the house.
Larry: Look, he's bound to
free you up at some point.
Nicole: Well, I -- I-I
have this part-time gig over at the Blue Note.
Larry: Perfect.
Nicole: No way. Too
Larry: What do you care?
I'm the one taking all the risks here. Look, tonight, in front of the club. Vic
comes there to meet you, boom -- the end.
Nicole: Only one problem.
Larry: What's that?
Nicole: Victor is not
interested in going to the Blue Note. He can't stand the place.
Larry: Well, then use your
feminine wiles. I don't care what you do. Just do it, all right? Tonight in
front of the club.
Nicole: Larry, wait!
Larry: Tonight. Bye-bye
Victor: Well, Nicole, what
in god's name are you up to now?
Victor: I heard voices.
Who were you talking to?
Nicole: The gardener...
about trimming the hedges.
Victor: It's the
gardener's day off.
Nicole: It was his
Victor: Who?
Nicole: I don't know. I
can't keep track of all the servants around here. It could have been anybody.
Victor: I thought you were
going upstairs to change your blouse.
Nicole: I was.
Victor: Then why did you
come out here?
Brady: What are you all
doing outside? It's like 96 degrees in the shade.
Nicole: Brady, you going
to work?
Brady: Yes, I am. I need
to set up early. We got a big show tonight.
Nicole: Oh, I'll help you.
Brady: We could use it.
Nicole: Okay. Uh, great.
Oh, so, listen, I'm just going to go upstairs to change, and I'll meet you down
Brady: Sounds good.
Nicole: Okay.
Brady: See you.
John: I know we're --
Cassie: Hey, guys.
John: Hey.
Marlena: Hi, Cassie. How
are you?
Cassie: I'm sorry to
John: No, not at all. It's
Marlena: We were just
giving thanks.
Cassie: Actually, I just
wanted to say I'm sorry. I heard about what happened, and I'm just so glad that
you and my dad are okay.
John: Well, thank you,
Marlena: What about you?
How are you?
Cassie: Oh, me?
Marlena: Yeah, you seem a
bit distracted.
Cassie: Yeah, I -- I guess
I am a little. Um, actually, would you mind if we talked,
Marlena: I was going to
suggest that.
Cassie: It's only going to
be for a couple minutes.
John: Oh, no, no, hey,
that's fine. Um, take your time, please. I'll -- I'll, ..... be back in a little
Marlena: Sit down,
Marlena: All right, what's
Cassie: Do you really
Marlena: I really care
very much.
Cassie: Okay, well, then
-- then why have you dropped out of my life?
Marlena: Dropped out?
Cassie: You don't call me,
you don't come over, and I know this is stupid, but when was the last time you
invited me over for dinner?
Marlena: I'd love to have
you over for supper -- you and Rex.
Cassie: Well, that's easy
to say, but it doesn't happen. I'm sure you and John have a busy schedule and
all, but, I don't know, maybe it could happen sometime next year.
Marlena: Cassie, I've
called you a number of times. I've left messages. Honey, if you want to talk to
me, if you want to see me, you have only to answer my calls.
Cassie: This is
unbelievable. I mean, here you are a psychiatrist, and yet you don't understand
that maybe I'm the one who needs a little reassurance, and that I -- I need to
feel wanted.
Marlena: Cassie, I had no
idea how hurt you were.
Cassie: Of course you had
no idea. How could you know when you don't even see me?
Marlena: Honey, I'm so
sorry if I've hurt you. If I was remiss... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I thought
you were the one who backed off. I thought it might have been uncomfortable for
you with John and me because of Tony, because of your dad. So, I apologize. I'm
so sorry. I will do much better about this.
Cassie: It's okay, it's
okay. It's just -- it's not important.
Marlena: It is important.
It's very important. You're my daughter. I want you to know that you're loved. I
want to know that you're happy. Honey, I'm sorry. I-I've failed you. I have, but
I'll do better.
Cassie: Okay, well, then
here's your chance. I need -- I need your help.
Marlena: All righty. What
can I do?
Cassie: Will you speak to
Tony for me?
Marlena: All right, about
Cassie: You need to let
him know that I'm an adult, and that I can make my own decisions.
Marlena: Is it an issue?
Are you doing something Tony wouldn't approve of?
Philip: So this isn't
John: You involved
civilians in a top-secret I.S.A. operation. My report's going to reflect that.
Philip: It's not like that
was the plan.
John: And in the end, it
was a civilian -- Shawn Brady -- who collared Maya Leano. Your performance was
Philip: Maybe you're just
upset 'cause your daughter got involved.
John: Which never should
have happened.
Philip: Well, John, if she
won't take orders from her own father, why should I be penalized?
John: Because it was your
responsibility, damn it.
Philip: Okay, fine. Look,
I will admit that I had a little trouble getting Belle to back off, but there is
a bigger, much more important issue here, and I don't understand why we're
backing off that.
John: Really? And what
issue is that?
Philip: Tony Dimera. Why
are we dropping the investigation, John? Is it because he's your brother?
Tony: Ah... Sami, you
know, before I left, I had said to you that I hoped that our relationship would
no longer be adversarial. When the boat -- well, my yacht -- was going down, and
I was facing death, my thoughts were with you. My only regrets were that you and
I wouldn't have a second chance. But now we have that chance, and we can make
things go right. I mean, you're an amazing woman. You have an indomitable
spirit. Your passion -- you know exactly what it is you want, and you don't let
anybody stand in your way. Yeah, you have fire and focus and energy. I'd like to
have someone like you on my side. So, why don't you have dinner with me tonight,
and we'll talk about the future -- your future.
Brady: Well, I can
understand if you're protective. You're her agent. I just think it will be a
fantastic opportunity, that's all. Hang on. The Blue Note's reputation is second
to none. Just pick up the arts section of the "Salem Chronicle."
Because we're packed every single night. And we provide everything. Anything she
wants, she's got it. Okay. Okay, well, now we're talking. That's good news. So
we'll work out the details later. Yes, very happy. All right, take care.
Nicole: Ha. Wow.
Brady: Yeah, well,
sometimes you have to hustle for your supper.
Nicole: Mm. I'm gonna
learn a lot working for you.
Brady: I'm still learning
Nicole: Brady, the Blue
Note's going to be huge. Chloe will be so proud.
Brady: Yeah, well, we just
-- we just have to stay focused. You know, building our reputation, improving
our image.
Nicole: Right. That's
exactly what we'll do. Now if we could just get Victor interested.
Lucas: Don't you think
it's a little soon for her to go out to dinner? She's still recuperating.
Tony: Is it too soon,
Sami? Wonderful. Then I'll take my leave. I'll call with information as to where
and the time. Take care, Sami.
Lucas: What the hell do
you think you're up to, Tony?
John: I'm sorry. What was
Philip: All I'm saying is,
maybe the fact that Tony's your half-brother clouds your judgment.
John: You are my
subordinate, Mr. Kiriakis. You work under me.
Philip: Yes, I'm aware of
that, sir.
John: You have no say in
what I do, do you understand?
Philip: Yes, I do
John: Your job is to
follow orders, not question superiors.
Philip: Yes, sir, but may
I just say --
John: Negative! And if we
ever work together again -- if you ever work again, you leave my daughter out of
the spy business.
Marlena: So, you've done
something Tony wouldn't approve of?
Cassie: Yeah, neither
would you.
Marlena: All right. What
is it?
Cassie: No, you are only
going to be judgmental, and I couldn't stand that. At least Tony has a right to
disapprove, because he actually loves me and he wants me to succeed in life.
Marlena: And you think I
Cassie: I think that you
pretend that you do because you want everyone to think that you're a wonderful
person. Marlena -- with all her responsibilities to her husband and her other
kids and her big fancy career -- she still makes time for that pathetic little
alien girl.
Marlena: I don't pretend
to care about you. I care about you very deeply, and I'm not putting on some
kind of a show for anybody. Because I don't care what anybody else thinks.
Cassie: Well, I don't
care, either. You know, I knew this was a mistake.
Marlena: No, it's not.
Talk to me. I want to help you.
Cassie: You say that, but
don't mean it. See, this is phony. Our whole relationship is a big fake. You
pretend that I'm important to you, but really, you're just guilty because I'm a
Marlena: Cassie, no!
Cassie: You know what? I
should known better. I should've known -- you weren't here for me when I was
growing up. Why -- why would you be here for me now?
Marlena: Will you let me
speak, please?
Cassie: No. Honestly, I'm
just not interested. I'm -- I'm finished.
Marlena: Don't you --
[ Door slams ]
John: Didn't go well, huh?
Philip: Cassie, wait up.
Cassie: Leave me alone.
Philip: You're upset.
Cassie: Yeah, you're a
Philip: Did you tell her?
Did you tell Marlena you're working at Echelon?
Cassie: Why would I do
that? She is not my mother.
This is out there on Global - I'm Seanna Collins. Global t.v owners, music, photographer.
Marlena: I should go after
her. No, no, I shouldn’t. She's far too emotional. And you know what? So am I.
John: So sit down. Come
on, tell me what happened.
Marlena: She accused me of
not caring about her, of avoiding her. She was going to confide in me, and then
she just changed her mind. I really want to help her.
John: You will. You
already do. She's lucky to have you.
Marlena: No, no. I haven't
been there for her. I haven't tried nearly hard enough.
John: That's only because
she's been pushing you away.
Marlena: Well, I shouldn't
let her do that. I shouldn’t. She needs me, John. I should make it very clear
to her how important she is to me and how much I want her with me.
Philip: Not your mother?
Cassie: No. All I meant
was that she wasn't here for me when I was growing up, so why would she be here
for me now?
Philip: Well, Cassie, how
could she be a mother to you? She didn't even know you existed. Marlena is a
great woman. She's, like, the perfect mother.
Cassie: Yeah, how would
you know?
Philip: Well, because I've
known her most of my life.
Cassie: You and everybody
else. Everybody except for me.
Philip: Why don't you just
give her a chance, all right? Let her in a little bit.
Cassie: No, I can't, and I
won’t. Thank you for your advice, Philip. Could you please just leave me
Tony: How dare you speak
to me like that?
Lucas: Just tell me what
you're up to.
Tony: Have you gone mad?
You work for me, remember? And you will show me the proper respect.
Lucas: This isn't about
business. It's about Sami.
Tony: I'm leaving.
Lucas: Wait a minute.
She's been through a lot. She's not fully recovered. I don't want her to have a
setback. And I don't care. Whatever your plans for her are --
Tony: You're jealous.
Lucas: What? I am not
jealous. That is not what's going on. That is not the case.
Tony: Well, what is the
Lucas: I am worried.
Tony: About what?
Lucas: About you taking
advantage of her. She's very vulnerable right now.
Tony: Oh, Lucas, don't
tell me how to run my life. I play it very well. But you'd be wise to listen and
watch. Watch the master... and learn as I did.
Lucas(to Sami): You know
what? You are making a huge mistake.
Lucas: You can't do it,
all right? You can't have dinner with Tony. What do you mean why? You're not
healthy enough. You're not 100%. It's not a good idea. What are you talking
about? You're not fine. Don't you think any of this is strange? Open your eyes.
First, the jewelry... the flowers... and now dinner. What do you think's next,
huh? You tell me. All right, fine, fine, I won't go there, all right? But what
do you think your parents would say if they found out you were involved with
Tony Dimera? Oh, fine, you're not involved with him. What, you're just hanging
out with him, seeing him, accepting his gifts? Don't you think the Bradys blame
him for what happened to you? Come on. Fine. Fine, they can blame me, too.
That's fine. But it is different between us. We have a kid together. We have to
get along. No matter how unbearable it is sometimes, we have no choice. Sami,
I'm only -- I'm only telling you this because I am worried. I do not want Tony
to hurt you again.
Tony: Bart, the papers
I've been expecting -- have they come?
Bart: Right here, count.
Tony: Let me see it.
Bart: I just need your
John Hancock right there. Anything else you need, sir?
Tony: Yeah, I'm concerned
about my daughter. Have you seen her?
Bart: Afraid I haven't,
count. Not since she was here last. Looking very pretty, by the by. Tight little
Tony: Oh, please, never
mind. Just find her.
Bart: Yes, sir. Right
Cassie: Hello.
Tony: I won't have to
unleash the bloodhounds, after all.
Bart: You know, sir, I'd
like to think of myself more as a shepherd/collie mix. Attentive and tough, yet
Tony: Bart, you're such an
Bart: I'll go now.
Cassie: If you're planning
on telling me not to work at Echelon again, forget it. I'm not leaving.
Tony: Oh, you won't have
to. The job just left you.
Cassie: What is this?
Tony: Well, it's about
Echelon. I'm selling the place. The condition of sale is that you no longer work
for that club.
Cassie: You're crazy, you
know that? You went through all this just to stop me.
Tony: No, you were
absolutely right. I'm a hypocrite. Owning an establishment like that and telling
you not to be associated with it... so now I'm no longer a hypocrite and you're
no longer employed.
Cassie: That's fine. There
are plenty of other clubs. Ones that you don't own.
Tony: But I do own a
Cassie: I hate you.
Tony: You'll find another
Cassie: You can't do this.
You can't just play god with my life.
Tony: I'm your father! I
love you.
Cassie: I don't need a
father like you!
[ Door slams ]
Brady: Bicentennial?
That's big. I mean, think about it. 200 years. It's gotta be extravagant.
Nicole: Absolutely.
Brady: And we have to
compete with the fireworks display in the park.
Nicole: That we do.
Brady: So let's start with
music. We need something for everyone.
Nicole: Yeah, everybody's
Brady: And the buzz is
going to be incredible. I got 12 newspapers, four magazines. Everybody's going
to be covering it.
Nicole: People are going
to be talking about this for a long time.
Brady: Shoot. You know
what? I told the sound guy that I would prep the system before he got here. I'll
be right back, okay?
Nicole: I'll be here.
Larry (in Nicole’s back
flash): I want the pleasure of watching the lights go out in Victor's eyes when
I plug him. And I want you lying next to me in some steamy paradise.
[ Telephone rings ]
Victor: Hello.
Nicole: Victor.
Victor: I got work to do,
Nicole: I have a favor to
Victor: Is it reasonable?
Nicole: It would mean a
lot to Brady if you showed up to the Blue Note tonight. You should see how hard
he's been working, getting the place ready.
Victor: Tonight's no good.
Nicole: Please, Victor.
Victor: Some other time.
Nicole: It would make him
so happy. Brady chose all the music. He told me one of the songs is Isabella's
favorite -- a tribute to his mother. Wouldn't you want to be here to honor your
daughter and support your grandson? Brady hasn't been himself lately -- you've
seen it -- since Chloe's left. Yeah, don't worry, Victor. I won't tell Brady
that you were involved in Chloe's leaving. It would kill him.
Victor: What are you
trying to do, Nicole?
Nicole: Brady wants you
here. And I want tonight to be as special as it can be.
Victor: All right, I'll be
Nicole: Victor, thank you
so much.
Nicole: I did it, Larry.
Victor's coming to the club.
Larry: How'd you swing it?
Nicole: Who cares? All you
need to know is that he's going to be here. So get yourself ready. Our plan's a
Brady: Who are you talking
Nicole: Oh. I, uh, just
wanted to make sure that tonight will be unforgettable.
John: I got an idea.
Marlena: What?
John: We're going to do
something fun tonight -- just you and me, just the two of us.
Marlena: Oh, good. What
are we doing?
John: Just a little
something to show you how much I love you.
Marlena: Why don't you
give me a little hint?
John: No. Ha ha ha ha!
Hey, you know what? It's going to be okay. You and Cassie. I know you. You are
going to find a way to make her understand how much she means to you.
Marlena: I have to. She's
my daughter.
Man: Hey, gorgeous.
Cassie: Brad.
Brad: Look, maybe I'm
nuts, but I-I can't stop thinking about you.
Cassie: Okay, um, I'm
sorry, but this is just a really -- a bad time.
Brad: Wait, Cassie --
Philip: Hey. You heard
Brad: Who are you?
Philip: I'm someone you
don't want to mess with.
Brad: No, seriously, it's
all right. She's a friend of mine.
Philip: Is she, really?
Why don't you do her a favor then and leave her alone? She's got enough to worry
Brad: Are you her guardian
angel or...
Philip: Go.
Brad: No, what's the
problem here?
Philip: Shh. Don't talk.
Just go.
Lucas: So you're really going to have dinner with Tony tonight, huh?
Bart: Dinner for two,
intimate setting. Check.
Tony: I want the food to
be exquisite.
Bart: Gourmet.
Tony: Vintage champagne.
Crystal glasses, flowers. I want the works.
Bart: You got it, Count.
Tony: I want Samantha to
have a night she'll never forget.
(On the next Days of Our
Larry: Is everything ready
for me to whack that hubby of yours tonight?
Kate: What I have been
thinking is correct. There is a woman. Belle Black.
Lucas: You are so hot. I
want you. I'm in love with you.
Tony: May you always be as
healthy as you are now.